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18.18% The Inheritor of Magic (HP x JJK) / Chapter 2: Into a New World

Kapitel 2: Into a New World

October, 1979

In a hospital, a beautiful woman with pitch-black hair and blue eyes is giving birth.

The doctors and nurses are shouting, telling her to push, that very little is left.

She did as told, and pushed with all the strength left in her body. But sadly, she truly used all her strength as when her son was welcomed to this world she needed to say goodbye to it.

Between weak moans, she asked to see his newborn for the first and last time.

"Please…. I…I need to see him." She said.

The nurse wrapped the child in a clean cloth and passed him to his mother.

"Baby… Sorry…but I … I won't be able to be here….with you."

Just as she finished speaking, her eyes closed and her last breath was expelled.

"Don't close your eyes! Stay with us!" The doctors shouted.

Meanwhile, a nurse took the boy and left with him to another room. But while she was walking, a stunning woman appeared before her.

"Sorry, but I will need you to give that child."

The nurse was left shocked.

"What are you saying? Security! There is an …"

She couldn't end her sentence as the woman took a wand out and cast a Sleeping Charm on her. Before she fell with the child in her arms, the woman cast another spell and made her levitate and fall slowly to the floor.

She took the boy and disappeared without a trace.


Meanwhile in Nurmengard, Austria.

The beautiful woman appeared inside an old-looking castle, where a man was standing.

"Hello, Vinda. Is it him?" asked the man.

"Yes, Master. It's him, your only son."

"What happened to that woman?"

"Sadly, she died birthing him. Do you want me to arrange her funeral?"

"Yes, it's the least I could do for her."

The old man took the boy in his arms and looked into his eyes, which looked almost identical to his.

"From now on your name will be Oberon, Oberon Grindelwald."

----Eleven Years Later----


"Yes, Aunt Vinda?" Answered a handsome boy with crystal azure eyes and white, blonde hair.

"Your father wants to see you. He is waiting for you in his room."

"Ok, I will go to see him now," Oberon said goodbye to her and went to his father's room on top of the Nurmengard Castle.

"Father? Aunt Vinda has told me you want to see me." Oberon said as he knocked on the door.

"Yes, come here."

Inside the room, a mature man was looking at the landscape in front of the castle.

Clearly, the man was Gellert Grindelwald, the leader of the Alliance and one of the strongest wizards alive. He just looked a little older than he looked 50 years ago. Just a few spells and perfect.

"What do you need father?" Oberon asked.

"The moment has come. You must get ready to go to England." Grindelwald stated.

"Is it really necessary? What can they teach me that you cannot."

"You know is not about what you can learn, but what you can achieve."

Suddenly Gellert's eyes started shining and a mist enveloped him and his son.

"What have you seen this time father?"

"In the next years, the cursed spirits will start to get stronger. Maybe it has already started. You need to prepare as the one marked by the snake will not be able to make it alone."

From the mist, images started to appear. Grotesque monsters appeared in the streets and both muggles and wizards were killed without the opportunity to fight back.

"I have already taught you all I know about my cursed technique: Chronicle of Arcane Destiny, but there are still things you have the right to inherit from your birth mother."

Grindelwald made the mist dissipate and continued talking.

"Go to Gringotts and get your linage checked. Your mother was from Britain, and she wasn't a muggle at all."

"But do I really need to go to Hogwarts? That old fox is the headmaster." Oberon said.

"Don't worry. He may be my enemy, but he is my friend. He will be suspicious of you, don't doubt it, but he will not harm you."

"If you say so, I will do as you told. Farewell, Father. I will see you soon."

Oberon left the room of his father and headed to his own. There he packed all his possessions and cast Reduction Charm on it, making easier it to store.

He exited his room and a woman was waiting for him.

"Aunt Vinda, I must say you haven't changed since my memory works."

"Thanks, Oberon. As charming as ever, just like your father."

The thorny rose of France, Vinda Rosier. A powerful witch with great expertise in magic. Just that in this world, she wasn't called thorny rose for nothing.

This world wasn't a normal Wizarding World. Here Innate Techniques and Cursed Spirits existed.

And Vinda Rosier's Cursed Technique was called 'Rosevine Enthrallment'. It was similar to Hanami's Innate Technique Disaster Plants.

"Are you ready to leave?" Vinda asked Oberon.

"Yes." They both went to a portkey and appeared in a room full of people wearing a Deathly Hollow pendant.

"Welcome to England, Young Lord!" Everyone grated Oberon.

"Thank you for receiving me. I'm glad every one of you is all right. Also, greetings for my father."

All these people were the Acolytes from the Alliance. Although nearly 50 years have passed since Grindelwald's defeat to Dumbledore, the Alliance is still full of loyal people.

