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68% Transmigrated into Pokémon as a Team Rocket recruit. / Chapter 15: Training and Hilda

Kapitel 15: Training and Hilda

Konrad, Shuppet Corvus-Murcrow Scorpio-Gligar Beatrice Kirlia


It was time for introductions.

"Konrad, Corvus, and Escorpius, formally greet Beatrice."

"Pleased," Shuppet smiled.

"Hello, Beatrice," Gligar said.

"Mm," Murcrow replied.

Beatrice seemed anxious at first. She stepped away from me and prepared to bow to me in a Japanese style.

"I'm Beako now; please treat me well, I guess."

Once everyone finished the introductions, I prepared to start the training session.

"It's time for training," I said as I took out some berries from my backpack, including pinia berries.

"Konrad, you will try to create claws; your signature move is Shadow Claw; it's time for you to learn it."

"Corvus, flap your wings with flying-type energy; you need to learn Tailwind."

The crow did as he was told without thinking about the consequences.

What consequences?

The hotel room where I was staying was turned upside down.

"Enough!" I yelled at Corvus.

I surveyed the destruction I had caused in the room: the television lay on the floor, the windows were open, the chairs were knocked over...

I'll deduct this from Corvus' allowance.

"Alright, let's continue, Scorpio. I want you to use Sand Attack 100 times; I'll count them."

Sand Attack was the only ground-type move that Gligar learned naturally.

So, for Scorpio to eventually learn Earthquake, he had to master ground-type energy.

"Lastly, Beatrice, I want you to observe Konrad."


"Good question. The answer is that I want you to learn Shadow Ball; ask Konrad to take a hit from a ghostly energy attack."

"Any questions?"

"Yes, what will you be doing in the meantime?"

"I'll be doing 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 100 push-ups, and finally, I'll run 10 km."

Konrad seemed satisfied and immediately asked me another question.

"How do I perform this Shadow Claw?"

"Can't you imagine an arm?"

"An arm? I haven't tried that; I'll think of a Meowth's paw."

"Well, let's head to the training area; I've already rented the space.


97, 98, 99, and 100.

"Whew, got it."

I attracted a few stares from other trainers, but that didn't bother me.

If you're not willing to train, you can't train others.

After finishing my exercises, I went to check on my Pokémon's training progress.

"Hello, how's it going?"

I saw Scorpio continuing to practice Sand Attack, even though he had probably already exceeded 100 times and was now focused on mastering the technique.

Corvus kept flapping his wings. It was a good effort, but probably not Tailwind.

I think my Murcrow was a natural at learning moves; the way he grasped the concept suggested natural talent.

"Try to concentrate the wind, Corvus, and compress the air around you."

"I'll try."

Meanwhile, Konrad did not disappoint and learned the Shadow Claw technique in just one hour.

Although it wasn't exactly like a lion's claw as I had imagined, it resembled more of a cat's paw, so we needed to refine the technique.

Beatrice, however, had not managed to master Shadow Ball. I noticed some scratches on Kirlia's waist; she must have been hit by Konrad in her unsuccessful attempt to learn it.

I watched as she concentrated, trying to conjure up a shadowy energy ball but to no avail.

"Okay, now how do I teach Thunderbolt to my new Pokémon?" I attempted to shift her focus; the next gym was water-type, so I needed electric moves more than Shadow Ball.

Wasn't that Ops? Um, what was his name, the Jolteon trainer?

"Hey," I said, "do you remember me? The world is a handkerchief."

"Yes, I'm Tom," he replied, annoyed for some reason. "You're the one who paid me to hit his Pokémon; do you want to do that again?"

"Sure, 100 Pokédollars, but only if you bring out Jolteon and win."

The battle unfolded much like the one with Corvus in the past.

Jolteon Lvl 33.

I conceded defeat after Jolteon's lightning struck Kirlia. I administered her the remaining Potion and paid the 100 dollars.

"Okay, we look strange," the boy remarked as he left.

"And now what?" Beatrice asked me, showing no resentment for the attack she had endured.

Kirlia had a lot of trust in me.

"She's trying to accumulate electrical energy in her hands."

"But I'm not an Electric type," Beatrice pointed out, "and I don't know how to do it."


What should I do? Let's ask Corvus.

"Hey, Corvus!"

He interrupted Corvus as he flapped his wings.

"What! Can't you see I'm training?"

Corvus took his training very seriously, probably thinking about his revenge.

"It's important; can you explain to Beatrice how you learned Thunder Wave?"

"Mmm, the answer lies in the aura."

"Aura?" Beatrice and I repeated.

"When you told me to use an Electric-type attack, I focused a lot on changing the nature of my aura; it helped to imagine myself as lightning in my mind."

Beatrice looked pensive, closed her eyes, and tried.

