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Kapitel 2442: Chapter 20: Meet and Greet gone Wild

 Chapter 20: Meet and Greet gone Wild.

So a bunch of things happen in this one, some are just set up, and doesn't mean they'll be immediately an issue.

Justin is getting his house in order, while finding that most people's houses are not so much, and their problems keep becoming his problems.

Who knew potentially ruling the world eventually from behind the scenes - would mean so much work and so many problems?

Anyway I've been a bit bad for describing locations, so I tried to do it a bit more, but went a bit overboard, bear with it for the chapter - it's because the two locations in the chapter are going to be used often in the future, so they are fully described here.

Anyway as usual, I don't own Marvel, the Avengers, X-Men or anything from Disney and etc, etc.

Hope you enjoy.


Cairo, Egypt.

A lot had changed in Cairo, even over the course of a few months, the benefits of possessing awesome economical power, and owning your own construction company - coupled with everyone in power tripping over themselves to make him happy - which ensured things ran smoothly.

Here in Africa at least.

So far.

He'd bought a full four city blocks of Cairo, solely for his own purposes, for his burgeoning African business empire. While it held some labs and such, it was majorly intended to be the nerve center of all business operations in this area of the world.

Domino had jokingly termed it the Bakshi center when she heard.

With the compound in Cairo sprawling across four entire city blocks, they had plenty of room to ensure it evolved to Justin's standards. Despite being only half-completed, it dominated the skyline with its immense, unfinished structures already. The compound combined cutting-edge security measures with an Egyptian aesthetic, blending modern technology with ancient motifs - Justin refusing to change the world while sitting in a square concrete box.

He was going to do it looking good, dammit!

There was also the added benefit of the local population being less belligerent against the outsiders when they didn't appear entirely foreign.

While Metahumans was getting support from everyone in power in Africa, superstitions ran deep within certain segments of the populace. Justin knew they were keeping quiet right now, due to his efforts, but he wasn't foolish enough to believe that would last forever.

Human stupidity was a bet that was always safe to go all in on.

The perimeter of the compound was encased in high sandstone walls adorned with intricate hieroglyphics and reliefs depicting scenes of pharaohs and gods, giving the compound an air of timeless authority, like it had been there all along - granted it was a sandstone finish, because they had much harder materials for a good defensive wall. Atop, and throughout these walls - were advanced security features; motion detectors, infrared cameras, and electrified fencing to make a few, all discreetly integrated to preserve the compound's aesthetic appeal.

Justin did not skimp on defenses simply because of aesthetics, he simply paid that much more to ensure it was integrated in a pleasing way while losing none of its effectiveness.

The entrance to the compound was protected by a massive, vibranium-reinforced gate, flanked by imposing statues of Egyptian gods that hid the most advanced scanning tech in existence, able to both scan vehicles and all their passengers even through steel - and relay it to the guards well before the vehicle/people could even think of entering the compound.

Guard towers covered every angle to ensure the walls were not breached or bypassed, styled to resemble ancient watchtowers but equipped with modern surveillance equipment and armed guards, providing a constant watch over the surrounding area.

The guard towers also each guarded a hidden anti-air battery, available to take care of flying threats that their drone capabilities couldn't handle on their own. With how much he was spending on this compound it better be nearly damn unassailable - this included extremely expensive non metal weaponry and anti air defenses to protect it from the one man capable of tearing it apart in seconds - each one worth more than 20 of its simple metal ones.

Inside the compound, unfinished structures hinted at his grandiose plans for the area, sprawling courtyards, lush gardens, and large, colonnaded buildings echoing the grandeur of ancient temples.

This… Was the temple to Justin Hammer.

Not that he called it that… It would be distasteful.

Now if other people chose too… Well, that's a wholly separate matter.

Despite the incomplete construction, the defenses were all operational and formidable. Automated turrets and drone patrols ensured any threat would be swiftly neutralized, while underground bunkers and reinforced shelters provided additional layers of protection - since the people he'd have working here were not the kind he'd want to lose. The fusion of high-tech security and traditional Egyptian design created a unique compound cum fortress, blending his futuristic vision with the region's rich historical legacy.

He was quite proud of it, especially for how quickly it was beginning to go up, the defenses all done, even if the office buildings would likely take several months to finish, the added aesthetics slowing down the process there as it would be more complicated.

As their armored limousine took them inside the compound, Domino peered outside, before poking her head back in, an amused smile on her face, "I'm surprised, no statues of yourself?"

Yelena hid a smile behind her hand, as Justin huffed, "How egocentric do you think I am?" He asked her, besides, polling showed that people have an aversion to rich people building statues of themselves, he thought with annoyance.

Domino's eyes narrowed playfully as she stared him down, "I don't think you want me to answer that question."

Justin let it go, focusing on all the meetings he had ahead of him, with how busy his life was, it was easier to simply have people come to him in one or two central locations - New York was one, and Cairo was the other.

Soon enough they arrive at the only finished building, his own, the place where he'd do business and hold meetings with both his people - and those he wanted to woo.

As they escape the blistering sun striding into the interior of his personal office building for a few meetings, the contrast between the ongoing construction and the lavishly finished sections becomes apparent. The main entrance hall puts on a display to mark his superiority to those entering. Polished marble floors are inlaid with gold and lapis lazuli, reflecting the light from ornate chandeliers designed to resemble ancient oil lamps. The walls are adorned with vibrant murals depicting scenes from Egyptian mythology, blending seamlessly with state-of-the-art digital screens hidden behind retractable panels.

The idea was that each office building would showcase different African countries and their history, with his own the most Egyptian of course.

Of course, even here, there are turrets hidden behind the walls, and confoam sprayers in the ceiling. Justin would take no chances with security. All of it designed by Eileen, who better be back soon, or Justin would have to take steps.

Further ones than the ones he already had, where he'd pre-emptively armed his people for a possible conflict with Magneto.

Moving through the hall, they passed through an imposing set of double doors, each hand-carved to showcase the Egyptian pantheon, into a spacious atrium. This area, fully completed, has a high ceiling supported by massive columns - that mimic the style of Karnak Temple, the famous temple ruin where it's believed creation began in Egyptian myths. Between the columns, modern glass and steel elements have been artfully integrated, providing a sleek, contemporary look that would wow visitors.

Justin hadn't been here since it was finished, and couldn't help a smug smile as he looked around, Yelena and Domino seemingly thrown by the sight.

He did give Domino a fierce look however - when she muttered under her breath about 'cultural appropriation.'

This was Egypt, making it all Egyptian looking was just following local customs!

The main meeting room itself was empty as they entered, it was a blend of luxury and functionality. A long dark table sat at the center of the room, surrounded by high-backed chairs. The room was illuminated by soft, ambient lighting, with spotlights highlighting various artifacts displayed in glass cases along the walls - priceless relics that added an air of culture to the more modern room.

Justin, through Sunil, had hired Black Cat to appropriate some artifacts from the British museum so that he'd have something pretty to display in his office. It could hardly even be called stealing, since they were back in Egypt now after all, where they belonged.

He put her on a retainer afterwards, having her infiltrate his businesses and operations when time permitted, the legal ones anyway - so she could detect security flaws that they could then fix.

Cutting-edge technology was of course subtly embedded throughout the room - he wanted some culture and aesthetics, but he wasn't a savage. The table was equipped with holographic projectors and built-in touchscreens, allowing for presentations and seamless communication with his global contacts. A large hidden screen could descend from the ceiling for more traditional video conferences as well.

Or be used for villainous speeches if he ever felt the need to broadcast such.

Despite the high-tech flair, the room retained its Egyptian flavor. Justin gleefully rubbed his hands together, knowing that anyone brought to him here would have already lost half the battle, awed by his power.

