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5.82% Meta Essence CYOA / Chapter 5: Meta Essence CYOA 5

Kapitel 5: Meta Essence CYOA 5

Essence Of The Holy Church (Nasuverse)

Inside this bottle is liquid light, it may very well appear to be mercury if it were not for its glowing flat color, with a warm light resembling a father's embrace.

○Your body is something incredible to contemplate, you are a perfect being in terms of the physical and mental, your qualities, your appearance and your attributes reach leagues that should not be possible for human beings, it is impossible the very existence of a body so perfect in all aspects both imaginable and not, it is almost as if God himself had molded and designed your body giving as many blessings as possible, it almost seems like a divine miracle.

■Your strength is catastrophic, fists that break concrete, kicks that tear flesh, speed that dwarfs horses, agility and dexterity that seem as if you have no bones, your physical gifts can even continue to grow if the situation calls for it.

■You will never go hungry, whether you don't eat for weeks or years, you won't go hungry, you will still need it to subsist but in case you can't eat anything, you won't feel the heartbreaking feeling of an empty stomach, you only have a small feeling when you need to eat, starvation favors you in a good way.

■It seems as if the tower of babel accident never affected you, you are able to speak every language known and created by mankind from the simple grunts and sounds of the oldest barbarians to the most modern of languages, you can understand them, speak them and write them although you will have to be careful, some languages were not exactly created for speaking.

■Killing you or leaving you incapacitated is practically impossible, they can break your bones, tear your legs, rip off your arms and legs but you will still crawl on the ground without stopping for a second, cutting your neck and stabbing your heart is still not enough to kill you, you will keep getting up again and again until you recover or they destroy every atom of your body.

■Death seems to have a certain prefixation on you, you cannot die for anything other than because you wanted to or because it is something natural in the world, this leaves you exempt from the authorities of death gods or any other being that wants to take you before your time, it is almost impossible to kill you in any way and in the unlikely and almost impossible case that you end up dying, you can revive.

■First of all you have to keep in mind one thing, reviving is not just a mere act that you can do at your pleasure just because you decided to play the hero and recklessly let them kill you, no, dying is a sacred and respected act that has to be given the importance it deserves, the act of dying is considered the act of accepting your time to be judged and to know if you did well in life or you will be destined to eternal punishment, If you truly understand the importance of death it will be more manageable, in any case every time you die is a step that means that you are closer to the beyond than to the earthly world, little by little you will get closer until you are more of an ethereal spirit than a human, little by little until you look more like an angel and have to leave this world to fulfill greater tasks.

■You are a charismatic person, rather than saying that you know how human beings work, it is better to say that you understand them, that you empathize with them and that you achieve a superhuman level of kindness, understanding and comprehension, people will be attracted to you seeing a confident figure and exceptional leadership, you are too strong a magnet for any person, animal or creature regardless of whether it is magical or not.

■All your skills and knowledge are yours, engraved and being your very soul, it is impossible to steal, copy or take anything away from you being immune to it all, at the same time you are immune to any kind of contamination or attempt to corrupt your soul, immutable, perpetual and always sacred, like a spring that can never be affected.

■You are a pure being in soul as well as in mind and body, no one and nothing will be able to contaminate you being an immaculate and sacred soul, this does not mean that you will hesitate to send someone to god, your perspective of the world and of life itself is completely different from other humans, it may very well be completely alien, pain means nothing to you, death is non-existent but it is still something you hold in high esteem almost revered as a sacred act, you will not mind dying but you will not simply throw yourself into the jaws of a lion, life is something so beautiful and sacred it should always be respected, but you will always know that there are cases where it is better for death to be more present.

■It must be said that this perspective of the world that you have can scare people around you, some people can't help but find it completely disturbing how you can be so kind and helpful to then kill an entire country without a shred of remorse, no matter what happens, whatever you know or whatever the hell you end up finding out, you will always move forward, with a perspective on life that will always keep you going with not a single ounce of doubt, never giving up and always seeing the most beautiful thing the world has to offer, it is an unwavering willpower and wisdom that could very well lift you to the heavens like Metatron himself.

■You heal quickly, your wounds will be healed in seconds, no matter the severity of the wound, your immune system will kill any possible disease either of biological or magical nature, curses or anything that could be harmful to you, will be eliminated eventually, so you will gradually get a resistance to any disadvantage both biological and magical, in fact you could say that there are cases where a disease can be more useful to you than expected, whether diseases can touch you and somehow begin to help you, your enemies can be affected by the most lethal diseases at the most inopportune moments, supporting you and giving you an advantage at all times, rot, plague, diseases and poisons can always touch you but never hurt you, always helping you, it can even be very disturbing how all diseases, viruses and plague seem to favor your person.

■You have an affinity with the spiritual side of the world, hearing the sounds of other worlds, seeing what cannot be seen, touching what should not be touched, what is impossible for humans is possible for you, it can be said to be more than an affinity being even a divine touch for that aspect of the moonlit world.

■It could be said that you were born from the hand of God to live and fight for him in this world, being the case you perceive the world in a different way than the other people of this world, of course, you perceive with the same sense of any human being, but you go beyond that, you can see the world in such a way that very well the world can react to your look.

○You are a genius when it comes to fighting, war or any form of violence, it is said that god is kindness and forgiveness, you are sure that this is so but some people need to meet god sooner than expected, some call them sinners others call them heretics, you would call them misguided brothers, people who do more harm than good in this beautiful world of god and they need to go and meet him, you are that bridge between god and the people who test the teachings of the lord.

■If you never learn to fight, you will still be one of the best fighters in the world, you are a person naturally gifted in the fighting arts possessing a talent that has never been seen before, you may very well learn an existing martial art or create one yourself, you can take any fighting style to an unnatural level, and always seem to have a divine touch, making any form of fighting you master enter the field to be able to take down any being or creature you face regardless of whichever fighting style you use.

