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97.18% Rain of Sins / Chapter 69: Shifting Winds: Ch 2

Kapitel 69: Shifting Winds: Ch 2

This is so sad. I was supposed to have this out last weekend, but then a massive storm hit Texas, and cut 2.2 million people off from power.

Suddenly my family, who had not contacted me in a long while, were making daily calls to their "favorite brother" to "check up how you're doing" and "man Florida is so far away haha, but you do drive back and forth for the holliday's right?" and "wouldn't it just be so great if you could come help us?"


I love my family. But there are times where they drive me crazy.

Moving on.

I now make enough money off of my writing to justify devoting more of my time to it rather than to other avenues of making a living. I'm going to be attempting to up my publishing schedule to posting a chapter every week rather than once every two weeks.

(Note: that doesn't mean a chapter of every story I have ongoing once a week, but some will be getting favorite treatment. *cough* ROS *cough*)

HEY HEY! I'm reader-funded, and need your help to keep writing! If you like what you're reading and want to help out, see Z75 at the place of patrons. Patrons get to see updates a chapter ahead, suggest edits and changes before it goes live, and participate in polls to do things like choose the name of the next arc.

If you want to keep up-to-date on releases, get access to a crap ton of shitty memes, and several channels worth of Bentai, use discord code /Hy7g6UqGQd

Thank you for reading! -Zack, AKA: Z75, AAKA: everyone's favorite asshole

-Rain of Sins-

-Shifting Winds: Ch 2-

Adam, the nomu I use as my main source of teleportation, has been an invaluable asset. The amalgam warp quirk I gave him has incredible range, no need for cooldown, and only requires coordinates of where to grab from and where to drop at. 

However I have run into major issues with the design. Even though the quirk itself has no cooldown or charge up time, it is far from instantaneous.

To teleport myself I need to stop where I am, fetch my exact coordinates from a GPS, send those coordinates wirelessly back to the lab, then have the computer decrypt the message and send the information directly into Adam's brain.

On average that is anywhere from six to eight seconds that I cannot move or else the warp will miss me, which is something that makes using it in combat difficult. And if I want to use it to escape I would have to put enough distance between me and any pursuer to buy that time, or use something as a distraction- such as Crows for normal Heroes, or a full Rapture project for someone like All Might.

But even in regards to range, I've seemed to have finally hit a limit to its ability. Even with Trigger, Adam can't reach Korea. I'll have to make a second one and place it at the very bottom of the Korean peninsula, which could warp me to the shores of Japan, which would be in the main Adam's range.

Luckily making a second one is just a matter of cloning the nomu, and duplicating the settup I already have. Honestly I'm not even sure if my creations should be called "nomu" anymore, they don't use human bases, and are so far from the brain exposed zombie design Ujiko started me with.

Regardless, I really should just see if I can design a better warp system, especially now that I have access to Kurogiri's DNA. But where in the world am I supposed to get the time for that?

We can expand the current system to reach the Asian mainland by chaining "outposts", and it's powerful enough to transport even the biggest Rapture projects directly where they're needed. That's all I need from it. It works. I can make the system prettier when All for One is buried deep in the cold dead ground.

-Notes on the reviewal of warp nomu "ADAM"

-Rain of Sins-

Izuku watched with narrowed eyes as the massive metal coffin slowly closed in front of him. The creature inside was bigger than All Might and somewhat resembled an Orc from fantasy movies. Human-ish but not quite. Lesser, brutish, more barbaric looking.

It had several amalgam quirks to its name: Hyper Regeneration (the one Izuku used), and Greater Defense (made of Shock Absorption, Heat Resistance, and a few other small quirks along those lines).

But much more importantly it had three normal quirks that would (hopefully) work well in tandem.

Electricity, Super Strength, and an empty copy of One for All.

That last one was useless to him currently, it was a energy collection quirk without any energy in it- a massive battery with no charge. His amalgam energy singularity quirk would be able to make use of it, but he didn't have anything capable of using that without dying horribly.

Even with the Electricity quirk passively feeding into One for All would take decades to even come close to All Might's output.

So that was exactly what he was going to give it.

This beast and ten or so other replicas would be cryogenically frozen (which their quirks would let them survive), and buried deep under various regions around Japan. In 50 years they would all open and release the creatures with a picture of All for One implanted in their brain, and the single instruction to kill him at all costs.

