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15.87% The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?! / Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Kapitel 9: Chapter 9

So here we are, in front of the Butterflies of the Night. It certainly stood out from all the other buildings here. Even the non-industrial areas look industrial. I say industrial, but it's more like "rocky" or "mountainy". 

Anyway, that's not the focus. What matters is what's behind this door and the people there. There's other stuff, but right now that doesn't matter. I will deal with it when it arrives. I don't need to stress myself over things way into the future. 

"Come on Artoria, Rimuru. Let go in" Kaijin led the way for us and when we walked in the elves were already together to greet us all. It's like they knew we were already coming here.

'Do they have some magic that lets them know when a customer is arriving or something? Or do they just wait around for someone to enter this place? They seem way too coordinated for this. Actually, considering the place this is, it makes sense.'

"Aw, look at Mr.Slime. He's so cute!" A blonde elf ran towards Rimuru, picked him up, and started hugging and doting all over him. He's lucky he's a slime or I fear the face he would be making if he had proper facial emotions would look very "off-putting" to say the least.

"I've invited my new friends and my brothers here for some drinks to celebrate, so lets have a good time!" Kaijin said in a very joyful tone. Not overly excited, but more as if a heavy weight was taken off his shoulders. Which is exactly what happened, but it is nice to see someone experience that.

All the elves started to set up the table and started to pour out the drinks. I'm pretty sure Rimuru is still lost in his own little world, but he eventually starts to focus and starts paying attention, for what it's worth. 

I was sitting down when a mug of beer? or Ale? Aren't they the same thing actually? Eh, it doesn't matter to me. When it was served to me, everyone was suddenly focused on me. 

"Why are you all looking at me?"

RImuru decided to respond to my question. "Your helmet. For the time I've known you, I haven't seen you with your helmet off. So, I'm just curious what you look like. I think everyone here is to since they're also waiting for you to take off your helmet."

Now that I thought about it, he was right, I've never taken it off. I just didn't see a need to take it off. I haven't eaten, since I don't need to and I don't need to use the resources of the village when it's still in a state where we lack many things. It also doesn't bother me at all. My vision doesn't seem to be affected by it either. 

"Well, I just never had a need to. I'm not trying to hide my face or identity or anything like that. It's just that an occasion where I consider the need to remove it hasn't occurred. I'll take it off to enjoy these drinks though"

"That's it? I thought you would have some kind of important reason or something."

"No, I don't. Why do people assume that what I have to say or the things I do have to have a certain meaning?"

"You kind of give off that vibe though. Like you have some kind of wisdom or something?"

'That has to be some kind of irony since he has Great Sage. Also me? Wisdom? Nah. I'm not any Solomon when it comes to that.'

"I wouldn't describe myself as 'wise' Rimuru, but enough about that just enjoy the drinks. As much as you can at least, since your a slime and all that."

I reached up to take off my helmet. The giant mane attached to it also came along with it.

"I can totally enjoy my dri-"

I fully take it off and set it beside me. The air is easier to breathe, and I can feel it on my skin, but other than that not much of a difference. 

"What were you saying Rimuru?" I looked at him and he was standing still looking at me with a large blush. I look around and also see Kaijin and his brothers with a blush. Wasn't expecting that from them. The elves though, seemed to be…overreacting I think. Their entire faces were like tomatoes.

I think that makes sense though. The elves are supposed to be more sensitive or have a better connection to spirits or something like that. I'm a divine spirit, so they are probably freaking out at me or wondering what I'm doing here or something. Doesn't matter to me though. I just want to enjoy these drinks.

"You are so beautiful." 

"RImuru I already told you. I'm not interested in you."

"What! I didn't mean to say that! That wasn't a confession or anything like that! I was just complimenting you!"

"It's ok Rimuru, we all experience rejection, but you're lucky that you are in the perfect place to forgot your sorrows." Kaijin tried to console Rimru after my "rejection", but I think it hurt him more than it helped. 

That seemed to calm down the atmosphere after everyone was charmed by my face and beauty. I know, I'm a modest person, but hey, what are they gonna do? I'm not being narcissistic or anything. Just telling the truth.

One of the elves got closer to me and asked me a question. "What is a spirit like you doing here?"

"Is it really that rare for a spirit to be out and about?"

"No, but spirits of your strength don't tend to just wander around. They usually have a purpose or reason when they appear."

