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Kapitel 95: Chapter 95: Visit

[3rd POV]

In Batman's cave, a battle between two extraordinary fighters was happening.

The person dressed as a bat suffered more injuries than the other person. 

The attack on the mansion was unexpected. 

Somehow, Bane knew where he was. 

He had planned for this event by setting up traps in the house for an unexpected attack, but he helped and eased the situation.

The fact that he knew what might happen didn't mean he was happy about it. 

Batman was more than sure he would somehow learn about the attack or at least get a hint of it... 

However, the first sign was the attack at the hospital.

He knew at that point that the Court of Owls had chosen to eliminate those who interfered with them in the city.

The fact that even Bane joined them was unexpected, but Batman already had some plans for how to win... 

The problem was that there were more enemies, and Alfred and Dick were left with him who could barely fight the enemies.

"Last time you got lucky, little mouse." 

Bane hit another blow capable of bending metal, but he missed over the wounded Wayne's head. 

"I thought I'd just beat you, kill the Dark Knight of Gotham, the legend maintained in this city, and become a legend myself." 

Bane spoke in a calm voice. He had already used the "Venom" steroids that increased his physical characteristics.

"But you turned out to be so pathetic..." 

A batarang with a shocker embedded itself in his hand, and slightly penetrating his skin and getting stuck in the firm muscles. 

The charge could have knocked down a horse, but... 

"I am Bane, I grew up in pain, but can you say the same?"

Batman took another swing and blew to the hurt arm, and the battle continued. 

However, Batman continued to fight even in his state and simply discovered other ways to win and used them.

He had already tried to stun Bane with sonic waves from his new inventions and then used a neurotoxin on him. 

The neurotoxin worked for a short time, but Bane's body quickly adapted to it.

"Now I'm not thinking about your death... death will only end your suffering and ease your shame. Instead, I'll just... BREAK YOU." 

A new roar from Bane's throat and an even larger portion of steroids in his blood with his body grew even more, becoming bigger and more powerful, and his clothes tore from the strain, leaving only tatters.

"Why do you need to do this?"

Bruce decided to ask.

"You asked this question. I was born in a prison, in a pit, where a lot of people died. There was fear and horror... This city is also ruled by fear, and you embody it in Gotham. I will become a legend. I will become the conqueror of fear."

"So it's childhood trauma."

Batman concluded while hoping to provoke him at least for a moment.

"Said the one who has even more trauma. At least I don't hide behind a mask, I don't try to pretend to be someone I'm not, and I don't hide my name. You are just a pitiful shell of a broken man, broken by the death of your parents... There are fates much worse than that, but it left such a huge mark on you. Pathetic. That's what I think just looking at you. A broken billionaire in expensive armor, and without it, who are you?"

Wayne did not react to these words, but they couldn't help but touch him. 

After all, the memories of the day he became an orphan were still fresh in his mind. 

Despite this, it only made him more determined to fight back. 

He has an alternate plan to drop the newly constructed Batmobile on him, suspended a couple of meters above the ground near the equipment room. 

Batman could have made the fight easier by putting on his special armored suit, but he probably wouldn't have had time for that. 

He was hit by several Talons and Bane himself in the first few minutes of the fight, and it was during those moments that he received all these wounds.

Soon he couldn't fight in direct combat anymore and Bane had become too strong... but he didn't become more agile that could be exploited. 

Bane's size didn't allow for greater speed, but the force of his blows was enough to crush concrete. 

He was able to trap Bane under the car in just thirty seconds, and it then crashed down on him.


Robin shouted while using a secret passage and descending. 

"Are you okay?"

"What's the situation?" 

Batman asked.

" I... Night Huntress and another girl came... and they were fighting... but I managed to defeat a couple of the enemies!"


Batman just said.

"Did you... handle him?" 

Robin approached Batman closer and noticed a huge hand sticking out from under the Batmobile. 

There was an animalistic roar and the car suddenly rose in response to this question. 

The furious Bane swung his hand around while trying to grab Batman who was nearby, but he instead caught Robin. 

The enlarged fist, filled with "Venom," hit Robin in the opposite direction, breaking bones and sending him through all the rooms to the tables where he stopped.


