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64.61% The Temptation (RWBY) / Chapter 42: Chapter-42

Kapitel 42: Chapter-42

It was only recently that Jaune had gone on his first ever date and now he was about to take out not one or two, but four girls at once. Though in reality, they were taking him out. This had been Weiss' idea and he was just going with the flow, unknowing what the four members of Team RWBY had worked out in the hours since he'd seen them.

When he arrived at their door at ten minutes to five, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Nerves born of excitement rather than fear, though it made him jittery all the same. He knew how this night was likely to end but there was still a lot of time between then and now, and he couldn't help but wonder what lay in store for him.

When he knocked, it was Ruby who answered.

"Heya," she grinned, her silver eyes sparkling.

Ruby wore very minimal make up usually and that hadn't changed, but it was immediately noticeable that something was different about her look. Her cheeks were dusted with a touch of rouge, black eyeliner making her already vivid eyes pop. Jaune found himself staring at her, taken by how mature just a few simple additions made her look. Still youthful but like a missing element had been found, bringing forth her growing beauty.

"Hey," he finally replied.

She was dressed in a simple red one piece dress, the cut hugging her petite, toned body tightly around her waist and hips, and her growing bust. It fell just below the knee, loose around her legs which were clad in black stockings.

"Come in, we're almost ready."

The next person he saw was Weiss, sitting on her bed. Her usual braid had been discarded, her magnificent hair flowing down her back like a river of spun moonlight. Much like Ruby, she wore a simple dress, the white material embroidered with blue snowflakes but instead of black stockings, she wore white ones. Those ice blue eyes locked onto him at once, their unique color coaxed forth with eyeliner, her soft pink lips glossy as she smiled at him.

They'd both gone with similar looks and it was very alluring indeed. Jaune's eyes moved between them, drinking in the sight. He'd already witnessed them dressed to impress for the Schnee Manor Banquet, dolled out to the maximum but Jaune liked them like this more. Don't get him wrong; they'd looked stunning that night, overwhelming in their splendor, but this more understated expression of their beauty was somehow more impactful.

Weiss stood, her dress swishing around her knees as she approached. She moved, as always, with elegance and grace, almost like a prowling cat, the gentle swells of her hips rolling.

"How do we look?" she asked, placing an arm around Ruby's shoulders and pulling her partner against her side. They stood together, these two little delectable young women, red and white, bright and dark.

"You look amazing," he replied instantly, earnestly. "As always."

Ruby giggled while Weiss smirked.

"Flatterer," the white haired girl said. "You look good, as well."

Jaune didn't think so. She said dress casually and so he did, in a pair of jeans, boots and a button down shirt. A leather jacket completed the look but he felt positively overshadowed by these two magnificent creatures.

How had he ever become so lucky?

He couldn't help it, imagining them together. Feeding them his cock as they were stretched out before him, taking them roughly. He could hear Weiss' wonderful voice, high and needy, while Ruby cried out in jubilation. Their slim, feminine bodies entwined together as he took them, grasping at their soft curves, fucking into them with reckless abandon. Would they kiss each other in the throes of passion, overcome with lust and desire as he drilled their greedy twats? He wanted to know. He wanted to experience these two lose all inhibitions, lost in their pleasure, touching each other like they touched him.

"Thanks," he said. "Where are Yang and Blake?"

"Bathroom," Weiss rolled her eyes lightly. "I don't know what they're doing in there but I'm sure you can imagine."

He certainly could. Blake lovingly dressing her girlfriend, pulling her panties up those shapely, powerful legs. Fitting those wondrous, plump tits into a sexy bra, cupping her flesh with teasing hands as the blonde squirmed. Returning the favor, groping that thick, sculpted ass, the raven haired beauty shivering with barely concealed lust. Jaune had seen them together, had witnessed their love and passion for one another as he filled them both with his hot, thick seed. He knew how caring they would be with each other, hands full of soft caresses and gentle pinches.

His overactive imagination was getting away from him. He felt his cock twitch and harden, and he knew that if he didn't cut it out, they wouldn't be going very far. As much as he wouldn't mind that, he wanted to go on this date. He wanted to spend time with them, all of them – not just for sex, but as friends, enjoying the company of the most important people in his life.

