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Kapitel 1426: 14

Izuku picked up the phone on the first ring, the sun starting to rise as his daily routine finished. 

"Oh, hey Nighteye-" 

"Overhaul is dead."

Izuku blinked as the words set into his hazy morning brain. 

"Overhaul? Wasn't he in jail?"

"He was," Nighteye confirmed. "And his cell was isolated, so it couldn't have been another prisoner. This morning guard came by for a check and Overhaul was just...dead. We can't even tell how it happened, since there's zero sign of injury." 

"Was he sick?" Izuku asked.

"Perfectly healthy the day before. And if this was an attack, the list of people with a grudge against a yakuza boss is...high."

 I thought you should be the first to know, being the one who captured him, after all."

Izuku was new to the investigative part of heroics, but he had a feeling this wasn't just a petty grudge.

"Thanks for telling me, Nighteye," Izuku said. "You'll call me if you need help, right?"

The line went silent, and Izuku was just about to check if he had been hung up on again when the man spoke. 

"Of course."


"Open it, open it!"

"I don't know...maybe we should wait for Dad and Mom?" Akari wondered.

"Nee-san!" Eri whined, pleading with her eyes. Adorable.

Akari smiled, picking up the girl and placing her in her lap. 

"Alright, alright."

Eri adjusted herself, content, and Akari avoided her horn as she leaned over to open the package.

She was expecting a letter, but instead, the fancy U.A envelope dropped a metal disk on the table. 

A hologram lit up above the disk, casting Eri's awed face in blue light as it displayed a dark-haired man.

"Akari Midoriya, you got 135 villain points. When we add the rescue points-" Rescue? "-your total score comes out to 151." The man yawned. "That makes you the top score on the entrance exam, or whatever. Can't believe I have to do 19 more of these..."

"Wow. You're amazing, Nee-san."

It was a human exam and she had been training way longer than her competition. But getting first, especially when she tried her best, still meant a lot to her.

Akari patted her sister on the head, and Eri leaned into the touch.

"Thanks, Eri."


The doorway, like everything else in this school, was huge. Though with mutant quirks existing, like the tall guy sitting in the back with six arms , Akari could see why. 

More students filled in, taking seats near their friends.

Akari wasn't really used to new people, ranking up with the same kids until she passed them. Having nineteen new classmates was a little surreal, and she observed them as they made their first impressions.

Humans called their abilities 'quirks', the abilities they suddenly gained as a child. Akari knew enough English to directly translate the word. 

A unique trait or habit.

It made sense now, seeing her new classmates. Every human was strangely unique in some way, with physical differences even outside mutant quirks and emphasized personalities. Akari was happy to see that Tape Boy got in, especially. The angry blonde from before sat in front of her, slamming his feet onto the desk in front of him and setting off Engine Boy into a rant.

"Fuji!" Akari said, getting the attention of the winged boy as he walked in. His was the only name she knew here, after all.

Fuji glanced at her, surprised. "Midoriya-san, right?"

Akari nodded.

"I remember you, it's been a while. It's lucky that we're in the same class."

"I-" Akari cut off, her head snapping to the side. A muted presence, but with their mana unsuppressed it was like a beacon to anyone who could sense magic. 

A giant yellow caterpillar was slowly making its way across the floor, undetected to the talking students. When Akari stared at it, the caterpillar paused, standing up .

Oh, a sleeping bag. That made more sense. 

The bag was unzipped with practiced speed, leaving an exhausted-looking man in a dark combat suit; the same guy who gave her the exam results. There was some kind of wrapping around his neck, and the conversations around the room slowly stopped as they noticed him.

"It took a full minute for you all to quiet down, and only one student here even noticed me come in. Much to improve on. My name is Aizawa Shota, and I'm your homeroom teacher. Behind me are your gym uniforms; get dressed in the changing rooms and meet me on the field. Hurry up, you have five minutes." The scruffy man walked out of the room as he finished, leaving them rushing to comply.


Aizawa-sensei seemed like a serious person, which was probably exactly what heroes-in-training needed. But at the same time, he seemed to exclude an aura of pure exhaustion, like he was seconds from falling asleep. It didn't look like he had taken care of his hair once in his life, either.

Were all human teachers like this?

Dark eyes scanned the crowd. "Today we'll be holding the quirk assessment test; a simple set of physical exams."

"But sensei, what about orientation?" A brunette asked. Oh, girl Akari saved.