Batman exclaimed and struck Bane in the throat with all his might. 

Normally, this would have killed any ordinary person, but now... Bane looked less and less like a human. 

Bane lowered his hand again with a roar.


He said it from his mouth, growing even larger with his eyes practically emitting a red glow. 

Bane knocked Batman to the ground immediately, grabbed him by the cape , and lifted him up, ready to knee him hard.


[Anthony's POV]

The Court of Owls is a secret society organized by Gotham's oldest families who work together to control the city through murder and money.

There are several headquarters of the Court of Owls all hidden in the oldest buildings in Gotham, and I moved to one of these locations. 

"Nice place." 

I commented as I entered one of the halls where the organization's leaders often gathered. 

I had slightly altered my appearance to look more menacing.

"Who are you?"

An elderly woman seated at the end of the table asked. She is the wife of the hotel owner and one of the leaders of the Court of Owls. 

Maria Powers looked like an ordinary wealthy woman... until she wore an owl mask.

"I'm not a big fan of all these feathered city managers. They fly around here, leaving their feathers behind... I heard an owl turn its head a hundred and seventy degrees. Should we try it??" 

I asked while extending my hand slightly away from me. Then a small, metallic object appeared there immediately.

"Do you know who you're dealing with, boy? You'd better just tell me who hired you." 

Maria said confidently.

She was confident because she had already hit a button on her watch to call for help when I got there. She maintained that arrogant and superior look in her eyes, but she was most likely shocked by the rude visit.

"Well, yes, I've learned a lot about you." 

I nodded lightly. 

The doors to the room opened, and people wearing owl masks started rushing in... well, not exactly people. 

They had been genetically altered and looked like a cross between an owl and a human... a grotesque sight. 

They had owl claws instead of ordinary hands and were about a dozen of them, and they immediately surrounded me.

"Surrender and tell us who hired you."

Maria said while rising from her chair.

"I've always wanted to do this." 

I said that after my words, and a buzzing sound followed. A red plasma lightsaber burst out of the small object I held in my hand. 

"Tonight was the last Night of the owls." 

I took a step forward and swiftly slashed at the one who attacked me from behind. 


The lightsaber was so hot that it easily cut through the body, and then the dance of death started.

The people who came in lasted only two seconds, and Maria looked at me with fear in her eyes.

"Your turn."

"W-wait, we can still negotiate. I can pay much more... I have children, stop!" 


Maria managed to shout, putting her hands forward in a defensive gesture, but the lightsaber easily passed through her hands and head. 

I could feel all their souls being captured in the medallion. 

Nevertheless, there were other members of the Court of Owls here, and I used alchemy to clear the entire hotel floor and dispose of the bodies.

"Of course, my lightsaber is still better." 

I twirled the lightsaber in my hand. 

"But it's quite effective against ordinary people." 

I nodded while opening the door to the hotel corridor... and as I pressed against the wall, I saw an intriguing figure that sent shivers down my spine. 

She has super-pale skin, black eyes, and a slight smirk. She took out her phone and momentarily blinded me with a flash.

"If you could see your own face."

Death smirked.

"I'm actually wearing a mask."

I touched my face to ensure the mask was still on, then sighed and took it off. 

There's no way anyone could see me anyway.

"It's not really important to me."

She waved her hand casually, and her eyes "locked" onto mine. 

"Hmm, those who know me generally feel afraid when they see me."

Death smiled.

"Well, I can understand. When Death herself comes to your doorstep, you're bound to get nervous whether you want to or not."

I shrugged and conjured up a small table with chairs right there in the corridor and sat down. 

I don't think I could have stopped her if she had come after me for some reason.

"Oh, thanks."

She sat down on the other side of the table.

"So what does Death need from me?"

I asked the question that interested me.

"Can't I just appear next to the person I'm interested in?"

She tilted her head to the side.

"Mmm, is it because of the medallion?"

"Oh, well, I was certainly interested... There are many souls that are not from these parts not from here at all."

Death's eyes fell on my medallion. 

"But no, that's not the reason. There aren't enough of them yet to really influence anything in this universe. You know much more about me, don't you?"


I asked uncertainly.

"Mmm, what do you know about me?"

Death asked with interest.

