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94.06% The Beauty's Hidden Beast / Chapter 111: 111 - Awoo! (2.9k words)

Kapitel 111: 111 - Awoo! (2.9k words)

╔═══ Author's note ════╗
Yaya's wealth is a mystery, but just for reference, the USA military budget is almost 1 trillion a year, so you can imagine how much Yaya's Father's entire military budget is worth. The Empire funds his extravagant lifestyle and as far as he's concerned, Romeo, as a citizen of the Empire, is just another taxpayer keeping the treasury full, lol.
YaYa's POV
Bart called out, and our cubs came rushing from every corner of the forest. His howls carried far enough to summon Curtis and Mitchell as well. Muir swooped in shortly after.
The lion, tiger, and wolf cubs had grown large, nearly adult-sized at eighty kilos (176 pounds). Their length stretched close to two meters (over six feet) from nose to tail, and they stood about ninety centimeters (35 inches) tall at the shoulder. They worked as kindergarten instructors at the resort and occasionally ran errands for their Papas.
The cubs sniffed at the air and glanced my way, backing off quickly. Rosa's scent, which rubbed off me, was enough for them to keep their distance.
"It's okay," Bart whispered and nudged them toward me. "Go to your mama."
Reluctantly, they went to me, pressing their faces against my legs. Their wolf cub's bodies trembled slightly.
"Straighten your back, and don't cower," Bart commanded his sons, "If you are afraid, then don't let it show until you're somewhere safe."
They were startled by his command and straightened their backs, trying to stand taller than usual.
They've reached adolescence (not adult enough to shift, but adult enough to get into heat), and I didn't want to cut my ties with them just because they might see me as their potential love interest. Rosa's presence and scent helped prevent that.
People change, and even the most fantastic person in your eyes could one day become the biggest piece of trash you've ever met. Did I fail by allowing Rosa to go near the cubs? How do you explain what happened to their mama when they grow older? Tell them she was a bitch, and that's why she deserved to die?
I could afford to parade Rosa around like an exhibition piece. And I would, for my cubs. So that the cubs could see her, and understand, why their Papa abandoned their mama for another female, and broke all the rules and laws to give them a better life. So, no matter what rumors other beastmen might spread, they will know, the truth.
Mitchell pinched his nose as he approached me, then gagged exaggeratedly, "Did you roll in a pile of trash before coming here?"
"I call it a repellent against assholes, and it seems to be working perfectly fine," I said, making the boys chuckle.
Mitchell huffed, "If you wanted a repellent against assholes, you could've asked me. I would have made you stink of me for days."
"As much as I appreciate your generosity, I'd rather not reek like an asshole," I paused, "A lovely asshole, but an asshole nonetheless."
Mitchell choked, covering his mouth with the back of his hand, hiding his slightly flushed cheeks, "You foul female, don't try to butter me up, and don't you dare flirt with me when I'm annoyed with you."
"Flirting with you is not a choice, but a necessity. Do you expect me to die from the lack of it? If you truly love me, you would let me flirt with you."
"See?" I said, gesturing to myself, "I'm still alive. That proves how much you love me."
Bart wrapped an arm around Mitchell, stopping him from jumping me before our kids.
The cub's ears perked at my familiar voice, and the tension melted off their bodies. They jumped and I avoided them with ease, making them crash against the ground.
I rubbed their heads as they sprawled on the ground, "Did you have a good time with your Papas?"
They rolled over and showed me their big bellies, "Awooo!"
"Did you learn something new?"
They pounced around me, trying to impress me, showing off their improved skills, "Awooo!"
"You are growing nicely, I see. Your Papas are doing a great job."
Bart rubbed his nose shyly and looked away while Mitchell grumbled, "They have a foul female for a mama, who's always out and about, leaving their Papas to do all the work and then steals all the glory when she returns. They would have grown more obedient if she hadn't spoiled them so much."
"Awooo!" The cubs agreed as if complaining that I wasn't home often enough. It was a sad sight, enough to cause them to have a slight meltdown. They cried and howled like their world was about to end. They were dramatic, I tell you.
I looked around and saw how Muir's face remained calm and indifferent. I could picture him whispering some bullshit into their fluffy heads and making them persuade me to stay home more often.
"Well, you can always ask your Papas to let you join me on my trips," I told them, "It would be nice to have your company, but if they say no, then that's it. I can't do anything about it."
"..." Bart let go of Mitchell, and they both tackled me, "Bad mama! Stop giving them ideas!"
"Awooo, awooo!" The cubs whined and tugged at their papas as if saying: let us gooooo, let us go with mamaaaaa.
Papa Bart growled, and the cubs immediately backed away, whimpering under the weight of his beast aura. Papa Mitchell joined in, his presence driving their tails lower as they retreated even further.
When Papa Curtis unleashed his aura, the intensity was too much. The cubs practically scattered, nearly losing control of themselves as they bolted toward Papa Muir for protection.
