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75% Sonic The Hedgehog Mobius: Final Crisis / Chapter 3: Hide And Seek: Act 2

Kapitel 3: Hide And Seek: Act 2

Lord X: "seems I finally caught up to you... Miles Tails Prower..."

Tails: "you bastard..."

Lord X: *cackles* "now that you're here, I can finally make you my play toy for all of eternity!"

Tails: "try it!"

Lord X snaps behind Tails and back kicks him into a mountain. Tails repels himself off said mountain, and fires an energy ball from his arm cannon at Lord X. Lord X vanishes behind Tails and smacks him down, before boosting at him engulfed in electricity, and punching him in the gut. Tails coughs blood before swinging on Lord X, but misses, which allows Lord X to do a suplex on Tails, before barraging him with left and right hooks. Tails tries to defend from the attacks but his arms were getting tired, he had no choice but to fire an energy ball to create a cloud of smoke in order to disorient Lord X, which works, and allows Tails to sneak behind Lord X and fire an energy blast at him that explodes on contact. Lord X falls over from the blast as his guard was down, and looks at Tails.

Lord X: "must say, you're on par with that other fox... But he didn't last long." Lord X turns around, but once again, Tails is gone. Lord X looks around the area, trying to find him. Luckily, Tails took cover under some of the rubble that resulted from their fight. Tails stayed quiet for a few seconds till Lord X left the vicinity. Once he did, Tails scanned the area, he was searching for the other fox Lord X was talking about. He eventually found a life signal, it was barely alive though, and had a power signal similar to Tails.

Tails: "I better check on this guy." Tails flies over to a dystopian looking part of the zone, completely covered in fog and smoke. The moment Tails got there, it smelled like nothing but burning coal, and blood. The air was dense, and hard to breathe due to the smoke and debris, but Tails knew he had to find that fox. He looked around the desserted, charred, bloody area, trying to find some sign of this fox. Tails was covering his mouth and nose to not inhale too much of the ash in the air, still looking around to find this person. After a few minutes of searching, Tails finds a bloodied and battered fox hand poking out of some rubble, Tails lifted some rocks off the hand, revealing who this was. It was Tom, he was passed out, nearly dead. Tails gets a bit of a shock, seeing someone who was technically him but not at the same time.

Tails: "I can't be shocked now, I gotta get this guy to safety." Tails picks up Tom's unconscious body, and flies him out of the lava reef zone.

•Heavy Fog•

Tails brings the body to a fog heavy place, pretty convenient so Lord X can't find them. Tails sets Tom's body down and tries to feel a pulse, which he does in the heart area, Tom is still alive, he's just in fatal condition. Tails takes out his med kit and patches Tom up, he also realizes that Tom doesn't have shoes or gloves on him, which shows Tails that someone or something put this guy through the ringer. Tails was finished patching him up and waits for Tom to wake up.

Tails: "hope you're alive bud..."

•Tom's Subconscious Mind•

Tom woke up in a dark dimension, looking around to see a pitch black sky in the background, a bunch of hooks with flesh and blood on them, and a bunch of fossils. Tom walked across the area, trying to figure out what's going on. Seeing more dead, decaying, rotting animals littered across the place, blood and organs everywhere. Tom was pretty much numb to it at this point, he's seen so much of it to the point where he isn't phased anymore. The voices of all of Lord X's past victims can be heard screaming and pleading for help. He keeps walking until he hears a voice saying.

???: "you've had a chance to comply, now you've come too far." Tom hears this and gets startled but keeps walking until he hears it again. "Can you hear them? They're trying to tell you something." Static engulfs the dimension for a few seconds before Tom continues walking, the voices screaming louder and louder. Tom hears the voice again. "Oh, playing with them was so much fun... Almost as fun as you, Tom." Tom continues walking, seeing more dead corpses, bloody animals, and bones littered across the dimension. The voices still trying to call out to him before that one voice comes back. "There was Gary... And Jake... And Kyle... And Alice... And so many, many more." Tom keeps walking for a few more seconds before he hears the voice again. "It's time your soul joined theirs, Tom." Just then, the sky of the dimension altered into a red and black stripped optical illusion. The voices cries can still be heard, and more corpses appeared as Tom pushed forward, till Lord X's face covers the dimension and stares at Tom, before giving a distorted, demonic laugh.