After greeting Oberon everyone started leaving, except one man.

"Uncle Abernathy! It's great to see you!" Oberon said.

Abernathy and Vinda were the ones who taught Oberon the most along with his father.

"How are you, Oberon? You have grown so much since I last saw you four years ago."

"I'm fine, just a little sad from leaving my father alone in Nurmengard."

"Don't worry. The Master has always been strong. A few months of loneliness won't affect him too much." Abernathy reassured Oberon.

He also bid farewell and left Oberon and Vinda alone in the mansion in London.

"Oberon. You should go to sleep, tomorrow we must do a lot of things. Rest well."

The next day in Diagon Alley


"Welcome to Ollivanders! What can I do for you today?"

The owner of the store, Garrick Ollivander, turned around and met with Vinda and Oberon.

"Oh! Isn't it Mrs. Rosier, the thorny rose" Ollivander said as he turned to look at Oberon. "And who could you be?"

"Hi Mr. Ollivander. My name is Oberon Grindelwald, son of Gellert Grindelwald."

When Ollivander heard Oberon, he was left stunned.

"Ahem. What can I do for you, Mr. Grindelwald? Are you looking for a wand?"

"Yes, Mr. Ollivander. But I would like to ask for a personalized order. Is it possible?"

"Of course. What is it?"

Oberon took a small box out of his pocket and opened it, showing Ollivander its contents.

Ollivander, although scared, replied.

"It may be difficult, but not impossible. Come for it in two days and let's take some measures now. Are you left-handed or right-handed?"

Oberon and Vinda left Ollivanders and headed to Gringotts. There, Oberon will finally get his lineage checked.

Inside Gringotts, dozens of Goblins were working.

They both went toward a counter with no people.

"Excuse me," Oberon said.

But the Goblin ignored him.

"Excuse me," Oberon said again.

And again, the Goblin ignored him.

"I would not like my Young Lord to repeat himself AGAIN. Why don't you answer Goblin." Vinda said.

This time the goblin raised his head and with a trembling voice replied.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Rosier, my hearing has been working poorly these last years. What can I do for you?"

"I would like to have a lineage test. And in a private room." Oberon said.

"Ok, that would be 70 galleons."

Vinda paid the price and they headed to a private room to conduct the test.

"Please, draw five drops of blood." The goblin said as he handed a knife to Oberon.

Oberon, instead of using the knife, used a thorn produced by Vinda.

He let five drops of blood fall into a rock bowl, which he handed to the goblin.

The goblin made some incantations and the blood turned golden. The five drops fell on a parchment and words started to appear on it.



· Grindelwald (Fatherly) --> Recognized inheritor

· Pendragon (Motherly) --> New Family Head

· Le Fay (Motherly) --> New Family Head

· Solomon (Motherly) --> New Family Head


The three of them were left with their mouths open. (Obviously, Oberon was acting)

"I must say, Mr. Grindelwald, this is an interesting inheritance." The goblin said.

"Explain yourself goblin," Vinda said.

"Mr. Grindelwald is currently recognized as the inheritor of the house of Grindelwald as the current head, Gellert Grindelwald, is alive." The goblin cleared his throat. "Meanwhile, for the houses of Pendragon, Le Fay and Solomon, there are no current inheritors; thus Mr. Grindelwald can be declared the head of the houses after being recognized by the British Ministry of Magic. Though, for the Solomon house, it's possible that the International Confederation of Wizards must interfere."

Hearing the last thing, both Vinda and Oberon frowned. Although Oberon was the rightful successor of the Solomon house, the International Confederation of Wizards could make it difficult for him due to being Grindelwald's son.

The goblin started speaking again.

"Although the Ministry of Magic must first recognize you as the head of the Pendragon and Le Fay houses, you can still enter their respective vaults. Though, the trip will be quite hectic."

"Why so?"

"The Pendragon and Le Fay vaults are among the earliest vaults at Gringotts. Vaults Nº4 and Nº5 are located in the depths of Gringotts."

"Still, we would like to visit them." Oberon said.

"Ok. Follow me." The goblin said.

The three of them get on a Mine Cart and head for the vaults.

Saying that it was exciting was getting short. Oberon thought that not even the Roller Coasters of his original world were as moving as this small journey.

"We need to go to the Vaults Nº4 and Nº5," The goblin said to another goblin guard wearing a full set of armour.

Oberon and Vinda followed the goblins and reached a gigantic door guarded by at least ten goblin guards.

"This is Vault Nº4, the vault of the house of Pendragon. You just need to put some blood in the door, and it will open for you. I am sorry, but Mrs. Rosier isn't allowed to enter until you are recognized as the head of the house by the Ministry of Magic." The goblin who attended them said.

