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78.94% The Xenomorph on Pandora / Chapter 15: Chapter 11 - The Trial

Kapitel 15: Chapter 11 - The Trial


It had been a few weeks since Willow and Xena had joined the Omatikaya and everyone was happy with the new additions to their family. Like Shadow, the two of them were friendly with everyone and helped out where they could. 

But when the two aren't helping out they are seen with Shadow almost at every moment. They always seem to be talking to one another but everyone sees some odd behavior from them. 

The two were really close to Shadow almost touching each other. They uses their tails to brush against him. To everyone it was as if they were mated together though it was odd to think Shadow having multiple mates.

The girls, despite their jealousy and fears, had gotten along with the two very well. They were won over with their friendly behavior just like Shadow did with them.

Though they also seemed a bit odd with them as well. 

The two would do the same with them as they do with Shadow. Being really close, touching them with their tails. At first they were confused but figured that was just the two showing that they had a liking to them, maybe not as much as Shadow but close enough.

The girls didn't mind how close they were being with them, in fact they quite liked the attention they were giving them.

However the two of them weren't the only ones acting odd.

Shadow seemed to be having moments of being in discomfort or makes small groans. Everyone thought he was going through his heat cycle but that didn't seem to be the case. No one knew what was wrong so they kept their eyes on him.

Despite all the weird behaviour from them, today was a very special day as Neytiri and Sylwanin had their first kill and they would be going to the Hellelujah Mountains. 

The flying mountains.

From there they will attempt to make a bond with their chosen Ikran or die trying. 

Everyone is gathered at the tree line where everyone is wishing the group good luck and hope they will return upon their Ikrans. 

The group had three boys, two girls, Neytiri, Sylwanin, Eytulkan, who wanted to witness his daughters success, and finally Shadow.

Neytiri and Sylwanin had asked their father if Shadow could witness to their trials and he agreed as long as Shadow promised he did not intervene. Shadow was confused but agreed to the request. 

So the group of young warriors, Eytulkan and three other warriors for protection and to guard to Direhorses, mounted their Direhorses and traveled through the forest until they reached the Hellelujah Mountains. 

Arriving at at mountain they travel about halfway up before dismounting their Direhorses and leaving them alongside the three warriors, the group climbs up the rest of the mountain until they reach the top. 

One of the floating mountains was next to the top but there was no way for them to reach it until some vines connected to the floating mountain moved in front of them and Eytulkan jumped from the top and climbs the vine. 

Everyone else follows his lead and grabs a vine and climbs. They climb through the mountain until they reach a cave inside it. The young warriors take a breath while Eytulkan decides who goes first. 

"My daughter Sylwanin. You will go first" He decides and she takes a deep breath before walking to a wall and hugs it with her back and walks across the edge and everyone follows her lead except Shadow who crawls on the wall.

Upon walking on the edge the group finds themselves at the Ikran nest and Shadow finally sees what an Ikran is up close.

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There are roughly twenty or thirty in the nest, all with their own colours but blue, green seem to be the majority of them. 

"Remember daughter. They must choose you as well" Eytulkan advised and she nods before pulling out some bolas and spin them while walking through the nest. 

The Ikrans move away from her except one. 

Instead of moving away from Sylwanin the dark green Ikran roars at her and she hisses back to accept. 

The Ikran snaps at her but Sylwanin dodges the strike and uses this chance to wrap the bolas around its mouth, preventing it from using sharp fangs again.

When the Ikran snapped at Sylwanin he moved forward to attack the Ikran but Neytiri stopped him and he looked at her confused. 

"You can't. This is something she and the rest of us must do on our own" She explains sternly but still evidently worried for her sister and Shadow relents and watches with dread at the fact that he cannot help.

With its mouth dealt with Sylwanin jumps onto its back and it tries to shake her off. But she holds on tightly with one hand and uses the other to grab its queue and perform the Tsaheylu, the bond, and complete her trial. 

The Ikran decides to use the rock wall to shake her off and slams its body onto it but Sylwanin holds on. However the Ikran had accidentally hit its own head on the wall, disorienting itself and giving Sylwanin a small chance to perform the bond which she was able to do successfully. 

The creature roars but it goes quiet at the bond takes effect. Everyone cheers for Sylwanin as she takes deep breaths and feels the Ikrans own senses. 

Eytulkan walks up to his daughter quickly. 

"The bond is complete. Now you must fly. Quickly" He says a little urgently and brings the two to the edge and they fly off. Everyone cheers as they watch Sylwanin soar amongst the clouds and floating mountains upon her own Ikran. 