"A waste of time, really. So every year, I've held this instead. You've probably done exercises like this to measure your growth throughout your schooling on Earth, without any quirks. But now you'll have free reign to use your abilities, including magic, to get your best score..." 

Lots of students seem to light up with excitement, getting to show off, test themselves-

"...but whoever comes in last is expelled from U.A University." Aizawa finished with an evil smirk on his face.


Then, everyone started talking at once, protesting with loud voices that drowned each other out.

Akari only smiled.

A challenge was exactly what she was here for, after all. The rest, on the other hand-

"You can't do that! It's not fair!" A blonde yelled, a black bolt running through his hair. 

Aizawa only raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "And? Are you going to say the same thing when you're fighting for your life against villains? Or trying not to be eaten by a monster?"

"But we passed the exam..." a voice came from somewhere behind Akari.

"Congrats. Now you need to pass this." Aizawa cut them off. The man held up a red ball.

"Midoriya. You got first place in the entrance exam. As a demonstration, stand in that circle and launch the ball as far as you can."

Akari caught the ball in her palm, feeling its weight as she stared at the field in front of her. She could hear the students whispering behind her, excited to see the top-placed examinee's abilities.

She could, really, just toss the ball and get more than enough distance. After decades of training with Dad, her physical strength was nothing to scoff at, especially by human standards. 

But that would be boring. Moreover, she definitely wasn't going to spend three years holding back, and Akari had shown off her magic in the exam.

If Akari was going to be a hero, then she might as well be the best one, right?

Akari glanced back at the crowd. 

"You uh...might want to cover your ears."

A girl with headphone-like jacks did so immediately, along with a few others. The rest just seem confused, though.

At least she'd warned them.

Akari's mana flowed out, a brilliant sphere of light enveloping the ball. Soon it was completely covered, a white projectile bristling with energy in her hand. It was almost too bright for the other students to look at, lighting up her face. Akari winded back her arm-


-and launched the ball with all her strength. The white beam streaked through the clouds, vanishing in an instant.

The boom came immediately after as the sound barrier shattered. The force knocked a few students off her feet, their eyes wide as the wind blew past them, the bushes around them flattened. There was a giant hole in the clouds, stretching wide from where her throw pierced through.

Akari grinned. It wasn't as strong as Dad's Javelin, not yet...

...but it was definitely pretty cool.

Aizawa was still standing, impressively, despite being the closest to her. Akari could see a bit of his carefree mask break, eyes calculating. But then the tired look was back, just a second later.

"Infinity, you must have thrown it outside the atmosphere." Aizawa intoned, holding up the distance gauge. "The rest of you, see this as an example to push yourselves as far as you can go."

"Holy shit!"

"Did she say 'Yeet'..."

"That chick just launched the ball into space !"

"How do we beat that?"

Aizawa ignored them. "Next."

Akari felt a little guilty, destroying her classmates at the physical tests. Then again, some of them clearly hadn't trained their bodies at all, like that electric guy.

Most of them were creative with their abilities. A guy who shot beams out of his stomach propelled himself for the sprint, and she saw Tape Boy launch the ball with a tape slingshot.

Some people were perfect for a specific test, like when the brunette matched her score on the ball throw by removing its gravity, making it float into space. On the long jump, Fuji simply hovered with his wings until Aizawa sighed and told him to come down.

A dark-haired girl seemed to be able to create objects with her body, which was probably the most useful quirk Akari had seen so far. Almost anything she'd need, right at her fingertips. She breezed through the tests, able to make the right item to get through each one while the red and white-haired guy created large amounts of ice, scoring high with similar ease. For some reason though, the ice only seemed to come from his right side.

In contrast, the invisible girl had it the worst. Being invisible was useless for physical tests, and while she was a lot more flexible than the majority of her class, she couldn't get an impressive score on any of them.

Akari came in first, the dark-haired girl behind her. In third was the angry blonde, seething. Akari thought he did pretty well, really, fire magic boosting his legs while explosions emitted from his hands for a lot of mobility. Her eyes slide down to the end of the list, wincing at the invisible girl's dejected pose. 

"By the way, that was a logical ruse to make you try harder. No one is getting expelled, Hagakure." Aizawa said casually. 

The class burst into an uproar, Hagakure straightening up in surprise.

"We're already on the roster. Of course, he wouldn't actually expel us." The dark-haired girl commented over the fuss. Unfortunately, their teacher heard her.