As Justin settled, tenting his hands as a villain should in their evil boardroom, Domino walked around and examined the artifacts, pointedly not looking at him - Yelena stood by the door, her expression attentive, just waiting for the order.

Justin smirked, "Bring me Forge." He ordered, heady with anticipation.

It only took a few minutes to fetch him, the man having been waiting for this meeting, having personally traveled to the compound for the express purpose of gaining access to Hammer industries resources.

Standing at just over six feet tall, he had a robust and muscular build, a testament to his military training and rugged lifestyle, Justin thought, studying him just as intensely as Forge studied him back.

His native american heritage shone through in his face, especially in his eyes. A thin scar ran down his left cheek, the only noticeable blemish that Justin could see. Forge's right hand was a sophisticated cybernetic prosthesis of his own design, Justin knew, having done his research on the man after he showed up out of nowhere. This arm was both a tool and a weapon, capable of transforming into various gadgets and interfaces, showcasing his mechanical ingenuity - the reason Justin wanted him.

The fact he carefully watched both Domino and Yelena, not leaving his back to either of them - also showed a careful and clever man, to Justin's delight.

Not careful enough, as he'd entered into the belly of the beast, but he appreciated the little things.

Justin stood to greet Forge, smiling charmingly "Forge, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about your talents."

Forge nodded slowly, taking a seat at the table, making sure Yelena and Domino stayed in his sight. "I'm sure you have." He said simply. "Let's skip the pleasantries and talk about why I'm here. You have resources I need, and I have skills you can't find anywhere else."

How refreshingly blunt.

If only all Metahumans were so easy, just laying their cards on the table as such, it would have solved many issues.

Justin's smile widened, but there was a flicker of something else in his eyes - his glasses sending messages to Yelena, who's own implant and glasses soundlessly received it. "Absolutely. Your expertise could take Hammer Industries to the next level." He said genially enough, sitting back down, leaning back in his chair. "We're prepared to offer you top-tier equipment, unrestricted access to our labs, and a team of elite engineers at your disposal."

He had plenty more of course, but one never started a negotiation with the best offer.

Besides… He was still teetering around the decision whether to completely bind Forge to him - or just hire him.

There were pros and cons for both angles. He needed more information…

Forge leaned back, seemingly more relaxed now that an offer was on the table, his expression calculating. "That's a good start, but I'm not cheap. I want a substantial salary, a double digit percentage of any profits from my innovations, and guaranteed autonomy in my work. No micromanaging."

Let's start at, no way in hell! Justin thought fiercely. Everything else was fineish, but guaranteed autonomy? Over his dead body.

Justin nodded slowly, making a show of thinking things over. "We can arrange most of that easily enough." He admitted, gesturing to the opulence around them, "Money is literally no problem, your contributions would be invaluable to us, but guaranteed autonomy? You know we can't do that…"

Forge scowled, crossing his arms, "I'm not a follower, I build what I feel like, create what I want, I'm offering you to take advantage of that and monetize it - but it's my choice in the end."

Justin pursed his lips, tapping the table with his fingers, "Could you craft an AI? Especially if we already had a base copy for you to work on?" He threw out there, his gaze almost hungry.

Yelena moved to get Forge a drink, his eyes not leaving her as she prepared it, and delivered it to him, placing it on the table in front of him.

Forge narrowed his eyes, at Justin, keeping an eye on Yelena out of the corner of his eyes. "Yeah… It wouldn't be easy, but I could do it, switch the code around to something of my own, it would take time though…" Proving he wasn't a fool, he immediately followed up with, "But I want that autonomy, that's a fair trade, I do this one thing you want, and I get my deal how want it."

Justin pretended to think it over. In reality, Forge had sealed his fate the second he admitted he was capable of the task.

The fact he was a genius capable of helping ease the load on Vanko - even eclipse him - was a delicious bonus.

"Deal." Justin said, grinning widely, standing up and offering his hand to Forge.

Forge flashed a brilliant grin, a tension in his shoulders easing up, standing up to reciprocate.

That's when Yelena struck, inserting the needle in his neck, administering the mind control serum, Forge relaxing his guard in the moment of apparent victory.

Her and Justin had been in silent communication throughout the short meeting, preparing for this eventuality - the final decision made when he admitted to being able to craft their AI.

Forge smacked Yelena with his prosthetic arm, sending the Black Widow flying into the wall, something audibly breaking - but she quickly regenerated the damage, the snap somehow louder being fixed then when breaking.

Before any more damage could be done, Forge stopped, arms falling loose at his sides, his expression vacant.

Justin stepped in front of him, grasping his chin, making him look at him with those vacant eyes. "Your only loyalty is to Justin Hammer, me! You will otherwise act as you normally would, except for the wishes of me, Justin Hammer, which will remain foremost in your mind. You are incapable of betrayal, of working against me, of sabotaging me." He leaned in closer, whispering into his ear, where even Domino and Yelena couldn't hear, "Anytime you hear the words, I Justin Hammer command you, you will enter this state again, so your orders can be updated."

Justin had thought about this, ever since Cho provided him with one dose of this miracle serum - full mind control. He could only use it once, but Forge was likely the best choice he'd ever find. A genius who could help him match Stark, and because of their resources and headstart - possibly beat him - and the final puzzle piece to having an ever present AI running the world for him.

Or at least his business and spyware.

For now.

Forge seemed to come out of his fugue state, blinking rapidly. "What were we talking about, sir?" He asked, looking sheepish.

Justin clapped him on the shoulder, a triumphant grin on his face, "You were just explaining how you were going to change the code for the AI we have, making it fully loyal to me, and unrecognizable to its original." He suggested.

"Oh, yeah… Right." Forge said, still shaking off the fugue, before his eyes sharpened noticeably and he started speaking rapidly, and enthusiastically on the subject.

Before they could get into it too much, Yelena touched her glasses briefly, looking his way, "Ororo Monroe has just entered the building." She reported.

Justin raised an eyebrow in surprise, last he heard she was in Gambia. "Whatever for?" He asked, having a sneaking feeling…

"Him." Yelena said dryly, Domino chuckling, shaking her head at the fact Storm was just minutes late.

Justin watched Forge slyly, "Well… Let Storm come give her pitch, you are happy with Hammer industries aren't you, Forge?" He asked mildly.

Forge looked offended, crossing his arms, frowning already at the door Storm would arrive through, "It's where I belong." He said simply.

Justin allowed Domino to take Forge aside, to begin drilling him on company safety procedures and his new personal safety procedures. Forge was literally right now more valuable to him than all the Vibranium in the hellhole that used to be Wakanda.

He'd never just skip out for a Starbucks again - Justin would not allow any chances that his new golden goose would die before he could start laying golden eggs.

He'd used his only mind control serum on the man, it was an investment he hoped would pay off tenfold.

Soon enough, there was a knock on the door, and Yelena let Storm in.

Justin really didn't think anyone could ever truly complain about his proclivities in this world - not when all the women looked like that.

Ororo Monroe was literally the definition of a Nubian goddess.

Ororo's skin was a deep and rich brown, completely flawless and radiant, Her curves are both subtle and striking, with a narrow waist that accentuated her hourglass figure. Her eyes were somehow her best feature, a mesmerizing, piercing blue, filled with intelligence, as she took the room in with a glance.

Her hair was a dramatic contrast to her dark skin, pure white and flowing down her back in thick, luxurious waves. It framed her face perfectly and added to her ethereal and almost mystical appearance.

All in all, Justin had to stop himself from staring and making a fool out of himself. She had a presence to her that pictures did not adequately display.

The kind that not only said I'm the most beautiful in here, but the most powerful as well. No wonder the campaign with her as the lead was working so well…

"Mister Hammer." She murmured, lips curled into a pleased smile, even as her eyes remained slightly cautious.

