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Kapitel 1650: 38

Chapter Text

It was hard to describe the constant, genuine torture that a migraine of this caliber was.

It wasn't just a migraine, it was her soul shredding and rebuilding itself to adapt to the summon core, and that only added to the pain, like drinking acid then a jug of lemon juice right after just to get it into those wounds real nice and deep. Conceptual pain, washing over the physical pain.

It was a hypertension in the veins around her head, a phantom sensation as if they were wriggling against the bone like living worms, that feeling like there was an ever-building pressure from the inside out from within her skull, that feeling of an odd pressure on the bridge of her nose and that scraping pain behind each eye mixing with a pain not unlike someone twisting a jagged spike of glass between the two halves of her brain, those were the things rendering her a complete vegetable for the better part of two days.

Learning on the third day that she apparently gave herself severe brain damage in the process of taking Alexandria and escaping, told to her by a silently annoyed Lisa, made her pause and silently be thankful for the Heal summoner spell.

So despite her desire to work, she gave it one more day after relaxing with Bakuda before she got to work, rather than none.

Maybe she'd remember what it was like to not be in pain again. That would be nice.

She still caught up on some of the lighter workload, of course. Absorbing information was frustrating and painful, but it didn't worsen her headache, so she spent her day very very slowly reading reports.

Catching up on what she'd missed was sobering.

Three days, and so much had happened already.

New PRT Director, Lung planning a counterattack on the Empire in their turf within the next day or two, Rune, Imp bugging The Rig, Coil using his shell identities and proxies to salvage whatever of his assets he could while the PRT declared him a national traitor.

She refrained from planning things out just yet, because she honestly didn't trust her ability to think clearly yet, but she went to sleep thinking of one thing in particular.

Those girls in Lung's club, the night she went to save Lisa.

"You sure you're alright?" Lisa asked for the umpteenth time, and she slowly rolled her head back, massaging the back of her neck.

She couldn't tell if the headache originated from there or if that sensation of pinched pain was something that was purely in her head.

"For fighting? No. For doing anything but using some of the basic shared powers? Absolutely not." She replied slowly, rolling her head in a careful circle. "But for planning and talking a little? I can do that just fine. It's been almost four days, Lisa. Coil's working himself to the bone out of guilt, I don't need you doing that too."

Lisa made a dubious sound, tapping her fingers on the table, other hand caressing the handle of the giant revolver tucked against her ribs as if it would reassure her.

"Well, I won't deny the help at this point. I have zero clue what to do with Rune."

She hummed.

"Do you think your assessment is accurate after the talk you had with her?"

Lisa nodded, leaning back to stare at the ceiling with her hands behind her head, her chair creaking with the motion.

"Yeah. She's not hard to read at all."

She nodded.

"Then this shouldn't be too hard. Worst case scenario, we're forced to imprison her until I can write a blood contract and then release her to go off and do whatever she wants."

Lisa groaned.

"How can you say shit like this without sounding the least bit worried?"

She shrugged.

"In my head, everything that can go wrong is inevitable. Even if it doesn't happen. Mental trick to not dwell on losses and just move on without stumbling. Works alright."

Lisa turned to her, making a strange, skeptical expression.

"So you… what, trick yourself into expecting everything to explode in your face so you won't be phased if it does?"

She nodded.

"I imagine it too. Easier to predict or consider outcomes that way. Plans and plans for things that might never happen."

"That sounds halfway between psychotic and genius." Lisa mumbled, her tone considering as she turned back to the ceiling.

"Hnm. I'm calling her in." She replied, and lifted the receiver to her mouth. "Liam, bring her in." 

A moment of silence, before an affirmative was buzzed through with light static.

"How do you know everyone's name?" Lisa whisper-shouted, exasperated.

She tapped her lips, picking Evelynn and shapeshifting into a womanly replica of Coil's costume.

"The blood tracking power. He's at the door by the way, shush." She said, then changed her voice.

In the background of her head, she tried to feel for any exertion.

Holding Evelynn and shapeshifting shouldn't take much if any power comparatively, but she was still a bit cautious from the Mordekaiser incident.

That and her head still hurt like a bitch.

The door clicked open, and the merc stepped aside for Rune to walk in.

She looked like a rookie, with her casual clothes and the facemask plus domino mask combo she was rocking to hide her identity.