There was no telling what tomorrow would bring.

The door to the bathroom opened and they stepped out, their cheeks flushed. Perhaps his imagination hadn't been far off but he instead focused on how they looked. Blake was dressed in a pair of black tights, showing off her toned, slender legs, a pair of denim shorts cupping her bountiful butt. Up top she wore a purple turtleneck sweater, the garment a few sizes too big, hanging loose in what was surely a style he wasn't aware of.

Jaune liked it. It was very cute.

She was also wearing lipstick, a first. It was a vivid, healthy red, contrasting sharply with her pale skin and glossy black hair. Dare he say it made her look a little sinful.

Yang had gone with the tried and true, similar to what she'd worn on their previous outing together. Tight jeans that highlighted her amazing legs, an orange top that gave him a very ample view of her impressive cleavage and her leather jacket. This time she had tied her hair back into a messy ponytail, and Jaune found his eyes admiring her graceful neck. Her eyelids were dusted with purple eyeshadow, matching the soft hue of her eyes.

"He likes," Blake quipped, waiting until he'd had his fill.

"Of course he likes," Yang grinned, cocky. "We're fucking hot."

She wasn't wrong. All four of them were absurdly attractive and they'd chosen him.

"So – where are we going?"

"You'll see," Weiss said.

Her teammates shared a grin.

Their walk through the academy drew some attention, students roaming about following them with their eyes. He couldn't blame their stares; they must have made quite the sight, and more than a few devoured Team RWBY with interested gazes. They caught a taxi downtown instead of walking, even though it was fairly close, and as they traveled further into the city, Jaune began to notice quite the crowd building up.

"Is something happening?" he questioned, looking around.

His question was answered as they pulled up at a barrier blocking the street, orange cones directing traffic away. Hundreds of people were walking beyond, and now that they'd come to a stop, Jaune saw that many of them were dressed up. Children filled the air with laughter and as he stepped out of the car, he was sure he could hear the faint sounds of music.

Blake grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together and Ruby did the same on his other side. They both smiled at him and tugged him along, so he followed obediently, letting them direct him along with the crowds.

The atmosphere almost felt like a festival – and as they rounded a corner and walked along a road that ran parallel to the city's central park, he realized that it was exactly that. Stalls lined the road, everything from food to trinkets on sale, carnival games for children, and more. Jaune looked around in surprise, taken aback. It was so out of place, something he would expect in Mistral or Vale, not in stuffy Atlas. Even with the Atlesian people opening their arms to the refugees from the lower city, this was something else entirely.

This was unity.

Jaune could see that Weiss was similarly affected though she had clearly known that something was brewing, the orchestrator of their date. But seeing it unfold was different than hearing about it, and the former heiress took a moment to look around in wonder.

"Isn't it great?" Ruby asked, beaming brightly. "Everyone is getting along!"

They were. Mantle and Atlas, side by side.

All the stores were still open, their lights flooding into the street, inviting all those inside to browse and purchase their wares. Someone had hung paper lanterns from the light posts, as well as balloons and paper ribbons. As they walked further in, the various scents of food cooking made his mouth water. Jaune soon found the source of the music, a group of faunus strumming guitars and singing, a set of makeshift drums made from upturned barrels and pots being banged with bare hands. Even so, it sounded quite good and they were clearly having fun, as were the people gathered around listening to them.

Blake paused for a moment, listening – and the most beautiful, joyful smile lit up her entire face.

"This is amazing," he said.

He'd already known that the reveal of Salem had helped bridge the gap between these people but he'd never imagined it would be to this degree. They'd gone from a Grimm incursion to this, their fear turned into joy. It was the best defense against those vile creatures, giving them nothing to latch onto.

More music filtered out of the park and peering over the heads of the people, Jaune saw that a stage had been set up. The sky was quickly darkening and massive flood lights were switched on, bathing the park in bright light.

It was incredible.

"What do we do first?" Yang asked.

"Dinner," Ruby said immediately.