Papa Muir, calm as ever, shifted his wing in a commanding gesture, becoming their mental support, "Stand tall. Face anyone who challenges you with pride and honor. Our family is not one that cowers in fear, but one that stands proud."
The resort was crowded with powerful beastmen, and their papas wanted the cubs to adapt and grow resistant to the power of other dominant beastmen.
"Awooooo, Awooooo," MAMA! MAMAAAA!
"Grrrrrr," Papa will eat your mama alive.
"Awooooo, awoooo," Noo, papa Mitchell! Don't eat mamaaaa!
"Grrrrrrr, grrrrr," You little punks are next.
"Awoooo, awooo, awooo," Noooo, save us, mama!
· · ─────── · ⊱❈⊰· ─────── · ·
"Is everything alright?" Nivi appeared from the back, her voice laced with concern, "We heard the commotion, and I thought something might have happened."
The sight before her must have been shocking, leaving her speechless. The cubs were howling and barking at Mitchell, Bart, and Curtis, training their beast auras to suppress their papas while almost pissing themselves in fear. Weakly sprawled on the ground, unable to stand, they continued to bark with tears in their eyes.
Mitchell and Bart were rolling me on the ground like a chew toy, getting rid of Rosa's scent while I feigned unconsciousness.
Mama Yaya has fallen. She cannot side with her cubs anymore. She is now neutral territory, dead, or at least that's what my body language suggested.
Muir's wings covered the sky, and landed before us. He silenced our cubs, and ordered them to return to their duties, "Everything is fine. We were just playing around."
To prove his words, the boys stopped releasing their beast auras. The wolf cubs happily howled one last time and ran back to the kindergarten, the lion cub ran to help papa Skaris with house chores, while the scorpion and tiger cubs scattered back to the resort.
Muir's eyes darted toward Lazark, who walked by Nivi's side, "It's nice to see you again. Is everything going well in your stay?"
"Yes, it's been a very pleasant experience, thanks to Nivi. Everything is much more fun with her around," Lazark answered, his eyes trying to catch a glimpse of me, "And is this her?"
"Yes, this is our spouse," Muir introduced me, "The Clouds Nine's Madam."
I sat up and hooked my arms around Mitchell's neck, leaning my chin against his shoulder, "The one and only."
My presence must have been nerve-wracking, and a little bit scary. Covered in dirt, face hidden, sitting on the ground like a lump, I must have looked like a savage.
I waved at Nivi, "You don't look very good. Is everything alright?"
Nivi's hands shook as she pulled them away from the skirt of her dress. She didn't realize it, but her fingers were crumpling the fabric, "Of course...Why wouldn't I?"
"You are acting weird." I responded, playing with Mitchell's earlobe, showing clear favoritism to him, which seemed to piss some people off. Why would I favor someone, who called me a foul female and didn't kiss the ground I walked on? Maybe I was just a fool for him. And maybe I just wanted to indulge his little fantasies.
Harvey stepped forward, "Are you really her best friend? She's done her best to be nice to you even though she's the one who should be mad for being kept in the dark. Don't you think you should try a little harder, too?"
"Shut up, kitten. Mind your own business, or else, I'll mind it for you," I warned him. I expected Nivi to jump in his defense, and she did, just not the way I expected her to.
"Stop picking on my males. If you have a problem with me, say it to my face. Don't drag them into our issues," Nivi defended the yellow cat.
"Issues?" I tilted my head, "Are you sure? I thought we were fine."
"We were never fine. You just chose to ignore the issue, and it doesn't make it disappear," Nivi bit back, her eyes glistening.
"What issue, then?" I asked, "I have a lot of issues, and you need to be more specific."
Nivi's voice cracked, but she kept it together, "Don't pretend like you don't know. I'm not a fool."
"Then stop acting like one."
"I'm not the one acting!" Nivi stomped her foot on the ground, her face twisting with anger, "It's you, who keeps pretending that nothing happened. What am I to you, a clown, whose role is to laugh and cry on command?"
I blinked, a smile stretching across my face, "So now you finally realized that there's a role that you are meant to play, huh?"
"That's it," Nivi rolled up her sleeves, seething in anger, "If I don't slap some sense into you, then nobody will."
I stood up, my height towering over hers, and my figure looming like a menacing shadow, "If a slap could cure people, I'd be the most sane woman alive. Let's see your magical slapping power, and the wonders it can bring."
Nivi screamed in frustration and swung her fist, but the next moment, her body was pressed against the ground. My hands were around her wrist, and my foot was pressing her down, preventing her from moving.
She struggled, trying to free herself, but she had no chance.
"Are you done?" I asked, hugging her.
She shook her head.
I squeezed her tighter, "Still not enough?"
I hugged her tighter and she stopped struggling, letting out a soft gasp.