■Your knowledge of war may well be comparable to that of the war rider himself, knowing every tactic, every move, every action and all possible knowledge of anything that could be considered war, you could take it further if necessary, sea wars, land wars or air wars no matter what war it is, as long as it is war in the end, the one with the most experience and knowledge will always be you.

■There is something about you that may be a bit disturbing whether it is how you feel good about war and all that it entails or how you are so connected to horses, in any case you have something strange, you can call it a sixth sense or some connection to war instilling in you knowledge and skills at the most critical moments whether it is to handle a weapon never seen before or to know how to send a wayward brother before god in the quickest way, in any case, it can be said that war favors you.

■You may be good at hand to hand fighting, but that is not your forte, your forte is actions on behalf of god, your voice is the voice of god, your words the command of heaven and your beliefs blades that will cut through any evil, your enemies should not be afraid that you have a weapon, they should accept their moment when you have a bible, with a bible or any holy symbol you can accomplish god's own acts in the world.

■You must be careful when using such objects or acting in the name of god, the saying "I will not act or swear in vain in the name of god" is more literal for you than the rest, if you are not careful you can very well cause a second flood, of course for that you will need something to happen that requires it and it is not something easy to do, your own abilities grow in times of need, the more necessary it is for you or for humanity itself the more powerful you will be and you will be capable of unimaginable and unthinkable acts never seen before, reality itself may end up bending before you.

○You are connected by default to the thaumaturgical base of the holy church, being able to use the holy sacraments and the great abilities that come with it, your rites will be able to destroy demons, your prayers can hurt both the physical and the spiritual, in any way, the holy sacraments are taken to divine levels in your hands, simple things become lethal weapons against any being, and the truly powerful become planetary catastrophes, you can fight against the white princess herself in all her power and with only your sacraments the possibility that you will be victorious is not small.

■You are a connoisseur and researcher of ancient artifacts, you may very well be the Indiana Jones of the holy church, to clarify things a bit, let's start by saying that the mandate and guidance of our lord is very old, a very long history that leaves objects of his presence as proof that he was once there, you know where to look, like a bloodhound you can detect where those objects are, you can go looking for them starting a crusade to collect all the objects, you know about traps, you know about history and you will always be prepared for the moment when you have to go out to collect any object or sacred relic.

■Where you walk it will be holy ground, where you say the land is fertile, it will be fertile, where you want food to feed you will find it, where people want guidance they will find you, where you pass evil will cease in your presence, as you pass the flora and fauna will be exposed to its maximum splendor, where you step the plants will appear, where you have passed the very garden of eden will flourish if you so decide and will always try to protect you.

■Demons and any demonic or evil entity will not be able to touch you or do you any physical or mental harm, your presence alone can burn them and your gaze can kill them, but that will only be in the most extreme cases, if you take a step forward, they will take a step back, if you speak they will be silent, if you speak they will hear, even the very mud of Angra Mainyu will not be able to touch you, the fire will not burn you, but it always seems as if they are staring at you, seeing a precious jewel, hypnotized by you, you are their holy grail, you give them both fear and obsession by your mere presence.

■There are the tools, there are the weapons and there are the things you create, sacred items capable of satisfying any need, you are a prodigy in the use and creation of items be it the Ashlocks, the Keys of Providence, mythical church codes or sacred scriptures etc, whatever the case may be, you are capable of using any item that is considered sacred to its fullest capacity, this also means that you can recreate any item considered sacred or innovate something totally new, in any case the tools you use will always be something that is best viewed from afar, no one wants to be around when you decide to level cities or countries, very few people want to see you taking off your baby gloves and start using your weapons and tools, in their full power.

■In your head you will find many ideas of many artifacts and tools to create, whether it be the seven holy scriptures, the seven trumpets of the apocalypse, the four artifacts of the horsemen and their horses or simply the nails of jesus, those and many will be going around in your head that it is not said that you have no ideas on what to create, just, beware some of these things are at levels that just their presence can be very dangerous, some of them will only appear in true moments of need.

■You know the secrets of sorcery those magus can be as arrogant as they want but they all seem to forget that all that was made by god through the hands of Solomon, you are a master at dismantling such sorcery, no magician can escape your clutches if you decide to make him your target, you are able to identify any weakness that magic has, analyze it and dismantle it, dragging out a fight with you for a magician is hell, there is no sorcery that you can't analyze and dismantle, none.

■It is strange how the world works around you, some might say that you have a completely ridiculous luck, others say that fate favors you, in truth you could say that the world loves you, people can end up injured or dead because some pipe fell or a car crashed, It's funny how those people were a danger to you, no matter where it happens or when it happens you are always at an advantage, that your attacker ends up slipping, that a building falls and strangely no fragment fell near you, it's almost as if you were protected by something divine.

■You have all the knowledge that the holy church possesses, whether it is details about rituals of the exorcists themselves, the techniques and knowledge of the executors, some juicy secret of the Templars, or forbidden knowledge from the burial agency and much more, all that knowledge will always be in your mind like a library and it is only necessary that you gradually unravel it.

■Stigmata, wounds that carry the saints and that are a sign of the presence of God, you have them all, in your physical body can not be seen, but in your soul is each sign, whether the crown of thorns, the signs of nails or whips on your back, these are only the most prominent, each stigma represents every saint, every apostle, every agent and every servant of god, although the sight may be ugly to those who behold your soul, one cannot help but notice that each stigma buzzes with power, seeming to be a reminder or a library of those who have served god, if you so choose you can use these stigmata, what can be done with these marks is something close to miracles, being able to use every ability of these people and take them to extreme levels, sometimes you can be rewarded with the wisdom and words of these people who are present through these marks and can bestow their wisdom or warn you through their experience.