"Miss Monroe, a pleasure to have you with us, you've been doing excellent work across Africa." Justin said, not even having to exaggerate.

Storm smiled, a little more honest now, a warm curl to her lips, "It's hard work, but rewarding, just these last few days, 15 Metahumans have come forward to join with UNESCO to help others."

Justin smiled, pleased with the numbers, the more he could get under his umbrella, whether for volunteering or actual work - the better.

After all - if everyone worked for him - there would be no conflict would there?

Storm's eyes met Forge's briefly, before meeting Domino's, "Domino." She said politely.

"Thunder Tits." Domino replied, a shit eating grin on her face.

At Storm's stormy expression, Justin knew there was a story there, but not one that was perhaps needed at the moment.

"How can we help you, Miss Monroe?" He asked genially instead, sending Domino a warning look.

His erstwhile bodyguard grinned at him, but didn't speak up, just waggling her eyebrows at Storm.

Storm eyed Forge, lips pursing as the Metahuman stared back at her unflinchingly, "Charles have wanted to recruit Forge for a while now, when I heard he was in Egypt I figured I'd speak with him, but I see you've already beaten me to the punch." She sounded rueful, but not too broken up about it.

Good, he still held a good reputation with Xavier's lot. He'd hate to lose it over being better at recruitment.

Forge spoke up at that point, face utterly serious, "No one can offer me the resources that Hammer industries can." He said plainly, giving a logical reasoning for his choice.

Storm nodded, a kind smile blooming on her face, "I agree, but I had to try." She turned to Justin, bowing her head just a tilt, "And I appreciate that you allowed me to interrupt your meeting, Mister Hammer." Her lips quirked into a wry grin, "It was about time I met my boss, too."

Justin waved her apology away, "Think nothing of it, Miss Munroe, I'm thrilled to finally get to meet you as well, your actions in Africa already speaks volumes of your character."

Was he laying it on a bit thick? Perhaps, but it was Storm. He certainly wasn't going to piss her off, or ruin any chance of her continued work under his aegis.

Storm smiled brilliantly, and Justin had to clear his throat, looking away from the radiance, "I am afraid I have other meetings however, as much as I loathe cutting this short…"

He enjoyed meeting her, despite continuing to find that he enjoyed it too much when these occasions happened - women who could break him in half were apparently one of his things.

But he also currently had several people he'd had kidnapped in this compound, so he'd prefer if she left post haste.

"Of course." Storm said warmly, eyes briefly finding Domino's, the two women staring at each other for a moment, something unsaid passing between them, "I will leave you to it, Mister Hammer." She nodded once at Forge, "Forge, should you ever change your mind, reach out to me at any time." And then she was gone.

Yelena looked at Domino, intense curiosity burning in her eyes, "What was that all about?"

Domino grinned savagely, "Personal business." She said, leaving it at that.

Justin really wanted to know, but he had several meetings to deal with, so he let it be. "Yelena, take Forge to Sunil, for now - he'll help him get settled in."

"Domino, let's go deal with our kidnapping victims, shall we?"

25 minutes later,

Justin stood by the observation window, glaring at the unconscious person within the room, as if by will alone he could make her go away.

He would be having some strong words with his people, because kidnapping Gwen Stacy had not been part of the plan - nowhere on the list did her name appear!

Although it neatly explained which Spiderman he was dealing with, he supposed. Because although she wasn't a perfect dead ringer for Emma Stone, she was close enough.

Just a massive pain in his ass, because he'd purposely kept away from the whole Spiderman thing, never even looking up Peter Parker. Spiderman was the one hero he could actually respect, one willing to sacrifice everything for anyone else, no matter which one he was.

He wasn't a Captain America who'd willingly give up the world, his friends, his family, for a taste of his old life over his new one - or sacrificing everything and everyone for his best friend, without any compunctions on if he should.

Nor was he a Tony Stark, who helped only himself, until he began the journey to become a hero, but even then kept his skills to himself, doing nothing for the world despite how much good he could have done.

Peter Parker, or Spiderman, honestly fought for others no matter the situation, he didn't put conditions on his help.

And no matter what sacrifices the Avengers did in certain places at the end, they had many many conditions in place in how they'd help - not even willing to work together half the time.

Therefore Justin had completely stayed out of his way, no matter which version it was, he didn't want to interfere.

And now… He'd stolen Spiderman's girlfriend/friend/crush, whatever they were.

Just what I needed….

He'd had everyone brought to Cairo, because he didn't want to keep them in New York, too close to Oscorp and whatever Osborn's response might be. You could never really tell with a crazy person. And since he had to meet Forge anyway, it was easier to keep things to one location.

Which now gave him the problem of what to do with Gwen Stacy.

He rubbed his forehead, annoyed with the situation and at himself, "Keep her sedated, drop her back off in New York, make sure the cops find her." He ordered the silent captain of this particular snatch team.

One who wisely kept his mouth shut and just nodded to show he had understood the order.

As long as she's found healthy, with no ties to me, Spiderman won't be a pain up my ass… He thought.

With Norman seen fighting Spiderman in New York, the hero in tights had his own problems anyway.

Justin shook his head as he walked away from the room, he'd hoped to get Osborn with the attack on Oscorp where they'd hit his lab, robbing it, before blowing it up - but he'd been off playing in his new suit it seemed.

Unfortunate, but Osborn would continue to be a thorn in his side for a bit. Their attack in no way devastated the man - although stealing his greatest scientific minds and the rare gem of Max Dillon - was honestly worth more than his entire stock in Justin's opinion.

Even if only he knew for sure that the Green Goblin was Norman Osborn, just the fact he was donning the suit - meant he would spiral towards the end.

It was inevitable.

Justin just needed to ensure Osborn didn't burn him, on the way down.


Twenty minutes later,

Justin had figured it would be harder than this.

"Where do I sign?" Doctor Curt Connors said abruptly, interrupting Justin's carefully planned out speech to sway him onboard.

"Excuse me?" Justin said, a little put out.

Doctor Connors looked at him like he had rocks for brains, "You're inviting me to work with Doctor Hansen, Cho and McCoy, on revolutionizing genetic work." He said slowly, repeating the words, "Where. Do. I. Sign!"

Justin gestured with one hand, "You're not… Upset about the whole… Kidnapping situation?" Justin knew scientists were married to their work in many cases, but he'd expected some irritation at the very least.

Doctor Connors hadn't been irritated, but he was beginning to look it now, frowning deeply, "As long as Miss Stacy is released back, I don't see any issues…" He sighed, clapping his hands together - having purchased the highest level of Panacea to heal his lost limb as soon as it was available - Justin knew. "It's going to be annoying to waste time buying new clothes and toiletries, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime!"

"... I'll just leave the contract with you then, and I hope you realize that until Oscorp has given up on you, there can be no contact with your previous affiliations and friends." Justin explained, pushing the comprehensive contract forward.

One that really should be read over by a team of lawyers.

Doctor Connors ripped through the papers, signing and initializing, not reading a single word. "When do I get to meet Doctor Hansen?" He asked, straightening his tie, "Can I start working right now?"

Justin nodded slowly, rising from his seat, "I will get someone to show you the way." He promised, leaving the room.

He shouldn't be upset that it was that easy, but it was just… He'd planned a whole speech and everything, laying out all the benefits of working with Hammer Industries, the threat of Osborn's growing insanity.

"Fucking scientists." He muttered as he moved on to the next one, glasses flashing as he sent a message to one of Doctor Hansen's handlers to come fetch Doctor Connors.

He needed them, the world needed them. But there was something wrong with all of their brains.

From Vanko to Cho to Connors.

Maya was the most normal out of them all, and that said something. Because she barely saw humans as anything but a model to improve on, having few compunctions about the cost.