Izuku had plenty of problems with this plan, it relied on a quirk he didn't understand and still didn't trust, and was dependent on hundreds of variables he had no control over, but even if everything else failed and he himself died, he could not allow All for One to rule Japan as an immortal warlord.

He needed as many contingencies against that madman as he could get, and he needed them ASAP.

Luckily he had a lot of money now. A lot of money, and was set to get ahold of even more. It's impressive how much you could speed anything up by throwing gratuitous amounts of money at it.

The door to the room opened and closed with a mechanical hiss, and a set of footsteps approached him from behind.

"I got off the phone with your lawyer." Kuin said as she stepped up beside him, overlooking the crew of scientists fussing over the coffin.

"...I have a lawyer?" Izuku's brows furrowed in confusion, and his brain locked up trying to shift gears from high stakes grand strategy to something as random as lawyers. "Since when have I had a lawyer?"

"Since the president of the United States set you up with one, and personally paid the bill to book his services 24/7 for the next five years."

"Did he want something from me?"

"He just wanted to pass on a message. Apparently the FDA is well on their way to approve Kronos if the Human trials go as predicted next month, and once that's done the senate is set up to pass the bill in record time. There have been questions raised over why we're so strict on not letting people with quirks over a certain threshold into the program, and when we explained the whole 'brain stress' thing, they've raised concerns over long term health effects of the project. Fortunately, since we've been upfront with a lot of the risks, and been proactive about maximizing safety even at the cost of potential customers, they seem willing to trust us and our research."

"They should, my research is solid. What's your opinion on this… lawyer?" Izuku didn't like the idea of someone so completely outside his sphere of influence being randomly assigned to mess with his things.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I've been assured he's one of the best, and he's charismatic, but he seems almost too willing to try to skirt regulation loopholes to get Kronos on the market faster."

"What's his name?"

"Saul something or other. I can't remember his last name."

"Contact him and tell him not to cut corners. I would rather have it done right the first time, than have doubt cast on all my work later on because someone found out we skipped some paperwork."

"Yes sir." Kuin mock saluted as Izuku walked away. 

…Oh God, the gossip jokes were real, she really was turning into his secretary, wasn't she?

She let out a defeated sigh and opened her phone.

"Better call Saul."

-Rain of Sins-

A door on the hospital's upper floor slowly creeped open, the nurse trying not to disturb the patient inside.

"-not in very good condition, and only has a week or two at most. We found him dropped off in a trash bag on our doorstep this morning, and-"

"I know, I saw the news."

"Just… Just try to be gentle with him, he's been through a lot."

"It was nothing he didn't deserve."

The nurse just shook her head and closed the door.

Shoto Todoroki walked over and sat in the chair next to the bland white hospital bed.

The person in the bad, his own father, Enji Todoroki, the former Hero King, didn't even look at him. Instead he just continued to stare lifelessly at all the newspapers sitting on his lap.

[The Fraud Returns]

[Endeavor Alive! Can He Be Charged For His Crimes?]

[Failure Returns Quirkless And Half Dead]

[Endeavor Forcibly Retired In Low 400s]

Shoto winced. Just from a brief glance he could tell not a single paper was celebrating his father's miracle of a return. After Dabi revealed he was Toya on national TV (and Shoto still wasn't sure how to process that) and explained everything his father had done in brutal detail, public opinion had turned against the Hero.

Not only had this lying abuser taken All Might's place as number one, he had immediately proven he didn't deserve it and lost a fight that ruined a huge chunk of Tokyo.

Endeavor, King, whatever he wanted to call himself, Japan hated him. Especially once the investigations revealed everything Toya had said was all actually true.

Enji's eyes were hollow, glazed over, as he read the headlines over and over and over again. His entire life's work. His one goal. His career that he had sacrificed everything for… it was all gone. Ripped away from him, just like that.

Shoto tried to say something, but the words caught in his mouth, and his vocal cords burned as they squeezed down on air that just wouldn't leave his throat.

He opened his mouth, then closed it, only to repeat the cycle like a scratched record player.

He has so so many things that he had been needing to say for years, but now that he finally had the chance, he was drawing a total blank.

Finally, after several minutes of sitting in silence, he gave up with a silent sigh of defeat. He had never been good with words, and likely never would be, that wasn't going to magically change for a special moment.

