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47.57% Meta Essence CYOA / Chapter 48: Meta Essence CYOA 48

Kapitel 48: Meta Essence CYOA 48

Essence of the Personalized (Superpower) Essences

•By consuming the Essence of the Personalized (Superpower) Essences you gain the following boons:◦You gain a well of infinite power within you that, through training can do anything, you can potentially gain any and all superpowers. The infinite power well can act as or be turned into any power or power source you want. The power or powers created by via this Essence can not be stolen, copied, destroyed, or mimicked in any way against you will.

◦You gain the ability to learn any skill, ability or power you want to! This works even with powers/skills/abilites granted by quirks of biology. You can, at will, enter into a state of hyper-concentration, enhancing your learning ability. If a power/ability/skill requires access to some energy source to function, you begin generating that energy source. Any and all of these abilities can be turned off at will.

◦You no longer need to rely on external factors for your powers/abilities/skills. From powers that draws in energy from the environment or skills that relies on esoteric or strange laws. None of your abilities will require anything outside of yourself.

◦You gain the power to harmonize any conflicting powers and abilities. Using light magic won't stop you from using dark magic, even at the same time. Being evil won't stop you from using good only abilities. This applies to everything you can do from magic, to super science, to simple training.. you always find a way no matter how impossible.

◦Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purpose.

◦You become the perfect instructor, easily capable of passing on your knowledge and skill to anyone who wants to learn from you. Even the most complex of systems, concepts and ideas can be easily communicated by you. If you so choose, you are also capable of teaching others how to use abilities you possess, passing a copy of said abilities to your students. Be it magic, chakra, ki or skill, you can awaken the potential in your students and instruct them in its intricacies if you so wish.

Essence of the Non-Believer

•Drinking this essence has two outcome, if you are a believer of God, Buddha, or any other all-powerful and all-knowing higher power, you will instantly be permanently incinerated on all levels of existence, nonexistence, and beyond. On the other hand, if you do not believe in any of these beings or powers, then congratulation. You have awaken to the Power of the Non-Believer.◦The Godless One: In your presence, genuine godly beings lose their godhood and divinity. Naturally any powers or traits that comes with their status are no longer available to them. Powers that are independent of their status are reduced to 0.000001% of their full capacity, this debuff increases the longer you are in the presence of godly beings. This effect encompass even those who are not authentic godly beings but simply claims to be one themselves. Whether they have the power of one or not matters little, simply claiming to be one makes them vulnerable to your Godlessness. Redundantly you gain immunity to all powers and traits that contains or is derived from sacred, holy, divine, cosmic, and primordial forces.

◦The God Slayer: All your powers and abilities gain anti-divine properties when facing a godly foe. And any damage dealt by you on to these foes are 1,000,000 times more effective than they would be otherwise, this buff increases in power the longer you are in the presence of a godly foe. Like previously this also applies to those only claiming to be divine. And any godly being slayed by your hand are permanently destroyed on all levels of existence, nonexistence, and beyond regardless of the level or nature of their immortality.

◦The Anti-God: Any being who is or is claiming to be omnipotent will have their omnipotence shatter like glass in your presence. The higher or more absolute their omnipotence is on some sort of omnipotent hierarchy/ranking the more fragile and vulnerable they are to this power. Even powers, abilities, or traits who's effects are either describe as infinite, absolute, boundless, unlimited or are left vague with no clear limits are within the scope of the Anti-God's influence. Then the power of the Anti-God will deprive them of their absoluteness, the boundless will become bound, the infinite becomes finite, and the unlimited becomes limited. And once again you redundantly gain immunity to all omnipotent, infinite, absolute, boundless, and unlimited powers. This debuff increases in power the longer you are in the presence of your natural enemy.

•The Power of the Non-Believer was realized when the first Omnipotent being denied their own Omnipotence. The sacrifice resulted in the kryptonite to all Omnipotent beings. The more absolute their Omnipotence is, the more vulnerable they become to the Power of the Non-Believer.

