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96.77% Highschool dxd : Yasaka is my wife / Chapter 30: 29

Kapitel 30: 29

Chapter 29


Vince stopped walking upon reaching a shrine. He raised an eyebrow at the location. (A shrine outside of the city and Akeno lives here? Huh. I was expecting a house or a mansion.)

He climbed up the steps while crossing his arms. (I wonder why Akeno called me out here. It must be for something. Guess I'll find out soon.)

Vince's eyes widened upon seeing Akeno up the steps in a shrine maiden outfit sweeping with a broom. "Wait. So you're an actual miko and not a cosplayer with an unhealthly fetish for a miko?"

Akeno promptly whacked Vince in the head with a broom with an annoyed look. She cleared her throat and put the broom away. "Sorry, Vince-kun. Suddenly calling you out like this."

Vince rubbed his head with a irritated look. "Can you apologize for whacking me with a wooden broom instead?"


He rolled his eyes and looked around. "If I recall correctly, Rias has to do a few last preparations with her brother before that annoying conference right?"

"Yes. And please don't refer to the conference in that way. It's very important." Akeno stated.

"It's important to the Three Factions. I don't recall it being important to me." He admitted selfishly.

Akeno frowned at the remark. "Please don't be like that Vince-kun."

His only response was to shrug. "So why aren't you with Rias? Aren't you suppose to be with her at all meetings?"

"Grayfia-sama will follow up over there, not to mention if it advances by a certain degree, then even without me it will be all right. More than that, I have to meet the person who's waiting upstairs and we have to wait for our other guest." Akeno said looking up the stairs.

"Other guest?"

"Oi, Akeno-san, Vince!" Issei shouted as he walked up the steps.

Vince blinked twice as he saw Issei walk up to them. Although a sweatdrop appeared when he noticed Issei glaring at him. "Relax. I'll make it up to you later."



"Can you make the girl's-" Vince immediately covered Issei's mouth with his hand dragged him away a few inches away from Akeno and whispered harshly in his ear. "Not in front of Akeno you dumbass! She'll tell either Rias or Sona!"

Issei paled almost immediately after being reminded and nodded profusely.

"Ara ara, you two seem like you're having fun. What are you talking about?" Akeno asked suddenly appearing in front of them.

Issei's skin turned even more paled while Vince let go of him and shrugged. "...I'm telling Issei about the shocking discovery I found out that you're an actual miko and not a cosplayer with an unhealthy fetish for one."

Akeno released killing intent as her hand surged with lightning. Issei quickly took a few steps away from Vince. "Is that so? I guess I should "discipline" you Vince-kun."

Vince ducked his head to avoid the lighting bolt Akeno shot out of her hand. He placed his hands in his pockets and looked up the stair where Akeno previously looked at. "So who's the other guest?"

Issei looked at Vince like if he was crazy while Akeno lightly frowned and walked ahead. "You'll find out soon, Vince-kun."

Upon reaching the arch Issei hesitated on walking any further. Vince glanced at Akeno to which she noticed and spoke. "This place is fine. An agreement was reached under the table, even devils can enter."

Vince's eyes narrowed while Issei hesitantly passed through the arch. "Akeno-san do you live here?"

"Yeah, the priest of the last generation passed away, Rias secured this shrine which had no people remaining for me." Akeno answered.

Before Vince could speak a voice spoke up. "Is this the Sekiryuutei and his friend?"

Issei and Vince turned to the side to see a handsome-looking man with long blonde hair and green eyes dressed in a extravagant white robe and golden colored halo above his head.

The man gently smiled and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Sekiryuutei, Hyoudou Issei-kun. And you, Reinhart Vince-kun."

Issei looked confused while Vince immediately stiffen and resisted the urge to take out his holy-sword. Micheal lightly frowned for a moment at Vince's reaction while he let out twelve golden wings from his back. "I am Michael. I am the leader of the angels. I see, this aura's quality, it's surely Ddraig. This brings back memories."

He then turned to Vince and noticed the bracelet on his wrist. Vince covered his bracelet and Micheal smiled softly. "I see. So that's where Angel/Devil went after all these years. I recognize this aura. ...But it feels like it's going through a change. I can also feel traces of Ddraig's aura in it as well. Your other Sacred Gear is also going through a change and I also sense traces of Ddraig's aura within it as well..."

"...Are you related to a women named Gabriel?" Vince asked after looking at Micheal's face for a moment.

"Why yes, Gabriel is my sister." Micheal answered surprising him.


Akeno lead Issei, Micheal and Vince to the main shrine. Along the way Issei noticed Vince staying a certain distance from Micheal with a serious expression. He looked at him worriedly when seeing his expression.

Walking inside into the main shrine both Issei and Vince felt an unknown surge of power. Vince's eyes immediately darted around the main room trying to find the source. His eyes narrowed and he turned to Micheal. "What's with the sudden surge of energy for?"

"Truth is, I thought of awarding this to your friend Hyoudou, Issei and as for you, Reinhart, Vince two people wish to see you again. They will be here soon. Unfortunately they're running a little late." Micheal answered pointing to a sword that radiated a holy aura.

"This is Georges- if I say Saint George then would it be better introduced? It's the dragon slayer's holy sword, Ascalon, that he possessed." He explained.

"Never heard of him before." Vince spoke shrugging.

[It's a famous dragon slayer. Well, you should also study a bit more Vince, you too partner.] Ddraig told them, speaking through the gauntlet.

"I don't care enough to learn about him." Vince remarked.

Issei looked annoyed at the comment but sweatdropped after he heard Vince.

[Vince, don't be like that. Saint George is a very important person. He's a very famous dragon slayer. Dragon slayers are a group of people that specialize in slaying dragons.] Yume explained sighing.

"A guy who specializes in killing overgrown lizards that can fly. ...Great, whatever." He said sarcastically, mumbling that last part to himself.

[I feel sorry for you Yume.] Ddraig said sounding slightly irritated.

[And you have my condolences Ddraig-san.] Yume replied sighing sadly.

"Shut up!/Screw you!" Issei and Vince shouted simultaneously.

Micheal cleared his throat although he did look mildly surprised at the way they responded to Ddraig. "As a special courtesy, since I am giving this, even you a devil who has the power of the dragon can handle it. Before you can possess it, do you think you can assimilate it into the boosted gear?"

Vince gained a confused expression and looked at Issei's arm where the boosted gear usually is. "Is that even possible Ddraig?"

Issei nodded in agreement also looking confused and Ddraig spoke up. [It depends on you and my partner. The sacred gear answers on both of your feelings. If you wish for it, it should be possible.]

(That was rather vague.)Vince thought shaking his head.

"Why, give it to me?" Issei asked looking at Micheal.

"This time's meeting, I think there's a huge opportunity to cooperate between the three great powers. I hear you already know it so I am saying this but, we lost our creator-God during the last war. Our enemies also lost the old Maous in battle. The leaders of the fallen angels are reticent. Azazel also has his official stand of not wanting to create wars. This is a chance. A chance in order to get rid of the useless battles. If small scale battles continue like this intermittently, then anyhow, the three great powers will be destroyed. Even if that isn't the case, from the side other powers may invade. That sword is a present from me to the Maou side. Of course, I also sent presents to the fallen angel side. I got the rumored holy demonic swords from the devil side as well, our side is very grateful as well." Micheal informed.

"If that's the case then why should I even attend in the first place. Outside of having help in dealing with Kokabiel?" Vince asked frowning.

"Because you have a forbidden Sacred Gear. One that was never meant to be used or to exist and yet you wield it. I believe it will further help cooperation between the three powers also, you have connections to powerful people in all three sides. You who is engaged to Gremory Rias, who is the little sister of one of the Maou. You have also done freelancing jobs for Azazel, leader of the fallen angels and you personally know my sister and her friend, one of the top exorcists of the church, Kirigakure Shura." Micheal explained to him.

Both Vince and Issei looked confused as Micheal continued. "We heard that the one who opposed us, the Welsh dragon had become a devil. As a greeting, and alongside that as a present we're giving you this sword. From now on you'll probably be targeted by Dragon class opponents and the vanishing dragon. I thought that for the rumored "The weakest host in history", it may become a supporting weapon."