After some moments of flying Sylwanin returns to the nest with a big grin on her face and hugs her father who hugs back. When they pull apart they give each other smiles and Eytulksn nods to her, proud of her success. 

Then she walks over to her sister who is practically bouncing on her feeat and they pull each other into a tight hug while Neytiri is congratulating her.

They pull apart and she hugs Shadow next who lays his head on her shoulder, he purrs and chirps happily at her success and gives her long lick across her face. She giggles and lightly blushes at his praise. 

"Next up Tsu'tey" Eytulkan declares and one of the male boys steps forward. 

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Shadow recognised the young adult, he saw him training with some other young Na'vi and he was the best out of all of them.

He also saw how he looks at Sylwanin from time to time and how he would glare at Shadow and how that glare would intensify whenever Sylwanin was with Shadow. 

He pulled out his bolas and ventured through the nest. While he was Sylwanin showed Shadow her Ikran who she named Silpey, Hope. Thanks to the bond Silpey knows that Shadow is a dear friend to her and won't attack him. 

They sniff at one another before Silpey licks him and Shadow chirps. Sylwanin is glad to see her greatest friend and her Ikran get along well.

While that was happening, Tsu'tey found his Ikran and succeeded in his bonding, then the next young warrior was called up, then the next and the next...

Until Neytiri was the last. 

"My eldest started the trial first, and now my youngest will be the one to finish it" Eytulkan says the the smaller group. 

One of the boys failed and was badly injured and so a second boy took him back to the home tree leaving Eytulkan, the two girls, Tsu'tey, Sylwanin and of course Neytiri. 

Neytiri patted Shadows head before she took a deep breath and pulled out her bolas and looked for her Ikran.

It did not take long to find her Ikran as a light green Ikran roared at her and she hissed back in acceptance.

Acting first Neytiri threw her bolas and they wrapped around it's mouth. Enraged the Ikran swings one its wings at her but she rolls under it and jumps on its back.

The Ikran tries throwing her off but she keeps her grip. But then it starts to flap its wings and hover in the sky before plunging down. 

The impact throws Neytiri off but she rolls into a stand and faces the Ikran... 

Before it swings its head and swats her off the edge. 

Time seemed to slow down for Neytiri as she hears her father and sister scream out her name and sees everyones shocked wide eyed faces. 

Then she looks at Shadow, from what she could tell, was also shocked and was running to her in hopes of catching her before she was to fall to her death.

But they both knew he wouldn't reach her in time. 

She closes her eyes and remembers her time with her friends, her family and most of all she remembers her time with Shadow.

And how she wishes she could have told him how she felt about him. 

She falls... 

Until something crashes into her. 

Her eyes snap open and see Shadow grabbing her. 

"Shadow!? What are you doing!? You'll die with me!" Neytiri screams horrified at the fact her love was going to die with her. 

But Shadow groans then throws his head back and roars... 

As two wings sprout from his arms.

Neytiri looked at his arms wide eyed in disbelief and awe. 

Shadow quickly grabs Neytiri with his feet then starts flapping his wings and their fall slows down until they are hovering in the sky and then soon flying back to the mountain. 

When they reach the cliff, the rest of the group stares wide eyed in disbelief that Shadow was flying but more so that they were both alive. Flying to the group Shadow let's go of Neytiri and she lands on her side right before Shadow collapses next to her. 

Neytiri, who is still in disbelief, quickly sits up and stares at his wings in amazement but then starts to worry when she notices Shadows heavy breathing. 

"Shadow? Are you all right?" She asks and he gives a tired nod while his wings begins to retract back into his arms. 

Neytiri smiles and lays a hand on his head and gently rubs her thumb on his domed head. 

"Thank you" She whispers and he purrs tiredly but then points behind her. 

She turns around and sees her chosen Ikran trying to get the bolas of its mouth. She looks back at Shadow and nods determined before standing and hisses at the Ikran who tries to roar back but can't thanks to the bolas and they continue the challenge.

Neytiri charges and slides underneath it as it swings its head again. She spins around and jumps on its back again and wraps one arm and both legs around it while reaching for its queue.

It flaps its wings again and dives back down but this time Neytiri keeps her grip this time. When it hit the ground it accidentally swung one of its queues into Neytiri's outstretched hand. 

She grabbed onto it and uses her other hand to grab her own queue and connects them together and forming the Tsaheylu. 

