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18.51% Winter's Promise / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Royals

Kapitel 10: Chapter 10: Royals

2nd Month of 298 A.C. Winterfell

Lady Catelyn Stark

The years had gone quickly, very quickly if she were being honest with herself. It seemed to her as if one moment she had been looking at her new-born son, and marvelling at the thing she and Ned had created together, and the next, her children were nearly grown. She was proud of all of them, Robb who was strong, and smart just like his father, Sansa who was more beautiful than she could ever have hoped to be and was smart as well, Bran, her fierce little wolf who, if she were being truthful she loved the most, Arya, who reminded her somewhat of Lyanna Stark, and that worried her slightly, and then there was Rickon, who was her youngest, her babe. And finally there was Jon, the boy who was her son in every way that mattered but blood. She had not given birth to him, but she had raised him as if he were her son, in truth he was that. She knew he was troubled by some of the dreams he had, and truth be told there were some things that troubled her, she suspected that the gift his ancestors had he too possessed, she just hoped that those dreams would not bring him the same pain they had some of his other family.

The fact that Robb was married now as well, well what was something she still had troubling believing sometimes. Of course, she was glad her son was happy with his wife truly she was. And yet there was something about it all that slightly unnerved her, something, she could not quite shake the feeling, but she was not sure what it was. Regardless, she was happy that her son and his wife knew one another, and that the heirs of the north knew her family, there had been times during her early years as Lady of Winterfell, when she had been surprised at some of the houses and their schemes, but now that such issues had been taken care of, she felt safer. That was all she wanted for her family, to be safe and to be loved and to love. Of course she knew with what her husband and she had planned, that it was likely that finding peace for her children would be slightly difficult for some time, but hopefully not too long, she was not sure if she could deal with that.

The royal party had arrived earlier in the day, and Catelyn would not lie to herself, there was a deep sense of fear within her that they would be exposed. Jon had been kept in the back, and she knew her nephew had not liked that, but there was something that could not be helped. The king was fat, grossly fat, he looked nothing like the young warrior she remembered from years ago, and to some extent that made things slightly easier for her to stomach. The Queen appeared cold and haughty, but of course what could one expect from a Lannister? As for their children, well now that was where there was some surprise, and it seemed that their spies within the capital had been misinformed. The crown prince, Joffrey, he looked like a mould of Jaime Lannister and the King, with his green eyes, and his black hair, that was something surprising. Prince Tommen and Princess Myrcella, had blond hair and blue eyes and well, that was something else entirely. Of course she knew why the king had come north, and he had not failed to deliver on that, he had announced that Ned would be his hand of the king. And well, the first part of their plan had fallen into place. Now, as she sat by the queen she wondered what more would fall into place.

The queen speaks then. "You have a lovely family my lady Catelyn."

"Thank you Your Grace." Catelyn replies politely.

The Queen looks somewhat bitter, and Catelyn is not surprised, the King had disappeared with his mistress some time ago, and now the Queen is left to hold down the court. "Tell me, my lady, what is it like being so far from your home? I know that the north must be much more different than the riverlands?"

Catelyn considers the question, she knows from the times her father and brother had visited her, that the north is something completely different to what one from the south might expect it to be, and so it is with some caution that she says. "Whilst it is different, I think that, there is something rather comforting in its difference. There is a strength here that should not be underestimated." Catelyn does not know if she means that in a sincere way, or if she is threatening the Queen.

The Queen looks at her then and responds. "An interesting thing to say. I must say, there was some surprise on my part when we saw the canal. And the sheer size of the north, one might have thought there would have been less development, but no, we were quite wrong."

Catelyn nods. "I suspect that, that is a common feeling for most who come from the south Your Grace. But fear not, the north might be big, but there is a lot of security within it, to ensure that travellers do not get lost. What did you make of the view from Moat Cailin, I am told it can be quite something."

The queen pinches her nose then, and Catelyn gets the feeling that she is trying to hold in something bad. "Well, it was something, but it was not on a par with the view from King's Landing. I am sorry, but that to me seems fair does it not? But Winterfell, now Winterfell is most definitely something."

Catelyn looks at the cup next to the queen and sees that it is empty, she waits a moment and then she gestures for their cups to be filled and makes a note of the fact that the Queen does not protest. Catelyn takes a sip of wine, and then watches as the Queen almost downs her drink. "And what makes you say that my queen?" she asks.