"There, there. I'm sorry, okay?" I rubbed her back, "Now, are we fine?"
She didn't respond, and her shoulders continued to shake.
"Okay, then. Let's do it until you are fine."
"I hate you," she cried out, "I really hate you. Why won't you tell me what's going on?"
"Because I don't want to. It's cute when you are clingy, but annoying when you are overbearing."
"..." Her tears fell like rain, soaking the soil beneath, "...I'm sorry."
"I don't care."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she repeated over and over again.
"I told you, I don't care."
"Even if you don't forgive me, it's okay," Nivi sobbed, "Just don't cut me off of your life, please."
"What are you talking about? When did I cut you off?"
"But Muir don't want to see me. That's why he's always here and not you."
I looked up and saw Muir, who was standing nearby, his gaze avoiding mine, "Well, he wasn't lying. I didn't want to see you. If I did, nobody would be able to stop me."
Muir widened his eyes, not expecting me to stand up to him.
Nivi froze in my arms, "But..."
"Do you want me to keep hugging you until you feel better? If yes, then stop talking and start hugging. My mouth is getting tired."
Nivi hiccupped, and turned silent, her body melting into my embrace, "I tried to explain myself, many times, but they refuse to believe me no matter what good things I say about you."
My boys stood around awkwardly, stopping the other group from interfering.
Nivi's males must have been annoyed with how much effect I had on her. When she's sad, it's because of me. When she's stressed, it's also my fault. I was the reason she couldn't sleep and ate little. She was miserable and anxious without me, but they didn't seem to understand that and just blamed it all on me.
To impress her males, Nivi did what they expected her to do. She stood up against me. Love makes you do stupid things, doesn't it?
Who do they think she trained her sassy and witty responses with? She wasn't born with them, obviously. If she was, nobody would have dared to bully her back in the days. She roasted her way up to the top of the food chain, and I was her proud witness.
I sat up and seated Nivi between my legs, pressing her head against my chest, snorting in her males' direction as if saying: be grateful I treated you like shit, otherwise, she would still belong to me, and not you.
Muir, kneeling on one knee, whispered in my ear, "You should return her to her males before they start a war against us."
I smirked, my fingers tracing his jaw, "Don't order me around, unless you want to have some fun, Muir."
Muir cleared his throat and looked away, "I wasn't ordering you, I was simply asking you."
"Oh, I see. In that case, no."
He stared at me, the shadows on his face making him seem menacing, "No?"
"Okay, then. I'll let her go...just for you," I stood up, and Nivi squealed when I picked her up like a bride and carried her toward Winston, "You can have her back, kitten. Here. Take good care of her."
"..." Winston immediately took Nivi from me, securing her in his arms, his eyes burning with hatred, "Winston, my name is not kitten, it's Winston."
"I know."
"So why don't you respect me enough to use my name instead of using degrading nicknames?"
"Degrading? I mean, you are my best friend's boytoy. If anything, you should be glad that I didn't call you something worse. Do you want me to show you the extent of my creativity, and how much filth I can stuff into a nickname?"
"Don't be mean to Winston. You are being a total jerk right now, and I'm disappointed in you," Nivi chastised me.
I sniffed and wiped an imaginary tear, "He took you away from me. How can I not be mean? I'm devastated. Look, my heart is bleeding. Can you see it?"
Nivi got guilt tripped into feeling sorry for me, and tried to console me, "I'll spend the rest of the day with you. Is that okay?"
"Just let me trash talk your husbands, and I'll be a happy woman," I said before my boys could protest, and drag me away. I promised to spend my day with them after all.
Nivi giggled and shook her head, "Please, just take it all out on me. They're too sweet to handle your kind of brutality."
"..." Winston gritted his teeth and took a deep breath before whisking Nivi away and ordering the rest of her males, "Let's go."
"Thank you, Yaya," Nivi mumbled, her voice barely audible.
"For what?"
"For everything. For putting up with me."
"Putting up with you is like raising a pet, and it's pretty fun. No need to thank me."
Nivi giggled and buried her face in Winston's shoulder, kicking up everyone's protective instincts with her cute side as they left. They knew her as a strong and brave woman, who could handle anything, so seeing her break down, and crying like a little girl, must have made them feel helpless and guilty.
Muir must have messed her up really good, making her restless and paranoid, thinking that she was the source of the problem and that she might lose me forever. If not, she would have already moved on and left the resort instead of roaming around aimlessly, looking for a way to be useful.
╔═══ Author's note ════╗
The more the boys know about Muir's ways, the harder it would be for him to scheme against them, but I doubt he would. He truly loves his family and uses his "talents" to fight their enemies from the shadows. 😁
YY is good at making others look imperfect, doesn't she? Nivi knows that her insults are not serious. There are some types of friendships where they trashtalk each other in the face instead of being all nice and dolly. Yaya is that type of friend. Those who get it, get it. 😁

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