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26.31% Strongest Esper / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Kapitel 5: Chapter 5

Hayate, having regained his balance, glared at the woman in front of him. "Traitorous bitch!" he growled. "You and Asphalt, don't you understand the gravity of your actions?"


Velvet smiled at him, a look of determination in her eyes. "That's exactly why we're trying to stop you!"


Hayate glared at her even harder. "The council's worries are not without reason—"


"Ha!" Velvet interrupted sarcastically. "Are you for real? You and I both know the only reason the council is doing this is so they won't have to worry about anyone getting their hands on the Yamato family Grimoires. A brain in a jar is a lot easier to take care of than a living, breathing human, much less a child."


Hayate gritted his teeth. "Believe me! I'm taking about as much pleasure in this as you are!" he said, his voice hard and even. "But regardless of how we feel, sometimes the hard choices need to be made for the greater good."


Velvet rolled her eyes. "Yeah, the greater good. I'm sure that makes it so much easier for you to sleep at night."


Hayate's grip tightened on his scythe. His knuckles turned white as his eyes blazed with fury. He could feel the anger boiling inside him, threatening to spill over. The wind howled around them, whipping Velvet's hair into a wild frenzy. Her stance remained firm, unwavering, as if she had prepared herself for this moment her entire life.


"You have no idea what I have to endure," Hayate spat, his voice dripping with venom. "The council's mandate isn't something I chose lightly. Each of us carries our own burdens, and this—" he gestured with his scythe, at the unconscious Eri—"this is a necessary evil."


Velvet's eyes narrowed. "Necessary evil? Is that what you tell yourself every night? That sacrificing innocent lives is justified? That taking a child's life, when she had nothing from the beginning is okay?"


"Don't lecture me on morality!" Hayate shouted, his voice echoing through the desolate landscape. "I do what I must to protect countless others. Sometimes the sacrifice of a few is required for the survival of many."


"Is that what you call it? Sacrifice?" Velvet's voice was cold, cutting through the tension like a knife. "It sounds more like cowardice to me. Hiding behind orders and mandates because it's easier than facing the truth. You're nothing more than a puppet, dancing to the council's tune."


Hayate's rage boiled over. With a primal scream, he swung his scythe at Velvet, the blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. Velvet moved like a shadow, effortlessly dodging his attacks, her every movement fluid and precise. Her eyes never left Hayate's, a mixture of pity and resolve reflecting in their depths.


"I don't have to hear this from the likes of you!" he roared, as he swung his blood scythe again and again, forcing Velvet to dodge just as skillfully. Each missed strike drove Hayate deeper into a frenzy, his movements becoming more erratic, fueled by a desperate need to end the confrontation.


"Hayate! Where is Asphalt?" Velvet's voice cut through the chaos, her tone demanding answers. The shadows around her solidified in her hand, forming a black sword that seemed to absorb the very light around it.


Hayate smirked, his eyes gleaming with a dark amusement. "I'll tell you," he jeered, his voice dripping with malice. "Right before I drain the blood from your body."


Velvet tightened her grip on the shadowy blade, her eyes never wavering. She knew the battle ahead would be fierce, but she was prepared. With a determined glare, she faced Hayate, ready to do whatever it took to stop him and protect those she cared about. The clash of their weapons rang out, a symphony of steel and shadows, as they fought for their beliefs in the dying light. 


















Accelerator ignored Hayate and Velvet. His whole focus was on Eri, unconscious, tied down by leather straps around her ankles and wrists. Her beautiful long hair, which Saki had somewhat managed to tame after who knows how long of abuse and mistreatment, was missing, making her look even tinier than she already looked. The sight of her, so vulnerable and stripped of her identity, filled him with a cold fury. He clenched his fists, trying to suppress the anger that threatened to overwhelm him.


Accelerator's eyes then shifted to Hamazura, who was casually watching him with a look of interest. "I'm surprised you managed to find us," he said with a faux polite smile. "Not many people know about this place."


Accelerator gave the man a condescending look. "Well then, maybe you shouldn't have it in a place you literally have a photo of in your office."






















 "The Wilted Lily? I think there was a hotel like that somewhere…" Velvet placed a hand to her chin, her expression thoughtful. "…But I think it was burnt down or something," she muttered, almost to herself, as she tried to recall the details.


"It was located somewhere in the mountains," Accelerator said, his voice cutting through her musings and making her look at him in confusion.


