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27.18% Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI) / Chapter 28: Ch-27

Kapitel 28: Ch-27

"Take a deep breath, calm yourself, and step out with a smile," Dad suggested as our car was standing right before the red carpet. I followed his advice and took a few deep breaths to calm down my thumping heart somewhat (it didn't work) and stepped out of the car to innumerable flashes surrounding me.

I was gobsmacked for a moment but my father's advice quickly came to mind and I was quick to fix a smile permanently for the duration of the red carpet at the very least. Soon I was joined by my Mum and Dad who also exited the car to camera flashes.

"Troy! Here!" I heard a voice shouting my name. The moment was quite surreal for me because some total stranger knew my name. I turned towards the voice to see a reporter putting a microphone near me.

"How does it feel being the youngest nominee for a leading male actor nomination?" The reporter, who was a male in his late twenties asked me.

I turned around to look at my parents to present a naive front for everyone else. Media has a way of twisting celebs' words out of context after all. After getting a nod from Dad, I turned back to the reporter, "I feel very happy. I loved working on [Sex Education] and am grateful to the audience and the critics for liking it. This nomination just adds to my happiness."

"Have you seen your movie?"

I shook my head, "It's not meant for people my age. I'll watch it when I'm older." That was true. I still hadn't watched the movie.

"What about the award? Do you think you'd win?" A different reporter, a lady asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "I haven't seen any of the others' performances like I haven't seen my own movie 'cause they're not made for kids my age. I'd love to win, though."

I felt a hand on my back signaling me to halt from saying anything further.

"While Troy would love to take up more questions," Dad cut in, "he's tired as he flew in just a few hours ago from filming his next film, [The Sixth Sense]. If you'll be kind enough to let us through."

Dad maintained that perfect smile on his face as he led me through the sea of reporters carefully. The red carpet was long and I saw many superstars there like Angelina Jolie, Matt Damon, and Jim Carrey. I was literally starstruck seeing the celebrities around me walking elegantly as if they were born to present themselves in front of the media.

I am fairly sure I walked with a slouch, feeling conscious of myself among all the limelight.

Thankfully no one commented on that, if they even found it odd.

"Hey! Are you the one from [Sex Education]?" A female voice disturbed my inner ramblings. I cautiously turned around to see a gorgeous blond woman in her mid-20s standing in front of me.

It didn't even take me a second to recognize her, because she was none other than Cameron Diaz.

"Huh?" Or something like that was my intelligent response.

"Oh yes. That's my Troy." Mum came to my rescue while patting my shoulder, "Don't mind him, he gets a little flustered easily."

Cameron's smile widened at that, "I loved your film, especially your acting. I am hoping you will get the award tonight."

Wow. She's a goddess in real life as well.

Cameron snickered at first then started laughing. She was joined by my parents as they all laughed together heartily.

And suddenly it dawned upon me. I had said the last part out loud. I placed a hand on my face as if that would save me from embarrassment.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you." Cameron cooed, bent down to get at eye level with me, and planted a small kiss on my cheek.

I placed a hand on that holy spot. If only I was a decade older.

This time I had clamped down my teeth hard before I could air that thought out loud.

"I hope you win tonight as well! You were great in [There's something about Mary]." I finally spoke to her.

"Thank you, Troy," Cameron beamed at me, "Have you guys been allotted your seats?"

"Oh yes," Dad answered for me, "We are in the TV section, table 5."

"That's too bad," Cameron said with a downtrodden expression, "I'd love to sit with you but I'm in the movie section. What about afterward? Would you be coming to the afterparty?"

Mum coughed loudly once, "We may come for a bit depending on the outcome tonight, though we won't be staying long. Troy is shooting a movie in Philly so we have to go back. And the environment may not be the best for a kid."

Cameron nodded sagely in understanding, "Yes, it can get a little… rowdy sometimes. Anyway, it was lovely meeting you, Troy."

I smiled back at her and gathered all the courage that I could, "The pleasure's all mine, Ms. Goddess."

She laughed out loud again, "Stop, you'll make me blush. Just call me Camie in the future."

She quickly waved me goodbye and made a beeline towards someone else whom I didn't recognize.

"My, my, I didn't realize my son was such a ladies' man," Mum elbowed me with an evil grin, "Do I need to get a gun to keep 'em away after tonight?"

"No need for a gun, a Taser will do," I quipped back to the amusement of both my parents.

"Let's go in," Dad motioned us toward the entrance of the Beverly Hilton Hotel, "We have to find our seats before the award ceremony begins."

He led the way in and Mum and I followed him dutifully.

Inside we were shown to our seats by a staff member of the Golden Globes. He even explained the order of the ceremony and when we expect our particular awards.

The hall was divided into the movie section and the TV section. The movie section was front and foremost while the TV section was chucked towards the back like a forgotten bastard in a Westerosi noble family.

