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100% One Piece: Reincarnator Adventure / Chapter 3: The Girl

Kapitel 3: The Girl

Chapter 2

"The Girl"

From as far back as I can remember, Satoru, the boy who my father rescued and would later become known as the mysterious and enigmatic figure, had always been one step ahead of everyone else

Whether it was in academics or swordsmanship, he seemed to effortlessly succeed where others struggled

I recall our earliest days together, when we were just children training under the watchful eye of my father, Koushirou Shimotsuki

Satoru stood out from the rest, with his uncanny ability to grasp new concepts and techniques with ease

While the rest stumbled and faltered, he would flawlessly execute each move as if he had been born with a sword in hand

Even though I had earned my own reputation as a prodigy in swordsmanship, I couldn't help but feel inadequate in comparison to Satoru

It was frustrating, to say the least

No matter how hard I trained, no matter how much effort I put in, I could never quite match His skill and prowess

And yet, there was a part of me that couldn't help but admire him, a part of me that was drawn to his unwavering confidence and determination

In a way, Satoru became my greatest rival and my greatest inspiration, a constant reminder of the heights that could be achieved with unwavering determination and unyielding resolve

I can still hear my father's voice echoing in my mind, his words a solemn reminder of the world expectations

"Swordswomen will always lose to Swordsmen," he would say, his tone heavy with the weight of tradition

But Satoru was never one to conform to such narrow minded thinking

With a playful glint in his eye and a smirk on his lips, he would challenge my father beliefs with unwavering confidence

"Ah, but that's not always the case, is it?" he would retort, his tone teasing yet earnest

"There are women out there who are stronger than any swordsman,Take Charlotte Linlin, for example. Sure, she may not be the most powerful swordsman, but she's one of the most powerful figures in the world. And that, my dear Kuina, is proof that women can achieve just as much as men."

I had no idea who Charlotte Linlin was, but Satoru's words stayed with me, planting a seed of doubt in the rigid beliefs I had grown up with

And as I listened to his words, a spark ignited within me, a determination to prove that I, too, could carve my own path in a world that often sought to limit me because of my gender

And now, both nine years old, in the midst of our training session, I couldn't help but cast a puzzled glance at arriving Satoru. He stood before me, with a stange appearance, a sight that never failed to baffle me.

"Satoru..." I began, my voice stating my confusion.

"Yes?" he replied, his tone bright and cheery. As always.

"Why are you wearing a blindfold?" I asked, furrowing my brow in perplexity.

His response was immediate, accompanied by his trademark smirk.

"Ah, well you see, Kuina" he began, his tone lighthearted yet confident

"Remember how awesome my eyes were?" he continued, a hint of pride in his voice.

How could I forget? His eyes were the most beautiful and mysterious thing I had ever seen

"Yes," I replied "What about your eyes?" my curiosity piqued

I couldn't help but recall the times he had regaled me with tales of his extraordinary vision, seeing from afar, a 360 degree view, discerning even the smallest details, and even seeing through walls

It was all too incredible to believe, yet with Satoru, anything seemed possible

His expression softened as he began to explain.

"Well, you see, uncovering my eyes started to take a toll on me, a fatigue, headaches, the what not. So I had an idea to cover them instead. Besides..."

"Covering my eyes doesn't make me any less of a powerhouse" he added with a confident grin

With an exasperated sigh, I resigned myself to Satoru antics. "Let's just head inside the dojo" I muttered

As Satoru and I stepped into the dojo, his voice reverberated with confidence

"Alright, folks! Who's ready to take on the undefeated champion?" he announced, his tone dripping with arrogance. "Blindfold or not, I'll still wipe the floor with ya!"

Suddenly, all eyes turned towards us, or more accurately, towards Satoru

I could hear murmurs spreading through the room

"What's with the blindfold?"

"Is he trying to look superior?"

"Is he feeling unwell?"

Yet despite that, no one seemed willing to step up to his challenge

Since no one seemed willing to step forward, Satoru demeanor shifted

With a mischievous grin, he began to mock their hesitance. "Come on, don't be shy! I promise I won't make you look too bad," he taunted, his voice dripping with amusement

I watched from the sidelines as Satoru, with his mischievous grin, taunted the hesitant crowd. Despite their growing agitation and annoyance, no one dared to answer his call

Even the senior students, defeated by his skill, remained silent, unwilling to risk further humiliation

"Enough, Satoru!"

