This magic stage was definitely full of such tricks, and Ash was also very assured that Max was not in any kind of danger.
But Ash will still give him a good lesson on why he must never just walk into danger like that. It was very stupid of him to do that.
But with Max's appearance from the back, Ash and his group also had an opportunity to get acquainted with Butler and his long time best friend, Diane.
Butler introduced what Jirachi was to Max and the rest, "It is said that Jirachi is a Mythical Pokémon that only wakes up once in every thousand years; and it said that they can help people fulfill their deepest wishes."
The crystal that Diane was currently holding was the result after a Jirachi feel asleep there. "Jirachi will only be awake for a few days of the appearance of the Millennium Comet! Legend has it that during that period, it will choose those who are pure in heart and can protect themselves as partners!"
In other words, Max was chosen by Jirachi to be her partner this time around.
As for why Ash was also able to hear Jirachi's voice; it's because he is The Chosen Ond, The Protagonists, The Blessing of the Sea Gid, The Blessing of Ho-Oh, his gentle heart towards Pokémon's, and so much more.
It was already getting bright at this time, and the Millennium Comet should appear on the evening of the 13th.
"Jirachi must have a partner to wake up," Butler carefully handed the beautiful crystal over to Max, "Max, please be Jirachi's partner!"
"Yes, I will do my best!" Max accepted this request generously, which meant that he would get his own Pokémon partner for the first time, even if it's for a short period of time, and it was also a Mythical Pokémon by chance.
He held the crystal in his hands and felt very proud to be chosen by Jirachi.
This mobile amusement park seems to be specially there for waiting for the arrival of the Millennium Comet.
Yesterday it was just an ordinary amusement facility.
By the end of the day, various supporting services have been already completed, such as snack streets, souvenir shops, etc., for tourists coming and going, this is undoubtedly a good thing.
There was still an endless stream of people coming and going, which made the whole park very lively.
By the time it was evening, there was a fireworks show.
The pyrotechnics technology in this world was very advanced to say the least, allowing fireworks to bloom in the air to reveal the silhouettes of Pokémon, including Pikachu, Torchic, Treecko, Mudkip, Ralts, etc., which was particularly dazzling in the dark sky.
Until late at night, the entire amusement park had finally become quiet, all the lights were extinguished one after another, the clouds in the sky dispersed, and the legendary Millennium Comet suddenly appeared in the night sky with a long curved tail.
"That is the Millennium Comet!" May marveled at the magnificence of the comet, and then came back to her senses to make a wish, "Ash, what are you going to wish for?"
"Of course Big Bros wish is to become a Pokémon Master!" Max answered quickly while holding the crystal.
Ash hit him again in the head because he hadn't done it in a while.
"Becoming a Pokémon Master is my goal and dream, I don't need any help from this!"
This was Ash's unwavering dream, and he would continue to move forward on this road that he had carved on his own. The true meaning of such a dream must be realized step by step, "If we want to talk about wishes..."
"I want to catch Rayquaza!"
"Pfft!" Ash's words were surprising to say the least, and Brock even spat out the mouthful of water he was drinking, "Ash, are you serious?"
"Of course I'm serious, didn't Professor Oak give me four more Ultra Balls? I have to put them to good use!" Ash patted his backpack and smiled.
"And Brock, why do you seem so surprised even though you know what Pokemon's I have in my team, the one staying in the Lab?" Ash questioned Brock but he just whistled at away.
When he was in the Johto Region, Ash received six of the highest quality Ultra Balls as a reward from the League because he had repeatedly used to catch all the members of the Legendary Beasts Trio, the Eon Duo and, and a Zapdos.
Now he has received four more Ultra Balls because he ended up using them all.
Ultra Balls might be easy to get in games, but in real life, one had to use a lot of connections to get just one of these balls.
Apparently is was because making Ultra Balls requires an extremely rare ore that can only be found on top of Mt. Coronet all the way in the northern Sinnoh Region.
The highest quality Ultra Balls, which Ash was using for his own Legendary Pokémon's, needed even more of that rare ore.
