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47.5% Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus / Chapter 17: Chapter 17 : Fear the beginning

Kapitel 17: Chapter 17 : Fear the beginning

The black suit clung to Peter's form as he perched on the ledge of a tall building, surveying the darkened laboratory below. The night air was still, and the only sounds were the distant hum of the city and the occasional rustling of leaves. His enhanced senses, courtesy of his myriad of powers, picked up the faint sounds of children crying and the menacing voices of the guards below.

"This is it," Peter muttered to himself, his voice a low growl. "Time to end this."

"Be careful, Peter," came the calm voice of Ben Tennyson in his mind. "Remember, these kids are scared. We need to be their hero, not their nightmare."

"Got it, Ben," Peter replied, his muscles tensing as he prepared to leap. "Let's do this."

With a silent leap, he descended upon the lab, landing gracefully in the shadows. His black suit allowed him to blend seamlessly into the darkness as he moved towards the entrance. His Spider-Sense tingled, alerting him to the presence of guards patrolling the area.

Peter silently made his way through the corridor, his enhanced senses guiding him. He rounded a corner and came face-to-face with a guard. The man barely had time to react before Peter's talons slashed through the air, raking across the guard's chest and sending him crumpling to the ground with a pained grunt. Peter didn't kill, but he ensured the guard would be out of commission for a while.

As he moved deeper into the facility, he encountered more guards. Each one fell swiftly to his precise strikes and superior agility. Jason Todd's voice echoed in his mind, his tone disapproving. "Seriously, Peter. Just kill them, I can never get used to this—no killing.Of Yours"

"I know, Jason,but gotta do what you gotta do" Peter whispered smiling, ducking under a guard's wild swing and delivering a punishing elbow to his ribs. The man fell, gasping for breath, as Peter moved on.

Eventually, Peter reached a large room filled with cells. The children inside looked up in fear as he approached. Their eyes were wide with terror, and they huddled together for comfort.

"It's okay," Peter said softly, his voice carrying a soothing tone. "I'm here to help you."

The children didn't respond, their fear evident. Peter knew he had to do something drastic to gain their trust. He focused for a moment, and used the spider morpher and said. "I'm Spider-Man."

The children gasped, their fear replaced by surprise and curiosity. One of the older teenagers, a girl with green hair and glowing eyes, stepped forward cautiously. "Prove it," she demanded.

Peter smiled gently. "I remember you. Your name is Amy, right? You were at the Stark Expo last year."

Amy's eyes widened in recognition. "You really are Spider-Man!" she exclaimed, turning to the others. "He's here to save us!"

With their trust gained, Peter quickly went to work, using his strength and skills to break the locks on the cells. The children hesitated for a moment before rushing out, clinging to Peter for safety.

"We need to get out of here," Peter said, his tone urgent. "Follow me."

As they made their way towards the exit, more guards appeared, attempting to block their path. Peter's combat skills, honed by Jason Todd's training, made short work of them. He moved with precision, breaking bones and incapacitating the guards with ruthless efficiency, but never crossing the line into lethal force.

"Let's get these guys out of here," Peter muttered, tapping into his newfound teleportation abilities. In a flash of light, the guards disappeared, reappearing in the police station downtown, along with digital files documenting the lab's atrocities. Peter knew the evidence would lead to arrests and investigations.

With the guards dealt with, Peter led the children outside. He focused again, this time teleporting them to a safe location—a secluded cabin in the woods that he knew was off the grid.

"Stay here," Peter instructed the children. "You'll be safe. I need to go back and help the others."

"Thank you, Spider-Man," Amy said, tears of gratitude in her eyes. The other children echoed her thanks, their voices filled with relief.

Peter nodded, his mask reforming over his face. "I'll be back soon."

Over the next few hours, Peter raided several more labs, each one a grim reminder of the horrors inflicted upon innocent children. His rage fueled his attacks, his talons cutting through the guards with lethal precision. Yet, he always held back from delivering a fatal blow.

"Keep it together, Peter," Issei Hyoudou's voice echoed in his mind. "These kids need a hero, not a monster."

"I know, Issei," Peter replied, his voice strained. "I'm doing my best."

By the time dawn broke, Peter had saved 136 children and 68 teenagers, teleporting them all to the vicinity of the X-Mansion. The children were exhausted but safe, their faces filled with a mixture of fear and hope.

Peter knelt in front of them, his voice gentle. "I need you all to promise me something. Don't tell anyone that Spider-Man saved you. It's for your safety—and mine."

The children nodded, their eyes wide with trust. Peter cast a spell to protect their memories, ensuring they couldn't reveal his identity or describe him in any way.

"What did you do spider-man" Amy asked.