■It should be emphasized that for something to be engraved in your soul as a stigma and therefore have a perpetual connection with you and with the person who represents the mark has to meet two conditions, the first is to be a faithful devotee to the word of our Lord and have it present in body and soul, Jeanne D'Arc, David, Samson etc., are people who meet this requirement very well, the second condition is to be wounded in the name of god, Gilles de Rais (before falling), Saint Martha, Shirou Kotomine etc, are also a good representation of this requirement, at the end you choose the most representative wound or wounds of them to be engraved in your soul.

■An example of stigmas would be Caren Hortencia's body "Masochistic Spiritualist Constitution" comes from a stigma so you can access the abilities it contains and therefore have the wisdom and knowledge it has, it can be quite useful at all times.

■A small fact is that your soul continues to record stigmas every second, every minute, every hour until your death, at all times it is being updated, let it not be said that God does not know about every man, woman or child who is being hurt in her name.

■The disappearance of the mystery is something that will happen eventually and with it sorcery but that is in doubt with the holy sacraments, you are a pillar of the mystery itself, no matter when or where you are the mystery arises from you feeding the world and therefore perpetuating the existence of the holy sacraments as long as you continue to exist will keep the existence of the holy sacraments, you can turn this off and let the last bit of mystery disappear, in any case it will be your choice if the sacraments continue to exist or not, in any case you will be prepared for any stuff.

○You are someone who can lead humans to a new era, as simple as that, your very existence is a boost to humanity itself, you yourself will begin to attract talented people who will want to follow your path, whether they stay surprised by the incredible things you can create, your incredible fighting skills or simply by your beauty, you ensure a good future for humanity.

■There is no job too mundane for you, Joseph was a carpenter, Jesus himself in his childhood learned his trade, you are a person who prefers to do things for yourself or help others, whether it is to build a house from scratch for someone who is homeless, or plan to build Noah's second ark, sow seeds, plow fields, bandage and know how to handle injuries and illnesses, feed animals, shepherd, know how to handle furs and the food, you know every facet of the jobs, more humble but still important, in each of them you will always stand out, let it not be said that you do not know the most important tasks.

■There is a sixth sense in you, something outside that moves you to the right places at the right times, whether it is in the middle of a fight or at some critical moment that you were not even aware of, the feeling if you decide to listen to it can take you all the way. world, what sense tells you are two things the first is your goals you want to lead humanity into a new era sense will take you around the world stopping wars, saving important people and ensuring successes and failures where they belong to those objectives, the second and the most important is the protection and safety of humanity, you are a radar for any potential danger to the human being, if you decide to listen to it and follow it, the sense will guide you to the place where such a thing is found and you can decide if you want to permanently terminate such a thing or person or simply set them free, if you are not the one in charge, Alaya and her janitors will do the job eventually.

■The sense moves in mysterious ways in some moments it may lead you to do actions that have no reason, but eventually everything will start to make sense looking like a big plan, a very big one that encompasses continents and entire nations, it is your decision if you decide to follow the plan that seems to be in motion or subtly influence it.

■You are someone who was literally created to care for and protect humanity, you hunt down possible dangers and make sure that nothing from the moonlit world affects the normal world, you are a capable person in such rudimentary skills as commerce or negotiation, not politics. tends to happen a lot around you for the simple fact that when you are present people tend to go to your side or be your enemy, in any case your sense and encyclopedic knowledge of everything related to the management and administration of everything Related to planets, continents, countries, cities, towns or companies, it is surprising that it almost seems to be like a kind of conquest, it is almost as if the conquest, despite the fact that you do not use it much, favors you.

■There are times when creatures that shouldn't be here show up, either because some wayward brother brought it or because some rotten corpse decided to have fun and bring such a thing to cause chaos, you are a hunter and executor of anything that is a latent danger to humanity, the more dangerous it is to humanity the stronger you will be to hunt it down and execute it, whether it is just a drop of danger, you will still have a better chance of killing it than anyone else, with tracking and tracing capabilities to find it and with an inherent advantage to kill him, you have a knack for taking down anything.

■People are looking for your guide, people who don't know what to do, lost lambs who are looking for direction and that you can provide, you have a gift with words and an unparalleled charisma allowing anyone who talks with you to know their way in the great plan of the sir, there will be no lost person who has talked to you, it will always be easier to open up with you than with anyone else.

■People can't help but see something more in you, more than should be possible, whether it's your actions, your moments standing out in a great magnitude and a difference to any human being, your personality leaves them blinking, asking exactly what you are, they see a future and a path if they follow you, they see success and happiness, you attract humans around you and not only that, the people who decide to follow you will feel more empowered, it's like a breath of fresh air going through their whole body telling them that this is the right path, faster, more agile, stronger and wiser, around you the true potential of any human being explodes and becomes present like a flame.

■You are someone good in the holy sacraments and you are just as good in technology, you can easily learn any scientific field you want and little by little develop it without limit, you could learn everything you need about cybernetics and unite it with your knowledge of the holy sacraments and create something similar or better than Hans Cervantes and his cybernetic body, there is no limit on what you can learn or create, eventually you could even recreate everything that has appeared in the same bible but completely technological, you could replicate anything made by sorcery or for magic you only need time and determination, magicians are concerned that the mystery will go away and therefore magic and sorcery, you don't worry about such a thing, for you it is only a matter of time for it to go away and when that pass you will be fully prepared the magi fell but the church will stand and adapt it always does and will continue to do so much better co with you on board.

■Some people can go a little crazy with what you can create, with enough time, research and preparation you can very well put the twelve machine gods and all their technology to shame, whether you want to create a biblical version of the Klironomia, or create A whole fleet of space angels that orbit the earth and will protect it, the only thing that can limit you is time, materials and your research unless you want to do something with those limitations, but in any case only in technology you are apocalyptic.