"Wait! How do you know that's where they've taken the—I mean, Eri…" she asked nervously, her uncertainty palpable.


Accelerator looked at her with unwavering confidence. "I don't know… but I do know how psychos like that think," he said, his tone grim and certain.


Velvet tilted her head, confusion still evident in her eyes. "What—"


"No matter how fucked in the head someone is… there will always be something about them that ties to their humanity," Accelerator continued, his voice carrying a weight of experience. "Even if it means contaminating it themselves… they'd never let it go."


Velvet's gaze softened as she absorbed his words, understanding dawning on her. "Besides," he continued after a brief pause, "there was a picture on his desk."


Velvet's reaction was almost comical as she fell to the ground, her sudden movement a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation. "…Right," she agreed, her memory catching up. "One of the boys in the photo… it was Hayate," she confirmed, her mind flashing back to the familiar face of a much younger Hayate.


"Hamazura has a history of dabbling in shit that no hospital or scientific community would allow… at least not upfront," Accelerator muttered, almost to himself, but Velvet caught every word. "He'd need a safe place to work, a place he could be at peace… preferably a place he was familiar with."


Velvet nodded slowly, piecing together the clues. "If they're acquainted, or even friends, then Hayate would have known about it as well," she realized, the final piece of the puzzle falling into place.


The scene shifted to a large, old, abandoned hotel in the middle of the mountains. The structure loomed ominously, its dilapidated state a testament to years of neglect. Yet, despite its condition, it held a sense of foreboding, as if it had been waiting for their arrival. Accelerator and Velvet stood before it, their faces set with looks of determination.


"This is it," Accelerator said quietly, his eyes scanning the building's facade.


Velvet nodded, her resolve hardening. "We need to be prepared for anything. They'll be expecting us."


Accelerator's expression was unreadable, but the intensity in his eyes spoke volumes. "We'll get her back," he said with a finality that brooked no argument.


They moved forward, their steps synchronized, each prepared to face whatever horrors lay within. The entrance to the hotel creaked open, revealing the dark interior. Shadows danced along the walls, and the air was thick with the scent of decay and something far more sinister.


As they entered, the oppressive silence was broken only by the sound of their footsteps. Velvet's eyes darted around, her senses on high alert. Accelerator's focus remained sharp, every muscle in his body tense and ready for action.


"This place gives me the creeps," Velvet whispered, her voice barely audible.


"Stay close," Accelerator responded, his tone protective but steely. "We can't afford to get separated."


They navigated through the labyrinthine hallways, the oppressive atmosphere growing heavier with each step. Every corner they turned seemed to hold the potential for danger, but neither of them wavered. Their determination to rescue Eri and Asphalt was their guiding light, cutting through the darkness that surrounded them.


Finally, they reached a large, heavily reinforced door. Accelerator placed a hand against it, feeling the cold metal beneath his fingers, Sensing the familiar vectors of Eri, and two others he turned to Velvet, their eyes meeting in silent understanding.


"This is it," he said, his voice low but resolute.


Velvet nodded, her hand tightening around the hilt of her weapon. "Let's do this."


















"Maybe next time don't be so obvious," Accelerator taunted, his eyes narrowing. "Though I'll admit, connecting a building to a hollowed-out mountain was pretty clever. I wonder how you did it?"


Hamazura stared at him quietly for a moment before smiling. "As expected… I knew you'd find this place sooner or later," he said, ignoring Accelerator's question. A calmness in his voice and on his face put Accelerator slightly on edge. "Do you know what I first thought when I met you, Accelerator?" he asked.


Accelerator shrugged, his tone mocking. "That you were a shit doctor?"


Hamazura gave him a brief close-eyed smile. "Sort of," he said. "I thought, if only I had a brain like that." Accelerator stared at him intently. "It was… enlightening, to say the least, meeting you, that is."


"Ever since I was young, I was placed on a pedestal… 'Greatness is what you'll achieve,' they'd say to me, as they took away my childhood, my choices, and 'helped' me on my path," he said bitterly. "I always wondered… why am I destined for greatness and them destined to live a life of mediocrity?" He spread his arms wide, a delusional grin forming on his face. "Isn't that a curious thought? What makes someone destined for greatness? When a child inherits their parent's quirks, it is either a similar if not somewhat stronger version of their quirk, or a mutation, a rare quirk of great power, much like yours," he pointed at Accelerator.