"Nothing sweetie, just some counter measures also I kind of protection for all of you" Peter said.

" Will you come back to meet us ?"a kid named Tyrone said.

" I will Tyrone, I will"Peter replied kindly.

"Promise " A little boy named Leonard said.

"Pinky promise" Peter said while moving forward his pinky finger.

" Hehe... You are silly"a girl named skyla chuckled.

"But You all still love me, right? "Peter replied playfully.

To his response all of them hugged him, " You are the best, of course we all love"Amy and anya said together.

As he teleported away, Peter felt a pang of sadness. He wished he could stay and ensure their safety, but he knew the X-Men would take care of them. He watched from a distance as the mutants emerged from the mansion, their faces filled with shock and concern as they took in the sight of so many rescued children.

"Who saved you?" Storm asked, her voice gentle but urgent.

The children looked at each other, trying to speak, but the spell held firm. They shook their heads, unable to answer.

Professor X frowned, his mind probing gently but finding only a blank wall. "Someone has placed powerful protection spells on their minds," he said, his voice thoughtful. "Whoever did this is skilled in both magic and compassion."

Jean Grey nodded, her eyes filled with admiration. "Only a noble person would go to such lengths."

Rogue crossed her arms, a smile playing on her lips. "I'd like to meet this guy. Sounds like someone worth knowing."

Storm's gaze softened. "A man who saves children and asks for nothing in return is worthy of respect."

Professor X nodded, his expression solemn. "If we ever get the chance, I would like to thank him personally. Until then, we can only hope he continues to fight for justice."

Peter watched from the shadows, a small smile on his lips. He turned away, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. For now, he had done his part. The children were safe, and that was all that mattered.

As he swung through the city, the voices of his personalities filled his mind, offering words of encouragement and advice.

"You did good today, Peter," Garou's voice rumbled, filled with approval.

"Yeah, not bad for a web-head," Togi and Jason added together, a hint of pride in their tone.

"Keep it up, Peter," Ben Tennyson said, his voice warm. "We're all here to help you."

Peter nodded to himself, his resolve strengthened. With his friends and allies by his side, he knew he could face whatever came his way. The battle wasn't over, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead. And he would never stop fighting for those who couldn't fight for themselves.


Several weeks passed, and Peter found himself increasingly troubled by the memory of the children he had rescued. He knew they were safe at the X-Mansion, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to do more. He began to focus on tracking down other labs and facilities where similar atrocities might be taking place.

One night, as he was preparing to head out on another mission, he felt a presence beside him. He turned to see Jason Todd, his spectral form flickering in the dim light.

"You're pushing yourself too hard, Peter," Jason said, his voice filled with concern.

"I can't just sit around and do nothing," Peter replied, his tone determined. "There are more kids out there who need our help."

"And we'll help them," Ben Tennyson's voice joined in. "But you need to pace yourself. You're no good to anyone if you burn out."

Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know, I just...I can't stop thinking about them. About what they went through."

"That's what makes you a hero," Issei Hyoudou said gently. "You care. But you also need to take care of yourself."

Peter nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Thanks, guys. I'll try to take it easy."

With their support, Peter continued his mission, but he made a conscious effort to balance his time and take care of himself. His raids on the labs became more calculated and efficient, and he was able to save even more children, each rescue a reminder of why he fought so hard.

One evening, after a particularly intense mission, Peter found himself standing on the roof of a building, looking out over the city. The lights twinkled below, a stark contrast to the darkness he had been battling.

"You okay, Peter?" Garou's voice broke the silence.

"Yeah," Peter replied softly. "Just thinking."

"About the kids?" Jason guessed.

Peter nodded. "I wonder what their lives will be like now. If they'll be able to move on."

"They will," Ben said confidently. "Because of you. You gave them a chance."

"And that's all we can do," Issei added. "Give them a chance and hope for the best."

Peter took a deep breath, feeling

a sense of peace wash over him. "Thanks, guys. I needed that."

"Well actually there is, another group of people we should take care of that could have some childrens"Peter said.

*sigh*" Well what are we gonnado with this guy"Jason, Garou& Issei said together.

"Well we like him because of that, don't we? " Ben, natsu, Togi & goku replied.

"Let's go to the 'brother hood'" Peter said with a big smile on his face.

Peter Parker, again, in his black suit and mask, perched on a high ledge, scanning the Brotherhood's base below. The night was still, but Peter's heightened senses picked up the faint sounds of movement. His mind buzzed with the voices of his personalities, each offering their thoughts and advice.

"This place looks heavily guarded," Peter muttered to himself.

"Just stay focused," Jason Todd's voice echoed in his mind. "You've taken on worse."

"Right," Peter replied, clenching his fists. "Let's do this."

