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73.68% Monarch of Entertainment / Chapter 12: Chapter 012: The rich get richer.

Kapitel 12: Chapter 012: The rich get richer.


Previous chapter recap:-

Luke with the help of his Terminators and Sharon Carter manage to secure a solid investment firm thus enriching him further, After publishing 'Saga of Rimuru Tempest', Luke for the first time discovered a Multiversal franchise key which would cost him 10 trillion IPs, Helpless Luke due to not being able to afford it, he had spended the second and third year in Hogwarts pocket dimension doing risky and dangerous quests to finally reach level 40, where he got a Class Quest. He cunningly realized it was the perfect place to level up rapidly as the enemies would grow strong in each wave.

Chapter 12


Time:- 2am, Day 2

Location:- Desolate Marvel timeline, Pocket Dungeon.


Luke confusedly said "Shion? Huh-"Yet before he could even ponder his danger perception went haywire as he scrambled to defend his left side using all shield and protection spells he knew even then he was sent flying through multiple large buildings.

He could feel his left hand being completely mauled and broken but he drank a health potion to easily fix it. He quickly stood up from the rubble and casted advanced anti-detection spells upon himself 'Sorry Shion, all is fair in the path to power..'

Luke stealthily walked around shion as he distributed many attribute points in his speed, vitality and perception stats. Then he began his struggle, the struggle on who dies first.

The stats did significantly boost his power… But it also caused a lot of damage to the surrounding since Shion was a strength and Vitality focused O rank Entity, Luke would likely compare her to the likes of Thomas Andre the world class hunter from solo leveling.

Yet… he himself knew how powerful the actual Shion was… Her ranking seemed to be diluted in this dungeon, since she had reached XX rank by the end of his improvised version.

Even then It took him more than 3 hours of constant 'fighting' with Shion before he eventually managed to eliminate her. yet by that point his whole army was destroyed.

Thankfully after defeating Shion also helped raise his level to 101 and almost immediately he felt the familiar change when he had just become S rank yet this time it was more painful and longer.

He felt as if ants were crawling through his skin as all his bones broke apart constantly as if to properly improve and align them properly. But Luke felt it was worth it.

O rank unlocked a lot of hidden senses he didn't know he had, He could easily detect the energy signatures of all living entities, even the terminators he merely needed to have an intent to sense them.

Luke then began harvesting the remaining 4990 S rank enemies. He noticed the difference almost immediately, Their attacks were as if ants were trying to bite metal.

Luke deduced the only reason he survived against Shion was due to his stealthy approach and because he was some levels away from being O rank himself.

Within 30 minutes all enemies were cleared which gave him a 5 hour break before the next wave. He spent two hours turning all 3000 S rank organic bodies into his own Terminator army.

Then Luke took a much needed nap for the next few hours as his army dutifully found a more defensive building.

Surprisingly they managed to find the Avenger's Tower of this pocket dimension, It had all the defensive faculties he and his army needed.

It was 10:30 Am on Day 2, as the 11th wave began, it had a total of 2500 Enemies, All except 5 being O rank. With him and Shion being O rank, he easily managed to defeat them within 30 minutes. He reached level 108 thanks to each O rank giving him 1 level and the other accumulated exp.

the 12th wave began 5 hours later, again with 2500 Enemies but with 10 being O rank this time, Surprisingly he only get 1 level per 2 O rank this time and reach 115. Extra two levels came from the accumulated exp. This took 35 minutes.

13th and 14th wave also begun 5 hours, in total he faced 5 thousand enemies with 250 of them being O rank within 1 hour and 25 minutes, But It only gave him 10 level in total from the O ranks yet it brought a surprising gift to himself.

Just as he hit level 125. His body and soul begun to change. Luke for the first time in his new life felt an urge to kill himself. For 1 full minute he went through undescribable pain as his screams shook the very foundation of Manhattan but he resiliently steeled through.