"That you're one of the Endless, and your mission is to be Death until the very end of the universe until the last ray of life fades amid the eternal darkness of the cosmos. Then you can soothe the universe itself and erase all that exists."

"Oh, indeed, you even know my ultimate goal."

Death's smile dimmed for a moment. 

"Anthony Luthor."

Death said it as if testing how the name sounded to her. 

"We will meet again... And yes, I'm not just Death... I also breathe life. Bye-bye."

Death waved her hand at me and simply disappeared.

"What was that even about?" 

I asked aloud. 

"Well... I need to think about it less."

I removed the chairs and table and teleported to the next Court of Owls base. 

I don't want to think about meeting someone against whom I'm not even a flea but rather a microbe.

I was already expecting it when I got to their new location.

After all, when I cleared the previous one, Maria managed to raise the alarm, and now there were some Talons and genetically altered Owls. 

The leader here was John Wycliffe. I found myself on the roof of the building, and then simply slipped through the window...

"So, you've come. I suppose Maria is dead, right?"

John asked calmly. 

He looked like a man in his fifties, with short black hair and in a fancy suit with a high-ranking Talon standing next to him.

"Yes, and soon you'll follow her."

The lightsaber buzzed again in my hand.

"Fool. Xiao Loong, show him the power of the Court of Owls."

John said, and the Talon attacked me.

He was even faster than the peak of human speed, but that wasn't nearly enough. 

The first swing with the lightsaber melted the daggers that Xiao Loong tried to defend himself and cut him in half. 

Next, John himself fell to the ground while losing his head. 

There wasn't much resistance in the following places, but there were enough members of the Court of Owls. 

They were mostly all in the same places because they were planning the Night of Owls tonight.

There were even children that I simply knocked unconscious and teleported to their nearest relatives, which was easily found by Cortana.

Of course, I erased memories associated with the activities of the Court of Owls. 

After all, they themselves were not to blame for their parents' showing them from childhood that they were "better" than other people.

Sebastian Clark knew something was wrong because he had lost touch with everyone in the group. 

He hid in the sanctuary where the Talons were usually kept in a dormant state.

Sebastian was my last target, and then I would need to check how things were going with Shinoa... 

Judging by the livestream in the chat, they were fighting Bane's men and easily defeating them even though they were under the influence of Venom. 

If not for the "Night of Owls," it would have been difficult to catch all the group members, but now they all practically gathered in one place that served as their end.



Chapter 94: Long Night24 MayShow less

"Um, well, I'm sure, yeah... I even wanted to sew myself a Batman-style costume, but the female version..."

Barbara awkwardly spoke while adjusting her glasses.

"Oh, Barbara... you really wanted to put on a mask and go beat up criminals?"

Shinoa asked in her own tone.

"I don't have a friend, a genius engineer who can make me high-tech suits!"

Barbara retorted while crossing her arms.

"A fair point."

Shinoa nodded.

"So... how can I help?"

Barbara's gaze returned to me.

"You're going to risky places to be with your father anyway, right?"

My glance conveyed everything I needed to say.

"Then it's my duty to make sure you're protected..."

I took out a case from the ring containing nanobots.

"W-what, how did you do that? Is this compression technology or something?"

Barbara furrowed her brows.

"Put your hands in here."

I opened the case with special hand-sized holes.

"Barbara, I don't have much time. Do you trust a suspicious billionaire you met for the first time today?"

"Redhead, hurry up and let's go beat up some bad guys."

Shinoa couldn't hold back and shouted at her friend.

"Alright, alright... I hope this isn't one of those traps where your hands get chopped off?"

Shinoa asked aloud and shoved her hands into the case.

"Oh, what's this... It feels like something's crawling on me."

Shinoa said as she felt movement on her skin. The nanobots began to crawl onto her while forming a visible layer.

"My hands feel like they're underwater..."

The suit started to take shape in just ten seconds.


Shinoa stretched, circling around Barbara who was now examining her hands in the armor.

"You don't look very good..."

"Are those nanobots?"

Barbara asked.


"Cool... I didn't think anyone had already invented them. Although you also had a suit in the hospital... why aren't you wearing it?"

"That was because Anthony Luthor was in it, and anyone with half a brain will put two and two together."

