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82.75% Bleach- Monkey in the Hollow Desert / Chapter 24: The First Generation.

Kapitel 24: The First Generation.

As time in Hueco Mundo moves forward, so do Aizen's plans. From the moment he took over, Aizen began making changes to Hueco Mundo as a whole, specifically Los Noches. With this place secured, Aizen began building upon it a palace for him to rule from. 

It was there Aizen began further testing his Hogyoku's abilities. Selecting a handful of Hollows and using them as subjects, transforming them beyond their current capabilities.

All of them had been turned into arrancar by Aizen. 

Aizen gave these newly created arrancar a special designation-

The Espada.

His Espada consisted of numbers ranked all the way to Ten. Each member was given their number based. 

Among these, the strongest was a slender man with pink hair, and a pair of glasses made from the fragments of his old mask. His name Szayelapporro Granz, his number-100

Next to him were a group of children, collectively they were known as the Picaro. They were designated with the number 2. They were a wild bunch. 

The next one a tall man, seemingly of Spanish descent, with a funny shaped mustache and even funnier shaped spiked hair. He was known as Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio. He was marked as number 3

Next was a young lady. She had violet hair, wore violet lipstick, and had two violet tear drops tattooed on her face which sat right below her eyes. Being the only female in the group she bore the number 5. Her name Cirucci Sanderwicci.

Behind her was a young man, resembling a human teenager. He was quite feminine in appearance with long eyelashes with lavender eyes and a rather sleek posture. Just above his hip was the number 6.

Next was an older man with large orange afro. He was more muscular than any of the others. His name was Gantenbainne. His number- 7 

And finally, the last Hollow to be touched by Aizen, a strange one indeed. Their name Aarroneiro Arruruerie. Their rank- 9

Together they were the very first of their kind. 

Aizen was impressed by what his hands had created, at least upon first glance. However, he still needed to ensure that these new creations of his could live up to his standards. He needed to see if they needed to be improved. 

" I'm glad to see so many of you have survived the process. It would seem you've all acclimated to your new forms." Aizen muttered. 

" Yes, lord Aizen." Szayelapporro muttered softly

" This is incredible! I had no idea I could get this strong!" Luppi exclaimed.

" It is true, Nino. I've never felt such power in my life." Dordoni exclaimed.

He lifted his burly leg off the ground and slammed it back down cracking the ground beneath him.

" I'm pleased you're all so happy with your newfound power." Aizen muttered. " But it won't be enough." He said. " You'll need to keep getting stronger, if you want to maintain the new positions I have given you. And I have just the way. There's another Hollow, just like the rest of you arrancar. His name is Bikou and for all intents and purposes, he is your leader. Kill him, and you'll take his place. The same goes for your rankings. If any of you are capable of killing an Espada higher ranked than you, you will earn that position. Quite simple."

" Really?!" Cirucci exclaimed.

It was like angling candy in front of children. The way most of them seemed to be genuinely encouraged to slaughter. 

Aizen smiled at how easily his creations were motivated.

" I know just where he is. I can tell you... If you wish." Aizen muttered.

Dordoni, Gantenbainne, Aarroneiro, Luppi, and Cirucci nodded happily and seemed excited about the prospect of garnering more power from Aizen.

Szayelapporro and the Picaro on the other hand seemed unfazed by his offer. Szayelapporro scoffed and stood quietly away from the others, while the Picaro began chasing each other off, like the children they were.

" Very well." Aizen muttered. He delivered to them the knowledge of Bikou's location, and off they went, leaving only Aizen, Gin, Kaname, and Szayelapporro behind. " Can I ask why you chose not to go?" Aizen asked Szayelapporro.

" Simple. I do not care for battle as such as the others. Instead, I only wish to continue seeking my perfection." Szayelapporro stated.

" I see. Very well then. Continue with your work. I'm sure it will be productive to our efforts." Aizen muttered.

" Hm."


Szayelapporro scoffed and quickly teleported away, leaving Aizen and his cohorts alone.

Now alone, Gin and Kaname approach Aizen. Both of them feeling a little confused on why Aizen would send his newly formed army to attack another member.

" Uh, Captain Aizen, question?"

" Yes, Gin?"

" Why did you do that?" Gin wondered.

" Simple, Gin. I needed to test the limits of these new arrancar. And the best way to do that is to put them up against another powerful arrancar."

" But surely you don't actually expect them to win? If anything, it'll be a miracle if they come back alive at all." Gin told the man.

