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22.22% My Codependent Yandere Multiverse Adventure!(RE:Done!) / Chapter 6: Not paying the fee, Not giving a shit.

Kapitel 6: Not paying the fee, Not giving a shit.

5:00 AM. The familiar street.
The pre-dawn light, a muted symphony of blues and purples, painted the cobblestones in a melancholy glow.
Beside me, Ram stood tall, her pink hair practically vibrating with barely contained energy. Even with her twin Horns hidden, her power radiated outwards, a tangible force that made the air hum.
Luckily, it wasn't enough to alert the knights. Not yet, anyway.
Her eyes, however, were narrowed; her thoughts were a mystery, but clearly in turmoil. 
But it was Rem who worried me.
She stood apart from us, her posture rigid, her blue eyes downcast, her two Horns retracted, concealing her even greater magical power. The usual serenity that emanated from her was replaced by a palpable aura of distress.
"Rem?" I approached her cautiously, my voice softer than I intended. "Is something wrong?"
She looked up, her gaze meeting mine, a flicker of vulnerability in her usually stoic expression. "During the fight - I felt remorse for the damage I was doing to everyone around me," she said, her voice tight with anguish, "but now that I am safe and not fighting, I feel nothing at all. Am I truly so rotten?"
The question hit me like a punch to the gut. It wasn't the violence itself that troubled her; it was the absence of guilt afterward. She was wrestling with the unsettling possibility that she was inherently callous, incapable of genuine empathy. My fault. All my fault.
"No, Rem," I said, stepping closer, my hand reaching out to gently touch her shoulder. "The potion- it heals everything upon reset. By that I mean everything. It restores you to your best possible state, mentally and emotionally."
I hesitated, struggling to explain something I barely understood myself. "The pain, the trauma, the guilt- it's all reset. It's like it never happened. Your mind and heart are cleansed."
Rem stared at me, her expression unreadable. She didn't seem comforted. If anything, my explanation seemed to deepen her confusion, her distress.
"I don't understand," she murmured, her voice barely audible. "If my heart is cleansed, why do I feel so empty?"
"I'm sorry," I blurted out, the words clumsy, inadequate. I didn't know what else to say. I couldn't fix this. I couldn't erase the pain I'd inadvertently caused. 
I nodded, withdrawing my hand as she let go. A wave of guilt washed over me. I'd brought them into this chaotic mess, forced them to confront a reality that defied their every belief. Now, I'd inadvertently made Rem question her own morality.
The weight of responsibility, the sheer magnitude of the task I'd undertaken, pressed down on me. Saving them wasn't just about stopping the ice; it was about protecting their hearts, their minds, their very souls. Right now, I was failing miserably at that.
I stayed beside her, my presence a silent offering of support. Maybe, just maybe, knowing she wasn't alone in this bizarre, terrifying new reality would be enough.
Two hours crawled by, each tick of the clock a hammer blow against my already frayed nerves. The pre-dawn light gradually gave way to the soft hues of sunrise, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange- a cruel mockery of hope amidst the impending doom.
Ram, her focus unwavering, finished seven books on enchanting, her brow smoothing out as she absorbed the knowledge, her eyes gleaming with a newfound understanding. She was coping, at least. Finding solace in the pursuit of knowledge, in the mastery of her newfound abilities. 
Finally, Rem stirred. She rose from the bench, her movements fluid despite the lingering tension in her shoulders. She looked at me, her blue eyes meeting mine, and a radiant smile bloomed on her face, chasing away the shadows that had haunted her.
"Thank you, Tereda," she said, her voice soft but sincere. "For being here. I apologize for worrying you."
"Your smile is beautiful, Rem," I blurted out, the words escaping my lips before I could stop them. 
Damn it. I'd meant to say something more profound, more reassuring. Something like,
"I'll always be here for you, Rem. Anytime." I blurted again out without thinking.
But that sounded so damn cheesy, so melodramatic.
My cheeks flushed, betraying my embarrassment.
Rem's answering laugh was soft, musical, a balm to my soul. A faint blush colored her cheeks, mirroring my own. 
"I said that out loud didn't I?" I mumbled, my gaze dropping to the ground.