Luckily he had prepared for if this happened, and he pulled out a very old book. It was bound with thick brown leather, and was worn down from years of constant use. It was a humble thing, without any fancy decoration, or even a label along its spine, all it had was a simple cross stamped on the front.

The sight of his son with a crummy old Bible of all things finally brought Enji back into the real world. Something finally sparked in Enji's eyes, as he fell back on the emotions he was most familiar with; frustration and anger.

"Are you joking? We've lost everything, and you decide to bring some voodoo nonsense to me?" He scowled. "What's next, are you going to come by tomorrow with a tinfoil hat, rambling about aliens?"

"This book belongs to a very good friend of mine, and I will not let you slander her beliefs, even if I don't agree with them." Shoto narrowed his eyes dangerously. To his surprise the words came easily when defending Ibara. "I don't believe in this text, and I don't know if I ever will, but I cannot deny there is at least some wisdom buried in these pages." He opened the thick book to a page he had bookmarked, and hesitated. "I'm not good at speaking, but I've found that this book is remarkably good at putting my own thoughts into words at times."

"I don't want to hear your Bullshit Shoto! Not from a failure like yourself! And Not from some decrepit old book! I don't need to hear whatever high horse moral garbage you found in a privileged dumpster! I'm the best! I'M STILL NUMBER ONE! These IDIOTS just don't remember everything I've done for them!"

But Shoto didn't pay attention, instead he started reading in a cold monotone voice.

"Why do you boast of evil, you mighty hero?" 

He asked, and Enji fell silent.

"Why do you boast all day long, you who are a disgrace in the eyes of God? You who practice deceit, your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor. You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth. You love every harmful word, you deceitful tongue.

"Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin: He will snatch you up and pluck you from your tent; he will uproot you from the land of the living. The righteous will see and they will laugh at you, saying; 'Here now is the man who did not make God his stronghold but trusted in his great wealth and grew strong by destroying others.'"

Shoto closed the Bible with a snap.

"You're a liar and a fraud who only wanted to be a Hero for your own personal glory. You robbed me of any chance of having a normal childhood, you hurt my mother, you turned my family into a shattered mess of emotional scars, and you deserve everything that's happened to you. I'm going to become my own Hero, one that doesn't care about rankings, and whose only goal is to stop people like you!"

Shoto took a long shaky breath. "And I realize that as much as I hate it, I can only do that because of all the training you gave me. I- I forgive you for what you did to me, but I won't ever let it happen again. I talked it over with my siblings, and you're not welcome at home anymore. We're going to try to bring mom back, and we'll all be better off without you."

"Shoto, are you even listening to what you're saying!? Where are you going!? YOU NEED ME! I MADE YOU! COME BACK! SHOTO! SHOTO!"

The door slammed shut, reducing his father to muffled shouting, and Shoto leaned back against it with a sigh. Slowly he raised a shaking hand and pressed it to his forehead.

"That was more nerve racking than I thought it would be."

"Of course it was, he's your father. It takes a lot of courage to stand up to your parent like that, especially with what he's done to you."

Shoto looked over to see Ibara walking over from where she'd been sitting on one of the waiting chairs. Wordlessly he held out the old Bible to return it to her, but she refused it with a shake of her head.

"Keep it. It's a gift from me to you, in case you ever need to recite that at someone like him again. And even if you don't want to do that, it's heavy enough to pack a good wack."

"...Thanks?" He said awkwardly as he tucked the book under his arm, not sure what to do with it. "Thank you for showing that page to me, it was an oddly fitting verse."

"It is, isn't it? Psalms 52. But you left out the last two parts of it." Ibara held up a finder and recited the rest from memory. "But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever. For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name, for your name is good."

"I said what I meant to say, and left that off for a reason." Shoto frowned. "I was willing to recite a warning about pride and ambition. I won't preach something I don't actually believe in."

Ibara tilted her head and smiled. It was such a sad and vulnerable smile that it caught him off guard.

"Oh Shoto." She shook her head ever so softly. "You don't realize how important that is. Just that alone makes you a better person than so many other people out there."

The youngest Todoroki's breath caught in his chest when Ibara stopped over and gave him a quick hug.

"I'm proud of how far you've come." She whispered in his ear before letting go and walking down the hallway. "Now come on, you asked me to make sure you didn't get too nervous about meeting your mom, right? We need to hurry if you want to make it before visiting hours end."