•Any being that holds a godlike position, regardless of scale or power, in their setting qualify as a godly being. Likewise any being that declares itself a god/buddha or something equivalent, regardless of their power or authenticity, will also qualify as a godly being

•Warning!: If the user declare themselves a god or believe themselves to be Omnipotent, then they will permanently be incinerated by their own power on all levels of existence, nonexistence, and beyond. On the other hand, there is no backlash if the user simply obtains godlike statuses, powers, or is simply worshipped as one. However, this only holds true so long as they do not acknowledge themselves to being one.

•Clarifications (Others): If others holds godlike statuses within a setting/s, then [Godless One] takes effect regardless of how strong they are or what they themselves believe. If your foe claims to be a God and believes themselves as such, then [Godless One] takes effect. However, if they claim to be a God but do not believe themselves to be one, then [Godless One] has no effect. The same goes for Omnipotence and [Anti-God].

•Clarifications (Self): If you claim to be a God and/or obtain godlike statuses and powers, and believe yourself to be a God, your power incinerates you permanently. If you claim to be a God and/or obtain godlike statuses and powers but you do not believe yourself to be one, then your safe. The same goes for Omnipotence and [Anti-God].

Essence of the Isekai Starter Kit

○By consuming the Essence of the Isekai Starter Kit you gain the following boon. If you so wished, you can make this Essence into a bloodline, inheritable only by your offsprings and their descendants.

■Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purpose.

■You gain the ability to produce psionic energy from your thoughts, emotions, and consciousness. Your able to manipulate the psionic energy to affect both the physical world and the astral plane, the minds and perceptions of others, or enhance your own body all to a massive level. You can easily enter the minds of those with a weaker psyche than yourself, allowing you to easily and subtly manipulate them. You can sense any and all forces/energy, including time and space, allowing you to control them with enough effort. You gain the ability to use Astral Projection and Clairvoyance, which allows you to traverse the astral plane and observe distant events. You keep your other powers while in this state, allowing you to exert your abilities from an even greater distance. You essentially have the power to develop or copy any psychic powers/abilities you desire or have seen.

■You now have beyond genius level intellect and a perfect memory with infinite storage, capable of calculating and processing things faster than quantum super computers. You gain Immunity to insanity and memetic hazards. "Things Man Was Not Meant To Know" becomes more of a guideline than a rule. Your able to analyze, discern, understand, and comprehend the truths and workings of any and all non-concealed concepts, mysteries and phenomena with a single glance. You can reverse engineer anything with enough time and resources. You have the ability to accelerate and form multiple independent thought processes, though by how much/many completely depends on you. You can obtain the knowledge and information from any data storage device or book just by touching it and this effect can be turned on and off.

■You have the capacity to use/learn any magic, even unique ones upon seeing it once or understanding enough about it. You possess a magical reactor that can adapt to any magical energy to fuel various spells from different magic systems. This reactor provides a steady supply of power that will grow over time, right now you could use high consumption spells with wild abandon and still not make much of a dent after a few hours. You can teach others magic systems that they previously lacked the capacity to use/learn. You can manipulate entire magic systems or combine them with experimentation. You are capable of casting any spell as long as you have the energy, not requiring any extra element like a focus or materials. The time required to cast if any remains however.