A commanding voice cut through the tension. it was Gotou, a senior student, the oldest of us, standing tall with a well-built body despite being fifteen years old

"The lesson is about to begin. Master Koushirou will be arriving shortly" Gotou announced sternly. his serious demeanor contrasting sharply with Satoru playful demeanor

Satoru shrugged off the interruption, his confidence unshaken

"What's the rush? We've still got like ten minutes" he retorted, his grin widening

"Besides, why don't we give the new members a little show? How about a friendly spar between us?" Satoru suggested, his grin widening

Gotou jaw clenched as he resisted the bait of Satoru words, his serious demeanor remaining unshaken

Then, another voice cut through the tension

"Satoru, you bastard! Don't you dare mock Big Brother Gotou!"

"Satoru, how dare you speak against Gotou like that!"

Two figures, Both sporting buzz cuts, their identical features only distinguished by the placement of a mole beneath their eyes, each facing a different direction, One to the left and the other to the right

It was Kamiya and Kariya, the twins who adored Gotou, being two years younger than Gotou,stepped forward, their faces twisted with anger at Satoru's disrespect towards their mentor

Gotou could only sigh at their eagerness. "That's enough, you two. Let's not make a scene" he urged with exasperation

"But, Gotou, he disrespected you!" one of the twins protested, their loyalty to their mentor is strong as ever

Gotou held up a calming hand

"I appreciate your support, but losing your cool won't solve anything. Besides, even if I were to fight Satoru again, the outcome would likely remain the same" he admitted with a hint of resignation, acknowledging Satoru skill in swordmanship

Satoru scoffed, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "Come on, Gotou, where's your sense of adventure?" he teased, his playful confidence undiminished

"I thought someone as serious as you would relish the chance to put me in my place. Or are you afraid you might actually lose again?" His smirk widened, challenging Gotou's resolve

Then, as if struck by a sudden burst of inspiration, a mischievous gleam lit up Satoru eyes

"How about this then, what if Instead settle for one on one when we can make things interesting?" he suggested, a grin spreading across his face

"How about this, I'll take on all three of you at once. What do you say?" His challenge hung in the air, daring Gotou and the twins to accept

Gotou expression tightened, thinking about the proposal. Kamiya and Kariya exchanged determined glances

The murmurs from the crowd grew louder

I couldn't help but feel surprised, While Satoru had never lost a one on one match, I had never seen him face multiple opponents at once

And now, with the blindfold he currently wear, while I understood that he could see through it somehow

I wondered how his performance would differ from his usual bouts.

"Fine" Gotou finally conceded, his voice firm. "But remember, Satoru, don't underestimate us"

Kamiya and Kariya nodded eagerly, their determination matching Gotou's resolve. They were ready to prove their worth against Satoru bold challenge

As the four of them stepped onto the training mat, the other students began to clear the field, creating space for the impending clash.

Gotou positioned himself in front of Satoru, his expression focused and determined, while Satoru's smile never left his face

Both wielded bamboo swords, but their stances reflected their distinct styles, Gotou gripping his sword with both hands in a solid posture, while Satoru held his sword with just one hand, casually resting it on his shoulder, exuding an air of nonchalance

Meanwhile, the twins flanked Satoru on either side, positioning themselves strategically to potentially exploit any blind spots, despite Satoru wearing a blindfold

As I observed from the sidelines, I heard Gotou voice

"Miss Shimotsuki, please start the match whenever you're ready"

"Very well," I said, stepping into the role of the referee

"Ready... set... go!"


*3rd Person PoV*

As the match commenced, a tense silence enveloped the training ground. For a moment, it seemed as though no one dared to make the first move

Then, in a burst of synchronized action, both Kamiya and Kariya charged forward, their bamboo swords poised for attack

But with effortless grace, Satoru evaded their attacks, his movements fluid and precise, as he evaded their attacks with playful ease, his grin widening with each successful dodge

"Come on, you two! Is that the best you've got?, you guys never change at all" Satoru taunted, his voice dripping with amusement as he danced around their strikes

The twins persisted, launching a relentless onslaught of attacks, but Satoru continued to evade with ease, his confidence unshaken

However, amidst the flurry of their movements, Gotou seized the opportunity to make his move. With lightning speed, he launched a powerful strike aimed at Satoru's head, intent on ending the match swiftly

Yet, to everyone surprise, Satoru managed to evade the blow at the last moment, narrowly avoiding Gotou attack. His agility and reflexes were truly remarkable as he danced around the arena, his grin widening with each successful dodge

"Impressive Gotou, Looks like you're Faster than before, but it's not enough to catch me!" Satoru taunted with a grin, his confidence unwavering

Gotou's expression remained stoic as he acknowledged Satoru's evasion. "As expected" he remarked calmly

"Despite using a blindfold, your reaction time is as fast as ever"

