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84.21% The Xenomorph on Pandora / Chapter 16: Chapter 12 - Watch or Join

Kapitel 16: Chapter 12 - Watch or Join


It had been three days since the celebration of the young warriors success in taming their Ikrans. When the celebrations was over on the first day Grace immediately set to work on studying Shadows new features and abilities. 

Grace was amazed and fascinated with what the serum did to Shadow, giving him wings, retractable swords, making faster, stronger and more that she may not know.

However this also worried her as she doesn't know the side effects the serum may have caused and it scared her how much damage it could cause to him.

So she keeps a watchful eye on him after she informed Moat and Eytulkan who did the same.

Speaking of Moat, after her session with Shadow, Willow and Xena, the four had meet up a second time and Shadow had fucked her again only in front of the two this time and after they were done the two helped clean each other.

Moat figured Shadow was teasing the two and she also new the trio were planning something but she didn't know what.

With Sylwanin and Neytiri the two had carved their bows out of the wood of the home tree and were now warriors and protectors of their home.

Sylwanin was ecstatic at finally being able to hunt alongside her people and serve Eywa. 

Neytiri however was overjoyed at finally being able to complete her trial, now all she has to do is wait until she is of age, unlike her sister, before being allowed to mate with Shadow. But she can and will wait until her time. She just has to be patient.

However Eytulkan wished to speak to Neytiri about that. 

He didn't know how to tell her that now Willow and Xena were here Shadow would most likely pick one of them to be his mate and she would no longer have to help Shadow when his cycle appears again. 

But today they were all going to get a big surprise.

Shadow was flying alongside Neytiri on her Ikran Seze, Blue Flower. Neytiri wanted to practice her skills on Seze while Shadow would learn how to fly. But they both got the hang of it quickly.

Neytiri was smiling brightly and laughing in joy at Shadows tricks. He would fly up and quickly do a backflip. They would fly as high as they could and dive straight down then pull up. Or they would fly around the Hellelujah mountains.

The two were having the time of their lives. Then Shadow had an mischievous idea. He suddenly dives down and Neytiri looks over her Seze's shoulder but he disappeared. She looks around trying to spot him but she can't see him.

Then suddenly she yelps as his upside down face appears in front of her. Then she playfully glares at him and swats him away. He laughs as he barrel rolls by her side.

Deciding they have had enough flying they return to the home tree. They land on one of the many long branches and Neytiri sends Seze away before turning to Shadow and playfully slaps his shoulder.

"Idiot! Did you have to do that?" She asks and he responds by chuckling loudly.

"Ugh! I hate you" She says rolling her eyes and turning her back to him while crossing her arms.

Then she feels two arms wrap around her and some weight on her shoulder. Neytiri fights back a smile and a blush but then she feels him nip at her neck and she tries to not laugh. But then she feels his tongue on her ear and she breaks.

She laughs as she turns around slaps him on his arm. 

"Hey! That's cheating!" She laughs and he responds by nipping at her neck making her laugh louder.

Neytiri playfully struggles out of his grip but he doesn't let go, instead he pulls her closer. Then she yelps and blushes as she feels a hand on her butt.

Her breath hitches and still tries to struggle out of his grip but he tightens his grip making her moan. They go still and Neytiri blushes madly. Then Shadow sniffs the air and his head travels down her body. 

Neytiri quickly realises she was wet and he could probably smell her arousal. She tries to get out of the embarrassing position she's in but he grabs her firmly and continues to sniff above her stomach. 

He stops sniffing and brings his face in front of hers and looks at Neytiri for a moment. Neytiri worries that Shadow was judging her but then he grins widely. 

"W-what are you-" She's cut off as Shadow raises a hand to her head and caresses her cheek and rubs his thumb. 

She closes her eyes and leans into his touch, she sighs as they do this for a moment. She then feels his hand leave her cheek and cup her chin. She opens her eyes and sees Shadows face inches away from hers. 

She looks at his lips and he feels him pulling her closer. She leans up and he leans down to her...

But then his head snaps behind him.

Neytiri internally panicked thinking she did something wrong but she soon heard someone climbing the tree. Shadow let's go of her, much to her disappointment, and drops to all fours before whoever it was spotted them.

They were surprised to see Sylwanin appear but they're surprise turn to worry when they saw her panicked face. But she looked relieved when she spotted them.