Shoto couldn't help but feel starstruck as he watched her go. There were plenty of things he didn't agree with her about, but Ibara was a good person, and he was lucky to have her as a friend.

He just couldn't get over how kind and forgiving she was, how stubbornly reliable she was, how she made the whole word feel more manageable when she was with him, how her eyes twinkled when the light caught them at the right angle, how her smile made his chest feel light, how her hips swayed ever so slightly as she walked, how…

Shoto blinked.

Then his eyes widened in realization.

"Oh. Oh no."

-Rain of Sins-

Kuin was a mess, she knew she was a mess.

Between being a sentient parasitic quirk, working under a mad scientist whose ideology was all about freeing people from quirks, and being a part of a secret shadow war against the most powerful Villain to ever live, her job was currently the definition of "high risk". She needed to get out, and preferably sooner rather than later. But the Sovereign of Sin had eyes everywhere, the ability to instantly teleport anywhere in Japan, and an army of nightmares guarding all the doors.

But then he made a mistake and injected All Might's quirk into himself.

She had the perfect opportunity to escape, and completely slip away without a trace in the chaos, but what did she do? She rushed to Izuku to try to help save him.

The most wanted Villain in Japan, and her first instinct was to try to play knight in shining armor.

Izuku's mental state was like a ratty old jacket that was being forcibly held together with staples even though it was past the point you should have gotten a new one.

He looked fine on the surface and if you never saw what he worked on, you wouldn't think anything was all that wrong with him.

His mental state was stable but only because it was forcibly held together by bad coping mechanisms and devoting all his waking time to his work. The more he was pushed the more cracks started to show, and she was genuinely scared what might happen if he ever broke down.

He didn't have a social life, he didn't have hobbies, the closest things he had to friends were his close work associates.

Which included her, didn't it?

That was almost sad, but then again it wasn't like she had a social life either. All her free time was spent tending to the massive beehive she'd turned her room into. She has hundreds of worker drones that she'd not even made for combat, working on it constantly, but she was worried she might get in trouble if the walls started getting damaged- which had already happened when honey leaked and soaked into the paint.

The hive had too much honey, made with pollen from all the weird plants being grown on the upper floors, honestly she should get rid of some. The internet said people have jars of honey as gifts out in farming towns. Would it be weird to gift Izuku a jar of honey from her own hive? Like a "hey I know I'm expendable to you, but maybe we can be workplace friends, so please don't eventually kill me" gift?


"Y-Yes boss?" Kuin snapped out of her rambling thoughts as Izuku called for her.

"Double check this." Izuku said as he handed back the list to her. 

"But I just got back from double checking it."

"Then triple check it! And check in with floors four, seven, and eight. I'm taking most of Kronos' staff with me, so we need to make sure-"

"Izuku, relaaax dude." Yuyara said as she walked over with a metal briefcase that she tossed onto one of the many rapidly growing stacks of supplies. "You're panicking and getting worked up over nothing. Just chill, we can handle your lab while you're gone. You only need a few days to set up a basic outpost over there, and then you can warp back over here whenever you want."

Izuku frowned, but conceded she may have a point. Instead, his eyes lingered on the thin gloves she was wearing. The gloves she always wore.

"Are you sure you don't want me to fix your quirk?" He asked softly. "It wouldn't take long at all, i could do it before I leave."

"Nononono, that's a big pass from me. Look, it's not that I don't trust your dark sci-if soul genetics program, Green, but uh." Yuyara grimaced and made a 'so and so' motion with her hands. "I don't trust your dark sci-if soul genetics program. Sorry."

"I told you, they're vestiges, not souls, and the odds are that they were either just stress induced hallucinations, or a self defense mechanism of the quirk that was drawing from my own memories."

"Yeah, I dunno. I read that report you made for Ujiko, it sounded a lot like ghosts to me."

"Speaking of Ujiko, where is he?" Kuin asked. "I thought he'd be here."

"He's busy." Izuku answered vaguely.

"With what?"

"Important things."

"We don't know." Yuyara shrugged, and ignored the way Izuku made a face at her. "He's dropped off the grid, and no one has seen or heard from him since. It happens occasionally when he gets sucked into personal projects. But this is a new record, it's been over a week. Some of the labs are starting to get worried."

"Ujiko's fine." Izuku spat, ignoring the worry in his gut. "Something really important must have popped up, and he's obsessing over it. He'll pop up again in a few days acting like nothing ever happened."