And Ash didn't want it waste his hard earned points on something he could get just by asking the Professor.
The Legendary Pokémon that mostly reside in the Hoenn Region are all waiting somewhere for him to appear!
The future Pokémon Master, this was what they were waiting for, of that's what Ash likes to believe.
At this moment, the crystal in Max's arms glowed, frightening him to the point of being overwhelmed by the blinding light.
A child's voice suddenly sounded from it, and this time Brock and May were also able to hear it clearly, "The stars... the stars are calling me!"
This is the Telepathy skill!
At this moment, deep in the Forina Forest in the distance, an Absol saw something emitting a green light, seemingly being summoned by the light, he ran wildly in the direction of the expansion of the green light, which was towards where Ash was.
These green lights gather on the crystal, and its light becomes even more dazzling than before.
After a moment, the crystal floated into the air, stretching out many white lines in the white light, while slowly deforming, like a metal, but more gorgeous and colorful than any known.
When the white light faded, the crystal had turned into a Jirachi. This little guy was like a little star, with a "wishing note" on his head showing the wishes.
Jirachi fell down, and the cloth wrapped around his body was untied and trailed behind him, making it even more cute.
Max quickly stepped forward to catch it. Jirachi slowly opened his eyes in Max's arms, his eyes full of confusion!
"She looks so cute!" May can't resist such a cute appearance from such a cute Pokémon.
Everyone introduced themselves, and the little guy remembered them clearly. Then he looked at Ash with his big eyes, "Ash, I remember you!"
Remember me?
Ash was a little confused by this.
How did this Pokémon that is known to only wake up every thousand-years ever get to know how he was?
But his sense of crisis came right away. When he encountered such a Mythical Pokémon like Jirachi or a Mythical Pokémon before, someone must have caused some sort of trouble and he was the one who needed to unfortunately solve it. The Pokémon around him now are not enough to deal with emergencies, so he has to find a chance to exchange for his main team Pokémon's.
Ash was also a little excited by this because he could finally have a chance to go all out, or close to it.
On the other side, Butler also learned about Jirachi's awakening. He opened the ceiling of his magic tent so that the Millennium Comet could appear before him.
"Okay, the great show time is here, let's begin!"
At this time, he lost all of his gentleness that he had during the day, and there was a new hint of madness and joy in his eyes, as if something he had been waiting for for a long time was finally achieved.
Four devices rose from the stage, and a line of light rose to fight the Millennium Comet in the sky.
"The moment has finally arrived for me!"
Looking at his appearance, Diane felt a little uneasy about the whole situation, but she didn't know how to deal with it at all. She had a bad feeling that Butler was doing something wrong that might make him unable to accept.
Ash and his party were staying in Diane's RV at the moment. Max had a sudden idea and asked Jirachi to help fulfill his wish, hoping to have endless snacks.
After all, he was still a simple child, and his wishes were all really simple for the most part.
So Jirachi used his Teleport to move all the snacks from a store to bury May and Mac in the ocean of snacks. Jirachi obviously cluld not not create snacks out of thin air, he just simply transports the snacks over to him.
Ash ignored them and only asked them to return the snacks or where they came from.
When Diane came over, Ash finally said, "Diane, could you please take me to the nearest Pokémon Center? I have something emergency I need to do!"
"Ash, that's no problem at all for me!"
In order to better cope with the future unexpected situation, Ash had rushed to the nearest Pokémon Center the next day to exchange for some of his far more stronger Pokémon's to help him.
At this moment, his Pikachu and his Ralts were still on his shoulders, but the four Poké Balls on his waist have been changed to some different Pokémon's.
Ash believed that with the five of them, it should be enough to deal with most difficulties.
This was the day after the Millennium Comet first appeared. Max was so excited that he and Jirachi ran to the amusement park and played wildly all day long without anything on their mind. He might not know what he should do as a Pokémon Trainer, but he liked Pokémon, that was his entire core philosophy. And Max was willing to acknowledge that point of his self.