With no results.

She sighed, disappointed.

"Beatrice may not be cut out for this, I suppose."

Seeing her start to feel down, I tried to cheer her up.

"Don't give up! This isn't the time. We can't waste the electrical energy that's surging through your body right now."

I tried to offer advice as best as I could.

"Beatrice, why don't you try meditating? Oh, take this." I pulled out the battery from my old phone. "Try to concentrate on building up a lightning aura here; my phone's battery will discharge."

"But that's your object; is it okay if I break it?"

It would be fine; now that I have a Pokédex, it does everything a cellphone does and more.

"It'll be worth it if you learn this move; don't be discouraged!"

I saw my Kirlia's eyes change with determination.

"Well, teach me how to meditate, I suppose."

I quickly taught her the basics of yoga and handed her the battery.

"Breathe, close your eyes, and think of lightning."

"Lightning," my Kirlia murmured.

In Kirlia's hands, the device exploded, granting her electrical power.

"I got it!" Kirlia exclaimed, looking at her hands, slightly singed from the explosion of my cellphone battery, now glowing with electricity.

"Great, you've got the hang of it; now you just need to practice."

We had two hours left. Honestly, I doubted Beatrice would learn how to use Thunderbolt in time for the battle against Misty, but hope is the last thing to die.

"Thank you, master; now I'll learn Shadow Ball."

Master? I wanted to ask, but I refrained at the last second.

"I suggest you work on your Thunderbolt; you'll be facing Water-type Pokémon. Electric moves are effective against that type," I explained to Beatrice.

"I understand."

Well, it seems like we're making progress.


"Mello!" I felt someone tap my back.

"Hey, what's up, Hilda?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a girl with two pigtails and athletic attire behind Hilda.

"Oh, it's your first time meeting Mello. Meet Rosa. Rosa, this is Mello."

Was Rosa here too?

So, she'll also be participating in the League.

My Pokémon and I will have some competition...

"Pleased to meet you; as the savior of Kirlia, you must be great; we need more people like you."

"Thank you; I'm sure many would do the same if they could. Are you going for your Gym Badge?"

Rosa showed me an object: Misty's broken badge.

"Wow, you must be strong."

"Of course, Unova Pokémon are very strong, you know?" Rosa said proudly.

"Hey, I have nothing to do; can I watch your Pokémon battle? I want to know about the rookie trainer who won a Pokémon from Hilda; she's never seen her lose a Pokémon."

That information was important.

Her friend had never seen her lose a Pokémon.

What kind of monsters did Hilda have on her team other than Emboar?

Was she a Mary Sue?

"He cheated!" exclaimed Hilda. "Well, he followed League rules, but still, it wasn't a fair fight!

"Sure, sure, if it makes you feel better," I replied.

Hilda pouted, clearly unhappy about losing.

She really didn't like to lose.

"Anyway, I still have a long way to go to defeat my Senpai completely, but don't get cocky," Hilda continued the conversation.

"Haha, what a joke! Did you not hear my friend? None of my Pokémon have ever fainted since I became a trainer."

Yes, we confirm she's a Mary Sue.

"Wow, you really have the confidence to lose a Pokémon against a rookie and have another one removed from the field."

"You'll regret..." Hilda was about to curse me.

"Haha, you guys get along well; would you let me watch your match anyway?"

"Of course; you can see me try; my Senpai's friend is my friend."

"Great! I look forward to seeing the skills of the new trainers."

"Well, it's 5:50 p.m., Hilda; shouldn't we go?"

"Oops, yes, I'll introduce you; I'll tell them you're allowed in."

"Yes, see you," Rosa said while I remained silent.

We went to the stands, which were empty, and Rosa and I sat in an uncomfortable silence.

Was Rosa also a Mary Sue with a Serperior?

"So, where are you from?" Rosa broke the silence.

"From Viridian City."

We continued making small talk for a while until the challenger and Misty finally appeared.

Misty was a young woman, around 20, with a ponytail to the left side, just like in the anime, but certainly not 12 years old.

The battlefield was a pool with pillars to allow ground Pokémon to move around without difficulty.

"Hilda, the champion of the Johto Tournament last year and your home region, Unova, two years ago; you truly are eminent. It caused quite a stir when we found out you were coming to Kanto," the adult Misty said.

"Hehe, thanks," Hilda blushed.

"In total, you have 20 Gym Badges. I hope to provide you with a challenge worthy of your skills."

Twenty! Johto Tournament Champion?

"Let's begin!"

"The challenger will send out their first Pokémon; the battle will be 4 vs. 4."

Misty sent out Politoed.

Activating Drizzle Ability

Clouds gathered in the sky, bringing heavy rain to the arena.

"Now, the challenger can send out their Pokémon."

"Go, Emboar."

