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24.65% Douluo Dalu: Lucky Star / Chapter 17: [DD]: 17

Kapitel 17: [DD]: 17

After a quiet night, the next morning he instructed the maids to tidy up the house in the city.

The courtyard that Senior Uncle Golden Crocodile gave him wasn't much larger than his current residence, only about 1,200 square meters. However, this was a residential property for sale, different from the public property on the mountain. This area was already considered quite good, especially since most of the residents here were senior officials of Martial Soul Hall, forming a valuable network.

As Guang Ling expected, four days before Han Li's birthday, Ma Xiunuo and Su Yuntao arrived early, and Han Li took Xiu'er to greet them.

It had only been a year, but Ma Xiunuo and Su Yuntao almost didn't recognize the two who had changed so much. If Han Li hadn't embraced them proactively, and if Xiu'er didn't still have her signature round ears, they wouldn't have dared to speak up.

"Grandpa Ma, Brother Tao, long time no see. I had planned to visit during the New Year, but Master was in seclusion then and had arranged training for me. Plus, I wasn't sure about your subsequent postings. Otherwise, I would have visited you earlier."

After Xiu'er also greeted them, Han Li dismissed the attendants and began introducing the situation to Ma Xiunuo and Su Yuntao as they walked towards the residence.

Despite not seeing them for a year, Han Li felt no estrangement from them. These two had cared for him for nearly three years. Compared to the cautiousness required in Martial Soul Hall, he felt closer to those who showed him genuine affection.

"It seems Xiao Li, you've been doing well here. You've grown so much in just a year and are still so well-behaved," Ma Xiunuo said with relief.

"Not just that. Did you notice the attendant just now? His soul power was almost at my level. Martial Soul Hall sure lives up to its reputation," Su Yuntao said somewhat uneasily.

"Haha, Brother Tao, those arrangements were made by my master, not me. If you want, I can arrange one for you too," Han Li winked and asked with a smile.

"No, I can't accept that. By the way, Xiao Li, where are we going? Isn't the hotel over there?" Su Yuntao quickly declined and asked, looking at the buildings on the right.

"Of course, we're going to my place. You've come to Wuhun City; how could I let you stay in a hotel? You can choose any room you like. The house was a gift from one of my senior uncles. To be honest, I haven't stayed there either. Xiu'er and I have been training on the mountain with Master," Han Li explained, pointing to the distant Worship Mountain.

"We're here; let's go in."

As he spoke, Han Li stopped in front of a large mansion and led the still-somewhat stunned pair inside.

After showing them around and having a specially prepared lunch, Su Yuntao, unable to suppress his soul power, broke through to level 29 on the spot. Han Li had previously sent them some cultivation resources through his master. While these were of no use to Ma Xiunuo, they did help Su Yuntao advance by one level within a year.

Of course, the resources Guang Ling sent were not as abundant as what Han Li used daily, and giving them something too precious wouldn't necessarily be good for them.

Through this experience, the two finally realized the stark difference between top-tier and lower-tier soul masters. However, Han Li's unchanged attitude towards them provided considerable comfort.

After lunch, the three soaked in a medicinal pool, relaxing and chatting.

When they talked about Nuoding City, Han Li was surprised to hear about Yu Xiaogang and Tang San's exploits on the day he left. He couldn't help but be surprised when he heard that their soul master subsidies had been canceled.

"By the way, what happened afterward? Did anyone cause you any trouble?" Han Li asked.

"No, shortly after, the two of us were transferred to the Martial Soul sub-hall in the capital of Barak Kingdom. According to those who were transferred later, they indeed never went to claim the subsidies, but that's all we know," Ma Xiunuo shook his head and said.

"Sigh, it's a pity about that child Tang San. After all, he was born with full innate spirit power," Su Yuntao said, still somewhat regretful.

"That was his own choice, Brother Tao. You can't be blamed. Don't dwell on it. You've said everything you needed to. Besides, he might have already been recruited by the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan," Han Li comforted.

"Yeah, you're right. No matter how useless his martial soul is, his talent is still there. There's no need for me to worry," Su Yuntao first felt a bit stunned, then said self-deprecatingly.

"Don't say that, Brother Tao. Didn't you also awaken my martial soul personally? By the way, Grandpa Ma, Brother Tao, since you're here, why not stay in Wuhun City?" Han Li proactively asked.

Hearing this, Ma Xiunuo was fine, but Su Yuntao was somewhat tempted. He was in his late twenties, close to reaching level 30. Although the Barak Kingdom was nice, the Holy Land of Martial Soul Hall was also the place of his dreams. Now that he had a chance to stay, he was indeed tempted.

Ma Xiunuo glanced at Su Yuntao and smiled, saying, "Xiao Li, let's not rush. Let us think about it. If we stay, we'll need to trouble you."

"Alright, just say the word. Don't feel burdened. You should see that this is no big deal for me," Han Li said sincerely.