At dusk, the Absol finally arrived here!
Butler's magic show was over for the day. The day's show completely inspired Jirachi's naughty and childish character, and he and Max chased and joked around the backstage.
Ash didn't care about them much at this point, he was just teasing his little Ralts in his arms. To Ralts, Ash was her whole world.
"La ral lal?"
Suddenly, Ralts looked in the direction of Max Sheng and Jirachi, while Ash looked at the mirror behind them.
"Max, get out of there quickly!"
Ash warned him in an instant, but how could Max react so quickly when he wasn't even paying attention to Ash's words?
They only heard a roar coming from the back of the mirror, and then the mirror was suddenly shattered, and all the glass was shattered on the ground. Fortunately, at that critical moment, Jirachi used his Teleport and bring Max iver to Ash's side.
Thankfully he wasn't injured much.
Absol appeared from behind the mirror. This was the first time Ash saw the famous "Disaster Beast" Absol with his own eyes.
Ash's eyes lit up after seeing Absol.
Ash instantly knew he needed one for his team.
If a Pokémon so beautiful, cool, powerful and with a sense of justice like him appears in form t of him, and if he doesn't catch one, can he really call himself a real Pokémon Master?
Realistically, yes; however, he still wanted one.
It is a true misunderstanding that Absol is still called the "Disaster Baste" that they are today.
The horns on their heads can sensitively detect changes in the sky and the earth, giving them the power to sense natural disasters before anyone else. With their gentle personalities, they convey information about disaster crises to the nearby people.
How could people in the past understand this meaning? They would only find that whenever there was a disaster, they would see an nearby Absol, and they would regard it as bringing disaster to themselves and hate them.
Moreover, the momentum of the Absol in front of his was astonishingly powerful.
Ash frowned and watched it as it was slowly approaching him. Could it be that it had sensed some kind of disaster when it appeared here?
"Absol, you came to pick me up!"
Jirachi's words made Ash frown a bit, but he understood one thing, this Absol is definitely not their enemy.
Ash took back his hands on his waist and relaxed his body and mind. Even his speedy Pikachu and his little Ralts made their looks less hostile.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu shouted worriedly.
However, Ash still approached with his bare hands and no defense, "What did you sense, Absol, do you want to take Jirachi to the forest there?"
Absol didn't say anything other than a loud warning, he pressed his head, and a blast of wind slashed towards Ash. This was another awesome swordsman that could maybe rival his Scizor!
This just made Ash wants to catch him more and more.
However, his actions were interrupted. When Butler pressed a switch, a mechanism opened under Absol's feet, and he suddenly fell down and landed in the cage!
"Huh?" Ash looked at Butler and showed a clear frown.
"I don't want anyone to break in during the show." Butlers excuse was high-sounding. The magic tent was indeed his private domain, but that didn't mean he could interfere in other people's battles to catch a Pokémon they wanted. And not only that, Ash realized what kind of person Butler really was.
He didn't mind what Butler did as maybe the would have done the same thing, but his realization of who Butler as a person was changed.
The forst thing Ash thought of was why Butler would have created such a trap here.
"Butler, you have crossed the line!" Ash said in his reserved but deep voice.
"Ohh. What?" Butler had never seen Ash like this before, he knew Ash had always been very low-key, at this moment he was completely different, "Have I really crossed the line?"
Ash came to this cage. This cage was obviously specially made for Absol. He didn't know what it was used to hold a powerful Pokémon like this Absol.
Absol would have a hard time destroying this cage that was specially made to encase him. Ash stood in front of the cage and threw out one of his new Poké Ball, "Tyranitar, let's begin our rumbling!"
The ferocious beast that his Tyranitar was finally reached her coveted height of 3 meters, which shows how hard it has been training in the Lab of Professor Oak Laboratory during this period.
Ash heard from his Slowking how her and his Rhyperior have been training hard together during the past weeks since he sent her back with her Bond Evolutions.
