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87.5% Template World / Chapter 7: Daily Life in William Family II

Kapitel 7: Daily Life in William Family II


(I just wanted to make some changes in the power system of this world. I have made changes in 5th chapter. If you don't want to go back you can read it here: -

First and most important, not everyone can become Templers. I thought long and hard for this and I think that my world may become too imbalanced if I continue down this path. So, I have made a change such that when a person turns 17, he will be given a test by tower according to his chosen profession. If you pass the test then you can go on to become a Templer otherwise you remain a normal human being for life. Normal human beings are not discriminated against in this world because first of all there is a need for normies. And second, because the templates were given only twenty years ago, many failed. They didn't work hard in any specific sector and failed. So, the majority of the population in the world are still normies. Still due to awareness many children and adults have started doing hard work to become Templers (I mean who doesn't want superpowers). Now let's move on with the story)


"My name is Ethan Williams and this is my story of how I became the king of the pirates" Oh sorry wrong novel let me take you to the Ethan of Template World


2005, Ethan's Home

"Mom, I don't wanna go to school, those are for kids," Ethan said while grabbing his mom's leg

"Oh, and what are you little man" Mary asked while smirking. She was already used to Ethan's shenanigans

"I am a man inside of a boy's body," Ethan said honestly

"Haha and I'm Buddha," Mom said while laughing

"Mom, I don't think he would adjust with those kids, he has a lot less brain cells. Sometimes talking with him, I feel like I'm getting dumber" Jeff said while smiling

"Shut up you bastard, do you think if Mom is here I won't beat you"

"I would like you to try"

"Shut up both of you, another word and you will be grounded for a week"

"Mom that's not fair"

"Huff, kids these days are so stupid," Sam with his 2-year-old body said to himself while signing like an old man

"Children shouldn't talk when adults are talking," Jeff said

"What did you say, you stupid rot head"

"You heard me little squirt," They said to each other while their foreheads were touching. Jeff had to bend a lot to do that. While mom was signing to herself

"Please God, give me a smart one this time," Mom said while praying to God. She was pregnant once again, and nobody except her and her husband knew about it. They were going for a checkup today.

"What are you saying to yourself"

"Nothing honey, quickly pack up and we are leaving"

"I will not go"

"I will give you two deluxe Choco bars, and you won't do this for another month"

"Deal if you make it three"

"Deal" That's how our morning went after which Mom dropped me and Jeff to school.


"Good morning, everyone! My name is Rose, you can call me Miss Rose and I am so excited to be your teacher this year! I hope you all had a fantastic summer and are ready for an amazing school year ahead. In this classroom, we are going to learn, grow, and have fun together. I believe that each and every one of you has something special to offer, and I can't wait to discover all the wonderful things we'll accomplish together. Let's make this year the best one yet!" Our new homeroom teacher introduced herself cheerfully. Schools these days other than teaching regular subjects go through multiple activities to discover the hidden talents of kids. Due to templates coming into this world, no profession became less than the other. There is a famous saying 'There is no weak profession, just the weak person wielding it' Let's take a Beyblader as an example. Before all this jazz happened, it wasn't even a profession. But now one of the rank B Templers is a Beyblader. He even disclosed his Template name which was "Ray Kon". Whenever he goes into a battle there is a Big White Tiger above his Beyblade. It sounds kind of whack, but it is what it is.

(Image Here)

"OK everybody, introduce yourself one by one" Miss Rose said sweetly. Now that I look properly she was truly beautiful. She looked like Ana De Armas from my world, Should I ask her out

" Hi my name is Kim Jong Unn and I have turned 5 years old this year. I have come especially from North Korea to check this place's nuclear powers. I have heard nuclear missiles of America are very powerful, but sadly I didn't get permission to enter America due to the amount of weapons I was carrying" Everybody looked at him weirdly, I mean who would believe a kid talking about weapons? Everybody was laughing but I was so shocked that I fell from my chair. My god why is Kim Jong Unn in my class and isn't he supposed to be a lot older? Well, it is an AU, anything can happen.

"Is there a problem kid," Rose asked

"No, I just laughed so hard that I fell" I said

"Thank you next"

"My name is Emma Watson, and I came here from Paris. My father got a job transfer here. My hobbies are reading books and fashion. I also want to become someone great in the future. As a female, I feel there should be more women representatives" and now Emma Watson. What's next Hitler? Did I just jinx myself?

