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Kapitel 536: 22

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 22 This is too much change...

Daenerys Targaryen

She watched from the balcony of her new rooms, as her dragons lounged across the empty courtyard of what was formerly the Prince of Pentos's palace. Laying spread out in the middle of the courtyard was Drogo, enjoying the midday sun. Rhaegal and Viserion were splayed out lazily above and across arches. The arches that also happened to be entrances into the palace.

She mused amused, they were a menace to everyone trying to move about or enter the Palace. These were Rhaegal and Viserion's favourite sleeping places, much to the dismay and terror of her loyal subjects. Most people had taken to using the servants entrances when coming to the palace.

On the other hand, they also provided a layer of security and statement of power that no-one had been willing to test...

She sighed, Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion. She'd tried to name them something else, but nothing except the original names felt right. She huffed in annoyance. It was done and despite Jorah's suggestions that other names may be better, it was done. They'd stay Drogo, Rhaegal and Viserion.

She huffed again. She could admit to herself that she was nervous. Events had been moving forward remarkably well. The turmoil that plagued Meereen after her takeover wasn't here. Though the city's proximity to Braavos and her Dothraki probably had something to do with it.

Unlike in Slaver's Bay, the antislavery sentiment was much higher here. Braavos was founded by runaway slaves and anyone trying to fund a second reborn 'Sons of the Harpy' would be lacking any nearby allies to help undermine her rule. And as always, the traditional fear- or rather terror, of the Dothraki that so many Essosi had could be relied upon to crush and quell any thoughts of rebellion against her.

Which was a good thing, there wasn't enough time to get into a long drawn out fight here in Essos. Westeros was calling and there were preparations for the Long Night that had to be done.

News from Westeros was still sparse...more like little to none, she thought unhappily. The unseasonably bad weather and rough seas had caused many delays in trade and travel. Only a single ship had docked from Westeros and they had already been at sea when the spell brought a couple of sailors back.

She shook her head, that was out of her control. All she could do now was consolidate and wait for her dragons to grow to a rideable size. She would prepare her armies and wait for the signal from Jon to cross the Narrow Sea and reinforce the Wall and take the fight to the Others.

She began pacing in the balcony, her worry returning to her. She missed Missandei and Grey Worm. She prayed they were well in Astapor though she shuddered at what must be happening there. Whispers of bloody uprisings in Slaver's Bay had reached them, but nothing on who was winning there.

She turned back to to the balcony frustrated. Looking down, Drogo had awoken from his nap and was stretching, he let out a high pitched yawn. A roar by any other that reverberated across his courtyard. And it was undisputedly his. Viserion and Rhaegal opened their eyes and roared back but in muted tones before returning to their slumbers.

Daenerys smiled indulgently at her children, they were coming along splendidly, the spell that Bran had brought back from Valyria had worked wonders. For one they were growing faster than before, more than two weeks later and they'd grown more than they had in the first time around. More importantly, the spell gave her a modicum more of control over them. They were still Dragons, untameable and prideful, but that extra control spoke volumes of her power over them, hence why she letting them lounge around in the middle of the palace and not finding them some place more remote. Not to mention safer to all those around the dragons.

She had to stifle a sudden laugh as a small group of Dothraki walked through one the arch ways and caught sight of Drogo in the middle of the courtyard. They froze, fear blossoming on their faces, which turned down right comical as the hot air from Viserion's breath made them look up and see him sprawled above them, over the arch.

They disappeared so fast back the way they came it brought out a snort of laughter from her.

This brought her mind back to the matter of the Dothraki. That was another thing had surprised and stumped her for a while. The sheer number of Dothraki that had come to Pentos surprised her, at first she had been mystified as to how so many had know to come to her here in Pentos. After talking with enough of them, she realised that it was no coincidence.

They'd all been dreaming, dreams of a chained three headed red dragon. The dream had shown herds of horses turning and running towards the chained dragon. When the horses arrived the dragon would break free from the chains. The dragon would rear back then let out an earthshattering roar, as the horses bowed down before the might of the dragon. Various variations of this dream had come to most of her loyal Dothraki, at least the ones here with her in Pentos now.

Thank you Bran.

It had to be Bran, she knew no other sorcerer with the power to do such a thing. Or reach so many people so quickly. So at least she knew that Bran still had his power and was working to pull together whatever scraps of the plan was left.

"Khaleesi, it is time, the Khal is waiting for you," Irri informed her, the handmaiden's voice was light but tinged with a modicum of trepidation, as she cut off Daenerys's revere.