○There is something in you that is not normal, maybe it is because you have ingested the closest thing to a hax for your whole life, but something very strange happens around you, animals tend to act calm in your presence, almost domesticated, some even seem to approach and act friendly on some occasions even protecting you, no matter if they are the most violent insects or any other dangerous animals, this effect even affects species of plants and ghostly beings, maybe even divine, they seem to see something in your person that no one else can see, even if we use a microscope we would see the same effect in the microcosm, the world seems to move strangely around you the same magic hardly affects you regardless of anything, even if you are immune to magic it's like you generate a rejection in case someone tries to hurt you, many miracles and strange happenings happen around you.

○The world loves you, humanity loves you too, Alaya and Gaia have a very fixed gaze on you and what you do, although Alaya may have a preference never seen before for your existence and Gaia may very well see you as a potential danger to her. your being be careful, the planet itself sees a lot of danger in you.

Essence Of The Magus. (Nasuverse)

It's a beautiful multicolored liquid that, despite everything, keeps changing to new and innovative colors never seen before, it's very mysterious.

○You have a natural body, this means that you are the pinnacle of what the human body has to offer in all its shapes and sizes, you are beautiful and as time goes by those traits will only improve, whether you want the strong beauty of muscles or the very delicacy and fragility of a lily, this will be inclined to your desires and requests, so you will undoubtedly be beautiful to your own preferences and desires, even affect the color of your hair or how your eyes will be, and all this without lowering the capabilities of the human body, with reflexes and senses superior to anyone else, your body is the pinnacle and is always improving to reach new heights, this will always be naturally so no one will suspect anything, everything is decided if you want to stay as you are or become the summit of the body of the human being.

■You will always be seen in full elegance, maintaining unparalleled grace and balance, you could be associated with a machine before such a detailed display of pinpoint accuracy, you are graceful and gifted with an overwhelming presence and unmatched charisma, expect to have many admirers unless you voluntarily turn it off or mitigate it, and if you consciously use it to its full force don't expect there will be anyone with enough willpower to resist you, you are nobility in every concept of the word, maybe you will get some title like Lorelei Barthomeloi and her title of 'The Queen Of The Clock Tower' or 'The Queen' for short.

■Furthermore, you have what would poetically be called 'The Will To Shatter The Stars'. There is no difficulty, no degree of opposition and no level of pain or suffering that can intimidate your intentions, once you make up your mind about something. You can do this all day long and never stop doing it, except by your own conscious choice. Forget mere 'maximum human' willpower, you are absolutely unbreakable. While remaining mentally flexible enough to not be a stubborn idiot, of course.

■Your body can not be infected by any being, supernatural or not, you can not be controlled or damaged by both mental and spiritual means, your body is an immovable fortress, your mind to a library masterfully ordered and maintained, your soul is a perpetual sanctuary you can repeat as many times the change of body as Roa or do something with worms as Zouken and your soul will remain the same, you could say that it is a perfect soul for sorcery, beware, the third magic will be and will remain better by far, your soul is something that will remain the same in the face of the most extreme things, but it is not the true immortality that is the third magic, unless you dedicate your research skills to change that.

■Mentally, you are able to modify and alter your mind, you can program your mind to react to whatever you want however you want, leaving mental triggers to move before they react is possible, molding it to create a disguise of some different personality is possible, you can even affect their feelings achieving a masterful mask, creating a state with a completely different personality and state of mind is easy, in case you are not sure how to mold your mind without changing you can leave safety countermeasures to go back to any previous state, if a certain thought or situation happens, you are a magician and as such, your masks to fool others are the best, if you use them wisely you could be in your best state to fight or go into a disguise that even Sherlock himself could not discover, this will not affect your will, and you cannot end up as a brain-dead fool by accident, unless that is your disguise.

■A little advice, stay away from the eyes of Atlas, those alchemists will see the holy grail or the root itself, if they get to know what kind of body type you have, you will be a very wet dream for any of their researchers, they even have a motto that fits. "It's easy to get into Atlas, but impossible to get out."

■If I were you, I'd be careful with the gods, a body like yours would have them drooling or hating you, it's funny how you don't know which one is worse, it all depends on which gods notice you, god forbid, the Greeks, although they might not even come close because they're admiring you.

■The reason for a mind like you have, is to hide the default personality you have as a magus, a cold being, without morals or ethics, who can do anything, this part of you will make the machines see you as the typical sentimental people, it doesn't take much to scare people in that state, people will wonder what the hell you are, what kind of being is hiding under that disguise of flesh you call skin, you can always change it if you want, although you can always hide it, your mind can never be taken advantage of by anyone other than you.

○You can choose to have the potential to have true magic, you decide if you only want one or all five in total, you can decide if you want to reach them through research, that being the case you can get creative about how you carry out your research to play true magic, and, it can help you later, this is more of an option than anything else, if you want, you can appear as a user of the five true magics, although it is not said that there will be no questions of how the hell did that happen, you have a complete control of the true magics, and you know both its maximum capabilities and the smallest details about its operation.

■The first magic "Denial Of Nothingness": The first true magic, known as "The Denial Of Nothingness", is related to the generation of an ether clusters, this includes the creation of matter and energy from nothing and the total destruction of matter and energy in nothing, the clusters of ether are conductors of magical energy.