"The one thing that can never be predicted about an individual is their capabilities when it comes to the mind. Is it by constantly stimulating the brain at a young age that enhances the mind? No! If that were the case, my previous experiments would not have ended in such failure," Accelerator's eyes narrowed at the delusional man. "But what if that was it!? That was as far as human competency, intellectual power, was capable of going?" The man adopted a genuinely horrified look on his face, as if the thought were something too frightful to consider.


But then slowly, a wide grin, one that made Accelerator sick to his stomach, grew on his face. "But then I met you… you were… my ideal!" he moaned, making Accelerator's face twist in disgust and discomfort. "You were capable of keeping up with subjects you knew little to nothing about, and in just a few minutes of conversing, you didn't just understand; no, you began to fully integrate that knowledge in a manner that even I could not keep up with." His eyes looked at Accelerator with an obsessive look on his face. "I wanted to know more… I wanted to get close to you but…" his face fell, an indifferent and dull expression taking over his face, "…but you kept a distance from me… a distance I couldn't overcome… a distance that stayed until you disappeared and never came back."


"Gee, I wonder why?" Accelerator said sarcastically. Taking in a breath, he sighed. "Well, as interesting as that was, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to kill you now."


Hamazura smiled. "I do not doubt in my mind that you can—" He pulled out a small remote from the inside of his lab pocket and pointed it to a small monitor placed directly against a wall next to where Eri was.






The monitor flickered to life, revealing Asphalt lying unconscious, his form bathed in the eerie glow of the screen's illumination. "ASPHALT!" Velvet's voice reverberated through the room, laced with worry as she witnessed her companion's inert figure on the monitor.


Asphalt hung suspended on a cross-like structure, his limbs outstretched, bound tightly, emphasizing his vulnerability. The darkness of his surroundings enveloped him, yet the night vision of the monitor offered a stark clarity, illuminating his form with an unsettling precision. His shirt was conspicuously absent, exposing intricate patterns etched across his bare torso, a testament to the ordeal he endured.


Accelerator's steely gaze bore into Hamazura, a silent challenge lingering in the air between them. "So? You think I give a damn," he growled, his voice low and edged with barely-contained fury. "I'm just here for the kid… that old geezer's the reason this all happened in the first place." Hamazura's expression remained placid, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "He's also the reason this kid is still alive, isn't he?" he countered calmly, his demeanor a stark contrast to Accelerator's simmering rage.


Accelerator's glare intensified, his frustration palpable. "You have no idea who you're pissing off here," he warned, his voice tinged with a dangerous edge. Hamazura's smile persisted, undeterred by the veiled threat. "I think I might like to know," he responded casually, his tone betraying a hint of curiosity.


"UGH!" Velvet's exasperated grunt punctuated the tense atmosphere, drawing Accelerator's attention away from his confrontation with Hamazura. She found herself pressed against a wall, her arm seeping blood, a testament to the fierce battle that had transpired moments ago. In her momentary lapse of focus, she had become vulnerable, a fact Hayate wasted no time exploiting. "Don't move," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice as he pressed the edge of his scythe against her neck. "I don't want to have to kill you, but I will if I need to." Velvet's eyes blazed with defiance as she locked gazes with her assailant, her determination unyielding. "Where is he, you bastard!?" she demanded, her voice laced with venom. "What have you done to him!?"


"We haven't done anything to him… yet," Hamazura interjected smoothly, his voice calm despite the escalating tension in the room. "He's alive and well, just heavily sedated… I'm afraid we had no other choice; he was being very uncooperative." Velvet's glare intensified, her anger palpable as she directed her fury towards Hamazura.


"Now, now, there's no need for that!" Hamazura interjected, his tone almost jovial despite the gravity of the situation. "We need to proceed with the operation immediately," he continued, his demeanor unwavering. "And we can't have you getting in our way." Accelerator moved to rush Hamazura, only to be blocked by an unseen barrier. Hayate kicked Velvet in the stomach, causing her to wheeze, then positioned himself between Accelerator and the barrier while Hamazura turned to the sleeping Eri.


"Hey now!" Hayate's taunting jeer sliced through the tension as his scythe descended towards Accelerator, who deftly dodged the lethal strike. "All eyes on me, jackass!" Hayate exclaimed, his determination unwavering as he attempted to press his advantage. However, Accelerator's formidable vector shield effortlessly deflected the attack, sending shockwaves reverberating through the room and shattering Hayate's scythe along with his arms.




