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44.44% DxD: Soul System / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Sleepover & End of Sale Gacha

Kapitel 18: Chapter 18: Sleepover & End of Sale Gacha

As we awaited their eventual arrival. We got ourselves comfortable. Akeno and I were seated together behind the table, meaning the door was to our right while Shuri was standing directly behind me. I did ask her to sit together with us, but she was adamant about standing up especially if she was about to reveal herself. Can't argue with that, she does have a point. 

Jibril had already hidden herself, well technically she immediately laid down on my bed while concealing her presence. 

Not long after I heard the sound of the door to my room opening, a stunning silver-haired woman stepped in but fully opened the door because she was soon followed quickly by a red blur in the form of a young girl. 

"Pardon the intrusion, I wanted to greet you Ryu-san."

"Ryuuuu! I'm here!"

I turned my attention to the door and sure enough, Grayfia was already in the process of closing it since Rias immediately ran toward me, probably not even registering the existence of the other two. Grayfia gazes at them, more so at Shuri, and then nods as if coming to some form of understanding. She then replaces that curiosity with the same stoic expression she usually has. 

"Did you miss me, Ryu? Hehe, of course, you did."

"Rias-sama, you must not run. Do not be rude to the other occupants of the room either. It's nice to see you again, Akeno-sama. And I presume you are the mother, Shuri Himejima-sama. I assume Saori was the form I met earlier today?" She asked without a flick of emotion, just plain old curiosity. 

"Ah, yes, I must apologize for that. Ryu-kun and I deemed it prudent that you be informed. Really, the pleasure is mine, Grayfia-san, once again I am Shuri Himejima," she said bowing gracefully, but with a guilty smile. 

"Grayfia is fine, Himejima-sama," she then smiled faintly. "Please, there is no need to apologize. Though this is devil territory, we were naive to think other supernatural beings would shamelessly abide by the rules. We did have an agreement with the fallen, but I suppose some trouble is happening in Grigori. In any case, it is I who should apologize, I am terribly sorry to what befell you and your daughter, Shuri-sama," her beautiful face was twisted in shame and melancholy. 

Shuri looked increasingly uncomfortable at the maid who was bowed low in guilt. She hurriedly answered in a panic. "No, no, please raise your head, Grayfia-san. We're safe and sound thanks to Ryu-kun." 

A hint of surprise brushed over her as she turned to gaze at me who was being smooshed by the two young girls. I noticed her gaze and talked. "My father already had a suspicion that proved correct when I told him about it, but yes I intervened and was able to successfully help these two escape."

"I see," she said. And with a faint smile said, "In that case, I offer my deepest thanks for rescuing these innocent lives from our blunder. Let's leave it at that, yes?"

Her gaze shifted from me to Shuri, and we all nodded in acceptance. It might've spiraled around and around if they kept apologizing. 

With a clap of her hands, Shuri then posed a question to the stoic maid who was already organizing the clothes they brought. "Grayfia-san, though I am Ryu-kun's first maid, it'd make me feel better if you took leadership and control. Plus it's best if you separated how you call us, so you can get rid of the -sama for me!~"

She stopped and though it took her a while she eventually responded. "Very well, Shuri-san. It is nice to be working with you. I'll teach you to the best of my abilities," she said in a weirdly pumped-up way. Is she excited because she has a fellow maid working alongside her? That's adorable. 

"Well, in any case, it's nice seeing you two again, ah Akeno can you stop squeezing me… Uhm since you guys already introduced each other, let's..... Rias shtawp puuwwing mah sheeek… Hewe headsh pashts. I missed you too, you didn't have to pull that hard. You saw her already right, this is Akeno Himejima, and Akeno, this is Rias Gremory. You both were staring at each other yesterday right, no need to be shy."

"You seem close to Ryu-kun, Rias-san. I'll have you know he is my hero," said Akeno while pulling my left arm closer to herself in an attempt to move me away from Rias. 

"No need to address me with -san, Rias is fine. Hmmm. Hero huh? Well, I'll have you know he's my fiance so why wouldn't I be close to him, Akeno-san," Rias replied in a haughty-sounding tone. She then pulled my right arm and brought me closer to her. Oof. 

"Akeno is fine with me, Rias. Let's get along from now on, after all, I have no intention to leave Ryu-kun, fufufu. He did promise to show me off as his to the world after all, isn't that sweet of him!" Akeno then proceeded to pull me, while delivering a mocking 'gentle' smile to Rias. Uhm I think she may have added something to my words… Not that I'm complaining. Since it is true. 

"Hehe, is that so? Ryu promised he would stay with me forever and now that we are engaged we will remain by each other's side once we get married, hehehe." Rias snickered and then delivered a devasting sneer while puffing out her chest and closing in on me while pulling me close to her chest. I did say that, but why does it sound so scary when you say it like that?

