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Kapitel 12: CH 12 instant hiring!

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A significant number of individuals have recently received notification of their interview time slots. Among these, those individuals who are expected to attend their interviews today have ventured into the HelloKitty industry.

It is a heartwarming scene as Bronya's parents find themselves overcome with emotion at the sight of their young daughter securing a position in a prominent industry at such a tender age, a position typically reserved for those attending school.

Witnessing this extraordinary achievement, Alexandra Pavlovna Zaychik, Bronya's mother, is openly shedding tears of joy, attempting to wipe them away using either her handkerchief or Bronya herself. Overwhelmed with happiness, she exclaims, "I am absolutely thrilled! You have landed a job!"

"Ermm... Mama, I just did that. I just thought it would be possible," Bronya said with a confused look on her face. She still can't believe she was able to be accepted now. Going to an interview.

Her father, Alexey Zaychik, puts his hand on her shoulder, providing reassurance in the wake of her surprising accomplishment. "That's great, Bronya," he said, his tone filled with pride and support, "but if there is anything that seems suspicious during the interview process, don't hesitate to call me for assistance."

"Papa, please don't bring your military instincts into this," Bronya responded, attempting to allay any concerns of overreaction, "it's just an interview, and I'm confident that there won't be any cause for suspicion, especially considering the high ratings of their video game productions and the reputable movies they have produced."

"Ok, Bronya, make sure to stay vigilant," her mother chimed in, her expression a mix of pride and maternal concern, waving her hand as her daughter prepared to depart.

"Mhm," Bronya nodded in acknowledgment before pivoting on her heels to ready herself for the interview. She carefully selected a more professional outfit, opting for a dress that struck a balance between sophistication and maturity, underlining her readiness for the occasion. As she gathered her folder of work experience, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the upcoming challenge with a sense of determination and poise.

She saw the line of people all sitting down, observing the sheer number of individuals present for the interview. Among the sea of hopeful faces, she spotted an empty seat, so she made her way towards it and settled in, patiently waiting for her turn.

As she sat there, lost in her own thoughts, a voice broke her reverie. "Umm... Hello, are you also here for an interview?" Bronya turned her head and found herself face-to-face with a woman whose hair resembled the color of a clear blue sky. The woman, evidently named Ganyu, was dressed impeccably in a professional suit, although her eyes betrayed a hint of fatigue.

"Um, yes?" Bronya replied tentatively, slightly intrigued by the unexpected conversation.

"Eh? How so? You look like you could still be in high school..." Ganyu appeared puzzled by Bronya's presence amidst the preponderance of more seasoned candidates.

"Well... there isn't an age limit," Bronya explained with a self-conscious scratch of her head while maintaining her poker face, not wanting to give away too much.

"Wait, really? I must have missed that detail on the survey," Ganyu mused, casting her eyes downwards in contemplation.

"Are you also here for the interview?" Bronya inquired, attempting to keep the conversation going.

"Indeed... It's a bit unexpected, actually. I already have a job, but I had to take a sick leave, so here I am," Ganyu chuckled nervously, sharing a hint of her personal tale with Bronya.

Bronya, surveying the room filled with aspiring candidates, let out a small sigh. "The Bronya hopes that this process is quick," she muttered to herself, hoping for a speedy resolution amidst the waiting and uncertainty.








"Hmm. I never thought this would be like this," Victor said as he looked at the application list. Seeing that most of these people—the names and the pictures—are the characters that he used to play in gacha games in his previous world, he never thought he would be able to see them in this parallel world.

He turns the application list over next. As he reads the names, he says, "Damn, some of them are that I know them." This includes the two twin pairs, Caelus and Stelle, as well as Bronya and Ganyu. Aether and Lumine followed.

He then flips backwards once more, and upon catching sight of another familiar character, he stutters in surprise while uttering, "even Ei?", his confusion evident in his voice as he tries to process the unexpected encounter.

He looks at her applications and work experience as she is shown clearly saying that she used to be a founder of her company, she retired, and now she is just a freelance programmer. She also has a hobby of tinkering. "Uh, kinda. Makes sense, in a way. And she did make puppets and did some tinkering in Genshin Impact, so seeing her occupation as a modern woman kind of seems fitting."

Victor then sees another application of Bronya, who is a high school child, and Victor did in fact make the survey have no age limit. He then said, "But I never thought this would be like this to happen."

But Victor shrugs, "Meh, that wouldn't change though. Anyway, let's start interviewing."