"Actually, Yaoyorozu, I expelled the entire class the year before the Drift." Her face changed from a reassuring smile into shock. "The only reason the twenty of you aren't going home is that I see a bit of potential in all of you. Class is dismissed for today, so go check out your dorms..."

"...before I change my mind." Aizawa finished.

The field was empty of students in an instant.


1-A had an entire building for their class dorms, called Heights Alliance. The girls would be moving into the right-wing, with the guys on the left. Akari's room was on the third floor.

It was pretty similar to her room at home, with a green bed and blanket with purple walls. The stars lit up on the ceiling above her when she turned off the lights, and she had brought a few pictures to put up. There wasn't much yet, but she could probably take more from the house.

Akari was sad to move out after living in her Earth apartment for so many years. It helped that Mom, Dad, and Eri were moving into the faculty building near her, but she couldn't help feeling homesick over living somewhere new now that she was really here.

The class filtered into the first floor after setting up their rooms, taking spots among the couches.

A girl with eye-catching pink skin and a bright smile spoke up, breaking the awkward silence. "Hello everyone! Now that we're all here, we should introduce ourselves! Name, abilities, and something you like. I'm Ashido Mina and my quirk's Acid. I love dancing!"

"Kirishima Ejiro." The redhead next to Ashido said. "My quirk's Hardening!" Kirishima flexed his arm to demonstrate, the limb turning sharp and rock-like. "I like manly things!"

What did that even mean?

"Asui Tsuyu. My quirk is called Frog, which is pretty self-explanatory. I learned a bit of water magic since I love swimming, kero."

"I'm Hagakure Tooru!" The invisible girl waved her sleeves at them. "I'm invisible, as you...might have noticed. I'm trying to learn light magic, and I love dogs!"

"Mashirao Ojiro." The blonde nodded, curling his tail behind him. "You can see what my quirk is. I'm learning enhancement magic, and I enjoy martial arts."

"My name's Rikido Sato, and my quirk is Sugar Rush. I love baking."

Almost every head whipped to him, eyes wide.

"You're free to use the kitchen whenever you want." Ashido promised, grasping his hands seriously. 


"Mezo Shoji. My quirk is Dupli-Arms." The tall boy with a mask said quietly. "I like cats."

In contrast, the blonde next to him posed dramatically. "Yuuga Aoyama! My fabulous ability is called Naval Laser! I love...myself☆"

How did he just-

"Fumikage Tokoyami. My fate is to be forever possessed by a powerful being. I am one with the darkness."

Then a dark bird thing popped out of him. "And I'm Dark Shadow, cursed to forever possess a weak body. Oh, and I love video games!"

Humans were so weird 

The boy with a rock-like head was up next. He seemed flustered as the room's attention turned to him, unable to speak.

"I know sign language...if that would be easier?" Shoji asked, and the boy turned to him with relief.

"He says his name is Koji Koda-" Shoji glanced at the boy again. "-and his quirk is Anivoice, letting him speak to animals. He loves nature."

"My name's Kaminari Denki, Quirk: Electrification! I love girls-Ow!"

Akari winced as the blonde was cut off with a sharp blow.

The girl who just elbowed him rolled her eyes. "Ignore him. I'm Kyoka Jirou, and my quirk's Earphone Jack." Her long earlobes twisted into a lazy circle. "I love music."

"Haruto Fuji, my quirk's called Angel Wings. I love pizza and flying!"

"Dude, that's so cool. Your quirk is just like Hawks!" Kirishima exclaimed.

Fuji beamed at the redhead, his feathers turning a vibrant yellow behind him. "He's my favorite hero! Who's yours?"

"Crimson Riot! He's kinda retro, but he's just so manly, you know?"

"I'm Uraraka Ochako." The brunette next to Akari said. "My quirk's called Zero Gravity, and I love space!"

"Is that what you did earlier? Removed the ball's gravity so it floated off?" Akari asked, curious.

"Yep! Oh, and thank you so much for saving me from that giant robot..." Uraraka trailed off.

"Ak-Midoriya Akari." Akari realized that she was next to introduce herself anyway, and continued. "My quirk's called Demigod, and I know light magic. I-" Eri flashed in her mind, and Akari smiled. "-love unicorns, and katsudon. In that order."

"Is it your quirk that makes you so strong?" Uraraka asked. "You threw the ball so fast it just went whoosh then bam! " Her hands moved as she talked with wild gestures.

Akari couldn't help but smile at her antics. "Yeah, I got it from my Dad."