Hayate's gaze shifted from his broken appendage to Accelerator with a newfound sense of intrigue. "Oh! Now that's interesting!" he mused, his curiosity piqued by Accelerator's seemingly impervious defense. "Just what exactly is your quirk?" he inquired, his fascination evident as he sought to unravel the enigma of Accelerator's abilities.


As Hayate leaped back to evade an impending counterattack, Velvet seized the opportunity to intercept him with her shadow sword, her movements fluid and precise. Accelerator appeared behind Hayate in a swift and decisive maneuver, delivering a powerful kick that sent him sprawling across the room. "Blondie!" he called out to Velvet, acknowledging her presence amidst the chaos. "The name's Velvet, bastard!" she retorted, her focus unyielding as she remained locked in combat with Hayate.


"Whatever", Accelerator shrugs her off, "go and find your friend", he orders, not looking at her and facing Hayate, who had regained his composure and was glaring Accelerator down with a smirk on his face. Velvet briefly glances at him, "what about you?", she asked, Accelerator smirks, "I'm about to beat the fuck out of a weakling nobody".


"Besides, I'm pretty sure the geezer's got something to do with that damn barrier protecting that piece of crap," he added, his frustration palpable as he gestured towards the unseen obstacle hindering their progress. "Get to him fast, and get that barrier down, now!" His gaze briefly flickered towards Eri, still unconscious and vulnerable, with Hamazura looming over her.


"If he's going to force her into a comatose state without affecting her brain, he's going to need this guy's 'magic' for it," Accelerator reflected grimly, his eyes narrowing with suspicion as he regarded Hayate. 'I still don't know if I believe in all this magic BS, but… teleporting to a different dimension tends to keep a person open-minded.' With resolve as unyielding as steel, Accelerator steeled himself for the impending confrontation, ready to confront any obstacle in their desperate quest to rescue the child who had unexpectedly entered his life.






With his resolve solidified, Accelerator braced himself for the impending confrontation, knowing that the fate of the child who had unexpectedly entered his life hung in the balance. "I've got no choice but to put my faith in everything blondie and her buddy told me... at least until I can do my own research," he muttered, his thoughts swirling as he prepared for the inevitable clash.


Velvet had darted off, her parting words ringing in his ears, "I'll be back soon, don't die!" Her fierce determination elicited a scoff from Accelerator. "As if I'd die to a weakling like this," he muttered under his breath, his confidence unwavering despite the looming danger.


Hayate launched another attack, his uninjured arm moving at incredible speed as he aimed to overwhelm Accelerator. But the esper stood still and without even moving, effortlessly deflecting the blow and countering with such force that Hayate's other arm snapped with a sickening crack. "What on earth is your quirk?" Hayate questioned, though he didn't expect a response.


Accelerator's smirk widened, a sense of superiority emanating from him. "And why the hell would telling you even matter?" he retorted, his red eyes burning with intensity. "It's not like knowing will help you. Either way, your death has been sealed!"


With the speed of a bullet, Accelerator closed the distance between them, his palm outstretched. A shockwave erupted, sending Hayate crashing into the wall with a sickening thud. Blood and saliva flew as he collided with the unforgiving surface, his body leaving spiderweb cracks in its wake.


Despite the pain, Hayate grinned defiantly, his resolve unbroken. "Big mistake, kid. My power is control over blood," he taunted, his eyes glinting with malice. "All it takes is a touch for me to take and fully control the blood inside another's body."


With a gleeful smirk, he activated his magic, confident in his ability to overpower Accelerator. "YOU'RE SCREWED, KID!" he bellowed, his voice filled with triumph.


But to his dismay, nothing happened. Confusion clouded his features as he struggled to comprehend his failure. "Huh? What... but I-" His words were cut short as Accelerator delivered a swift punch to his face, the impact sending him reeling.


"Of course something like that wouldn't work on me," Accelerator stated matter-of-factly, his gaze unwavering. "I can perfectly control my personal vectors, including the vectors of my blood flow."


As Hayate limply fell back into his makeshift crater, bruised and defeated, Accelerator turned his attention elsewhere, "now to deal with you", he growled as he turned to face- His eyes widened and his jaw slightly fell open in surprise.


"What the hell!?"






