As Victor initiates the interview process, a sense of perplexity washes over everyone present. They halt mid-step, puzzled, as their attention is drawn to a peculiar sight: a man wearing a cat face mask with the "UWU" emblazoned on it. Each individual is taken aback, unsure of the reason behind this unconventional choice of attire. Despite their confusion, a collective hush falls over the room, prompting them to carry on with the interview, each silently pondering the oddity that had momentarily disrupted their proceedings.

Victor discovered that most people he had spoken to up to this point were anything but ordinary. With the sharp contrast between conventional intelligence and the quickly advancing highly advanced technology landscape, one is left to question how the world manages to work. It is clear that programmers and designers alike are not living up to the expected standards, not just in the game development industry but in many other fields as well. Victor senses via every exchange how the quality of entertainment material throughout the world is deteriorating, which makes him concerned about the general level of leisure and participation in the world.

"Does this world have any idea of fun? They can't think of anything? Not even trying to entertain themselves?" Victor mumbles and shakes his head in slight frustration. His brow furrows in contemplation as he considers the lack of spark in the conversation.

"Anyway, next..." Victor asserts, his voice projecting authority and efficiency. He swiftly moves his hand to press the button that signals the entry of the next interviewee. The door opens with a whisper, allowing the next person to step into the room, the anticipation tangibly thick in the air.

As he raises his eyes, Victor's gaze falls upon Bronya, a character reminiscent of a game character from his previous world. "Sit down," he instructs, the familiarity of the phrase tinged with a subtle blend of surprise and nostalgia.

Bronya blinks, mirroring the reactions of many who have entered the interview room before her. She appears momentarily perplexed, her expression hidden behind a UWU mask, but she quickly regains her composure and settles into the seat, her posture poised and attentive.

"Alright, so... Bronya Zaychick," Victor begins, his gaze shifting to the details outlined in her profile within the folder resting on the desk. "Oh, nice, you have work experience," he observes, a note of approval in his voice.

"Thank you, sir," Bronya acknowledges, her response measured and composed, betraying only a hint of the nerves that she endeavors to mask.

"Alright, you're hired," Victor responds promptly, his decision unwavering and decisive, reflecting his confidence in her abilities.

"Eh? But I'm still in high school, and um, isn't that too fast?" Bronya questions, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and uncertainty, a rhetorical pause hanging in the air as she processes the unexpected turn of events.

"Oh, part-time? Sure, when will you be free then?" Victor proposes, his tone accommodating and open to adjusting the terms to suit her situation.

"Every weekend, perhaps even-" Bronya begins, her words trailing off as Victor swiftly interjects.

"Then you are hired, next," Victor concludes matter-of-factly, his decision finalized as he prepares to move on to the next task at hand.

Bronya emerges from the interview room, her mind a whirlwind of emotions as she absorbs the whirlwind of events that transpired within the confines of the room. "I did it?"







The next person scheduled for an interview was Ganyu, who walked in and immediately noticed the peculiar "UWU" cat mask, a sight that had been encountered by many before her. She took a seat as instructed by the man, who greeted her with a casual "hello, take a seat."

Ganyu settled into the chair, her nerves tingling as she awaited the assessment of her files by Victor, who began, "hmm.. good, good. It appears you are already employed?"

Caught off guard, Ganyu stammered, "Yes, I never thought I would be accepted, and...".

Before she could finish, Victor interjected, "So, would you leave your current job for this position?"

"Well yes if the pay is high enough then I-" Ganyu hesitated, considering her response, but she was interrupted again by Victor, who stated, "The monthly salary would be $7,000."

"7,000!?" Ganyu recoiled in shock at the unexpected figure.

Victor posed the question again, "Are you interested in the opportunity?"

"Well I-uh.. umm..." Struggling to gather her thoughts, Ganyu faltered, unsure of how to respond.

Finally, Victor concluded, "Great, you're hired. Next!" With that abrupt dismissal, he ushered Ganyu out of the room, leaving her stunned by the unexpected turn of events.







"so you're Raiden... Ei?" Victor said with a curious tilt of his head, peering at her over the rim of his glasses.

"Um yes..." Ei responded, her voice slightly trembling as she fidgeted with the sleeves of her purple jacket. Her hair, somewhat disheveled, cascaded around her face where a pair of eyeglasses perched. Her gaze flitted from Victor's probing eyes to the whimsical "UWU" cat face mask he wore, causing a hint of confusion to cloud her expression, though she made an effort to keep her thoughts to herself.

"Hmm, good..." Victor muttered as he casually flipped a page in the file before him, his gaze scanning the details of Ei's past. "It seems you're also a single mother, previously employed at a large company... and you're a programmer who has dabbled in inventing a few small creations," he stated, summarizing her background.

