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46.15% Harry Potter: Drakor / Chapter 10: Chapter 9

Kapitel 10: Chapter 9

As the sun rose over Paris, casting a golden hue across the Seine, the Delacour family bustled with excitement. Fleur and Gabrielle hurried through their morning routines, their eagerness for the day's events evident in their every movement. 

"Je suis tellement excitée de rencontrer Harry Potter," Gabrielle exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Et si je pouvais être Madame Potter un jour?"

(I'm so excited to meet Harry Potter)

(What if I could be Mrs. Potter one day?)

Fleur laughed, her voice melodic. "On verra, ma petite. Pour l'instant, nous allons simplement nous amuser."

(We'll see, my little one.  For now, we're just going to have fun.)

Their father, Jean-Claude, nodded in agreement. "Oui, et je suis sûr que vous passerez un moment merveilleux.   Nous prendrons le Portoloin jusqu'à Londres.   J'ai aussi quelques affaires à régler avec Madame Bones, après quoi je vous rejoindrai à la fête.."

(Yes, and I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.  We will take the Portkey to London.  I also have some business to attend to with Madam Bones, after which I will be joining you at the party.)

Appoline added, "Préparez-vous bien, mes filles. Nous devons être à l'heure pour le Portkey au Ministère."

(Prepare well, my girls.  We have to be on time for the Portkey at the Ministry.)


As the Delacour family prepared for their journey to London, Appoline suggested they practice speaking in English to ensure they were well-prepared for the party.

Appoline looked at her daughters with a gentle smile. "Alright, mes filles, let's practice our English. Remember, no one at ze party will understand French."

Fleur nodded, her accent thick but her English clear. "Yes, maman. We will do our best. Gabrielle, you should practice too."

Gabrielle, eager to impress, piped up, "I am ready, Fleur. Let's go to ze party and meet 'Arry Potter!"

Jean-Claude smiled warmly at his daughters. "You are doing well, girls. Now, let's get to ze Ministry. We must be on time for ze Portkey."

As they walked through the bustling streets of Paris, their English conversation continued.

Fleur pointed to a charming pâtisserie they passed. "Look, Gabrielle, we could stop for some macarons after ze party."

Gabrielle's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh yes, please! I love macarons!"

Appoline chuckled at her daughters' enthusiasm. "First, we attend ze party. Then, we can enjoy some treats."

Reaching the French Ministry of Magic, the Delacours approached the security desk where Jean-Claude handled the arrangements for their travel.

Jean-Claude instructed as they gathered around the Portkey, a worn-looking goblet, "Stay close to me. And remember, I will be joining ze party after my meeting with Mme Bones, who is also Arry's guardian."."

Appoline nodded, adjusting Gabrielle's coat. "Yes, Jean-Claude. Girls, make sure you are ready. We want to make a good impression."

Gabrielle, her eyes wide with excitement, asked, "Mama, will 'Arry really be zere? I 'ave so many things to ask 'im!"

Fleur smiled. "Yes, Gabrielle. 'Arry will be zere. Remember to be polite and speak slowly. It is important zat we are understood."

Gabrielle nodded eagerly, clutching her mother's hand. "I will try, Fleur. I want to tell 'Arry about all ze stories I 'ave read about 'im!"

Gabrielle nodded eagerly, clutching her mother's hand. "I will try, Fleur. I want to tell 'Arry about all ze stories I 'ave read about 'im!"

Fleur knelt down to her sister's level, her expression gentle but serious. "Gabrielle, those stories are fictional. Zey are made up. Ze 'Arry Potter you are about to meet is real. He is not just a character from a book. It is important zat you leave ze stories behind and get to know ze boy instead."

Gabrielle's eyes widened with understanding. "I will, Fleur. I want to know ze real 'Arry."

Appoline smiled at her daughters. "Zat's right, Gabrielle. Now, let us go and make some new friends."

The family stepped into the Portkey room of the French Ministry, the grandeur of the hall filled with other witches and wizards bustling about their own travels. With a final nod from Jean-Claude, they all touched the goblet simultaneously.

The familiar pull at their navels transported them through a whirlwind of colors and sensations. Moments later, they found themselves in the Portkey terminal of the British Ministry of Magic, where an official greeted them.

"Welcome to London," the official said, checking their travel documents. "Enjoy your stay."

Appoline thanked the official as they made their way towards Diagon Alley. The bustling streets of wizarding London presented a stark contrast to the elegance of Paris, but the Delacours took it in stride, their excitement building as they approached Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, where Harry's party would be held.