■You gain a body perfect for battle, with a starting point just above the peak of your species in physical attributes. Your new body will be sculpted to your tastes and to fight. You also gain the mentality of a perfect warrior with the unyielding willpower to tackle any challenge no matter how impossible, as well as the ability to tolerate extreme pain. A mind's eye that grants you the ability to intuitively sense danger, and instinctively react to it. Your even able to react to attacks that are undetectable, either due to concealment or sheer speed. It also gives you the insight to read the flow of battle, deduce the steps to victory/success, and discern the opponents' powers, skills, and abilities. This is not limited to just their strengths but also their weaknesses. Your Life-Force is limitless, meaning you will stop aging once you hit your prime and you'll be returned to your prime if you have already past it. You also have the ability to refine your life-force into an exotic life energy with various properties for your more esoteric martial arts. You possess immense regenerative ability, capable of regeneration so long as a single cell remain. Each time you go through a cycle of injury and regeneration, you gain an overall boost in all physical attributes, energy capacity and output (applies to both mundane & exotic energy). Though the degree of the boost depends on the degree of your injury, meaning the closer to death you are the stronger the boost. Your peerless talent and limitless potential combine with your genius level intellect and perfect memory with infinite storage allows you to learn any Martial Art (armed & unarmed, esoteric & mundane) with but a single glance. Naturally this means you can perform any martial arts regardless of restriction or uniqueness. Your able to advance, combine, revise, and develop any martial arts (armed & unarmed, esoteric & mundane). You capable of teaching martial arts (armed & unarmed, esoteric & mundane) to other, even if they previously lacked the capacity for it. Finally your able to conceptually kill anything no matter how immortal.

■No matter how long you live, time and circumstance will not weigh you down nor will it change you so much that you cannot recognise yourself. As the eons pass, you will never grow lesser in your own eyes. Indeed, you will only ever grow into more of the person you wish you could be, regardless of whatever horrors or terrible things you witness. You are immune to boredom and your patience stretches into eternity. If you so wished, you could easily do nothing but wait for the stars to burn out without issue or complication. You also have no issues with solitude, being capable of surviving with no one but yourself for company indefinitely without becoming distant or socially rusty as a result. No matter how much time passes or how many things you experience, you will never grow jaded or sick of simple pleasures or tasks. The sights and sounds you experience will always be as uplifting as the first time you saw them.

Essence of Gnosis

•By imbibing in this essence that taste and feel like boundless knowledge and pure insight you gain the following boon:◦You can perceive current events and observe what's happening in the moment, even obscure, intricate events, and down to fine details, despite not being there. The temporal scope of this power is limited to the currently existing moment, and visions cannot be repeated; once it's happened, it's happened.

◦You can discern the past, seeing and hearing any past event you desire. It doesn't matter whether said past even concerns you or completely unrelated to you in anyway. The user can recall any event that happened in the past, even obscure, intricate events. This ability shows what had happened at that particular time. If you so wish you can even selectively alter the past of a target (whether living, object, place, etc.) and determine when, where, what, how, or even why something happened in the past.

◦You are able to see into possible future and observe all that may happen. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, visions of the future are subject to frequent shifting, but you have the ability to outright choose between the futures that lie before you, rewriting fate as you please to best suit your goals. You can also use this power to set up traps in your opponent's future paths, easily circumvent any defensive measures your opponents take, as well as rewriting futures in which you die.

◦You can gain any information about a person, object, place, skillset, ability, or event through intrinsic knowledge, as in it just "comes to" your mind. The power itself is Omniscient, able to accurately provide answers to any questions you may have for it, but you yourself are not. Q&A sessions, in which you must first ask questions, is always required in order for you to gain answers.

◦If you find yourself facing something (ex: subject, energy, discipline, force, object, concept, ability etc.) that you have not seen or have no knowledge of, it takes just a little exposure before you are able to "understand" and "comprehend" it down to the most minute detail.

Essence of Elyon

●By consuming the Essence of Elyon you gain the following boons. If you so wish, you can make this Essence into a bloodline, inheritable only by your offsprings and their descendants.

○(Perk) You are a blind spot to all precogs, including those with All-Seeing Precognition as well as Endbringers and Entity. This includes the psionic and the more exoteric powers as well.

○(Perk) You are a blind spot to Thinker powers that get someone's information using anything other than environmental data or what the Thinker already knows. Tattletale's power would still work on you, but Cherish's or Khepri's wouldn't. Cherish and Khepri could still control you, it would just be blindly. This includes the psionic and the more exoteric powers as well.