The angry blonde huffed when he realized it was his turn. "Name's Bakugou Katsuki. My quirk, Explosion-" His hands sparked. "-is a lot better than all of your lame-ass abilities. I know fire magic too, and like really spicy food." 

The elegant girl next to him narrowed her eyes at his arrogance. "My name is Yaoyorozu Momo, and it's a pleasure to meet you all. My quirk is Creation, and I enjoy reading."

"I am Iida Tenya, and my quirk is called Engine. I am fond of studying and furthering academic achievement." Iida bowed formally. "I look forward to working with you all!"

"Hanta Sero! My quirk's called Tape, and I like comics." Tape Boy said.

Everyone looked at the last student, the red and white-haired boy zoning back in when he realized they were waiting for a response.

"Todoroki Shouto. Half-Hot-Half-Cold." He said flatly.

"And uh...something you like?" Kaminari prompted when he didn't continue.

Todoroki stared at them for a full twenty seconds, as if Kaminari just asked him the meaning of the universe.

Finally, Todoroki tilted his head.


Ashido clapped her hands like that hadn't been horribly awkward. "Great! Now that we all know each other-"

Akari interrupted with a mental apology to the pink girl, desperately avoiding an icebreaker. "-we should be eating dinner soon, right? Does anyone else know how to cook?"

Among the other nineteen students, there were only a few raised hands. She could see it dawn on them that they would need to cook their own food; that their class was now living together for another three years .

Akari sighed.


Izuku met twenty pairs of eyes with a smile, his runic cloak snug around him. He was probably just as excited as they were, to be honest, but he couldn't help it. Unlike magic, every quirk was almost completely unique. Furthering all of their abilities was going to be so cool.

"Hello everyone! My name is Midoriya Izuku, also known as the hero Atlas, and I'll be teaching you Foundational Hero Studies."

A dark-haired girl(Yaoyorozu, his mind supplied) raised her hand. 

"You're the man who arrested Overhaul, are you not?"

"Yep. You've heard about it?" Izuku said.

Several students spoke at once.

"I saw the video, it was so cool!"

"How did you move that fast? What's your quirk?" 

"What will we be doing today, Atlas-sensei?" 

"You're right, I do have a powerful mutant enhancer. Though when you're in the classroom, please raise your hands like Yaoyorozu did when you have something to say. To answer your question, Iida-"

Behind him twenty slots opened in the wall, each holding a suitcase.

"-today you'll be getting used to your hero costumes!" Izuku grinned at their excited faces(except Akari, who was rolling her eyes). 

He lined them up in Gym Gamma, which he reserved the day before. He shouldn't have bothered really; U.A had quite a few training areas, all just as big. The budget for the university truly was amazing.

Izuku didn't know a lot about hero costumes; his own was literally just his favorite cloak. But he did understand the basic concept: something to wear in battle, usually designed for ease of combat and to improve the effectiveness of a hero's unique abilities. 

Present Mic's directional speakers let him aim his Voice quirk for example, and Vlad King had a glove that removed his own blood for him to manipulate.

"Doesn't my cape look stunning?" Aoyama asked.

"It does. All your hero costumes look amazing!" Izuku praised. And they truly did, making the group of almost adults seem impressive, each imprinted with their own distinct style.

That didn't change how horribly impractical some of them were, though.

Aoyama's beautiful indigo cape was a glaring weakness, easily pulled on in a fight.

Todoroki's entire left side was covered in what looked like...fake ice? That would probably mess with the "hot" side of his quirk, and if it was symbolizing that the boy was just going to be using his ice, well, that was even worse. 

Yaoyorozu's costume was...revealing. Though it made sense with her quirk; more exposed skin would let her wield her creations better, and bring out bigger objects. It didn't change the fact, though, that she was practically asking to be hit in the stomach. It worked for Kirishima, whose ability was essentially armor, but Yaoyorozu didn't have that same luxury.

He almost winced when he saw Hagakure's 'costume'. It was probably tough to make a costume that could turn invisible, but a support department just giving someone gloves to fight in was absolutely ridiculous. 

Izuku would definitely bring this up to them later. But for now, he let them enjoy their first time being in costume, glancing at each other in awe. He gave Akari a thumbs-up when he saw her, and she forgot to be embarrassed by him long enough to grin back.

He put them through stretches first, getting their muscles ready for what they were going to do next. Plus, if a costume was too bulky or constraining to stretch, you probably couldn't fight in it.