Lisa was leaning back, Coil was working in the back corner right behind her, and Taylor was lounging on an armchair to the side. The air was thankfully casual enough for the girl to thoughtlessly plop herself into the couch by the door.

Good. She wasn't tense, at least.

"Am I finally going to get an answer, or…?" Rune trailed off, crossing her legs, leaning on the armrest.

"You're going to get many answers." She said, and Rune glanced at her, then did a double take. A moment later, she looked to Lisa, and finally noticed Coil in the corner just past her, the air quickly tainting with suspicious confusion.

"... This is some sketchy shit, isn't it?" Rune breathed out in realization, glancing suspiciously between the three of them, and Taylor forced out a chuckle.

"What isn't, in this line of work?" She replied, and crossed her legs lounging back to appear as relaxed as can be. "So, for introductions. I'm nobody and my name doesn't matter. The information I'll be sharing with you will only be shared because you could be a very useful asset to us if you were to fully join up. For starters, I work for Summoner. And so do the Travellers, Coil, and Insight, formerly Tattletale. So if you were hoping to join the Travellers, be aware that their moniker isn't exactly accurate anymore. They'll be stationed in the Bay for a while, though we might send them around to do some chores. And if you still wish to join them, be aware that you'd be joining this secret circle of sorts."

Rune's apprehension and nerves slowly flared as she talked, and Taylor spread out a hand in a soothing manner, rolling her joints and fingers to smoothen the motion and draw her eye.

"Now, of course, this is not much different from a job interview, but be aware this is not a mere job. We're an organization."

"What're you called?" Rune asked, tense but genuinely curious, tilting her head a smidge.

"Nexus." She replied without missing a beat, then waved her hand in a 'moving on' fashion, rolling her wrist. "Summoner controls our organization, and nobody but a very, very select few are allowed to know anything about them. Do not expect to get information on them. Now, the specifics of our morals and mission statement are important, but they can wait until after you've felt us out a little more. Don't want to be asking too much from you to begin with."

A slight flare of irritation, and Rune crossed her arms.

"No offence, but get to the point?"

Good. She was annoyed with the flowery language she was using to get the girl impatient, but it was one of the steps in this song and dance.

"Bluntly put, the discussion should be about what you want, and what we can provide in exchange for having you onboard. Consider this like a job, and you'll climb high with good work. Consider this as a mission and a personal calling, and you'll climb even higher."

Rune made a short grunt of acknowledgement, a mixture of feelings best described as "interest" rising in the air.

"The first thing you should know if you join, is that we're more morally aligned with vigilantes than villains. We Master unredeemable villains, and for redeemable ones, we put them in the same chair you're in and talk. Heroes are fine to join too, if they don't mind our dubious mode of operation."

Rune stiffened, her eyes widening as they jerked to Lisa.

Lisa scoffed.

"Oh piss off Rune, I'm not mastered. I didn't do anything all that fucked up, so I didn't deserve it. I just joined the normal way. Coil, who was our employer back then, killed my whole team via Lung, all teenagers mind you, and tried to groom a literal child to use her superpowers for himself, so he got the full whammy treatment." Lisa interjected, jerking a thumb to Coil behind her.

"All true." Coil's quiet voice followed.

Rune was as tightly wound as a spring now, but it was best to rip off the bandaid from the start.

With a noisy gulp, the girl nodded.

"Okay. That's… I can get that." Rune slowly nodded.

Her emotions tasted… conflicted .

"Hm, good. Now, the second thing to know if you wish to join, is that you're likely going to end up working with people you hated or were enemies with, considering your position. We're looking into getting a couple of the Empire folk into our midst, and I'm afraid they're not as redeemable as you."

Rune's jaw worked side to side. "And who decides who is and isn't redeemable?" She asked.

"Summoner." She replied simply. "Everyone in the Empire barring Cricket and Othala have entire ledgers full of hate crimes, murders, kidnappings, extortion charges, the list goes on and on. They also don't have the excuse of young recklessness and confusion like you and Insight, for example, so you're not in danger just for having some unsavoury opinions that you never even acted on, don't worry."

Rune did feel a slight hint of relief, but the apprehension remained. She wasn't comfortable with being faced by something this large when she was just trying to join a small team and get out of dodge.

