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61.11% TBBT: Rajesh’s Rebirth (The Big Bang Theory) / Chapter 11: Journey Part 2

Kapitel 11: Journey Part 2

In Leonard and Sheldon's shared apartment, the usual cacophony of scientific theories and comic book discussions gives way to an atmosphere of excitement and mild chaos. They are preparing for an unprecedented journey to Switzerland, where they will present their latest research at a prestigious physics conference. The apartment, while still surrounded by mountains of books and scientific gadgets, has a new element: open suitcases, waiting to be filled with everything a theoretical physicist and his companions might need.

Sheldon stands next to his suitcase, meticulously folding each piece of clothing with the aid of a ruler, ensuring they are all perfectly aligned. He consults a detailed list of items to bring, checking each meticulously. "Leonard, have you checked if the hotel is at a safe distance from all known forms of non-ionizing radiation? I don't want to return from Switzerland with unwanted superpowers."

Beside him, Leonard is engrossed in booking flights and accommodation, his laptop precariously balanced on his lap as he navigates through multiple open tabs. "Yes, Sheldon, and I also made sure we are away from any potential nuclear reactors. And before you ask, yes, the flights have HEPA filters."

Raj and Howard debate excitedly about the essentials for the trip. "Do you think we need a language translator?" asks Howard, holding a questionable device. "Howard, we are going to Switzerland, not Mars. Besides, we have Raj, who speaks the language of charm fluently," Leonard responds without taking his eyes off the laptop.

Raj, smiling at the compliment, adds: "And I've already downloaded several useful apps. Plus, we're going to need all the help we can get to understand the restaurant menus. After all, we don't want to accidentally order something too exotic."

Penny, the only one in the group without a science background but already an integral part of their peculiar dynamic, prepares small travel kits for everyone. She includes practical items such as snacks, water, first aid, and of course, a small guide on Swiss culture. "Don't worry, guys. With these travel kits, at least we won't starve or get lost on the first day."

Raj, observing his friends immersed in preparations, "Hey, guys, have you all requested time off work? We don't want anyone getting frantic calls from the boss while we're trying to enjoy the Swiss mountains."

Leonard closes his laptop with a soft click, looking at Raj. "I talked to the university. They were incredibly understanding, especially after I mentioned the topic of our presentation. They said something about how this would be 'a great leap for the institution'."

Sheldon, who until then was meticulously checking every item on his list, looks at Raj expressionlessly. "Obviously, I organized my leave with meticulous advance. In fact, I prepared a list of instructions for my temporary replacement. They are just 73 simple steps to keep my research on track."

Raj, satisfied with the responses, smiles. "Great! Because I definitely don't want to be the one explaining why we are all in Switzerland if someone calls." His smile widens as he imagines the trip that lies ahead. "Now, all we need is to make sure our phones are set to vacation mode. The last thing we need is a work reminder breaking the spell of our scientific holiday."

Penny, contributing to the conversation while handing Howard one of the travel kits she prepared, jokes: "If any of you start missing work, I can simulate a boring team meeting to help. After all, practice makes perfect."

As the afternoon turns into evening, the apartment is filled with a mix of anxiety and excitement. Checklists are marked, debates about what to take continue, and the reality of their upcoming adventure begins to materialize. "Guys, we're going to make history… or, at the very least, we'll have an amazing story to tell," says Leonard, finally closing his laptop with a sigh of satisfaction.

"As long as the story doesn't end with 'And that's how Sheldon Cooper destroyed an ancient Swiss relic by disagreeing with the physics behind it'", jokes Howard, as they all share a laugh, imagining the possible adventures that await them.




On the crisp morning of departure, the group of friends gathers in Leonard and Sheldon's apartment, each carrying the meticulously prepared luggage for the Swiss adventure. They are visibly excited, their conversations revolving around the presentations they will make, the places they wish to visit, and, of course, the amount of Swiss chocolate they plan to consume.