Daenerys turned and nodded at Irri, as her anxiety returned, the reason behind her anxiety being that Drogo had requested politely a audience with her.

She adjusted her clothes nervously, "Let us go see what Drogo desires."


Unlike before, she'd made Drogo wait, it was a calculated risk. She was unsure of how he'd react but she had to show him who was the dominant one here.

She was the Mother of Dragons, the Unburnt and Queen of Pentos...and he was just one Khal. Khal to a very weakened khalasar now.

She paraded through the doors of her audience chamber, aloof and untouchable, her loyal guards, Unsullied and Dothraki by her side, walking past the waiting Drogo and his Bloodriders without a glance, only she after she ascended her throne did she deign to look at him and acknowledge him. Irri stood to her right as her honored handmaiden. Qhono and Rakharo stood to her left as her trusted commanders. Jorah was absent, he had other duties to perform for her.

She raised her chin defiantly and said, "Be welcome Khal Drogo and speak. I will hear you."

Drogo stood in front of her throne, his Bloodriders standing at his back. Or rather the few Bloodriders he had left. The rest had deserted him and sworn fealty to her after coming to Pentos. He stepped forward his smoldering eyes locked on her.

"Moon of my life...the Ancient Dragon Lords of Old Valyria have returned in you," Drogo proclaimed gruffly in dothraki.

She raised an eyebrow at him, unsure of where he was going with this. All day she had had reservations and fears of what Drogo would do now. With so many Dothraki coming to her and swearing allegiance to her, his khalasar was growing smaller by the day. His power weakening and his strength waning. It was not a situation that any Khal would tolerate and had a great deal of potential to turn violent if Drogo tried anything.

"I am the Mother of Dragons...the resemblance is expected," she retorted mirthfully letting a small smile come to her lips.

A wave of laughter moved through those assembled in her court at her comment.

Drogo's face went blank and he had an unreadable expression on his face, the smoldering desire filled look in his eyes disappearing. She'd learned to read his moods in the last life but she'd never seen him like this before, "With not a blade raised or blood have defeated me..." he trailed off.

Her guards tensed and went for their weapons, as his hand went to his arakh. He drew it and her men jumped to put themselves between her and Drogo. The people around him moving hastily away from him and his men, expecting violence to erupt at any minute. His men remained where they stood, unmoving.

She frowned at him. What was he planning? If he was going to attack, he would already have done so...

He didn't move towards her, he stood there, his arakh in hand. She gestured to her men to stand down, showing him no fear despite the fluttering of her stomach. Their eyes met and she saw no hostility there only the same unreadable look.

With one sudden swift move, Drogo cut his braid off and then held it up in front of the whole court. With a second quick movement, he threw it at Daenerys's feet, "You have beaten me. You have taken my khalasar from me. I am Khal no longer."

Daenerys stopped herself from gaping, it was unseemly for a Queen to gape...never mind the Mother of Dragons.

Drogo sheathed his arakh and knelt to her, "Command me, Khaleesi." His Bloodriders joined him in kneeling to her.

The Dothraki among her guards gaped in surprise, Irri standing by her side looked at the Khal with unabashed shock.

She found her voice despite the shock she felt tingling through her body, "Drogo, son of Bharbo, blood of my blood, rise. Stand with pride as a mighty warrior, bound to the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea. I accept your fealty and I will not abuse your loyalty."

She turned to Qhono, gesturing towards him, "Qhono, see to Drogo and my new and loyal men."

She dismissed him with a wave of her hand and he left with Qhono, giving her a deep bow as he left. His braid was left where it had fallen. Drogo left without any other word, his former Bloodriders rising following him out.

She watched till the doors to her audience chamber closed behind Drogo. Slowly as if in a trance she rose form her throne and walked to the fallen braid. She bent down and took it into her hands carefully as if it was a snake that would bite her.

She felt disorientated as she held the braid and ran her hand over it. The touch and smell of the hair reminding her of Drogo and the good times they had once shared.

Despite everything and how things had started once, by the end there had been good times.

But now...she didn't how to react.


The second meeting of the day, found her with Jorah in her new solar, she'd delegated the rest of her waiting audiences and petitions to be heard by her newly appointed councilors in the aftermath of Drogo's unexpected submission.

She was still feeling lightheaded after Drogo's show of fealty. And she was still holding Drogo's braid in one hand, running her thumb over it.

Jorah was standing at attention, waiting patiently to speak. He had a thoughtful look on his face. Ever since her return to power, he'd been by her side and enforcing her will. She had also give him a very delicate task after the dragons had been hatched.