"Shadow! You need to come down right now! It's Willow!" She explains quickly and Shadow tenses before bringing out his wings.

Flys of the branch but he grabs Neytiri with one foot and Sylwanin with the other and flys down the tree. As they descend they see Willow surrounded by the clan. 

He sets Neytiri and Sylwanin down by the roots and the three race to the crowd. They arrive and Shadow sniffs the air before freezing. He continues to smell the air for a second before Moat comes up to them. 

"Good your here. Quickly this way" She says the crowd parts for them.

They move to the middle and see the Willow writhing on the ground and Grace nearby trying to calm her down and Eytulkan is by her side. They spot Shadow and come up to them.

"Shadow we don't know what's wrong with her. We think she's going through her own transformation and will become more like you" Grace explains but Shadow shakes his head confusing everyone.

He walks up to her and stops about six or seven feet from her and growls. Willow immediately goes still, then she look up at Shadow and growl's as well. She stands up to all fours and hunches her shoulders. 

Moat was confused as to why this looked familiar before it clicked in her mind and move everyone away from Shadow confusing everyone. 

"I know what's wrong with her," She says and suddenly Willow pounces on Shadow, knocking him on his back. 

"She's in heat" She says and everyone's eyes widen with realisation.

Willow rubs her head against his and he does the same with her. He pushes her back and now she's on her back with him above her. They rub heads again and Shadow rubs down until he reaches her shoulder. 

He opens his mouth and his second jaw appears and he bites down on her shoulder, leaving a mark and the two rub heads again. 

Sylwanin and Grace look at the two wide eyed and filled with jealousy, Moat watches wide eyed as she realises what they have been planning.

Neytiri stares at the two heartbroken and tears in her eyes, believing that she had lost Shadow to Willow.

Eytulkan hums with a smile. 

"It would seem the two are now mates" He announces and some of the clan clap happily for the two. 

Sylwanin and Grace cringe at this and the two are disappointed. Neytiri looks down sadly, refusing to let anyone see her tears. 

"Let's give the two some-" Eytulkan says but stops. 

Neytiri was confused to why her father stopped and looked up to see Xena sneaking up on Shadow. Everyone was confused but then they were surprised when she pounced on him and the two go into a roll before Xena straddles over Shadow.

Then they rub heads and everyone was flabbergasted by what was happening. Shadow pushes Xena off him and she was under him like Willow was. He rubs down her head and bites down on her shoulder as well. Then Willow comes up to the two and she and Shadow rub heads.

Everyone eyes practically bulge out their sockets and they go slack jawed by this. They didn't believe Shadow would have both as his mates, nor did they think the two would be ok with sharing him. 

And this made everyone ask themselves, will he have more mates in the future.

Grace was surprised but she was very happy to know she still had a shot with Shadow, even if she had to share him with others.

Sylwanin was shocked as well but she was also delighted to know that she could mate with Shadow as well.

Moat was surprised by what the trio had planned and was smirking on the inside and knew that her daughters and Grace would soon mate with him. But then a thought crossed her mind and she pondered on it for moment and decided to ask Shadow about it later.

Neytiri however was blushing at this, not only would she still be able to mate with Shadow, she would be sharing him with others. 

Shadow then stepped away from the two and hunch down. Willow and Xena stood on all fours and backed away looking at him. They chirped and purred at him before spinning around and run. 

The crowd in front of them jumped out of their way as they run past them into the forest. Shadow however stayed where he was but was clawing at the ground.

Everyone was confused by what they were doing before Neytiri figured it out. 

"If he wishes to mate with them, he must catch them first" She said and everyone understood and watched the two run into the forest.

The moment they had reached the trees, Shadow screeched and chased after them and soon disappeared into the forest, searching for his mates.

Everyone who witnessed this was utterly bewildered by what happened. Then they hear Grace chuckles.

"Well he's gonna have his hands full" She says with a cheeky grin causing the men to laugh and the women giggle and blush.

"Though it does make me wonder. If he can have two mates, can he have more?" She asks to no one but it did cross their minds.

"And who here will decide to become his mate?" She asks to no one again but everyone was interested in what she said.

"You think some Na'vi will become his lifetime mates?" Eytulkan asks surprised by this thought.

"Well he is more of a person than he is an animal" She explains but he was unsure by this.

"But this is not our way. We do not have more than one mate. Nor do we share our mates" He says.

"But I don't recall any rules stating that you can't either" She counters and he opens his mouth to respond but stops.