Entering the next room, he put on a practiced suave smile, "Doctor Octavius." He greeted the corpulent man, pleased to have gotten to him before he went ridiculous.

Otto Octavius glared at him, and Justin felt the world slotting back into place.

"We're wasting time here, Hammer, just give me the damn contract, and put me face to face with Vanko, the arc reactor and my project have many similarities I can't wait to study." Doctor Octavius stabbed a finger his way, expression severe, "I'm not happy about how you recruited me, but Rosie is fine, so I'll allow it, this time. If you hurry up and get me in the same room as Ivan Vanko!"

Or maybe not…

"Aren't any of you upset about being snatched away from Oscorp?" He grumbled, fishing another set of contract papers out of his briefcase and laying them on the table.

Doctor Octavius scoffed, rolling his eyes at him, "Have you met Norman? Oh, who am I kidding, of course you have." He said, lips curling into distaste, "He funded me, so I stayed, but I can't say I've ever met another human being who actually liked the man, including his son. As far as I'm concerned, I've traded up."

Justin preened slightly, "Well, yes, we are a much better choice for advancing humanity." Annoyed at how this was going he might be, if only for some personal reasons, (all that time wasted on the speech!) but he did like how they so easily saw his superiority.

Doctor Octavius snorted, "You're alright, a decent engineer I suppose, but I was talking about Hansen, Cho and Vanko."

Justin twitched, biting back a retort. Even with his name on the creation of the Arc reactor, the cradle, and Panacea - he still got no credit in the scientific community.

They all assumed Hansen, Vanko and Cho were behind it all, the three of them a shoe-in for Nobel prizes.

They were right… Of course. But it didn't make it any less annoying.

Doctor Octavius made an attempt to read the papers, perhaps more legally aware than Doctor Connors. Yet he began to become jittery, face twitching with annoyance by the second page, by the fourth, he simply cursed, grabbing the pen, and signed, tossing the papers down on the table, "There, I signed, can I get to work now?"

Justin sighed, "I'll send someone for you and your lovely wife." He acknowledged, stepping out of the room to find Sunil waiting for him.

"Do not say I told you so." He warned, walking away, Sunil falling in step with him, "I will fire you!"

Sunil raised an eyebrow, a tiny smirk curling his lips, "I don't think you could survive without me, sir." He said, some amusement leaking through in his tone.

Ugh, that gives me such Pepper Potts vibes, to think after all this I can remember such an insignificant part of a movie…

"I know my social security number." He muttered, I'm not Tony Stark…

Sunil coughed gently, looking amused, "I am sure you do sir."

Justin just pinched the bridge of his nose, letting a huff of air out, letting go off the ridiculousness of the last half hour, "Anything noteworthy, Sunil? I still have to deal with Max Dillon."

"Ah, yes, Miss Frost has requested some of your time… Apparently you're expected back in New York." Sunil said quietly, handing over his ever trusty tablet, showcasing the 'request' from Emma Frost.

"She's not one for pleasantries is she?" Justin said, reading the short terse e-mail, "I just spent weeks in New York, the timing is just awful." He complained, handing the tablet back to Sunil.

"Want me to craft a rejection? Going for direct, subtle, apologetic?" Sunil immediately asked, tapping away at something the moment he got his tablet back.

Justin grimaced, not really all that impressed with Emma Frost, certainly not as a supposed 'ally', but the reason she was reaching out made it important that he actually showed up.

Can't miss my own inauguration after all…


Two hours and Twenty minutes later,

Justin's smile was strained, as he politely nodded along, as Max Dillon slowly read out his entire contract, asking questions at almost every other sentence - refusing a lawyer to go through the most salient points with him.

Justin could have left it all to an underling, but Electro was too powerful and too useful of a piece on the board to risk alienating.

"I'm going to be a superhero? A real life superhero? On a team? An American super team!?" Max exclaimed, a wondrous smile on his face as he looked up at Justin, having finally gotten to that part of his specific contract.

Justin's smile became a tad bit more genuine at the honest enthusiasm in his voice, "That's right, you'll be a crucial member of the H.A.M.M.E.R team, protecting America and the world."

Max' smile became slightly brittle, as he shuffled awkwardly in his seat, looking down at the papers, before glancing up again, "And the team name… Uh… Is that set in stone?"

Justin would not yell. Yelling at potential supervillains able to cook your organs was not a smart move - no matter how harmlessly geeky they appear at the moment. "Yes. The President has already okayed it." He grit out, lips frozen in a plastic smile.

Max considered that, before tilting his head slightly, a sheepish expression on his face, "Like okayed it okayed it? Or man, like… That sounds okay, okayed it?"

"The team name stays." Justin said abruptly, masterfully controlling his expression. Smiling widely, "The team name… Stays… We just need a name for you, to add you to the roster. After you sign." He pointedly glanced down at the contract that still remained unsigned,

Max smirked, looking very self satisfied as he splayed his arms out, "Captain Electric!"

"No." Justin outright refused him.

He wanted him on the team, and it sure beat having him be a problem, running around and getting into the hands of HYDRA or Shaw. But he refused to allow him to call himself Captain Electric."

"Electro." He offered, because the classic was just plain and simply optimal.

"Mister Electro." Max countered, sticking his hair back, a smug countenance on his face.


"The Amazing Electro?" Max tried, looking like he was going to insist, crossing his arms, setting his jaw in a stubborn way.

Justin sighed, smile still locked in place, "Electro." He countered again, and before Max could protest, "And you get to design your own action figure." He added as a sweetener.

Max pumped his fist, " yeeessss, Kung Fu grip!" He exclaimed, his mouth wide open in awe.

"Is that a yes?" Justin asked, twitching slightly at the idea of a man who's main power was shooting people with electricity, needing a kung fu grip at all.

"Yeah, it's cool, I can dig Electro, and like, can my action figure have a shield, like Captain America?" He replied rapidly, putting his hands into a praying pose.

"No. And let's just sign the contract then, and we'll get you right in with the PR department for your… Action figure." Justin said, gesturing to the papers again. Patiently.

Very patiently.

"Alright." Max said, grabbing the pen, before pausing, "Can you explain this part here though?"

"Let me call my assistant." Justin said pleasantly, deciding electrical powers were overrated, Sunil could deal with it.


Several hours later, several frustrating meetings with politicians later.

"Teach me how to fight." Justin said, brimming with frustration, from his last couple of meetings.

Yelena and Domino glanced at each other, both showing open surprise at the question.

"Are you… Okay, sir?" Yelena asked, eyes roaming across his body as if to spot something anomalous.

Justin cracked his knuckles, eyebrows twitching, "I just really need to punch something in the face."

Domino snorted, looking very amused, cocking her hip as she rested a hand on it, "Hate to break it to you, but this," She used her other hand to gesture to herself and Yelena. "Won't help with that frustration."

"I need to learn to fight properly anyway." Justin said, sending her a dangerous glare that she ignored completely.

Yelena hesitated, her lips twitching in a way that told Justin she wanted to laugh, but knew it wasn't a wise idea. "Sir… Justin." She amended, "I can train you, but it will be months, if not more before you would be able to 'punch' me in the face."

"Everyone is a pain in my ass today." Justin said darkly, "Just teach me how to fight, so I can work off my frustrations."

Yelena got a gleam in her eyes, her lips curling into a cheshire grin. "There's other ways to work off frustrations." She purred, stalking her way forward enticingly.

"Down girl." Domino said with a chuckle, eyes serious, despite the humor in her voice as she knocked Yelena off balance with a shove to her shoulder, gaining a dirty glare in return, "He's finally open to some actual training - you can get nasty any old day, let's strike while the iron is hot."