Issei gained an annoyed expression while Vince narrowed his eyes. "Well it's not Issei's fault to begin with. He was dragged into this situation by all three powers over some petty power struggle."

Issei's eyes widened at Vince sticking up for him while Micheal's eyes sadden for a moment. "I know."

"Is giving it to me all right? More like, why me?" Issei asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

"Only once have the three great powers held hands together. That's during the time they defeated the red and white dragon. Since it was the two dragons who trespassed into our battlefield and threw the battlefield into disarray." Micheal explained to them.

"And right after that everyone pretty much went back into fighting, right?" Vince asked gaining a nod from a Micheal.

"Wishing that we hold hands together like that time, I am placing my hopes in you-in the Sekiryuutei. It's typical Japanese right?" Micheal asked smiling.

Issei turned towards the sword and hestantly extended his hand. Akeno noticed his hesitance and spoke up. "There were final adjustments done on that sword in this shrine. Maou-sama, Azazel-sama, and Michael-sama's camps' ceremonies have been performed so even if a devil houses the power of the dragon, he can touch it."

Issei fearfully took the sword and his hand and Vince's eyes widened at not seeing him taking any damage. Before Issei could say anything he blinked twice as he saw Ascalon no longer in his hand. "Eh?"

"So, this is Ascalon, huh?" Vince asked holding the sword up.

"Hey, give it back!" Issei shouted as he tried to grab the holy-sword back.

Vince jumped away at the last second causing Issei to fall face first on the floor. Akeno and Micheal's eyes widened at the scene.

Vince examined the sword for a few moments before shrugging. "Catch."

Issei stumbled a bit but caught the sword Vince tossed him. He summoned his boosted gear and closed his eyes. The holy aura flowed into the sacred gear and Ascalon went into it. A few moments within a red flash a gauntlet existed with a blade growing out of the front portion of the back of Issei's left hand.

Vince blinked owlishly and for a moment looked at his bracelet. (Can I do something similar with Angel/Devil and my swords?)

[First it was that Excalibur fragment and now with Ascalon. How can you even wield those holy-swords?] Ddraig asked aloud.

Everyone turned to Vince who looked away. "...I rather not answer."

"Oh? Yer not gonna say Vince?" A feminine voice spoke up.

After immediately recognizing the voice Vince resisted the urge to facepalm. (I should have known...)

"Please tell us Vince. We would like to know." Another feminine voice said.

Issei looked around while Micheal smiled. "I'm glad you two could make it."

"It was pretty damn busy getting here Micheal." Shura said walking in wearing her usual outfit but was wearing a denim jacket over it.

"It wasn't that bad Shura." Gabriel also walked in wearing a elegant white robe with a halo over her head with twelve wings growing from her back, she turned to Issei and smiled. "Hello, Sekiryuutei, Hyoudou Issei. I am Gabriel, one of the Seraph and Micheal's sister."

"Y-Yes! It's nice to meet you!" Issei greeted gaining a nosebleed from Gabriel and Shura's appearance.

"Name's Kirigakure Shura, nice ta meet ya kid." Shura greeted casually.

Issei then turned to Vince and started shaking him. "Why didn't you tell me you knew two bishoujo's with massive oppai!?"

Shura's eye twitched violently in response but said nothing while Gabriel looked confused. Vince however zapped Issei with a jolt of lightning and kicked him away. "Why the hell do I hang out with you again?"

Akeno's eyes widened greatly as Gabriel walked over to Vince and pulled him into a hug. "Are you alright Vince?"

"I'm okay Gabriel." He said returning the hug.

Issei muttered angrily to himself while Shura laughed at his misfortune and Akeno gained a jealous expression.

"This sure brings back some memories. Gabriel used to hug Vince like that everyday." Shura said aloud.

Akeno's eye twitched in annoyance and Issei gained a tickmark while Gabriel continued to hug Vince, unintenionally placing his head in between her breasts.

Vince nudged Gabriel's shoulders gaining her attention. "Gabriel, can you stop hugging me? I can hardly breathe."

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said letting go of him.

Vince sighed in relief and looked at his bracelet. "Yume. Would I be able to incorporate my weapons into Angel/Devil?"

[Yes you can. The concept is the same as Ddraig explained earlier.] Yume explained.

"Right." Vince took out the paper seal. Shura looked closer at the seal and let out a low whistle.


"I dunno what you put in there Vince. But it looks ready to fall apart." Shura answered making him sigh.

"I'm not surprised." Out of the paper seal, everyone's eyes widened when a katana that radiated a powerful holy aura, a two-handed sword that radiated a omnious demonic aura and the head of a decapitated demonic looking fish.

"W-What the hell is that!?" Issei screamed after seeing the fish head.

"That's the head of the fish that nearly tried to eat me alive. It guarded that demon-sword there." Vince stated calmly, alarming Gabriel greatly.

"You sure get into some weird stuff Vince." Shura said looking mildly disturbed at seeing the fish head.

Vince shrugged and put the fish head back into the paper seal. "At least the seal can properly hold that for now."

"What are you going to do with that Vince?" Gabriel asked worriedly.

"Well... I'm either going to sell it. Or stuff it in a random locker that one of the girls own in my school." Vince answered bluntly.

"Please make sure that it's not my locker Vince-kun." Akeno remarked shaking her head.

"No promises Akeno."

Shura snickered at the interactions between the two. "Smooth Vince. So is she your girlfriend or what?"

Akeno lightly blushed and Vince instead of answering the question he simply shrugged. "Jokes aside. I'm ready to begin."

"Excuse me." Micheal held up his hand for a moment and looked at the two swords next to Vince. "If you don't mind, can you tell us what is the name of the holy-sword and the demon-sword?"

Vince stopped for a moment and glanced at Micheal before shaking his head. "I don't think I should tell you or anyone else before the conference."

Shura waved her hand casually. "I wouldn't worry about it Vince, Micheal knows what he's doing. 'Sides, I'm curious myself. When did you get a demon-sword and a holy-sword?"

He remained hesistant on answering and Issei along with Akeno gave him a worried glance while Gabriel smiled softly. "It's okay Vince, you can tell us. We only wish to know. Right brother?"

"Indeed. I assure you Reinhart Vince-kun, this won't affect my overall judgement on the conference for tomorrow." Micheal stated in a reassuring tone.

(...I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell them what their names are... and giving a small description of it's history to Issei.) Vince walked towards Arondight and picked it up. Micheal and Gabriel's eyes widened when they saw a pitch black aura envelop him. Gabriel looked worried while Shura examined Vince more closely.

He lightly swung the two-handed sword once with one hand. "This is the demon-sword Arondight. It is the counterpart of Excalibur. It used to be a holy-sword before Lancelot messed it up by corrupting it with his madness and resentment. That's the reason why this sword is colored pitch black. Not to mention he also used this sword to kill several of his fellow knights. This is also a dragon slayer sword."

"We've been looking for that sword all of these years..." Micheal spoke in a surprised tone. "Where did you find it?"

"...In a underwater temple. Right near the outskirts of the Vatican." Vince answered shocking Micheal and Gabriel.

"It's been near the Vatican all this time...?" Gabriel wondered sounding surprised.

Shura let out a low whistle. "That's pretty ironic. Hiding the corrupted holy-sword near the Vatican."

Vince held the demon-sword and pointed it towards the bracelet. Everyone's eyes widened as he plunged it into the other half of the bracelet that's colored pitch black.

A large demonic aura seeped out of Angel/Devil and collided with the demonic aura that Arondight released. For a moment the two demonic auras collided until they swirled around together as if they merged around him.

To everyone's surprise the combined demonic aura started slowly consume Vince's body. He turned around to face them and stared at them emotionlessly.

Before anyone could do anything his body was immediately consumed by the demonic aura.

"...Is Vince gonna be okay?" Issei asked worriedly.

"I'm not sure, Issei-kun." Akeno answered looking at the demonic aura with a worried expression.

