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51.42% LATV: The Life of Detective Ben Weiss / Chapter 15: Case 15 - The Christmas Episode

Kapitel 15: Case 15 - The Christmas Episode

<Events before The Rookie S1E12, Modern Family S9E13, but during SWAT S1E8>

Ben arrived at the command center and saw Captain Cortez nursing a coffee with a frown.

"Morning, boss," Ben greeted.

"Ben. You didn't need to come. Spend some time with that lovely girlfriend of yours or with your kid," Cortez chided as her frown eased considerably.

"Haley's sleeping in, and I just came from the hospital," Ben countered with a shrug and walked up to the computer.

"How is she?" Cortez asked with a concerned smile.

"Anna? On the mend. I hate seeing her so weak - but once her new bone marrow finally creates enough blood, she can be as healthy and excitable as every other child. That's the endgame anyway," Ben described with a soft smile.

"I hope for the best," Cortez softly mused, and Ben gave her a nod.

"So, this El Mano thing was confirmed, I take it? It was his gold, and we're missing half of it still?"

"Right. El Mano is in town, and he's about to set on a warpath if he doesn't get the gold back. 20-squad is currently on the last known whereabouts of Diego Pascal. Thanks to one of the casita girls we picked up that we and El Mano suspect to be an accomplice, we know where he is."

Out in the field, Hondo and his team stormed the house after breaching it. But a false wall that was just freshly painted trapped the team as the SWAT officers retaliated. They won the gunfight and killed all three suspects in the house, but not before Deacon was shot. Thankfully, he was hit in the bulletproof vest, which meant he'd get away with a bruise.

When they got back to HQ, the team greeted a waiting Ben.

"Yo, Benny!" Luca was the first as he ran forward to give Ben an excited hug. "Long time no see, man! What brings you here?"

As he gave the rest of the team fist bumps in greeting - except for Deacon and Chris, Ben explained, "I was here for the initial call yesterday. I promised the captain I'd at least check in with you guys. Too bad El Mano is underground, and not even the CIs from my friends in Vice know where he is..."

Chris stepped forward and gave Ben a hug as she asked, "Is everything alright with Anna?"

"Of course. Nothing much changed from when the two of us hung out with her together," Ben confirmed with a kind smile.

"Give her all my best," Deacon offered as he raised his arm to pat Ben on the shoulder but hissed in pain himself when he did.

"Let me take you to the doc to have it checked," Ben proposed and walked Deacon over to the infirmary.

With nothing broken and merely a bruise, Deacon was cleared for duty if he wanted to, and the team joined together in the command center as Hondo explained the newest development.

"Mumford got Flores, some guy who worked security at the casita, but that doesn't help us. He isn't giving up El Mano's whereabouts. But that sadistic drug lord got another casita girl hostage. He sent a video to Reya, demanding the gold back before he kills that girl," Hondo described as the hostage video was played on the large TV.

"Anything you can do with that video, Ben?" Cortez asked, and everyone looked to the guy who was leisurely drinking a hot chocolate through a straw.

"*Cough* Sorry. Uh, I mean I can try to see if there's any background noise that was picked up, crank it up and see if we can find a lucky 'Welcome to Good Burger, Home of the Good Burger' announcement. But the app this video was sent over scales down the quality massively. I doubt we'll find anything," Ben explained but still set down the mug and got to work.

The team leaders went away with Captain Cortez to discuss the viability of using Reya as bait to get the hostage back and arrest El Mano. Luca and Street went away with Mumford's team to check their equipment. Chris and Tan meanwhile stayed with Ben to watch him work.

"Are you sure you wanna stay? If anybody here among us deserves a quiet Christmas, it's the guy who just came back from 5 years pretending he's a racist and getting shot in the heart," Tan quipped as he peeked over Ben's shoulder.

"Yeah. I demand you spend some time with Anna and that cutie you got," Chris added as she took Ben's mug and drank from it. "Phil invited you for Christmas, didn't he?"

"Yeah, he did."

Chris gained a wistful smile and mumbled, "That man is really one of a kind."

"What's this about this Phil dude?" Tan curiously asked.

"Ben's future father-in-law. Probably the wonkiest, most free-spirited guy you'll ever meet. Ben saved his daughters in that mall robbery at the start of December, and he turned up in a tux at Ben's home the same day to thank him..."

"How did he know where Ben lived?" Tan asked with a raised brow.