○(Perk) You are immune to any and all Master and Stranger effects. You are also immune to other emotional effects caused directly by powers, such as those of Victoria Dallon's emotional aura. This includes the psionic and the more exoteric powers as well.

○(Perk) Your will is absolute, boundless, and unbreakable. No matter how difficult the situation, even if you're torn in half, locked in a time loop of endless agony for thousands of years, or subjected to a fate worse than death, you'll be able to shrug it off. Of course, you still have emotions and you can still be hurt emotionally, but you'll always be able to maintain your composure and keep your emotions from ruling your decision-making.

●As a first generation Elyon, you are not just any ordinary Elyon, you are a Prime Elyon. As a Prime Elyon, you possess powers and perks that aren't inheritable even should you choose to make this Essence into a Bloodline. The powers unique to Prime Elyon are as follow:

○(Perk) Unless you will it to be otherwise, Trump powers do not work on you. You can be Mastered into consenting to a Trump working on you, if you're not immune. Greater Shardless powers can trump this immunity under certain circumstances (specified in the power text).

○(Perk) Blindspot? Hah. Your powers have no blindspots. They can see Eidolon, The Endbringers, The Entity, Mantellum, and all other blind spots. This includes those with the Blind Spot perk.

○(Power) You can copy the powers of any person or entity you encounter. You can use as many powers you want at the same time as long as they don't conflict. You can toggle powers at will, any copied power is disabled by default. Similar powers can be merged together (and separated again) to work as a single entity. Copied powers grow and adapt with continued use. For those equal to or weaker than you, you get a full copy of their power. For those stronger than you, you gain a weakened copy equivalent in strength to your current level, and only gain a full copy of their power when you reach their level. You gain a copy of someone's powers by either defeating them, touching them, see them use their powers, or by being in their presence. If your target has Trumped the Trump you will need to beat your target in a fight to copy their power, a friendly spar or chess game counts for the purposes of this power. You have a secondary power that allows you to sort through your collection of powers efficiently.

○(Power) You can copy the appearance, powers, skills, memory, and personal equipment (any equipment they had on their person when you saw them) of any person you see (for a very broad definition of person). The target must be in your field of vision long enough for you to see them and you need to concentrate on copying them. You can have an unlimited number of templates stored but can only use one at a time. While taking on a form, you remain yourself and are not mentally influenced by the transformation unless you allow it. You can copy the powers of a target with Trumped the Trump in all cases.

○(Power) You can nullify, enhance, modify, or steal the powers of others in your range. You can freely change a Shard power into a Shardless power but not the reverse. Transferring powers from one person to another is trivial, as is stacking multiple onto a single target. You can copy the blueprint for the power of anyone in your range but you will need to expend charges to create if you want it for yourself. If your target has Trumped the Trump you will have to expend a charge to make it stick. You have fifteen charges a day which lets you create shardless powers likes yours, whose nature are fully under your control. A single charge can result in a power that would be rated around 4-5, with more charges increasing its power, versatility, pushing or removing limits, and adding more functions. You can manipulate and sense created powers regardless of the location of anyone you have given them to. You also have an ability to sense powers and their wielders within a large area. Created powers are yours until you transfer them to someone else. Charges can be spent to boost any of your powers, including others in this essence. Changes can be reversed at will, and you can deconstruct powers you have created, but you do not recover any charges from doing so.