"The third thing to know, is that sometimes, you'll be told to do something, and you'll just have to do it. Sometimes you'll have to act like a soldier. Not all missions are safe to describe or explain. The fourth, is that the benefits for doing good work and keeping one's mouth zipped, are substantial." She finished, and motioned to Lisa.

Lisa sighed, and Rune's eyes went to her.

"Right, so. This is kind of a sales pitch thing to show that if you do good work, you're rewarded, and you are listened to. Like me, pretty much." Lisa started, and rolled one of her sleeves down, pointing a finger at her wrist, or rather, the inordinately shiny silken bodysuit she wore over it.

"This stuff? Three or four times stronger than steel. Not exactly Tinkertech, but definitely good enough to fistfight the guy and call it a draw. I'm essentially covered in three to four inches of steel from ankle to neck. Got this first. Yes it's really fucking warm, but I can take a shotgun to the gut point blank and only leave with a bruise." Lisa started, then pointed at the black bracelet on her wrist, poking and rolling it.

"This stuff? Also Tinkertech, from what I understand. Stamina and healing recovery multiplier. I can sleep like two hours and feel like I'm sleeping eight. I heal four times faster than normal. I've been here for just over two weeks."

Rune leaned forward a little, elbows on her knees, her interest skyrocketing.

Some people were really simplistic.

Rune was that exact type.

As long as she didn't feel too smothered and controlled, as long as she felt valued and respected, she would be a very happy girl.

So the entire pitch was to show her exactly what she wanted.

Progression, achievement, reward, respect. 

Lisa grabbed a piece of rebar she'd put on her desk, then raised it so Rune could see it.

"And this little upgrade… " Lisa started, then grabbed the ends of the piece of rebar, starting to pull and twist with a choked grunt.

Her hands and arms shook violently in the process, but the piece of rebar bent and bent, until her knuckles were touching on the ends. She shook out her left hand, and raised the bar with her right to show off its bent shape to a stunned Rune.

"Was for being trustworthy. I got a little Brute package on top of my normal power. I can't exactly fistfight Alexandria, but I'm definitely on the low end of superhuman. " Lisa finished, putting the piece of rebar down with a clink.

"In case things like that don't motivate you, we also just pay in cold hard cash. We pay a retainer salary, but when we call, we do expect our agents to respond or be kicked out under a power-enforced NDA. That's the plan we gave Spitfire and Imp, for example. Imp did a job for us and got fifty grand for it. Spitfire is a bit more of a niche case to find a use for. But you… " She trailed off, tilting her head as if considering.

Rune looked at her, her feelings a mix of anticipation, apprehensive interest, and a covetous feeling of greed.

"We could use you for regular jobs, yes, but we can also use you as a weapon of mass destruction in the case of escalation."

Rune reeled back a bit, shaking her head.

"Wait, wuuhuuat? I just throw shit, I'm not a blaster." Rune said, took a quarter out of her pocket, and made it slowly orbit her head, gesturing to it in a ' see?' sort of manner.

"That is because you haven't gotten creative with it. Tell me, Rune, what do you think would happen if you were to simply run your hand over a giant box of grenades? What if you were to start pulling the pins? Could you not become a walking carpet bomber? Hook a finger through ten pins, pull, throw, repeat?"

Rune leaned back, taking in a deep breath through her mouth, blinking at her.

Lisa turned to her with wide eyes as well, not having expected that.

"I- uh… that's… really expensive."

She waved her hand dismissively.

Coil got their income up to twenty million a year by abusing his power as much as he could while she was a vegetable, and also started three offshore online casinos. They'd probably make more money than they could spend in a few months.

"That's for us to worry about. Now, tell me, what do you think would happen if you did the same thing... to a box of tinkertech grenades? Or a couple tons of C4 that the army uses to flatten buildings? "

Rune gulped, audibly.

"Oh. I uh…" Rune said, then covered her mouth over the facemask, glancing to the side. "Holy fuck. I could level half the city." The girl muttered, wide eyed, her emotions a mix of awe, horror, and inflating self-importance.

"We'd rather you didn't, but the possibility is there. We just need to get you to a good vantage point, and you can carpet bomb a place with perfect accuracy."

Rune turned to her, her arms shaking imperceptibly.

"Uh, no offence, but what the fuck would you ever need that much destructive power for?" Rune asked, and she cracked her neck.