Weiss nodded in agreement. "Yes. Let us find something to eat."

The people of Mantle had come with nothing but the clothes on their backs but Atlas had provided. Several stands served traditional Mantlese dishes; seafood casseroles, baked tuna, marinated octopus, skewered roasted shrimp and more. Then there were foods from abroad, brought here by those whose families had immigrated generations ago; sushi dishes inspired by Mistral, hearty meat stews from Vale, curry laden with spices from Vacuo. While the lower city had suffered from the embargo, Atlas itself had no shortage of food. Now they were sharing it freely, their guests eagerly showcasing pieces of their culture.

When was he last time Jaune had eaten anything from Vale? From the lands surrounding the kingdom, from the lands he hailed from? He paused in front of a stall selling lamb stew with huge chunks of onion, carrot, infused with rosemary and thyme, and served with a healthy portion of creamy mashed potato. His stomach grumbled loudly and his wallet was out of his pocket in moments. He sat down on one of the stools and ordered before any of the girls could get a word in.

"Looks like Jaune has picked for us," Yang laughed.

"Don't mind me," he said, waving them off. "Get what you want."

Yang sat down next to him, placing an order for the same thing.

"Hey – it's been awhile since I've had a slice of home," the Patch native said, smirking. "I'm with ya."

Blake eyed the stool next to him before desperately looking down the street, towards all the fish. Ruby snickered and pulled her along, choosing for her.

"I'll help this kitty get sorted. Be back soon."

"Ruby!" Blake hissed, mortified – but she didn't fight against her, allowing the younger girl to pull her down the street.

Weiss slipped into the seat Blake had been contemplating.

"I've not had lamb stew before," she admitted. "Though I have enjoyed lamb prepared differently in the past."

"You'll love it," Yang assured. "Mister!" she waved the worker over. "Another lamb stew for the princess."

Weiss grumbled. "I'm not a princess."

The young man working the stall froze at the unmistakable sight of her white hair, gawping – and Yang and Jaune laughed, only growing more amused as she glared at the pair of them.

"Will you two shut up."

"Yes, your majesty," Yang ribbed.

"I have a long memory," Weiss haughtily declared. "I will not forget this."

The stew was amazing, hearty and filling. Jaune practically licked the bowl clean, the ultimate sign of approval. While Yang and Weiss didn't go quite that far, they both finished their meals with gusto. When they finished up, they went in search of Ruby and Blake. It didn't take them long; they just looked for the nearest stall selling seafood dishes.

Blake's expression could only be described as nirvana as she happily devoured her bowl of tuna and rice, unaware that they'd joined her until Yang wiped a few grains of rice from her cheeks. Blake jumped and almost toppled off her stool, Jaune reaching out to steady her.

"Enjoying that?" Yang teased.

Her pale cheeks flushed a little but she nodded all the same.

"It's good."

"Where is Ruby?" Weiss asked, looking around.

Ruby was twenty meters away, walking back with a bag full of sweets. Cotton candy, bars of chocolate, freshly baked cookies, frosted cupcakes; if it had sugar, Ruby had claimed it. She placed her haul on the counter and beamed at them.

"Ruby," Yang sighed, trying to look stern but she couldn't. "Aren't you going to eat actual food?"

"This is actual food," she said, looking at Yang as if she were the dumb one. "It's been awhile since I've had any sweets."

Jaune reached in and seized a chocolate bar before she could close it up.

"Hey," she pouted at him.

"Sharing is caring, right?" he returned, grinning.

"You're just lucky I like you so much," she glared at him cutely. "Or you'd be in big trouble, mister."

Blake polished off her meal and then they moved on, basking in the positive atmosphere. Children of clear Mantlese origin played with those from Atlas, dashing through the crowds with laughter on their lips, uncaring of their differences. Miners and stock brokers mingled, scientists and construction workers. It seemed like everyone had come out for this.

It was inevitable that they would bump into someone they knew.

"Team RWBY," Clover greeted them, for once not dressed in his uniform. He looked very different in civilian clothes, jeans and a dark red shirt. "Jaune. I hope you are enjoying yourselves?"