I told her.

"Well, even so, you've shown that you have such technologies..."

Barbara expressed her thoughts.

"Yes, that's why our holograms have already contacted Harvey and offered LuthorCorp's help. How do you like the suit?"

"It fits perfectly, I don't even feel it... but it doesn't look great."

Barbara gave her assessment.

"Women... give them a high-tech suit, and they're still not satisfied with its appearance... Cortana, please change it to Batman-style customization."

I said aloud, and the nanobots began to quickly change under Cortana's control.

"Aren't you going to say anything to your dad before we leave?"


Barbara looked at her hands, then at her reflection in the window.

"No, everything will be fine, and he won't even notice."

"You're still a minor..."

I shook my head.

"We're heading to the mayor's..."

After my words, a loud explosion rang out and was heard throughout the city.

There, Bane came out and joined the Talons. He decided to finally break Batman.

He made some kind of deal with the Court of Owls at least that's how it looks from the outside.

We arrived at the mayor's when it was all over. The mayor was dead, his throat was slit... but I didn't really care.

We talked about different things, but the mafia had completely corrupted him.

"Oh my..."

I heard from Barbara.

"I'll go to the Court of Owls. I don't think they're expecting a visit, and you two go to Wayne Manor. There are several Talons and Bane there."

I told them.

"Mmm, is that the big guy who loves the steroid Venom?"

Shinoa remembered.

"Exactly. Barbara, listen to Shinoa, she's much more experienced."

I said that and jumped onto the roof of another building, then teleported to the hideout of the first victim.


[3rd POV]

There was silence between the two friends after Anthony left.

"Let's go to Wayne Manor, you heard what the Administrator-kun said."

Shinoa said, running to another rooftop to jump and leap to the next.

"It's still hard to believe I'm in some fancy suit, and everything happened so suddenly and unexpectedly... why didn't you tell me earlier that you're a Night Huntress?"

Barbara asked somewhat offended.

"That's because I saw how you idolize Batman... It amused me especially when I do the same thing as him at night only better and keep up."

Shinoa continued to jump.

At first, Barbara found it hard to believe she could make leaps of tens of meters in this suit, but she was already convinced it was true.

"I'm still better in school."

Shinoa whispered.

"This is because I'm busy at night."

Shinoa replied with a smirk while leaping from one building to another.

Barbara understood what she meant that she was doing what she herself had dreamed of!

"Well, you're... a mischief. I'll show what I'm worth and do everything beautifully."

Barbara confidently said.

"Yeah, right..."

Shinoa said, but she was ready to back up her friend.

There were a lot of "hot" young headed people in her world who rushed into battle without thinking... they often such squads didn't live long.

They shouldn't be in such danger right now, but Shinoa wouldn't take it easy.

This new world was much more dangerous than her world, but she couldn't tell from the outside.

At this point, Barbara hadn't even worn the suit for an hour and didn't know her strengths and flaws.

She was just excited to show Shinoa and herself that she could be like Batman.

After ten minutes, they were running toward Wayne Manor.

There was something clearly on fire inside, and the left of the building was completely blown up as if a bomb had exploded there... maybe it was.

The hooting could still be heard, and people were flickering inside.

"The people in green masks serve the criminal Bane, and they're armed with automatic weapons."

Cortana's voice sounded in the helmets of Barbara and Shinoa.

"What? Who's saying this?"

Cortana was surprised.

"I'm Cortana, an assistant and navigator for you in this situation. The Manor has many traps that have already been used, and Mr. Wayne is still alive and able to fight such an enemy for this reason."

"Wayne? Fighting?"

Barbara didn't understand.

"He is Batman. Where do you think he gets those different gadgets, cars, and armor? It's very difficult to create these things without resources... if possible at all without magic."

Shinoa expressed her opinion.

"Bruce Wayne is Batman? This... wow, just wow..."

Barbara could only say that today was literally a day of discoveries.

"Wait, did you say magic?"

"Silly naive girl..."

Shinoa said it with the voice of someone "experienced" and who has seen it all.

"Let's go, or they'll kill him... First, let's deal with those in masks, and then with the Claw."

The appearance of the two "heroines" did not go unnoticed.