■The second magic "Kaleidoscope": The second true magic, known as the "Kaleidoscope" or the "Parallel Worlds Operation", this includes traveling to alternate worlds, time travel, space-time manipulation and the ability to decide whether timelines are 'canon' or not, you can be creative how you use this, it's not too far-fetched to overlay different dimensions to play with the environment or use unlimited energy from all your universe versions to make a giant energy cannon, the only thing that What stops you is the creativity of how you could use it, you will have to be attentive because interacting with the dimensions and being able to observe everything that the multiverse can be, it can be a bit maddening, you will be protected in any way, but do not expect it to be a very happy, the dimensions have some that can make any person quite crazy, just look how his previous bearer was with the magical girls.

■The third magic "Heaven's Feel": The Third True Magic, known as the "Touch Of Heaven" or the "Manifestation Of The Soul". This stops the inevitable dispersal of the soul once it no longer has an anchor in the world, and essentially causes it to transcend into a higher form of existence. It is a magic that realizes true immortality by turning the soul into a flat, high-dimensional being capable of interacting with the material world as a mental body without having to return to Akasha. The Sorcerer will acquire an unlimited source of magical energy because his soul becomes analogous to a perpetual motion machine, just like the previous ones, creativity will help you a lot, although with this who needs creativity when you are truly immortal, enjoy ~.

■~~As a certain person said, I wish I had finished in the third, too bad it didn't happen~~​

■The fourth magic "White Ink": The Fourth True Magic, known as the "White Ink", in another universe the fourth magic is unknown, but how would you go about selecting a magic without knowing all your options? The fourth is based on the manifestation, manipulation, and alteration of concepts, you could alter the concept of water so that it burns instead of splashing (He, he, he) or you can very well create your own urban legend and add the concept 'real' to it, despite the tremendous power that you can still have to be careful, every being is sensitive, even reality itself, so press hard and don't expect to come out very well, you are powerful, but not invincible, keep that in mind, an example would be the previous user of the fourth magic that in an attempt to erase the concept of the fourth magic ended up being erased, it failed to eliminate the fourth magic, but the world ended up forgetting its capabilities due to certain parts that were erased. (Credit goes to AcausalTrillby at for the inspiration with his story called White Ink)

■The fifth magic "Blue Magic": The Fifth True Magic, known as the "Blue Magic" allows free manipulation of energy/heat without worrying about the order imposed by the arrow of time of thermodynamics (represented by the Second Law), and, thus leading in particular to time manipulation, as opposed to relativistic time travel, Aoko Aosaki managed to affect space-time with this magic, and you can too if you put your mind to it, just be careful you don't want to extinguish life on earth, right?

■"The Sixth True Magic": Currently non-existent, a path to the Root will be granted. You can get close to him, but you must not touch him. By doing so, you will gain access to a new True Magic. It is speculated that the Sixth True Magic might be a magic that can bring happiness to everyone. This may or may not be the case. The magic has to be something unattainable by mundane or thaumaturgical means, as long as those criteria are met you can create the sixth magic, since you are creating something new and not reusing the five magics, this will be the one with which you connect the most, don't get me wrong, if you choose any of the other five, you will have no limits or problems when handling it, in fact you could take it to heights never seen before, only this being your creation, you will be more connected and you, and only you will be the person capable of using it, you are the creator of the sixth magic be proud.

○Note something, the first, and fifth are similar in that a path to the root, an Akasha gate, originated and magic was obtained upon its arrival, while the second, third, and fourth were produced as a half to get to that place, however insignificant it may sound to some, this has its own weight in how your magic interacts with you, you may be able to touch or see the path to the Root, or you may try to recreate the means to reach the Root, be careful with that, people smarter than you tried, and they didn't end very well.

○It can be said that magicians have become the adversaries of the planet, and by having magic, as redundant as it sounds, you have become a magician, something that the human mind would not normally be able to carry as a burden. Carrying such a power is the recklessness of changing the world, as such, from the moment you obtain true magic, you are destined to go through great things or most likely to affect the entire world, whether the change is good or bad, it will depend on what you decide.

○Becoming a magician is something that must be thought carefully, it is a mantle, and it is raw power that will undoubtedly affect how you see the world or how the world sees you, you are entering forbidden territory for human hands, it is the land of gods, so unless you want to fight against gods or planets, think about it a bit before making your choice, and of course, you have some duties with humanity, it's not mandatory, but you can at least look at them once or twice, so they don't get killed or end up committing suicide.

○You can grant one magic per person by creating five or six wizards who will be loyal to you until death, you can remove that magic whenever you want and however you want, although at least tell them what you are giving them, you do not want extradimensional accidents or extinction of life on earth, you can always decide to ignore this advice and have fun with the results.


○You are by far the most talented and predisposed being to magic, your talent, ingenuity, and creativity have no comparison, your sense, and intuition regarding magecraft is undoubtedly superior, your mind has a library with all the magical knowledge of the entire verse from TYPE-MOON, whatever reality it is, it can be a bit overwhelming, but you get used to it, god forbid you can follow in the footsteps of Lorelei and focus on basic magecraft or some specific theme and develop it so much that you become the Bruce Lee of magic with 'Repeat a kick a thousand times', of course with your talent that can reach true magic levels very quickly, with any magic.

■You can connect and adapt to any existing thaumaturgical foundation, yes, that includes the church, this would allow you to use any existing spell as long as you are connected to the foundation of that respective spell, be it sorcery, from Chinese philosophy magecraft, traditional Japanese magecraft and of course the one practiced by the clock tower, there is no foundation that you do not know and to which you cannot connect, if you do not like any, you can create your own thaumaturgical foundation with the rules and implications that you want and although technically it would be impossible, your own willpower is enough to maintain that foundation, if you decide to make that foundation your primary method of practicing magic, with your willpower involved, believe me, there will be no end to how strong you can become, and that applies to every foundation you connect to, you can revive a foundation on the verge of death to its best moment and take it to something much better.