"Neither do I." Gabriel spoke also looking worried.

"He'll be fine." The others turned to Shura who just smirked. "Vince isn't as frail as ya think."

The demonic aura that consumed Vince faded and he fell to the floor gasping for air as the others quickly went to him. Akeno worriedly patted him on the back. "Is everything okay Vince-kun?"

"...I'll be fine." Vince got up from the floor and picked up the katana that radiated a holy aura. "This is the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi. Susanoo had it with him when he was banished and used it to cut off the eight heads of a dragon called the Yamata no Orochi and proceeded to do that with the tails. Izanagi also used this sword to kill his son Kagu-tsuchi. Just like Arondight, this is also a dragon slayer sword."

Issei shivered from the description as Vince grabbed the holy-sword and plunged it into the other half of the bracelet that was colored pure white.

A large holy aura seeped out of the bracelet. The aura slowly merged with the katana that's slowly going into the bracelet. Many small orbs of light started to fall down from above Vince. A small orb of light slowly fell to Vince's hand as a sad smile slowly appeared on his face. His eyes widened when he saw a young woman next to Akeno who looked identical to her and wore the exact same outfit as Akeno, right down to the orange ribbon that held her ponytail in place.

(Who is that? She looks just like Akeno. Why hasn't anyone seen noticed her until now?) Vince thought as he slowly walked towards Akeno.

Akeno along with everyone else looked confused as they saw him walking towards her. The orbs of light continued to fall around Vince's body. The orbs of light suddenly danced around Vince and engulfed his body. The young woman next that's next to Akeno, eyes widened when his hand stretched out and reached out to touch her.

Before his entire body was entirely engulfed by the light he whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. "Who are you? And why do you look like her?"

"Who was Vince talking to? And why did do that?" Issei asked looking completely confused.

"I believe the immense amount of demonic and holy energy allowed Vince-kun to see something we couldn't." Micheal surmised.

"Yeah, but the only question is what did he see and why did he ask that question out loud?" Shura remarked looking at Akeno.

"I want to know why." Akeno said frowning a little.

The light that engulfed Vince faded and he fell on one to the floor panting. Sweat dripped from his face and the others quickly went to him.

"You sure surprised us Vince. So why did ya see and what was with that question?" Shura asked helping him up.

Vince pulled away from Shura and glanced at the young woman next to Akeno. His eyes narrowed when he started to see her figure become static-like. He shook his head and frowned. "I rather not say."

Akeno frowned and turned towards him. "Please tell me, Vince-kun."

"I will in private." He shook his head and sighed. (Ugh.I felt everything rush into my body and through the Angel/Devil, as if it was being accustomed to it and then that women I saw that looks like Akeno. I'm pretty sure I'll find out more about her later. I also need to do a few adjustments to my staff's spearhead later.)

Vince held out his left hand, a dark aura formed around his hand for a moment before Arondight appeared. A pitch black demonic aura then enveloped Vince's body. He lightly swung the blade causing a small shockwave of demonic energy to be released. He held the demonic sword close to his face and closed his eyes, ignoring the surprised looks from the others. (I can feel Arondight changed a little bit. It feels slightly less chaotic compared to before. I'm pretty sure it won't be able to influence me to show my negative emotions unless I summon it.)

He opened his eyes and with a small swinging motion, made Arondight disappear in a small dark aura. Vince held out his right hand and a white aura formed around it, as the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi was summoned, a holy aura enveloped the blade. (This one feels slightly more different than before. I feel more calmer than before. I'll have to train at night so I can get timing down on summoning these two. ...I think I'll just call the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi, Totsuka. The name is a mouthful.)

With a swinging motion the holy-sword disappeared in a white aura. "Not bad. Looks like it worked."

Gabriel smiled while Michael clapped his hands "And, it's time. I have to go soon."

"Already? Is setting up the conference that time consuming?" Vince asked raising an eyebrow.

"Like ya wouldn't believe Vince. Yer lucky you don't have help set it up." Shura said sighing.

"U-Um, I, want to say something to you." Issei said looking at Micheal.

"Time to visit the conference, let's hear it after the conference. I'll definitely hear it. Don't worry." Micheal wrapped his body in light, after a flash of light he disappeared.

"Goodbye. We'll see you at the conference." Gabriel wrapped both her and Shura's in light and disappeared in a flash of light.


"Here's some tea." Akeno said serving Vince a cup of tea.

"Thanks. So, what kind of place is this?" He asked looking around the room.

"We're in a tea ceremony room. You've never seen one before?" Akeno asked curiously.

Vince took a sip of his tea. "Nope. I've never been in a shrine either. It's the first time seeing this."

The two silently looked at each other alone for a few minutes, Akeno then placed her cup of tea down on a small table in between them. "Do you mind if I ask you a question Vince-kun?"

"Ask away."

"What is your relationship with Gabriel-sama and Shura-sama?" Akeno questioned.

Vince raised an eyebrow. "You want to know about that?"

"Yes, I do."

He crossed his arms in response. "...Are you jealous or something?"

A blush appeared on her face. "Of course not. I would like to make sure my cute kohai is okay."

"Right. That's totally believable." Vince replied sarcastically.

"Please answer the question Vince-kun." Akeno stated in a slightly forced tone.

"There's not really much to say. Shura is one of my teachers she taught me how to control my Sacred Gear, Element Brand and physical training she also gave me some medical training. Gabriel is a good friend of my mother and I, she asked Shura to train me after she saw the control on my Sacred Gear slipping. Though, now that I think about it... Shura is a pain in the ass and Gabriel is denser than a sack of bricks..." Vince explained causing her to sweatdrop and sigh slightly.

He took a sip of his tea and looked at Akeno. "Now for my question. What's the real reason you called me here? I know there's more to it than just Gabriel and Shura coming here."

Akeno's expression suddenly changed to a slightly sad one. "...Originally I was born between one of the leaders of the fallen angels, Baraqiel, and a human."

"Baraqiel? Isn't he one of the leaders of Grigori?" Vince questioned raising an eyebrow.

Akeno stared at Vince for a moment before nodding and continuing. "My mother was a daughter of a certain shrine of this country. I heard that on a certain day, my mother saved Baraqiel who had collapsed from injuries and from the fate of that day I was born."

She expanded her wings from her back. One was a devil wing while the other was a wing of a fallen angel. "They're dirty wings... The wing of a devil and the wing of a fallen angel, I possess both of them."

"..." He stood there and watched her.

Akeno grabbed the black feathers of her fallen angel wing, despising them. "While hating these feathers, I met Rias and became a devil. But what was born was the feathers of a fallen angel and devil, a more disgusting creature who possessed both. Fufufu, this may suit me who has dirtied blood flowing in her veins."

Vince silently stared at Akeno. (All this time... she felt like this. I've always wondered why I felt a kinship with Akeno and now I see why... just like her, I hate myself too. Our circumstances are different in some aspects but still.)

"...How do you feel, Vince-kun, after hearing that? You hate fallen angels, right? They killed Issei-kun and Asia-chan once, and tried to destroy this city once, they also tried to kill you once, there's no way you can hold good thoughts about them." Akeno remarked.

"But that was them. You didn't do any of that, you tried to stop them." He retorted.

Akeno's eyes widened greatly as Vince continued. "I don't care if you're related to a fallen angel. I'm not going to judge you or an entire race just because of a few fallen angels decided to act stupid. And did you forget? You're talking to the human that can turn into an angel or a devil at will."

He shook his head and muttered to himself. "Besides, if anyone is the disgusting creature, it's me..."

She still heard the comment and frowned. "That's not the case, I have the blood of a fallen angel in me not you, you know? How can you not care about this? Although I reincarnated into a devil, the fact that I have the blood of a fallen angel in me doesn't change. ...I may have approached you wanting to get hated, you know? ...No, that's definitely the case. I am the worst kind of woman..."

Vince reached out his hand and touched Akeno's fallen angel wing, causing her to gasp. "I could care less about your heritage. I'm not going to change my opinion of you just because of that. ...You're still my friend Akeno and-" He turned his face away, and a small blush appeared on his face. "I like you the way you are."