Gabrielle's eyes widened as she looked around at the magical shops and people. "Zis is amazing, Maman! I can't wait to see 'Arry and all 'is friends!"

Fleur squeezed her sister's hand. "Just remember to be polite and speak clearly. Everyone will love you, Gabrielle."

At The Burrow, the Weasley household was bustling with excitement. Molly Weasley was directing the chaos, ensuring that her children were dressed appropriately and ready for the party.

"Fred, George, stop fooling around and put on something nice," Molly scolded, her hands on her hips as she watched the twins wrestling on the floor.

"Aw, Mum, it's just a bit of fun," Fred protested, finally getting to his feet.

"Fun is all well and good, but not when we're guests at a party. Harry deserves our respect," Molly replied firmly.

Ginny, already dressed in a pretty summer dress, watched her brothers with amusement. "I can't wait to meet Harry," she said, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Me neither," Ron chimed in, trying to tame his unruly hair in front of a mirror. "It's going to be brilliant."

Percy, ever the perfectionist, was already ready and waiting, a hint of impatience in his eyes. "We should leave soon if we don't want to be late," he reminded his family.

Arthur Weasley entered the room, brushing some soot off his robes. "Alright, everyone, let's gather around the Floo. We're heading to the Leaky Cauldron first, then on to Diagon Alley."

As they gathered around the fireplace, Molly made sure to double-check that everyone was present and ready. "Let's make this a day Harry won't forget," she said, smiling warmly at her children.

"The Leaky Cauldron!" Arthur called out as he threw the Floo powder into the fireplace, and one by one, the Weasleys disappeared in a burst of green flames.

In the Lovegood household, preparations were more relaxed but no less enthusiastic. Xenophilius Lovegood, with his eccentric style, was helping his daughter Luna pick out her outfit.

"Luna, my dear, how about this lovely set of robes with the Dirigible Plum pattern?" he suggested, holding up a brightly colored garment.

Luna tilted her head, considering. "I think I'll wear my Butterbeer cork necklace with it," she decided. "It brings good luck."

Her mother, Pandora Lovegood, smiled as she adjusted her own robes. "That sounds perfect, Luna. Remember, we're going to have fun and make new friends."

Luna's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I can't wait to meet Harry. I feel like we're going to be great friends."

Xenophilius nodded, his eccentric hat bobbing. "Indeed, Luna. It's a special occasion, and it's important to show Harry that he has a place in our world."

As they gathered around their fireplace, Pandora gently reminded Luna to bring her invitation. "We don't want to forget the reason we're going."

Luna nodded, clutching the letter in her hand. "I'm ready. Let's go make some wonderful memories."

"The Leaky Cauldron!" Xenophilius called out as he threw the Floo powder into the fireplace, and the Lovegoods disappeared in a swirl of green flames.

In the elegant Greengrass Manor, preparations for the party were underway. Daphne Greengrass, accompanied by her younger sister Astoria, was putting the finishing touches on their outfits.

"Daphne, do you think this dress is too much?" Astoria asked nervously, holding up a flowing gown in shades of emerald green.

Daphne inspected the dress with a critical eye. "It's perfect, Tori. You look stunning," she reassured her sister with a warm smile.

Their mother, Soleil Greengrass, entered the room, her presence commanding attention. "You both look lovely," she said, her voice filled with pride. "Harry Potter is lucky to have you as guests at his party."

Daphne nodded, adjusting her own elegant robes. "I'm looking forward to meeting him. It's not often we get to socialize with the famous Harry Potter."

Soleil smiled indulgently. "Just remember to be on your best behavior and make a good impression."

Astoria nodded eagerly. "I'll do my best, Mother."

As they made their way to the fireplace, Daphne reminded her sister to bring their invitation. "We mustn't forget it. It's our ticket to the party."

Astoria clutched the letter in her hand, her excitement palpable. "I won't forget, Daph. Let's go make some new friends."

"The Leaky Cauldron!" Soleil called out as she threw the Floo powder into the fireplace, and the Greengrass family disappeared in a swirl of green flames.


As Neville prepared for the party, he took extra care in selecting his attire. After rummaging through his wardrobe, he settled on a neatly pressed set of robes, adorned with a simple but elegant design. With a quick glance in the mirror to ensure everything was in place, Neville felt a surge of excitement mixed with nervous anticipation.

Descending the staircase of the Longbottom Family Estate, Neville found his grandmother waiting for him in the foyer, a proud smile gracing her features.

"You look quite dashing, Neville," Augusta Longbottom remarked, her eyes twinkling with pride. "I'm sure you'll make a fine impression at Harry's party."