"To turn Ellisburg into a burning memory, for example." She provided, and Rune went even more still, eyes wide enough to look a little comical. "That is what Nexus does. We take the monsters and enslave them to do good…" She trailed off, calmly gesturing to Coil as if a show woman on a stage. "Or, we exterminate them."

Her hand dropped to her lap.

"Before long, this city will belong to Summoner, and by extension, Nexus. If you join us, you might have to fight alongside your old comrades, now Mastered to be loyal to Nexus. You might have to fight alongside your old enemies, like Skidmark. You will have to listen and do what you're told sometimes, like a soldier would, and the price of betrayal is the same as with any operation in this kind of underworld. But in exchange, you will have all the support you could ever need, resources, and enough power and safety to never have to run away again."

Somehow, Rune didn't catch the insinuation that they knew of her past, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

"And, of course, if you can immerse yourself in an ideal that isn't centred around race and politics, a cause to believe in We will make this world better, and Brockton is the first step. It must be, within reason. That is what we offer. Alternatively, if you decline, you'll have to wait a few days for us to draft a power-driven NDA contract that means you won't be allowed to reveal any of the information I've given you to anyone, and then be free to go on your merry way."

Rune gulped again, then cleared her throat, rubbing it and barely stopping herself from fidgeting.

"That's… a lot, lady." Rune choked out, uncrossing her legs to lean forward, chin in her hands, thumbs at her jawline.

"Hnm. Well, we like to operate on the assumption that people appreciate blunt honesty more than obscure 'need-to-know' b.s." She casually said with a shrug, fully aware that she was lying through her teeth because she lied and obscured a lot, especially with those in her employ who were weaker and could be snatched up by anyone with a Master sidekick to ruin her entire operation. Like unpowered people.

A minute passed in silence, the only activity in the room being Lisa giving her side-glances that screamed ' were you serious?' every once in a while. She had a mask exactly like Coil's as her face however, so she couldn't exactly silently emote to her, only whispering a 'yes' inside her mind to appease her curiosity.

Another minute passed, Rune's indecisiveness growing.

"Can I uh, get a couple days to think about this? This sounds like- like way more serious shit than what I was looking for. This sounds more serious than the Empire. I don't think I'm ready for this kinda stuff."

She frowned.

"Just in case I gave you a wrong impression, I'm not saying we'll only use you for gang wars or for mass destruction. Not at all. Most of your day to day won't change that much. Cape skirmishes, some patrols, you might get a small support squad of mercenaries to accompany you, might have to rough up some heroes, et cetera. It's just a possibility. Do you still want to take a few days to think about this?"

Rune shifted.

The girl was tempted. The girl was really tempted. But whatever thoughts were going through her mind kept making apprehension rise just a little bit higher than that temptation.

Rune nodded.

"Yeah. Give me a week, I'll tell you then. Can I still crash at the safehouse with the Travellers or am I getting kicked out?"

She made a dismissive motion.

"No no, feel free to stay. We'll talk in a week then. Take care."

Rune mumbled something out, rubbing at her neck, her coin orbiting her a little more aggressively than before as she rose up and walked out of the door.

The guard closed it, and Lisa leaned forward to groan.

"Holy shit, how do you make everything sound so dire and serious? " Lisa asked, and she dropped Evelynn to sigh.

"Depending on the case, I kind of have to be. I don't know what I might ask of someone when I get them by my side, but if I give them a false impression or a wrong idea of what to expect, they might reach a breaking point where they decide to turn on me. If I tell Rune I only want her to be a basic cape for muscle, then randomly decide to use her with Bakuda's bombs to glass Ellisburg into ash, she might naturally be extremely unprepared and stressed."

Lisa made a dubious face.

"Mentality and pressure are the most important things when it comes to managing people to fight in a war when they're not trained soldiers." She explained further, fighting not to dive back into her memories of trying to wrangle civilians and foreign populations into some kind of cohesive formation to face the Void in their last stand.