•Heavy Fog•

Tom woke up in shock, looking around on all fours out of fear to see if Lord X was close. But luckily, Lord X wasn't nearby, but Tails was. Tom looked relieved to see the very man he saw as an older brother.

Tom Prower: "Tails?"

Tails: "seems you're finally awake, good to know."

Tom Prower: "yeah... I'm surprised I survived that."

Tails: "glad you did." Tails gave Tom some water he picked up. "Drink this... You look thirsty."

Tom Prower: "no, I'm good. You can have it though, you probably need it more than me."

Tails: "look at you, you're in horrible condition. You lost an eye, you're cut, bleeding, and bruised all over. You need it more than I ever could." Tails opens it for him. "Open wide." Tom opens his mouth, and Tails slowly pours the drink into Tom's mouth. Tom drinks every last drop of it, finishing the bottle.

Tom Prower: "thanks, I needed that."

Tails: "no problem kid." Tails stays close to Tom in order to protect him, also cuddling Tom to keep him warm, wrapping his two tails around Tom to act as a blanket as Tails hugged and snuggled him.

Tom Prower: "don't ya think you're being a bit too overprotective?"

Tails: "oh I know, that's the point." Tails waits for a bit before he asks Tom something. "So, how did you end up meeting Lord X?"

Tom Prower: "Lord X?"

Tails: "yeah, that's his name."

Tom Prower: "hm, that I can't really explain."

Tails: "okay then..."

Tom Prower: "all I can recall is me training my ass off before that bastard snuck me." Tom then recalls more as he talks about it. "He managed to alter the area too, it must be some sort of power he has."

Tails: "I've been noticing that. By the way, what's your name?"

Tom Prower: "it's Tom, Tom Prower."

Tails: "Tom eh? Pretty basic name, I'm a fan though. Better than Tails."

Tom Prower: "your names pretty good too." Tails decided to help Tom up and take him back to his workshop, so Tom could rest up and train more to prepare for his bout with Knuckles.

•Lord X's Castle•

Lord X was sitting on his throne, unable to track Tails.

Lord X: "seems that fox got away, no matter! I shall still be able to awaken the black sun within the next year. I still need to wait for a blood moon in order for me to awaken it at it's full potential, and that won't appear for another year. Eh, I'll still be able to play with that fox once I find him."

Knuckles barges in.

Knuckles: "Lord X, it turns out Tom is alive, Tails saved him the moment you left."

Lord X: "how the hell did that kid manage to survive my previous attack? It seems there's some secret to him. It's like if his mind is set on a goal, he will achieve it no matter what... Interesting..."

Knuckles: "Amy and Sally are already on their way to track him down."

Lord X: "they couldn't kill that brat even if they tried, but sure, I'll grant them a chance." Lord X snaps his fingers. "OMT, get in here!"

Another Sonic walks in, his eyes completely blacked out, and his mouth in a creepy smile, grinning buttery razor sharp teeth.

Sonic.OMT: "what may you need me for Lord X?"

Lord X: "head out with Amy and Sally to track down that Tom kid, I can't let him get away!"

Sonic.OMT: "why don't you do it yourself? You're leagues stronger than I am, so you should be able to manage."

Lord X slams his fists in fury.

Lord X: "I still need to fuel the black sun! I can only do that by harnessing my power and combining it with the emeralds!"

Sonic.OMT: "that'll definitely take considerable time to do so, if you're just trying to harness this power I'll head out..." Sonic.OMT vanishes as Lord X heads to the pedestal where he keeps said emeralds, still trying to figure out how to merge his power with theirs.

•Tails' Lab•

Tails' lab was an underground secret bunker, hidden from all of Mobius.