Velvet ran as fast as she could, her legs burning and her feet aching, but the pain only spurred her on. There was just one door inside the hollowed-out mountain, likely serving as both an entrance and an exit. Hamazura wasn't going to talk, so she had no choice but to search on her own. Accelerator needed to save the child, but the symbols ingrained on Asphalt's torso were powerful barrier seals. Accelerator would have no chance of breaking through unless she found Asphalt and deactivated them.


After a minute of sprinting through the tunneled hallway, she stopped abruptly, sensing a faint trace of Asphalt's magic in the area. "Asphalt!"


It was faint, but noticeable to someone as sensitive to magic as her. "I can't pinpoint the exact location," she muttered, desperately looking around. "It's like he's coming from inside the walls… how?" There were no doors, and gliding her hands across the walls revealed no hidden entrances. Anxiety and impatience clawed at her, making it hard to think straight.


"If you feel like you can't think straight, then stop thinking," Asphalt had once told her, his expression gentle. "When you stop thinking, things tend to look a lot clearer… especially when you start trusting your instincts."


That advice had come during a mission, a few weeks after they'd first partnered. Closing her eyes, Velvet took a deep breath. "Focus," she told herself. Clearing her mind, she felt like she was floating. "Focus on the residue of Asphalt's mana, and don't think of anything else… I need to trust my instincts." Like invisible tendrils, her senses expanded, pushing through her boundaries and phasing through the wall as if it wasn't there. She could see it… see him. Asphalt, inside some sort of metallic box, was unconscious.


Velvet's feet began to move as she walked down the hallway, eyes closed, relying on her mana senses. She traced the path, her focus completely on Asphalt. When she stopped, she felt closer to where he was. Slowly opening her eyes, they widened. "What!?" In front of her was a door, with a strange carving on it, similar to the ones inscribed on Asphalt's torso. "I have no idea what this is!" she gritted her teeth in frustration. "I've never seen sigils like this before. I'm pretty sure Hayate didn't do this either… it's not his style. So that means… it must have been him."


Hamazura's smug face flashed in her mind, looking down at them with that infuriating expression.




"But how?" Velvet's face was a mask of confusion. "He has no connection to magic whatsoever. As far as I know, Hayate would have never involved him, and even if he was, there's no way Hayate of all people could've taught him magic sigils, it's not his speciality." She shook her head, dismissing the thoughts. She had no time to stand and ponder while Accelerator and Asphalt were in danger. Well… maybe just Asphalt was the one in danger here, she thought, a bead of sweat trickling down her forehead.


Velvet looked at the door in front of her, the obstacle standing in her way. She slammed her palms against it, determined to get through. "I have to get through," she thought, gritting her teeth as she channeled all her mana into the door seals. It glowed a bright red, and a surge of red electricity crackled around her, making her flinch, but she did not move. She firmly stood her ground, pushing even harder against the barrier.


"The seals are immature and weak. Yes, they are relatively unique and powerful, but against an overload of pure mana, they'll just crumble away slowly," she smirked. "You were smart, but I have more experience in this." The door crumbled before her, and with an accomplished grin, she ran in as Asphalt came into view.


"ASPHALT!" she cried out. He groaned, still tied up and hanging from a large cross, his eyes flickering open. "Vel," he croaked, his voice scratchy and hoarse. Velvet placed a hand on his torso, observing the sigils. "Accelerator's out there fighting Hayate, trying to get to the girl. It was thanks to him that we were able to find you so quickly," she said, while simultaneously trying to decipher the sigils on his body. "There was an issue, though..."


Asphalt, trying to adjust his eyes to the dim room, narrowed them at Velvet's words. "Issue?" he asked.


"Whether it was Hamazura or Hayate, I'm not sure, but… a barrier was placed, keeping the girl out of reach for us. We think it's tethered by the sigils they've written on you," she answered. Asphalt looked down at his stomach as best he could from his angle. When he spotted the first half of what was written on him, his eyes widened in shock and confusion.


"What the hell is that?" he exclaimed. Velvet looked up at him with a sheepish smile. "I was kinda hoping you'd know the answer, but… oh well."


"I need to unseal the barrier," she said, "but if I overload it this time, it could kill you." She studied the sigils intently, as if hoping the answer would reveal itself. "I need to do this carefully. Hold on, Asphalt. We'll get through this."






It won't."


Velvet looked up at Asphalt with widened eyes. "What?" she exclaimed. Asphalt's own eyes were hardened with determination. "If I control my own mana and regulate it appropriately in response to your own, then you should only be able to affect the mana present on the sigils," confidence laced his voice, but underneath, Velvet could hear his uncertainty and nervousness. She wanted to argue. It was too dangerous, too reckless… but… every minute wasted, every minute used, the lives of Eri and Accelerator were on the line.