"Don't worry, we won't be polite, right, Yuntao?" Ma Xiunuo laughed.

"Ah, yes, right," Su Yuntao nodded quickly, his face flushed, whether from the temperature or his thoughts.

In the following days, Guang Ling allowed Han Li to temporarily halt other courses, provided his cultivation time was not compromised. Han Li took this opportunity to tour Wuhun City with Xiu'er and the two of them, experiencing the splendor of the soul master's holy land.

To his surprise, despite not having the simulated environment's support these days, Han Li felt his cultivation speed hadn't slowed down. It seemed slightly faster, perhaps due to his good mood. Combining work and relaxation appeared to yield good results, he thought happily.

Thus, his birthday passed quietly. On that day, he received five gifts: from Ma Xiunuo, Su Yuntao, Lord Xiao (who sent a gift via them), his master, and his senior uncle. Of course, there was also Xiu'er, who, after secretly kissing on the cheek, ran back to her room and wouldn't come out no matter how he coaxed her.

Afterward, Ma Xiunuo and Su Yuntao revealed their decision to stay. Both were solitary individuals, which was why they chose to leave Nuoding City initially. Now, staying in Wuhun City fulfilled their small wish.

After understanding their plans, Han Li arranged a small courtyard for them and left some money. He also arranged, through Guang Ling's affiliated families, for them to work at an orphanage under Martial Soul Hall's jurisdiction.

He prepared medicinal materials to improve their health. Ma Xiunuo had little chance of breaking through, so Han Li fortified Sun Yuntao's body with processed whale glue and instructed him to notify him when obtaining a new soul ring.

Indeed, he planned to apply the spirit theory he had mentioned to Guang Ling earlier on Brother Tao. Brother Tao's talent was quite low, and he wasn't young anymore. He had no strong desire for cultivation and was eager to start a family. Therefore, Han Li decided to slowly advance the evolution of his martial soul, hoping it could benefit future generations.

Having settled everything, Han Li and Xiu'er returned to the mountain to resume their diligent cultivation, only occasionally coming down to visit the two.

Although he had mentioned moving down earlier, now was not the time. He needed to break through to the Spirit Grandmaster level as quickly as possible so he could have a reason to leave Wuhun City.


Wuhun City, Worship Mountain, in a space where ice and fire intertwined.

A young man in black sat cross-legged in the middle, with a bow emitting both flames and cold air quietly floating above his head. The ground and walls around him were covered with various dual swords and bows, which trembled continuously with the soul force surging around him as if they were about to fly towards him.

As a surge of soul force suddenly spread out from the youth, he opened his eyes and stopped cultivating. The weapons around him gradually calmed down, returning to their inanimate state and quietly staying in place.

"Finally reached level twenty."

The corners of Han Li's mouth lifted slightly. He stood up from his specially made mat, patted off nonexistent dust, stretched, and walked outside.

Instead of returning directly to his residence, he walked towards a palace not far away. After asking the guards and learning that his master had not returned, he headed straight for the Worship[ Hall.

With soul force boosting his steps, Han Li ran quickly along the wide road, enjoying the gentle breeze on his face, feeling very pleasant. The guards around smiled and nodded at him as he passed by, not stopping him.

Just running around, no need to mind. Who on this mountain doesn't know that this young master is currently the most favored? With two worshipers behind him and others singing his praises, he always treated them with enough respect.

Seeing him heading to the Worship Hall again, who would risk their life to stop him for some rules that nobody would enforce? They just wanted to complete their tenure and have someone put in a good word for them, maybe even earn a bright future.

If this young master needed it, they wouldn't mind being a mount to carry him over. After all, others didn't even have the chance.

Soon, he arrived at the entrance of the Worship Hall. Without pausing, he walked straight in.

"Master, senior uncles, I've come to see you."

As soon as he entered the hall, Han Li called out, drawing everyone's attention.

"Just broke through, running around recklessly, not even knowing to control your aura before coming out, what a sight," Azure Luan frowned, seeing his still uncontrolled aura, and remarked.

"Well, I'm happy. I came to share the good news as soon as I broke through to level twenty."

Han Li replied with a smile, not upset by Azure Luan's reprimand.

In the next instant, he perfectly controlled his aura, no longer letting it leak out, and the smile on his face grew even more pronounced.

Alright, no need to say more. The Worships present knew this brat was here to show off. Just as they thought, with his strong mental power, how could he not control his aura after a breakthrough? He did it on purpose.

Heh, just like Guang Ling. After breaking through to level ninety-seven, Guang Ling didn't fully control his aura for three days until Golden Crocodile was ready to beat him up, and then he suddenly controlled it. What a coincidence, right?

"Not bad. Seven years and a bit over three months, let's call it four months, reaching level twenty, you didn't disgrace my Guang Ling's name," Guang Ling's voice echoed clearly in the hall.