Tom was resting, completely sleep deprived and trying to regain the large amount of stamina he lost, and still trying to heal his wounds. Tom had a warm cloth on his head as he also came down with a terrible fever, his throat was soar, he was coughing a lot from time to time, what he was coughing however, was blood. His body was in fatal condition, but just able to hang on, he won't die if he passes out. Tails was wearing a face mask, and doing whatever he could to help Tom get better, giving him the best medicine, and the best drinks. Something like orange juice or soda was helping numb Tom's sore throat temporarily. Tails was making a medicine to get rid of Tom's sore throat, and will completely prevent him from getting another. This was by Tom's request, and he was too injured and exhausted to do it on his own. This took Tails about 7 minutes.

Tails: "almost done... And... BAM!" Tails has finished the medicine, and started walking over to Tom. "Alright now, open wide buddy." Tom opened wide, and Tails gave him the medicine, and within 5 seconds Tom's sore throat was gone, and he was completely better.

Tom Prower: "wow... It worked... Thanks big bro..." Tom could still barely talk due to exhaustion and injuries.

Tails: "rest right bud, I'll get you healed up shortly." Tails knew he needed some rest too, wondering where to sleep. Tom encouraged Tails to snuggle with him, Tom has always seen Tails as an older brother, so he would feel safe in Tails' arms.

Tom Prower: "you can sleep with me big bro..."

Tails: "sure, thanks."

Tom Prower: "no problem Tails."

Tails takes off his face mask, and they snuggle up. The bed leaves a barrier around them that Tails made. This bed can still filter in air, but it's powerful enough to prevent Lord X or anyone like that from trying to kill them. Tom hugged Tails tightly, sobbing with a mix of fear and terror, worried about both him and Tails. Tails pets him to calm him down, understanding the immeasurable amount of fear he's going through.

Tom Prower: "big bro! Please stay with me..." Tom crying out to Tails, scared about both of their safety. Lord X has already traumatized Tom so much, to the point where he can't even suppress his fear or crying. "Big bro!" Tom cries again, he's extremely traumatized from what happened.

Tails growled in a protective manner, vouching to make Lord X die for this, he's not gonna traumatize Tails' little brother and get away with it. Tails cradles Tom close, being really protective. Tom sobs in Tails' arms, desperately cuddling him, really not wanting to let go of Tails.

•Tom's Subconscious Mind•

Tom had a terrifying nightmare.

Tom was in a pitch black area, littered with dead animals and even... Dead people. He then saw it, Tails' body with his intestines ripped out, his eyes are blacked out and bleeding, his mouth leaking blood, and his arms and legs were nearly torn off.

Tom Prower: "Tails??? TAILS!!!" Tom was devastated and fell to his knees, crying tears of sorrow and devastation. "BIG BRO NO!!!" Tom cries out in pure despair.

A shadow reaches Tom. Tom turns around, sobbing. He can tell the shadowy figure did this.

Tom Prower: "GRAAAAHHHHH!" Tom threw a furious punch, causing the shadowy figure's jaw to fly off it's body, Tom continues to violently beat down the figure, cursing constantly. Until...


A pillar of flames erupt behind him, it was The Flames of Disaster, Iblis, the strong part of the Sun God, Solaris, a god beyond all dimensionality, and makes the very concept of space and time look like fiction, transcending every and all narratives on a conceptual level.

Iblis: "you desire power correct?"

Tom Prower: "yes..."

Iblis: "you want to beat Lord X correct?"

Tom Prower: "beat isn't the right word, I want to kill him!"

Iblis: "then show me your worth!"

Iblis changes the arena to a slightly damaged city and the battle begins.

Tom dashes at Iblis and throws a right hook, Iblis blocks it and attempts to fire a fire ball. Tom deflects it and goes for a a upper roundhouse, sweep, and spin kick combo on Iblis, Iblis dodges these attacks and throws a punch at Tom, sending him flying into some mountains. Tom flies out of the rubble and flies at Iblis, throwing a right jab which Iblis blocks. Tom then goes for a tail whip, aerial spin kick, left hook combo which does some damage to Iblis. Tom then jumps down and lunges at Iblis with a flying elbow, which hits the fire god head on, disorienting him a bit. They continue to fight, both of them throwing hands, using every fighting style in their arsenal, snapping across the dimension. Iblis creates two lava birds and sends them towards Tom. One of them hits Tom which grants Iblis enough time to snap to Tom's side and kicks him to the other bird who blasts Tom at point blank range with a fire blast, sending him flying into a building. Iblis doesn't let up and literally throws a flurry of lava punches in that direction, all of them bombarding Tom severely. The city range being completely destroyed, even with that Tom gets back up. Tom was pretty damaged after the attack, but continued to fight. Tom realizes that brute power won't be enough to win this, he decides to close his eyes and focus, re-creating within his body the flows of torrential and undulating forces, putting this into his fists. He also remembers when he was training his nerve strikes, combining these two elements into his own fighting style! One that no other mobian or human has achieved.