He looks down in thought and realises she's right, there was no law stating that Na'vi couldn't have more than one mate. Unsure of this he looks to Moat.

"Ma Moat is there any rules against this?" He asks and she shakes her head. 

"No there isn't. No one here has multiple mates but there's no rule against it" She says and the clan was surprised by this and they wondered if any of their females would mate with Shadow.

Deciding that it was getting late, they concluded this conversation and would talk about later. The clan disperses and returns to their usual routine...

Not knowing one of their people had snuck off into the forest.

With the duo they had stopped by a lake and were waiting for Shadow. He soon emerged from under a large leaf and approached the girls. 

Well done. The plan worked perfectly. Now whether or not they got the message will be up to them. He says. 

Indeed. Though for some reason I feel as though your annoyed with something. Willow says and Shadow sighs. 

Yes, I am, because me and Neytiri almost kissed. He explains and the girls gasped excitedly.

You kissed!? Xena screams excitedly.

No. We ALMOST kissed but we were interrupted when Sylwanin appeared and informed us of the emergency. He explains and the girls groan.

Kinda wishing we did this tomorrow. Xena sighs.

Shadow then smirks, then suddenly pounces on her, gaining a yelp from her. 

If we did then you wouldn't be able to enjoy this today. He says purring and nips at her neck.

(Warning: smut)

Shadow then brings his hand to her left tit and gropes it. She moans and then he grabs both tits and fondles them. He squeezes them gaining a soft gasp from her. 

Then he puts her right tit in his mouth and licks it. She moans louder and puts a hand on his head and pulls him closer. He uses his right hand and travels down her pussy and rubs it.

She throws her head back and gives out a loud moan and arches her back.

You know what? I'm glad we decided to do this now. Xena says breathless.

Shadow grins and nips at her tit, Willow giggles and she plays with her own pussy while watching the show in front of her.

Then he puts a finger in her wet canal. Xena gasps as she feels his finger thrusting into her. Then he puts another finger in her and thrusts faster. She arches her back and moans.

That's it! yes! I'm so close! Xena says and after another minute she cums all over his hand.

He brings his drenched hand up and licks his fingers.

Mmm you taste lovely. Shadow hums.

But I think you also want a taste of me. He says and stands up.

Xena lifts herself up to her knees and grabs onto his cock and licks the head. Shadow groans as he feels her tongue swirling around his tip. 

He then feels her wet and warm plump mouth cover the head and bobs her head on him. She swirls her tongue around and Shadow grabs her head and thrusts into her mouth-pussy.

Urrk! Gluk! That's it! Use my mouth like it's my pussy! Xena moans.

Soon Shadow feels his end and forces his cock down Xena's throat and cums. Xena gags but swallows the load down her throat.

After he's done shooting his load he pulls out of her mouth and Xena takes a deep breath before smirking at Shadow.

Delicious but I think my pussy wants a taste now. She says as she lies down on her back and spreads her pussy with her fingers.

Shadow lays on top of her and slides his cock easily into her wet cunt. She moans as she feels him inside her. He rolls his hips against hers and feels her walls tighten around his cock.

Oh fuck! How can you be so big!? Xena moans as her tits bounce with each thrust.

Shadow starts to speed up and latches his mouth onto her breasts. She grabs his hair and pulls him closer as she wraps her legs around him.

Oh fuck! More! More! She screams and brings his head to hers and kisses him.

They battle for dominance with their tongues but Shadow over powers her and thrusts faster. They both feel their climaxes approaching.

Keep going! I'm so close! Harder! Xena moans and he slams into harder and faster.

After a few more thrusts they both cum together as his cum mixes with hers. They pull away from their kiss and Xena's jaw hangs open as she feels his hot cum fill her up.

Fuck! I could get use to this. She pants as he pulls out of her.

Suddenly he's tackled by Willow and he lands on his back as she straddles him. She moves her lips atop of his and they make out for a minute before pulling away.

That was so hot. But I think it's my turn. She says as she turns her body around and sucks his cock.

He groans as he feels her licking all over his shaft before putting it in her mouth. She bobs her head on his cock and hums from the taste.

Mmm you both taste so good. She moans, sending vibrations on his cock.

Not wanting to let Willow have all the fun, Shadow grabs her ass and licks her pussy. She moans and stops sucking to look over her shoulder and smiles.