■Established and long-standing foundations will be more likely to connect and improve, they may not be as versatile, focusing only on their field as the church that is dedicated to something more spiritual, so be aware that you would spend a lot of time and resources originating a new foundation that connecting and empowering an existing one, each one has its cons and its pluses.

■As a great magus you don't always have to depend on a large mound of magic circuits for everything, you can use the quantifiable energy of the Soul; the pseudo-spiritrons to design organisms or stronger objects, as the alchemists of Atlas do, you can also be like hackers and enter the network practicing their code-cast method, whenever you cannot or do not want to use your magic circuits you will find another way to practice sorcery, very well you can practice some method of "Walk and Breathe" to try to become a Xian, whatever method you choose you can take it to unimaginable heights without relying on your magic circuits, and with your talent you can do wonders.

■It is true that you can work without magic circuits, you could very well become the best spell caster without even using them even once in your life, but it is better to use every resource you have and magic circuits are part of those resources, your circuits are special, unique in its kind, you will start with fifty magic circuits "Blue Bloods: Noble Magic Circuits", being the best of the best, what differentiates it from the others is that your magic circuits are improved and shaped the more you use them, these circuits they will grow, improve and multiply, the very environment where you are will affect them and will affect their growth, they may become a "Magic Nucleus" or for some strange reason a "Magic Reactor", there is also the possibility of becoming "Regression to the Age of Gods". Allowing you to reproduce the existing mysteries before the age of man, it is certain that they will become what you want and that they will continually improve, in case they are damaged, or you do not have magic circuits they will begin to sprout or self-repair always looking for a way to advance, they may even be influenced by your origin.

■As you have undoubtedly noticed, your magic circuits are not natural, this will not affect your form of sorcery in any negative way, who knows, you may reach some level higher than "Blue Bloods: Noble Magic Circuits" magic circuits are used to connect to the thaumaturgical foundation, you will see a rapid adaptation and improvement, the more you use them with a specific foundation, maybe even adopt some characteristics of said foundation.

■You can create magic circuits through research and development and implant them in a host, but such a thing would be for someone else, because yours are already on their way to the best of the best.

■This also affects how much magical energy you use, to make a comparison, the average mage has 20 units of magical energy, Ciel had 5000 units, you have 10000, and it will always improve according to your magic circuits, as a respected magus you must have enough energy to sustain any research or spell you want.

■You can change your origin, it is true that the origin is the starting point that defines one's existence and directs one's actions throughout life. It is the driving force that comes from within the Root, which has managed to sprout from the Source and take material form, but you can change it, unlike other people you can trace your origin to the Root and exchange it for something that is more convenient, ok to see changes, so you will have to be careful, but at least you can change it for anything you want, be it creature, emotion or concept, you can even keep several at the same time, although you would have to be careful, the origin may end waking up if you swap it too much or if you have several, and they manage to sync up, you're a never-before-seen case, so crazy things can happen.

■If a person ends up awakening their Origin, it becomes nearly impossible to deviate from their Origin, if even possible in the first place. It becomes an impulsive behavior that one would follow as if it were an absolute order, it has to be taken into account that if you achieved such a thing you would gain superhuman abilities according to your origin, the defense mechanism that you have will save you at some point after awakening your origin, the defense mechanism returns your origin to its state before waking up, you can program it so that it takes days or months to put your origin to sleep again, keep that in mind, the origin has to be treated with care.

■Element, the elements are somewhat easier to deal with and without as much danger as the origins, by default you are an average with the five elements, fire, water, earth, air, and ether and just as before you can exchange and modify them to your liking it is better not to overlap an exaggerated number of elements, but at least you are not in as much danger as with the origins, the element is the type of magic with which you are more predisposed and which one you are better at, it should be noted that different cultures handle in different ways the elements, so there is a variety of elements with the same name, you will have to be more specific when changing the element.

■The elements are not so rigid when it comes to making magecraft, if we put as an example that you have water as an element and that you want to learn spells more inclined with fire, you can, but it will cost more, although that is not your case, it should also be remembered that the elements are more than the name of said element itself, water is the fluidity and control of liquids, the other elements are something similar, only with their own peculiarities, there are elements as unique as sword or hollow, so who knows What things can you achieve if you start being creative.

■Origins and elements are connected, so if you have the same origin and the same element, you will notice that your magic will have a boost on anything bordering on that field, although you run the risk of over-specializing, an example would be demon origin and demon element, you will find that you could do spectacular things with demonology, although you won't be able to do much with any kind of sorcery not associated with demons.

■You are an artist when it comes to creating things, you would fit very well with Atlas, just like them, you are able to create things that could bring about the destruction of the world seven times, there is no limit in what you are able to build, from mystical supergiant codes like the "Foundation of Philosophy" up to the seven weapons of Atlas, it would be possible within your capabilities to start theorizing how to create Noble Phantasms or recreate them, very well you can do like the hikikomori of Caubac and create your own holy scriptures, or you can be like Zelretch troll and create items about magical girls or whatever you prefer, you can create the philosophical keys or magical crests or create something new based on it.

■Theoretically, you are able to build anything shown in TYPE-MOON that is supernatural, and this includes everything from a simple pistol to the MOON CELL itself, and always with the ability to innovate, improve, or create something entirely new.

■The "Philosophy Foundation" generated by the Xian in the land of China is essentially a simulation of an artificial Root. The Xians worked together as a group to build it. Instead of connecting to the Root using the gods as a relay, as civilizations in the Age of Gods did, the Xian produced their system of magic by building a Supergiant Mystic Code that merges with the planet. That is the Philosophy Foundation.

■You are able to break down any magic you see or theorize into its most basic components, you may very well be called the second coming of Waver, for what you can do, with your talents it would not be difficult to dissect any magic you see down to its most basic concepts, being able to recreate it if you decide to do such a thing, you can always see ways to improve or modify it, but there is no magic that you don't see that you don't understand.