○(Power) You have up to five of any powers you desire at any given time. You have a vast number of powers from which you may select and this roster will improve with time with new powers eventually forming in this set to suit your needs if one does not already exist. You can shift between powers instantly and at will. If you cannot think of a power to achieve a goal, your powers will automatically offer you the best solution available, most if not all of which are absurdly powerful in their own right. Powers granted by this ability may be equal the Six Elyon Powers or weaker depending on what is required for your purposes. Powers you use will improve, increasing the relative capability of powers you use frequently and more steadily increasing those you've used even once. The number of powers you may access at a time will also slowly increment, albeit at a sluggish pace comparatively. With extreme training you may attain powers equal to the Prime Elyon Powers through this ability and grow existing ones to the same level. However, the pool of Prime Elyon level powers accessible through this power is much more limited than your usual abilities. This power comes with a significant cognitive enhancement which allows these powers to operate at their absolute maximum potential, as well as discern your intent before you could actually think of it. What this means is that, if you do not consciously direct them, your powers will find and switch to an optimal set of abilities often choosing powers optimal for your current situation or any future one you could encounter. Whenever you switch to a new power, you are given a perfect understanding of its limits, capabilities, applications in near-infinite scenarios, and combination potential with other powers among vast number within your reach.

○(Power) When you acquire this power, it begins as a seed of potential. It will eventually sprout into a power based on a concept that best defines your True Self. It will dynamically alter itself slowly to better suit challenges and weaknesses, refining the initial ability the seed sprouted into and gradually broadening its flexibility with each new challenge that arises, molding itself like clay to better generalize based on your previous engagements. When it finds itself impotent, it will shave off functionality in one sector to improve another or to develop new features over time. As it continues to grow, it will add new optimizations and sub-powers based on where it detect challenges to be most likely, or which have stumped you before. Whenever a situation that is challenging or impossible for your current abilities to overcome arises, it will afterward shave off less-used features to bolster immediately useful ones or create entirely new features to suit the situation if necessary. The result it blooms into will largely depend on your combat style, personality, preferences, and situations that arise. This ability can pack on many new features and powers as necessary, so long as it is still within the limits of the concept it's based off of, in order to create the perfect power that most optimally suits you.

○(Power) You gain access to the Celestial Inventory. This power allows you to summon from your basically own Gate of Babylon and wield with absolute mastery of ANY Item. Be it mundane, supernatural to the Metaphysical, you can summon any item in the known Omni verse. You have a mental Metaphysical search bar that is inside your head, that you can put in parameters to help locate a certain type of item. When looking at a item in your inventory or out in the real world, you will get a description of what it is, what it can do, how powerful it is, and what restrictions it has as well as side-effects. To summon a Item, you must know what the item's name is, so you can summon it out of the Inventory. Your Inventory will also "Refill" up a item, if you lose it. So do be careful you don't leave a Reality Gauntlet lying around. You can also place certain items as favorites to always be remembered. Please do note you can only have 5 Favorites at a time. Also some Items should not be used without great caution, respect and wariness as some may cause the Apocalypse, cause universal destruction or summon a Eldritch God like Cthulhu. Please wield responsibly.

●As Prime Elyon, you possess the power and privilege to designate a Ba'al. A Ba'al is a vassal lord under a Prime Elyon, but they do not necessarily have to be born an Elyon:

○What separates a Ba'al from an Elyon is that a Ba'al is bestowed one of the Six Prime Powers exclusive to a Prime Elyon and this power cannot be inherited. Therefore, every time you designate a Ba'al, you must always choose one from amongst your Six Prime Powers to bestow upon said Ba'al. There are no limits to the number of Ba'al you can appoint.

○In order to successfully appoint a Ba'al, the chosen individual must already be loyal to you as Prime Elyon. And once the appointment is complete their loyalty will never again wane. You are able to intuitively sense whether or not if an individual is qualified for the position of Ba'al.

○If the chosen individual is not already an Elyon, then their appointment process will turn them into one. They will gain the powers and perks exclusive to all Elyons, and those powers and perks can be inherited by their children and descendants if you made this essence into a bloodline.