Neville blushed at the compliment, grateful for his grandmother's encouragement. "Thanks, Gran," he said, adjusting his robes one last time. "I hope so."

With a reassuring pat on Neville's shoulder, Augusta led the way to the fireplace, where they would Floo to the Leaky Cauldron to join the festivities. As the emerald flames engulfed them, Neville couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in his chest, eager to meet Harry and his other new friends.

The Tonks family bustled about their cozy home, preparing for Harry's party with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. As they gathered their belongings, they shared anecdotes and jokes, their laughter filling the air with warmth.

Tonks, her hair a vibrant shade of bubblegum pink, darted around the living room, double-checking that they hadn't forgotten anything. Her mother, Andromeda, smoothed down her sleek black robes, a fond smile on her lips as she watched her daughter's exuberance.

"Come along, dear," Andromeda called to Tonks, who was inspecting her reflection in the mirror for the umpteenth time. "We don't want to be late for Harry's party."

Tonks grinned and bounded over to her mother, her excitement palpable. "Right, let's go!"

With a flick of her wand, Andromeda summoned the Knight Bus, its bright purple exterior gleaming under the afternoon sun. As the doors creaked open, Tonks and her parents stepped inside, their anticipation growing with each passing moment.

As the bus rumbled to life, carrying them towards the Leaky Cauldron, Tonks couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling within her. She couldn't wait to meet Harry and his friends, eager to join in the festivities and make new memories together.

In the quaint cottage nestled in the heart of Godric's Hollow, the Abbott family prepared for Harry's party with a flurry of activity. Hannah, her eyes bright with anticipation, helped her mother, Grace, set the table with plates of homemade treats and colorful decorations.

"Are you excited, Hannah?" Grace asked, smiling as she arranged a vase of freshly picked flowers.

Hannah nodded enthusiastically, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "I can't wait to see Harry again, Mum. And to meet his friends!"

Grace chuckled softly, her heart swelling with pride at her daughter's eagerness. "I'm sure it will be a wonderful celebration, dear."

As they finished their preparations, Hannah's father, Robert, emerged from his study, a warm smile on his face. "Ready to go, girls?"

Hannah nodded eagerly, her excitement palpable. With one last glance around the cozy cottage, the Abbott family set off for the Leaky Cauldron, eager to join in the festivities and celebrate with Harry and his friends.

In the bustling neighborhood of Wembley, the Patil family prepared for Harry's party with cheerful anticipation. Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh and Nalini Patil, along with their twin daughters, Padma and Parvati, gathered in the living room of their cozy home, the air filled with excitement and laughter.

"Girls, have you decided what you're going to wear?" Mrs. Nalini Patil asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Padma and Parvati exchanged mischievous glances before bursting into giggles. "Of course, Mum! We've been planning our outfits for days," Parvati exclaimed, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.

Mr. Rajesh Patil chuckled as he watched his daughters' excitement. "Well, let's see them then!"

Padma and Parvati rushed off to their rooms, returning moments later in colorful robes and matching accessories, their faces beaming with excitement.

"You both look lovely," Mrs. Nalini Patil said, her heart swelling with pride as she admired her daughters.

With their outfits chosen and excitement bubbling in their hearts, the Patil family set off for the Leaky Cauldron, eager to join in the festivities and celebrate Harry's special day with his new friends.

The Leaky Cauldron buzzed with activity as guests arrived in anticipation of Harry Potter's belated birthday celebration. Ginny Weasley, accompanied by her family, exchanged warm greetings with Luna Lovegood and her parents, Xenophilius and Pandora. The familiarity between Ginny and Luna was evident as they exchanged excited chatter, their bond strengthened by years of friendship.

Meanwhile, Fleur Delacour and her family, including her sister Gabrielle, mingled with the other guests, their elegant presence drawing the attention of those around them. Neville Longbottom, accompanied by his grandmother, exchanged greetings with the Patil family, their conversation punctuated by Neville's genuine warmth and friendliness.

Tonks, with her vibrant personality, struck up conversations with various guests, her animated gestures and easygoing nature making her a welcome presence in the bustling atmosphere of the Leaky Cauldron.

Hannah Abbott and her family were the last to arrive, exchanging warm greetings with the other guests.

After exchanging pleasantries and ensuring that all the guests had arrived, Tom, the affable barman of the Leaky Cauldron, took charge as the unofficial usher for the occasion. At the behest of Sirius and Remus, he guided the group towards the entrance to Diagon Alley with practiced ease.

