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53.94% SpiderGwen: I have a system?! / Chapter 41: Chapter 41: The Great Change, Fear, and Assimilation

Kapitel 41: Chapter 41: The Great Change, Fear, and Assimilation

Huge thanks to Elfendrago and Crafty Blaine for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd POV] [Mount Justice]

A few hours had passed since the spell had separated the adults and children, and a few things had happened. For one, Gwen had begun to go around the world, finding children and taking them to the local refugee centers that were set up all over.

The group was standing in the mission room, trying to decide a new course of action, after Gwen had used a simple tracking spell, finding exactly where the spell was originating from.

The group had been coming up with plans on defeating the magic users that are no doubt the cause of this, while Gwen was mostly ignoring them. Why? Because she had her own plan, one that she was quite sure would work...she hoped at least.

Nabu had been a major help, and basically been the one to confirm the possibility of the plan working in the first.

Within these several hours, Gwen had also went around taking care of some...locations. Cadmus, Lexcorp, basically Light affiliated places that had data, were being attacked all across the planet, whenever she got even the slightest chance to do so.

By the end of the fourth hour, she had completely absorbed, and destroyed, the data of at least 15 different Light affiliated data centers. All of that knowledge was hers now, and would be quite the boon. Bialya was the biggest target during this time, while also being a place she had to help kids at.

Currently, she was standing in the mission room with the team. As they were looking over the recent data and videos that were shared across the globe. The picture it sent...wasn't entirely pretty.

"How much longer should we wait? I don't think we can handle this for much longer" Artemis asked, knowing that it was only a matter of time before they started to get overwhelmed.

"It would be best we destroy the ritual that is doing this soon, before casualties begin to grow" Raven said softly, knowing that it was only a matter of time before people started dying, just as they would get overwhelmed.

Before anyone could comment on what was said, a soft *Krackoom* filled the room. Immediately everyone turned around, only to find a short, black haired kid standing there.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" Kaldur immediately asked, tensing at the unknown child now in their homebase.

"Captain Marvel?" Gwen asked, looking to the young boy. She obviously knew that it was him, but kept herself covered.

"In the flesh!" Billy Batson, aka Captain Marvel, aka Shazam, replied, a smile on his face.

"You really expect us to believe this is Captain Marvel? He's just a kid" Wally asked, looking to the unknown child.

"Gee, Wally, do I really need to bring you more nachos and pineapple juice to get on your good side?" Billy replied, a smirk on his face.

Wally went silent, as did the rest of the team as they all glanced at one another.

"Told ya" Gwen said with a smile, before looking to Billy.

"You can travel between the two dimensions, right? I'm assuming dear old pops sent you here to get into contact with us, so that we can execute a plan to stop the ritual?" Gwen asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yep!" Billy responded, a grin of excitement on his childish face.

'This is gonna be fun'


Alongside a large pathway, lined with dead trees, Klarion stood. The ground was marked with a large, magical circle, humming with power, as it glowed a soft red color. Within the middle of the circle was a rather large stone, glowing a golden color.

The Lord of Chaos was focusing on the ritual, and keeping it running. The Lord of Chaos stopped as he began to look around, sensing something amiss.

Klarion was cut off as arrows and throwing stars flew his way. Blocking it with a wave of his hand, conjuring a reddish shield, the Lord of Chaos turned amused.

"Is that the best you can do?" After saying those words, Klarion raised his hand, causing a bolt of red energy to fly out like lightning, slamming against the ground where Dick and Artemis were standing. The two were thrown back from the blast, as Klarion grinned at the sight.

From every other side Kid Flash, Kaldur, and Superboy sprinted in. Each of them trying their best to get close to Klarion, close enough to actually inflict some damage on the Lord of Chaos himself.

That would have worked, if Klarion didn't conjure a large energy dome around himself, throwing the three young heroes back.

Running forward, Zatanna began to incant a spell, in an attempt to destroy the dome. Only for the dome to effortlessly absorb the magic.

"Huh, baby magic" Klarion said with a scoff, before incanting his own spell, throwing Zatanna high in the air, and then back. She began to fall to the ground with a small scream, only to be caught by Superboy.

Next M'gann tried her luck, throwing large rocks at the barrier, only for it to be ineffective. The team continued to hammer into the barrier, with M'gann lifting larger and larger rocks, while Zatanna was casting stronger and stronger spells.

All the while, Gwen was waiting, preparing for the perfect moment.