"Trained soldiers don't register pressure as much because they've been broken down or are simply used to it. That is the entire purpose of military training. That is what drill sergeants are meant for, and what every military wants. A perfect soldier is not a person, but an intelligent, methodical killing machine. When I don't have that, and I'm not sure I want to have that, my only option is to plan what I want to do with my people to the best of my ability and try to manage problems before they pop up. Like not randomly dragging Rune to smoke an S-class threat in the middle of the American countryside and expecting her to just roll with it without problems or hiccups. The soft pitch worked on Spitfire and Imp because we were their only option, and they didn't have much desire to strike it out on their own or leave. Rune is biting her nails to get out of the Bay, and you said she wanted either independence, or a feeling of advancement, or being important. I gave her so much of what she wanted with the latter two, that she's overwhelmed. She will join once she calms down a bit."

Lisa stared at her, her expression turning thoughtful and introspective, earnestly paying attention like a student in class.

"That… wow. I keep forgetting you've got uh, capes in your head." Lisa mumbled, and she snorted, tapping the side of her forehead gently because her head still hurt horribly.

"I don't have capes in my head, I was them. Now, tell SS to come back and stop orbiting her house and trying to approach her mom for the tenth time. It's been four days, she's not getting accepted back. If she cared about her mom that much she shouldn't have fucked us both over." She said simply, then dragged her phone out to catch up on reports.

"I think I accidentally started a new gang war right as I stopped the last one in its tracks." She mumbled, rubbing at her forehead.

"Maybe pulling all of our men back was a bad call on my part…" Lisa mumbled, rubbing at her face with an air of pure stress. "How bad is it?"

She tilted her head.

"Not that bad. Merchants are trying to butt into our territory, thinking we're gone 'cause the secret base isn't so secret anymore, being a hole and all that. Lung's going to move tomorrow into Empire territory. He doesn't care about us much anymore. Hookwolf is getting moved into max security next week, unfortunately, but the twins are being moved tomorrow. Around when Lung wants to hit the Empire. I don't think that's a coincidence. Lung somehow knows as well. He's going to strike at their territory while they're trying to get their losses back. And without the capes there, most of it is just going to be him torching Empire safehouses uncontested, if he knows where they are, at least until Purity gets back to him."

Lisa peeked up at her, and frowned.

"So why the fuck are you smiling?"

She smiled wider, baring her teeth, eyes half-lidded to limit the light coming in from the cracked window and torching her eyes.

"Three birds with one stone. I think it's time for 'Summoner' to start building a reputation around these parts. In the underworld, that's the shield and sword."

Lisa frowned deeper, and gestured around them.

"What about any of this screams 'time to make ourselves known' to you? Like, obviously you're way better at this than me, but logic is screaming at me that we should keep our head down."

She leaned back, and spread her hands.

"We're too spread out to hurt in any way that matters, and the things that do matter have a small, concealed army surrounding them. We're actually quite alright at the moment, though I would prefer a stable, super secure base. That, and t he clock is ticking. We need to go faster. "

So many things were piling up in the back of her head. She couldn't afford to slow down if the Cauldron bastards were truthful with her. She had to get stronger fast, in every way conceivable. Authority especially.

Lisa looked at her like she was insane.

Faster? It's barely been two weeks since you came back from the asylum and you've got this- " She gestured around them, "-already. How much faster are you planning to go?"

She pretended to think really hard, looking up at the ceiling like it held answers.

"Yes." She simply replied, shoulders shaking with a silent chuckle.

Lisa rolled her eyes, grumbling something to herself.

Well, time to launch another one of her objectives.

"I'm calling the Travellers. It's high time they paid homage to their name. And tomorrow… three birds, one stone."

Lisa huffed.

"Okay dark and broody, gonna tell me what that means or will you keep speaking in villain quotes?"

"Shush. Evilly plotting my villainous plots right now."

"You're such a fucking nerd." Lisa groaned.

"This nerd is going to get a pet fucking dragon." She grinned, feeling nerves ramp up her spine. 

Lisa's head jerked up with a wide eyed look, which slowly turned into a glare.

"Is your headache gone?"

"My headache can eat shit. Lung's more important than my recovery or our base."

Lisa huffed.

"And the other two birds?"

She opened her mouth, paused.

"Shouldn't Faultline be exiting Boston sometime soon?"

Lisa blinked at her, and nodded.

She hummed, tapping her fingers on the chair, her other hand rubbing her temples.

So many possibilities, so little time.

She'd just have to settle for three measly birds and a couple feathers.

"I'm going to call her to pick up an extra package. Going to use our favour on this. No, you can't know what it is. Some things I'm the only one who should know. Sorry."