He was responsible for keeping everyone from killing Viserys.

He was the only she trusted to do it without beating Viserys black and blue. Or cutting out his tongue. He was probably the only one who wouldn't kill Viserys in a fit of frustration...probably...

"You've heard?" Daenerys asked Jorah pointedly.

Jorah nodded gravely, "Aye."

"And?" she asked with an arched eyebrow.

He shrugged, "It is one less problem for us. Another step towards properly consolidating your army, my Queen."

She began pacing in her solar for a moment. Jorah was right, her own thoughts mirrored his, but it didn't make the unexpected change any easier to swallow.

She pursed her lips, giving him a long look. She signed and placed the braid on the table, taking a seat behind her desk, "You had more business for me?" she asked expectantly. Whatever Jorah had to say would- could not be more surprising than what had already happened.

He nodded in discomfort, the thoughtful look intensifying on his face, "Yes, my Queen. Your brother has been asking for you."

Daenerys grimaced, her brother. As if today wasn't hard enough, she thought in annoyance.

She'd been keeping him locked up and away from everyone else in a bid to keep him out of trouble. It had worked so least until now. She didn't know what to do with him.

"And what has Viserys done?" she asked grimly. Her hopes for him weren't high.

Jorah shrugged, and gave her a strange smile, "He hasn't actually done anything..."

Daenerys raised a surprised eyebrow at this, then what was the problem?

"...he's actually been rather...biddable. He's also been asking for you...politely," Jorah stressed the strange words he used to describe Viserys.

So apparently the surprises weren't finished for the day...

"Viserys...biddable? Polite?" incredulous couldn't properly describe her tone.

Jorah nodded, "'s more just that. Oh he still turns arrogant and snide at moment's notice but...I think you should speak with him." He paused and shook his head, "You have to see it to believe it."

She gave him an exasperated look, dealing with Viserys was always uncomfortable and difficult. She didn't want to do it today, there was still other business she had to deal with.

After a moment, she sighed and nodded in acquiescence, "Fine. Then let us go see my dear brother," she said with dry annoyance.


They reached Viserys's rooms, Jorah knocked, opened the door, entering and not even waiting for her brother to respond. Daenerys followed behind him.

As they entered she saw Viserys was pacing his rooms, he turned towards the door, the arrogant smile and sneering look she knew, growing on his face, "I did not say you could enter-"

The words died on his lips and the arrogant smile she knew so well and despised disappeared. It disappeared with an abruptness that surprised Daenerys as Jorah stepped aside and Viserys laid eyes on her.

Viserys knelt quickly, head bowing deep, "My Queen," he said in an awed and trembling voice, he raised his head to look at her and she saw tears in his eyes, "My dear, dear sweet make a radiant Queen. A true Dragon." His voice reverberated with a pride she'd never heard in it before.


Daenerys stopped, blinked and suddenly found herself adrift, at a total loss for words.

Viserys wasn't finished speaking, he continued not seeing Daenerys's sudden disbelief and momentary lapse, "Thank you dear sister for allowing me this audience, a Queen is always busy, and you must have so much to do ruling this lowly city."

Daenerys was staring in stupification at her brother, this earnest and polite and...proud Viserys was not what she was expecting. Despite Jorah's words, she hadn't expected anything like this!

She looked to Jorah, who shrugged and gave her knowing smile. He'd tried to warn her, she hadn't believed him. She still couldn't believe it!

She turned back to Viserys, he had an earnest look on his face as he stayed kneeling, waiting for her permission to rise.

Jorah stepped back, taking a position by the wall. He turned into a silent sentinel and invisible piece of furniture in the background as she began talking with Viserys.

She gestured for Viserys to rise as she started to gather her scattered thoughts.

Viserys rose with a smile, "Sweet Dany, oh you truly look radiant! Mother would be so proud!"

As if anything could take her aback any more, Viserys never talked about mother. Ever. A sense of warmness began to build in her stomach...yes mother would be proud of her now. She'd always imagined so, but however a skewed perspective Viserys had...he had known mother before she died.

"...and Father! He would be so proud as well!" Viserys finish with a beaming smile that enveloped the entirety of his eyes.

The warmness disappeared as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice water on her head.

Her eyes hardened, "Making Father proud is not something you should aspire to!" her tone was filled with venom. The Mad King was not someone to emulate. He was a stain on House Targaryen's long illustrious history.

Viserys recoiled away from her, the smile disappearing as a daunted look came to his face.