Ram, slamming a book shut with a decisive thud, chose that moment to interject. "While you two are busy exchanging sweet nothings, perhaps you could consider acquiring some more useful reading material," she said, her voice laced with her usual dry wit. "Enchanting, for example. Or runic embroidery. I'm already quite skilled at tailoring. Maybe another trip to the library is in order."
Rem nodded, her earlier distress seemingly forgotten. "Indeed," she agreed. "And perhaps some books on magical cooking. I've always wanted to learn, but those texts are so expensive, and time is limited."
Her gaze met mine, a flicker of hope replacing the earlier despair. 
"Consider it done," I said, my smile genuine for the first time that day. "Anything for my teammates." 
The sun rose again, the dawn giving way to the morning.
A new day, a new loop, a new chance to not just survive, but to truly live.
I didn't have much interest in staying here anymore.
I realized long ago I couldn't save this city.
But Rem wanted to stay and save them- and until that changed, I'd stay here for her.
A wave of frustration washed over me as I mentally sifted through the chaotic jumble of my armor's storage space. Books on potion making are all crammed in alongside a small fortune in Holy Dragon Coins and an even more massive fortune of gold coins, a collection of looted swords, and enough miscellaneous ingredients to stock 100 apothecaries.
It was a mess. A goddamn, disorganized mess.
"There has to be a better way," I muttered, rubbing my temples, my mind already buzzing with possibilities.
Ram, who was now engrossed in a complex treatise on advanced enchantment theory, the last of the books I had accidentally grabbed when going for potion making, glanced up from her book, her brow furrowed. "What are you mumbling about now?"
"My storage," I grumbled, gesturing towards my chest. "It's overflowing. I can't find anything in this chaotic jumble."
"Perhaps you should try organizing it," Rem suggested, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Surely a man who can manipulate time can manage a few books and pouches."
I shot her a wry smile. "Easy for you to say. You've got those fancy mana gates that you can manipulate with your will. Everything neatly is categorized in there, I bet."
A thought, sparked by their innate magical abilities, ignited in my mind.
"That's it!" I exclaimed, snapping my fingers. "A soul storage space. Like your mana gates, but inside my soul instead of where your mana is stored."
Ram, her interest piqued, set her book aside. "A soul storage space?" she echoed, her voice skeptical. "Is such a thing even possible?"
"Possible? I don't know," I admitted, my mind already racing with the possibilities. "But I'm sure as hell going to try."
I pulled out my potion kit, the familiar scent of herbs and exotic ingredients a welcome comfort. This time, the potion that took shape was a swirling vortex of silver and gold, pulsing with an almost tangible energy.
It took me less than an hour to brew, my enhanced mind working overtime, mentally sifting through countless texts, piecing together fragments of knowledge, pushing the boundaries of potion making further than I ever had before.
I drank the potion, the liquid cool and smooth, a cascade of energy spreading through my body, settling in my chest, a warm pressure that quickly intensified, then expanded outwards, a sensation of my very being unfolding, creating a space within a space.
My mind reeled as I accessed the newly formed soul storage. It was vast, cavernous, a seemingly endless expanse of pure potential. Twenty times larger than my armor's storage, at least.
With a surge of mental effort, I transferred everything from my armor into my soul storage. Books, coins, ingredients, weapons they all flowed seamlessly into the new space, arranging themselves neatly with a flex of my will, categorized by type and purpose.
My mind, freed from the clutter, felt lighter, sharper.
I smirked, my gaze drawn to the massive library looming in the distance. "Time for another shopping spree," I murmured, my voice laced with anticipation.
Twenty thousand cubic meters of storage space. Enough to hold the entire library and maybe even a few noble's vaults.
After all, why let a perfectly good pile of treasure go to waste in the deep freeze.
"Twenty thousand cubic meters," I announced, a smug grin spreading across my face as I surveyed the pristine, organized expanse of my soul storage. "It also grows with my strength. Not bad, eh?"
"Twenty thousand?! That's way too much! I barely have thirty-one cubic meters of storage in my mana gate, you ridiculous, impossible THING!" Ram exclaimed, her eyes narrowing with Irritation and jealousy. "Stop holding out on us! Give us one too!"