They continued to compete with one another, but I didn't miss the glint in their eyes in finally letting out their feelings to someone who understood. Well, if they're enjoying themselves then I'll leave it at that.

As I took a proper look, I sighed helplessly. Man, if you guys are gonna have such huge smiles on your faces while speaking to one another might as well stop the theatrics and be more honest. Geez, these girls. I wonder how they'll get along with everyone else. 

Giving them the occasional head pat, I then turned to look at the two adults who were watching the scene in amusement and got their attention. 

"Grayfia-nee, you were planning to sleep in futons either laid out here or in a guest room right? Is it possible to add additional rooms connected to my own, this room is rather spacious after all? For now, we could all sleep together since my bed is huge and whenever they would want to, having more would be good for privacy." She could probably still grant my request, right? It's not like she left on bad terms. But it would honestly be for the best if it was expanded since the other rooms are too far away from my own.

"Yes, it should be possible, or rather I already made preparations for it and talked it over with your father, Issei-sama. He told me to not mention it until you brought it up and I have to say you really are on top of things aren't you, Ryu-san." 

Damn, sly old man. 

"Ahaha, I just figured it'd be practical considering the future and the need for privacy, especially when the ones in my room are all… women. I obviously don't mind, but having more rooms and space is always better just in case." 

"Fufu, you sure are lucky, aren't you Ryu-san. Well, in any case, the renovations will be taken care of before you start school again on Monday. All I need to do is inform them. There is also no need to worry about being found out since the additions will be made to the inside and not the outside."

"Thank you very much Grayfia-nee. I'll leave you to that, for now, we should really get to bed. They've already fallen asleep after all their competition…" I said to them in a low voice as I gazed at my lap where their heads were resting and how my legs were now being held tightly by their arms. They were going at it the whole time and ended up exhausting themselves. Plus they both must have trained earlier today. Damn, how the hell am I still standing?!

"Ara, little Akeno-chan, and Rias-san tired themselves out in their competition.." Laughter bubbled out, amused by the interaction that she listened in on. 

"It would seem so. Your charm knows no bounds, Ryu-san. Mamako-sama will be jealous over this, as I'm sure you know." Yes, I do know. A shiver then runs down my spine. A few words resurface from the depths of my subconscious, 'I'll be your first, fufufu.' First what?! No matter how hard I try to recall what else, nothing comes to mind.

I mean, I can take a guess. But like. Damn. Moving on. 

"Haah, help me instead of teasing me. I can't move, you know. Aren't you two supposed to be my maids," I said a little annoyed by their giggling. 

"We are merely letting our Master enjoy this moment, especially when the two girls who were fighting over him are now sleeping peacefully over him. You wouldn't want to disturb them, right? Fufufu."

"It is my duty to make sure my master is happy and content and seeing how Ryu-san clearly enjoys their presence I opted to stand by and watch until Ryu-san is finished basking in happiness."

"Yes, yes you're right I am happy. And extremely grateful for their affection, but right now I can't feel my legs and they will definitely feel a lot more comfortable in the bed." I could use my magic, but I rather not risk it when the table is so close to their heads. I do have some precise control, but my fatigue will not help in this case.

They finally agreed to my request but continued to giggle the whole time. I then got up and let the feeling return to my legs before I made my way over to my drawers to get my PJs. I already bought a bunch and created some more.

I changed in the restroom since I had to brush my teeth and the ladies had to change out of their outfits into something more comfortable. They can't very well wear a maid outfit to bed, though I wouldn't put it past Grayfia...

I got out and noticed Grayfia and Shuri still standing but in some slightly revealing nightwear. Grayfia, with her silver hair cascading down her back and over her shoulders, was in a silver negligee nightgown while Shuri, who also decided to let down her glistening black hair which ran down towards her thighs, was in a lavender nightgown. Shuri had ended up keeping the hairpin so it's now slightly above her ear keeping the hair tied up on one side. Technically, she can still wear it, and since we all know who she is the disguise won't trigger. Isn't it gonna be uncomfortable though?

I gulp despite myself. They are stunning, which was made apparent since I just stayed in the same spot in a daze before snapping out of it and making my way towards the bed without minding their playful glances. Yes yes, you guys are hot. Too bad I ain't old enough. Your master will punish you accordingly when the time comes. 

I jumped, missing Jibril by a hair's breadth. She looked mighty peeved, at least that's the impression I got as I held in my cry of pain when she grabbed hold of my ahoge. Though I discreetly grabbed her breast in retaliation. This wasn't the time woman!

After the brief scuffle, I made myself comfortable in the middle of Rias and Akeno, or rather they left a space there and by the way, Grayfia and Shuri were staring at me. It was my spot to take.