"There is a grandeur about Winterfell, something in its walls and its heritage I think. Something that makes it shine before all else. There is nothing quite like it. It is almost as if there is a history within it that is making it sing and call out to be heard." the Queen says.

Catelyn nods, she makes a note of that in her head, Ned will want to know, he spent a lot of time planning the redesign of Winterfell. "Well, I am glad you like it my Queen. I am sure King's Landing is just as grand."

She suspects that if the Queen had not had so much to drink she might not be as open as she is now. And yet open is what she is being. "King's Landing, it is a big place, that is for sure, but there is nothing nice about it. There is a harshness to it, and a starkness, and a sense of falseness. It can be changed, but there is little will within the capital to change it."

Catelyn hesitates then, not sure if she should go forward with this question, but then deciding to do so she asks. "And why is that my Queen? Surely as Queen, you might have the power to push through changes you want?"

The Queen laughs then. "I doubt it. My husband does not listen to me, the king is lost in his own world. A world where the dead are not dead, and a whore is something else."

Catelyn is surprised by the frankness by which the Queen answers, and as such she remains silent, considering what her response should be. Eventually she says softly. "I am sure it cannot be as grim as you make it out to be my queen."

It seems however, that the Queen is done speaking about her problems with her husband, the false king. Instead she turns the conversation to a topic that might make her feel more comfortable. "So, I hear that your eldest son is married to a Manderly? Congratulations."

"Thanks you Your Grace." Catelyn responds, unsure of where the queen is going with this.

"Tell me what made you choose to have your son marry within the north and not someone from outside the north? Does your husband truly fear his lords that much?" the queen asks her words beginning to slur.

Catelyn keeps her mouth shut, until the anger subsides, and then she responds. "And what makes you think that my queen?"

The Queen looks at her imperiously, her voice begins strengthening though she is swaying now. "It is quite obvious really. Everything he has ever done, it seems he fears his own shadow. And that is a great shame, the man who won my husband's throne for him, hiding here in the north, instead of claiming his rightful place."

Catelyn keeps her mouth shut, knowing that the Queen will eventually say the things that she needs her to say. After a moment she is proven right. "After all he was there, he came in and found Jaime sat on the throne, he could have killed my brother, but instead he merely allowed him to gloat and then asked him to step down. Why has he spent all this time in the north?"

Catelyn considers this question for a moment, and then she says. "He had to sort things out here in the north Your Grace. After all, his father and brother had died, there was some trouble within the north," she hesitates then, thinking of the letter her husband had found, and its troubling secrets. "And there were things that needed to be seen to."

Catelyn does not know if the Queen believes her or not, but then she changes the topic. "And now, my husband has come here, and he might well wish to seek to unite our two houses once more. What will you have to say to that my lady?"

Catelyn is somewhat shocked by the bold manner in which the queen brings up the topic. She had known, had always known that at some point or another the false king would ask for Sansa's hand for his heir, and of course she knows such a thing could never happen. Still, the Queen has been completely opposite to what Catelyn would have expected. She remembers the Queen had asked her a question and now she responds. "I think that it would be a great honour."

The Queen snorts. "Another false platitude. Come now my lady, we all know what happens when Starks go south. There is nothing good that could come from it, unless you want for something bad to happen to your family? I mean I would not be surprised if you did, considering the burdens that have been forced on you. I cannot imagine the pain that this might have caused you."

Catelyn looks at her surprised and shocked. "Whatever do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean my lady, the bastard who looks more like Ashara Dayne than anyone else ever seen. Do not pretend as if that does not hurt you." the Queen snaps.

Before Catelyn can respond, the Kingslayer comes up to them and says. "My Queen, if I might have a word?"

The Queen nods and stands up shakily, and as the Kingslayer helps her up, he turns and whispers to Catelyn. "I would go check on the boy if I were you my lady."

Catelyn looks at the knight wanting to ask who means, but then she looks across the hall and sees that Jon and his wolf are missing. A sense of panic engulfs her then, and she stands up, and walks from the hall. Her thoughts are buzzing, she has learnt much and more from this conversation with the Queen, but perhaps not as much as she would like. She keeps walking out of the hall, and then she finds Jon, exactly where she thought she would find him, hacking away at a practice dummy. She stands looking at him for a moment, seeing the silent grey shadow there in the shadows. She calls out. "How much longer do you plan on fighting that dummy sweetling?"