"Ah, that's where it gets even better. Phil sold him his house," Chris said in an almost gloating tone.

"And the tux?"

"Ah, yes. Phil said his son was already his best friend and that his own father-in-law was a runner-up. Making Ben his new best friend would mean his family dynamics would get out of wack - so he had to make Ben his best man. And no, he's a happily married guy who has been with his wife for almost 25 years."

"Sounds like a man who lives his life out loud," Tan offered in a neutral tone as Ben looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze.

Ben nodded and looked back to the monitor.

"I'll tell him that and pretend I came up with the compliment. But no jokes, Phil is one of the nicest people I have ever met."

A minute of banter later, Ben gave up on the video he was working on.

"Nothing. The static in the background is just static on account of a shitty phone mic coupled with labored breathing that doesn't tell us anything."

"That's okay, Ben. We just got another text message on Reya's phone with an address going to a graveyard," Deacon said as he walked into the command center. "And that's where we send you home. We got it from here without your help. Anna should be a higher priority for you."

All present SWAT members agreed with Deacon's sentiment and urged Ben to go instead of seeing the case through. After a promise to get an update once they concluded it, Ben finally agreed.

"Alright, alright. I got you a little something, so watch out in the locker room once you're all done. Captain, I already smuggled your gift into your office yesterday night," Ben remarked with a wink and walked outside to get the gifts - nothing fancy. They'd all be getting novelty mugs with sassy compliments like 'World's Scariest Golden Retriever' for Luca or 'Best Grandma this side of the Mississippi' for Street - an inside joke because Ben beat the man in a 'race' on a touring bike when Street was driving a sports bike after Street was boxed in by traffic and couldn't get out.

<Modern Family S10E10 flashback scene to the year before>

[Haley Dunphy commentary scene change]

"First, I was disappointed. Ben didn't stay in bed and watch me sleep like in those romantic comedies. Dylan did that all the time, and it was kind of sweet. Then, I was disappointed with myself. Ben clearly has so much to do. So why am I sad that he gets out of bed before... noon. Ugh. Anyway. Then I was really happy because Zofia was at home and we shared a really nice breakfast. Ben had even made me my favorite tea and had it on the counter in a thermos with a sweet little note so I wouldn't have to wait for the tea... and then I was horrified because I snooped around Ben's bedroom a little and found his Christmas present for me."

Haley looked visibly distressed and ranted, "I don't think I'm ready to marry him yet! What will I say when he proposes in front of my whole family!?

[Commentary ended]

After spending some more time with Anna, Ben dressed up at home and took Zofia to the Dunphy house in Culver City.

*Ding dong*

"Coming!" Phil shouted from inside the house and came running to the door.

But before he reached it, Alex already opened it, greeted Ben in a small voice, and dragged Zofia into the house.

"Ben! You came alone? I told you to bring Zofia!" Phil said as he stumbled down the stairs.

"Uh, hi Phil. I did bring Zofia, Alex whisked her away and left me standing here?"

"Right, come in, come in. Let's introduce you to everyone," Phil excitedly dragged Ben inside just like Alex did with Zofia before.

In the house, Grandpa Jay Pritchett, Claire's father and Phil's father-in-law, was nursing a scotch and was the first Phil greeted with Ben in tow.

"Jay, meet Ben. Haley's... boyfriend?" Phil introduced but turned to Ben with a raised brow, and Ben nodded with a smile. "Boyfriend, nice!"

"Why are you so excited about that, Phil?" Jay gruffly asked in a whisper with furrowed brows as he leaned to Phil's ear.

"He's the officer who saved Haley's and Alex' life. Cam and Mitch were also there," Phil added.

[Mitchell Pritchett and Cameron Tucker commentary scene change]

"Also there?" Cam asked in a catty voice.

Mitch pursed his lips and shook his head.

"ALSO there?" Cam asked again with a dramatic hand movement.

[Commentary change: Jay, Gloria & Joe Pritchett]

"First, lovely Zofia. I always wanted to find a reliable nanny for Joe after Andy left," Gloria started with a pleased smile. "Such a kind girl."

"She looks like an angel," Joe added with a shy smile.

"Then, there's still Ben," Jay interjected. "I never knew I'd say this... but this guy might actually be too good for one of my girls."