"Well, I'm just different from the rest, but don't worry about it, let's enjoy these drinks."

That festive atmosphere started to pick up now after that sort of awkward talk or whatever that was. I was expecting some kind of food, but I guess they don't offer it here.

Tasting this beer they had, it was fine, but that's my bias talking. I never liked beer. It always tasted the same to me no matter what "flavor" it was. I was more of a tequila and vodka kind of person with a little bit of whiskey too. I also enjoyed margaritas, piña coladas, mojitos, daiquiris, and other drinks of that nature. 

I got up from my seat and went to the elf that was the bartender. 

"Excuse me do you have other drinks here?"

"Oh, yes we do. Do you have anything your looking for?"

"Do you have some 'fruity' options or something along those lines?"

"Oh, we have other flavored ales and other types of beer."

'Really? That's all they have? All those fancy and expensive-looking bottles on the shelf are just different types of beer? They have to be joking.' I decided to just be direct with what I wanted. 

"Do you have anything called tequila?" It was an absolute shot in the dark and a long shot. I'm ninety-nine point nine percent sure they don't. I'm pretty sure they don't even know that word, but there's nothing wrong with having a little faith and hope. 

"What's 'tequila'? We don't have that here. I'm sorry about that." She seemed kind of sad that they couldn't serve me what I wanted.

'Oh, this is not a good start.' I needed to go to plan b. "Do you have vodka?"

"I've never heard of that one either." Oh no, she looked to be getting more sad. I should ask her for something she can provide me.

"How about this? Can you make your best cocktail?"

"Sure, I can do that for you." She gave me a sweet smile. She seemed happy to finally be able to make me something. I'm just glad that the idea of cocktails exists here. How good they are is another story though. 

I watched her make a cocktail, but the drinks she was using were a bit…"unorthodox". She was using beer, and normally I don't like it, but I'll give it a try before I say anything. Another thing I noticed was the things she was using to mix them together. I'm not judging her skill or technique, but the tools she is using are not things I've seen. If I had to say something, she is only doing the best with what she has on her.

"Here you go miss, all done!" She put a nice glass cup in front of me. At first sight, it looked kind of good. It had a sort of dark yellow, kind of orange color. I gave it a little sip and it was…fine. The fact that she was able to make something that was "fine", at least to me, using beer is a good accomplishment in my eyes. 

"Thank you, it was tasty." I gave her a little smile and she blushed again. I went back to my seat with the others, drink still in hand. I have a goal in mind now. I need to revitalize the alcohol industry. 

I finally got back to Rimuru and the others and he decided to try to tease me a little. "Wow Artoria, you seemed to have a good time with that bartender. I saw you even made her blush. Does she catch your eye or something?"

"Are you jealous Rimuru? Did you wish it was you instead?" I use my hand to reach towards him. He was wiggling like crazy. He was getting nervous and anxious. I finally grabbed what I wanted. It was a bottle. I poured it into my glass for a refill to continue drinking.

"There. Nothing better than a refill."

"Huh? What?" Rimuru was surprised a little. He seemed almost disappointed and sad. I don't know why though. Truly a mystery that won't be solved.

"You were just going for the bottle to refill your cup?"

"Yeah, what else did you think I would do?"

"Uh…nothing. Nevermind, it was nothing important."

"It's ok Rimuru, I completely understand. It happens to the best of us. Just keep having fun. Maybe one day you will find the person that is best for you." Kaijin again, tried to make RImuru feel better and once again it seemed to have the opposite effect on Rimuru. It's the thought that counts at least.

The dark-skinned elf seemed excited after seeing us talk about people we were meant to be with. "Oh, Mr.Slime and Ms.Artoria, do you want to try something fun?" She asked us and started moving her hands as if rubbing a sphere.

Rimuru is thinking of…other things. "What do you mean by 'fun' things? Is it like a special type of thing you do here?"

"Yes, it's something special that I can do for you. After I'm done it will give you a different outlook life. The world will look much brighter and you'll have an extra bounce in your hops Mr.Slime."

WOW. This elf is playing with Rimuru like a fiddle right now. I should speak up a little here. "Rimuru, it's obvious she's talking about seeing if you have a fated one, and if you do what they look like. What else were you thinking about?"

"I wasn't thinking of anything at all! I totally knew that's what she was talking about. Believe me!" 

"Sure Rimuru. Sure." I turned to the elf who was laughing a little. "Please continue. I'm curious if I have a fated one."