Taking a breath and closing her eyes for a moment, she sighed before looking up and facing Asphalt with a determined look of her own. "Won't lie… this is gonna hurt like a bitch," she said with a faux-confident grin at the end, making Asphalt give her a tired smirk of his own. Pressing her palms against his abdomen, she forced all her mana to release against him. "Ghack!" Asphalt gritted his teeth as he tried to hold in his cries of pain. "Just a bit longer!" Velvet roared.


The sigils on his torso began to shine a red glow, and red electricity crackled around them. Asphalt's eyes bulged as blood pooled in his mouth and began to drip down the corner. 'Just a bit more,' Velvet thought as she did her best to ignore the sickening feeling in her stomach and Asphalt's groans and muffled grunts of pain. 'Almost…'






















"What the hell!?" The air surrounding Hamazura and Eri began to shimmer, like a curtain falling to the floor.


Accelerator's eyes widened at the shocking sight in front of him. Hamazura stood in shock and awe, watching a brilliant glow surround Eri. Her shaven head began to sprout locks of ash-grey hair, like leaves growing on trees, with an ethereal glow to it.


Eri, who had been unconscious this entire time, slowly began to open her eyes. But something was different, something was strange. She didn't look like she always did. Her bright, apple-red eyes lost their glossy look; instead, they were dull and seemed as if she weren't even awake. "Interference with the processing system has been detected," she spoke, her voice bland, devoid of any emotion. "Immediate action will be taken." Her body floated into the air. "Perpetrators shall be appropriately handled." The wind started to blow around her like a light typhoon, her hair floating and swaying alongside it. A strange circle began to form in the pupils of her eyes. "Targets acquired," she declared, outstretching her hands wide above her. "Execution begin."


Accelerator dodged just in time as a beam of tinted blue light nearly hit him. The ground where he once stood had been completely incinerated, a large crater with a huge hole at the center of it. Another beam shot out from thin air in front of her, this time aiming for Hamazura, who was standing closest to Eri. "This is… not what I expected," he muttered nervously as the beam hit him.


"KYOYA!!" Hayate roared as the blast incinerated everything within its vicinity with a blinding flash. "He's fine," Accelerator grunted. He had appeared right beside Hayate, but that was not what caught his attention. It was Hamazura, who was being held under one of Accelerator's arms, relatively unharmed. 'So fast!' Hayate thought to himself, bewildered. 'I didn't even see him move!'


Accelerator, eyes locked on Eri's floating form, sighed in annoyance. "Wanna tell me what the hell's going on?" he demanded. Hamazura, still held by Accelerator, looked at Eri with fascination clear on his face. "It's a defense mechanism," he stated. Hayate looked at him in confusion. "What?"


"You told me that whatever was implanted into the girl was something similar to a storage file, but… it seems that wasn't completely accurate," Hamazura continued, his tone thoughtful. "I have a theory… and it's starting to make sense the more I think about it."


"In order for her to completely survive having all that data and information lodged into her brain, in a way that would also keep that information from being accessible to her, the entirety of her subconscious mind has been turned into a computerized state," Eri's floating form stared at Accelerator as if she wasn't actually seeing him. "Me trying to access those files without inputting the proper code activated some sort of… program, a defense program or protection code."


Accelerator looked at Eri's floating form with a hard stare. "The girl you were trying to isn't that… that is the AI System of the library present in her mind, maintaining all the information and knowledge in her head."


Accelerator grunted. "I don't give a damn if it's an AI or a fucking demon in the kid…" Hamazura looked at him in surprise while Hayate looked at him curiously. "…The kid's coming with me!" A blaze of determination shone in his eyes like fire. "And anyone that gets in my way is gonna understand the difference between those wannabe Villains and… me," an insane grin shone on his face so wide it seemed to split his face in two. He carelessly let go of Hamazura, making the man fall flat on his face with an "Ooompf". "I suggest you get as far from here as you can… shit's about to go down," he warned, his gaze fixed on Eri as she once again began to charge up for an attack.

Safia_Sabry Safia_Sabry

Thank you all so much for your comments, I have gained many advice as well as encouragement. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing this.

Give my Instagram page a look, I write my own original quotes and poems. @Wlsafia

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