Gloria nodded and quickly added, "Finding an honest police officer in Colombia is hard. Finding one that looks so nice is even harder. He is handsome, charming, polite."

"We get it. The guy's a catch," Jay barked after watching his wife going on and on about 'the guy'.

[Commentary ended]

Ben sat with Phil because he couldn't wait to give him his present. Together with Haley, the two had designed a deck of cards where the face cards were stylized after his family. Phil could use this deck for his magic tricks.

"Oh my god! I'm the King of Hearts AND the King of Clubs? This is SO awesome," Phil celebrated as he beheld each card like a treasure.

"Look at the Aces," Ben proposed with a grin.

"Those are so cool! These cards are all so high quality!"

"Yeah, knowing people in Vice really helps for that."

"This is the perfect gift," Phil praised, and tears started to roll.

"Glad you like it."

"What you got there?" Claire asked as she appeared behind Phil out of nowhere, who threw up the stack of cards.

By chance, Ben caught the Queen of Hearts with Claire's picture on it out of the air and jokingly held it up for her, "Is this your card?"

[Phil Dunphy commentary scene change]

"I love that guy!"

[Commentary change: Haley Dunphy]

"I watched that whole thing. My parents love him. Oh god, they will want me to say yes when he proposes!"

[Commentary ended]

Haley had her guncles - gay uncles - at a corner and confessed to what she had found while snooping around in his house. In the meantime, Ben was playing the piano while Alex was playing the cello. They weren't playing anything concert-worthy, but Cam still desperately wanted to get in on it - until Haley said what she said.

"Are you sure?" Cam asked as he leaned down.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Haley answered in a quiet, high-pitched voice.

Mitch, trying to be the sound of reason, chimed in, "I mean, the ring could mean anything. Or it isn't for you?"

"It was in a pretty little red box, and it looked really nice, fresh from a jeweler," Haley described as she kept her voice at the same tone. "And what do you mean it's not for me?"

"Is he maybe the best man for a wedding? Or what about the mother of his child?" Mitchell proposed, and Cam pointed at him and nodded.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? That he proposes to Emilia instead of me?" Haley screeched wide eyes.

Mitchell tried to backtrack immediately, but Cam did first by saying, "What Mitchell meant by that is that it might be something else?"

"You're not helping!"


Dinner was about to get served after Claire 'slaved' away in the kitchen, according to her. Ben and Zofia were sitting next to a skittish Haley and a slightly sluggish Joe deep in conversation. Luke had helped in the kitchen a little and distracted Manny so he wouldn't hit on Zofia after he learned the extent of what she went through.

"Well. This is frozen," Jay complained as he tried - and failed - to cut the turkey.

"No. You just hit a bone. I saw this on 'Top Chef'. They cooked an entire turkey in one hour," Claire defended and turned to her son. "Luke had some, you're fine. Aren't you, buddy?"

"Check on Joe," Luke breathed out, and everyone at the table finally noticed how pale and sickly looking he was.

With his eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head, Luke slumped in his chair just as Joe, who stood to the side, fell to the floor - but Ben managed to catch him by the scruff of his collar before he faceplanted.

"Call 911," Ben ordered and brought Joe to the bathroom. "Phil, take your son."

With obvious signs of food poisoning, Ben made sure the two boys vomited out the tainted meal, yet at the same time, he ordered Haley to get something with sugar and electrolytes to drink for the two boys even if they won't hold it down until they reach the hospital.

[Claire Dunphy commentary scene change]

"Ben taking charge of that whole thing was a downright aphrodisiac. Momma likey..."

Claire shook her smirk away.

"If it wasn't for my family banning me from hosting another Christmas dinner, I'd drag Phil right into bed," Claire complained with a strained smile.

"And then we got into the fast lane at that hospital just because of Ben being there doing his magic. He knew the attending through his father, he knew the nurses through work, he even greeted the EMT outside by name. He got Chinese food not only for us but also for the nurses like it was the most normal thing in the world. Everybody loves him. I was starting to get suspicious. Who's just a nice guy all the time and thinks of everybody?"

[Commentary change: Phil Dunphy]

"I love that guy! He's so thoughtful all the time!"

[Commentary change: Mitchell Pritchett and Cameron Tucker]

"We only ever met him twice. Once when he saved our lives like a hero, and the second time when we ran into Haley and him on a date 'by accident' and somehow he got us the perfect gift for Christmas," Cam revealed as he held up a pair of glasses.