He wasn't alone.

Qrow Branwen looked strange. He wasn't dressed any differently but there was a certain put together quality, a certain air around him that was counter to the usual disarray that surrounded him regularly. His eyes were clear and his hair was neatly combed, and it looked like he'd even shaved, his cheeks and chin smooth without stubble. They all stared at him as if he were some mythical creature and his neutral expression quickly morphed into one of irritation.

"What?" he asked sharply.

Yang jabbed him in the stomach with one of her metal fingers.

"What was that for?"

"Just checking to make sure you aren't Neo," Yang ribbed. "Guys – it's him. I felt his flabby stomach."

"Har har, very funny, kid," Qrow returned, heavy with sarcasm. "How about I tell your little friends about the time I caught you in front of the mirror, teaching yourself how to--"

Yang covered his mouth hastily but the damage was done, Blake perking up.

"Teaching herself what?" she asked, intrigued.

"Nothing," Yang snarled like a cornered animal. "He didn't catch me doing anything. Did you, uncle?"

"Oh! I know this one," Ruby piped up and then she found herself in a headlock, Yang sinking it in tight. "Warrrrgnnbll~!"

Clover laughed as the two sisters wrestled in the middle of the street, drawing more than a few curious onlookers.

"I'm glad everyone is taking the time to unwind. There hasn't been much opportunity to do so."

"Pardon me for saying, but I'm surprised to see you here," Weiss said. "You don't strike me as the festival type."

"No, I don't suppose I do," he shrugged. "But even I need time to decompress. And with everything that is to come... well, this might be my last chance. Our last chance."

"Kid," Qrow greeted Jaune, giving him a nod.

"Qrow," Jaune returned, suddenly feeling very awkward.

He was fairly confident that the man didn't know anything about what was going on but this was Yang and Ruby's uncle. He somehow doubted that the man would be terribly impressed if he knew he was dating both of his nieces, and two other girls at the same time. Nor would he be happy knowing the sorts of things he'd been doing with those two nieces.

Hopefully his ignorance continued. Forever.

After exchanging some more pleasantries, they moved on. Getting away from the food, they soon found themselves surrounded by game stalls; feats of strength, accuracy games, games of luck and chance, and more. Prizes had been supplied by the various stores along the lane; one such game had designer handbags up for the taking while another had shoes and sneakers. Ruby zeroed in immediately on a shooting stall, shoving her bag of goodies into Weiss' arms before racing over.

Excuse me, Ruby, what do you think you're doing," the white haired girl stormed after her. "I'm not carrying your stuff!"

Her partner ignored her, slapping down a stack of lien.

"This should be good," Blake smirked.

The name of the game was simple. Knock down as many wooden pins as possible, nine in total stacked like a pyramid. The distance was small, only a matter of feet but the gun was clearly underpowered and was inaccurate, though the ball bearing it fired was solid. Typical carnival stuff.

Jaune was surprised Atlas had things like this just laying around.

The first game went poorly but Ruby looked undeterred. Once she had a handle on all the little quirks, she began knocking down pins at will. Against convention, the stall operator looked elated and watched with awe as Ruby went again, and again, and again, knocking down all nine pins in consecutive games.

"That's our sharpshooter," Jaune praised and she shot him a wink.

Her prize ended up being a nice set of headphones. Now he knew why she'd been so keen to try it out.

Weiss roughly pushed the bag of sweets back into Ruby's arms.

"Oh, thanks Weiss," Ruby beamed at her and Weiss huffed, trying to hide her smile.

"If you do that again, I'll dump them in a bin."

They tried a variety of different games with wildly varied outcomes. They dominated anything that required strength or a deft touch, Yang easily attaining the high score on a punch machine while Blake nailed every throw on a hoop tossing game. They both earned stuffed animals for their trouble. Yang chose a dopey looking whale while Blake ended up with an adorable black and white cat plushie that her partner immediately began teasing her about.

"Gonna try anything?" Jaune asked Weiss.

"I've got an idea."