I sighed but still snuggled up close to them. They noticed the warmth emanating from me and ended up latching on. Akeno tightly hugged my waist while Rias tightly wrapped her arms around my left arm. 

I noticed Jibril wasn't poking me to let me know where she was gonna be but then I noticed her floating on top of me, only making herself visible to me and grinning.

I got a sudden bad feeling.

What's she planning? Ah, I see... I mean, it's not too bad I'd say.

Yup, she ended up shapeshifting into her loli form and is now making herself comfortable on top of me. Funnily enough, she can now decide to tuck in or retract her wings without getting uncomfortable.

I had forgotten all about the additional skills I imbued into her ring. It was something that had occurred to me when I sent her to gather information the other day. When I mentioned my skill in shapeshifting she insisted that I add that as well. I was confused at first since I thought she had that power already, and though she said she is able to have a power-saving mode in the form of a little girl, it's only when she expends all her magic. I understood and finding no harm in giving her an additional skill, I agreed. With the help of my Sharing is Caring skill, she now has lesser versions of my own skills, including Shapeshifting. 

I could only smile wryly at her antics of making sure she was always close to me, even during my sleep. But it is comforting. And I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Before I knew it, Grayfia and Shuri climbed onto the bed once they noticed I had gotten comfortable. Grayfia laid herself down next to Rias while Shuri took the position right next to Akeno. As to be expected. 

I smiled, closed my eyes, and said, "Goodnight, Grayfia-nee, Shuri-nee, Akeno, and Rias (Jibril too) Sweet… dreams…" while I used my aura and pheromones to help them relax and let go of their tension. I didn't forget to turn it off as soon as the effects took place. Didn't want a mishap to happen. 

"Goodnight Ryu-san, I'll be sure to wake you up tomorrow."

"Sweet dreams, Ryu-kun. I hope you don't mind us sticking close to you, fufufu."

I heard their responses but I kept quiet, making them think I had already fallen asleep.

I then waited.

And waited a bit more.

As soon as I heard their soft rhythmic breathing I internally sighed in relief. Though I need to rest I still need to do one last thing before I let slumber overtake me. I almost forgot too, it's been hectic asf. 

Can you spin the daily gacha Eve?

[ Of course. ]

[ Spinning… ]

[ You have obtained the Arcane Weapon: Shapeshifter (World Rank) ! Soul Bound ! ]

[ You have obtained the skill [Firework Magic(C)] ! Automatically Learned! ]

[ You have received 57% shares of Kadakawaii the Media Conglomerate! ]

[ You have obtained 500,000 Soul Points! ]

[ You have obtained 50 Blood Tyrant Crystals (Epic+++ Rank) ! Stored in Inventory! ]

Another weapon?! Well, okay technically this one is far more versatile. Not that the gauntlets aren't awesome, but if I do plan to fit in either here or in another world once the soul call whisks me away then yeah ima need to learn. The system or world's will might require it from me after all, they might lock out some powers. Damn, that sucks. Maybe they'll have me adjust with the powers I already have so I can increase the control? That sounds not bad actually. 

I wonder if some things might change to fit the World. Like Ddraig or Enkidu, but how would that work? Hmmmmm, gonna have to wait and see.

Firework magic huh? Sounds cool, but it looks like that's literally what it does. Instead of actually wielding fire, I am shooting fireworks. For now, they start small, like the crackers and sparklers. Hmm, perhaps I could incorporate these into my attacks, like my fireballs from my dragon breath or maybe when shooting my beams from my star star fruit... Oh man, once I'm able to shoot those big ass ones, they explode on contact and it stuns them! It literally holds them in place, constantly dealing damage as the firework fades. Shit wtf, that's awesome, why is the rank so low? Ah, it's dependent on affinity, mana capacity, creativity, and emotion. Hmm, curious. I think there's more though, hmm I'm not entirely sure yet. 

I got some shares to that anime company and some... a tremendous amount of soul points- fuck, what's up with that?- but blood crystals? 

Let's see what they are.

[ Blood Tyrant Crystals (Epic+++ Rank) : A crystal imbued with the pure essence of a Blood Tyrant. These beasts are capable of resisting their savage nature of drinking blood, but once extremely agitated by an outside force they will wreak havoc on an ecosystem. This crystal is capable of suppressing a blood drinker's desire for Humanoid Blood but will need to thrive off of beast flesh either monster or domestic. If they are placed in highly stressful situations, they are prone to rampage, another crystal will satiate them, but the more they consume the easier it will be to lose their sanity, transforming into a Blood Tyrant themselves. ]

Urk. What the hell? Insanely informative and I'm thankful for the heads up but damn! Consuming more comes at the cost of their sanity?! When will I ever need to... hold up, perhaps they might be useful after all. 

Well, now that I've spun the gacha and it marks the end of the sale, let's get some shut-eye. 

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