Sitting on the branch of a dead tree, cloaked in a multitude of ways, Gwen silently watched them fight the boy.

'Are you certain you wish to try this?' Nabu asked inwardly, knowing of the plan that his host was planning.

'Yep. There's not much of a negative if this fails, right?' Gwen asked inwardly.

'I suppose not. But it is risky, child. Not only that, but we have no way of knowing the effect this will have on you' Nabu responded, worried for his host.

'I know that, but I also know that this is way too good of a chance to pass up. The pro's outweigh the cons, we both know this' Gwen said inwardly, sighing at the worry of her friend.

'I suppose you are careful child, I quite like being bound to you' Nabu inwardly said, causing Gwen to chuckle.

'Big softie'

Gwen silently continued to watch, as the attacks began to wear on barrier, before noticing the Lord of Chaos falter, his focus entirely on keeping the barrier up.

'Now!' Gwen thought, before blurring with pure speed.

Flashing, she reappeared in front fo her true target...a small stripped cat. "NOOO!" Klarion screemed in fury as Gwen picked the cat up, and apparated off with a soft *Pop*.

"Everyone, remember the plan! Get that crystal!" Kaldur yelled, not entirely sure what Gwen was doing, but trusting her.


[In another location, far away]

Reappearing with a soft pop, Gwen looked down at the cat in her hands.

It was a small little thing, pretty cute too. Ginger fur with stripes, red eyes that blinked up at her innocently, and a small collar around it's neck.

"Well aren't you just the cutest little thing" Gwen said with a soft coo. Smiling as the cat just meowed at her, not threatened by her, seemingly.

Gwen frowned when she noticed something. 'Is that...well if I didn't hate Klarion before...I certainly do now' Gwen thought, noticing the obvious signs of bruising around the cats neck. Not to mention just how thin the poor thing was.

'Seems this universe is a bit more AU than I was expecting...not surprised' Gwen thought, knowing that something like this was definitely possible, even in canon. Klarion was a Lord of Chaos, at the end of the day.

'Alright, system, is the idea I have genuinely possible?' Gwen asked, knowing that the system would answer her now, unlike before when she questioned the possibility of this plan.

[Yes. But it is up to the user to gain the allegiance of the familiar. Should that happen, then the system will naturally aid with the rest, as it did with the Helmet]

'Good, and that should be easy enough. Especially now that I know what that Klarion has obviously not treated this little cutie very well' Gwen thought, a soft scowl on her face, before softly petting the cat on it's soft head, which Teekl leaned into.

"He didn't treat you very well, did he?" Gwen asked, softly rubbing under Teekl's chin, causing the cat to purr and nod. The cat was far smarter than a normal one, as she had the ability to telepathically talk with her "master".

"And do you want to keep being his familiar?" Gwen asked.

The cat meowed and tilted it's head, before shaking it's head.

"How about you become mine? I've got all sorts of little toys for you and enough food to last you forever" Gwen asked, crouching down to the cat that was now curiously looking up at her.

"Mrowr?" Teekl tilted her head, wondering what the nice human meant.

"I mean, I can sever your bond with Klarion, permanently, and then bond you to me instead" Gwen answered calmly, knowing the cat was confused.

Teekl tilted it's head before meowing again "Meow?"

Gwen, thanks to her...immense knowledge, had a good idea about what the kitty was saying "It's pretty simple. You just need to direct the magic inside of you to me, instead of Klarion, therefore making me your master instead of him"


"It's that easy" Gwen replied, amused at the fact that she was having a fullblown conversation with a literal cat.

"Oh, and if you do this, you'll be able to sleep as much as you want, and get catnip" Gwen added, smirking as the cat perked up.

"Mrowr, meow meow mrowr" Teekl replied, jumping to it's feet.

Chuckling, Gwen slowly reached her hand forward "It's easy Teekl. You know the bond you have with Klarion? The magic that is within you, the magic that he uses to cast his spells? That Chaos magic? All you need to do is imbue it into me through contact, and everything else will happen naturally"

Teekl looked at Gwen for a few moments, before nodding and moving forward. 'Who knew cats would be so easy to bribe...' Gwen thought with a soft smile, as she put her fist out, as if she was about to bump fists with Teekl.

In response, Teekl just glanced at her fist, before slowly raising it's paw, as dark, powerful red energy swarmed around it.


In Rhode Island, where a certain Lord of Chaos was struggling against the might of the Young Justice, and the newly returned adults, a scream of horror began to wretch itself from his throat.

