***In the Imperial territory of Continent 'Eclipse of the Oceans'..
***Imperial City (In the Circumference of the Imperial grounds)..
***Inner parts of a relaxation center and bar..
Looking towards his lonesome figure, Lorin does not know any other information about the other party aside the fact that he's from the Imperial Grounds yet still,.. that's enough.
Only true nobility, powerhouses and figures are reserved a spot in the Imperial Grounds hence meaning that any random young master from within those powerful and imposing Imperial walls can possibly change Lorin's life in the future if he forges a connection strong enough.
The possible powerhouse sitting across of Young Master Lorin has never revealed his identity and there is a possibility that he might just be a random person from the Imperial grounds.
This possibility does not stop a genuine opportunity chaser like Lorin from butt-licking to him and even going as far as shamelessly calling him older brother despite not knowing anything about his age or status.
"Big brother Fei Lin, I haven't seen you in a while. I was beginning to get worried but seeing your face now washes off all my worries..", Lorin says while casually refilling the 'Big Brother's' ceramic shot-cup with the jade alcohol kettle on their table.
The big brother he's flattering does not give any response for a while as his eyes are glued unto the board game of checkers he has been playing with himself.
"I was busy.", Fei Lin calmly says before taking the filled shot cup and drowning it down his guts in one elegant motion that involves him tilting his head to the side while supporting the almost weightless jade cup with both his hands.
Lorin nods his head in understanding of hi big brother's words. However fake it may be, Lorin seems genuinely concerned and submissive as he once again refills 'Fei Lin's' shot club before casually pulling out another shot cup for himself.
In silence, both men drink elegantly with one of them playing a board game of checkers with himself and the other refilling both their cups. This comfortable silence goes on for a while until 'Fei Lin's' Face suddenly grimaces in slight shock as he slowly looks towards the entrance steps in an almost unnoticeable manner.
Lorin notices the slight change in the composure of his 'big brother' and manages to stop himself from instinctively looking in the same direction cause he notices how subtle the other party is being.
A veiled woman has just walked into the underground carvern while dressed in a sapphire blue and brown Araba robe that hides her nose, mouth and most of her hair thus leaving nothing open but a pair of beautiful lime coloured hunters eyes.
This woman is also wearing a veil but it is made out of slim beads thus making people to be able to look towards her eyes.
She is beautiful,.. Captivating infact!.
Despite her face almost completely covered, any man and even women would find their attention swallowed up by her.
Her figure cannot be hidden by her waist tight attire that's showing a perfect hourglass figure which invokes different types of 'curiosities'.
With a fan in her hand, the beautiful woman slowly walks to an empty seat while capturing the attention of most people present as she gets served a warm kettle of tea.
About to pick up the kettle, the woman seems to just have noticed the gazes from everyone as she coldly sweeps a piercing stare filled with mana across the room. This move forces the stares to forcefully retreat from the weight of whatever oppressing rank or level she had just displayed.
Fei Lin who has been silently observing the woman can only curse his luck as he recognises who she is or rather where she's from.
She carries the unduplicatable aura of the Imperial Palace!. And the only reason he knows this is because he's also from the Imperial Palace!.
He is the 13th son of the Emperor, an Imperial Prince!. Although he does not have the title of True Imperial Prince, his name still pulls enough weight and power as far as this Continent and its citizens are concerned.
Far from being a mediocre, Fei Lin who's the son of the Emperor's third Consort can be considered to br a genius amongst geniuses to the world though he knows very darn well that to the true generational monsters of the Imperial family and Court, he can at-most be considered a little above average.
Knowing his own strenghts and weaknesses, Fei Lin has long given up on any ambitions of trying to be a possible heir.
Being the Emperor's son Fei Lin has no reason to worry about his already settled future. As long as he holds up the Imperial family's name in a sector or another, he can slowly build up his name and become a pillar in the family.
He can one day wield enough sway to becomr someone who's not to be messed with and perhaps, someone with his own territory however humble.
That's is Fei Lins current goal and aspirations and as far as he's concerned, he has an already insane cheat-level starting point to this goal.
Fei Lin gives a small sigh as he silently rubs his Singet ring beneath the table he's sitting at. Judging by the fact that the other party(The lady) does not own an artifact to cleanse herself of Imperial aura then it means one of five things.
First, this person might be an Imperial noble though the chances of this is very low simply because of one question,.. what Imperial noble is dumb enough to let out his Imperial aura while coming to a bar!.
Immediately cancelling out this probability, Fei Lin considers the rest. It's either the person isn't a noble but instead a servant on leave. Another possibility is that this person does not even know she's tainted by Imperial aura,.. OR
This person is out on an Imperial mission though if this is the case then the aura would be much more hidden and Lorin would not be able to casually point it out..
The last reason would be that this person,.. whoever she is wants to be recognised by someone in here as a representative of an Imperial noble!.
This last option is the most likely as Imperial Nobles like himself(Lorin) carry out a lot of shady businesses and deals with the help of their pawns. The reason for Fei Lin's current discomfort at this situation comes from the fact that if he's now observing such deals in real-time.
This can lead to consequences and entanglements that Lorin is definitely not interested in dealing with.
Shifting his gaze away, Fei Lin knows well enough that it is going to be suspicious if he suddenly goes out of the space and so, he keeps his attention to his game as he continuesvplaying himself in silence.
Soon, a man walks into the room and just as Lorin has, the mystery man must be here for her.
This mystery man pushes out a barely noticeable shockwave of mana to survey the entire room for Imperial aura. Aware of what is to come, Lorin's Singet ring glows a bit to shield him thus making the man discover nothing out of the ordinary as the mana shockwave inspects the surrounding and locks on the lady.
Moving a red piece on his board to block a black piece, Fei Lin's mental wheels spin as he immediately begins to make small calculations in his head.
The new entry is definitely a Mage. Either this or he's a high ranked warrior. Mages are rare. They make up only one percent of the pathways of cultivation though they were also known for extreme control of mana both within and outside their bodies.
The mystery man that just made his entry must also have access to high level Arts as the Shock wave of mana he just put out is way too efficient and undetectable to be a casual move.
Fei Lin casually moves a black piece to wipe a red piece off the game-board as he continues thinking with his attention still on his game yet on the mystery man.
Diligent as ever, Lorin fills Big brother Fei Lin's ceramic shot-cup with Alcohol as Fei Lin pauses then casually drowns down the shot of liquor while sweeping a glace at the new arrival.
The new entry moves over to the veiled woman with a calm smile and a nod as if they are meeting up for an appointment of some sorts(A sight not too rare in cultivation).
The two people exchange simple pleasantries that manages to fool the rest present out of suspicion if they had any though this stupid act is definitely not effective to Fei Lin nor on his hidden HIGH RANK GUARD!.
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