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Kapitel 43: Keepsake #43

Amused by the absurd spectacle unfolding before me, I couldn't resist a chuckle as Law continued to produce debris shards and send them flying at Double Six while the latter countered each attack with his seemingly endless collection of barrels and buckets. 

"Looks like Law's turned into an Earth Bender or something! Bwahahaha" I quipped to myself, earning a sharp glance from Law amidst his relentless assault.

"What in blazes is an earthbender?" Law retorted, his irritation palpable as he began to circle around Double Six, forced to evade as the latter began counterattacking. 

I simply shrugged in response. "It's someone who can bend earth, but never mind that. Seems like you're at a bit of a stalemate. Either your stamina will wane, or he'll exhaust his supply of... uh, buckets," I remarked, turning my gaze toward Double Six.

"That's why I warned you about relying too heavily on brute strength and your devil fruit," I continued, giving him a pointed look. Law scoffed, clearly unimpressed. 

"Is this really the time to be gloating right now?" he snapped, deftly evading a barrage of objects hurled by Double Six's peculiar power.

"Rusty screwdriver I found on the ground! Sharp stick I used to doodle on the ground with ten years ago!! The orphan keeper's keepsake piss bucket!" Double Six declared with mock grandeur, flinging one item after another at Law with unsettling ease.

Law's confusion morphed into frustration as he dodged the onslaught of bizarre projectiles Double Six hurled at him. When a rusty bucket with suspicious stains streaked toward him, Law's irritation boiled over. 

"Don't throw piss buckets at me, you dirty bastard!" he snapped, narrowly avoiding the projectile and refusing to dirty his blade by using it to block or deflect the dirty projectile. "Why do you even have some old man's piss bucket anyway?! What kind of keepsake is that anyway?!" Law demanded, his exasperation mounting as their chaotic exchange continued.

Meanwhile, I observed the scene unfolding with a mix of amusement and incredulity, half-wishing I had some popcorn to accompany the spectacle. However, my entertainment was short-lived as a familiar voice broke through the chaos from behind.

"What the hell kind of situation is this...?" Penguin's incredulous voice rang out as he, Bepo, and Shachi approached, their eyes wide with disbelief. Despite a few bruises here and there, the trio seemed relatively unscathed, prompting a grin to spread across my face.

"Looks like you guys handled the minions without breaking a sweat. Good job," I commended them, flashing a thumbs-up. "As for this... well, it's just as confusing as it looks But hey, it definitely makes for a good show," I added with a chuckle, turning my attention back to the absurd showdown before us.

Shachi settled down beside me with a chuckle, his eyes fixed on the ongoing spectacle. "Rare sight, seeing Law struggle like this," he remarked, flashing a grin. "But hey, it's quite the show! Good thing we wrapped up with those guys quickly," he added, his attention still glued to the intense battle unfolding before us.

The rest of our crew gathered around, joining in on the entertainment. We watched Law and Double Six engage in their chaotic dance, amused by the sight. Despite Law's obvious frustration, he was too preoccupied dodging projectiles to voice his annoyance. Occasionally, his curses punctuated the air whenever our laughter grew too loud.

Time seemed to slip away as the battle dragged on. Nearly half an hour passed, leaving both combatants visibly exhausted. Law leaned on his knees, gasping for air, his Room flickering in and out of existence. Meanwhile, Double Six propped himself against the wall, his legs trembling from exertion.

"This isn't getting us anywhere," Double Six admitted, drawing in a deep breath to steady himself. Straightening up, he adopted a flimsy boxing stance, throwing a few practice punches. "How about we settle this the old-fashioned way, like gentlemen?" he proposed, his gaze fixed on Law. "No weapons, no strange powers. Just a battle of pure physical prowess?"

Law rolled back his sleeves with a determined grimace. "Fine. Starting to feel like smashing your teeth in anyway," he declared, dropping his sword and advancing towards Double Six. Closing the distance swiftly, he launched a straight punch with his left fist, aimed squarely at his opponent's face.

Double Six raised his arms in defense, blocking the attack, but Law persisted, pushing harder. Sensing an opening, Double Six retaliated with a powerful right punch aimed at Law's head. Law deftly dodged, stepping back to reset his stance.

As Double Six followed up with a right hook, Law ducked underneath the blow, countering with an uppercut aimed at his opponent's chin. The punch landed solidly, causing Double Six to stagger backward, clearly disoriented.

However, to everyone's surprise, Double Six quickly regained his bearings, retaliating with a swift punch aimed at Law's cheek before he could react. Caught off guard and lacking the stamina to evade, Law found himself locked in a brutal exchange of blows.

The sound of their fists meeting echoed in the air, reverberating through the room as they exchanged blow after blow. Eventually, after a relentless barrage of punches, Double Six finally crumpled to the ground, his face swollen and bruised.

Double Six managed an ugly smile through his swollen face, punctuating it with a laugh. "Hahahaha! I told you... whether you fight me alone, together, or wait for your friends and gang up on me..."

 His voice trailed off slightly, but he continued with confidence that didn't quite fit a man lying on the ground with a swollen face. "The result wouldn't change..."

Law's brow furrowed in annoyance. "So you knew you'd lose all along?!" he retorted, frustration evident in his voice as he wished for just a bit more energy to deliver one final blow to Double Six. "Are you an idiot or something?!" he added, his anger palpable.

"Bwahahaha! I think we've already established that by now," I chimed in, interjecting into the conversation with a smirk. "But it was a good fight. Very entertaining!" I gave Law an encouraging thumbs-up, much to his annoyance.

Law, in turn, gave me the middle finger. "Glad you enjoyed. It makes all the pain and effort worth it," Law responded, dripping with sarcasm and disdain. 

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," I chuckled, brushing off his attitude as I turned my attention to Double Six, kneeling beside him. "Looks like you lost, so be a good sport and tell us where you keep your money, will you?" I asked, grinning broadly.

"Oh... so that's why you came knocking on my door?" Double Six muttered, sounding genuinely puzzled.

I shook my head, exasperated. "Playing dumb won't get you anywhere, especially after your lackeys attacked our ship," I retorted, my frustration evident. "But let's cut to the chase. Just spill the beans and tell us where the money is..." I demanded, my patience wearing thin.

Double Six scratched his head, looking genuinely perplexed. "I honestly don't recall sending anyone after your ship..." He denied, his tone almost apologetic. "And as for the money... I'm not sure. You might want to ask Malachi. He's the one who handles the gang's day-to-day operations..." He admitted sheepishly.

"Malachi? Who the heck is that?" I asked, furrowing my brow in confusion. "Oi! Did any of you come across someone named Malachi while taking care of the grunts?" I turned to Bepo and the others for answers.

Bepo's expression fell at my question. "We... didn't think to ask their names. Sorry," he apologized with a bow of his head, his voice tinged with regret and depression.

Law shot Bepo an annoyed glare. "Who stops to ask for someone's name before throwing punches? Why are you apologizing?" he scolded, receiving another apology from the polar bear, much to his irritation.

Before Law and Bepo could spiral into another round of admonishments and apologies, Double Six intervened. "Malachi wasn't among the men who clashed with your friends outside the castle," he asserted. 

"In fact, I haven't seen him since early this morning. He took a group of men and vanished before I could even ask what he was up to," he elaborated.

I let out a sigh at his explanation. "Well, that complicates things... how are we going to find this guy now?" I muttered under my breath, feeling slightly frustrated at this turn of events.

As if on cue, a voice rang out in the vicinity. "You don't have to search too far. I'm right here...!" came the call confidently as numerous footsteps echoed around us.


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