Tears slowly slipped from Akeno's face, she started crying and Vince turned to her. She wiped the tears from her face and smiled. "...You said some killing words. ...After hearing that... won't I really get serious..."

"Killing words? That's a weird way of phrasing it." He said looking slightly confused.

Akeno got up and hugged Vince, slightly surprising him. She then whispered into his ear. "I have decided. I, have decided. Vince-kun, do you like Rias?"

"Well, she's a good person." Vince answered, knowing what she was implying.

"...That's a given, right, she's serious as well so legal wife is impossible. There's a possibility of Kasumi and Rena being the legal wife as well so and there's Akari too. There's also that woman in Kyoto that took Vince-kun's chasity ...The first position is very hard to take." Akeno muttered to herself.


"Yes, Vince-kun?"

"Do you have a sister?" He asked suddenly.

Akeno blinked in surprise before shaking her head. "No I don't. Does it have to do with what you saw?"

Vince lightly frowned for a moment. "Did you see what I did?"

"No. But Micheal-sama told us that the immense amount of holy and demonic energy allow you to see something we couldn't." Akeno explained to him.

Vince glanced over Akeno's shoulder for a moment and back to her. "Oh. Well, I saw a woman that had a striking resemblance to you and she even had the same outfit you have on right now. She was right next to you, I think she was the last generation priest you talked about earlier."

Akeno looked startled and she quickly turned around, before turning back to Vince with a worried expression. "Is she still here, right now?"

He blinked in surprise at her response, unable to think of anything else he shook his head. "I don't know. I can't see her anymore, but the last time I saw her she was right next to you. Akeno, is she... your mother?"

Akeno nodded sadly and hugged him tightly. Vince's expression changed from confused to sad. He gently rubbed her back and whispered in her ear. "It's okay Akeno. You don't need to say anything else."

"Thank you, Vince-kun." She whispered back.

Vince nodded and took note of her change in tone. (Her tone of voice changed. She doesn't sound like she normally does. ...So this is how Akeno really sounds like when she's not acting proper? ...I like it.)

The two stood still silently for a few minutes, Akeno quietly cried, she held on to Vince's shirt while Vince continued to gently rub Akeno's back as he felt the tears on his clothes.

She eventually pulled away and smiled. Akeno slowly brought Vince's head down to the floor and placed her lips against his.

Vince's eyes widened at the action, after a few moments he closed his eyes and kissed her back. He wrapped his arms around her back and deepened the kiss.

Hey, Vince. Having fun?" Vince opened his eyes and turned his head along with Akeno.

The two saw Rias glaring at them who emitted a radiant crimson aura that continued to expand.

Vince pulled away from Akeno and got up. He helped her up and shrugged. "This is exactly what it looks like."

"So, did you see your two guests?" Rias asked in a low voice.

"Yeah. It was nice seeing Gabriel and Shura again." He responded with a small nod.

"What about Issei and Micheal?" She questioned, still glaring at him.

"Issei got his sword and the two left and I wanted to talk to Akeno in private." Vince answered with a small shrug.

"Well, I can see why." Rias snarked, glaring at him.

Vince tapped his forehead with his index finger with an amused smile. "Well, there is more than one way to communicate Rias."

Rias expanded her crimson aura even further while Vince continued to look at her with an amused smile. "Oh really? Regardless, there's no business left here! We're going back!"

"Yeah, yeah." Vince then turned towards Akeno and glanced over her shoulder. To his slight disappointment he still couldn't see Akeno's mother. "Take care you two. And Akeno, you should talk more in your normal tone of voice. I like it better than the other one."

Akeno blushed while Rias looked confused for a moment after before grabbing Vince's arm and dragging him away. "We are leaving!"

"Can I call off our fake engagement?" He asked with a small smirk.

"NO! And our engagement is not fake!" Rias shouted at him.

"I have a lot of work to do to match Rias Buchou and the other candidates." Akeno murmured in her usual tone.

As the two were walking down the steps of the shrine Vince glanced at Rias who was still grabbing him by the arm. "You mind letting go?"


"Last chance Rias." He warned.

"Or what?"

"This." Vince electrified his arm causing Rias to get lightly zapped and let go. He grumbled and moved his arm. "That's one hell of a grip."

"Did you have to shock me?" Rias asked, her hand twitching a little as she swatted him in the other arm.

He rolled his eyes at her question. "Considering you had a hellish grip on my arm, then yes."

The two walked out of the shrine and Rias turned towards him. "...Hey Vince."


"Akeno is... Akeno." She stated.

"Yeah? Is there a point to this Rias?" He asked looking at her.

"...That's right. I'm Rias but there's the engagement who he thinks it's fake..." Her expression turned sad while Vince raised an eyebrow.

"Fake...?" Vince's eyes slightly widened in realization. "Rias, you do know that I did this to make sure you wouldn't get into another engagement similar to Riser, right?"

"I know."

He shook his head and sighed. "I still can't believe what I said back then didn't really make much of a difference. They're hard headed as hell. It makes it seem like my efforts were just a waste of time."

Rias held his hand gently, "But it wasn't a waste of time. You did save me from being married to Riser. And Onii-san did say that you really opened up the eyes of the younger generation of the younger devils. Even though, it upsetted the older devils."

Vince clenched his fist in anger. "Yeah. It's a shame, I'm not strong enough to bash in their skulls for practically making me do this. The whole point was to make sure you didn't get engaged again."

"Yes. But I don't mind being engaged to you Vince." Rias admitted smiling.

"I guess. That reminds me. Are you stressed about the conference tomorrow?" He asked her.

Rias let out a bitter smile and nodded sadly. Vince sighed and rubbed his temples. "I'm not surprised. The conference is quite stressful considering what's on the line."

He stood still for a few moments deep in thought, Rias to look at him concerned. Vince then turned his head towards her. "Well, how about this then? After the conference settles down we'll grab a bite to eat. How does that sound?"

A blush appeared on her face as she looked at him. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

Vince blinked twice, he shrugged his shoulders and started walking at a slow pace. "I guess...? It'll be casual though. From what I can tell you've been to enough formal dinners to be tired of it, right?"

"Yes, it can be a bit boring." Rias replied, walking a little faster to catch up with him.

"Alright then. But you shouldn't really worry about the leaders getting along in the conference they all want the same thing." Vince stated, his eyes glancing towards the sky.

Rias raised an eyebrow, "How do you know that?"

"Well, I saw all of the leaders at one point, not including the other two Maou. They seem to want to get the treaty up and going." He crossed his arms and paused for a moment before continuing. "Think of it like this Rias. The last time they had another war they got some pretty scaring losses. The fallen angels have the lowest population, the God from the bible died giving the angels a heavy loss, and all four original Maou from the devils side died. All of those heavy losses where from the first war, can you imagine the losses with their was another?"

Her eyes quickly widened in realization. "If their was another war then the potential losses will be staggering."

Vince nodded and stopped walking. "Exactly. It would probably lead to all three factions being completely wiped out, even if nobody is actually genuine about the treaty they're going to be forced to accept it which is why you shouldn't worry to much about the everyone agreeing to the treaty. Every faction is in a tight pinch at the moment."

"But everything depends on this. If something goes wrong..." Rias trailed with a worried look.

"It's no use worrying about it now. We'll deal with it as it comes along." He said trying to sound reassuring.

"You're right." Rias smiled to him before throwing her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly against her. "...Thank you."



"You're a very clingy person. It makes me wonder if you're a yandere." Vince commented as he got away from her tight hug.

Rias pouted and slapped his shoulder. "Very funny Vince."


Vince sat across the table next to Akari and Rena while he sat across Kasumi in the living room of Rena's house. Rena then cleared her throat and spoke. "So what is it that you three need to talk about?"

"It's about the conference. You did say you wanted to be apart of it remember?" Vince asked recalling what she said.

Rena nodded seriously, "Okay, I'm listening so did something happen?"