She led them into the park and towards the stage, and they watched as she approached the stagehands and began talking with them rapidly. To their surprise, they let Weiss through and just like that, she was up on the stage with a microphone in hand. The band that had been playing finished their song before she stepped forward, drawing numerous whispers as the people realized who she was.

It wasn't exactly a warm reception but it wasn't hostile.

The next twenty minutes sent chills down Jaune's spine as Weiss opened her mouth and sang some of the most beautiful songs he had ever heard in his life. Her voice was smooth as silk, her passion clear as she belted out high notes with little effort, dropping low to convey her darker emotions before cresting on high once again, in total control of her vocals. Everyone in the vicinity stopped what they were doing to listen, hundreds of people focused entirely on her.

Her range was incredible.

"Woah," Yang stared at her teammate and friend in awe.

There was no accompanying music. It was all her.

Jaune recognised the lyrics of some of her songs but he was sure that a few of them were ones he had never heard before. Excitement spread quickly like a wave, rippling out through the onlookers as any tension faded and was replaced.

With a finale that rattled deep in his soul, Weiss finished with a flourish and a bow. The crowd erupted in wild cheering as she blew kisses before stepping off stage to thunderous applause. Ruby was perhaps the loudest of them all, clapping until her hands turned red before hugging her partner with everything she had. Weiss grunted but laughed in joy, returning the embrace.

Blake looked on the verge of tears.

"Are you okay?" Jaune asked, touching her shoulder. She nodded quickly, wiping at her eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's just... that was amazing."

It was. He knew Weiss could sing, had heard her songs before but this was something else entirely. When Ruby finally let her go, she walked over to him and arched an eyebrow.

"So?" she asked haughtily.

Her pale cheeks were flushed from exertion, her ice blue eyes bright.

She looked alive .

"That was awesome," he said and she preened.

Yang shot him a look and then joked, "We aren't taking her to karaoke."

They both laughed, remembering how terrible they'd both been. Even compared to the average person, they'd been horrible. Compared to Weiss? They were straight criminal.

"Jaune~!" twin voices chorused.

He had barely turned when two girl shaped missiles slammed into his legs. Magenta and Amaranth squeezed him with all the strength they could muster and he ruffled their hair, grinning as they complained but didn't let go. Where they were, their mother was sure to follow.

Sure enough, when he looked up, he saw Cerise approach with a fond smile, her alluring eyes warm.

"Jaune," she greeted happily, taking in his company. "Blake, Yang, Ruby," she added. "How are you?"

There was an undercurrent of awkwardness as the partners didn't know how to react. It was a little different when all they had were suspicions, teasing him about her attractiveness but now that Jaune had let the cat out of the bag, they knew he had been intimate with this woman. Though it wasn't that. It was probably because Cerise had been his first. She was the first woman he had ever had sex with, discounting the woman Grimm.

Ruby was completely unaffected.

"Heya," she waved. "Oh – have you met Weiss? Weiss, this is Cerise."

"We've met," the former heiress said, eyeing the other woman up and down. Then she extended a hand and Jaune watched as they shook hands. "Pleasure."

Cerise looked humbled as she said, "I saw your performance. I'm sure you've heard it all before but it was breathtaking. Thank you for singing for us."

Weiss smiled genuinely. "Thank you. That is very kind of you to say."

His attention was snatched when small hands began tugging on his arms and Jaune knelt down so he could talk with her daughters.

"What's up?"

"Why haven't you been around to visit?" Amaranth pouted.

"Yeah. I know we don't have school or anything but we never see you any more," Magenta complained. "We're bored."

"Come play with us."

"Mom wants you to come around too."

Thankfully they weren't too loud with their words but Yang heard them, shooting him a smirk above their heads.

"Sorry, I've been really busy," he apologized and they rolled their eyes, as if they didn't believe him or their mother had used the same excuse and they were tired of it. "Tell you what – when I get some time off next, I'll come around and spend the whole day with you? How does that sound?"

"You really mean it?" they asked together, beaming.

Jaune smiled. "Of course. I promise."

They looked significantly cheered by that.

"And maybe if you're good, I'll come with," Yang butted in and the girls grew excited. "Can't leave out cool Aunty Yang, right?"

