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Naruto (part 1) : The Second son Naruto (part 1) : The Second son original

Naruto (part 1) : The Second son

Autor: The3Entities

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: chapter 1 : Obito & Naruto

"Leave us alone...we didn't do anything to you..." Obito Uzumaki, Naruto's twin brother whispered in the infirmary while he was in a high fever.

He had a bandage over his right eye from a stone thrown by one of the villagers as he and his brother were beaten once again.

"Obito" is the name given to him by Minato in memory of his disciple Obito Uchiha who lost his life. The kid was only 4 years old and he had just become one-eyed due to the nastiness of the villagers when they had sneaked out of the orphanage to walk around and see the village.

 However, this nastiness didn't stop only at the non-ninjas of the village because even the healing ninjas in the infirmary despised him and his brother.

When Sarutobi the third hokage learned that the twins had been seriously attacked, he ordered that the best care be given to them but the medical ninjas in charge seeing that Obito was going to lose his eye due to the injury only applied minor cares and leave this injury to him for their personal satisfaction.

 Obito, lying down, slightly resembled his twin brother Naruto except that his hair was darker red than his mother Kushina. 

The child was a true genetic representative of the Uzumaki clan and although he had the whisker marks on his cheeks like Naruto but unlike the main reality, Naruto only had two whisker marks on his cheeks and it was Obito who had three of them. 

Kyubi had only been sealed in Naruto as in the main reality because Minato Had just enough time and strength to seal a part of Kyubi into just one of his sons.

However, even if he didn't have Kyubi in him, Obito was a real monster in terms of chakra but also in talent. He was actually a mutant who had been affected by Kurama's chakra in his mother's womb.

 Kushina had been the only pregnant Junshuriki in history and carrying twins in her womb at the same time as the nine-tailed demon fox had caused an event that would have had almost no chance of happening, the genetic modification of one of two children because of Kyubi's chakra.

At this age, Obito had four times more chakra than Naruto who will nevertheless be known for his monstrous chakra reserve, he was frighteningly talented because he had learned to read quickly at the orphanage and even if he had not yet been trained in ninja arts, the child could already instinctively use Kagura's third eye from time to time.

***** Some will think that Mito was also a pregnant Jinshuriki because she carried Hashirama's child who later gave birth to Tsunade, but I have a theory that proves that she gave birth long before she carried Kyubi inside her and that is the mustache marks.

It is known that the gold and silver brothers had their genetics altered after consuming the flesh of kurama and that Naruto also had his marks because of Kyubi when Kushina was pregnant. 

Naruto was literally born with his marks and his children, Imawari and Boruto also had them, which means that this genetic modification is passed from parent to child. If Mito had been a pregnant Jinshuriki, Tsunade would have these marks like Boruto and Imawari who are the grandsons of Kushina, the one and only pregnant Jinshuriki in the history of the Shinobi world.

I say "shinobi world" because I don't know if Kaguya's case matters, but the birth of Hagoromo and Homura, who are the first two children to be born with chakra, proves that there is actually a genetic modification by chakra that Kishimoto didn't exploit ****

 It was only a few days after the attack that Hiruzen came to see the children in their room in the infirmary, he apologized and told them that he had been much too busy to come see them.

He noticed the bandage on Obito's eye and really felt bad for the child realizing that this little one had lost his eye and even he had to admit that he had neglected Minato's children instead of to take care of them as he had promised to their late parents.

 Several days later, the boys came out of the infirmary and when they returned to the orphanage, Hiruzen found them there.

 "Happy birthday boys, you're 5 now and you won't need to live here anymore. From today you will be entitled to your own apartment as well as subsidies from the village." Hiruzen told them with a smile.

 "Hahaha I knew you weren't going to forget Ji-san. Did you bring us any gifts?" Naruto asked excitedly, he was very outgoing unlike the more calm and reserved Obito.

 "you choose" The old man said smiling while looking at Naruto, he looked at Obito whose gaze was directed to the ground with his hands in his pockets and Hiruzen's smile vanished.

 "Does your eye still hurt so much?" He asked and the child who only nodded.

 "How about you take us to eat at Ichiraku's like last time Ji-san ? This will be my birthday present and it will also make Obito happy, he likes Teuchi-san's ramen almost as much as me." Naruto asked with a big smile, he also wanted to cheer his brother up.