■It has been said that anything magecraft can do technology can do and vice versa, you understand that principle well, you are capable of achieving anything science achieves through magecraft, any technology you see will only give you new and innovative ideas to achieve it through magecraft.

■An example would be Apollo 11, you can imitate such a thing with magecraft, a space teleportation to reach the moon or some strange chimera that can take you, to know if you can do something else with astrology, true magic may end up dying, but magecraft it will be maintained and will continue to advance as long as you exist and science exists.

■A magus is a scholar above all else, as a magus your main skill will be the investigation of sorcery in order to get to the root, you are a born investigator knowing every detail of the book by heart, a slight passing glance is enough to remember it whenever you want without need at a second glance, and not only that, you understand them to their very core, anything you don't know, you only need to investigate it to learn, as a researcher your handwriting will be relentless, your notes will be the finer details, and you can always do a thesis about a thousand and one ways to get to the root, you know for shit and giggles.

■You unconsciously organize your work space, you will not be the typical researcher with your head in the clouds and with a workshop more messy than your room, no, your workshop is a perfect example of order, organized to the millimeter without you realizing it, this is also gone to all your jobs, no leaving dangerous things lying around unprotected or having all your tools dirty and messy, you know what they say, a tidy space is a safe space, and you have exemplary security.

■You are a good teacher, you see the talent of people, their potential, and you can show that by bringing out all that talent, just like Waver you are an exceptional teacher when it comes to teaching, even the dumbest and most talentless person can become even a Lord, a person with real talent and a good head on his shoulders can very well get to Marshall just like Zelretch and Lorelei, of course as long as he listens to your lessons.

■In addition to research you can focus your skills to develop many elements in any field you choose, on top of that you will never see any unwanted side effects or stalling your research, you see possibilities in mistakes, small delays in full stalls of a sorcery, potential in drawbacks, every mistake, bump, or snag in your eyes will become a possibility that may very well take your research to new heights.

■Example: you can focus on martial arts, create something like the Nanaya killing arts, even recreate the Nanaya arts themselves, use pre-existing martial arts to give them mystical effects, it's very viable, you can create your own mystical martial arts. Assessing an enemy in the middle of a fight is easy for you, developing countermeasures against him or finding weaknesses you can exploit (If you have "The Mystic Eyes Of Death Perception" or something similar, you can find new lines of death or develop them in your enemy yourself) there is no field in which you cannot apply your talents.

■Optionally, you can create a workshop, a workshop is a place where the magus carry out their research, it is a sacred place that any self-respecting magus will never let anyone enter, yours is impenetrable and untouchable, unless you allow it, at first you can design it inside as you like either as some ancient place of study or as a modern laboratory, your workshop is a subspace between dimensions, impossible for any being to find, no matter where you go you can access to your workshop from anywhere, be it places as remote as the bottom of the ocean, some forest, or desert forgotten by the hand of God or space itself, you just have to call it the way you want, a door will open where you can enter, you can modify this entrance as you want, needing a key or only access from a certain door when you want, and always having the flexibility so that you can modify it to your g you.

■Your workshop has books on every possible sorcery and various ways to implement it, even notes for a beginner to practice little by little and build slowly, along with manuals and various articles for learning, it also has information on magus policy or data from the world both known and not, there is a lot of knowledge that will serve you, and not all of it is necessarily sorcery, at your option, all of TYPE-MOON's knowledge can be here in book formats or any other form you want, the workshop It will have any material or tool you require, and just like before it ranges from the most exotic never thinkable to the most normal, after spending that material it will recharge regularly, so you never have to worry about running out of resources.

■In case you want something different, you can create your own workshop in the way you want, building both its defenses and places where you will store your knowledge and carry out your research, when you finish, the construction will gain the same benefits as if you had it. Given, these are undetectable and impenetrable.

■Your workshop is a place for any outside creature not to enter and for anything inside not to leave, the workshop is something that you can change to your liking both in appearance, space and time, you can even change concepts within your own workshop, convert your ceiling a gateway to space, so you can admire any star from near or far, you can't be harmed inside your own workshop so the vacuum of space or the sun's rays would do little or nothing to you.

■A magician walks with death, you among the many magus out there, you are sensitive to danger, you know very well when something can go wrong, you detect it like a bloodhound, whether it is a migraine, a slight smell or daring visions of the mirrors of what could go wrong, whatever method you choose, you know something will go wrong, and you know what will cause it, there is no longer any danger of experiments or ambushes, your sense of danger will alert you whenever death is near you, there will be no moments either late or too early, this gives you the right time, and also something of how to go out, there is nothing impossible to avoid death here.

■You can leave marks on people so that they also notify you if they are in danger, you decide if the same person is aware of the danger or not.

■You can say if you want to be like Akiha Tohno and I will become a half-breed with the blood of some mythical or supernatural beast, this will give you certain unique abilities depending on the blood you decide, it will also give you a stronger connection to the mystery, your instincts will be controllable and will not cause any problem, although they can always be useful, it is always curious to know what those senses perceive that is not detectable by humans.

■Optionally, you can decide if you want to do some research to fully become that creature, an example being becoming a dead apostle like Gransurg Blackmore did.

■You can give people mythical blood if you want to do something with it, you can always control them and take that power away from them if they rebel.

■Despite the fact that many magus dislikes it, politics is present within their society, you are the one who governs that, words are an art that you master, you are the best, it is simple to deceive or convince people, you know how people think. People, you know what they want, you know how to guide their thoughts or group a group of people with certain ideas, you know by heart every law, every line, every letter of every word and every political loophole that you can take advantage of with all that, move in the world politician, it's not very difficult, you control it well, you can be considered a control demon for how well you handle everything.