"In a way. You remember everything I told you that happened to me at the school roof?" Vince asked causing Rena to nod. He then glanced at Kasumi and Akari to which they also nodded.

"My brother and the others that fought against won't be participating in the conference tomorrow." Kasumi stated showing Rena a letter.


"Our father told him that it would be inadvisable to do so. Kasumi and I are already more than enough." Akari answered making her raise an eyebrow.

"It's because their all shinobi. Having a bunch of powerful shinobis in a room with the other leaders Three Factions would cause a lot of unnnecessary tension between everyone. Do you see what I mean now?" Vince asked looking at Rena.

"Yeah, I understand what you mean. Shinobi's are good at espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination, and open combat in certain situations. That would definitely cause a lot of tension in a conference where all three parties do you want a treaty." Rena answered grimacing a little at thinking about the situation.

"Exactly." Vince crossed his arms and gestured to Kasumi and Akari. "Also, Kasumi and Akari will also be acting as my bodyguards for the conference tomorrow just like you. So the tension can be lessened since Kasumi and Akari are both nukenin."

"Okay." Rena lightly smiled at the duo to which they responded with their own smiles.

"From what I've seen and noted. All three leaders want a treaty." Vince paused for a moment before continuing. "They all seem sincere, however we should be on guard. Not everyone will have the same sentiment as them."

"A third party will most likely come and try to disrupt the meeting." Akari stated with a frown.

"We'll have to keep an eye on everyone at all times." Kasumi added.

"So... the other shinobi aren't going to be participating in the meeting at all?" Rena questioned, looking a little confused.

Vince sighed and nodded. "Yes, there's a chance that the potential attackers in question might pin this on them. Since they are shinobi and considering the usual jobs shinobi do it would make them the perfect scapegoat to take the blame if something happens. If something does happen then the Mugen Tenshin and the Hayabusa clans would probably be targeted incase something happens. Kasumi and Akari are banished from their clans so they can attend the meeting with me safely and avoid any potential backlash for their village."

"That sounds really... chaotic." She said sighing a little.

"Exactly. Which is why they don't be attending. They'll be watching from a certain distance though." He commented with a small shrug.

"Yes. ...But I'm a little curious. Why isn't Rias here?" Rena questioned.

"She already has more than enough stress at it is Rena. I rather not have Rias get more stress because of this." He replied with a small shrug.

Rena smiled at the consideration Vince gave towards Rias as did Akari and Kasumi. "You have a small soft spot for Rias, like you do with us."

"Do not." He denied while looking the other way. "She'll get distracted and mess up if I didn't do this."

Kasumi and Akari giggled while Rena smiled slyly. "You're not fooling anyone Vince."


Vince then cleared his throat. "Either way, is everyone ready for tomorrow?"

Kasumi and Akari nodded while Rena took out a small wooden box. "I'm almost ready. I just got to put in the finishing touches."

"Finishing touches?" Akari asked curiously.

"My mother gave me the ingredients needed to make those elixirs from today. She gave them to me before I left." Rena answered with a small smile.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's in the elixir, Rena?" Kasumi asked politely.

"A lot of herbal plants used for medicine and a dew that comes from a special tree. My mother has one in her backyard." She explained.

"I remember that tree. We used to sleep next to it together after we had our spar." Vince said with a small nod.

"Yeah. But you would rather sleep than to have a spar." Rena remarked.

"Vince did something similar when he was younger." Akari replied taking a glance at him.


"Whenever I would ask Vince to play hide-and-seek with me, he would agree. But I would almost always found him napping somewhere." Kasumi answered pouting a little.

"Vince would usually say that he's too tired to spar with me." Rena stated.

"There was this one time he fell asleep when he fell asleep when I was giving Vince his birthday gift when we were kids." Akari added.

"He did the same thing too?" Rena asked shaking her head.

"Yes. He would try to fall asleep most of the time during his birthday either that or get away from his birthday party." Kasumi commented.

Vince sweatdropped as the three went into a deeper conversation. (I don't know whether to be relieved or terrified that my ex-girlfriend is getting along with my childhood friends. This is almost as awkward as when Hayate saw me with Kasumi...)


Vince slowly opened his eyes and blinked upon feeling something on his head. When looking up, he saw Kasumi gently tracing her fingers through his hair with his head lying down on her lap.

"How are you doing?" Kasumi asked softly.

"...A little tired. I didn't think I would fall asleep doing my homework." Vince yawned and got up from Kasumi's lap.

"I'm surprised Akari, Rias or Rena isn't doing this." He said, slowing moving his neck causing a few bones to make a popping sound.

"They wanted to, but we pulled straws and I got the shortest so I won." Kasumi said smiling a bit.

"Huh... So why are you in your kunoichi outfit?" He asked curiously.

"I just finished training." Kasumi answered simply.

Vince blinked in surprise. "You still train? That's a surprise."

"Yes, I still do train Vince. So, did you sleep well, Vince?" She asked looking at him.

"...Yeah. Your lap is as soft as your breasts." Vince answered bluntly.

Kasumi's face turned red and she looked at her chest for a moment. "Are they really that soft?"

"Uhuh." He replied taking a glance at her breasts.

Kasumi noticed this and placed his head in between her breasts. "Vince, you pervert."

Vince however got away from her chest after a few moments and shrugged. He lightly coped her breast making her moan lowly. "I don't see you complaining about it."

The two leaned in close to each other, just a breath's distance away and were about to kiss until someone coughed loudly. They looked up and saw Hayate.

"Good to see, you're still a third wheel Hayate." Vince spoke with an annoyed expression.

Hayate's eye twitched violently as he looked at him. "And I see you were feeling up my sister."

Vince rolled his eyes and took his hand off her breast. "It's not x-rated. There are other people in the house."

"Yes, all of them being women. You've become quite the ladies man." He responded.

"Very funny. You know I didn't arrange for that to happen." Vince responded in a slightly annoyed tone.

Hayate then turned to Kasumi. "Kasumi, you should know some restraint. You know Vince is still younger than you."

"Sorry brother. I'll try to be more careful in the future." Kasumi said sounding apologetic.

Hayate sighed and shook his head. "Well, it can't be helped. You always were affectionate around Vince. Not to mention, mother encouraged it."

Kasumi blushed while Vince nodded. "So what's up Hayate? I'm sure you're not here without an important reason."

"Yes. We have much to discuss, can you meet us at the hotel where our parents are staying at with Akari?" He asked looking at him.

Vince nodded and turned towards him. "Yeah. But before you go, I have a question."


"Do you mind Akari at all, or hate her?" Vince asked suddenly surprising Kasumi with the question.

Hayate looked surprised for a moment before he shook his head. "No, I don't. I have no ill feelings towards her, but I do regret nearly striking her down like that. I wish I could have taken the same choice you did with regarding her."

Kasumi smiled lightly while Vince raised an eyebrow. "If it wasn't for the fact that I needed to heal her and if I couldn't talk Akari out of her episode. I would have temporarily paralyzed her by restraining her and pumping her body with enough lightning. Or I would have dunked her head in water until she agreed to stop."

The two siblings sweatdropped at his violent answer. Hayate lightly chuckled and shook his head. "Of course. Just meet us at the hotel."

Hayate then teleported away in a small flash of light. Vince then glanced at Kasumi. "That was a ninpou technique right?"

"Yes it was." Kasumi then glanced at a closed door in Vince's room. "You can come out now Akari."

Akari opened the door and walked in. "So you noticed Kasumi?"

"I did."

"Huh. That ninpou wasn't too bad. Not as cool as the Torn Sky Blast though." Vince commented after a few moments of silence.

"You could probably do the Torn Sky Blast if tried hard enough Vince." Akari remarked causing Kasumi's eyes to slightly narrow and Vince to raise an eyebrow.

"How come?"

"Well, you do know that it more or less looks like an electric energy beam right?" Akari asked looking at him.

"Yeah. I see what you mean, because of me being able to use lightning not really interested in using it though and it is a clan only thing. Kind of ironic that the name has nothing to do with anything wind based. That's false advertisement." He remarked.