Like all the others the Ikran calms itself and they feel each other's emotions, thoughts and senses. Neytiri unbinds the bolas from its mouth and walks to the edge before taking off. 

Everyone cheers for Neytiri as she flys and she gives out a battle cry and raising her arms up before returning. 

She sees everyone cheering and she exchanges hugs with her father before she looks at Sylwanin...

Who has a tired and groaning Shadow on her lap. 

Her face falls and she rushes to his side. 

"Shadow?! What's wrong?" She asks worriedly but he just continues to shift uncomfortably and groan. Eytulkan comes up beside her. 

"Something is very wrong with him. We must take him back to the home tree now" He says and everyone nods and they fly back with Shadow on Eytulkan Ikran. 

Thanks to them being able to fly now the trip back only took a few minutes. When they returned they find the whole clan waiting for them and they cheer loudly when they land...

But the cheers die down quickly when they notice the groaning coming from Shadow. 

Xena and Willow quickly come up to check what's wrong with him, as does Moat and Grace. 

"What happened!?" Grace asks scared. 

They explain how Neytiri was knocked off the edge of the nest but Shadow had jumped off after her and then sprouted wings from his arms and flew them both back to the nest. 

Everyone was shocked and amazed that Shadow could now fly but that turned into worry when his groans became louder. 

"Is there anything we can do to help him?" Sylwanin asks but neither Moat or Grace knows what's wrong or why this is happening. 

But then Grace remembers. 

"The syringe" She says and everyone looks at her confused so she continues. 

"The lab where Xena and Willow were held captive. Johnson injected something into him. He said it was something that will 'make him greater' before he was killed" She explains and everyone who ventured into the lab that day remembers as well. 

"What was it? What did he inject into Shadow!?" Neytiri demands but Grace shakes her head unsure. 

Then Shadow starts seizing and Grace and Moat try to hold his head still. 

"Oh god! He's seizing!" Grace yells which causes everyone to stare in worry. 

"Look!" Neytiri points to his arm which seems to be altering itself. 

But it's not just his arm. His whole body is changing. Eytulkan pulls Moat and Grace away despite their protests. 

They watch helplessly as Shadow screeches in pain and curls himself into a ball then uncurls himself and his body starts to shake all the while his body changes. 

His arms form two spikes on his arms. His head becomes smoother with hair on the side and his face starts forming mandibles. His spines on his back shrink down. His legs look more humanoid.

Then it stops.

His screeches, the seizing, the changing. It all stops. 

Neytiri steps forward but Shadow stands up and everyone stares in disbelief, amazement, fear and awe at Shadows new look.

He then lifts his head up and gives out a loud screech. One deeper and louder than before. He stops and looks back down at everyone around him.

The girls look at him and while they feel intimidated by his new appearance they also look at his new form with lust, drinking every inch of him with their eyes.

Neytiri steps forward and he looks at her. She notices that he got taller as well, about two or three inches more.

"Shadow?" She asks cautiously but he chirps happily and a wide grin spreads across her face. 

She runs up to him and hugs him tightly and he hugs back, resting his head atop of hers.

"Thank Eywa your alright" She says as tears form in her eyes and soon feels Sylwanin hug him too.

Everyone gives out a sigh of relief now knowing Shadow is alright. Grace walks up to him and inspects his new body. 

"Mandibles around the mouth? Human like legs?" She lists before looking at his arms and lifting one up from the girls. 

"And what's with your arms?" She asks and she is quickly answered when a black bony blade extends from his arms. Everyone is shocked at how this was even possible while the blade retracts itself. 

"This is unbelievable" Grace says in disbelief as the three separate from their hug. Eytulkan walks up to them. 

"Perhaps it would be best if we all focus upon his change tomorrow after we have all rested" He says and Grace nods still in disbelief. 

"But for now, we rejoice that most of our young warriors have passed their trials" He says and the clan cheers and they start to congratulate the successful warriors.

It's the middle of the night and a party is in full swing. People are dancing, drinks and food are passed around, laughter fills the air. 

Sylwanin and Neytiri are dancing together, Grace is sitting on a log laughing and smiling, Willow and Xena are up in their nesting area watching the celebration from above.

Moat is sitting down with Shadows head on her lap and she strokes his head gently with a smile. 

"Once again you continue to surprise me" She says smiling as her hand touches his hair and he lets out a purr. 

"And once more you save my family from an I'll fate" She says before smirking lustfully and leans down to his ear.