■If you don't want to touch politics, that's fine, you know enough to move in society, it's simple to fake smiles or emotions, deceiving people is second nature, making them believe that you are like them, without any problem and with a normal life it's surprisingly easy, if you don't want to fool anyone that's fine, just with the security you show you would eventually have some group of trustworthy friends.

■Sometimes it is difficult to know if a decision is good, until after seeing what happens, not for you, the decisions you make, are made under detailed scrutiny, your decisions will no longer have the doubt of whether you did it right, and even if for some strange reason some bad decision goes through your detailed study, you will have a sixth sense that will constantly warn you not to choose it, it will be your decision after that.

■If ever it is not enough to stick to the laws, you know how to do everything in a more criminal way, blackmail, extortion, threaten, etc. you know every dirty trick in the book, in fact you wrote the book, you know it backwards and forwards, the underworld has its own laws, and you know them like the back of your hand, your very well can create your own mafia and promote it by the underworld, and when it's not enough to talk, well, it's an easier way to just permanently eliminate every person or group that opposes, not that anyone finds out if you want.

■You know people's minds, you know how they think, you know what they want, and you can notice very clearly when some thought of betrayal passes through their pretty little head now condemned, you can tell if they have a plan or if they are trying to influence you, not because of some strange ability but because you simply know how the human being works, there is no person that you cannot understand, just one look and the personality of any person remains in your eyes, abnormal cases like Shirou Emiya is simply looking at them from a slightly different perspective, it is easy to You play with those thoughts, moving some person from one place to another like a puppet is quite a fun hobby, turning the most cowardly person into something much worse than Shirou with his sense of heroism and his lack of self-preservation is simple, the most calm and good-hearted person under your hands can be left as Kirei Kotomine with no moral limit as to how much evil is enough, h woe to whoever makes you angry, you know enough about the human being to create a real hell with simple words, people tend to think that words cannot cause so much damage, after all, words are not as effective as a sword According to them, it is sometimes easy to forget that a few simple words caused the fall of Camelot.

■Trade is not so attached to the magus, but it is better to have money and be like Luvia using money from one side to the other, not be like Rin and wonder if you can last until the end of the month paying attention to each expense you make, the world of commerce opens its huge golden doors to you, you know money, you know how money is managed, you know where there are opportunities or how to create them yourself, you know where definitely not to be around to keep the money you have and avoid losses.

■You have what can be said, a golden luck, the lottery, prizes, or just finding a dollar on the street, money comes to you passively, you can control how much comes to you, from a simple five dollars to millions, someone can suspect, but you will still be rich, so there will not be so many problems.

■You know every dollar, every coin by heart, down to the tiniest penny, you keep it in mind when you do the math, which makes you very good with numbers, but pluses aside, you keep every bit of your money in mind, so that if any bills or coins go missing you'll notice quickly, so it's easy to spot if some fool is having a funny idea about your money.

■Furthermore, you are the best at handling money, you can very well copy the Harweys and get 60% of the planet or more, there will be opposition, but if you use this, plus your political skills, you can very well do it without anyone noticing.

■Mystery is what allows magecraft, the crystallization of belief, so it is undeniable to say that without mystery there is no magecraft or magic, as time passes and technology advances, the mystery gradually evaporates from this world, a risk for the magus, because their job lies in the very existence of the mystery, that is a danger that does not apply to you, your mere existence revives the mystery, you are like a plant only instead of expelling air, you expel mystery, this is something you can control, such as applying it only to your actions or that it spreads throughout the world or only to an area in general, you decide.

■Be careful not to spread it around the world, the revival of the mystery can revive some troublesome things, most likely you can irreparably affect the world itself, the planet itself will be affected by such an action.

■If you decide to enclose the mystery in an area, in that small area the mystery will begin to accumulate, affecting everything that is inside, each plant, each animal, each insect, even the smallest being can be affected.

■Since the mystery comes from you, every creature that is impacted by the mystery you produce will feel a feeling of loyalty towards you, the probability that they will not be loyal to you is close to zero, they may see you as a divine being, which is god to humans, at worst they will be of no use to you, but they will still refuse to harm you.

○You have more security against Gaia and Alaya, they will be softer when it comes to judging whether to eliminate you, you can be much more reckless than the rest of the magicians and unless you do something extreme like endangering the entire planet or humanity itself, none attack, they will stay away and not bother you, they will watch you it is true, but they will never interfere with anything you do as long as you do not go too far, this includes that Alaya cannot prune the timeline where you are, you are an immutable being when it comes to damaging the timeline, the incineration of humanity or the Lostbelt will do nothing to you, you are protected from that by sending you to another time and space, you will be displaced through time to the point of origin where that timeline was damaged, the singularities, very well you can solve it or just observe while you continue with your investigation while you wait to be sent to another space-time, in case it is solved you will return to where you were before all this happened, and in case that timeline is doomed you will be sent to another timeline that is not in danger.

○Your powers cannot be stolen, deleted, copied or anything like that, you will have constant protection against negative effects, in case something unexpected happens, you will be randomly teleported, your powers will return, eventually, they always return.

○Without perfection, nothing you build is ever perfect, it never will be, nor are you perfect, perfection is a limiting factor, when perfection arrives there is nothing else, that is why you can break perfection being able to grow unlimitedly, there is no limit in terms of you can grow or improve pre-existing things because in principle there is no end for you, and although some may say that there must be an end, a point at which you will eventually reach perfection by not being able to improve anymore, they are wrong, as simple beings, his imagination, his head can only come to that conclusion, that there is a limit, but not you, the limits seen in mortal eyes do not apply, you see an infinite path, the root itself is infinite and constantly growing, because you cannot be equal to her and have no limits in your growth, without perfection, without limits, a perpetual growth.

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