Vinda produced a rose thorn and gave it to Oberon, who just like before, used to pinch his finger and extract some blood. Next, he pressed his bleeding finger on the door.

The door started to tremble, and some mechanisms started to operate. Door after door started to open, at least twenty doors were safeguarding the vault entrance.

Oberon cleaned his finger and entered the vault.

The first thing inside was a set of stairs leading down into the depths of the vault. After descending for some time, the stairs came to a stop and a new room came into view.

It was filled with treasures and galleons. There was also a desk filled with documents, which Oberon came to view and were the different properties of the house of Pendragon. One of them was the British Ministry of Magic Headquarters.

"Hahaha. It will be incredible when I go to the Ministry to reclaim my ownership over their Ministry HQ." Oberon said.

At the back of the room was a statue of a woman holding a long knife and a crystal recipient under it. The other hand of the woman was holding a stone tablet that said:

'Those who are worthy of the Pendragon name, prove your courage. Those who come with evil intentions, don't try to prove yourselves as death awaits you.'

Oberon understood what it meant, so he did as he thought he should do.

With his hand he grabbed the sharp knife, making it profusely bleed. The blood started flowing into the recipient, which absorbed the blood turning it red.

After some time, the statue started showing a reaction, so Oberon let go of the knife.

The statue retreated into the wall, leaving a new passage behind.

When Oberon entered, he found a mesmerizing sight. A lake with crystal clear water was there. When he got near it, he could see his reflection in the water as If it was a mirror.

But out of nowhere, the water started to get agitated and a hand holding a shining sword surged from the lake.

"You, descendant of the king, get what is rightfully yours."

A feminine and enigmatic voice echoed in the cavern.

Oberon didn't waste a second and went to grab the sword. But when he hold it, something unexpected happened.

The sword dissolved into light particles that headed to Oberon's body.

When all the light was absorbed by Oberon, some sort of knowledge appeared in his head.

'Avalon's Blessing' Oberon thought.

It was the Cursed Technique from the Pendragon lineage. And now Oberon was able to use it.

After this, the water in the lake started moving and opened a passage for him.

When he walked through it, he came to a new door. But this one had something on it, some type of engraving.

"Only the heads of the Pendragon house are allowed to enter here. Prove your ownership and you will be allowed entry." The feminine voice sounded again.

"I think I must get the ring of heirship before trying to enter there."

Oberon left the vault and met Vinda and the goblins again.

"Oberon, was it worth the visit?" Asked Vinda.

"Yes, Aunt Vinda, more than worth it," Oberon replied.

After this interaction, the goblin guided them to the next vault.

"This is Vault Nº5, the vault of the house of Le Fay. Just like before, you need to pour some of your blood on the door to enter."

Oberon repeated the same process and entered the vault.

The design was mostly the same, he needed to walk down the stairs to reach the true vault.

Downstairs, it was also filled with Galleons, treasures, and magic books.

Oberon looked at some of them, and most were about dark magic and spells. But there were also some about healing spells.

Morgan Le Fay was said to be a powerful witch with great control over shadow and dark magic, and also a great healer, one of the best in the history of Britain.

Like in the vault of Pendragon, at the back of the room there was something different. Instead of a statue, there was a giant door made of purple crystal and magic glyphs shining from time to time. In the centre of it, a hole with the shape of a hand was engraved.

When Oberon put his hand in there, his Magic Energy started to get absorbed.

In the beginning, Oberon didn't think it would be a problem. Although his magic power wasn't fully developed, he was sure he was at the top of the ranking when it came to magic energy reserves. Right now, he had the power of a Grade 1 Wizard and the reserves of a middle-level Special Grade Wizard.

His Magic Energy continued to get absorbed, and when Oberon thought it would stop as his reserves were starting to deplete, it never stopped.

He had to remove his hand from the door as it was going to leave him dry, and he didn't want to lose consciousness right now.

He took some of the galleons and the magic books and stored them. He would study them later and maybe learn some new spells.

After leaving the vault, he, Vinda and the goblin left the underground site.

"The application for the head of the house of the Le Fay and Pendragon houses has already been sent to the Ministry of Magic. In a few months, it should be resolved, and you will receive the rings of heirship. Goodbye Mr. Grindelwald, Mrs. Rosier."

The goblin bid farewell and entered the offices of Gringotts.

"Do you want me to stop the goblin from filtering the news?" Vinda asked Oberon.

"It's not necessary Aunt Vinda. Let our enemies know that I am not just a Grindelwald, but also the heir of the most ancient houses of Britain and the wizarding world." Oberon answered. "But I would need to trouble you with something. Can you send my father a letter recounting today's events?"

"Of course, Oberon. It will be my pleasure."

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