Two can play this game. She says and resumes sucking his dick but faster. 

Seeing what she's trying to do, he drives his tongue further down her cunt and thrusts it faster. They suck, lick each other for moments before Willow cums first then soon Shadow follows.

Both drink up each other's cum and savour the taste of one another. Willow stands up and walks up to a tree and bends over, shaking her ass. 

I've seen how you and a few other males have looked at my ass. But only one can claim it. Will you? Or should I go get- Willow doesn't finish her sentence as his cocks rams right into her.

She screams in pleasure as he thrusts hard and fast into her. Shadow growls and grabs her throat from behind.

You think you can just grab some male? He growls next to her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

I have laid claim to you and those I haven't touched yet. He growls louder and speeds his thrusts as she climaxes.

And no other male will touch you. Only me. He grabs her head and slams it against the tree.

Tell me. Who do you belong to? He asks.

You! I belong to you! She screams with her tongue hanging out.

And whose cock will you only have? He growls.

Yours! Your cock is the best! It's the only one I need! She screams louder.

And who. Is. My. Bitch. He growls feeling his end approach.

Me! I'm your bitch! Your happy cock loving biiIIIITTTCH! She screams louder than before as she cums.

Feeling her climax sends Shadow over the edge and he sends a big load into her womb. But he doesn't stop his thrusts until he stops cumming.

Finally stopping he lets go of Willow and pulls out of her with a pop. She collapses to the ground panting from the intense fuck.

Shadow looks at Willow, satisfied with the results.

Then someone yelps.

Shadow and Willow look over to where the sound came from and they see Xena on top of...


Moments ago Sylwanin was following the tracks left behind by the trio, hoping to watch them mate like how Shadow mates with her slut of a mother.

Just thinking of her and Shadow fucking like they did back at the party makes her wet, as well as to watching her mother give Shadow blowjobs back at the healing hut. 

Then she finally arrives at the river.

Hiding behind some of the trees and plant life she watches how the trio seem to be conversing with one another. This confused Sylwanin as she thought they would be mating with each other by now.

Then she saw Shadow pounce on Xena and gropes her tits before massaging her cunt. The sight made Sylwanin breathe heavily and her pussy starts dripping.

She watches as Xena cums from his hands and how Shadow licks up the juices from his fingers. That nearly makes her cum just from watching.

She watches as Xena sucks his cock and Sylwanin starts to masturbate to the scene, she pushes her loincloth to the side and rubs her pussy.

She sees how Xena pleases Shadow, taking mental notes to how to do it when it's her turn, if she ever got her turn.

Then she saw how Shadow pounded into her throat and came. She wondered how he would taste and it made her mouth water.

Then Xena laid down on her back and Shadow thrusted into her cunt. Seeing this, Sylwanin put two fingers into her pussy and thrusted into herself, trying to match the same pace as Shadow.

If he sped up she would too, if she came she would keep thrusting until he came, to hide her moans Sylwanin bit down onto her finger. Then after a final thrust from Shadow all three came at the same time.

She saw Willow suddenly pounce on Shadow after she came from her own masturbation and made out with him. Sylwanin uses this opportunity to rest for a bit before they start pleasing each other with their mouths.

Sylwanin was surprised with the position they used but she now wanted to try that sometime. She notices how the two were speeding up and wondered if they were competing against each other.

But it seemed Shadow was the victor as Willow came first and shortly Shadow.

She watches as Willow bends over next to a tree and seemed to be speaking to Shadow. She was genuinely shocked when he suddenly slams his cock into her and roughly fucks her.

She hears how he angrily growls at her. Whatever she said seemed to piss him off and she was now paying the price.

Sylwanin loved how Shadow pounded into Willow mercilessly and she starts to masturbate furiously.

She hears how her screams and his growls got louder and louder until the three came for a final time. She bites down on her hand and tries to muffles her moans.

She calms down and sees Shadow stop pounding Willow...

Then she realised something.

Where was Xena?

Sylwanin looked around trying to spot her but then she was tackled from behind and she landed on her stomach. She yelps as she hits the ground and blood turns cold at being caught.

Then two pairs of black bony feet are in front of her and she goes still. She slowly looks up at a grinning Shadow and a smirking Willow.

"S-shadow! This isn't what it looks like! I was just-" She doesn't finish as Xena pulls her up and sits her on her ass. 

Slipping her arms under Sylwanin's she spreads her legs to show her wet core.