"Mine is even smaller," Rem added, her voice laced with a hint of disappointment. "Only twenty-four cubic meters. It's simply not adequate for a maid who values efficiency."
I chuckled, pulling out two more sets of ingredients. "Alright, alright, no need to get jealous. Consider this an upgrade and a gift from me to you."
The potions shimmered, one a deep sapphire blue, the other a vibrant cherry blossom pink, each tailored to their unique souls.
They drank without hesitation, their eyes widening as they accessed their newfound soul storage spaces.
"Thirty-one thousand cubic meters!" Rem exclaimed, her voice laced with awe. "Mine is larger than yours, Tereda!"
Ram, her pink hair practically vibrating with smug satisfaction, arched an eyebrow. "Forty-nine thousand cubic meters. Clearly superior," she declared, a triumphant smirk gracing her lips.
I raised my hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright, you win," I said, hiding a smile at their competitive banter. "Now, let's put all this storage space to good use."
The library, its doors just opening, beckoned us.
We moved with a speed and precision enhanced by the potions, a blur of motion that left the sleepy librarian blinking in confusion.
"Good morning," I chirped, offering him a cheery wave as we breezed past. "Just browsing."
The library was ours for the taking.
Rem, her eyes gleaming with purpose, made a beeline for the culinary section, her soul storage rapidly gaining volumes on magical cooking.
Ram, her gaze sharp and focused, swept through the enchanting and embroidery sections, her collection growing with each passing second.
I focused on the missing pieces of my potion making library, my mind already mapping out the complex formulas, the intricate combinations of ingredients, the subtle manipulations of mana that might hold the key to leaving this godforsaken world when Rem gets tired of failing.
My gaze swept across the shelves, landing on a section dedicated to magical strengthening techniques, filled with theories on mana manipulation and physical enhancement.
Perhaps these texts held insights that could improve my own cultivation technique, even if it relied on chi instead of mana.
Thirty seconds.
That's all it took.
We exited the library, our soul storage spaces barely filled at all, leaving the librarian gaping at the empty shelves, his bewildered cries echoing behind us. "You didn't even pay the entry fee you thieves! Hooligans! How did you even run off with those!?"
"Next stop," I said, a mischievous grin spreading across my face, "a noble's vault. Might as well make the most of our situation."
It was 6 PM and we just had to wait 30 minutes and the whole noble mansion street was ours.
The noble district was a symphony of hushed elegance, a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the marketplace. Mansions, their facades adorned with intricate carvings and gleaming gold accents, lined the cobblestone streets, each one a testament to the wealth and power that resided within.
We stood in the shadow of one such mansion, our presence a jarring dissonance in this meticulously crafted world of privilege. We'd been waiting for nearly thirty minutes, the tension thickening with each passing second, our enhanced senses picking up the faintest tremors of the approaching cataclysm.
A pair of guards, their faces etched with suspicion, approached us, their hands hovering near the hilts of their swords. "What's your business here?" one of them demanded, his voice gruff. "This is a restricted area. Move along."
But before we could respond, the world shifted.
A wave of bone-shattering cold slammed into us, the air thickening, the light dimming as if the sun itself had recoiled in fear. In the distance, the leonine creature rose from the heart of the slums, its colossal form a harbinger of icy doom.
The guards, their expressions frozen in a mask of eternal suspicion, stood immobile, their bodies encased in a thin layer of frost.
Ram, her eyes narrowed, shrugged. "Well, that settles it," she said, her voice nonchalant despite the impending disaster. She turned and strode towards the mansion, pushing open the massive oak doors as if they were made of paper.
Rem, her gaze fixed on the approaching wave, seemed momentarily paralyzed by the sheer scale of the unfolding catastrophe. I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, my own heart pounding against my ribs.
"Don't worry," I murmured, my voice calm despite the fear clawing at my throat. "We're prepared for this. We'll survive."
Her eyes met mine, trust replacing the earlier fear.
We followed Ram into the mansion, the warmth of its interior a stark contrast to the icy death spreading through the city. The halls were silent, the air heavy with a sense of foreboding. Servants, frozen mid-task, stood like macabre statues, their faces etched with expressions of terror and despair.