"I do believe you are in need of a reward" She whispers and Shadow grins. 

Moat looks around and sees no one looking at them so they quickly and quietly sneak away to a quiet spot behind one of the roots. 

(Warning: Smut)

Once their out of sight they latch their mouths to one another. Despite having mandibles the kiss is still incredible to Moat.

She feels his tongue pushing at her teeth and she lets him in. She moans as her mouth is dominated by his and feels his hands grope her ass.

They seperate and Moat pulls off her poncho and Shadow immediately starts sucking on her left tit. She moans and pulls his head closer and bites her lip. 

"Yes! That's it! Keep sucking!" She whisper yells and moans louder as Shadow swirls his tongue around her nipple

He soon lets go of her nipple then latches onto her right one and gropes the left. He breath shudders and her eyelids are half closed as as her pussy starts dripping.

Then he lets go of her nipple and starts kissing and licking down to her stomach until he's hovering in front of her covered pussy. 

Moat unties her loincloth and let it falls revealing her soaking entrance and he kisses her clit and her breath hitches and sends shivers down her spine.

He gives her a few more kisses before giving her a long lick. She moans as Shadow drinks her juices and plunges his tongue inside her.

She throws her head back and covers her mouth with o hand and gives out loud muffled moans and arches her her back against the tree.

He thrusts his tongue repeatedly inside her and feels her walls tighten on his tongue. Moat grinds against his face while still muffling her moans.

She soon feels her climax. She tries to tell Shadow but she can't with all her moans and soon releases all over his mouth and tongue.

She rides out her climax until Shadow brings up his wet head and kisses Moat again letting her taste herself all over his tongue.

She soon smiles as she feels his cock poking at her thigh and looks down and her eyes widen. He was bigger than before, another two inches, she licks her lips and drops down to her knees ang grabs onto his shaft and strokes it.

She starts off slow and gives the tip a few gentle kisses before speeding up and licking the head and looks up at him. Shadow groans and starts bucking his hips, telling her to speed up. She smirks and puts the head into her mouth and sucks. 

"Glrrhk! Gurrk!" She strokes him harder while bobbing her head on his cock. They keep going until she feels him twitch and she goes faster until he shoots his cum in her mouth. 

Her eyes roll back into her head as she swallows the ropes of cum. After a few more thrusts and ropes she lets go of his cock and gives it a quick kiss at the tip before standing up.

She turns around and places her hands onto the root and bends over and shakes her ass.

"Put you dick in me! Please! Fuck my ass!" She begs and very quickly he stands behind her.

He places his cock in between her ass cheeks and pushes the soft mounds to his cock and thrusts, giving himself an assjob. Moat smiles lustfully and looks over her shoulder.

"You like my ass? Then fuck it" She demands and he stops his thrusts and puts his tip to her anus.

He slowly inserts himself until he's all the way in and Moat moans. He grabs her hips and starts thrusting into her, watching as her ass ripples with his impacts. 

"Ah! Haah! Yes! More! More!" She moans slamming her hips back and tightening her walls.

He speeds up his thrusts and wraps his arms around her waist with his chin on her shoulder. He continues to pound away at her as for a few minutes before cumming in her ass.

She throws her head back and gives out a silent scream as she climaxes as well and feels the hot cum inside her. He gives her a few more thrusts, shooting all his cum inside her before pulling out with a pop. 

Moat leans against the tree with shaking legs and breathing heavily but then suddenly yelps as she's spun around. Shadow picks her up and places her legs on his shoulders and lines his cock up against her pussy. 

"Shove it inside and fuck my wet cunt!" She pants and he shoves it in all the way. Moat opens her mouth to scream in pain and pleasure but Shadow muffles her by kissing her.

With her in a mating press against the root he thrusts hard and fast into her and she moans with her eyes in the back of her head. They pull away from each other and Moat's tongue hangs out of her mouth.

"Oh fuck yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!" She moans louder but no one can hear her thanks to the music and laughing. 

Shadow slows down but thrusts into her harder and deeper and watches her tits bounce with each thrust before sucking on her left tit again, gaining another loud moan from her and a tight squeeze from her walls.

"Oh Eywa yes! I can't stop-ah-stop cumming on your dick! Please! Cum-hah-inside me! Dump your load into your cum slut!" She moans while begging and Shadow picks up speed again.

Soon he feels his release and cums inside her again, earning another kiss and muffled moan. He feels her walls tighten as he shoots ropes of cum inside her cunt. He doesn't thrust into her, instead he keeps his cock as deep inside her as he fills her womb. 