"Really? Yes!" Amaranth pumped her fist in victory.

Magenta whooped.

Cerise managed to pull him aside some time later, securing a private moment as Team RWBY entertained her little girls.

"So," she began.

"So," he mirrored.

Cerise smirked, nodding in the direction of Team RWBY. Blake was allowing her daughters to touch her cat ears, the pair being incredibly careful as they stroked the soft, fuzzy black appendages with looks of awe etched on their faces.

"Nice company you have tonight," she teased.

He nodded. "Yeah."

What else was there to say?

"Which one do you like?"

Jaune looked at her, surprised.

"Don't give me that look," she said. "It's written all over their faces that they're enamored with you."

Was it?

Jaune looked their way and caught Ruby giving him the side eye. She quickly looked away but that only made it more obvious.


Cerise giggled.

"Always knew you were lying when you said you weren't a ladies man," she ribbed him.

"Trust me," he said. "I really wasn't. This is just... I don't know how to explain it."

"It isn't such a surprise, Jaune. You're an amazing guy."

When he met her eyes, they were filled with hunger, affection and a tinge of sadness.

"I was hoping..." she began then paused, giving her head a small shake. "Never mind."


"Sorry. It's nothing," she waved it off. "Just the wistful dreams of a woman."

Jaune didn't even think about it and grabbed her hand, cradling it between them.

"You can tell me if anything is bothering you, you know that, right?" he said. "I'll listen."

Those beautiful eyes shimmered and then suddenly she stepped forward, getting close. Her scent wafted over him and then he felt her soft, warm lips on his own. It was only for an instant and then she stepped away, her pink tongue darting out to lick her lips. Jaune felt his heart jump and his blood quicken.

"I just had to do that," she told him, a little breathless. "Even if it is the final time."

His lips tingled in memory.

"Thank you," she then said. "For everything, Jaune. I mean it."

Why did this feel like a goodbye?

He opened his mouth to say something, anything – but nothing came out. He watched her collect Magenta and Amaranth, and then she was gone, sinking into the crowd as if she were never there in the first place.

"Hmm," Blake was pouting, her eyes narrowed slightly as she stared at the spot Cerise walked through. "She is really bold, isn't she?"

Weiss huffed.

"She didn't know," he felt the need to defend, clearing his throat. "I – about us, I mean. She just asked if I liked any of you and said you all liked me. She didn't know we're together."

Yang smirked. "I have a feeling that even if she knew the whole story, she still would have kissed you."

"You aren't mad, right?" he looked around at all of them. "Right?"

"I told you I'm a jealous girl, Jaune," Blake murmured darkly.

Weiss eyed him, a strange glint in her eyes.

"She was your first lover," she stated. He nodded slowly. "I suppose I understand where she is coming from."

"Well, I'm mad," Yang told him bluntly.

Ruby just shrugged.

"Are you going to date her as well?"

The rest of her team shot their leader annoyed glances, some more so than others.

"Ruby," Yang groaned. "He can't date everyone that likes him."

"Why not?"

Blake looked flabbergasted. "What do you mean 'why not'?"

"He is dating all of us, right?" she smiled happily. "I don't mind if he wants to date her. She's important to him."

Weiss shook her head, looking partly amused. "Womanizer."

Jaune felt that one. "Hey..."

"Cad," she continued. "Philanderer. Reprobate."

"Doesn't it bother you?" Blake asked Ruby incredulously.

Doesn't any of this? Jaune wanted to ask all of them, yet the thought vanished as quick as it came.

"Why should it?" Just like when everything came out, Ruby was shockingly unconcerned. "It isn't like he loves us any less, right?"

Blake didn't have an answer to that. Not anything that she hadn't already said, anyway.

"Man whore," Weiss added after a pause. "You'll have to make it up to me."


"As first girlfriend and future wife, you have to do as I say," she tilted her chin up, looking down on him, "I trust you are in agreement?"

"Uh – as long as it's reasonable?" he tried.

"It's more than reasonable," she told him. She looked at her teammates then. "How about we show him how much we care about him, ladies."

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