"Something important enough that he wouldn't come to something as important as seeing you off to Korea?" Kuin asked skeptically. "Boss, we didn't even get an automated message from him. We never even got anything to suggest he was even aware any of this was happening."

"Ujiko. Is. Fine. Drop the subject. It would have been all over the news if he was arrested, or if they figured out he was a villain." Izuku turned away from the two girls, and looked out at the massive storage room bustling full of the supplies and personnel that he was going to be taking with him overseas.

-Rain of Sins-

Many hours later a plane would descend on a runway in an entirely different nation, and Izuku took his first step on soil outside the borders of his home country.

Here, hundreds of miles away from Musutafu city, cut off from any reminders of his past, and finally out from the prying eye of All for One, he was free. For the first time in his life, he was truly free.

He helped his men start to unload the cargo planes as they landed, and then got to work.

-Rain of Sins-

Tomura sat in his cell.

How long had it been?

There was no way to tell, there were no clocks, the lights never turned off, the only thing that ever changed in the cell was the small opening that dispensed food trays, and he had long since lost count of that. He didn't even know how many times a day that thing opened to feed him, so counting that was near useless!

This place was Hell. HELL!

There was nothing to do. He wasn't allowed to talk to himself or shout. He wasn't allowed to scratch tallies on the walls. He wasn't allowed to pace in circles. He wasn't even allowed to space out and stop thinking!

No, if he missed a meal they would zap him. That was the only interaction he had at all with anything! The automated system to make sure he didn't starve himself to death in protest!

He wanted to scratch himself, he itched so badly, but his skin got so raw it started bleeding, and now they zapped him anytime he tried to scratch!


Had All for One abandoned him? Did he need to break himself out? Was this a test?

No! Nononononnonononoio! Don't THINK that!

Sensei would get him out soon! Yes! Sensei would come for him!

"Master needs me! He'll come, just you wait, he'll come and kill all of you for me. Hehehe." Tomura muttered under his breath, low enough that the microphones couldn't hear.

Invisible to both Tomura, as well as the cameras that recorded the cell in everything from infrared to ultraviolet, All for One shook his head in disappointment.

"What a waste of time."

Then All for One turned around and disappeared.

He had a pet project to get back to, after all. Tomura had been supposed to hit All Might's emotional weak point and create artificial openings that he could exploit. But he didn't need to play dirty to beat All Might anymore. No, there was someone else at the top of his list. Someone else who thought they were clever enough to beat him at his own game.

Killing Midoriya would be too simple. He needed to break him, and set an example.

-Rain of Sins-

Ev3 was scared. She was so terribly scared. It was so much worse than the fear that bubbled in her stomach when she knew the metal arms would come out to cut into her. This was a cold terror that gripped her spin and gnawed on the inside of her chest, making it difficult to even breathe.

This was it, the last procedure.

One by one, the scientists had taken away the other surviving subjects of batch E, and each time they came back dejected.

They had died. They were dead, she just knew it, whatever they were doing kept killing the subjects! Would kill her, if they dragged her tank away into that room!

And she was the last one left.

Five men in white coats scurried around the base of her tank, unlocking the heavy clamps that secured it to the floor, and working together to lift it up for a forklift to slide under its base.

"Come on guys, let's get a move on. This is the last one, might as well just get it over with."

No! No! Please! 

Ev3 struggled but the restraints kept her tightly bound.

"Want to go get lunch after this? The boss is going to be pissed when he hears they all flatlined, so I say we clock out early and go get some tacos while avoiding the worst of it."

"Eugh. We've gotten nothing but Mexican food the last three days, how about Italian?"

"Yeah, I could go for a pizza. Hey! Joe! What do you think about grabbing lunch early? We're going to that Italian place."


Ev3 tried to scream, tried to beg, but the thick fluid in her lungs made it impossible.


"Hey guys, is it just me, or is the thing squirming a lot?"

"Eh, it's like a goldfish. We're shaking its aquarium, and now it's pissed."


Ev3's quirk flared, and the computer let out a beep as it injected the tank with sedatives, but she'd been hit with them so many times at this point that she was ready for it. She clenched her fists and PUSHED.

The lab was illuminated with the light of a star, and the glass cracked.

-Rain of Sins-

Dabi yawned as he walked through the hallways of the oddly silent lab. The boss had left yesterday, and took a big chunk of the staff with him.