Luke slowly opened his eyes as he felt a sense of calm wash over him, his body still shivering from the experience yet… he focused on the surging power he felt.

Luke sat on top of the Avenger's Tower as he felt the presence of his army of 7500 S rank and 250 O rank entities surrounding the avenger's tower.

Luke also realized he was unconsciously releasing a deadly red aura which had caused the area around him to crack under the pressure.

'Troublesome…' Luke thought and almost immediately the Aura contained itself within him. While Luke thought it was cool but practically it would make him a target for all enemies in the next wave which should be a boss wave.

Luke had close to 5 hours left which he spended getting used to his power as after becoming X rank just a mere movement from him caused the surrounding to be damaged. Afterall he didn't want to accidentally break Tony's bones when they met despite finding it amusing.

Luke also noticed himself being taller than usual thus his body balance was a bit wanky.

[Indeed. You were 5 '1 feet tall before but now you are 5' 6 feet tall.]

'Ah cool, but how will I explain this to my parents?' Luke irritatedly thought.

[It can still be explained as an early growth burst as your grandpa and dad are tall for their age]

'Hmm, touché.' Luke replied back

By the time the 15th wave would start he was already pretty good at controlling his body.

[The 15th and final wave shall begin in 15 minutes. Please prepare yourself.]

Luke raised his eyebrow as he thought there would be an endless wave, He lamented not being able to grind exp forever but what else could he do. He was pretty much close to EOS (End of Story) Jin woo in terms of raw power, defense and speed.

[..This is a class dungeon… not an Exp dungeon…] Moira commented while feeling a sense of bafflement due to her host's behavior.

'Same stuff.' Luke replied back casually as he chose to shamelessly forget the pain he felt earlier. Power is Power afterall.

Soon close to 10pm, a large portal appeared as 5000 enemies came out, 4499 of them were S rank, 500 of them were O rank and one… X rank.

Luke and the boss immediately looked at each other, The boss was a very beautiful yet dangerous Lady, her figure was the right amount of curvy and her portions were at the perfect balance.

'Wait, Why am I thinking about her weirdly could it be..? Did awakening make my hormones arrive faster??' Luke stared at his hands as he contemplated his future struggles. 'Hmm what is worse, the short pain earlier or being an Irrational teenager for the next couple of years… definitely the latter...'

Surprisingly the boss didn't attack him immediately as Shion did but rather she casually observed his actions.

The boss felt somewhat puzzled at the internally struggling Luke, she did feel his momentary lust but she didn't think much of it as the first T-10000 (Or T-10k) of her kind, she naturally needed to find a powerful mate to reproduce while the contestant seem lacking in that department currently she didn't mind waiting if they were strong.

'I felt insulted for some reason… hmmm, Tony is probably cursing me right now, I will increase his training after I get back' Luke internally decided for the unfortunate Tony who shivered as if he felt danger.

Soon the battle between both armies begun. Luke and The boss casually watched for some minutes before moving to another location to continue their fight.

They immediately probed each other by a casual fist fight , 'She is stronger than me… by at least 25+ level.' Luke deducted as he shamelessly distributed his stats points to be more powerful.

Soon their battle officially begun as Gradually they reached the speed of sound. Each of their casual strikes would have caused shockwaves to appear but The boss's punches seemed to be shock absorbent as she used Luke's own force to strike back even harder.

'Troublesome' Luke thought as he started using more magic spells to counter attack yet her body phased through the spells like she was a Ghost.

Luke narrowed his eyes as he thought 'Danny Phantom's Powers', But it didn't discourage him since he knew the boss was underestimating him… or… rather testing and pushing him to his limits.

She had many chances to instantly kill him over the past 2 hours yet she didn't. Luke did feel an irrational surge of dissatisfaction due to his new surge of hormones but he managed to keep himself calm for now since he clearly knew the advantage of such a situation.

Thus Luke began to utilize this battle to bring balance to his power and body.