"What is that brat doing! IS SHE INSANE?! STOP STOP STOP STOP! STOP HER BEF-" Klarion couldn't continue as a scream of pure pain escaped him, his body glowing red, slowly beginning to dissolve.

"What the hell?" Dick muttered, as Klarion looked...afraid?

"You must stop her! Even I'm not stupid enough to do what she's doing!" Klarion screamed out, fear filling him as he realized what Gwen was doing.

"What is she doing?" Batman asked, moving forward, while Zatara was casting every spell he could, trying to pinpoint her location.

"Answer us Klarion!"

"It's too late! The idiots already g-oing through with i-it" Klarion stuttered as the last of his body disintegrated into absolutely...nothing.


Back with Gwen, she was watching in interest as Chaos magic, swirled and poured into Teekl.

As the last of the energy gathered inside Teekl, the cat opened it's glowing red eyes, and meowed one last time, before slowly touching it's paw with Gwen's fist.

And then...all Gwen knew was...pain.

Chaos power poured from Teekl from her paw, directly into Gwen herself, as red chaotic energy swirled around both of them.

The skies above began to boom, lightning flashing in the skies. The seas in the areas around them picked up, as the waves heightened more and more. The wind picked up in their surroundings, causing tree's to sway and crack.

The energy surrounding the two continued to grow larger and larger. Creating - to the outside - a large tornado of red energy, swirling around the cat, and "human".

Said "human" was trying her best not to scream in pain, as the pure chaos wrecked havoc on her organs, magic, and very soul.

Nabu was forced to watch, and feel the effects of what his host was doing. The idea had come up with her at one point, after Gwen had realized that Teekl was more than just a mere "Familiar".

It would be more accurate to say she (Teekl) was a "container" of sorts for Klarions power. A container that...wasn't completely bound to Klarion, courtesy of Teekl being an ordinary cat at one point.

So the question was asked..."What if I somehow bind Teekl to me?". Familiar's weren't entirely rare in the magical world, thus, she found the way in which to bind an already existing animal as a familiar, and just...edited it a bit.

Nabu was...not entirely for the idea, but after realizing that this would permanently rid the world of Klarion, while also strengthening his host, he thought more of it. Not to mention, Gwen was more than just order, she was Chaos as well. Both of them were equal inside of her...somehow. She was quite literally the perfect host for a Lord of Order AND A lord of Chaos. A perfect combination of Order and Chaos, both the magic of Order, and magic of Chaos. A perfect equilibrium impossible to others, an anomaly unlike any others.

'F-fuck this hurts!' Gwen thought groaning in pain, trying her best not to scream.

She hadn't felt pain like this in...a long time. The feeling of chaos running wild inside of her, was...not fun.

But as the chaos continued to wreck havoc, she began to slowly feel it. The bond, the energy, the power. Slowly she began to "grip" and "control" the magic running havoc inside of her, as Teekl watched in slight worry, hoping it's new master wouldn't die so soon.

Using all her experience with magic, control, mediation, chi, etc. Gwen began to slowly control the new energy, reigning it in, making it submit to her will.

Slowly the pain began to cease, as what replaced it was complete and utter...ecstasy.

A deep laugh escaped Gwen's lips as red energy swirled around her, hey eyes glowing a soft deep red.

"Man this feels great!" Gwen said with a grin, controlling the power in her hands.

'...It did it...' Nabu inwardly spoke, genuine and rare shock in his tone.

'Are you alright, mistress?' Another voice asked, powerful, and...feminine?

Blinking at the voice, Gwen looked to Teekl, before realization hit her 'Teekl? Is that you?'

'Did the bond work? Is gone?'

'He is, for good this time' Gwen thought, a soft smile on her face as she slowly leaned down, and allowed the cat to jump to her right shoulder, it's favorite spot.

'Good, I never much liked him. He never gave me good food or treated me very nicely' Teekl inwardly said.

'Well you won't have to worry about that Teekl, I'll be taking care of you from now on, I promise that' Gwen inwarldly said.

'Are you alright Nabu?'

'I am, child. I'm simply...shocked that this was possible. You truly are the greatest anomaly I have ever come across...ever will come across' Nabu replied, causing Gwen to chuckle in response.

'Thanks Nabu, for helping me with this' Gwen thought, knowing that the being had aided her in reigning in the chaos.

'It was my pleasure child. Now, I suggest you return back to your team, bef-'

'What the fu-' Gwen thought as everything...stopped.

[Alert! Alert! Alert!]