Some of his new students had barely stretched before(no matter how much Jirou teased Kaminari, she still showed him exactly what to do) while on the opposite end Ashido looked like she was having fun. He had to concentrate on the feel of her light refraction to even get a vague idea of what Hagakure was doing, but the invisible girl was even more flexible than Ashido.

When they were done Izuku reinforced the air, creating a large purple dome in the center to function as the arena.

"I'll be pairing each of you off to fight," Izuku said. "The rules are simple; if you are unable to move, surrender, or are forced out of the battle area, you lose. No maiming or other serious injuries, obviously." He ignored Bakugou's disappointed huff. "When you're not fighting, try to observe your classmates since we'll be discussing the battles after. Any questions-Ashido?"

"Are we allowed to damage the floor?" The pink girl asked.

Izuku blinked. "Yeah, sure."

The muttered Yes! was...concerning.

Ojiro was up first for his casual confidence, clearly used to sparring. He faced Fuji, the boy's wings turned a light red, tensing up behind him.

As soon as the match started, Ojiro leaped . He flipped mid-air, building momentum as his tail swung down like a sledgehammer on his opponent.

Fuji's eyes widened, wings folding above him just in time. The blow made him wince, knees bending from the force.

Ojiro landed smoothly, tail sliding off the block as he aimed a flurry of jabs at Fuji's body. Fuji seemed to have some training as well, deflecting and countering with his own attacks. His wings shot forward, forcing the tailed boy to back out of range whenever they lashed out. The two danced around each other, launching wide attacks with their extra limbs. Fuji was doing his best to keep Ojiro away since his wings weren't nearly as agile as the boy's tail, but he was already tiring. 

Ojiro ducked under Fuji's left-wing, landing a fierce punch before sweeping out the winged boy's legs from under him. The match ended with Fuji pinned on his back, wings flapping below him uselessly.

Ojiro let him up once Izuku called it, grinning despite the sweat on his face. "Good fight." 

Fuji smiled back hesitantly, his wings flickering into a light yellow. "You too."


Ashido slid across the cement, her acid letting her skate circles around her opponent. The ground withered beneath her as she moved.

Shoji was chasing after her, multiple arms growing to grab the pink girl. Ashido tossed globs of acid in wide arcs to keep him at bay. The tall boy was surprisingly agile, sidestepping her attacks.

Izuku noticed that her projectiles didn't eat through the ground, meaning that she could effectively control how corrosive her acid was. To use her quirk in combat, she needs perfect control to avoid permanently injuring her opponent.

This was probably how Shoji was catching up to her so easily. Subconsciously Ashido was afraid of messing up and hurting him, so she wasn't aiming hard at him. 

Ashido was mobile in a way only years of practice could get you, dodging through the barrage of arms with grace. The girl didn't seem to have an actual basis in hand-hand combat though, so when Shoji did grab her, Ashido was easily tossed out of the arena.

But there was definitely potential there.


Aoyama had the right idea, blasts of blue energy forcing Yaoyorozu to focus on dodging so she wouldn't have time to make anything. She seemed frustrated at first, unable to make anything complex, before the solution came to her. She had been commenting on the matches before her, her tactical sense was impressive for someone so young.

Yaoyorozu ducked under the next beam, a shield forming on her left hand as she sprinted toward the fancy blond, the metal letting her deflect the light beams as she approached. The downside of freely attacking that much was the intelligent girl had now figured out his pattern, letting her weave through his increasingly panicked attacks easily. 

Aoyama's eyes widened as she got close, firing a huge beam-

-that literally backfired when the girl pulled a mirror from her stomach. The light reflected off the shining surface, crashing back into the unfortunate blonde and throwing him out of the arena.


The less said about Hagakure and Koda's match, the better.


Sero and Uraraka's fight went on the longest, a tense match to see who's quirk would grip the other first. Sero finally slipped up when Uraraka grabbed his next string of tape, removing the gravity and pulling the surprised boy towards her into a vicious punch before throwing him out of bounds.


Kaminari let out all of his electricity in a single burst that Kirishima's fully hardened body tanked. The redhead lowered his arms to attack, only to find the blonde stumbling around with a dazed expression.

Izuku definitely needed to fix that; unleashing a single attack before becoming useless and vulnerable could get the boy killed. Fighting without frying his own brain would be great as well. 


Katsuki and Iida were up last for the day, since this would probably be the most intense match...

...and at least one of them would most likely need to visit Recovery Girl. 