●You also possess another set of powers, though this set is exclusive to all Elyons just like the perks, and are the ones that will be inherited should you choose to make this essence a bloodline. The powers common to all Elyon are as follow:

○(Power) You are at the pinnacle of mental prowess. You have a near-limitless capacity to acquire and master skills of any variety, create genius inventions and techniques, and attain within days what mastery a lesser man might in lifetimes. Moreover, you require no outside knowledge to begin learning these skills so long as you have sufficient materials. Spend a week in study and develop interplanetary space travel in your backyard. A year, and travel between stars and galaxies. A day and develop a cure for mankind's deadliest illnesses. While the most obvious application of these abilities is in science and technology, you are by no means limited to it. In mere weeks, you could become a master of martial arts, and in days later will be creating fighting styles of your own. A week's practice could make you humanity's greatest detective, its finest doctor, its most talented artist, or its most charismatic leader. When you acquire new skills and expertise, you will never forget or become incapable of your peak accomplishments. Meaning that with time you will inevitably become a veritable swiss army knife of incredible scientific knowledge, Olympic feats of physical strength and skill and much more. In a matter of months, your technologies could advance civilization to its extremes or make you into a transhumanist god. Nanobot enhancement, genetic recoding, cybernetics, quantum computing, and more may within mere days be in your grasp. Who but you could imagine what might be possible in a year. or a decade. Your talent in all disciplines is quite literally all- encompassing. You are become the overman. (*Note: Your descendants will not be overmen from birth should you choose to make this essence into a bloodline. They'll begin the same as any normal human baby, but will eventually grow to the pinnacle of mental prowess.)

○(Power) Your ability to manipulate Mana, one of the fundamental energies of the multiverse, is unlocked. A library of grimoires about the three branches of Mana Manipulation has been implanted into your memory. You will still need to read and understand them and acquire the necessary skills but all the knowledge you need is at your fingertips.

■Conjuration: The shaping of mana into constructs that produce an effects. More commonly known as spells, your library contains information about many different systems of magic and with perseverance you might discover the secrets of True Magic.

■Enchantment: The creation of objects powered by Mana, capable of producing the same effects as Conjuration but anchored to objects.

■Alchemy: The creation and transformation of materials and liquids with Mana. From potions producing effects when ingested to esoteric metals and gems to use in Enchantments, the creation of devices, or armor.

○With this power, you can reproduce any magic system from first principles and even create your own. The library contains several broad magic systems to get you started. While this ability has no theoretical upper limit, the more complex and powerful Conjurations will test your knowledge. With enough time you will be able to reach heights only the gods can dream of but be careful not to break reality or destroy your soul on your journey there. (*Note: Your descendants will not inherit a library of grimoires in their head should you make this essence into a bloodline. They will either have to be taught or learn on their own.)

○(Power) Your psionic potential has been unlocked. You start out with high level psionic potential with the intuitive knowledge of most basic techniques (telekinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.) and are able to train yourself to become more powerful. You have an uncanny intuition for developing new techniques and refining existing ones. A library of memories about psionic techniques has been implanted into your mind. You will need to meditate and experience the memories and understand them but all the knowledge you need is at your fingertips. With enough time you will be able to develop into a psychic god capable of rewriting reality on a whim but the road there will be long a arduous. Be careful not to lobotomize yourself on your journey. (*Note: Your descendants will not inherit a library of memories about psionic techniques should you make this essence into a bloodline. They will either have to be taught or learn on their own.)

○(Power) Your Meridians are unlocked and you are capable of circulating Qi through them. You are at the first stage of cultivation, through arduous training you will be able to refine your body and spirit, to purify your essence and distill it to attain higher levels. With each level you advance you are capable of stronger and more fantastic feats. You can hone and reinforce your body into a living weapon, force your life force into constructs to do your bidding, be a master of beastly transformations, or a natural at spell formations to turn the elements against your enemies. Whatever your chosen path, you are capable of great things. Your your soul has been fused with an ancient spirit of knowledge. You can commune with this spirit to access their knowledge and learn new techniques or acquire knowledge of how to advance your path. (*Note: Your descendants will not inherit the ancient spirit of knowledge should you make this essence into a bloodline. They will either have to be taught or learn on their own.)