Tons of personnel and material was slowly teleported from the lab, to Jaku hospital, then driven out to an airport to be loaded onto a bunch of cargo planes that the Korean government had flown out specifically for them.


If the Sovereign was working with an actual legit government, and getting paid for it, and he was working for the Sovereign, was he even a Villain anymore? Or would he count as a foreign agent?

Were they foreign sponsored terrorists?

Dabi shook his head, pushing off that rabbit hole of thoughts, and ran a hand through his hair, only to wince as several hairs caught on his skin and were pulled out.

It would take awhile to get used to the side effects of his "treatment".

His skin was rougher, like a low grade sandpaper, and was allegedly one of the single most heat-resistant/flame-retardant organic materials on the planet.

The Sovereign had also said that the organ (because apparently your skin was classified as one continuous organ) had been custom grown with his "unique needs" in mind, and they had replaced his old one without "much issue". 

There were many things he could have said in response to that, but he had wisely decided to keep his mouth shut. But wasn't entirely sure how to feel about the fact he physically wasn't in his own skin anymore. 

At least he could use his quirk at full blast without turning himself into charcoal. Even overheating wasn't an issue anymore, since his quirk had been adjusted to pull excess heat that radiated into his body back out to further bolster the flames. Apparently his biggest risk now was getting too cold if he pushed himself for a long time, but he was going to have to see that before he believed it.

His scars were also healed, which, well… After so long with them… It was just really uncomfortable looking in a mirror to see a complete stranger staring back.

Toga was still being worked on, and had been asleep in one of those vats for the past several days. He didn't know what they were doing to her, and frankly he didn't want to. All he knew was that after the operations started, it was made very clear that the lab coats weren't allowed to so much as touch her without the boss there to supervise.

Mustard was also out, but whatever they'd done to him had been over in less than a few hours. The lazy ass was just sleeping, they didn't even have him in a tank anymore, he was just snoring away on a normal bed somewhere.


The ground rumbled and the lights flickered out as the entire facility shook. Red light bathed the building as the emergency power roared to life and flicked the backup lights on one at a time, each coming online with an audible CLUNK that echoed in the metal hallways.

Dabi held his breath, and looked around with wide eyes.

Then the alarms started blaring.


One of the alarms in the distance broke rank, and descended into static before exploding in a wail of electric sparks.

Then another cut out.

Then another.

Then another.

Each closer than the last.

'It's coming this way.' Dabi realized as panic gripped his spine. He'd seen what that massive Lizard thing had done to All Might, there was no way he could take that in a fight!

…But he also hadn't ever been able to use his quirk to its maximum before, either.

Dabi's face hardened and he settled into a fighting stance, sapphire flames springing to life in his palms. Damnit, of all the times Mustard wasn't following him around like a lost toddler, it just had to be now, didn't it!?


The alarm right above him exploded in a shower of electricity, and the hallway started dimming as the lights around the corner started winking out one by one as whatever it was got closer.

Dabi pulled on his quirk, and readied himself to blast whatever this thing was into a pile of ash.

He was fully prepared for any sort of inhumanly horrifying work of science fiction to come charging around the corner in a mass of bloody claws and countless teeth.

He was not ready for a little girl to almost trip over her own bare feet as she came running around the corner, flailing her arms in panic, and wearing a small white hospital gown.

For half a second Dabi thought it might be Midorya's daughter. She couldn't have been more than 10 years old, had the same face shape as him, and her green hair was only a few shades lighter than his. But one good look at her was all the evidence he needed to know that was wrong.

Two ghostly wings sprouted from her lower back, half transparent, with strange mechanical bones running through them. A similarly ethereal disk floated over her head, but calling it a halo would be wrong, it was partially broken like a crescent, and was crackling with energy. Her hair floated around her as if it were suspended in water, with small zaps of electricity jumping between the largest strands.

But it was her eyes. Her eyes shone like miniature stars, with the iris an electric green plasma, and the pupils made of blazing gold magma from the sun.

The hairs on his neck stood on end, his body tensed, and his battle instincts screamed alarm bells at him. One look at those eyes told him that this thing shouldn't exist.

"Wait!" The monster masquerading as a child yelped and held up her arms in defense. "Please don't-"

His quirk surged forth in a way it never had before, and nothing could describe the feeling of liberation as he let loose an unstoppable tidal wave of raw power. His flames were so blue they were practically white, and put any fire his father had ever made to shame!