Akari giggled while Kasumi lightly laughed and spoke up. "You do have a point. But we have to go to the hotel right now. Vince are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go."

(Flashback End)

He shook his head trying to get the memory out of his head and clear his throat loud enough for the three to hear. "As much as I would like to ignore the three of you bringing up what I did. We kind of have to get some sleep for tomorrow. It's already past eleven-thirty."

They glanced at the clock and nodded, Vince breathed a sigh of relief as he got up from his seat. (I can't believe that worked. I didn't think it would for a second.)

Vince then glanced at Kasumi, Akari and Rena's body for a moment before looking at the clock. (Hmm... If you compare Rena to Kasumi and Akari...)

"Goodnight Rena." Kasumi said as she got up from her seat and left her house.

"Goodnight Kasumi." She replied.

"Goodnight Rena and take care." Akari stated with a smile.

"You too, Akari. Take care." Rena waved her goodbye as she got up from her seat left the house as well.

Vince glanced at Rena and let out a small smile. "See you tomorrow then."


"Thunderstorm, Vince?" She questioned looking at him with a look of disbelief.


"Why didn't you use your real spell in our spar?" Rena asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I don't really want to reveal everything before the conference, especially since our spar was being recorded." Vince answered shrugging.

"That explains a few things." She said sighing.

His only response was to roll his eyes. "Oh? And what about you? You normally don't attack me with wind magic, you act more supportive with it. Like that spell you use to increase your speed or power."

"It's for the same reason. I can't have everyone knowing what I can do. I know that everyone except Kasumi and Akari are cautious of me being able to use light magic and senjutsu." Rena replied glancing at the clock.

"Well, I think that's because Kasumi and Akari know that you're a good person. The others are naturally cautious because they are weak to light magic." He commented with a small shrug.

"True. So what are you going to do Vince?" Rena asked curiously.

Vince let out a tired sigh. "Try to get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day."

She nodded and turned towards him. "Say Vince, I've been meaning to ask you a question for a while. Remember that holy-sword you got from Yasaka in Kyoto?"

"Yes. What about it?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"You never really told me it's abilities. Can you tell me?" She questioned, looking at him.

Vince gave her a questioning look. "Why do I have to?"

"I'm a really curious about it, please?" Rena asked, giving him a pleading look.

His eye twitched for a moment and he sighed. "...I guess it's not much of a problem. I did give Issei a small history lesson about it, I didn't mention it's abilities though."

"The katana is a dragon slayer sword. It can also channel any type of lightning into it." He replied in a bored tone.

"That's it?" Rena looked a little disappointed, she then looked confused and turned her head towards him. "Wait how can the sword do that?"

"Oh, you noticed. I found out why it can do that when I was practicing it to myself." Vince yawned softly and stretched his arms a little. "Totsuka acts like a lightning rod. It attracts and absorbs any type of lightning into it. Once it does that, the intensity and it's power increases greatly. Because of that my own lightning becomes even more very powerful as a result when I'm using it even if it's my own lightning. I had to stop using Totsuka along with my lightning because of that."

"Did you damage something when that happened? You normally wouldn't care about that unless you did something that would be trouble and why do you call Totsuka? I thought it was named the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi." Rena questioned, crossing her arms.

"Totsuka-no-Tsurugi is a mouthful, I just want to call it Totsuka to shorten it. ...And just between you and me, I may have accidently destroyed every single electrical appliance in the school and accidently broke half of the windows on a Sunday night around four in the morning." He answered, not showing a bit of remorse.

Rena held back the urge to facepalm and shook her head. "Why am I not surprised? This does explain why school was delayed for a few hours. Do you get a sick kick out of destroying school property?"


She sighed greatly and rubbed her temples with a small look of disbelief. "Really Vince?"

"It wasn't what I had in mind at the time but hey, I'll take it." He replied casually.

"Of course..."

"Well, I gotta go. See ya tomorrow." Vince stopped leaning against the wall and headed towards the door.

"Sure, but..." Rena then hugged him from behind and whispered in his ear. "...I know you were comparing our bodies Vince."

Vince's eyes widened and Rena giggled at his troubled expression. "I still remember what you told me back then, when I asked you what did you liked about my body. That parts of me that's grown-up and bouncy, right?"

Vince then got out of Rena's hug and walked out of the house with a blush that matched Rias' hair color.

Rena closed the door and giggled. "It's so cute seeing that side of Vince. ...Well time to finish those elixirs!"


"Guuuu... Issei-senpai... I-I am tireeed." Gasper exclaimed rubbing his eyes.

"Don't let out a weak voice! We have to fulfil our dreams!" Issei replied as he kept throwing at him.

"Issei-san, here are the balls." Asia said passing on the balls to him.

"Oi, Vince! Help us out here!" Issei shouted towards him.

Vince currently leaned against a tree in the forest near the old school building. "You sure about that?"

"Yes, I'm sure! What kind of question is that!?" Issei shouted looking at him.

"Alright then... Gasper think fast!" Vince flicked his hands and multiple orbs of lightning appeared in front of him and quickly homed in on Gasper.

The lightning orbs suddenly stopped in mid air and Vince lightly frowned. (It looks like Gasper can use his Sacred Gear when he thinks he's in danger.)

"E, Eek, S-Sorryyyy! Vince-senpai!" Gasper leaned on the ground and curled up.

"Hey Vince, what's the big idea?! We're not supposed to hurt him!" Issei yelled glaring at him.

"That wasn't going to hurt him Issei. I know what I'm doing." Vince stopped leaning against the tree and walked towards Gasper. "Hey Gasper."


"Good job." Vince said patting him on the head.


"You can use your Sacred Gear when you feel you're in danger. That's a little bit of progress, besides this is training. You're supposed to learn from this, right Issei?" Vince asked taking a glance at him.

"Yeah Vince is right. We're in the middle of training, and you're a novice so it's fine. Well, if my whole body gets stopped then I'll be in trouble. The number of times that's occurred has also gone down, right? Let's continue this with our usual pace and not Vince's pace." Issei stated as he glared a little at Vince.

Gasper however got up with a troubled expression. "...S-Since I am incomplete both as a human who has a sacred gear, and as a vampire as well, I only cause trouble to everyone... I-I have to control my power more... W-What a half way incomplete existence I am..."

Vince shook his head and frowned. "Gasper, that isn't your fault. Don't let those thoughts get to you."

"Gasper! I like you! Don't mind it! Before you start brooding, come strike me! If you think, you'll lose! I also don't now much about that, so it's fine!" Issei exclaimed causing a sweatdrop to appear on Vince.

"We're all members of the same club, and Rias Buchou's servants and comrades! Come at me with a bang!" He shouted while puffing up his chest.

A small smirk appeared on Vince's face as he held back the urge to laugh. "It's endearing hearing you encourage Gasper like that Issei, even though you have little to no idea what you're talking about."

Issei turned towards Vince and glared at him. "Shut up Vince!"

"I am not Rias' servant and you want him to come at you with a bang? I had no idea you felt that way Issei." He remarked.

Issei looked confused for a few moments before a look of disgust appeared on his face. "It's not like that!"

"...Yup, I totally believe you." Vince said sarcastically.

"Why you..." He said shaking his fist at him.

Gasper wiped his tears and stood up with a smile. "Issei-senpai, I- I'll do my best...! You too Vince-senpai!"

"Yeah! Till school starts I'll be throwing one hundred balls!" Issei exclaimed in a motivated tone.

"Understood! Th-Then, I'll wear this paper bag and do a power up-" Gasper trailed off.

"Stop it! If Asia sees that she'll cry!" Issei said interrupting him.

Asia and Gasper both let out questioning looks and Vince simply raised an eyebrow before shrugging.

"Do your best! Issei-san, Gasper-kun!" Asia cheered.

"Gasper! Since the bishoujo, Asia-senpai is cheering you on as well, cheer up!" Issei shouted.

"Y-yesss! Thank you very much, Asia-senpaiiii!" Gasper exclaimed.

Vince rubbed his ear and walked away when nobody noticed. (Loudmouths. I hope my eardrums won't be messed up from this. At least it's not too bad, I did get a favor off of Rias for watching Issei train Gasper.)