The elf took out her crystal ball and started to move her hands around it. There was a dark blue swirl in the ball until it finally started showing some images. It was Shizu with her students. She looked nice with her long black hair and black eyes. Those red burn scars under her eye only seemed to make her look better in my opinion. 

"That's your fated one Mr.Slime."

"She looks really lovely Rimuru. I hope you meet her one day." Kaijin gave his own thoughts on that.

It made me wonder if I should save her, but the problem is that she herself doesn't want to be saved. This brings up some moral and ethical discussions. It's not nice to think about it, but sometimes you have to. Geez, I'm kind of killing the mood for myself here. 

"Let's see your fated one Ms.Artoria." The elf said to me and started doing the same movements on the crystal ball.

The person who appeared was someone that I would call cute. Not beautiful or pretty, but cute. She had two white horns, pink hair, crimson eyes, and a slight pink tone to her skin color. She had tear-drop markings on her eyes, but they looked good on her.


"Oh, that's an ogre. I heard they're a ferocious bunch who tend to value strength."

"Kaijin, I'll have to stop you there." I will not stand for any slander on her. "Look at her, she is not ferocious, in fact, she looks more precious. I'm not saying she can't fight or anything, I'm sure she has her own skillset tailored for her, but she looks absolutely wonderful."

"Artoria you haven't even met her and you're already singing your praises. Are you already affected by her even if it's just through a crystal ball?"

"RImuru isn't the answer obvious? Of course I am!" I said in a slightly loud tone in joy.

I was going to continue celebrating but someone came through the door completely killing any sense of fun in here faster than Rimuru can fantasize about elves.

"Can you keep it down? Also, what is a monster like a slime doing in here? I didn't think an establishment such as this would allow such a thing in here." 

It was Vesta and holy moly this guy sounds extra condescending. You can see it on his face, he probably thinks he's extra superior to anyone below him in rank or whatever and he can just abuse his authority. 

"And you Kaijin, what are you doing here drinking? You should be slaving away at the order of magic swords I placed that you oh so gratefully accepted. Not only that you stoop so low as to hang out with such a lowly slime." 

I don't think it can get any more obvious that this will not end well.

"I already finished it, Vesta. I received much needed help from a new friend of mine." I could hear him trying to hold himself back. He tried to remain calm, but Vesta was really pushing his buttons 

"Now this is news, the mighty Kaijin needed help in his blacksmithing. You have certainly fallen from your greatness, haven't you? Have you grown so desperate to the point that you need to seek council from that slime there that is now your 'friend', what could such a weak monster like a slime possibly do for you?" 

He's really laying the dirt on him. How much of a grudge does this dude have? He's more salty than some of the french fries I've eaten. 

Kaijin seemed to have had enough. He got up from his seat and ran towards Vesta and gave him a mean right hook to his face. 

"I'm not going to let you disrespect my new friend like that. Hey Rimuru, you said you need some skilled workers right? Well, you just got yourself one of the best ones in all of Dwargon."

I'll be honest, Kaijin is a real one for that. My respect for him went up. 

Vesta was on the ground absolutely angry, but I could see a smile and hint of happiness there. The others might not have noticed, but I did. He was hoping for something like this to happen. 

Once again, the door was blasted open, this time by Kaido and a few other guards. They saw what was happening and immediately started to arrest Kaijin, Rimuru, and the three dwarf brothers. I walked to the table where we were sitting.

"Hey, what are you doing? You are also being put under arrest." 

'I didn't even do anything, but fine I'll just go along with it. Don't wanna be an enemy to Dwargon and ruin any chance of diplomacy in the future.'

"I'm just going to pick something of mine up." I go to get my helmet and put it back on. I turned to the dwarf guard and started walking towards him. He took a little step back. He was a little scared and intimidated. I just held out my hands towards him. "Go on, Put on the chains."

'We'll also have to take your equipment from you."

"NO. This will be the most I will do. You'll just have to trust I won't do anything." 

'Who does he think he is? Sorry pal, but I'm not giving my equipment to anyone unless I decide so for myself.'

The guard gave up and just put the chains on my hands. I'm pretty sure everyone here knew I could easily just break free whenever. This is only a mere formality on my side.

Kaido was really disappointed in Kaijin, but he had a job to do. So we were all escorted back to the jail cell where we would await our "trial".

This is why I'm not a big fan of the government.

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