The other Worships rolled their eyes. Guang Ling was at it again. But after nearly a year of such occurrences, they were somewhat immune. Even if they felt a bit sour inside, their expressions could remain unchanged.

"Are you preparing to obtain your soul ring?" Qian Daoliu's voice rang out.

"Yes, Grand Martial Uncle, I came to find Master. The information about the soul beast was sent out earlier, and the relevant intelligence confirmed the range a few days ago," Han Li obediently replied.

"What is the current strength of your physical body?" Qian Daoliu asked again.

"The safe limit is around 3,800 years. Any higher, and it would damage my body, which isn't worth it."

Han Li stated the recently tested strength of his body. To improve it, he had suppressed the urge to vomit and forced himself to consume a large amount of whale glue. He also combined gravity training, medicinal baths, and nutritional supplements to rigorously temper his body without causing harm, barely reaching this level.

But in the short term, aside from natural development and immortal herbs, he feared it would be difficult to rapidly enhance his physical strength any further.

"Good. Remember, do not push yourself too hard. Safety is the most important," Qian Daoliu reminded him once more.

"Rest assured, I know. I'm still young and won't risk my life for a few hundred years of improvement in soul rings," Han Li replied with a sincere smile.

"Alright, Guang Ling, you accompany him. The sooner you go, the sooner you'll return," Qian Daoliu said, looking at Guang Ling, who had already stood up.

"Understood, Grand Worship. I'll first take him to prepare, and we'll depart tomorrow."

After respectfully saluting, Guang Ling pulled Han Li out of the hall.

"How do you want to travel? Shall I fly you, or by carriage?"

As soon as they exited the hall, Guang Ling turned his head and asked.

"By carriage," Han Li responded without hesitation.

He hadn't forgotten the experience of being flown by Guang Ling a year ago. Although he had advanced from level ten to level twenty, he had no desire to go through that again.

"Alright, carriage it is."

Guang Ling pouted, recognizing Han Li's reluctance. Flying was so much fun, and carriages were so dull, but he respected his disciple's preference.

"Just you wait. The new carriage I had custom-made at great expense will finally come in handy this time. It's absolutely comfortable," Han Li said with a mysterious smile, seeing his master's unwilling expression.

"Fine, then I'll see how comfortable it is."

Guang Ling's interest was piqued by Han Li's words, and he began to look forward to the trip.

As they chatted, they arrived back near their residences.

Seeing Guang Ling about to head home, Han Li added, "Master, remember to bring your good tea."

"Alright, as you say," Guang Ling replied without turning his head, waving his hand to show he understood.

Han Li said no more and headed straight home. He hadn't yet told Xiu'er about his breakthrough.

He might as well ask her if she wanted to join him. Although he had already tested the newly built carriage, it still wasn't fully equipped, and there were many things still to prepare. Fortunately, his storage bracelet had plenty of space.

Han Li was worried that if he left these preparations to others, they might not do a good job. So, he ended up running to several places himself to gather everything needed.

It wasn't until dinner that Han Li saw Xiu'er, who had just finished her training. After some inquiry, Xiu'er managed to resist the temptation of his invitation, explaining that since he was already at level twenty while she was still at level thirteen, she needed to focus on her training and declined the trip.

Although Han Li felt a bit disappointed, he thought about the follow-up plans and didn't insist. It was better for Xiu'er to stay home and train, as even the most comfortable journey couldn't compare to being at home.

After reminding Xiu'er to balance work and rest, Han Li completed his daily training and went to sleep, feeling excited about the upcoming journey.

Early the next morning, Xiu'er woke Han Li up. She meticulously checked his preparations, added many items, and then saw him and Guang Ling off as they headed down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, Guang Ling immediately spotted the conspicuous rectangular box parked by the roadside. It was several times larger than an ordinary carriage, drawn by four tamed lower-tier horse soul beasts. This was the new carriage Han Li had mentioned.

"What do you think, Master? Want to take a look inside first?" Han Li extended his hand in invitation.

"Alright, let's see what you've been up to now," Guang Ling said, opening the door and stepping inside.

After a thorough look around, Guang Ling couldn't find any faults. Apart from the lack of a restroom, this so-called carriage completely diverged from the concept of a carriage.

It was essentially a small, mobile room with a kitchen, bedroom, and a small living room. Han Li had even covered the chairs with soft soul beast fur, making them as comfortable as the sofas in his mansion, which people would sink into. Guang Ling couldn't bring himself to criticize it.

"Well, it's acceptable," Guang Ling said calmly.

"Shall we depart then?" Han Li asked with a smile.

"Let's go."

Under the astonished gazes of the people in Wuhun City, the carriage slowly began its journey out of the city.

"Master, bring out your tea. Let's have some tea."

"Don't look so stern. Cheer up. I had several of these RVs made in advance. This trip will serve as a promotion. These things are great money-makers. Although they'll soon be imitated, we'll still benefit plenty."

From within the carriage, Han Li's voice drifted out through the open window, carried away by the wind.


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