"...our father was mad! He burnt people for his own amusement! It was the ruination of our house!" she cursed angrily. I am nothing like him!

Viserys seemed to shrink with each condemnation. He gazed at her with such confusion and fear.

She grabbed a hold of her emotions and took a calming breath. Becoming worked up wasn't helping Viserys, he actually looked a little...afraid of her now.

She signed, Viserys's room had a large lounging couch in it and she walked to it and sat down.

"Viserys, come sit with me," she said softly, patting the place next to her.

Her brother didn't say anything, he just carefully came and sat next to her. His eyes held a concerned look.

For a moment she was unsure how to begin, "Father is not someone to be emulated. It was him that truly started the Rebellion. When he burned Rickard Stark and strangled his heir...if he hadn't done that, the Rebellion could have been avoided, and we'd have never left Westeros."

Viserys gaped at her. He answered hesitantly, "He was the King, that Northern barbarian threatened our was treason."

Daenerys shook her head mournfully, "There were other ways to deal with him. And even Kings and Queens must obey the laws. Those that are not mindful of their subjects...well you saw for yourself what happens when a King pushes too hard." She gave him a grave look, "And father pushed far, far too hard..."

Viserys gave her a fallen look, and he looked down crestfallen and contrite, "Yes, Dany."

Now came the hard part, she couldn't give him too much information too fast, "We will be returning to Westeros...soon enough, brother," Daenerys began.

Viserys's head snapped up in surprise. His visage held an eager look.

"...The Magister wasn't wrong, we do still have allies in Westeros. Some more loyal than others..." she paused.

Viserys nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"Our loyalest allies are...the Starks."

Viserys's face turned red, and he sprang up from the couch in anger, "The Starks?" he mewled bitterly, "Those northern barbarians? They're the usurper's dogs!" He gave her an unbelieving contemptuous look.

Unruffled by the outburst she gave him a cool look. Now this looked and sounded more like the Viserys she knew and had dreaded in her youth.

"They are nearer to us than any of our old allies," she paused and took a deep breath, she had no idea how Viserys would take the coming revelation, "You have heard of Lord Stark's bastard son?"

"What does a bastard have to do with anything?" Viserys retorted snidely.

Another deep breath. "He's not Eddard Stark's son. He's Lyanna Stark's son."

Viserys's face reddened further, rage coming to his face, "That northern whore's son? What does a-" The words cut off abruptly as the significance of that revelation quickly sunk in.

She took a breath and confirmed the truth to him, "He's Rhaegar's son. He's our brother's last trueborn son, and Lord Eddard has hid and protected our nephew from the usurper since the rebellion. Lyanna and Rhaegar were married, Jon Targaryen is their son and the legal heir to the Iron Throne."

The dizzying number of emotions that were crossing Viserys's face now was truly something to see. Disbelief, rage, shock just to name a few of those that she recognized.

"Our brother has a living son?" he finally asked in quiet voice, standing still and unmoving. The red was draining from his face as she looked on.

She only nodded, "Yes...this will also be the last time you refer to our nephew's mother as a whore," she commanded with steel in her voice.

Viserys nodded eagerly, before a giant smile came to his lips, "Of course, of course, Dany. There are more Targaryens!" he stated with joy, were those were tears in his eyes now?

He sat back down and grabbed her, pulling her into an enthusiastic hug. He even gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

She froze, a warm hug was again not something characteristic of the Viserys that had threatened to kill her once. She could hear him mumbling happily into her ear, but she was too shocked to listen.

He broke the embrace, his eyes filled with joy and tears, "This is wonderful, Dany!"

Daenerys was reeling, this was going far better than she had expected...much, much better than she had thought possible. Still all things enthusiastic and warm Viserys was just disturbing.

"...yes it is."

Viserys's mood faltered for a second, as confusion clouded his face, "But how do you know this? Why has the Magister kept this from us?"

Now came the even harder part, with quick measured tones, she explained that with a magic spell, an ally had sent them all back in time because of...bad things. She skipped over mention of the Others and the Long Night and just said bad things, now was not the time to throw the army of the dead at Viserys. A quick mention of the War of Five Kings, her campaigns in Essos and then the failed attempt to retake Westeros due to again, bad things. She left out the real details. She mentioned that Jorah had died to protect her, commanding her rear guard against an enemy.

Viserys looked horrified at all this, he sat quietly pensive for moment before asking her, "What about me? Where was I in all of this?"

That brought her up short, there wasn't anything she could say to camouflage and hide that, "You died." She blurted out quickly in a pained tone.