Iida's hero costume was a bright white that protected his entire body, complete with a helmet. The well-designed suit of armor didn't seem to hinder him at all, instead offering protection that he was probably about to need

Katsuki's hero costume fit his demolition theme, with huge grenade bracers attached to his wrists. The bottom of his boots were bare, and Izuku immediately found out why. 

Mana concentrated into his feet, fire pushing out and launching him like a rocket as soon as Izuku started the match. At the same time, his arms pointed behind him and let off explosions, boosting him even further.

Iida accelerated immediately, ducking just in time as the first flaming kick blazed over his head and swinging his own roundhouse to counter. 

Katsuki seemed ready for it though, blasting himself over the kick in an impressive show of control before landing behind his opponent and landing a searing palm to Iida's back. 

"Take that, fucking four-eyes!" 

The other boy stumbled, recovering fast to throw an armored elbow. Katsuki easily sidestepped, a cocky smirk as he lashed out with a fiery leg-

-only for Iida's own engine-enhanced kick to slam into his attack with a crack. The blonde was knocked off balance and Iida's engines kicked into gear, grabbing Katsuki as he zoomed towards the edge of the arena.

Katsuki reacted fast, twisting out of the taller boy's grip. His palms blasted away armored arms before scoring a clean hit on Iida's torso, a large explosion throwing Iida back.

Katsuki lunged for Iida's helmet only to miss as the boy ducked, knee shooting up at his opponent's chin. Katsuki parried the attack with an explosion, showing off his pure reaction speed, before kicking straight up, a whip of flame striking Iida's chest with a hiss.

Iida was exhausted, and while Katsuki was too, sweating only made the blonde's quirk powerful. Then tall boy's stance set into something determined, and his engines began to fire blue -

His speed increased almost tenfold, as Iida streaked towards his opponent at a velocity that only Izuku could properly see.

-his first kick was a blur of silver that Katsuki's arms raised to block on instinct, red eyes widening as the powerful blow hit his side. The impact traveled through, knocking the blonde harshly to the ground as he tumbled. 

Katsuki rolled to his feet blasting the ground as Iida approached. The rippling cement was a smart obstacle against an enemy too fast to defend against. But Iida was too fast, leaping over the attack and catching the blonde in a tackle. Katsuki blew him off with a blast, but Iida was already blazing back towards him, unfazed. There was no way for the blonde to dodge or counter another blow, so his hand drifted to the gauntlets on his wrist but there was no way he was going to make it-

Then Iida's engine stalled, blue fire giving way to smoke as the boy slowed to a stop a few meters away from his opponent, unable to move. He was stuck, stiffening as he realized he was out of time.

Katsuki released the pin on both gauntlets and all his built-up power burst-


The explosion was like a blooming flower of fire, captured in front of Iida like art, his white armor glowing in orange and yellow light. Katsuki's face was frozen in a wide grin. 

Izuku passed the awed faces of his students as he stepped into the air dome, inspecting the flame. Pretty powerful for human levels, but not enough to seriously injure his strictest student. If Katsuki had more time to collect sweat, well, it would be a completely different story. Just to be safe though, Izuku carved away a bit of the explosion. 

He pushed Kaminari and Ashido, who were directly behind Iida, out of the way before stepping back.

-in huge twin blasts, slamming Iida into the wall with a massive crash. 

Ashido gasped, not even noticing she had just teleported as the armored boy slumped to the ground, unconscious.

Meanwhile, Katsuki stumbled out of the arena, standing on pure stubbornness before collapsing onto Kirishima.

Akari was staring at Izuku, the only one to catch a hint of what he just did, and Izuku winked at his daughter before picking up both of his fallen students.

"Great work today, everyone!" Izuku grinned at the rest of his class. They really had been amazing, especially for the first day. "Your fights were pretty impressive, though it got a little bit more...exciting at the end than I expected. If you didn't battle today, then you'll be going next class. Remember to talk to me about any concerns or changes you want to make to your costumes!"

Izuku gave them a thumbs-up at the chimed 'Yes, Atlas-sensei!'.

"Class dismissed!"


This somehow ended up at 5k(!)

I went on a mini-costume rant there, but the part on Hagakure really does bug me. Like, what if she's hurt and knocked out, so they just can't find her?

Iida is probably pretty tough since he's serious enough to devote lots of time to train and has all the resources and relations to do so effectively. Also, Recipro Burst is OP!

Katsuki is just fun to write in general, but especially in fights with his reflexes and explosions.

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