Then curiosity crept into Gotou mind

"Why even bother with the blindfold?, You seem to manage our attacks just fine" he inquired, his brow furrowing in confusion

But, without waiting for a response, Gotou turned to the twins, a plan forming in his mind. "Kamiya, Kariya, attack with me. Let's put the pressure on him"

The three of them launched a coordinated assault, their bamboo swords slicing through the air in a synchronized frenzy. Despite their combined efforts, Satoru moved with uncanny agility, dodging each strike with ease

Satoru playful banter continued amidst the chaos "Is that all you've got? I expected more from the three of you!" he teased, his grin widening as he effortlessly evaded their attacks

He danced around his opponents, his movements a blur of speed and precision. With each dodge, his confidence soared, challenging Gotou and the twins to push themselves further

After a few minutes of relentless assault, the twins and Gotou were panting, their energy waning from their futile attempts to land a blow on Satoru. Meanwhile, Satoru appeared unfazed, his demeanor relaxed and composed

"I see..." Gotou began, his gaze fixed on Satoru with newfound understanding.

Intrigued by Gotou words, Satoru couldn't help but inquire "What exacly did you see?"

Gotou hesitated for a moment before responding "While I don't know the reason for the blindfold, I find that before you began using the blindfold, you always ended the match quickly, your style aggressive and decisive. But now, you seem to prolong the match, almost as if you're enjoying it more"

Satoru eyes lit up with interest as he processed Gotou observation.

With a slow clap, he praised Gotou's astuteness "As expected of Gotou, Impressive"

Leaning in slightly, Satoru's playful demeanor shifted slightly as he questioned "So, what are you planning to do with that information?"

Gotou exchanged a glance with the twins before nodding decisively "Prepare yourselves" he instructed them, his voice firm as they readied for one final assault

Kamiya and Kariya nodded in unison, determination flickering in their eyes as they tightened their grips on their bamboo swords

With a smirk, Satoru eagerly awaited their next move "A final attack huh, Come on then, let's see what you've got" he taunted

Gotou expression hardened as he led the charge, his movements calculated and precise

"Now!" he commanded, signaling the twins to synchronize their attacks with his own

With synchronized precision, the trio launched their final assault, a single tri-pronged attack aimed at overwhelming Satoru from all sides. Gotou led the charge, his strikes calculated and powerful, threatening to breach Satoru defenses. Kamiya and Kariya followed closely behind, their movements coordinated as they aimed to strike at Satoru blind spots

Gotou strikes came in with the force of a battering ram, aiming for Satoru torso with relentless determination. Meanwhile, Kamiya darted forward with lightning-fast thrusts, aiming for Satoru left side, while Kariya circled around with sweeping strikes aimed at his right

The assault was relentless, each strike calculated to exploit any opening in Satoru defenses. Despite the overwhelming odds, Satoru remained calm and focused, his reflexes sharp as he assessed the situation

With a split second decision, Satoru shifted his weight, evading Gotou powerful strike by mere inches. As Kamiya thrusts closed in, Satoru spun gracefully on his heel, avoiding the strike with a fluid sidestep. Meanwhile, Kariya sweeping strikes came close, but Satoru managed to easily duck and weave through the attack, his movements fluid and precise

As the intensity of the assault reached its peak, Satoru grin widened, his confidence unshaken. With a sudden burst of speed, he seized the opportunity to turn the tide

Satoru counterattack was unleashed like a whirlwind, his bamboo sword moving with lightning speed and precision

As he danced around his opponents, his attacks coming from unexpected angles with unparalleled speed and finesse. With each strike, he maintained perfect balance and control, never faltering even for a moment

The trio attempts to counter Satoru onslaught proved futile as they struggled to keep up with his unmatched skill and agility

Despite their best efforts, they found themselves overwhelmed by Satoru superior technique

In the end, Satoru stood victorious amidst the defeated trio. As he surveyed the aftermath Satoru flashed a triumphant grin "Looks like I win again"


*First Person PoV*

I stood in awe, nearly forgetting to release the breath I'd been holding

The Dojo was silent, there is no cheer nor applause. The Crowds too stunned by the spectacle they had just witnessed

With a shake of my head, I gathered my composure and called out "And the winner is Satoru!" My voice broke through the stillness, signaling the end of the match

I managed to hear Gotou muttering to himself "The result's still the same, huh?"