 "Okay Naruto, that would make me very happy. And you Obito? What would make you happy?" Hiruzen asked Obito who replied that he just wanted books about the village, its history and its clans.

Listening to this, Hiruzen looked at the child for a moment and admitted that at only 5 years old he was already very precocious. He waved and one of the hidden anbu following him left, probably to get the books the child needed.

 Finally, they left for Ichiraku's shop. When they arrived, Teuchi was very enthusiastic because he liked the two boys, he and his daughter were the only ones to show kindness to the children but on top of that they came with the Sandaime himself.

He enthusiastically asked his daughter Ayame to start preparing some dishes because he knew the habits of his favorite customers, especially since he knew the child's parents.

However, the smile he had disappeared when he saw Obito's blindfolded eye.

 Teuchi felt his heart sink and even without being told, he knew it was the work of the people of the village.

"How can people be so cruel to innocent children? Especially since they were the children of the 4th hokage who had given his life for the village as well as his wife. Why so much nastiness? Obito…his eye…" Teuchi wondered as his eyes grew watery.

 "Hello Hokage-sama, Naruto, Obit-(stops)" Ayame came out to greet them happily but when she saw Obito, her hands immediately covered her mouth from shock. They had really harmed these children intolerably .

Obito looked at her blushing before lowering his face, he liked her a lot because she was the only girl nice to them and she was older so he had a childhood crush on her and she knew it, they were for her two cute little brothers and seeing Obito like that really hurted Ayame.

 Teuchi saw this and even though he had sworn to keep the origins of the two boys a secret, he could not keep quiet.

 "Hokage-sama, please sincerely forgive me, I know I am bound by the oath but this time isn't it too much? You swore to their parents to take care of them, I am not a ninja but just a small trader and I knew Minato and Kushina. How could I live normally seeing their children being tortured like this? (kneels) Please Hokage-sama, I understand that you are a busy man. Let me take care of these children if you can't do it." Teuchi asked humbly and Hiruzen looked at him calmly while Obito's gaze rested on Teuchi with interest, this man knew his parents and he wanted to know more.

 Hearing this, Hiruzen couldn't help but feel ashamed and looked at the boys.

 "Naruto, Obito do you want to be under Teuchi's charge from now on ? You'll live a better life and he'll take care of you with Ayame, if you accept then you will have a peaceful life but if you choose to become ninja then I will start your training myself and I'll assign someone to take care of both of you." Hiruzen asked them and the boys after thinking said they wanted to become ninjas each for their own reasons.

 Teuchi was a little disappointed but Ayame stepped in to offer to be the person who would come to their house and take care of them, cook them food etc because she naturally had no trust in the people of the village to take care of them.

The boys were delighted and it also pleased Teuchi and his daughter who swore to take good care of the young boys even if she could only see them in the evening because she had to help her father at the stall.

 After eating, Hiruzen took them to their apartment and Ayame followed them to see where the boys were going to live.

They arrived in the old and small apartment and Naruto was quick to shout his enthusiasm, even Obito was happy because they finally had a place of their own, a refuge because even at the orphanage they were mistreated.

The apartment was very small and old but it had the essentials for the children, Obito saw several small books on the small shelf near their two small tatami futons on which they would sleep.

He knew these were the books he asked Hiruzen for and he was happy with them because he really loved reading.

 As Hiruzen had promised, he had started to take care of them as children of Ninja but above all as children of an important clan.

Indeed, a week after their installation Obito came to see Hiruzen to ask him certain questions about the Uzumaki clan, the destruction of their village mentioned in these same books and especially why are they staying in this small apartment when They have a home within the Senju domain, their close relatives.

 Hiruzen cursed himself for giving Obito the opportunity to read this kind of thing, he himself didn't know in detail the complete information that was in these books and he had underestimated Obito's intelligence. 

The kid was a monster with the level of understanding of an experienced adult at that age, the old man had to recognize that the child was of the caliber of young prodigies that the village had had including Minato his father, Kakashi, Itachi and Uchiha Shisui.

 When Obito had made this remark to him, he had been forced to move them into the Senju domain in the Uzumaki residence, a large pavilion that Ashirama Senju had built himself with his Mokuton. The purpose was to comfortably welcome and house the members of the Uzumaki clan who were related to the Senju and to offer a place of relaxation to a friend and ally, Ashina Uzumaki, their clan leader at the time. 