○(Power) You are the embodiment of the concept of a warrior. Your martial talent is supreme amongst all others, in a fight you are peerless. Your body and skill can be trained with no limit, even breaking the laws of physics and accomplishing seemingly impossible tasks with pure skill and might. You gain strength and skill at an accelerated rate as well and grow in response to whatever threat you are facing. You possess a heart that is adamant and unyielding, able to stand up to any seemingly insurmountable obstacle with a truly unbreakable will. You are pure undiluted badass. You have all the talent and skills to be a natural born genius at fighting, spatial awareness, tactical thinking, you name it. Furthermore you will slowly but surely develop skills and martial arts designed to fell whatever foe you are fighting as long as you are training to fight them or fighting them actively, fighting will make the process go far quicker. For example, if you are fighting an immortal foe you can create a martial arts technique which imparts the concept of mortality upon whomever you strike or slash, however such a technique would likely take long to develop if you don't already have something similar developed. This does not mean you will win against anyone in a fight however, merely that you have the potential to do so. You are also able to master any form of martial techniques or martial arts in a matter of days to the point where you could be called a grandmaster at it. However the more supernatural the martial art the longer it will take to master.

○(Power) Your Spark has ignited. You are able to planeswalk through the multiverse at your leisure. You can target any plane you have already visited easily but accessing a precise destination blindly will require some practice, in the meantime you will jump to semi-random destinations every time. Your body is now a projection of your Soul, in time you will be able to alter your appearance at will and even replicate the abilities of other creatures. Your Soul is also a powerful source of Mana. While you are able to cast spells, you do not have the knowledge to do so. You have to either learn by yourself or find a Mentor to tech you. In time, as you grow in power and familiarity with your abilities, you will be able to create your own pocket dimensions and demi-planes. (*Note: Should you make this essence into a bloodline your descendants will inherit a Spark of their own, but whether they can ignite it or not is entirely dependent on them.)

Essence of Dunamis

•By imbibing in this essence that taste and feel like pure unlimited and unadulterated power you gain the following boon:◦You are able to develop any power as long as you need it and/or desire it. You can then decide if the developed power is permanent or temporary. If you decide that the developed power is temporary then it will naturally fade once you no longer have any use for it. You can simply regain the discarded power should you need and/or desire it once more. If you choose to keep the power then it will be added to your arsenal. You are able to hold an unlimited number of abilities at any given time.

◦You can create whatever ability you want without any limitation and bestow it upon yourself, others or even objects. You can notably create enhanced versions of already existing abilities, brand new ones or even normal abilities with any specific limitations, conditions or countermeasures you choose. It essentially grants you an unlimited number of abilities without any side-effects. You can even take a step further and thoroughly customize a power, like designing a power to only harm a certain thing or activate after a certain condition.

◦You have the ability to learn and master anything. Unlike when copying or replicating something the you have to fully recognize and process the mechanics behind whatever you are choosing to learn. It is because of this "understanding" that you can usually take what you have learned and improve upon it. Copying and replication can leave you stuck at the level of whomever you copied from. You on the other hand grasp things for yourself and continue to evolve what you have learned. At a high enough level you may be able to even learn that which is scientifically or logically incoherent or even learn abilities, skills and knowledge that is incomprehensible to the human mind.

◦You can train, instruct, or otherwise teach to others skills/abilities that cannot be naturally taught. For example, superpowers unrestricted to combat and condition, or skills unable to be masterfully performed by someone like them due to whatever reason. You may not have to have the abilities yourself to teach them, but knowledge and understanding of the ability must be present in order for the ability to be taught "correctly".

◦While your own power can never be stolen, copied, negated, destroyed, or suppress, you become immune to all powers you know and understand.

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