Sheldon, dressed in a pristine sweater and holding his suitcase as if it were a precious artifact, checks his watch every minute, insisting that they not miss their departure time. "Reminder, friends, punctuality is the courtesy of kings and theoretical physicists on their way to international conferences."

Leonard, trying to calm Sheldon, smiles. "We'll get there with plenty of time, Sheldon. Traffic is light, and I've checked the flight schedule three times."

Howard, carrying a backpack full of travel gadgets, jokes about his expectations for the trip. "I hope Switzerland is ready for Howard Wolowitz. I'll make my mark there, even if it's just in the chocolate shop."

Raj, with a suitcase equally packed and a camera around his neck, is eager for the cultural aspect of the trip. "I can't wait to try the local cuisine. Who knows, I might even find a new recipe to bring back."

Penny, the only one in the group without a scientific agenda, is excited about the trip in a more touristy way. "I've prepared a list of all the places for selfies. We're going to have the best travel album ever!"

Before departing, they do one last check of their item lists, ensuring everything is as planned. With a mix of nervousness and excitement, they load their luggage into the vehicle that will take them to the airport.

On the way, Sheldon presents a detailed schedule of what they should do upon arrival at the airport, including a meeting point after security and a timetable for pre-flight snack purchases. Leonard, accustomed to Sheldon's idiosyncrasies, just agrees, knowing that Sheldon's meticulous organization is one of the ways he expresses his care for the group.

Arriving at the airport, they go through security with a mix of tension and relief - tension from the possibility of having forgotten something and relief from finally being on their way. After clearing security, with plenty of time before boarding, they gather for a quick breakfast in the terminal.

While waiting for boarding, Howard and Raj debate who will take the best photo of the Matterhorn mountain, while Sheldon reviews his presentation for the umpteenth time, and Leonard tries to calm his nerves with Penny's support, who promises to be the most enthusiastic cheerleader during the conference.

Finally, when boarding is announced, they stand up, adjust their luggage, and head to the gate, ready for the adventure that awaits.



(Not part of the plot)

[On board the plane.]

As the plane crosses the skies on the way to Switzerland, the tranquil atmosphere is occasionally broken by the sound of laughter from the group of friends. Trying to make the most of the long flight, they decide to play "Truth or Dare"

Penny, excited about the idea, spins a small pen on the tray table to determine the first player. The pen points to Sheldon, who sighs resignedly, already anticipating what's to come.

Penny: "Ok, Sheldon, truth or dare?"

Sheldon: "Given the potentially embarrassing nature of the 'dare', I will choose truth."

Penny, with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, asks: "Alright, tell us about the most embarrassing moment of your life."

Sheldon ponders for a moment, then, with a confessional air, begins: "Well, there was a time when I argued fervently on an online forum about the impossibility of certain aspects of string theory, only to realize later that I was wrong… and that the other participant was a Nobel Prize laureate."



Raj, with a mischievous smile, is the one to ask the question. "Leonard, truth or dare?"

Leonard, deciding to play it safe, chooses "truth".

Raj: "Ok, Leonard. What's the nerdiest thing you've ever done to impress a girl?"

Leonard, laughing at the memory, confesses: "Well, once I tried to create an exact replica of Arwen's necklace from 'The Lord of the Rings', using only lab materials. I nearly caused a small fire in the process."



The pen spins once more, now pointing to Penny. She sighs, bracing for Sheldon's inevitable question.

Sheldon: "Penny, truth or dare?"

Penny, feeling adventurous, chooses "dare".

Sheldon, after a moment of deep thought, says: "Your dare is to explain Einstein's theory of special relativity to us, using only metaphors."

Penny, accepting the challenge with a smile, begins: "Ok, so imagine light is like tequila. No matter how fast you run to grab the tequila at the bar, it's always going to hit you at the same speed. And if you drink too much, that is, if you move too fast, time and space start to look different for you compared to everyone else who's sober, or stationary."



A:N: I want to hear from you, how is the FF so far, are you enjoying it? And the translation, is it understandable? And the pace of the narrative? And the daily chapters? And the protagonist? The supporting characters? The environment?

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