 The domain was large, very large but lame because the two clans living there were almost extinct, the last member of the Senju clan had left the village and the last two Uzumaki in Konoha were Naruto and his brother. As a clan members their status was not the least.

Obito had asked Teuchi and Ayame to move in with them because their house was small compared to the Uzumaki mansion where the children lived and in a village that was hostile to them, the presence of these two people was essential to them.

Teuchi agreed, taking the opportunity to take care of Minato and Kushina's children himself.

 Because Hiruzen was too busy, he was unable to give them the basic training of a ninja clan for now and had to delegate this task to someone else but not to just anyone a ninja who had been called a genius because there was only this kind of person to take care of other genius like Obito , he had thought of Kakashi but the latter was inexperienced and still lacked patience not to mention his personal problems for which he joined the Anbu.

So, the person who was going to be responsible for giving basic training to Naruto and Obito was Itachi Uchiha, Hiruzen knew Itachi, his dedication, but also his genius and he fully trusted him to teach the children.

 (1 year and 3 months later)

 Above the hokage mountain, Hiruzen stood there while Itachi stood on one knee behind him.

 "What is the progress of the Uzumaki brothers, Itachi?" Hiruzen asked him while contemplating the village and enjoying the wind.

 "Hokage-sama, both boys are making good progress especially since Shisui decided to help me with their training . Young Naruto is physically very capable and even if in terms of talent It's of my caliber But his only problem comes from mastering his chakra . Due to his enormous amount of chakra and the Kyubi seal, he has difficulty controlling his chakra properly and this is his main weakness But he's progressing extremely fast ." Itachi responded calmly.

 Hiruzen: What about his brother ?

 "Hokage-sama, I don't really know how to explain Obito's progress. All I can tell you is that I understand why I was looked at like a monster at the academy. (smiles) Obito learns at a speed that's scary even for me and physically he's above his brother. To give you an example, Know-how in taijutsu is already between Chunin and Jonin level, this is also the case for his Shurikenjutsu without the chakra infusion skills because I feel that it's still too advanced." Itachi responded with fascination, the child without possessing the sharingan and even being blind in one eye could understand and copy his movements Almost without any difficulty.

 If Obito had progressed in Taijutsu so quickly it was above all thanks to his impressive physical skills and the most terrifying thing was undoubtedly for Itachi Obito's horribly fast reaction time.

The genetic modification by Kurama's chakra had made Obito The next stage of the evolution of his species, his instinct and his reaction time allowed him to fight against an Itachi who held back enormously but still noticed the Obito was making rapid progress.

 "In just one year and three months…! What kind of prodigy is this boy?" Hiruzen asked but Itachi interrupted him.

 "Hokage-sama, the child is undoubtedly a genius but there is something deep inside him like...a darkness, a resentment and a hatred that I only see in the eyes of the most extremist members of my clan . From what you told me about him and how he was treated by the villagers, I can understand his hatred for them. However, if this child becomes strong very quickly he risks becoming a danger." Itachi warned the hokage.

 Hiruzen: What do you suggest ?

 "The first option is that we slow down his learning, let the boys live the life of normal children and then send them to the ninja academy. Interactions with other, friendlier children may soften his outlook on things. The second option and it's the safest is that we accelerate his training and that he understands the responsibilities of a Konoha ninja, that there are bad things but also things that are worth fighting for and who deserve sacrifices. Hokage-sama, Obito is very precocious like me at his age and he has the ability to understand complex things."

 Hiruzen: (sighs) We have to take care of him, Itachi. If a talent like his falls into the wrong hands...your second choice is the best. Increases his training, he will start a special course in advance at the academy. Quickly immersing him in the bath is the best way to develop in him a feeling of responsibility and duty towards the village.

 Itachi: What about Naruto? If you allow me, I suggest that he go to the academy with the other children as he is much more sociable than his brother who has barely become comfortable with Shisui or mo. What do you think, Hokage-sama?

 "That's a great idea, Itachi. Of course in the future I will find him another teacher when the time comes for you to do what you have to do for the village. I'll take care of Sasuke like I promised you, Itachi" Hiruzen said approvingly as Itachi thanked him.

 The old man made his decision, he was going to manipulate the boys motivations for the good of Konoha, Obito was only barely 6 years old but his potential was terrifying and they had to quickly mold his mind while he was still young.

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