We reached the vault, a massive steel door adorned with intricate locks and reinforced with magical wards. But the door was already ajar, a gaping hole ripped through its center, a testament to the brute force that had breached its defenses in Ram's rush to obtain useful items and wealth.
The vault itself was a treasure trove. Chests overflowed with gold coins, stacks of Holy Dragon Coins gleamed in the dim light, piles of silver ingots shimmered like moonlight on water.
Ram and Rem, their eyes wide with awe, set about dividing the spoils, their soul storage spaces easily accommodating the vast wealth. Three massive piles, each one towering, represented our equal shares.
My gaze swept across the remaining treasures, landing on a sword, its blade a masterpiece of craftsmanship, its hilt adorned with intricate carvings of dragons and runes. It felt perfect in my hand, balanced, responsive, a weapon worthy of the challenges ahead.
Rem discovered a new Morningstar, its head a masterpiece of dwarven forging, its weight substantial yet perfectly balanced. It lacked the extending chain of her previous weapon, but her face lit up with delight nonetheless. "If only it could extend."
"Don't worry, Rem," Ram said, patting her sister's shoulder. "It's a simple enchantment to reproduce, and I can make this even better than your old one."
Ram, her own gaze scanning the vault, claimed a pair of daggers, their blades honed to a razor's edge, and a set of gauntlets that pulsed with a faint, magical hum.
Then, her eyes landed on a wand, its length carved from a single piece of obsidian, its tip capped with a shimmering crystal.
"This-" she breathed, her voice laced with awe. "This is powerful."
Both sisters found ancient scrolls detailing advanced mana manipulation techniques, their eyes gleaming with excitement.
"These are leagues beyond our current equipment and techniques," Rem murmured, her voice filled with anticipation.
A knot of anxiety tightened in my gut.
If they mastered these techniques, their power would eclipse mine even further.
I had to find a way to accelerate my own cultivation, to unlock the full potential of the 'Time-Space Divine Death Law,' or I'd be left behind, an ant amongst a pair of giants.
A sudden crash from outside and the smashing sound of the massive beast
As the mansion shuddered around us, collapsing under a wave of unimaginable force, we were already gone, our souls ripped back to the familiar starting point.
5:00 AM.
I reached into the depths of what I'm going to call my soul inventory from now on, my mind sifting through the newly acquired texts on mana manipulation and physical enhancement, eager to unlock the secrets that had eluded me for so long.
I pulled out a thick volume titled "The Art of Mana Enhancement: Unlocking Your Inner Potential," its pages crisp and clean, the ink smelling faintly of exotic herbs and magic.
As I flipped to the first page, a diagram caught my eye, a detailed illustration of the human body with intricate pathways of energy coursing through it. Beneath the diagram, a passage, written in elegant script, explained the fundamentals of mana enhancement:
The flow of mana is essential for physical and magical development. However, certain external factors can hinder this flow, creating blockages that prevent the body from reaching its full potential. Exposure to pollutants, toxins, and even prolonged contact with certain mundane materials can create these blockages. A body cleansing potion, carefully crafted with specific herbs and reagents, can remove these impediments, allowing mana to flow freely, accelerating the process of enhancement.
My blood ran cold.
Chemicals. Trash. Pollutants.
Brockton Bay.
Oh my god, fuck you earth-bet, you even dare to haunt me even here- worlds away!
My entire life, I'd been surrounded by those things.
Trash, garbage, chemicals, the fumes that came off of the merchant territory!
Even after arriving in this cleaner, more magically attuned world, my body still carried the remnants of that polluted past, a hidden burden that had been sabotaging my efforts to cultivate the 'Time-Space Divine Death Law.'
I was just fucking clogged like a god damned drainage pipe!
"Are you kidding me?" I growled, slamming the book shut, a wave of frustration washing over me. "All this time… all those loops wasted… because of damn toxins?"
I could have been so much stronger. So much faster. So much more prepared for the challenges ahead.
But instead, I'd been stumbling around, blind to the easy solution in front of me.
A bitter laugh escaped my lips.
The universe, it seemed, had a twisted sense of humor.

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