Walls melted and the ceiling sagged as the torrent blasted down the hallway, vaporizing everything in its wake!

Everything except the girl.

Dabi's jaw dropped as his flames parted around her, orbited around her in beautiful rings, and then compressed into a miniscule point in space no larger than a drop of water that rivaled the sun in brightness. 

The tiny seed of pure energy pulsed in the girl's hand, and she stared at it in wonder. Dabi had to shield his eyes and look away, but Ev3 wasn't bothered, and even held it up to her face to look at it closer.

"Woah, amazing!" She giggled, and raised it above her, tracing it through the air on the tip of her finger like it was a million wat glowstick. "This is so cool!"

Then she slipped on the molten slag that Dabi had turned the metal flooring into, and accidentally threw the tiny orb into the ceiling.

Said ceiling promptly stopped existing.

-Chapter End-

If you hate this cliffhanger, and want to know what happens next, you can always go see the next chapter on Pat reon. You get access to everything a chapter ahead of the normies, get to participate in votes on Arc names, have your OC make an appearance, and all sorts of shniz like that. All for less than a crappy fast food burger.

I'm Z75 over there, like I am everywhere else. I know. I'm very creative. In fact, I'm so creative that Z actually stands for Zack- my name. It's crazy. I'm kind of a genius.

(Go sign up so I can one day quit my job and write for a living)

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

Realistically I think there was a higher chance of Dabi killing Endeavor than leaving him to suffer as he slowly rots, but this was the best way to give Shoto closure.

And that is important.

I am not Vivziepop! I don't enjoy writing daddy issues as a centerpoint of a character! (And if I was Vivziepop, I'd have a lot more money.) 

In fact, I'm kind of sucky at writing parental issues. My relationship with my folks might not be terrific, per say, but I'm not going to use my irl family life as fuel for my stories. That would just be… strange, and too close to self insert territory. And I am never going to write a self insert story! You can't make me!

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

What was I talking about? Oh yeah. Shoto got over himself and used his fire to save his friend back at the coronation, but now he finally has full closure on all his major problems with his dad. Which is very good, because Ibara was going to break her back with how hard I was leaning on her to help the socially awkward ball of bad coping that is early Shoto.

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

And also Eve got loose. Another singularity level quirk just… dropped. Oops?

That's not good.

But don't worry guys, we'll just go get lunch early, and the boss will have cooled down by the time we get back. Eh? Now who wants pizza?

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

A giant thanks to the generous people who help get these chapters out faster, and get early access to a chapter ahead of what's out for the public, as thanks and to suggest changes.

The members of the Shadow Government, who funnel taxpayer funds directly into my corrupt wallet! Long may they reign!

MidnightHydro! (The Mighty!), Eternal Guard (The Emboldened!), Helios (The Honored!), 0RB! (The 0pulant!), Rom Hack (The Robotic Housekeeper!), Indyk (The Insatiable Imperial!), Wolfwind01010 (The Wonderous!), Nuckles222 (The Nuclear Threat!) NickPine (The Nefarious!), Zengouon (The Zealous!) and VidDav FerDeL (The Villainous!)

The Champions! Leading the fight!

Nvsoulsborne, ShelDrake, Tom Tat, Gage Donaldson , Thrawn, PrisonDIctator, and Adante!

The Dollar Army! Marching with honor and glory!

Phil, Eledu, Blue_port, WiseKitsune, Jac, Alex Estrugo, Jaydon Adams, Elenium935, Nyte, David Phan, Max Buckner, Spam2Spam, GrimDeathKnight, Hamza Abfallah, Twin the Commissar, thegodfather, Indie, The Brandonator, Aswin Suthan, wGLeblanc, SonicDJM, EngineerLife24, CideredApples, Prince of Ruin, SILENGE, Lord_of_Pola, DerHochi, Savage Scorpion, Anima, Summers Mori, Jacob Roy, Seanfrks, Diavolo, Brayden, Ecos920, VeryNiceCoat, Jerome Francis Lucasan, Lukas Dettenberg, and James Clifton!

And a special SPECIAL thanks to :

Eternal Guard, NickPine, MidnightHydro, and VidDav FerDeL!

Who have chosen to sub to the highest "Humanitarian" tier which I put up after my Bank got hacked and I lost a lot of money.

Thank you all so much, you are my Heroes.

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