 After all, they need to walk along the open road and climb over sufficiently high fence stakes to reach Wayne Manor.

"Who are they?"

 One of the people in green masks asked, with a small container of green liquid on their back and pipes running to their arms and back.

"I don't know, but the boss said to shoot anyone who enters here."

He shrugged while aiming at one of the two figures.

However, the shot never came as a small ball flew into his head... It didn't kill him, but it knocked him out immediately.

"Don't stand still."

Shinoa said this to Barabara who froze under the barrel of the gun.

After those words, she came to her senses due to adrenaline and rushed at the enemy at full speed.

He was still in shock and looking at his "fallen" comrade.

Barbara just didn't consider that this suit gave her a lot of power... so she didn't react in time and stopped, knocked the guy down, and broke quite a few bones.

"Well, that'll do."

Shinoa shrugged.

Next, she attacked the approaching Talons and dealt with them quite quickly.

However, Barbara... even with enhanced strength and speed, she lacked practical experience, but she learned very quickly.

Barbara was stronger than Talons when she wore the suit, but they had experience before and found new ways to attack her.

It was all for nothing because she was protected by the armor.

You need help?"

Shinoa asked while leaning on the fence and watching Barbara jump from side to side and the Talons try to hit her with their blades.

"I... I'll handle it."

Then, the window on the third floor of the mansion broke, and a figure of a teenager in a green suit flew out of it.

He looked severely beaten, but he managed to shoot some kind of rope from a weapon into the window and cling to it... but he still painfully hit the mansion wall and tried to stop.

Then, a dark figure flew out of the window and was going to hit him hard enough to knock him out, but Shinoa stepped in and kicked the figure away while jumping a few meters up near the boy in green pants.

"Ha, a woman? Another parasite on society. Although I was ordered to kill only him and that old man, I'll kill you without fear of disobeying orders."

Talon shouted with obvious hatred towards women.

"Did your girl dump you? Is that why you're so angry?"

Shinoa asked when she landed near the guy who had just fallen out of the window.

"Be careful, he's strong,"

Robin said this while spitting blood on the ground.

"Shut your rotten mouth, bitch! You should be crawling at our feet at the very least!"

He wanted to attack Shinoa, but Barbara almost hit him from the side with difficulty.


This misogynist said, and with a very well-placed kick to the head, he knocked down Barbara.

"Hmm, your girlfriend probably ditched you... most likely because you have a small tool, right? But don't worry, that's not the end... but your personality is quite ugly, and maybe that was why your girlfriend left you... if she was with someone like you at all, a virgin."

Shinoa clearly mocked him, not considering him worthy of an opponent...

Shinoa's words show that it bothered him especially since he understood everything wasn't so simple.

After all, he wasn't a stupid idiot but rather a misogynist devoted to his beliefs and experience.

He understood that it would be tough with her.

"I'll handle this!"

Barbara tried to attack him again, but she received a punch to the face once again and even a direct blow to the jaw which wasn't covered.

Luckily, the nanobots under Cortana's control managed to react and reduce the damage to her.

However, Barbara's lip was split, and a thin stream of blood flowed from her nose.

"This is where you belong at my feet."

He smirked, and then his "sixth" sense sent him a warning, but he didn't have time to react, and Shinoa's fist met his head.

This close of a touch made the fist stronger, and he flew into a parked car and left a clear mark on his body.

"Next time, you should think before blindly attacking."

Shinoa decided to speak up while looking at Barbara and realized she had messed up.

Although it wasn't a big deal, she would have died a few times already if it weren't for the suit.

She was trying to show herself that she could handle it and she was also very idealistic at the time.

"Who are you?"

Robi asked who had previously thought about how to defeat the enemy.

He just took a break while unexpected potential allies distracted Talon, who played with him more than once while showing a clear difference in their abilities.

"We came to help..."

Shinoa's words were interrupted by the approaching enemies with weapons, who noticed the knocked-out members of their gang.

Apparently, Bane had enough people.

"We need to help Bruce... Batman!"

Robin exclaimed while remembering that his "foster father" was currently fighting a monster in human form.

He also remembered the recent explosion and that Alfred was nearby...


You can find up to 20 advance chapters on my patreon.


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