Our table was located towards the back of the TV section. Yeah, I was feeling like quite the outcast. It doesn't matter much because I wasn't interested much in the awards ceremony at the moment, just the after-party.

"Hello there!" A cheery voice made us turn towards the other occupant of our table in unison.

It was an old bald man that even a blind man would recognize. I could only look at him, a little starstruck.

"Sir Patrick Stewart!" I squeaked in amazement seeing the future Professor X sitting casually on our table.

"I assure you, young man, I am not a knight," He chuckled at my enthusiasm, "For that matter, I am not even an MBE."

Unconsciously, I put a hand on my mouth for essentially spilling out a little of my future knowledge.

"Well, you should be!" I tried to salvage the situation, "Your work in [Moby Dick] is very good."

Mr. Stewart couldn't help but chuckle more, "Thank you, young man."

"Oh, yes, I am Troy Armitage and these are my parents, Steve and Kathy," I introduced our family. Usually, Dad begins the introductions in these situations and I take a backseat, but today they were letting me be the driver as it was supposedly 'my day'.

After exchanging pleasantries with my parents, Mr. Stewart turned towards me, "I hear we are competing for the same award."

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'd love to get the award, but the fact that I am sitting here today for my first acting role is enough recognition for me."

"Spoken like a politician," Patrick grinned, "Sure you don't wish to be the Prime Minister in the future?"

I shook my head vehemently, "No thank you, sir. I am happy being an actor. Besides, I can always play a politician in a film when I'm older."

Patrick Stewart laughed and we continued talking for a few more minutes. It was so easy to talk to him that didn't even realize that the ceremony had begun.

1998 was a year that was particularly infamous for questioning the legitimacy of the award shows in general and the Oscars in particular. All because of one movie: [Shakespeare in Love].

The movie received praise from critics but almost everyone unanimously agreed that [Saving Private Ryan] was the better movie and should've won the Best Picture Oscar. To be honest, I liked [Shakespeare in Love] a lot. It's a very well-made film and it is a travesty that history will always remember it as the film that unjustly beat SPR.

This is where the Golden Globes may seem superior to the Oscars if only a little. They have two types of awards in major categories like Best Picture, Actor, and Actress, namely Comedy/Musical and Drama.

This allows them to easily vote for two movies as best without angering the person who lobbied for their award with their words (aka threats.)

By now, you all must have guessed the big bad wolf I'm talking about.

Knowing this reality of the award shows, I didn't have any hope of winning anything tonight. Plus it all seems like a hassle to win an award after lobbying for it. If your work is really good, the academies should recognize it without you telling them to vote for you.

The more I describe it, the more it seems like a political election than anything else.

Alas, I am now a part of this industry so I can't go on bad-mouthing the award shows publically or it would be detrimental to my own career prospects. If I have learned one thing from my future knowledge, it's that don't gain publicity for negative reasons. It may be good for you momentarily but in the long run…

"To present the next award, please welcome Samuel L. Jackson."

My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the host.

Wow. The man whom I admire greatly is finally on stage to present an award. The worst part is that he is giving away the award that I'm nominated for.

"All the best," Patrick Stewart murmured beside me and I could only nod back at him in nervousness.

"Tonight, I have the honor to present one of the most anticipated awards of the night," Samuel began his speech, "A category filled with immense talent from all age ranges."

Suddenly a camera zoomed in on me and Patrick, who placed a hand around my shoulder and showed two fingers in the victory signs. I couldn't help but laugh at his impromptu actions.

"Here are the nominees for Best Actor- Miniseries or TV Movie,

Stanley Tucci- Winchell

Peter Fonda- The Tempest

Patrick Stewart- Moby Dick

Christopher Reeve - Rear Window

Bill Paxton- A Bright Shining Light

Troy Armitage- Sex Education"

Like every other nominee, the camera zoomed on to me when my name was called so I waved at it with a smile. Hopefully, that was cute enough for everyone watching at home.

"And the Golden Globe goes to…" Samuel slowly opened the envelope in his hands. Reading the name, a manic grin spread on his face as he looked somewhere right in the direction of our table.

Ah. Of course. So Patrick Stewart won the prize. That was the logical conclusion that I drew immediately. I turned to Patrick with a smile. Even if I couldn't win, I could be the first person to congratulate him at the very least.

"Troy Armitage for Sex Education."

Wait. Did I hear it right?

My next thoughts were interrupted by the squeal of excitement from beside me. The next moment, I was being crushed against Mum's bosom tightly, only to be released and quickly hugged by my Dad next.

"Congratulations son," He whispered in my ear while hugging me. To me, those words were much better than the applause ringing around me from everyone.

"Put on a smile, go out there with confidence, and speak clearly. You've earned it." He patted me on my back with his huge hand and separated from me. After shaking hands with a few more people, including Patrick Stewart and others who were sitting at the table, whose name I didn't bother remembering, I made my way to the stage while a voice was announcing in the background.