"I um I was here just for a minute! I didn't-" She still tries to explain but Xena puts a finger on her pussy making Sylwanin shiver and she drops her shoulders and sighs.

"You already know don't you?" She asks and they nod still grinning.

"Do you also know that I know you've been mating with my mother?" She asks and they nod again.

"Well do you know I wish you would do the same to me?" She asks a bit seductively while placing a hand atop of Xena's.

"How I wish you would pound me into a submissive slut like my mother?" She says lustfully while putting Xena's finger into her cunt.

This surprised trio. They didn't expect Sylwanin to sound so slutty.

But oh did they love this side to her.

Sylwanin moves Xena's hand for a moment before she thrusts two fingers inside her. Sylwanin moans as Xena speeds up.

"Yes. Please. Make me your-" Sylwanin begs but Xena suddenly pulls out of her.

Sylwanin whines but Xena moves away from her, almost causing Sylwanin to fall on her back if Shadow hadn't grabbed her head.

Then he shoves his cock in her mouth causing her to choke.

"Glrk! Ukk! Mmrk!" Sylwanin gags and chokes as he pounds away at her throat.

Xena moves between Sylwanin's legs and eats her out. She moans as she feels Xena's tongue thrusting into her cunt and rolls her eyes into the back of her head as she feels Shadow's cock in her mouth.

Feeling his end near he deeps throats her causing her throat to expand. This made Sylwanin squirt in Xena's face and soon she tastes Shadow's cum.

He keeps his cock in her throat forcing her to drink all his cum until he stops. He pulls out and she goes into a coughing fit. 

Once she regains her breathing she looks up at Shadow with hearts in her pupils.

"More" She says and pulls what little clothes she has off and lays on her back.

Shadow crawls atop of her and slowly inserts himself into her until he feels a wall stop him. He looks at Sylwanin who nods shakily and with that he pushes himself fully into her and she gasps. He stops and nips and licks at her neck trying to comfort her.

"O-ok. You can move now" She says after a few moments.

He thrusts slowly and she moans in pain and pleasure until she moans in only pleasure. 

"Yes. That's it. Faster" She whimpers and he rolls his hips faster.

They hear another moan and they look over to see Xena being eaten out by Willow. The sight turns the two on more and they fuck each other harder. Shadow latches onto her left breast and sucks.

"Oh Eywa! Yes! Yes! Ah! More!" Sylwanin moans.

He lets go of her tit and sits up and grabs her hips. He then pounds away as she arches her back and her tits bounce with each thrust.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" She repeats as she wraps her legs around him.

They both feel their ends approaching so with one last burst of speed he drills into her cunt until they cum.

She squirts as she feels his warm cum fill her womb. He fills her for about fifteen seconds until he pulls out with a pop. Sylwanin's chest rises and fall as she breaths heavily.

(Smut is now over)

After Sylwanin rest she stands and puts her clothes back and turns to Shadow with a blush.

"T-thank you Shadow. It was incredible" She says smiling.

Shadow comes up to her and caresses her cheek before leaning down to her shoulder and revealing his second jaw. He looks at her then her shoulder.

Her breath hitches but nods with a smile and some tears in her eyes. With her confirmation he bites down on her shoulder, marking her as one of his mates.

She hisses in pain but he licks the wound and the pain nulls. He pulls away from her neck and chirps before licking her face.

"I will need to return to the home tree before they realise I'm not there" She says and walks away to the home tree.

"But do expect to fuck this ass at our next 'session'" She says slapping her own ass and walks away with some sway in her hips.

The remaining trio look at one another and grin.

Oh this was going to be good.

Sylwanin sneaks back into the home tree undetected but before she climbs the tree Tsu'tey had spotted her and decided to talk to her.

"I see you Sylwanin" He greets her with a smile.

Sylwanin was a little surprised to see him but she returned the gesture.

"I see you Tsu'tey" She responds kindly.

"I was wondering where you were today. I haven't seen you in awhile" He says.

"Ah yes. My mother was missing some ingredients and I volunteered to venture out to retrieve them. I just got back" She lies with a smile.

"I see" He says with a smile but he steps closer.

"You didn't encounter Shadow out there did you?" He asks his smile faltering and his eyes hardening.

Sylwanin knew Tsu'tey didn't like Shadow ever since he arrived but because he saved her mother, her sister and herself he kept quiet on him staying.