" Precisely. If they manage to survive then they're worthy of being my Espada... For now. And if by some miracle one of them manages to win, then my expectations will have been sorely unmet." Aizen explained. " For now, let's sit back and watch."


Bikou was sitting in the sand healing, focusing. His training was dangerous. He purposefully split his power in half, creating artificial clones to fight against.

A good way to build his strength. Simple and productive on paper.

Very lethal in practice.

Splitting his power leaves, him weakened for the time being. His clones also have the ability to kill him. If not in battle, when they explode. 

" Molding energy into a full body is hard." Bikou muttered. " Ngh!" Bikou groaned as he clutched the side of his torso. 

Bikou slowed his breathing down and focused on relaxing every muscle in his body. 

Suddenly his eyes shot open.

" You know, this trend is getting really old." He muttered quietly.

He stood up from the ground and brushed himself off as a group of decently large spiritual energies began closing in on him. 

Then suddenly they vanished.

" Trying to be sneaky? Smart." Bikou muttered. He went quiet for a moment and began surveying his environment. He searched. " Not in the front. Not behind. And not below. That just leaves..." 

Bikou looked up, smirking, as the five arrancar swarmed him.

Dordoni being the strongest of the group attacked first.

" Prepare yourself, Nino!"

Bikou chuckled and easily stopped Dordoni's surprise leg drop by grabbing a hold of the man's foot.

" Ole!" Bikou spun Dordoni in the air, and tossed him to the side, before dodging Aarroneiro and Cirucci. " Hahaha! Nice!" Bikou smacked Cirucci on the bottom causing her to crash into Aarroneiro.

Next up to the bat were the combination of Gantenbainne and Luppi.

Luppi led the attack, slashing at Bikou with his sword.

Bikou grabbed the blade with the palm of his hand and swung Luppi to the side, before ducking under Gantenbainne's fist.

" Way to slow!" He joked. He then pressed the palm of his hand into Gantbainne's stomach, lifting him off the ground, before delivering a powerful kick to his chin.

" Guh!"

Gantenbainne spiraled through the air like a spinning top, from a popular kids show, until he landed with a very hard thud on the ground. 

All the while, Bikou laughed in joy.

" HAhahaha! This awesome! You guys.... I didn't think there were others like me and..." Bikou paused for a moment. " Well... It's still nice. So~ What do you guys all want, huh? I'm in the middle of something." 

" Gah! You pervert!" Cirucci shouted.

" Pervert? I'm no such thing." Bikou sounded offended by such an accusation, that he practically turned red. 

" You smacked my butt, you jerk!"

" Oh, that? Ah well, my fault, I meant to hit your chest... I just couldn't tell the difference since both are so flat?" 

Cirucci turned beat red in the face. " You bastard!"

" So, seriously, what's up?" Bikou asked.

His intrigue upon the sudden appearance of multiple other arrancar knew no heights. To see others similar to himself and Starrk was such a joy. That it hardly mattered that they had attacked him. 

" We were sent by lord Aizen. He said that if we beat you, he'd give us more power. And we intend to cash in on this opportunity." Luppi explained. 

And like that joy was gone.

" Oh, I see... So Aizen helped you." Bikou muttered. He placed his hand on his forehead and sighed. " Well, if that's the case ya might as well just give it up. I hate to break it to ya, but that guy Aizen is as bad as they come. Whatever promises he's selling you is probably a lie." Bikou muttered. 

" We've seen his power already, Nino." Dordoni muttered. 

Bikou sighed into his hand again. " Are you all sure about this?" He asked.

" Strangle, Trepadora!"

" Rip off, Golondrina!"

" Whirl, Giralda!"

" Roar. Dragra!"

In a flash Luppi, Cirucci, Dordoni, and Gantenbainne all released their Resurreccions. 

Bikou smirked as the pressure from their releases, blew up a windstorm in front of him.

Luppi had grown eight large tentacles, and his broken mask had formed on the top of his head like a crown. 

Cirucci had sprouted large insect like limbs, including a large set of wings. 

Dordoni had summoned two snakelike creatures that were coming from his legs. The creatures appeared to be made of. 

Gantenbainne's arms had grown significantly longer and a giant dome like shell encompassed the back of his arms. 

Bikou was impressed by the spiritual pressure coming from the arrancar. But they weren't done surprising him. For now, it was Aarroneiro's turn to shock the monkey man. 

" Well? What can you do?" He asked.