He finishes cumming and pulls out of her cum filled pussy with another pop. He sets her back on her feet but holds her to wait for her to feel her legs again.

She takes deep breaths as she feels the hot cum inside her womb until she regains her footing. 

"Thank you for your help my love. Let us return before they notice we are gone" Moat says stepping forward but only for Shadow to grab her wrists and pin them above her head.

"Oh? Still want more?" She asks lustfully but surprisingly he shakes his head no and steps back...

But she's still restrained. 

Confused she looks up and is surprised to see Xena on the root while holding her wrists against the root grinning down at her. 

"Xena?" She asks surprised to see her here but then she suddenly moans as she feels a tongue on her pussy.

She looks down and sees Willow's head between her legs licking her pussy. She moans as willow swirls her tongue on her pussy and looks at Shadow who is standing back and watching the scene unfold intensely.

Moat is shocked by what's happening but is extremely aroused and grinds her hips on Willows face. Seeing Moat enjoying herself Xena let's go of her and climbs down next to her. With her hands free she uses her left hand to hold Willows head and the other to grope her right tit.

Xena stands next to her then leans down and licks Moats left tit causing her to moan louder. Moat loves the pleasure she's receiving from the two and hopes it doesn't end. 

But she soon feels her release signalling her end. Willow thrusts her tongue repeatedly into her faster into her tight walls before she cums all over her mouth. 

She drinks up her fluids for a moment while Moat moans and rides out her final orgasm. Willow stands up and walks over to Shadow with Xena, after she let go of Moat's tit. 

They then get on their knees, Xena on Shadows right and Willow on his left, they both start licking his still erect and hard cock. Shadow groans as he feels two tongues running along his shaft. 

Willow then puts the head into her mouth and bobs her head while Xena continues to lick the shaft. They then switch to Xena bobbing her head on the tip while Willow licks.

Moat watches the scene with lust filled eyes as she watches her lover receives a double blowjob. Willow notices her watching and beckons her over with her index finger. 

She walks over to the trio and she drops to her knees in between the girls and Xena lets her suck the head. Moat sucks the head while Xena and Willow lick and kiss along the shaft. 

Shadow groans louder and soon the pleasure is to much and he feels his release coming. The girls notice him twitch and soon open their mouths, sticking their tongues out. 

Then Shadow shoots his cum into their mouths, onto their faces and tits. Soon the girls are covered with ropes of cum on them. Willow and Xena waste no time on licking the cum of Moat and she moans as she feels their tongues on her tits and face. 

When she was cleaned she helps Xena clean Willow, then helps Willow clean Xena. Then Xena kisses Moat, tasting both each other and Shadow on their tongues. After of moment of tongue wrestling, Willow kisses her as well.

They pull away and all four of them smile at each other.

(Smut is now over)

Moat stands up and gets dressed before turning back to the trio. 

"I must admit I was surprised when you two joined," She says looking at the girls before smirking. 

"Though it was a welcomed and incredible surprise" She says and the three purr happily.

"And a surprise I hope will happen more" She whispers lustfully and the three grin.

"Now, unless there aren't anymore surprises, we should return to the party before someone looks for us" She says winking at them before walking away with a limp in her step.

The trio walk with her back to the party with Moat and enjoy the rest of the night before retiring to their nests.

My word. That was fun. Willow grins. 

I know! And I finally got a taste of your cock. Xena smirks. 

Now do you see why I intend on making them my mates? Shadow says smugly and the girls nod.

Oh definitely. I can't wait till we get the others... after our turn of course. Xena whispers lustfully. 

Of course. But after the celebrations have died down after a few days. Shadow says.

Aww ok. But at least we can have some fun with Moat while we wait. Xena giggles. 

Speaking of fun. Willow says getting the two's attention.

We weren't the only ones enjoying the show. She says and the two receive an image in their minds from Willow. 

The two were shocked to see someone spying on them. But their shock turned to lust.

Well now, I wonder how long they've been watching us. Shadow grins.

I don't know but the moment they saw you two going at it they pleasured themselves right there and then, barely with any hesitation. Willow explains while smirking. 

If that's the case then they've been watching me and Moat closely for some time now. Shadow says. 

And in a few days when it's time for our announcement, Willow says grinning.

They will learn a very important thing about us. Xena finishes also grinning.

And they will either enjoy another show... or they'll join in on the fun. Shadow adds smirking.

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