"No because I didn't hear the three enjoying themselves" She says with with a giggle but he doesn't look to pleased at the joke.

"I only ask because I'm worried" He says crossing his arms.

"What for? Shadow is a strong warrior and my greatest friend, not to mention he would have Xena and Willow by his side" She says.

"Exactly. If he attacked you then you wouldn't stand a chance against him and he could try to have his way with you like how he tried with your mother" He says frowning.

"He would never harm us like that" She says narrowing her eyes at him.

"Wouldn't he? He already tried to back at his first heat season. What's to stop him from doing it again? I will admit I never liked him when I first saw him but now I can say for certain that he shouldn't be allowed to stay here" He says sternly.

"That is not your place to decide. And in case you forgot he stopped himself from having his way with my mother because he fought his animal side to him and spared my mother from a horrid fate" She hisses.

"It wouldn't of even happened if he wasn't here in the first place. Your father should have killed him the moment he dared to return" He says and Sylwanin slaps his face.

Tsu'tey stumbles back with wide eyes as he holds his cheek.

"Never say that again. Shadow has many friends here and I'm glad to say that I'm one of them. And you seem to have forgotten that not I, my mother or my sister would be here today if it weren't for him" She says glaring at him and walks away.

Tsu'tey scoffs and climbs up the tree to calm himself. As he climbs he thinks back to how close she and Shadow were ever since he first appeared. His blood boils and he grins his teeth.

I will make you pay for this Shadow. He thought.

With Sylwanin she was fuming at what Tsu'tey had said.

Idiot! He doesn't know Shadow! How could he!? He never gave him a chance! And how dare he say that father should have killed him! She continues these thoughts for awhile before she somewhat calms down.

Ugh! I need to calm down! Argh! I wish Shadow was here, his hard cock would help tire me out! She thinks but then she spots the healers hut.

Or maybe... I don't need a cock. She thinks as an idea forms in her mind.

With a smirk she walks up to the hut and sees her mother mixing some herbs. Moat looks up and smiles at her daughter.

"I see you Sylwanin. It's so lovely to see you" She greets.

"I see you mother" Sylwanin greets back and sits beside her.

"You seemed stressed daughter. What's wrong?" Moat asks noticing her tense behaviour.

"It's something Tsu'tey said to me moments ago" She says bitterly and informs her mother what they spoke about.

"I am not surprised he would say that" Moat says with a tired and irritated sigh.

"There still those amongst the clan that do not trust Shadow and I doubt they ever will" Moat says sadly.

"But you shouldn't let their words get to you daughter. They will say most unpleasant things about him for some time until they change their views on him" She says smiling softly at her.

"I'm afraid that his words did get to me mother. It's why I'm here. I was hoping you could help me calm down" Sylwanin says, lowering her voice at the last bit.

"Well of course, we can talk for a bit if that'll help calm you" Moat says placing the herbs aside.

"I don't think talking is enough. But I have an idea what might be" Sylwanin whispers and places a hand on her mothers thigh.

Moat looks down at her hand confused.

"What did you-" Moat looks back at Sylwanin but she cuts her off by Sylwanin's lips crashing against hers.

Moats eyes widen as her daughters tongue fights against hers. Soon her eyes droop down and kisses back. Sylwanin moans in the kiss then breaks away for air. Then Moats eyes widen again as she realises what they just did.

"Sylwanin! What are you doing!?" She whisper screams.

"What's wrong mother? Didn't like it?" Sylwanin asks with a smirk.

"Of course not! I'm your mother! We shouldn't be doing this!" Moat says but in truth she was turned on by being kissed by her own daughter.

"You mean like how you shouldn't be mating with Shadow?" Sylwanin says widening her smirk.

Moat freezes and her wider than they ever before. Before she can reply Sylwanin continues.

"I've known for some time mother. Ever since you returned after reliving Shadow's first heat cycle" She explains.

To say Moat was shocked was an understatement. 

She knew for this long!? She screamed in her mind.

"H-how?" Moat could only ask.

"I overheard you and Grace speak to each other after we all left. I forgot to ask you something and that's how and when I overheard you both" Sylwanin explains further.

Moat curses to herself for not being careful enough.

"Why haven't you told anyone?" Moat asks.

"I don't know. But I'm glad I didn't because now I can do this" She says then kisses Moat again.