"Right this way, everyone," Tom called out cheerfully, his voice cutting through the din of the bustling pub. "Follow me, and we'll make our way to Diagon Alley for the festivities."

With a wave of his hand, Tom gestured for the guests to follow him, leading them through the crowded interior of the Leaky Cauldron and towards the magical threshold that marked the entrance to the hidden wizarding street. Excitement buzzed in the air as the group eagerly followed Tom, eager to begin the celebrations awaiting them in Diagon Alley.

At the ice-cream shop, Harry sat comfortably at a small table, indulging in a generous serving of chocolate sundae expertly crafted by Florean Fortescue himself. The shop's cozy interior provided a welcome respite from the bustling streets outside, allowing Harry to savor each spoonful of the delectable dessert.

Beside him, Florean Fortescue, the amiable proprietor of the shop, leaned against the counter with a genial smile, observing the scene with keen interest. "Enjoying the sundae, Harry?" he inquired, his tone warm and friendly.

Harry nodded enthusiastically, his eyes sparkling with delight as he savored the rich taste of chocolate. "It's delicious, Mr. Fortescue," he replied, flashing a grateful smile at the kindly ice-cream maker.

As they chatted, Harry's attention drifted towards the lively interaction unfolding across the shop. Susan, ever efficient and organized, was busy orchestrating the preparations for the party with Sirius and Remus, who seemed to be taking her instructions in good humor. Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, amused by the dynamic between his friends and his godfather and his friend.

"It looks like Susan has everything under control," Harry remarked, gesturing towards the trio with a grin. "She's quite the organizer."

Florean chuckled in agreement, nodding approvingly at Susan's efforts. "Indeed she is, Harry. It's always a pleasure to see young witches and wizards taking charge."

As Harry watched the bustling activity in the shop, a wave of contentment washed over him, filling him with a sense of warmth and tranquility. However, amidst the joy of the moment, his thoughts drifted towards the changes he had been experiencing lately, brought about by Drakor's presence within him.

Gone were the days of struggling with poor eyesight, as Drakor's influence had gifted Harry with crystal-clear vision. The need for glasses was now a distant memory, replaced by the newfound clarity that allowed him to perceive the world with unparalleled sharpness.

But perhaps the most noticeable change was in his appetite, which seemed to have grown exponentially in recent weeks. Harry couldn't help but marvel at his newfound ability to outeat even Uncle Vernon and Dudley, a feat he had once thought impossible. He chuckled to himself at the thought, realizing just how far he had come since his days at Privet Drive.

As he savored another spoonful of ice cream, Harry couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in his physique as well. His body was beginning to fill out, his frame growing stronger with each passing day. Despite still being smaller than most children his age, Harry couldn't shake the feeling that he was on the verge of a significant transformation.

At that moment, Drakor's voice echoed in his mind, its tone dripping with disdain for the Dursleys. "Don't worry, Harry," the symbiotic entity sneered, its presence a comforting one within him. "You won't be as rotund as that blubbering walrus Dudley anytime soon."

Harry couldn't help but smile at Drakor's words, grateful for the reassurance and companionship the creature provided. With a newfound sense of confidence and determination, he turned his attention back to the bustling activity in the shop, eager to enjoy the rest of the day's festivities with his friends.

As the guests arrived at Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, they approached Harry's table one by one, offering warm greetings and introductions.

Fleur Delacour, her elegant French accent adding a touch of sophistication to her words, stepped forward first.

"'Allo, 'Arry. I am Fleur Delacour. Eet eez a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Fleur," Harry replied, offering a polite smile.

"'Allo, 'Arry! I am Gabrielle. Eet eez very exciting to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too, Gabrielle."

"'Allo, 'Arry. I am Appoline Delacour, Fleur and Gabrielle's muzzer. Eet eez a pleasure to see my daughters so excited to meet you."

"Hello, Harry," Parvati greeted with a bright smile, her Indian accent coloring her words. "I'm Parvati Patil."

"Hi, Parvati," Harry replied warmly.

"And I'm Padma Patil," her twin sister chimed in, offering her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Harry."

"Nice to meet you both," Harry said, shaking Padma's hand.

Mr. and Mrs. Patil introduced themselves next.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Patil," Harry greeted them politely. "Thank you for coming."

"It's our pleasure, Harry," Mr. Patil replied warmly. "We're delighted to be here."

Mrs. Patil nodded in agreement, a smile gracing her face. "Yes, it's lovely to meet you, Harry. Thank you for inviting us."

As the Weasleys approached Harry, they each took turns introducing themselves.