"This is Troy Armitage's first Golden Globe win and nomination. At the age of 10 years, he is the youngest person ever to win a Golden Globe in a leading actor category."

My smile widened a little hearing that phrase, but I didn't waste any more time and increased my speed before reaching the stage where Samuel L. Jackson was standing with a smile as he handed me the trophy. Before I could say anything else, he bent down and hugged me while patting my back, "Congratulations."

"Shouldn't it be Congratulations, motherfucker?" I quipped back with a grin seeing one of my idols in front of me. Thankfully we were far enough from the mike for it to not be telecasted to the whole world. That too live.

He laughed out loud at that, "Go, give your damn speech. We can talk afterwards."

Bowing to him in surrender, I went to the mic which was thankfully lowered to suit my smaller stature.

"Ever since I was little I always dreamt of becoming a good actor," I said with a smile.

Instant laughter roared across the hall at my pun.

"Then I met my parents, Steve and Kathy. I dedicate this award to both of them who gave me hope when I needed it the most and made me believe in the power of dreams. To every kid out there, you can do it too, just believe in your dreams whatever they are, and work for them with everything you got."

People all around me clapped loudly at that.

I continued after a few moments, "Also I'd like to thank Mr. Samuel L. Jackson for inspiring me with his work. There couldn't have been a better person to get this award from. And lastly, Thank you to the HFPA for this honor."

With that, I stepped away from the mic when I saw a staff member from the ceremony motioning towards the back where Samuel L. Jackson and I exited.

"That was one fine speech," Samuel commented as we made our way towards the backstage.

"Thank you, Mr. Jackson." I smiled back at him, "I meant every word though. While preparing for my role, I had to curse a lot so I took a little inspiration from you."

Samuel shook his head, "Coming from a kid, I don't know whether I should be honored that I could inspire you or sad that it was the language you picked up on."

I laughed out loud at that.

"Troy," A staff member from the Golden Globes interrupted our further conversation, "Congratulations on the win! If you go through that door over there, then you can answer a few of the questions from reporters."

I groaned audibly, "Do I have to? Can't we wait until after the award ceremony?"

Yeah, I know that's unprofessional, but I'm a kid here. I don't think anyone would be too offended if I skipped the ceremony for some time. After all, [Sex Education] was also nominated in the category of Best TV Movie or Miniseries and I wanted to be there if my parents were to receive the award.

The man hesitated, "How about just 5 minutes? Please? I would be in a lot of trouble if you don't give the interview now."

I sighed but acquiesced to the man's plea. He led me to an interview area which was surrounded by reporters of different media houses.

I kept a confident smile on my face as I was bombarded with a ton of questions.

"Troy, how does it feel to be the youngest actor to win a Golden Globe."

"I feel happy," I answered with the same confidence, "I never imagined I would be winning this here tonight."

"What about your parents? Do you think they'd be happy?" Asked a different fella.

"You saw them there, didn't you?" I pointed towards the screen that was showing the live telecast of the show, "They looked quite happy to me."

"Your birth parents," The person clarified, "You were adopted by Steve Kloves in London, right?"

That question took me off-guard for a moment. Never in any possibility had I imagined that the media would find out about my other Dad and the bitch who provided their DNA to make this body of mine. I know my adoption is a matter of public record, but dammit! It's my life!

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I kept a serene smile on my face while answering, "I like to think they'd be happy, but at the moment I have only two people I consider my parents and they are Steve and Kathy Kloves."

"But…" He continued.

"Next question!" I cut him off and pointed to a nice lady who had her hand raised, "Yes, you!"

"How different is adapting to a life in LA after London?" She asked.

I smiled warmly at that, "Not much different except the weather, I prefer London though. That's where I was born and have many friends there."

Not really, but they don't need to know that I'm kind of anti-social with most kids my age.

Pointing towards a different person, I heard the next question, "What next? Do you have any other projects coming up?"

"Oh yes," Finally something I can talk endlessly about, "I am currently working on this amazing film called [The Sixth Sense] alongside Bruce Willis, Toni Collette, and Olivia Williams. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan, it's a psychological thriller film expected to be released this summer."

This went on for a few more minutes where the reporters asked me questions about the movie and whatnot. Then after a photo session with my Golden Globe trophy, which took entirely too much time in my opinion, I was finally free from the clutches of the hyenas.

I heaved a sigh of relief when it ended. And finally, it dawned upon me. I had achieved something for my work. While I might have said that I don't expect anything from the Golden Globes, deep down, I would've been disheartened had I not won it. Now that I have, I feel like it is one of the happiest moments of my life.

"Troy!" Mum squealed when I sat down on my allotted seat beside her, "Are you alright?"

"Yes Mum," I gave her a large grin, "I am more than alright."


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