Then he moved to assist Kamiya and Kariya to their feet, his expression of reassurance. "You both fought admirably" he offered, his voice carrying a steadying warmth. "Every defeat is a lesson learned, remember that"

Meanwhile, Satoru voice resonated across the training ground "Alright, people, what can we learn from today?" he queried, asking the crowd for their opinions

Furrowing my brow, I began to replay the match in my head, trying to find any clue from the intense bout

Amidst my thoughts, I overheard someone comment, "They shouldn't have agreed to your challange"

Which Satoru then cross his arms in 'X' position, and said "Wrong answer"

"Satoru is too strong," another voice said

Again Satoru said, "Wrong!" But then, with a grin, he added "But I'll give you ten points for the praise"

The person who had spoken before pumped their fist in the air, clearly pleased with the acknowledgment

As the scene unfolded before me, I found myself unable to contain my thoughts any longer. "It was not a 3 on 1 fight" I voiced

Satoru's playful demeanor shifted slightly as he turned his attention towards me. "Oh... Would you care to explain what you mean, dear Kuina?" he inquired, his tone curious yet tinged with a hint of challenge

Taking a deep breath, I began to say my observations "Throughout the match, it seemed that only Gotou senpai came close to landing a hit on you" I started, as I analyzed the dynamics of the bout

"While Kamiya and Kariya coordination was indeed impressive, they served little more than a distraction. In essence, what started as a 3 on 1 fight quickly devolved into a series of 1 on 1 skirmishes, with them serving merely as diversions"

As I spoke, I noticed murmurs began rippling through the spectators

As the sense of anticipation hung in the air. Satoru's applause broke the silence, his claps echoing across the training ground. "Bingo!" he exclaimed, his grin widening as he turned towards me. "As expected from our resident sword prodigy"

A warm flush crept up my cheeks at his compliment, a mixture of pride and embarrassment washing over me. Satoru praise always had a way of catching me off guard

With a nod of agreement, Satoru began to elaborate on my observations. "Gotou was the only one truly trying to land a hit on me," he explained "While Kamiya and Kariya seemed content to serve as distractions, Gotou was the one actively seeking improvement."

He also added,"Gotou has shown remarkable growth since our last match. He's become stronger, faster, more focused

, Gotou dedication to self-improvement sets him apart," he concluded. "While the other two seem content to watch from the sidelines, Gotou is always striving to push himself further"

As the realization settled over the dojo, the twins hung their heads in shame, dampened by the weight of Satoru words

Gotou, ever the protector, stepped forward, attempting to defend the twins. "They have their own strengths," he began, his voice firm yet gentle, "and they're still learning. They'll improve with time"

But Satoru, ever the provocator, wasn't about to let Gotou defense stand unchallenged

With a smirk, he retorted, "Strengths? I see them little more than distractions"

The twins shifted uncomfortably, their expressions a mix of guilt and disappointment

As the tension lingered in the dojo, Satoru broke the silence with a teasing jab. "What about you, old man? Whaddaya think?"

Suddenly, the door swung open, and my father, Koushirou Shimotsuki, entered with his ever present smile

"I agree with Satoru," he chimed in, his voice carrying a sense of wisdom and encouragement. "Always strive for the best. Never let anything stand in the way of your improvement, belive that with training, you can achive your goal no matter the odd's"

Koushirou words carried a weight of wisdom, and a sense of respect washed over the dojo as everyone listened to his counsel

However, as the moment passed, I caught Satoru muttering under his breath. "Heh, what a contradictive person" he remarked quietly. a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips

At first, i was confused by Satoru remark. But then, i remembered, that my father belief that swordswomen could never surpass swordsman. It was a perspective ingrained in me from years of listening to his teachings, a belief that seemed to clash with his encouraging words just moments ago

My father seemed to have heard Satoru comment, yet he maintained his composed smile, unfazed by the subtle jab. With a gentle nod, he announced that it was time to begin the sparring session to commence the training

"Well then, let's begin with a spar to kick off the training session, and since Satoru is here, lets start with him" His words were met with a collective groan from the students, who clearly dreaded the prospect of facing off against Satoru

But then, my father continued "Ah, but it seems Satoru has already started his spar, so we can skip him for now" A collective sigh of relief swept through the dojo as the students realized they would be spared from facing Satoru formidable skills

"Instead" my father announced, his gaze now resting on me, "let's have Kuina step up" The crowd groaned once again

I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. The acknowledgment of my skills, even in the shadow of Satoru prowess, brought a smile to my lips

As I stepped forward, ready to face whoever my opponent is, at the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Satoru sneaking towards the exit of the dojo

With a grin, he shot me a thumbs up

I couldn't help but sigh wistfully at the sight. "Same old Satoru" I muttered to myself, a mixture of fondness and exasperation in my voice.


Bit longer than i expected, both in length and time, specially the fight scene which im quite proud of. and yet i feel its lacking, especially the the whole 'Lesson' thing, but i am satisfied for now

DGita DGita

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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