"Now then, as soon as Vince gets comes here with Kasumi and Akari, we're leaving." Rias spoke as the others nodded.

"Uh, where are they?" Issei questioned looking confused.

"I'm not sure. They just said they would be back before the meeting, but now they're running a little late." Rias answered with a frown.

Vince opened the door the club with Kasumi, Akari and Rena following suite. Kasumi wore a black leather ninja outfit with long black fingerless gloves, black arm-guards and shin-guards, blue choker necklace, and her wakizashi to her back with her hair being tied in a ponytail with a blue ribbon.

While Akari wore a sleeveless dark pink ninja jumpsuit with matching boots, armguards, a black undershirt, and a wakazashi tied to her back with her hair flowing freely from her back that reached to her shoulders with a wakazashi tied to her back.

Rena and Vince looked at each other and nodded. They pressed the gems on their respective rings on their finger and their clothes suddenly glowed. A few moments later Rena now wore a black shoulder cape with green lines that ran down from the top to bottom on top of her white long-sleeved, button down shirt with a matching button-down corset, wearing a black leather skort with the back of it barely reaching the floor, being held up by two black ribbons that are tied on each side, black leather gloves and black and white shoes.

Vince now also wore a black jacket with an unzipped, zipper and the collar colored red. Underneath this, he wore a plain black shirt with white sleeves, black pants and shoes colored in shades of grey and black. "We're ready."

Issei promptly started staring at Kasumi and Akari with a perverted grin while muttering to himself and getting his small nosebleed. Vince pointed his index finger at him and fired off a stray spark of lightning that hitted his arm.

"Ouch!" He quickly rubbed his finger in pain while Vince rolled his eyes.

"Why is Rena here?" Rias asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh. I forgot to tell all of you, as of right now in this meeting. Rena, Kasumi and Akari are my bodyguards." Vince answered surprising the others.

"...Lucky bastard." Issei muttered jealously before he was zapped again by Vince.

Everyone else looked at Vince weirdly while he shrugged. "What? It's night time and everyone outside is armed to the teeth with tropes from all three factions, and that's not counting the barrier outside."

"Vince-kun does have a point. If by chance something happens in today's conference, if the conference breaks down, this place might become a battlefield..." Kiba said agreeing with him.

Issei paled at thought while Kasumi nodded. "We'll have to make sure nothing happens during the meeting."

"Yeah. That also reminds me." Vince cleared his throat for a moment before continuing. "While we do agree that the treaty should happen, as soon as we walk out that door we'll be considered a neutral party through the entire meeting. It would be better this way, so we won't have to take any sides."

"That's understandable." Rias answered with a small frown.

"B-Buchou, E-Everyone!"

Everyone else turned around to see Gasper in a cardboard box. Vince glanced at the cardboard box and sighed. (I feel kinda bad leaving Gasper here. Well at least I got him something.)

"Gasper, today's conference is important so, since you cannot control your time stopping sacred gear, you can't participate, you know?" Rias informed him in a gentle tone.

"Gasper, be a good boy, okay?" Issei asked looking at Gasper.

"Y-Yes, Issei-senpai..." He responded.

"I have left my portable game in the club room so you can play with that, there are sweets as well, you can have them too. I have left the paper bag as well so if you become lonely, wear it to your heart's content." Issei informed him much to Vince's surprise.


"Hey Gasper."

"Y-Yes, Vince-senpai...?" He asked looking at Vince nervously.

"Here." Vince gave Gasper a small bag to him, to which he barely caught. "Eat that for if you get hungry."

Gasper opened the bag and saw a large burger and large fries with a large milkshake. "T-Thank you, Vince-senpai!"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Issei-kun, you're caring after all. And Vince-kun, that was unexpected of you." Kiba murmured as he looked them.

"Leave it to me, I will do something about this single male kouhai of mine." Issei said confidently.

"I was hungry and decided to get him lunch on the way here." Vince answered as he walked away.

Kasumi and Akari held back a small laugh as they followed him.

"Vince is only telling half of the truth, he was worried about Gasper would wait during the meeting he and wanted to buy him something to eat. It's the reason why we're a little late, Vince had a hard time deciding what to get him." Rena whispered to Issei and Kiba while laughing a little.

Kiba lightly chuckled while Issei snickered at the reasoning.

Vince walked down the hall and stopped when he heard a beeping sound from his cellphone he stopped reading and read the text message to himself. (Good luck and do your best Vince, Kunou also wishes you good luck. Yasaka.)

He closed the cellphone and shook his head with a barely noticeable smile. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Oi Vince, wait up!" Issei said as he quickly walked up to him along with the others.

Vince shrugged and walked forward. Issei quickly went to him and walked beside him. "Hey Vince, who did you kiss first?"

Rena's eyes widened at the question while the others paid close attention. He shot Issei an annoyed look. "Why the hell do you want to know that?"

"I'm curious! You have so many beautiful bishoujo's around you and you still owe me for what you did last time!" Issei exclaimed.

"What exactly happened?" Rias asked her eyes narrowing.

"I wonder if it has to do with half of the gym being destroyed." Rena wondered looking at Vince.

Vince shook his head and looked at the others who also looked curious with the exception of Rena who continued to look at him. "Tch, like you're one to talk you moron... I'm only gonna say this once. So pay attention."

Issei nodded enthusiastically although he did glare at him for a moment and paid close attention as did the others. Vince cleared his throat and spoke up. "...Rena's best friend was my first kiss."

Issei's eyes widened as did the others. Rena's eye twitched violently at the reminder while Vince ignored this and kept walking ahead.

"You didn't kiss Vince first?" Rias asked turning towards Rena, completely surprised.

"No. Though I was the first one Vince ever took out on a date." She answered simply, walking ahead.

"Ara ara, I didn't know there was another one." Akeno spoke smiling a bit.


Before Rias could knock on the door, Vince opened the door and walked in with the others following suite. Although Rias shot him an annoyed look for opening the door before knocking. However to her surprise and everyone else who noticed Vince's expression changed, his expression nearly unreadable.

The tension in the room quickly filled as Vince stared at all three faction leaders without flinching. His eyes trailed towards Gabriel and Shura. While Gabriel looked confused and slightly worried about his change in demeanor, Shura raised an eyebrow before looking somewhere else. Grayfia who was watching silently also raised an eyebrow as she was preparing tea besides a cart. He then glanced at Vali who looked at him for a moment, however to his slight annoyance and Azazel's amusement, Vince brushed him off and turned towards the table in the middle of the room.

After a few moments of the tense silence Rias cleared her throat and spoke up. "Excuse us."

Vince noticed Serafall and to his surprise she didn't wear her usual outfit. (So, she can act serious when she wants to be.)

"My younger sister, and her family." Sirzechs said introducing Rias and her peerage, while Rias also bowed.

Sirzechs then glanced at Vince along with Kasumi, Akari and Rena. "The rest of the shinobi aren't here?"

"No. Unfortunately they could not attend today certain circumstances prevented it. But I assume, we will suffice?" Vince asked calmly.

"Of course. If you don't mind me asking, who is she?" Sirzechs asked glancing at Rena.

"Her name is Amicus Rena. She is my bodyguard as for this meeting. As is Kasumi and Akari furthermore, we are a neutral party." Vince stated in a business like tone.

Nearly everyone that knew Vince turned to him in surprise at his change in tone. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. (Is it really that surprising to see me like this?)

"In the attack of Kokabiel a few days ago, they were active during the raid." Rias stated.

"I have heard the report. I give my thanks once more." Micheal answered thankfully, as Rias once again bowed.

"Sorry, Kokabiel of my side caused you trouble." Azazel said nonchantly.

Rias twitched her mouth while Vince shrugged. "It's not like he'll be moving anytime soon."

The ORC along with Sona gained surprised looks at Vince's lack of tact.

"Sit on the seats over there." Grayfia said leading everyone else to their seats.