Justin suddenly wasn't so sure about this, as both women appraised him seriously.

Two hours later, his face hitting the mat yet again, nose crunching even with the mat supposedly protecting him - he didn't exactly come to regret his choices, mostly.

He needed to be more able, just in case, or why else even bother with things like Vibranium muscles and super soldier serums? Regeneration only helped so much if he couldn't fight back or run from someone intent on picking him apart.

But asking a Black Widow and someone who's powers ensured she was impossible to hit unless she let him - to fight him… Even as just training, with one of them teaching him as he fought the other - it was a painful lesson.

Being manhandled by Domino and Yelena, who were both just in miniscule shorts and tank tops, was not too bad though, all things considered.

His nose reset, and he spit out some blood, getting back up again.

The fact he could heal from practically anything - meant they had no reason to hold back, training him the sink or swim way, forcing him to adapt quicker.

His face hit the floor, stars momentarily circling him as he wondered what semi truck hit him.

No raises for a year! He decided, hitting your boss without consequences is raise enough.

"If you don't get back up in three seconds I'm going to show you what I do to male enemy combatants that leave themselves completely open on the ground like that." Domino called out sweetly, with pure evil hiding behind that sweet exterior.

Justin got back up.

If there was anything he could say he had, it was the burning will to always move forward.

As he bit the ground again, he acknowledged that it was a lot easier to practice in fields that didn't break his nose, or jaw though.

He just imagined he'd one day get to punch Tony Stark in the face, and got back up again.

No pain, no gain.

Justin staggered to his feet, wiping the blood from his split lip that had already healed over. The determination in his eyes burned brighter than before, but he was really starting to realize the enormity of what he'd asked. Yelena circled him, her steps light and predatory, while Domino stood back, arms crossed, analyzing his every move.

It doesn't help that my eyes keep being drawn to watching other things then their feet and hands, he thought with frustration, knowing Domino purposefully was crossing her arms just to prove that point, as he took a hit from Yelena due his momentary distraction.

"You're getting slower," Yelena taunted with a cool smirk on her face, darting in with a series of feints that Justin barely managed to deflect. And he had a feeling she let him.

He attempted a counterattack, throwing a right hook that Yelena easily dodged, using his momentum to flip him over her shoulder. The impact with the mat was jarring, but Justin rolled to his feet, fueled by sheer grit and spite.

Domino chuckled, a warm teasing grin on her face, "At least he's persistent." She stepped forward, taking her turn. "Let's see if you can handle a bit of unpredictability." She said, laughter already on her lips.

Justin knew that any official martial arts training or anything wasn't even in the cards yet, they were teaching him how to fall, dodge, the reflexes and muscle memory to get away, or counterattack, not actually fighting, not yet. The basics, not Kung Fu moves.

Yet it still smarted to be so obviously outclassed.

And Domino… Domino just fucking cheated.

She moved with a fluid grace that made it impossible to predict her attacks as she rushed him. One moment she was to his left, the next she was behind him, her fist connecting with his kidney. Justin grunted in pain, twisting to strike back, remembering to keep his feet planted solid, only to find empty air - she was already gone - striking from another angle. Justin taking another strike, helped by him somehow unluckily stumbling, losing his footing - despite standing perfectly still.

He was almost expecting to see a banana peel or something when he looked down. Domino was bullshit enough for it.

"Focus, Justin," Yelena called out. "You're telegraphing your moves, and keep your feet in mind."

Unfair, my footing was fine until her bullshitery, he thought, but gritted his teeth and positioned himself appropriately.

Breathing deeply, Justin tried to calm his racing mind. He recalled the techniques they had shown him - balance, breathing, keeping his guard up. He tightened his stance, focusing on defense rather than attack. When Domino lunged again, he managed to deflect her blow and counter with a jab that almost grazed her shoulder - except his foot slipped underneath him in that exact moment.

Either way, she'd moved slower and more carefully then she usually did too, or he wouldn't have gotten that close. But it was some progress, because at least he did the right movements this time.

"Better," Domino admitted, a flicker of genuine enjoyment in her eyes. "But you still have a long way to go." She teased.

They went back and forth for another few moments, before Justin attempted a counterattack again, and Domino pulled a move right out of the Black Widow playbook, Yelena even laughingly calling out, "Thats a Natasha special!" As she did.

Justin felt the world tilt as Domino's legs scissored around his neck and pulled him down to the mat, her lithe, powerful muscles locking him in place. He struggled to break her grip, the mat beneath him a blurry haze as he fought to stay conscious. Her scent - something light and floral, even with the sweat - filled his senses, momentarily distracting him from the pain of her grip.

Domino's movements were fluid and relentless when she fought, a testament to her training and skill. As she tightened her hold, Justin felt the warmth of her skin against his, the slickness of sweat making it hard to find purchase, his muscles straining as he attempted to pry her legs apart, but she was like iron, her focus unwavering.

He could have really used the super soldier serum right about now…

"Pay attention, Justin," Domino murmured, her voice a mix of amusement and command. "You're getting distracted." And there was definitely a light teasing tone there, Justin thought.

Yelena snickering in the background added to the tableau as well, the Black Widow finding the sight amusing apparently.

He gritted his teeth, trying to ignore the way the light caught the sheen of sweat on her chocolate skin, highlighting the contours of her muscles. The heat from their bodies mingled, creating a heady atmosphere that made it hard to think straight - or that might just be his rampant libido talking. He needed to focus on the fight, not the proximity of her body or the way her strong legs felt around his neck.

Summoning his strength, Justin twisted his body, trying to shift his weight and break free. He managed to get a grip on her ankle, pulling with all his might. Domino grunted, momentarily loosening her hold, and he took the opportunity to roll them both, reversing their positions slightly.

Now on top, Justin tried to press his advantage, pinning her shoulders to the mat, but his hands slipped off her slick skin, hitting the mat instead, leaving him completely open. She responded with a swift move, wrapping her legs around his waist and using the momentum to flip him over again. He landed hard, the air rushing out of his lungs, but he quickly wrapped his arms around her torso, pulling her close to neutralize her movements.

She was too slick and quick for him to ever stop, plus her luck would continuously fuck him over, only by grappling hold of her and holding her still could he have a chance at eking out even a slight draw for a few moments.

Their bodies were pressed together, the friction of the fight making his heart race. He could feel every muscle in her body tensing, every shift as she tried to gain the upper hand and he'd never experienced something like it. For a moment, their eyes locked, and he saw a glimmer of respect mixed with something more playful.

"Not bad," she whispered, her lips dangerously close to his ear. "But you're still too slow."

With a sudden burst of strength, she twisted free, using her legs to propel herself over his head and landing gracefully behind him as he tried to get up to defend himself. Before he could react, she had him in another chokehold, her legs clamping down around his waist, her arm snaking around his throat.

The pressure was intense, and Justin knew he had only seconds before he'd have to tap out. But instead of panicking, he focused on the fundamentals they had drilled into him. He shifted his weight as hard as he could, using his elbow to try and jab into her side, to cause her to loosen her grip just enough for him to slip free.

Of course, as he tried to pull that off, shifting himself hard, the movement somehow only succeeded in getting Domino's foot to his balls, making him tap out immediately, as he groaned in pain.

They both rose to their feet afterwards, Justin breathing deeply even as Extremis took care of any issues, Justin knew he was far from her equal, but continued lessons might make him at least passable - he doubted he'd have the time to actually equal her, ever. As they circled each other again, he couldn't help but notice the way her skin glowed with perspiration, the determined gleam in her eyes as the enjoyed the bout.

"Ready for more?" Domino asked, a taunting challenge in her voice, her lips curled into an honest smile.

Justin nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Always." He said, although he was pretty close to wanting to call it quits.