"Ginny Weasley," Ginny said, extending her hand with a friendly smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Harry."

"Ron Weasley," Ron added, giving Harry a firm handshake. "Happy belated birthday!"

"Percy Weasley," Percy said, his tone formal yet friendly. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Harry."

"Fred Weasley," Fred chimed in with a mischievous grin. "But you can call me Gred."

"And George Weasley," George added, matching his twin's grin. "And I'm Forge."

"Happy birthday, Harry!" they said in unison, causing Harry to chuckle at their antics.

Molly Weasley stepped forward next, enveloping Harry in a warm hug. "Molly Weasley," she introduced herself with a motherly smile. "Happy birthday, dear. It's lovely to meet you."

Arthur Weasley extended his hand with a friendly smile. "Arthur Weasley," he said warmly. "Happy birthday, Harry. Delighted to be here."

Neville Longbottom stepped forward, offering a shy smile as he introduced himself. "Neville Longbottom," he said softly, extending his hand to Harry. "Happy belated birthday, Harry. It's nice to meet you."

His grandmother, Augusta Longbottom, followed closely behind, her expression stern yet kindly. "Augusta Longbottom," she said briskly, nodding at Harry. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Potter."

The Greengrass family arrived, with Soleil Greengrass leading the way. She offered a warm smile as she introduced herself. "Soleil Greengrass," she said, her French accent adding a touch of elegance to her words. "And these are my daughters, Daphne and Astoria." 

Daphne Greengrass stepped forward, her posture poised and graceful. "Daphne Greengrass," she said, inclining her head respectfully to Harry. "A pleasure to meet you, Harry."

Astoria Greengrass, the younger of the two sisters, followed suit, offering a shy smile. "And I'm Astoria," she said softly, her eyes bright with curiosity as she glanced around the gathering.

Tonks, accompanied by her parents, entered the shop with a cheerful grin. "Hey there!" she exclaimed brightly, her vibrant hair shifting through various colors as she spoke. "I'm Tonks, and these are my folks." She gestured to her parents, who offered friendly waves to Harry and the others. "Pleasure to meet you all!"

As Tonks introduced herself and her family, Sirius's eyes widened in recognition at the sight of his cousin, Andromeda Tonks, standing beside her husband and daughter. "Andi?" he exclaimed, disbelief coloring his voice. "Is that really you?"

As the Tonks family moved towards Sirius, leaving the Abbotts as the last family to introduce themselves, Sirius greeted Andromeda with a mixture of surprise and joy, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I can't believe it's you," he murmured, his voice filled with emotion. "How have you been?" 

Meanwhile, the Abbotts approached Harry with warm smiles, ready to make their introductions.

"Hello, Harry," she said, extending her hand. "I'm Grace Abbott, and this is my husband, Robert. We've heard so much about you." Mr. Abbott nodded in agreement, his expression friendly as he shook Harry's hand. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you," he added warmly.

Hannah stood beside her parents, her eyes bright with excitement. "And I'm Hannah," she said, offering Harry a friendly smile. "It's great to meet you, Harry. I've heard so many amazing stories about you." Harry returned their smiles, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging among these new acquaintances.

Once all the introductions were made, Harry nervously cleared his throat, calling for everyone's attention. "Um, excuse me, everyone," he began, his voice slightly shaky but determined. "I just wanted to say thank you all for coming to my... um, belated birthday party." He paused, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. "I know it's a bit late, considering my birthday was last month, but better late than never, right?" He chuckled nervously, hoping to lighten the mood. "I really appreciate you all taking the time out of your lives to be here. It means a lot to me."

Harry's voice softened as he continued, his gaze drifting downward for a moment before he continued. "This party... it's especially special to me," he admitted, his tone growing more serious. "You see, at the Dursleys, well, they always went out of their way to make my life miserable on my birthday." He hesitated, feeling a lump form in his throat as memories of past birthdays flooded his mind. "But today... today feels different. Today, I'm surrounded by friends, by people who actually care about me, and... it means more than I can say." He looked up, meeting the eyes of each guest in turn, his gratitude shining through despite the lingering pain of his past. "So thank you, all of you, for being here. Let's make some happy memories together, shall we?"

With Sirius and Remus flanking her, Susan emerged from the kitchen, balancing a decadent chocolate cake adorned with flickering candles. The rich aroma filled the air, eliciting murmurs of anticipation from the gathered guests. As she carefully set the cake down before Harry, Susan flashed him a reassuring smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Sirius and Remus joined in, their faces alight with joy as they stood by Harry's side, ready to celebrate this special moment with him.


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