Rias then took a seat besides Sona and next to Vince, Rena, Kasumi and Akari. Issei than sat besides Akari, besides Issei, Akeno, Kiba, Asia, Xenovia and Koneko sat in turn.

After confirming that everyone took a seat Sirzechs spoke up. "Now that everyone has arrived, I'll say the preconditions for the meeting. The people present here acknowledge the most important event and forbidden subject, i.e. The Non-existence of God."

(Good thing I told Kasumi and Akari this before hand. Rena already knows since I had to tell her everything that happened to me up until now.) Vince thought taking a glance at them.

"Then, acknowledging that, let's continue the conversation." Sirzechs announced.

Vince discretely put on a pair of earphones in his ear and listened to his MP3 from his pocket. He raised the volume high enough to where only he could hear it Serafall noticed this and pouted.

His eyes glanced around the room as he drowned out the rest of the conversation and his mind slowly drifted away.


Vince opened the door to a room in the hotel and walked into the room with Akari and Kasumi. To his slight surprise he saw Ryu, and Ayane talking to Hayate.

"Hello." A voice spoke up.

The three turned around and saw a young woman with amber eyes with her long black hair tied in a ponytail, a white top with red ribboned edges and red kunoichi styled pants. Kasumi smiled and spoke. "Hello Momiji, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing well. I take it this is Akari and Vince?" Momiji asked looking at the two.

Kasumi nodded and turned towards them while Vince look at Akari, raising an eyebrow. She noticed this and spoke. "This is Momiji, she is the apprentice of Ryu and is a dragon shrine maiden of the Hayabusa clan. She's a good friend."

Vince nodded and extended his hand to which Momiji grabbed his hand and shook it. "It's nice to meet you, Vince-san."

"Likewise and just call me Vince." He replied to which she nodded.

"So it seems you've been acquainted. Now we can begin." Ryu said while the others nodded.

"With what?" Vince asked frowning.

"Please calm down Vince." Ayame spoke with him shaking his head.

"Well, we wanted to discuss about the conference for tomorrow. Unfortunately, we will not be able to attend." Hayate said sighing.

"Why is that brother?" Kasumi asked frowning.

"We have reason to suspect that someone will attack tomorrow." Hayate paused for a moment before continuing. "If something happens then there is a chance that our villages will be deemed as the one who instigated the attack."

Akari and Kasumi frowned while Vince nodded in understanding. "I see where this is going. All of you want to any potential bloodshed for your clans and let us pretty much take the blame if something does happen, Kasumi and Akari doesn't have any ties to the villages. Is it something along those lines?"

Everyone in the room frowned at Vince's cynical hypothesis and Ryu spoke up. "That is not our intention Vince. We do not wish for this type of situation to happen but we cannot allow innocents people from our village to be in danger."

Akari then cleared her throat gaining everyone's attention. "Do you want us to give an excuse why you couldn't attend?"

"Yes, if you could." Hayate replied with a nod.

"Vince, I know this is asking a lot but could you please assist us?" Ayame asked sincerely.

Vince sighed and shook his head. "It depends on what I need to do."

"We want you to explain to the leaders of the other factions in that meeting that we cannot participate. It would be easier to explain it since you hold connections to all three leaders." Hayate explained.

He crossed his arms and nodded. "...Alright, I-"

The sound of a phone ringing sounded off interrupting him. Vince checked his cellphone and his expression darkened considerably. He his eyes narrowed and killing intent slowly leaked from his body.

"What's with you?" Ayane asked looking slightly surprised at his change in demeanor.

"None of your business." He remarked coldly.

Before Ayane could respond Kasumi spoke up. "Is it your father again?"

"I'll take this call." Vince walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"His father has been calling him?" Hayate asked sounding surprised as did Shiden and Ayame.

Ryu raised an eyebrow while Akari nodded. "Yes, on more than one occasion."

"His father?" Ayane questioned frowning.

"Ayane, do you remember my friend Elena and her son? The ones who would send you a gift for your birthday and the son who has a few things in common with you?" Ayame asked looking at her.

Ayane's eyes widnened as she looked at the door where Vince left. "Lady Ayame, are you sure?"

"Yes I am. That is Elena's son." She replied with a nod.

"No, I am not going to ask her that and who gave you the right to even ask me something like that? I could careless about what your situation and I'm positive you have money stored away just incase. " Vince replied, his voice sounding mildly irritated.

Hayate sighed and shook his head. "I hope Vince can control his temper."

"Don't worry Hayate, I'm sure Vince still remembers what we taught him abut controling his anger." Ayame spoke in a reassure tone.

"Well, did you forget the fact that you pretty much gave all of your rights to my mother in court? Or how about the time you left my mother stranded in the middle of the snow in her car when I had to go to the hospital when I was three years old?" He asked his tone of voice growing more furious at the moment.

Ryu heard this and frowned while Momiji looked surprised as Shiden shook his head. "Unbelievable."

Vince scowled bitterly and clenched his fist in anger. "...Fuck off old man. I have more important things to focus on. Besides, this is your problem not mine."

He closed his cellphone and entered in the room. His eye twitched violently when he realized everyone his heard the conversation.

"Is everything alright Vince?" Ayame asked worriedly.

"Yes, Ayame-san. Sorry for the interruption." Vince cleared his throat and turned towards Hayate. "As I was saying earlier, I'll tell the leaders about this."

He then checked the clock on the wall and sighed. "I'll be going now. Tomorrow is a school day."

Vince silently walked out of the room while Kasumi and Akari said their goodbyes and quickly followed him.

(Flashback End)

Kasumi and Akari along with Rena noticed Vince frowning with him clenching his fist underneath the table. Rena and Kasumi placed their hands on Vince's fist from underneath the table while Akari frowned for a moment for being out of reach.

Vince noticed the gesture and quickly regained his composure. (I can't let my anger get the better of me. I have more important things to focus on. I'll have tell my mom know about this later though. I'm pretty sure she'll be pissed to find out he called me just so he can borrow money from Rias' family, just because her family is rich... the bastard.)

(Huh. One of my favorite songs, The Time Has Come. Not bad it works considering I have two devil bringers.) He took his hand away from the others and placed it in his pocket and slowly raised up the volume of his earphones and lightly tapped his foot to the beat of the music, ignoring the looks he received from those that noticed.

Rias noticed Vince casually looking at his MP3 while ignoring the rest of the conference and couldn't help but let out a bitter smile. She took his hand and clasped it causing him to turn to her with a questioning look.

Vince looked confused for a moment before he noticed her hands shaking and suddenly realized, he mentally sighed but firmly gripped her hands. (Huh. I should have guessed this would have happened. Might as well perk her up a little bit.)

He closed his eyes and channeled a small current of electricity through his hands and into Rias. Her eyes widened a bit from the sudden surge of electricity enter her body. She smiled more confidently and gripped his hand, much to his ire.

"Ara Ara, Buchou and Vince-kun are lovey dovey in the middle of the conference." Akeno whispered while smiling.

Rena smirked a little and whispered to Vince. "So you do have a soft spot for Rias."

Vince opened his eyes and sent both Akeno and Rena an annoyed look in and whispered harshly. "Bite me."

"I feel so confident now from feeling your hands and having your lightning inside of me. This is most effective after all." Rias whispered smiling.

"Who the hell did I piss off to deserve this crap?" Vince grumbled as he tried to get his hands away from Rias.


Author's Notes: Finally finished with the chapter. It took a while writing everything how I wanted it but it was fun. I do want to say that I will not be giving the explanations anymore but I will add a small note to say which anime/manga a certain aspect I decided to add comes from to avoid any confusion. I never intended for the explanations to be a permanent thing, it was just until I get accustomed with explaining in chapters.

Before anybody asks, yes I did plan for Vince to make up a fake lightning spell. His real lightning spell will be revealed in the next chapter and I hope everyone likes the explanation about the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi.

Here is a list for Vince's harem. Note that this for the ones that are confirmed and are in no particular order.

Rena, Rias, Akeno, Yasaka, Akari, (From Dead or Alive, Phase-4) and Kasumi (From Dead or Alive.)

That's all I have to say for now. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

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