"Yes. I have accumulated diverse work experiences, so I believe I can adapt effectively," Ei replied, her attempt at composure tinged with a subtle nervousness that peeked through her otaku introverted demeanor.

"... All right, you're hired!" Victor announced abruptly, a hint of finality in his voice.

"H-huh? That's it?" Ei stammered, her surprise evident as her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yup, next!" Victor exclaimed brusquely, gesturing for Ei to exit the room as he kicked her out.








"So you two just graduated and are looking for a job?" Victor said with a quizzical expression, looking up from the stack of resumes on his desk to make eye contact with the eager pair.

"Yup, we don't have work experience, but we are good at most minor things to be done," Lumine replied confidently, hoping to impress the interviewer.

"We are also big fans of the games in the HelloKitty industry, so we would like to take the job; we have a resume," Aether chimed in, earnestly pulling out a long list of skills and achievements on his resume.

"No need, you're both hired! Next!" Victor announced decisively.







"So you both never got work experience?" Victor inquired further, raising an eyebrow curiously at the inexperienced duo.

"Nope," Stelle and Cealus replied in unison, exchanging a quick glance that reflected their determination to prove themselves despite their lack of professional background.

"...Do you both know how to beat people up?" Victor questioned, intrigued by the unexpected skill set that the pair possessed.

"Yes," Stelle and Cealus affirmed confidently.

"Could use some security guards… Alright, you're both hired! Next!" Victor declared with a nod of approval.






"So you are about to graduate, I see?" Victor said to Noelle as he observed her beaming with pride.

"Yes, indeed! Besides my academic pursuits, I have also managed to immerse myself in a plethora of diverse roles to gain valuable experience. From serving customers at the restaurant, handling deliveries efficiently, ensuring security measures are in place, directing traffic as a diligent enforcer, to even stepping in as a substitute teacher, I have embraced each opportunity with enthusiasm and dedication," Noelle replied excitedly, her eyes sparkling with a sense of accomplishment.

With a decisive stamp, Victor declared, "You're hired! Your multifaceted skill set and positive attitude are exactly what we need." As he signified the end of their meeting, he closed the room, leaving Noelle feeling empowered and ready to embark on this new chapter of her career journey.









"So you are about to graduate, I see?" Victor said to Noelle as he observed her beaming with pride.

"Yes, indeed! Besides my academic pursuits, I have also managed to immerse myself in a plethora of diverse roles to gain valuable experience. From serving customers at the restaurant, handling deliveries efficiently, ensuring security measures are in place, directing traffic as a diligent enforcer, to even stepping in as a substitute teacher, I have embraced each opportunity with enthusiasm and dedication," Noelle replied excitedly, her eyes sparkling with a sense of accomplishment.

With a decisive stamp, Victor declared, "You're hired! Your multifaceted skill set and positive attitude are exactly what we need." As he signified the end of their meeting, he closed the room, leaving Noelle feeling empowered and ready to embark on this new chapter of her career journey.

Consequently, with a little bit of time skipping, owing to the undeniable truth that this particularly lethargic author with a publish schedule more erratic than a squirrel's flight path will never significantly extend in length, Victor has now successfully completed conducting comprehensive interviews with all the individuals who have put forward their applications to become part of Victor's acclaimed HelloKitty industry.

The rationale for this meticulous selection process is quite straightforward, given Victor's remarkable ability to create and develop video games, toys, and movies using his cutting-edge entertainment software installed on his personal computer, it is imperative that any expansion in operation does not attract unwarranted attention. Ergo, by recruiting and incorporating these newly hired personnel into his workforce, Victor effectively establishes a facade of a bona fide functioning industry. Naturally, he will allocate proper tasks to the recruited employees as he cannot juggle the responsibilities of developing video games and overseeing their performance simultaneously. It is essential for him to delegate the statistical analysis and monitoring aspects to these workers, who will then relay back to him the outcomes and progress reports regarding the video games, toys, and movie projects.

Additionally, in the spirit of facilitating a smooth workflow, Victor can assign some of the lighter tasks to the employees, such as creating new costumes and skins for the games, a task that will be executed efficiently by the newly hired team members alongside their primary roles.

This harmonious arrangement not only benefits Victor by enabling him to focus on the creative aspect of game development, but it also provides invaluable employment opportunities and practical experience for the hired individuals, resulting in a mutually beneficial situation for all parties involved.

By meticulously arranging all the necessary preparations the day before, including organizing schedules and delegating responsibilities, the team members promptly gather at the office the following morning, where they are promptly assigned their respective duties for the day.




"Now then.. what game should I make..." Victor mumbles inside his office.













To be continued....

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