The boss was genuinely impressed, if Luke was considered an amateur in the beginning of their fight, then after 8 hours or so, He seemed to be a hardened warrior. His movements were more fluid and constrained.

Thus she decided to scale up the battle as their battle became more deadly, Luke started to recieve injuries upon injuries until he was body was covered in his own blood yet he hadn't managed to damage the boss beyond some sctraches.

The boss was a bit confused, She could easily detect that Luke was getting stronger and closer to her level as time passed,yet she didn't know why Luke seemed to be holding back.

Until He did after constantly fighting for 20 hours straight, He landed a soldi hit on the boss that hurt her. then another and another until the boss felt somewhat overwhelmed.

"How?" The boss asked confusedly as she was invulnerable to physical attacks and even magic if she used her ghost-like phase ability.

Luke's lips curled up as he said "Because" while landing a punch that caused cracks to appear on the boss's soul "I" another punch which caused the cracks to widen "don't have" the boss for the first time felt a sense of looming death yet before she could do anything Luke finished " a limit." as the boss felt her soul shatter to pieces.

'Phew' Luke let out a heavy sigh as he looked up at constant barrage of level up messages that let him become lvl 147.

Luke wasn't merely training himself and his limits, he was shamelessly browsing the system store to find the perfect way to counter her. What he practiced so far was a X rank martial arts that would transfer the accumulated damage he received to the opponent's soul. So he didn't use healing potions despite feeling the lose of blood and pain.

He was also constantly stacking up the level ups he received due to his army harvesting the Boss's army. Thus when he felt he was in the appropriate level range he quickly diatributed the stats before he launched the final combo.

Luke drank many S rank health potions then he tried to use his <Mech Touch> ability on the boss but alas it ended in failure due to his Skill being a level lower. 'Figured' as he grabbed the Boss's body Like a potato bag and quickly flew back to check on the battlefield using apparition.

What Luke saw was surprising. His army was actually winning the enemy only had less than 699 left while his army still had close to 800 left. He casually dropped the Boss's body nearby which caused the enemies to notice his arrival.

Yet he didn't care as he swiftly began to finish them off, it took him merely 15 minutes to do so. As barrages of notifications popped up.

[Ding! Congratulations! You have completed the Class dungeon! Please wait so we can evaluate you!]

[Evaluating… All enemies eliminated. Date: Day 3, 4pm… Number of deaths: Zero. Evaluation: Exceeding expectations. Shown remarkable situational awareness, Leadership and territorial plotting. Recommended for Sovereign class.>]

[Ding! Verifying… Congratulations! You have met all hidden requirements for Sovereign class. Estimating class… Ding! <Entertainment System> Detected. Searching for the optimal Sovereign class… Found 9… Please pick your desired Sovereign class.]

Luke raised his eyebrow as he saw the listed classes. They ranged from 'Monarch of Technology' with 66.99% Compatibility to even 'Shadow Monarch' with 52.66% Compatibility but what truly interested him was the first one called 'Monarch of Entertainment.' with a 96.99% Compatibility.

After contemplating Luke still decided to choose what was most compatible with him as he felt it would bring out the optimal amount of his potential.

[Ding! You have selected <Monarch of Entertainment>. We welcome the sovereign who shall bring forth Ragnarok for mere entertainment.]

Luke raised his eyebrow for that description but didn't know if it was merely flavor text or not. Immediately he felt a qualitative change, he felt as if he was unshackled and the next notification did prove his line of thought.

[Ding! Sovereign class Detected… A Sovereign has limitless potential. Level limit restriction removed. You may now level up indefinitely.]

Luke's lips curled upwards, He also gained some new skills.

<Monarch's Authority> which was kinda similar to the Ruler's authority from Solo leveling as it had a very strong telekinesis and something similar to conqueror's haki as it would knock out anyone if they have a weaker will than Luke.

<Monarch's Domain> This one was interesting to Luke as his previous mindscape or Hall of Desires had become an actual pocket dimension. He could now visit it physically while the time difference had become 1 second outside = 1 minute inside.