"Elton.John." Mitchell emphasized.

Cam excitedly screamed, "He got us a pair of glasses worn by Elton John!"

Mitchell rolled his eyes but still excitedly added, "I don't even care that it's kinda corny to gift a pair of glasses from a gay icon to a gay couple. I just want to know how he got them. Did Ben save him from a stalker after a concert while on the job? Are they friends?"

"Oh my god, they could be friends!" Cam squealed in excitement.

[Commentary change: Ben Weiss and Haley Dunphy]

"You might think they were super expensive," Haley began to explain but turned to Ben with a grin. "But Ben knows so many cool people."

"I traded those glasses for a signed baseball card," Ben explained with a roll of his eyes. "There's like tens of them to find, and I'm not even a hundred percent sure we weren't duped."

[Commentary ended]

Haley eventually dragged Ben away from her family, and the three - Zofia included - arrived at his home.

"Sorry, this probably wasn't what you wanted your first Christmas to be like," Haley apologized with a sad smile.

"It's okay. I felt like this was what family was all about. We saved your little brother from certain death together. We'll just have to make sure your mom doesn't try any recipes anymore without someone reading it over. Zofia, did you mind?"

The girl shook her head vehemently.

"You have a lovely family," Zofia told Haley with an empathetic smile. "I don't mind at all. It was a very nice night."

"It was," Ben agreed and led both girls inside. "Good night, Zofia."

"Good night, you two," the girl said to both and went upstairs.

"Ben, listen. There's something I need to tell you," Haley stuttered when the two were alone, and Ben took out a small gift he had prepared for her.

"Why are you panicking?" Ben asked as he took one of Haley's hands into his.

"Ben, you are such a sweet, sweet guy. You're caring, and you're sensitive. My family loves you, especially my dad. Your hair is growing back, and that's also a very big plus. You're really handsome. You can be funny if you want to be..."

"Hey, hey. Breathe. Come on, that's right. Now, I'm a simple guy, so I'll take any compliment that I get, but where is this leading? Are you proposing to me or something?" Ben asked with a mocking grin that slowly froze as Haley's distressed look got even worse.

"I mean, no - I wouldn't! No, that's not what I meant, of course, I would marry you! No, that's not what I wanted to say either! It's complicated, okay!?" Haley rambled hysterically and moved to run away, but Ben caught her hand and sat her down on his sofa.

In the same movement, he got on one knee in front of her, and Haley started choking as tears started running down her face.

"Hey, hey... is everything okay?" Ben asked with a concerned frown.

"I'm not ready to marry you! Okay!?" Haley cried out, and Ben started laughing after a short moment of stunned silence.

"Haley, you're a lovely girl, but we've been dating for less than a month. I'm not going to propose to you! What gave you that idea?"

"Wait! You're not?" Haley asked in shock.

"Nope. Let me ask again - what gave you that idea?" Ben asked, but slowly, he looked down, saw himself kneeling on one knee, and holding a small red jewelry box in one hand as he held her other hand. "Never mind that. Open it, Haley."

With a shaking hand, Haley took the box from him, gave him one last imploring look, and opened the box.

"These are gorgeous," Haley praised with glittering eyes before confusion settled in. "How?"

"Are you asking how diamonds are made? I think it's coal pressed at high pressure and high temperature for a long time?"

"No! How are these earrings?" Haley complained with a pout while simultaneously putting them on with a practiced hand.

"Uh, I went to the store, got a girl to give me advice on what to pick and picked... earrings?"

"But I saw the ring-?" Haley asked but stopped abruptly when she caught herself admitting that she snooped in his dresser.

Ben looked down at the red box that held the earrings and thought for a moment, "Ohhh! That was my mom's wedding ring. I had it cleaned at the same store because her 15th year death anniversary is coming up in March. Made a whole thing out of it after I got it from the bank... I didn't find the time to take it back to the bank."

[Haley Dunphy commentary scene change]

"I'm an idiot! Please just end me already!" Haley shouted as she held her face in her hands.

[Commentary ended]

Nuclide Nuclide

Phil's deck of cards:

SPADE A Jay's dog Stella K Jay Q Gloria J Joe

HEART A Phil's dad Frank K Phil Q Claire J Manny

CLUBS A Ben K Phil Q Haley J Luke

DIAMO A Lily K Mitchell Q Alex J Cam

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