Moat was again caught by surprise by the sudden kiss but again she makes no attempt to stop her and instead kisses back. Sylwanin places a hand on her shoulder and pushes her down on her back without breaking the kiss.

They make out with one another while their hands roam over each other's bodies before pulling away for air.

"Daughter. We really shouldn't" Moat says breathless.

"Don't worry mother. I'm sure Shadow would approve the two of his mates reliving each other" Sykwanin says, confusing Moat.

"Two?" Moat asks. 

Sylwanin moves a part of her clothing and shows the bite mark on her shoulder. Moats eyes widen and looks at Sylwanin.

"When?" She asks and Sylwanin leans down next to her ear.

"About an hour before I came here" Sylwanin whispers then kisses her neck.

"You ah followed them?" Moat moans out.

"I did. Then I watched how he fucked them so hard. Just like how I watched you suck him so hard" Sylwanin smirks lustfully while placing another kiss on her neck.

It was then that Moat realised how much of a slut her daughter was.

So she stopped holding back.

(Incest Lesbian Smut Warning)

Moat grabs Sylwanin's hips and flips her over on her back. Sylwanin yelps but giggles and Moat crashes her lips on hers. They moan into the kiss and Moats hand travels down Sylwanin's body.

Sylwanin gasps as her mothers hand reaches her wet core and rubs it. Sylwanin shudders as her body is caressed by her mother.

"Mother! Please!" Sylwanin whimpers.

"Is this what you want slut?" Moat growls seductively.

"To be fucked by your own mother?" She says and Sylwanin nods quickly.

"Yes mommy!" Sylwanin says and Moats breath hitches.

She hadn't called her that in a long time. And she loved it.

"Say that again" Moat orders moving the loincloth out the way.

"Mommy!" Sylwanin repeats and Moat prods at her entrance.

"Again" She growls.

"Mommy!" Sykwanin repeats again and Moat plunges a finger in her tight tunnel.

Sylwanin gasps and writhes on the ground as her mommy thrusts her fingers inside her.

"You've been a naughty girl haven't you?" Moat asks lustfully while putting a second finger in her.

"Spying on me and Shadow during our lovemaking's" Moat says using her other hand to pull the rest of her clothes off.

"I'm sorry mommy! I have been a naughty girl! Please punish me mommy!" She whimpers.

Moat grins and thrusts faster and harder. Sylwanin moans as her walls tighten around her mommy's fingers. Moat watches as her daughters tits rise and falls from her breathes and gives them a few licks and kisses.

Then Sylwanin climaxes, squirting juices all over her mommy's hand. After riding out of her climax, Moat moves her hand to her face and licks her fingers.

"You taste lovely daughter" Moat says with a hum but then lustfully glares at her.

"But I did not say you could cum" Moat says sternly and removes her clothes and hovers her dripping pussy over her face.

"Lick" She orders and Sylwanin wraps her arms around her mommy's legs and starts devouring her entrance.

Moat shudders and moans as she feels her daughter's tongue lapping at her entrance. 

"That's it! Yes!" Most moans and rolls her hips against her face.

She gropes her own right tit and uses her left hand to hold Sylwanin's head.

"Do you like it? Hmm? Do you like licking your mothers pussy?" Most asks.

Sylwanin was unable to answer so she hums and sends vibrations through her mommy's body and making her shiver and moan in delight. Then Sylwanin plunges her tongue inside her and thrusts.

"Yes daughter! Make mommy cum! Make me cum!" Moat pants and after a minute she cums all over her daughter's mouth.

Sylwanin drinks up what she can of her mommy's juices while Moat rides out her climax. After a minute of cumming Moat lifts herself from Sylwanin's face.

"You taste so good mommy" Sylwanin says smirking.

"Thank you. But I think my pussy wants a taste of yours now" Moat says grinning.

Moat places Sylwanin on her side and lifts her leg up. She than places her pussy on hers and begins to grind against each other. They moan as they feel their entrances rub against one another's.

"Oh mommy! It feels so good! Please don't stop! Don't stop mommy!" Sylwanin begs.

"I won't daughter! I won't stop until we've both cummed!" Moat moans.

Moat speeds up and they become a moaning mess.

"Ah! Mommy! I love you mommy! I love you so much!" Sylwanin moans as she rubs her own pussy.

"I love you too daughter! I love you!" Moat replies through her own moans and speeds up while holding her daughter's leg tighter.