As they grappled, he felt a newfound respect for Domino, not just as a fighter, but as a teacher. She was relentless, but fair, pushing him to be the best he could be. And even as her legs once again wrapped around his neck, pulling him into another painful submission, he couldn't help but think that this was exactly where he needed to be.

Of course other thoughts intruded, but he rose above them. Really. He barely thought about it.

They resumed their positions shortly thereafter, this time Yelena rejoined the fray while Domino critiqued, something Yelena had failed at, being too busy laughing at him as Domino dominated him. The two women worked together to press him harder, one to fight, one to call out and refocus Justin on the fundamentals when he slipped. Justin felt like a punching bag, absorbing hit after hit, but with every fall, he rose again, more determined.

Without a healing factor, it would have been impossible, but he might as well get some use for the thing.

Hours passed again, as Justin pushed, having a body which could take it, yet still his body screamed for mercy in the end, or perhaps it was his mind, overwhelmed by the amount of asskicking he was on the receiving end of, a sort of grim satisfaction settling in his chest, his earlier frustrations forgotten.

"Enough." He called out, sweaty and tired, as he sat on the mat, once again having taken a toss.

Domino approached, offering him a hand, a warm grin on her face, "You're a glutton for punishment, I'll give you that."

Justin took her hand, pulling himself up. "As some people I know have continued to tell me, I can't always count on backup."

Yelena smirked, walking forward and tossing him a towel. "You've got potential, if you work on it. But don't think this was anything more than the basics. Real fighting is an art, and you're just learning to hold the brush."

"How poetic." He drawled, getting a blush from his personal secretary/assassin.

Yelena, still blushing, got a devious look on her face, bumping shoulders with Domino, "Poetry was watching the two of you roll around, all slick and breathing hard." She said, heavy with the innuendo.

Justin paused, unable to stop himself from one again giving Domino's sweat slicked body another glance, the tanktop and shorts practically painted on her body at this point.

Poetry was a word for it. Justin had a lot of better ones though.

Domino laughed, rolling her shoulders, "Still not sleeping with you." She said tongue in cheek to Justin, having noticed his looks at the very least. "But I enjoyed that." She admitted, stretching her arms out.

As they walked out of the training room, Justin couldn't help but feel a strange camaraderie with the two women. They had pushed him to his limits and beyond, they were his employees, and something else perhaps in Yelena's case - but this somehow made him feel closer to them.

Maybe they were all animals deep inside after all, and only throwing hands allowed for insight into one another.

Either way, he'd continue the training sessions, time permitting.

No pain, no gain. And he was ready to endure whatever it took.


After the grueling training session, Yelena and Domino took a breather together in the locker room, having seen Justin off to go bother Sunil for a bit.

Inside their building, Justin was safe enough that for once, Domino didn't feel the need to be a constant shadow.

Yelena nudged Domino with her elbow, a teasing grin on her face as Domino wiped her face with a towel. "You know, you looked really good out there today, all sweaty and intense." Domino didn't buy that airy tilt to her voice for a second, she was up to something.

Now that she knew she was raised a Widow, a lot about her made more sense.

Domino rolled her eyes at her, smirking. "Oh, please... You just like seeing me work hard." After so long mostly sitting around with no action, the amount of work she did compared to the others, was an oft remarked upon thing.

Domino didn't mind, it was more fun to laugh at them while they complained after all. Especially whenever she brought up that she made more money than them.

Well, except possibly Sunil, who Justin kept giving raises to whenever he happened to think the man was doing too much work.

So all the time.

"Maybe just a little." Yelena said with a wink, taking off the hair tie binding her hair together, shaking it loose, letting out a relaxing huff. "But seriously, you should do it more often. It's a good look on you, you looked like you were really enjoying yourself."

The small appreciative look the lithe Russian spy sent her - spoke for itself.

She should have never stuck around for their little playdate, Yelena had been on the prowl since.

Domino laughed easily, shaking her head, a small smile on her face, finding it all cute more than annoying in the end, "You're impossible, or is that incorrigible?" She gave Yelena a curious searching look, "You're really taking your job too seriously if you're trying to be his wingwoman now, you realize?"

Funny too, considering her reactions to a certain Miss Van Dyne…

Yelena had an impish smile on her face as she handed Domino a water bottle. "You know, he's not half bad." She suggested.

Domino rolled her eyes again, a smirk tugging at her lips. "Ringing endorsement there, not half bad." She mocked lightly. "I don't mix business with pleasure anyway." She said as if to finish the discussion.

"Maybe it's time you reconsider that policy, Dom." Yelena suggested, her tone light but with a hint of seriousness. "Justin's got potential. Not talking about fighting, but... You know, as a person."

Domino raised an eyebrow, giving her an appraising look, "Dom?" She asked lightly.

Yelena shrugged, a faint hint of pink to her cheeks, "Just trying to connect." She defended herself, sounding embarrassed.

How adorable.

Domino smirked, laying an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a half hug, uncaring of the sweat, "I like it 'Lena." She said, reciprocating the gesture.

Yelena ducked her head slightly, a pleased smile on her lips.

Domino raised her head skyward, sighing, giving Yelena a squeeze, "I'm not interested in complicating things, 'Lena." She admitted, knowing she needed to really put it home.

Yelena folded her arms, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You're always so focused on keeping things simple, Domino. Life isn't simple, you know. Sometimes, it's messy and complicated, and that's what makes it interesting."

Domino shook her head, smiling. "Spare me the philosophy lecture, I can see what you're doing little Black Widow…" She said, bumping her slightly, wordlessly telling her she wasn't going to get snared in her web, "I'm fine with how things are."

She stretched, letting out a pleased moan as something in her back popped.

Besides, a good workout and a fight can be just as good as sex sometimes…


2 days later, New York,

"One would think you didn't trust me, Justin." Emma Frost said frostily, leaning back with forced casualness in the white leather seats of her armored limousine.

Justin, accompanied by both Domino and Yelena, smiled in a way that didn't reach his eyes, "Perish the thought." He responded dryly, making a show of looking around the expansive limousine, "The President didn't have a granddaughter for you to mind control into kissing your feet today?"

Emma Frost raised an immaculate eyebrow, lips curling slightly, "I've found that powerful men make for better grovelers, perfect for kissing my feet."

"And you wonder why I don't trust you…" Justin chuckled hollowly, his face stony as he sized her up, glasses recording her every facial tick.

Emma tilted her head ever so slightly, in what could perhaps generously be called a nod of acquiescence. "People at our level can not trust completely." She said simply. "Where we are going, you'll need to extend a slight bit of trust however."

"The Hellfire club…" Justin muttered with distaste. Shaw….

Emma pursed her lips, one fingertip lightly tapping the jewelry around her wrist, a screen sliding down from the roof of the limousine, two profiles given equal billing. "Sebastian Shaw, and Selene…"

Justin peered at the cold aloof woman who apparently held as much power as Shaw, "For someone that has been under the sway of the Hellfire club for a long time, you certainly don't know much." He said, noting how Selene mostly had question marks surrounding her.

Emma nodded cooly, "According to what she says, and Shaw backs up, she's an immortal sorceress…" She shrugged slightly, "I have not been able to find much information on her, but utilizing renowned historians I have confirmed that a woman with her general appearance has popped up throughout history, generally in regards to catastrophe."

Just what we need… Where is the Ancient One? This is her job isn't it? Justin thought with some acrimony, dealing with magic was out of his comfort zone.

Justin knew enough about Emma Frost at this point to not discount what she was saying either. She would not be a woman likely to hold to the belief Selene was an immortal sorceress without at least a good idea about it. "Nothing from the peek-a-boo express?" He asked, gesturing to his forehead with two fingers.