She currently has enough strength to become one of Ash's strongest Pokémon's, right after his Pikachu, Charizard, and the rest of his Legendary Pokémon's!
"Tyranitar, be a dear and break that cage!" Ash pointed at Absol's cage and gave the order.
Tyranitar didn't think too much as she was more than willing to sacrifice her life for her beloved Trainer, so this wasn't anything to her.
This act of him being ignored really made Butler furious.
"Ash, don't you dare to go that far!" Butler also wanted to throw out his own Poké Ball and have a head-on confrontation with Ash, but he was stopped by Diane.
"Butler, calm down. It was indeed because you interrupted Ash's control just now, and the strength of that Tyranitar is unimaginable to us! Have you ever seen a Pokémon stronger than that?" Diane held his arm tightly, "There is no need now for such conflicts with Ash!"
After hearing Diane's advice, Butler put down his hand and watched Ash's Tyranitar smash his hard worked cage with a simple punch and release the wild Absol.
However, Absol took the opportunity to leave.
Asb ignored him for the moment and instead smiled slightly, "Come back, Tyranitar, this time you may have the chance to challenge something better."
After taking back his Tyranitar, Ash glanced at Butler and said no more than, "Let's go to the camp to rest!"
"Here we come!" Brock and the other three didn't dare to refuse, so they hurriedly followed behind Ash.
Looking at the group of people leaving, Butler showed a cold and creepy smile.
That night, Max hugged Jirachi and fell asleep. Brock's was sleep talking of "beautiful big chested women", but May didn't fall asleep. She got out of the sleeping bag and ran to the rocks nearby to look up at the sky.
"Millennium Comet, please make my wish come true!" She seemed to believe in the legend of comets granting wishes.
This is also her true wish as a girl.
"May, what wish did you make?" Ash came and sat down next to her. Ralts was still very energetic, dancing and refusing to rest.
"Huh, how can I tell you this!" May stuck out her tongue in a cute manner.
It's was a secret from Ash now.
But what she really wished for was that she could be with Ash, as his life-long partner.
Ash shook his head as if he knew what it was, well he did because of his light connection with May as his future romantic partner.
"May, can I ask you something?" Ash said a little slowly.
May was a little confused by Ash's sudden words but nodded her cute little head.
"What do you think of me?"
"Huh…" This perfectly describes May's kind right now.
Ash wasn't surprised much when he heard this, "I mean what do you think of me as a person? Like, do you like being with me?"
May was blushing, 'Wait wait wait!! Is he asking he out? Is he asking me if I like him??'
It took her a few seconds but she finally mustered up her courage to say what she thought, "Ash, you are a very strong and special person. Anyone that could stand by you will be lucky. From the first time I saw you to now, I had a, well you know… a crush."
With that said, she moved her face and immediately kissed Ash on his lips.
Ash was more than surprised but also happy to see that May shared his feelings towards her.
With that said, Ash moved his hands to May's waist and hugged her gracefully while still maintaining their first real kiss.
After a few seconds, May was out of breath, "Ash… that was my first ever kiss…" May was blushing heavily but was now looking at him with a look of love.
Ash was also looking at her with that same look, "Well, it wasn't my first but I still loved it."
May had a surprised look, "Huh? Really? Wait, do you already have a girlfriend?" She still looked at Ash with the same look but there wasn't any hostility to it thanks to Ash's Bond System.
Since Ash had thought of her as a future lover, his System made sure that she was fine with sharing Ash with others.
"Yes, other than you, there is also Misty and a girl named Maya who are both my girlfriends. They already know and are good friends with each other. You will like them too when you meet them in the future."
May didn't mind this at all since she thought it was completely fine for a person like Ash to attract the attention of many other women.
"Ash, I lov-" Before she could say the words she wanted to say to him for the longest time, she was interrupted.
There was suddenly a white light flashed before his eyes, and Absol, who had escaped not long ago, appeared in front of them again.
This just ruined their perfect moment.
"May, we'll finish our love talk later. Just get to safety for now!" This was his last words before he ran off.
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