Emboar LVL 65

Gender: Female

Moves: Hammer Arm, Rollout, Flamethrower, Head Crash, Head Smash, Roar, Wild Charge

Ability: Blaze

With Wild Charge and an Electric move, it was very risky to use a Fire-type Pokémon in a Water Gym.

Congratulations! You have analyzed 200 Pokémon. Analysis now goes up to level 3.

A headache hit me because of the voice.

"Are you okay?" Rosa asked.

"Yes, it's nothing."

I used Analysis on Emboar again.

Emboar LVL 65

HP: 100%

Gender: Female

Moves: Hammer Arm, Rollout, Flamethrower, Head Crash, Head Smash, Roar, Wild Charge

Ability: Blaze

Now I could see the Pokémon's life.

"A Fire-type Pokémon... I see you're overconfident."

I wouldn't call her overconfident.

Politoed LV 54

Outmatching it by 10 levels.

"Mm, let's wait to see the outcome," Hilda responded.

"Emboar, what should we do?"

Emboar unleashed its Wild Charge, weakening the green amphibian in one hit.

Misty looked surprised.

We all were, in fact.

That Emboar was a wrecking ball.

Her speed was a surprise.

"Well, you asked for it, Kabutops."

Kabutops LVL 59

Ability: Swift Swim

HP: 100%

Emboar LVL 65

HP: 75%

"Let's go, Hilda." Rosa cheered. "Did you see, my friend? I took her down in one hit."

"I wouldn't be so sure; Politoed played you."


When the rainy weather is activated, Kabutops' speed is doubled.

A few seconds later, I watched a blurry Kabutops land a hit on Emboar with its claws at the speed of a train.

Rock Slide, neutral.

Emboar nearly fell from the platform where she stood.

Emboar LVL 65

HP: 12

The fossil Pokémon vanished into the water, hidden from everyone's sight.

"Emboar, use your aura to detect it," Hilda commanded her pig.

Aura again, huh?

I watched Emboar close her eyes and move to her left.

Emboar landed one last Wild Charge before going down, weakening Kabutops.

"2 - 1; the Gym Leader still has 2 Pokémon left."

The battle continued, and Misty sent out Quagsire, immune to Electric-type moves.

Hilda, on the other hand, sent out Jellicent.

I analyzed them with my Ability.

Jellicent LVL 60

Quagsire LVL 55

"Wow, I've never seen Hilda lose a Pokémon or her Emboar out of all of them."

Yep, she was a Mary Sue.

The next fight was easier; it was a combination of Jellicent's surprising (except to me) Energy Ball and Quagsire's Hydro Pump, with Energy Ball prevailing.

The attack hit Quagsire, who, being a Water/Ground type, was weakened by 4.

"The Gym Leader has one Pokémon left; she has 30 seconds to send it out," the referee announced.

"I trust you; go, Starmie."

Misty's signature Pokémon appeared.

The star of the show, pardon the pun.

Starmie LVL 60

"Surf, drown them."

"But Surf won't be effective against Jellicent; in fact, it'll heal him."

Jellicent LVL 60

Hidden Ability: Water Absorb

Jellicent's HP remained at 100%, but still...

But it was all in my imagination; the attack never came.

"It was just a distraction," I muttered as I saw Starmie on the other side of the arena; she had submerged herself in the water until she was in front of Hilda.

"Thunderbolt," Misty commanded.

"Jellicent, behind you."

The lightning struck Jellicent.


Lvl 60

HP: 25%

"Jellicent, return."

"Eelektross, go."

Eelektross LVL 58

Hilda sent out a highly trained Electric eel.

The eel levitated in the water; that was his domain.

This fight lasted 10 minutes, until finally one emerged victorious.

Eelektross unleashed a surprise Grass-type attack at the end of the duel.

Giga Drain, turning the battle into one of attrition. Each Giga Drain Eelektross used sapped away the opponent's life. In the end, Starmie couldn't withstand the constant drain, and Eelektross emerged victorious.

"The winner is the challenger, Hilda," the referee declared, stating the obvious.

Misty approached Hilda, and they shook hands.

"It was a good fight, but in Kanto, more surprises await you."

"Thank you; nobody has ever taken down my Emboar; Kanto is full of strong trainers."

"Haha, it was the least I could do against a Fire type; now take this badge."

Misty handed her the Cascade Badge.

"Timy, call someone named Mello Snow; he'll be in the waiting room."

"Oh, no need; I brought him already," Hilda said, pointing at me.

Misty's eyes met mine.

"Mello Snow, come down; it's time for our battle!" Misty called out.


I already have two other team members in mind; one is in Overused, and the other, I have no idea, just some troll Pokémon.

Truth be told, to assemble a Pokémon team, I search for Overused Pokémon on Google

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