So Shaw might not even be the biggest threat here…

He would need to dig further into this Selene, perhaps Xavier would know something, surely someone he mindraped knew about magic?

He really didn't want to have to go and track down the Ancient Ones email address.

Emma's eyes flashed, even as her expression remained placid, "Do not call it that." She requested forcefully, before sighing, "Most higher members of the Hellfire club have mental protection, Selene more than most." She admitted.

"Must be very frustrating for you." He said slyly.

"And for you… We share common enemies, if I could access their minds, it would be both our victories." She reminded him, pointedly.

"Maybe Shaw, I certainly wouldn't mind taking him down a peg." Justin countered blithely, "I have no reason to tangle with this Selene…"

Emma smiled, and there lay a dark promise in it as she looked at Justin, "Oh… You'll see."

She gestured to the picture of Shaw, "His mutant ability is dangerous. It allows him to absorb kinetic energy and convert it into raw strength and durability." She looked at him seriously, her fists clenching, her only sign of her hatred. "This power makes him nearly invincible in combat, each blow he takes only makes him stronger, he's also got mental defenses I can't breach, and a group of mutants called the hellions to protect him and do his bidding."

Emma looked at his visage on the screen, eyes narrowed, "He can seem laid back, but do not doubt for a second…" Her eyes found his, "He is one of the most dangerous men in the world."

With those ominous words, they soon arrived at the Hellfire club, New York chapter.

Justin could have probably gotten in even back in the day, maybe not as a king, but as a member? There was no doubt about that.

The Hellfire club catered to the richest of the rich, primarily, but you could get in if you were useful enough, or had the right pull. Justin had been focused on building his weapons company up and hadn't paid attention to the social scene until he was already set up - at which point he'd taken over the memories and body.

So there had never been a chance to join in on the decadence - he'd been too busy.

Technically speaking, he shouldn't be bringing Domino and Yelena inside. If everyone brought all their bodyguards, the building would be stuffed with them.

That said, they wanted him as the White King. So he'd just ignore that little rule, and dare anyone to do anything about it.

For all they knew, only Domino was a bodyguard - Yelena's reveal having a secondary beneficial outcome - in that she could now sub in as a bodyguard as well, not having to hide from him that she'd be secretly armed anymore, she had access to much better weaponry.

They'd see a personal assistant or 'secret' lover, and not realize he had a Black Widow at his back.

Justin strode into the Hellfire Club alongside Emma Frost like he owned it, his senses immediately assaulted by the opulence and decadence that surrounded him - and that was saying something considering who he was. The club, the haven for the world's elite businessmen and power brokers, exuded an air of indulgence and unrestrained luxury and debauchery. Every vice was available on tap, and here, nothing was illegal.

If you could pay, whether in favors or money, anything you wanted was available.

The entrance hall was adorned with dark aged mahogany that was likely older than the country itself and rich velvet drapes, lit by the warm glow of crystal chandeliers. The scent of expensive cigars mingled with the faint aroma of rare perfumes, creating an intoxicating and really just obnoxious atmosphere. Justin's eyes were briefly drawn to the finely dressed attendees, who moved with the confidence of people who believed they were above the law.

Much like he did, as he walked further, the crowds parting like chaff before a shark. The various scantily clad servants doing their best to attract attention, as they were practically bred to, according to his research.

Well… Mostly Emma's, but she'd shared it, so it was also his.

As he followed Emma deeper into the club, Domino and Yelena never far from his side, Justin observed the spread of decadent offerings. Ridiculously costly and time intensive buffets of exotic foods were displayed, and vintage wine that could not even be found in the outside world was available to all comers.

In one corner, a group of men engaged in high-stakes gambling, their favorite actresses leashes and lives, the apparent bids. The obvious sight of human lives changing hands, amidst the shuffle of cards - adding to the picture of hedonism.

Justin was the first to admit he was a bastard through and through, but this… Pointless hedonism and ruination for nothing but boredom - made him seethe.

The people in this room alone could have solved world hunger.

Instead they were chortling about how the newest Hollywood starlet would have to suck dick all over again - facing a new owner.

Emma, with her icy demeanor, striking presence and absolute ruthlessness, fit perfectly into this world, Justin… Wanted to tear it down and salt the earth behind it - it was not his world.

He was the first to admit he was evil, but he did it for a purpose. This was all… Pointless.

Emma led Justin through the labyrinthine halls with an air of ownership, acknowledging nods and glances from other members, it rankled Justin that just by his presence, her own influence would skyrocket as the fools present would assume things on that alone. They passed rooms where whispered deals were made over glasses of cognac, and alcoves where more illicit activities and pure atrocities took place, concealed from prying eyes by heavy drapes - or not concealed at all in the case of some, the cries of agony and fear almost stopping them in their tracks at one in particular.

Domino's eyes flashed his way, and Justin grimaced, shaking his head, noting how her fist clenched, shaking in anger, even as his own nails dug into his palms.

Yelena on the other hand, was likely used to seeing such atrocities as the one they just walked by, as a Black Widow she might have suffered similar as a child. Even still, Yelena laid a comforting hand on Domino's shoulder, as Emma watched them all with an unreadable expression.

Justin stopped her and looked into her eyes, resolving to himself that if he saw no sight of her own revulsion - he would kill her as well when he killed Shaw. Thankfully for their partnership, Emma, while cool as ice, could not hide the hate flashing through her eyes.

With a nod, Justin gestured for her to lead on, sending one last look to the alcove, his glasses having caught enough of a face to perform facial recognition.

An e-mail was quickly composed and sent to Domino's inbox. She didn't really do assassinations, but he had a feeling she'd make an exception.

"Steel yourselves, Selene can be a bit… Much when you first encounter her." Emma said coldly, taking a deep breath herself as she led them into a private elevator with golden doors.

There were no guards, but it didn't surprise Justin. Anyone that came up here either belonged, or would die in short order for going up against the kind of powerhouses that apparently led the Hellfire club.

Justin felt a bit out of place, for the first time in a long time - although he'd slowly been enhancing himself - compared to these people - it wasn't nearly enough.

The elevator doors opened, letting them step into the 'throne room' of the Black and White Kings and Queens of Hellfire club.

As opulent and excessive as the room was, Justin only had eyes for the two people in it. Both sitting on black thrones.

Shaw, Justin noted, had a greedy possessive look in his eyes as he lounged in his throne, having eyes only for Emma. His suit could barely contain his physique, and his entire mien exuded cruelty.

This was a man who lived and operated with cruelty as the main purpose, not a byproduct.

Justin's eyes switched to Selene, who appeared like a mockery of regalness as she appraised them with a bored half lidded gaze, sitting straight-backed on her throne, The Black Queen in the flesh…

She was a vision of chilling beauty and dark allure, a cruel twist to her lips that he imagined was habit by now, her presence both enchanting and terrifying in equal measure, Justin could feel his eyes drawn to her, even as he attempted to look away.

Selene's raven-black hair flowed in glossy waves down her back, contrasting sharply with her flawless alabaster skin. Her eyes were a cold, mesmerizing shade of violet, even in her bored mien, she reeked of malice. She wore a form-fitting barely there black dress, covering her breasts, but leaving her torso mostly bared, the dress so short that Justin believed he'd see a lot more than he had intended if she shifted her crossed legs. Around her neck, a choker of black diamonds sparkled ominously and Justin thought he saw an actual face scream at the surface for a moment, before it faded away.

Emma's hand briefly brushed against Justin's, breaking him out of whatever effect had him under sway, his mental implants supposed to protect from any mental intrusion, but apparently susceptible to some kind of charm effect.

Apparently touch was enough to break it, he'd have to remember that.

"I see Justin Hammer, and understand his purpose in being here." Selene drawled, leaning back on her throne, Justin's earlier thoughts realized as she shifted.