However what truly interested him was the next skill as it seemed to be linked with <Monarch's Domain>

<Card Extraction> That basically allowed him to extract Character cards of any character he had either killed or conquered. So he could kill Thanos, gain his card, then summon a new Thanos who would be loyal to him. conquered merely meant he could turn Tony into a character card if Tony acknowledged his servitude to him.

Luke could then grant these summoned cards access to his domain i.e they would be able to enter it almost instantly from anywhere they wanted But there was a limit of 10,000 Character cards currently due to the skill being at its lowest.

If Luke wanted to, he could let anyone besides his summoned cards visit it now if he gave them an Access Key.

Knowing these Luke casually walked upto the boss he just killed and tried to extract a card, surprisingly he got it on the first try. He felt confused since he thought there would be some resistance.

Luke then looked at Her status page, which as he thought showed lvl 145. He quickly summoned her, who upon spawning immediately knelt down before him like a knight as she declared "I vow to dedicate my eternal loyalty and body to my liege."

Luke's mouth twitched as he thought 'What are you, Female Beru?' but outwardly he nodded as he said "I look forward to your contribution"

He didn't question her loyalty as for some weird reason her loyalty was already at [Dead Loyal] which would never decrease after reaching it.

Luke then told every surviving soldier to visit the pocket dimension and heal up as it functioned like a mini village right now with many faculties to help his summoned cards.

After 10 minutes they returned having fully recovered, He quickly told the soldiers to gather all the bodies in front of the avenger's tower so he could extract their cards.

Luke was about to order the female boss but paused as he said"I don't think you have a name yet… I guess I can give you one if you want me to."

"I would be honored to be named by you, My liege." She answered back.

Luke dryly chuckled at her antics as he pondered for a name to give her then as if enlightened he said "How about… Hyeon-Jeong? It meant along the lines of virtuous and loyal in Sino-Korean"

"I humbly accept your praise worthy name to me and I vow to live upto it!" Hyeon said with a zealous tone.

[Ding! You have successfully named your subordinate <Hyeon-Jeong>, you can now share your skills as a gift.]

[Ding! Your subordinate <Hyeon-Jeong> has become <Fanatical Loyal> towards you]

Luke's mouth twitched for the nth time as he thought 'Are you that deprived of affection…?'.

After contemplating He shared his <Card Extraction> and <M-Gene (O-rank) Skills to Hyeon, this way the process of gaining cards will be faster and she would be able to use magic now afterall it was merely sharing skills thus he would still have them.

"Thank you, My liege!" Hyeon exclaimed in surprise as she felt a new sort of power shifting within herself.

Then Luke told her to start extracting character cards for him as he casually walked into the Avengers Tower, he still had close to 5 hours left before the dungeon would kick him out, Thus he decided to satisfy his bubbling curiosity about this dungeon.

Just as he was about to kick open the doors They surprisingly opened on their own. 'Interesting…' Luke thought as he strolled inside.

Luke's casual walking speed was very fast as he checked every floor of the tower. Until he reached the top floor where the Loki and Tony scene happened in the MCU.

Just as he entered five shelves and stood in the center, He saw The Infamous Iron man suit, Thor's battle Axe, a broken down captain America shield, a pair of daggers and a unique bow the latter two exuded a magical Aura.

"Avengers… Earth's Mightiest heroes… What happened to them?" Luke asked out loud and as expected he received an answer.

"Ultron won… he deceived everyone, we thought he had died in that battle yet… he had a backup plan"Luke saw a recorded video of Tony saying "Due to having full access to the internet, he had managed to find a shield base that had a Kree ship… before long he had escaped and found Thanos."

Luke stayed silent as he watched the video "After knowing the full capabilities of the avengers and earth itself, Thanos was well-prepared, he also had a new plan after Ultron convinced him to turn everyone into sentient Ai similar to Ultron in an infinite virtual universe thus… effectively solving the population issues in the universe."