Peter leaped from the ledge, landing silently in the shadows near the entrance. His black suit blended perfectly with the darkness, making him nearly invisible. He moved swiftly, using his talons to take down guards as he went, ensuring they wouldn't raise an alarm.

Inside the base, Peter encountered Sabretooth. The feral mutant grinned menacingly, his claws extending.

"You must be the infamous Spider-Man," Sabretooth growled. "Ready to die?"

Peter smirked beneath his mask. "Not today, kitty cat."

Sabretooth lunged, but Peter was faster. He dodged the attack and retaliated with a flurry of blows, combining his talons with Garou's martial arts. Sabretooth snarled, trying to counter, but Peter's agility and precision were too much.

With a final, powerful strike, Peter trapped Sabretooth in a reinforced cage, one the feral mutant couldn't break out of.

"Stay put," Peter said, locking the cage. "I'll deal with you later."

Peter moved deeper into the base, encountering Peeper, Burner, Slither, Shocker, and Lifter. As they attacked, Peter couldn't help but make jokes.

"Peeper? Really? What, were all the good names taken?" Peter quipped, dodging Peeper's optic blasts.

"Shut up!" Peeper yelled, frustrated.

Burner unleashed a wave of fire, but Peter dodged, firing webbing to extinguish the flames. "Hey Burner, ever considered a career in pyrotechnics?"

"You're not funny!" Burner shouted, furious.

Slither and Shocker attacked simultaneously, but Peter's reflexes and agility kept him ahead. "Slither? Seriously, what are you, a rejected Pokémon?"

Slither hissed in annoyance, while Shocker tried to land a hit. "You talk too much!"

Lifter tried to use his telekinetic powers, but Peter closed the distance quickly, knocking him out with a swift kick. "And Lifter? Man, you guys need a better PR team."

One by one, Peter took them down, leaving them unconscious and secured.

As he moved further, Peter faced Sauron, Random, and Mimic. Realizing he needed more power, Peter activated the Wolf Morpher, transforming into a powerful wolf-like creature. The enhanced strength and agility allowed him to defeat Sauron and Random with relative ease. Mimic tried to replicate Peter's powers, but he couldn't match the combination of Peter's abilities.

With Sauron, Random, and Mimic defeated, Peter continued, encountering Juggernaut. The massive mutant charged, but the Biomnitrix activated, adding Juggernaut's powers to Peter's arsenal. Peter transformed into a hybrid of Red Hulk and Juggernaut, easily overpowering the colossal villain.

"Not so tough now, are you?" Peter taunted, sending Juggernaut crashing into a wall.

Peter then faced Blob, Unus, and Mastermind. Blob tried to use his immense weight, but Peter's combined strength overwhelmed him. Unus attempted to repel Peter with his force field, but Peter's relentless assault broke through.

Lady Mastermind tried her illusions, but Peter's Goku eye saw through them. He quickly incapacitated her with precise strikes.

With the base cleared, Peter located the young mutants. They were hesitant, but Peter's calm demeanor reassured them.

"It's okay," Peter said softly. "I'm here to help."

The mutants followed Peter, who teleported them to the X-Mansion, once again casting protective spells to prevent mind reading and ensure they couldn't reveal his identity.

The X-Men were shocked to see the rescued mutants.

"Who saved you?" Storm asked gently, but the children couldn't answer.

"This guy is awesome," Magik said, impressed.

"Just who is this guy?" Storm wondered aloud.

"Whoever he is, he's X-Men's benefactor," Jean said with admiration.

"I really can't wait to meet him," Rogue added.

"I think he'll be super handsome," Kitty Pryde said, smiling.

"Well, he defeated Juggernaut when Magneto wasn't around," Scott pointed out.

"Can you beat Juggernaut that badly?" Magik challenged.

"Enough! No slanting the savior's efforts," Colossus said firmly.

"This person can already be considered part of us," Professor X concluded.

Back at the Brotherhood's base, Magneto was furious. "How could you all be defeated by one man?"

Mystique and Destiny were equally shocked by the damage Peter had inflicted.

"This guy will be interesting to meet," Red Queen said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, he sounds strong," Psylocke agreed.

Lorelei nodded in agreement. Blob, nursing his wounds, muttered, "That guy's not just a mutant. He's a shapeshifter and much more. He was a nightmare."

Peter, back in his base, felt a sense of satisfaction. He knew he had made a difference and was ready for whatever came next.

"Good work, Peter," Jason Todd's voice said approvingly.

"You did it again," Ben Tennyson added.

Peter nodded, feeling a sense of peace. With his friends and his powers, he was ready to face any challenge. The fight was far from over, but he was prepared to continue his mission, saving those who couldn't save themselves.

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