Lisa glanced at the side with a deep breath, made a ' what can you do' sort of expression, then turned back to her with a sigh.

"Okay, but the two other birds you mentioned aren't a part of that, so, tell me."

She shifted.

"Right. First, we're going to need a space to house… about two hundred and fifty people total, and a trustworthy fed we can keep at arms length, that isn't corrupt or connected to the gangs in any way. I think Coil's got a few of those in a folder, just in case he wanted to give anonymous info on his enemies to them."

"I do." Coil quietly piped up, and she gave him a thumbs up that he didn't see.

Lisa's gaze turned deadpan.

"This is going to fucking suck, isn't it?"

"It's not going to be glamorous or cool, but we'll do something good. Purely good, for once. Open a general mission form for the tech team to send to the strike teams, explain the plan as I tell you."

Lisa nodded, and turned to the computer, cracking her fingers.

She observed her picks.

All people she'd gotten blood samples of and Mastered.

"Gentlemen. Do not draw attention to yourselves, at all. Remain glued to your posts until further notice. Once I've dealt with the first batch, you will move on to the second batch, and then immediately rush to the last two. The file has everything you need to know in it, but I'm going to state this again. Nothing traceable. No security cameras, one single burner phone, no cards, purely mechanical vehicles, all rentals, low tech motels, change clothes frequently, everything outlined in the security section. Understood?"

A mute, almost synchronized nod from the five men.

"Good. Your flights all leave tonight, some sooner than others. Go."

They saluted in a bunch of different ways, some doing classic American salutes, some doing African ones and one doing a... European one? Something quite odd to see even without their civilian clothes.

They scattered to their vehicles.

With that taken care of, she had another hundred mercenaries to mobilise and organise for a type of mission she was sure they were not familiar with.

And some PR to prepare, just in case she needed it. This new Director seemed like a pain.

She flickered, opened her phone, and called a familiar number. A ring, two.


"Maria. I need you to do something." She said, not bothering to change her voice.

The woman gasped.

Oh, of course! Right now?"

"It's a process, but I want you to begin today. I'll send an encrypted file with instructions, password is the day we met. Give it five minutes."


"Have a good day, Maria."

Thank you T-, er, Sam. You too."

She flickered back to herself and to Evelynn again, fast enough to seem instantaneous, ended the call, and dug a stack of golden glowing cards out of her jacket, waving over the nearest mercenary, barely visible through the afternoon murk and the stacks of supplies in the way, half-covered in tarps.

He came to her, and she handed him the stack.

"Don't drop these. Take them to the TMN safehouse just over, give them to Rune. Tell her they're stun cards, as a gift from upper management."

He nodded, and immediately rushed off.

God, she fucking loved how professional these guys were. So much time saved on pleasantries and managed egos.

Evelynn and Mastering just helped that along even more, even if she hadn't Mastered all of them yet.

She rolled her neck with a slight sigh of relief.

She'd almost forgotten what it was like to not be wearing earphones or earplugs of varying degrees.

Brockton Bay stretched out before her, warm midday sunlight crawling over urban decay, caressing the shattered sidewalks and bringing life to the reeds popping out between the cracked bits of concrete. A soft sea breeze mixed with rust and smoke wafted into her nostrils as she leaned back, eyes half-lidded, sitting against a power box on an abandoned factory, seven stories up and feeling like the world was suddenly oh so insignificant, the thick concrete rough against her pants as she shifted.

Her hand gently brushed up and down her phone, waiting for the buzz as she enjoyed the peace before the storm.

Five minutes passed.


Finally, it came, and she opened her phone.

L: driving

L: 20 mins

She liked how Lee texted.

She turned her head up, enjoyed the last bit of relative peace she'd find for a bit, prayed to gods that didn't exist that her headache wouldn't coast back into a migraine by the time she was done, and got up, sitting on the edge and flicking to the custom blackbox app her men used to communicate.

She typed a simple message, rushed through two passwords, checked all the team captains, and send it.


She didn't have to wait more than thirty seconds for the first eruption of full-auto gunfire to crack through the rumbling background buzz of cars moving through Coil's territory.

Much as it felt like a waste, a message had to be sent.

She already got some of the extra feathers.

Now, to wait for the PRT to foolishly send people to check what's going on, and get the birds.


Lisa: I think we should slow down a bi-


Lisa: WHY-

Taylor: FASTER

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