Aarroneiro grabbed his large tank and removed it, as if it were a simple mask, revealing a young man with spiky black hair underneath. Aarroneiro grabbed a blade from his robe and slowly started spinning it.

" Just watch. Now Surge through the seas and Heavens, Nejibana!"

Bikou was truly shocked when he saw the blade begin to glow and transform into a trident. Water began coming from the blade itself.

" What the hell? Are you a soul reaper?" Bikou asked the man.

" Hm... I wonder about that?" Aarroneiro said with a playful tone in his voice. 

Bikou closed his eyes and smirked. " Well, okay then. You've all released your power. Now what?"

" Go ahead and release yours as well, Nino." Dordoni muttered. 

Bikou grabbed the back of his neck and shook his head no. " Nah, I don't feel like it. Besides..." Bikou raised both of his two fists up in front of him and widened his stance. " I won't need to use my staff." Bikou muttered.

Luppi was the first to attack, erupting in a fit of anger. He lashed out at Bikou with his long tendrils. " Lanza Tentaculo!" Luppi thrusted one of his tendrils at Bikou. 

Bikou raised his right hand and caught the attack.

[ Bleach Ost- Treachery.]

" What?! Huh?!" 

Luppi was suddenly snatched off of his feet by Bikou, who pulled him in from his tendril.

From afar, Aizen and his cohorts watched as the newly founded Espada battled Bikou.

' It is as I expected. You Hollows reacted on instinct to get more power and didn't stop to think about what it was I was asking you to do. If you had assessed the situation better, you would have noticed the vast difference in your spiritual energy and skill.'

Aizen watched as Bikou planted his fist right into Luppi's chest. He then opened his palm and fired a cero point blank, sending Luppi flying away.

' Bikou wasn't naturally enhanced by the Hogyoku, like the rest of you were. He actually continued pursuing power on his own.'

Cirucci and Aarroneiro followed up Luppi, attacking Bikou together.

" Ala Cortadola Dispersion!"

" Surge Nejibana!"

Cirucci detached feathers from her large wings and shot them at Bikou, like flying razors, while Aarroneiro summoned a large amount of water from his trident, and rushed Bikou head on.



Bikou vanished from sight for just a moment, before appearing directly in front of Aarroneiro. 

" What the?!"

Bikou kneed Aarroneiro in his chin, lifting him off the ground, before delivering a strong palm to the face, spinning him in the air like a top. He then kicked Aarroneiro away a great distance, before teleporting once again just as Cirucci's feathers got close to him.


Bikou appeared behind Cirucci in the air.

He was so fast! 

Cirucci was barely able to make out a smile on his face, before suddenly feeling the heavy weight of his foot slamming into her back.

Her body went slack the moment his foot hit her. It was as if gravity itself had completely engulfed the entirety of her body.

Cirucci went hurtling towards the ground, which would have been bad enough. However, just before she hit it, Bikou reappeared and caught the full weight of her body with his knee. Slamming it into her stomach, causing her to throw up blood and vomit. He then slammed both of his hands down on the back of her head, knocking her out cold.

" There is a reason, I chose Bikou as a partner, rather than a soldier. It's because he's strong." Aizen said to Gin and Kaname as the three continued watching.

In mere moments, three of the newly created Espada had already been defeated and rendered unconscious. 

That meant only Dordoni and Gantenbainne remained.

Gantenbainne raised his two massive hands and fired a powerful ball of energy at Bikou that took the shape of a dragon's head. " Ryugir del Dragon!"

Bikou watched as the ball of energy got closer and closer to him. He caught the blast with his bare hand, getting a nice and tight grip on it.


Bikou reappeared next to Gantenbainne holding his energy blast. He raised the ball of energy up to the man's face and laughed. " Here, you can have this back."

Gantenbainne was engulfed in the explosion, leaving Dordoni the sole remaining fighter.

That is until, Bikou reappeared above him. 

" No!" Dordoni exclaimed.

Bikou dropped down on Dordoni's body, obliterating his two wind cyclones. Bikou proceeded to ride Dordoni down to the ground and rode him through the sand like a surfboard in water. He then blew up the ground beneath him, engulfing Dordoni in an explosion.

Aizen, Gin, and Kaname all watched with grins on their faces as Bikou crushed the first generation of Espada with ease. 

Emerging from the smoke, completely unharmed, Bikou looked down at the defeated Espada and smiled as they each returned to their sealed states. Their effort resulted in a complete and utter decimation.

To Be Continued!


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