Jon stops hacking at the dummy, keeping a hold of the wooden sword, he turns and looks at her. His hair is a mix of dark and light, and his eyes, his eyes are breath-taking. "Aunt Catelyn, what are you doing out here? I thought you would be at the feast?"

Catelyn looks at the boy before her, he is more her son than nephew, and she knows he is hurting, she can see it writ evidently on his face. She looks at him and then responds. "I came to find you Jon. Your disappearance had me worried sweetling." The boy merely nods and then turns back to the dummy. Sensing that she might miss an opportunity to speak with him properly, she asks. "What is the matter sweetling? Why did you leave the hall?"

Jon looks at her, his eyes filled with sadness. "I know when I am not wanted." he responds softly.

Catelyn feels her heart break a little at his words. "And what makes you think you are not wanted?"

"Why else would I be seated amongst the common born unless I was not wanted? Am I such a disgrace on the family name that I should not be sat next to the guests?" her nephew asks his voice hurting.

"Jon, sweetling, you know that is not true. You know we all love you, we would love nothing more than to have you sitting on the high table with us." Catelyn responds.

"Then why am I not?" Jon asks. "Even Torrhen got to sit at the high table, and he is but a babe really."

Catelyn can tell by the way her nephew's face contorts that he hates the fact he sounds like a child then. She moves toward him then, and says. "You are my nephew Jon, and I love you dearly, truly I do. And yet, we could not refuse the king and queen this request."

Her nephew looks at her stunned. "The king and Queen requested that I not sit with you all? But why? I thought that father said the King would not mind?"

Catelyn takes a moment to think over her response, knowing that the truth will come in time. She looks at her nephew and responds. "We did genuinely think that the king would not mind, and yet kings are known for changing their mind. Sweetling truly, we wanted you at the high table, and we would have had you there had it not been for the king and queen."

Her nephew looks at her for a long moment, and then he puts the sword down. And he walks toward her, he stops before her and whispers. "That was not the only reason I left the hall Aunt Catelyn."

Catelyn had suspected as much had argued with Ned that this would happen, but she merely responds. "And why is that sweetling?"

Her nephew looks guilty then. "I know it sounds bad, and stupid, but I felt truly bad when I saw the crown prince. I do not understand how anyone could think he was anything but a fool, what with the way he was acting. Why was Sansa acting like that with him?"

Catelyn takes a breath, though her nephew is nearly a man grown, and is smarter than most grown men she knows, there are still times when he reminds her of the scared little child he had been. "Sansa was merely being polite Jon. You must remember that, whatever she says or does within the next few days or weeks, it means nothing. I know it might not feel like that, but that is the truth."

Catelyn feels her heart ache then, for her nephew looks at her with the same trusting expression that he always looked at her with when he was younger. "Okay Aunt Catelyn. I know I was just being stupid. Sorry for worrying you." she moves forward and leans up to kiss his cheek. "It is nothing Jon, I am always going to be here for you no matter what." She moves back then and extends her arm. "Now will you escort me back to the feast?" she asks.

"Yes my lady." her nephew replies formally, before breaking out into a smile and taking her arm and leading her back to the great hall.

Once they arrive at the high table, her nephew lets go of her arm and bows low before smiling and walking off. Catelyn sits down next to her husband. It takes a moment but eventually, Ned does lean over and ask. "Is Jon okay?"

Catelyn nods. "Yes, he is fine. There was just something of a misunderstanding with his place at the feast. Truly did you have to bring him before Robert's attention Ned?"

"I did not. Robert asked about him, he wanted to meet Jon, of course he thinks that the boy is Brandon's bastard, and he wanted to see Brandon's child. Of course the Queen got involved and said no." her husband replies.

"There is something else isn't there. What happened Ned?" Catelyn asks.

"Robert asked me to consider betrothing Sansa to his son. I said I would think on it." Ned responds.

Catelyn takes a moment to think on this and then she says. "It would be dangerous to say no, and of course he might just ask for Arya."

Her husband nods. "I know, that's why I think I will agree, after all the best way to make the things we want to happen come true is through the careful creation of security for Robert."

DravenShadefall DravenShadefall

If you’re ready for a story that dives deep into the struggles between family, loyalty, and the harsh reality of Westeros, Winter’s Promise is your kind of ride. And if you want to see what happens before anyone else, check out early chapters on

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