Like these others gave their introductions. And thank god there weren't any other famous people from my world here. Both Emma and Kim look very young right now, so it is hard to discern them from their future image. Maybe I can make Kim a good person in this universe or he can already be good. First, let's become friends with him

Finally, the second last child before me started

"Hi guys my name is Tate Mcray, and I like to dance. I want to become a dancer or singer in the future" Tate Mcray is also here. She was one of the young upcoming pop singers in my world

Finally, my turn came

"Hey guys, My name is Ethan. I am the most handsome, smartest, ripped person here. I mean look at these biceps, triceps, or abs. There is no need to have any fights with me because I can easily beat you to a pulp. Oh and see this ' I did the pec popping'. You are all loving this right, I mean how can you not? It can even bounce back bullets" I said while flexing my pecs.

"Oh, and I had one more thing to say. Miss Rose, would you go on a date with me, this Friday night? You and me out, We will have dinner at Mcdonald's and you can drive me home, we can even share a kiss in the car" I said while winking at Miss Rose. There was silence for a while in the class. They looked as if they had something amazing

"I know guys that I'm handsome but don't stare for too long otherwise I will blush," I said while covering my face. All my classmates and Miss Rose fell at the same time.

"Why are you guys falling, is it some kind of trend when you see a handsome guy" I said while scratching the back of my neck

"What the"

"Is this guy insane?"

"He is so narcissist"

"Wow that pec thingy he did was so cool"

"Hey Miss Rose is mine"

The classroom became noisy and even the calm-looking kids chimed in.

"Stop everybody," Miss Rose said but it looked like no one was listening to her. She tried a few times until

'" Shut up, Everyone one of you," Miss Rose said at the top of her lungs. The whole class instantly became quiet and the timid kids looked like they were going to cry

"Look brats, what you did. Due to all of you, Miss Rose is so angry now" I said while looking at the kids angrily

"Everybody don't take Ethan's words into mind. I was just checking my voice. And it looks ok, ha-ha. Oh, and Ethan I will talk to you later" Miss Rose looked at me with a scary look in her eyes. Wow, why does she remind me so much of Mom? Well whatever maybe she wanted to ask about the date, ha-ha. Like that, the first period of the first day of elementary school went for Ethan.


POV-Max (Dad)

Time: 11 am, Home

"Dad where are we going" Sam asked. He was pretty chill in front of his parents just getting a little rowdy in front of his brothers. Well, that's brothers for you.

"We are going to the hospital, don't tell anybody but you are going to have a new sibling," I said excited and exhausted at the same time. I mean it is all good and fun to have kids until they are born. And if a kid like Ethan or Jeff is born again then it's never going to be peaceful. I said while crying on the inside

"Dad, is it fun to make kids" Sam asked with an innocent smile

"yeah, yeah it's enjoyable" I realized after a moment, that what I had said

"So how are they made" he asked

"You see, I can't tell" Before I could finish Mary came down

"What are you guys talking about" She asked, before I could interrupt Sam he said

"He was just telling me how to make babies" Sam internally 'I was just too damn bored, so I played a little harmless prank on Dad'

"Oh was he, he sure loves talking about that topic with his kids," Mary said while remembering something

"Mary I was not going to tell him, believe me," I said sincerely

"Yeah Mom, Dad was just saying that you guys have some fun and accidentally a baby is born" What the, when did I say something like that

"Mary, he is lying. Believe me" But she didn't listen and dragged me to the kitchen. While I was being dragged, I saw Sam was laughing to himself. I take that back, Sam is a demon in a human's body

After an Hour

I was driving the car with a swollen eye and head. I was crying pitifully internally, why am I so miserable

"Max, why aren't you parking" Mary asked while I was lost in thought

"Oh yeah"

After that, we entered the hospital and Mary had her check-up. The doctor said the checkup report would be given to us in a few days. Which I found odd as it was usually given to us on the same day. Well whatever, what difference can a few days even make? While we were heading back to the car, I remembered that I had left my phone in Mary's checkup room

"Mary, you go ahead. I forgot my phone" I gave her the car keys and left quickly. While I was in the corridor, I heard the talk between our doctor and nurse.

"What Mr. and Mrs. Williams are having triplets. But why didn't you tell them, doctor"

"Before giving them such big news we have to see if parents are ready, I mean triplets are not born every day" When I heard this news I laid my back on the wall. My hands were shivering. I was seeing the day my kids were going to be born.