"But Thanos realized too late that it was merely a ploy by Ultron to enslave everyone in the universe" Tony let out a sigh then continued " at the last moment Thanos had protected us from turning into sentient Ai and being trapped in there, we plan to destroy the battery core of the virtual universe thus effectively killing Ultron and everyone within it as a way to prevent Ultron's resurgence."

"If you are seeing this, then it probably means the universe is recovering and we succeeded…" Tony said while looking straight at Luke "If you are among the first few, I have built an Ai called Friday who has archived everything we could gather about our history, culture and technology in a super laptop…"

"Remember, whoever you are… you are our last hope…" As the video ended a new platform rose in the middle where a small laptop was shown with the Stark logo.

Luke curiously went near as he got a notification if he wanted to store it in his inventory that caused him to raise his eyebrow 'Interesting… I can store things from this dimension… wait..'

Luke's eyes widened in realization as he quickly went near the other shelves and as he thought he could store them all. Luke let out a maniacal laughter as he stored them then he immediately rushed through the balcony and jumped off.

He hastened his apparition towards a certain direction and after 7 minutes he reached it…. Fort Knox.

Luke smiled widely as he broke through the whole building until he reached the vaults where upon entering he saw rows and rows of Golden bars stacked. He immediately started storing them all while laughing maniacally.

After close to 15 minutes he managed to get 4500 Metric tons of Gold.

Soon he rapidly visited other such deposits all over the USA in the next 2 hours and at the end He had managed to get 8000 metric tons of gold.

If Luke considered each gram of gold costing close to $13 in 1982, he had at least 100 billion dollars.

Luke looked at the inventory as he thought 'Not enough… but I don't know the locations for the other gold reserves in the world… wait..' he quickly pulled out Friday.

Friday when she woke up, she had expected to help and guide a desolate Universe to recover but… Despite feeling confused she still told her new owner about the locations.

She saw with both bafflement and amazement Luke breaking into national Gold vaults of Germany, Italy, France, Russia, China, Switzerland, India, Japan, Netherlands

A/n: Presume he took the most efficient route of flying and way to loot them all, too lazy to calculate stuff like travel route, I just listed the ones with the most amount of gold in tones.

By the end time there was only 15 minutes left until Luke would be kicked out of the dungeon, Luke had managed to get 20,000 Metric ton of Gold in total. Which amounted to at least 254 billion dollars if he sold them in 1982.


Word count:- 3612

Author's section:-


I had fun writing the last part. Anyways the previous calculation gave him 500 billion dollars but that was due to a miscalculation because of using Gold bars, thus I used Metric ton and got this. Which seemed more reasonable.

Secondly, The next chapter marks the official beginning of the marvel arcs. The x men are coming… and so is hydra.

Let me know if you would want me to write the chapters in the current style i.e summarizing most of the part and only some dialogues or should I add more dialogues thus extending the arc more because word count.

Oh also don't think he is too powerful… reminder the characters are supposed to be powerful like their comic counterparts.

Which honestly I don't know much about but I will presume they are at least O rank and beyond, but do Let me know what rank do you think characters like Thanos, Hulk, Thor, Captain America should get.

To properly scale them here's the list.

XxX (Multiversal level at max)

Xx (Universal level at max)

X (Planet buster at max)

The ranking in between is









You add the above rank right after the X So for example XE, XB then in XX, you put XXE, XXB.and so on, if you are still confused about something, ask me

Now let me know what X-Men do you want to see as part of the original cast, like they were the ones who founded X-Men.

I have Xavier, Mystique and Beast as confirmed members. Eric left.

Possible candidates:- Iceman, Angel, Wolverine (Uncertain since he was part of the howling commandos) and Storm (Uncertain again since she could be a potential lover candidate for Luke so she would have to be the youngest member of X-Men)

Anyways thank you for reading, see you on Thursday.

If you want you can join my discord server:-

You can probably copy paste it from the website version, idk, haven't tried.

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