Her right hand rose, pointing at Domino and Yelena, violet painted fingernails glimmering in the light, "That one is a mutant, so I suppose I can allow it, but she… isn't. The temerity to bring your pets when coming before me…" Selene said slowly.

Shaw side eyed her, "Selene… We're all friends here." He reminded her, his face tight.

With a careless wave of her hand, Yelena started convulsing, screaming in agony as she fell to the floor.

"Selene!" Shaw barked sharply, but notably made no move to get in her way.

"Release her!" Justin ordered, heart hammering in his chest. He didn't think Domino would be enough to defeat this sorceress, he hadn't expected her to be this mercurial.

Selene smiled, and it was an ugly thing for someone so beautiful. "I don't think I will…" She drawled, Yelena's agonized screams echoing across the room.

Justin couldn't beat her. He couldn't get Shaw to do it. Emma could not help, Domino would likely survive through her luck - but surviving didn't mean winning a fight.

Justin grit his teeth as the only thing left was either a nuclear option, or coldly sacrificing a servant to gain Selene's approval.

Depending on the servant, Justin might have even played along. But… Yelena…

"Stop or you will die." He told Selene coldly.

The immortal sorceress actually did stop at that, throwing her head back and laughing coldly, Shaw giving Justin a look that epitomed - I hope you know what the fuck you're doing.

"Have you lost all sense? Or perhaps you need a better demonstration of my power…?" Selene said, her smile growing crueler.

Justin glared at her, he couldn't show weakness now, he could only play this hard and hope to god she couldn't actually get past his mental defenses.

"You might be immortal, I can't speak to that. But if you're here, in the Hellfire club, it's because you enjoy a more… Sedated and lavish lifestyle." Justin said, figuring a sorceress wouldn't hobknob with plain normals, or mutants, unless she either needed something - or had grown that bored.

"Are you going to try and bribe me? That won't work." She said, sounding disappointed, her hand beginning to move in Yelena's direction again, Domino protecting her with her body, eyes tense.

Justin glared, wanting nothing more than to rip her apart in this moment, playing with the life of his people. His! "I have already pressed my emergency beacon." He bluffed, spinning a tale, "If you do not desist, your face and the fact you use magic, that magic is real, that you're a threat to the world - will be on every newscast in the world." He grinned darkly, "My word means a lot, you'll never get a day's rest, hunted by everyone - the Ancient One might even pop up due to you being responsible for the reveal of magic on a grand scale."

He continued to hammer the point, "Even if you win each battle, you'll never get to just sit and relax again, constantly badgered by 'lesser' beings." He met her bored gaze with a hateful one of his own, "I might not be able to defeat you, (yet) but I can make your existence miserable, all for the price of one woman…"

Emma stepped forward, finally, to argue on his behalf, "Your reveal is too costly, Black Queen - and this trifle? You don't really care about her, you were simply bored, were you not?"

Justin felt some tension leak out as Selene nodded slowly at Emma giving her an acceptable out without seeming like she was entirely capitulating.

And Justin… Would have to listen to Emma when she spoke about the Hellfire club, because she had cautioned him about taking Domino and Yelena.

He'd just refused to bow his neck to them.

"I suppose you've proved your mettle despite not being a mutant." She sniffed, and Justin wasn't sure if she meant him - or Yelena, who was already healing up, Domino soothing her as her brain tried to catch up to what happened.

Selene waved him forward with a languid gesture, spreading her legs slightly, "You may come service me now." She said like she was talking about the weather.

Justin froze still, Emma giving him a warning look, this woman is insane… He thought, but unsure if he should dare to set her off again.

Shaw clapped his hands together with faked cheerfulness, "Delightful that we got to know each other so well already, White King, White Queen… Take your seats." He offered, gesturing to the two thrones next to them, Selene rolling her eyes, but closing her legs, giving Shaw an annoyed look.

… Never thought I'd say it, but I owe you one Shaw…

With the table in front of them with chairs to hold the bishops and knights, Justin would be on a raised dais on a throne, looking down at them. He immediately swore eternal vengeance on Emma however, as she quickly walked forward and took one of the empty thrones. The one not next to Selene.

Slowly, with a lingering gaze at Yelena, Justin strode up the dais and sat down on his throne. Not much of an inauguration, but then he knew, they'd barely started.

The kings and queens to confer, before the rabble could take part.

"So… Justin…" Shaw said slowly, sending a wary glance at Selene who was simply watching them all inscrutably, "Let's talk a little about what the Hellfire club could do for you… And you for it."

Justin hated that even despite it all, the Hellfire club would indeed turn out to be useful for his goals.

As long as he stayed far away from the batshit crazy immortal.

Fucking magic.

He needed to find someone for that…


The next day, London headquarters.

Justin strode into the headquarters like he owned it. Because of course he did own it.

"Where is she!?" He barked at the receptionist, who dropped the phone she was talking into, looking absolutely flustered as she directed him to the private elevator.

Justin walked rapidly, with Domino in tow, Yelena on forced leave by his decision. Extremis or not, he gave her a few days off much to her chagrin.

And while they'd been in New York, the deal with Magneto had been pulled off - the man of magnetism getting Trask, while releasing Phantazia back from her vacation investigating Mystique's peculiarities.

Except when she'd entered the London headquarters, she'd failed the intensive security screening and ended up foamed.

Within minutes he arrived, Doctor McCoy, his borrowed X-Men researcher, waiting for him.

"What's wrong!?" He barked immediately upon seeing him, coming to stand before the observation window, looking down into the cell where a fully foamed and unconscious Phantazia was held.

With her powers, keeping her conscious was just a bad idea in general.

Doctor McCoy sighed deeply, looking troubled. "She is suffering from the same issue afflicting Mystique. Something is controlling her actions, almost indistinguishable from her own, and without your extensive security and psychological testing, she would have slid right back in without you aware of a thing."

The thought chilled Justin, as he held the railing in front of him in an iron grip, rage filling him, he was getting really fucking tired of people messing with his things.

Maybe it was time to go full supervillain in regards to some targets… "Is it magic?" He asked, thinking of Selene. This wasn't her, she didn't strike him as that subtle. If she wanted to mess with him, she'd have just killed Yelena.

Doctor McCoy shrugged, looking frustrated to not have an answer, "It's a likely hypothesis, but I can't prove or disprove it."

Justin grunted in displeasure. Domino staring down at the cell with actual anger on her face, drawing his attention.

"You're going to make them pay, right?" She asked roughly.

Justin nodded, "Whenever we find them. Whoever it is. They'll suffer." He promised, Doctor McCoy looked even more uncomfortable now. Justin turned his gaze on him, "How far along is the version of Panacea applicable to Metahumans?" He asked sharply.

"Months away." He said apologetically.

Justin hummed, months for you maybe… He'd added a lot to the research, but now they just needed to up the amount of mutants they tested it on, hidden from the X-Men. He wasn't waiting months.

He could only hope that completely regenerating any injuries or illnesses, would actually break the hold of whatever the hell had her.

Then a thought struck him, a thought he didn't enjoy one bit.

If Mystique and Phantazia are both controlled…

What about Magneto?


Author's note:

No matter Yelena's attempts, this is still not going to be a 'real' Harem story.

Although he'll sleep around still of course, he will eventually end up with one woman 4evah!

So someone's going to end up disappointed in the end.

Domino has way too much fun watching the entire trainwreck to contemplate inserting herself inside the mix, she's more of a voyeur.

So lots of things happened, Neither Magneto or the Hellfire club are immediate concerns, but Justin now knows he needs to gain strength at an even greater speed.

It's all being set up now, as after Thor I plan a small time skip to jump ahead a short time.

And of course, there's now… Magic.

He needs to find himself a court wizard it seems.


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