Viserys deflated visibly, ""

Daenerys kept her face blank as she remembered the crown of gold Drogo had given her as she looked on with satisfaction.

She waved his question off quickly, "That...uh...that doesn't matter now. There are more important things I have to tell you." She said with a firm tone.

Viserys looked torn for a moment before nodding in obedience, "Of course, Dany."

She surged ahead, he didn't need to focus on his death now, "The spell was cast by Brandon Stark, the Three Eyed Raven. His power is scary...and disturbing," Daenerys admitted quietly. There was reason they'd all stopped talking to Bran, unless there was business at hand. The words that could potentially come spilling from his mouth...she shuddered. Disturbing was the least that could be said about him.

Viserys was giving her a shocked and scared look now.

"Again...this is something we can talk about later....the most important question now, is how will you serve me? What role will you play now? You will not be King, but you are still a prince," Daenerys asked quickly changing the subject, again, and feeling out what was going on in her complicated brother's head.

Viserys seemed stunned for a moment before falling deeply into thought. He thought hard and deeply for a several long moments, before speaking hesitantly, "We have a proper Westerosi Knight here...perhaps he could train me?" he stopped and gulped, casting a respectful look towards Jorah, "I realise now there is much I still need to learn," he finished humbly.

Daenerys blinked in surprise and gave the, until now, silent Jorah a questioning look.

He seemed surprised...and a little pained, before giving her a quick nod, "As my Queen commands."

She turned back to Viserys and smiled at him, "Ser Jorah is a great warrior. His loyalty to me is unquestionable. I'm sure he will make a proper Knight of you."

Viserys gave her a satisfied and happy saccharine smile, "Thank you, Dany! I won't disappoint you! I will serve you loyally and bring honor to our house!"

She returned the smile, considering all you did to me in the last life I think you can easily achieve that...


Finally, reaching her rooms, as the door closed behind her and Jorah, she allowed her public facade to fade. It wouldn't have been good to show everyone just how unnerved and disturbed she truly felt.

She turned to Jorah suddenly, "Is it actually possible to shock a man back into sanity?"

"That's a question you'll have to ask a Maester, my Queen. I doubt anyone else could give you a proper answer," Jorah stated evenly, shaking his head.

She huffed in annoyance grabbing a goblet of wine from a table and pouring herself some. She took a deep gulp and found a chair, "Please tell me there aren't any other surprises! I don't think I can take any more today..." she lamented as she slumped into her chair in an unqueenly manner, cradling and sipping at her wine. This changed Viserys was something she hadn't expected. Couldn't possibly have foreseen! She hadn't imagined it could actually be in the realm of possibilities!

Jorah gave her a rueful smile, "Only the gods know that."

She let out an exasperated breath, "You're not being helpful now."

Jorah's smile grew, he bowed deeply, "I live to serve you, my Queen." he teased lightly.

She gave him a dark look, but she couldn't hold it for long. She snorted lightly, "Was there anything else you wanted to shock me with?" she asked dryly.

Jorah's smile was still in place, "No my Queen."

"Fine then...I think I will have a ride around the city to clear my head," she pursed her lips in annoyance, "I need to clear my head." First Drogo, and then Viserys? Yes, a clear head was something she desperately needed now!

Jorah bowed, his smile growing on his lips, "As my Queen commands. I will have them prepare your horse and a proper escort."

With a bow, he left her sipping her wine, troubled by the changes.


Talisa Maegyr

The Wild Yalla limped into the docks of Pentos, missing a mast. The seas had been unseasonably rough, a sudden squall nearly wrecking the ship, half way across the Narrow Sea. It was a miracle they hadn't all died. The journey to Pentos that should have taken less than a week had taken far longer. Far, far longer.

When the ship finally docked, she let out a sigh of relief and annoyance. They'd survived but she didn't want to be in Pentos. When she'd agreed to serve as a healer, she hadn't expected this. When she'd boarded the ship, she'd had no intention to set foot off of it till they reached Braavos. She'd thought she'd been done...dealing with Slavers and the trapped slaves...but fate was forcing this on her. The crew had had causalities and her medicines were nearly depleted...and she still hadn't been able to save everyone. She needed more supplies if she was to save a couple of them.

With a deep sigh, she walked across the gangplank and stepped onto the docks of the free city of Pentos.


He he Dany's having a hell of a day...and its not over yet! :D Hope you all liked what I did with Drogo and Viserys. The Viserys idea is actually why I actually started writing this story. So glad I finally managed to reach this point!

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