"Noooooo" There goes the little left of my peaceful life. I quickly took my phone and went back to the car. We quickly reached home and I went to my room to take a little nap. I mean I need a little energy to focus


I was sitting on my sofa thinking about what the doctor said and just then Ethan entered the room

"Pops I was playing football in the backyard of our home when suddenly our neighbors came to me saying that I broke their window, but I didn't do that. You believe me right" Ethan said slyly

"Dad, Jeff broke your new golf club, it was definitely not me" another Ethan came from behind me

"Dad, my teacher is going to call you today to tell you some disturbing things. But I didn't do anything. You have to believe me otherwise I will tell Mom what you were saying about her cooking" Another Ethan came from the main door

"Why are there three of you, Ahhhh" I woke up with cold sweat on my eyebrows. Man that's what I call a nightmare

Later that Evening

POV-Mary (Mom)

"Hello is this Ethan's mother talking"

"Yeah who is it" I asked

"It's Ethan's new teacher, Rose"

"Oh is there something Miss Rose"

"Yeah, this is what happened" She started explaining to me the whole speech her son gave in the classroom. I started massaging my forehead due to the headache

"Sorry, I will talk to him. You don't have to worry, he will be on his best behavior from tomorrow"

"You don't need to worry. He is still a kid"

I then called Ethan but he didn't respond. After calling him multiple times I started getting frustrated. I went to check on him. He was not in his room or Jeff's room. So I checked on where Sam was. The door was opened narrowly. I was just about to go in when I heard my boys talking

"Hey Ethan, have you thought about what you are going to become in the future," Sam asked with the same calm and bored look on his face

"I was thinking of becoming an adventurer, and not an everyday Joe but the G.O.A.T"

"What is an adventurer"

"Oh you don't know what an adventurer is, sometimes I don't get how you became brother with the great smart me"

"Shut up and explain"


"Before adventurers, you gotta understand that there are three types of Templers out there. First, there are Heroes, or the Templers who work for the government or are part of the nation's army. There are different ranks of heroes according to your strength and position. A police officer can be a rank 2 hero whereas army generals are rank 5 heroes. Rank 5 means level A Templers.

Then there are villains or terrorists. They are the disease of the society who use their powers for wrong. They got the same ranking as heroes:- rank 1 are level E Templers whereas rank 5 are level A Templers

Last are adventurers, they are Templers who discover the insides of a dungeon. You see, Dungeons are so unpredictable that even the strongest can perish in a dungeon of lower rank than himself. So adventurers are those who seek adventurers in the unexplored. Heroes or villains can also go and discover the dungeon but it is too much of a risk for government and terrorist organizations. Adventures make parties and guilds, they are independent organizations. For example, there are 3 level A guilds right now. The first is the Undefeatable Ninja Guild. I heard there are only ninjas in that guild. They got 2 level A Templers and 50 or so level B Templers. The other two are the Techomaniac guild which consists of only those who have templates related to machinery or technology and the last one is Doomsday Dragoons, which only takes weebs who watch anime. They don't have any specific power criteria they just take anyone who watches anime.

And I'm going to become the greatest adventurer with the greatest guild. You are going to be my first member maybe not the first one, I will be 20 till you can become an adventurer"

"And before you start crying in happiness, there is no need to thank me," Ethan said cooly walking towards the exit

"Who wants to join you" Sam said angrily but Ethan didn't even look at him and made a waving hand gesture.

"Hey why are you trying to act cool, you look stupid," Sam said. This time Ethan stopped and started fighting with Sam

Mary saw their whole conversation through the door. She smiled and looked lovingly at her kids.

"I will scold Ethan later" I smiled and went towards the living room where Max was sitting

"Maxy, don't you think our kids are cute? I can't imagine what our next baby would be like" After hearing this Mac looked me in the eyes and said

"Mary not a baby but babies"

"What the hell are you talking about" Then Max started explaining the whole conversation he listened to in the hospital

"Why didn't you tell me earlier"

"I tried to," He said timidly

"I can't believe this, we have to go to the hospital now" I started getting a little dizzy

"OK" He took me and the kids to the car and we all went to the hospital

At Home


So there is Good news and Good news. The good news is that we aren't having triplets, the doctor was talking about some other Williams. The other good news is that we are having twins this time, a boy and a girl. We are finally having a daughter. We have already called our parents and relatives. And they are coming this weekend to celebrate with us. You guys were the last ones to know.

Well this was a regular day in the daily life of William Household


What is Max's Template?

What is Mary's Template?

What did Kim Jong Unn eat?

We will get you all that in the next chapter of Template World

Mik_024 Mik_024

Sorry for the delay, I had exams coming up

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