"Mommy! I'm cumming mommy! Cum with me mummy! Cum with your slutty daughter!" Sylwanin says. 

"Me too daughter! I'm-I'm cumming!" Moat moans for a final time as they climax together.

They grind against each other for a minute before stopping. Then Moat separates herself from Sylwanin and lays on top of her and they make out again. After a minute of making out they pull apart breathless.

(Smut is now over)

"That was incredible" Sylwanin grins still breathing hard like her mother who is also grinning.

"Indeed. I did not think it would feel so good. Especially not with my own daughter" Moat replies and they stand and retrieve their clothes.

"I do hope Shadow does not mind of our session without him" Moat says a little guilty but turned on at the thought of what Shadow would do to punish them.

Sylwanin turns to her mother but stops and her eyes widen and her jaw drops. Then suddenly two black bony arms snake around Moats waist, she yelps in shock but then she feels a tongue lick her neck and she calms down when she realises who it is.

"Shadow" She says sighing happily but then she tenses as she now realises he probably watched what happened.

"Shadow I'm sorry if we-" Moat tries to say but he chirps and licks her neck.

Shocked and confused she looks over and sees him grinning.

"Your... not upset?" She asks carefully but to their surprise he shakes his head.

He then taps her shoulder where he marked her, then gestures to Sylwanin then back to her.

"You'll allow us to mate only with your mates?" Sylwanin asks and he nods.

"So if I wanted to mate with Willow and just us, you'll allow it?" She asks and again he nods.

"But what would happen if say I wanted to mate with a male-" Sylwanin doesn't get to finish as Shadow hisses and they get the message.

"Well thank you Shadow for not being angry with us. And we will only mate with you and those you wish to mate with" Moat says relieved that Shadow wasn't upset with them.

He lets go of Moat and begins to sneak out but Sylwanin had a question for him.

"Before you go, how long were you watching us?" She asks with a smirk and a hand on her hip.

He looks at her grinning and makes a slapping motion and her jaw drops and then he sneaks off.

"He followed me? The whole time?" Sylwanin says with a blush as she now knows Shadow had overheard her conversation with Tsu'tey.

Moat, hearing her daughter and seeing the disbelief on her face, giggles at her dismay.

"I believe you can consider it a punishment for spying on us" She says with a smirk.

Sylwanin sighs but smiles.

"I suppose so" She says and walks to the entrance of the hut but stops and looks back her mother.

"I also suppose that this won't be the last time you'll help me when I'm stressed?" She asks mischievously.

"But of course. As long you help me with mine" Moat replies smirking seductively.

"Of course I'll help you mommy. I want to be your helpful good girl" Sylwanin says smirking and walks off.

Moat smiles seductively and returns to her duties.

Don't worry daughter. You'll be mommy's little helper. Just like how your sister will be soon. She thought.

I can't believe that happened! Xena says in disbelief.

Shadow had returned to his two other mates and showed them through their minds what happened at the healing hut.

I must admit I did not think Sylwanin would be so bold and mate with her own mother so soon. And without us giving them nudges. Willows says also in disbelief.

Indeed this was a surprise but one I will not complain. Shadow says.

But at least they did not try to mate with another male. He says relieved.

True but I do think they'll need to be punished for mating without your permission. Willow says.

No. Sylwanin defended me during her conversation with Tsu'tey. I'll let it slide this time. Shadow says.

Speaking of Tsu'tey. Xena brings up.

He'll be a problem for us if we don't do something. Willow says.

Yes he will be but we can't just kill him. And we can't just fuck my other mates in front of them and break them. Tsu'tey is a strong warrior with a strong mind and many would follow him. Shadow says agreeing with the girls.

We will think of a way to get rid of this problem but for now we rest. Shadow says.

The trio curl up together and sleep for the night.

And hoping that their plans won't be ruined.


I want to first apologise for how late this chapter was. My motivation kept coming and going. It was like I get motivated, do five words, then lose motivation and I just kept repeating this for some time until my motivation finally came back in full force.

But I've also been working on my Oneshot book and my fem predator harem. Which by the way make sure to take a look at those and tell me what you think of them. And don't forget I also have a request book for you all so don't forget to write some Oneshot suggestions there.

And also I did delete my Dimitrescu books because I pretty much lost all motivation for them but I might bring them back later.

And finally take a look at some book ideas I have and let me know if you want me to write any of those.

So again sorry for my lateness and I thank you all for your patience and hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day.

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