Tom Prower: "Defensive Vortex, Nerve Breaking Fist!" Tom's fists glow blue for a few seconds before returning to normal as he assumes a battle stance similar to that of Bruce Lee.

Iblis: "impressive, he invented his own style, a feat that no other mortal lifeform in the cosmos has accomplished." Iblis gets ready to throw a punch. "This was fun kid, but it's time for me to end this!" Iblis throws a punch, and within speeds that surpass time and space itself, Tom instinctively intercepts and nullifies the hit, pushing it to the side before dealing a snapping punch quicker than the eye can conceptualize to Iblis' chest, dealing a one inch punch quicker than Iblis can see. Iblis crashes onto the ground from the attack, and for 10 seconds, feels the worst pain he's possibly ever felt in his life. Think of pissing a giant rock, it's slow, painful, and gruesome, Iblis is feeling something like that but a trillion times worse. Tom had struck a nerve in Iblis' heart, which caused his brain to signal Iblis that he is in this agonizing, tormenting pain. Tom then deals about a hundred blows to Iblis, letting out a battle cry similar to Kenshiro as he punches, before finishing it with a blow that has the same power and force as Iblis' punch from earlier. Iblis realizes this style is the ultimate defense and offense, it allows the user to instinctively defend themselves, almost like it's autonomous. Allowing them to intercept, block, or deflect any attack no matter how strong, fast, or long ranged. It also enhances the user's speed and skill to the max, including every other martial arts they've learned, mainly nerve or pressure point strikes, and no matter what creature you are, Tom can see and strike your pressure points, almost like the Byakugan in Naruto. He can cut off your power, make you feel the worst pain you've ever felt in your life, worst pain than anyone's ever felt, or he can make them rupture, which will kill almost any being. Not only that, but he can also absorb the force and kinetic energy of the attack he defended himself from, and send it right back at you. This style utilizes mainly defense and turns your attacks into the user's offense, and enhances your skill and speed to the max, it's the perfect fighting style, one not even the gods who invented the very concept of combat can conceptualize. Not only this, but this style can bypass any defense by allowing the user to adapt to the said defense, rise to it, and then overcome it. Realizing this, Iblis realizes this fight is gonna be nigh impossible to win. Tom throws a furious punch at Iblis, using all of his power, along with Iblis' power he adapted to and absorbed, dealing a sky splitting, planet threatening blow. Iblis was impressed, and saw that Tom had the spirit of a Viking, the skills of a god, and is worthy for this power.

Iblis: "you are worthy, take the Flames of Disaster, and conquer Lord X!" Tom's hands ignites in a blue blaze, gaining an insane power up, completely bypassing any level of power he had recently.

Tom Prower: "thank you... I'll crush Lord X with this and my new style!"

Iblis: "do so... Show Lord X what the Warrior of Prophecy can accomplish, crush him with an iron fist!"

Tom roars and shoots his fist up to the sky, causing a blazing eruption, he was determined to do one thing and one thing only, cover his knuckles in Lord X's blood.

•Tails' Lab•

Tom was still asleep, smiling this time, truly confident he will end Lord X. Tails woke up for a bit and saw this, Tails was shocked to see Tom's injuries were gone, he had been healed! Tails was happy and nuzzled Tom before going back to bed, knowing tomorrow will be filled with training and preparation for the inevitable clash between two opposing philosophies.

The Ideal Concept of Destruction and Chaos Vs. The Warrior of Prophecy.

Talent and Horrific Power Vs. Hardwork and Dedication.

The Conqueror Vs. The Iron Fist.

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