[...The Endless have gazed upon you]

Gwen paled as every instinct in her body screamed to run. Her spider senses flared in every direction. Teekl, who was not frozen, tensed as her fur raised.

'Do not run! You cannot get away from them'

'I know, I know!' Gwen inwardly responded.

[Destiny has taken interest in the anomaly that is the host]

[Death has taken interest in the anomaly that is the host]

[Destruction has taken interest in the anomaly that is the host]

[Dream has taken interest in the anomaly that is the host]

[Delirium has taken interest in the anomaly that is the host]

[Desire has taken interest in the anomaly that is the host]

[Despair has taken interest in the anomaly tha is the host]

'...I'm so fucked' Gwen thought, sweat trickling down her forehead as she felt...fear. For the first time in a long time, she felt genuine, real fear.

Gritting her teeth at the unwelcome feeling, Gwen stamped down the fear that was beginning to bud in her heart. She refused to fear them, she refused to allow fear to control her, someone that had only just begun her journey, someone who had all the potential to surpass them. But more than that, she stamped out the fear, all because she remembered a cute little alien, an archer, and a half demon, the latter two she long since noticed the feelings of. She stamped it out for her family, friends, and loves, she stamped it out because she refused to allow her fear of the Endless, control her emotions.

Breathing deeply, Gwen opened her eyes back. Staring into the space above, she slowly lilfted her hand and...threw up the bird "Fuck off you nosy assholes!"

[...Detecting outside interference, against the orders of the @!%^&%$#@]

[Enacting safety protocols for the safety of the host]

As she read those words, a deep breath escaped her lips, as she felt the gazes slowly disappear, and time resumed.

'Fuck that sucked' Gwen thought, leaning against a tree.

'Are you alright, Mistress?' Teekl asked, having felt the emotions of her new master.

'Are you alright, child? I felt them' Nabu asked, knowing exactly who those gazes belonged to, and why Gwen was fearful at one point. But he also inwardly praised her for stomping that fear out so quickly, all through sheer willpower.

'I'm alright Teekl, Nabu...just a little frazzled'

[The Endless's influence has been purged]

[The hosts first universe known as "Young Justice" is under lock from beings of a higher order, until the user travels to another universe within the DC multiverse. This was done in order to allow the host to safely grow stronger, without fear of an entity like the Endless obliterating the host]

' like a tutorial world?'

[Precisely. The system apologizes for the incident, and it will NOT happen again]

[Hidden Quests Complete!]

Death of the Witch Boy - Permanently end Klarion, the Lord of Chaos

Reward - 10 UL Tickets

The Impossible made possible - Do the impossible. The higher the impossibility of the task completed, the higher reward.

Impossible act in question - Sever the bond of a Familiar and it's Lord of Chaos. Taking the familiar, and the Lord of Chaos's power for the users self. In essence becoming a sort of "Pseudo Lord of Chaos" having all the power of Klarion at your fingertips, while not being a living embodiment of Chaos like he was.

Reward - 10 UL Tickets

Survive - Survive the gaze of the Endless, and conquer the fear that comes with it.

Reward - 5 UL Tickets, ???????????

The Light Dwindles - Kill a major member of the Light, calculated based on who the user killed.

Reward - 5 UL Tickets

< | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | >

| Status |

Name - Gwendolyn "Gwen" Stacy Wayne

Title - Doctor Fate, Lord of Chaos (Pseudo/Minor), Ghost Spider

Species - Magical Enhanced Inhuman Mutant (Symbiote Bonded)

Gender - Female

Age - 17

SL Characters - Ghost Spider, Silk, Daredevil, Deathstroke, Orphan, Toxin, Moon Knight, Captain America, Spiderman (616), Spiderman (1610), Richard Dragon, Nightwing, Green Arrow, Catwoman, Baki, Prometheus, Wolverine, Scarlet Spider (616), Spiderwoman (1610), Mystique, Sabretooth, Scarlet Spider (Kaine Parker), Spiderman (8351), Karnak, Winter Soldier, Jessica Jones, Reed Richards, Red Robin, Lady Shiva, Taskmaster, X-23, Carnage, Crossbones, Spiderwoman (616), Severus Snape, Shego, Punisher, Luke Cage, Bellatrix Lestrange, Bronze Tiger, Black Widow, Echo, Sylar, Bane, John Wick, Gold Goblin, Minerva McGonagall, White Widow, Misery, Spiderman Noir, Venom, Shang Chi, Batman, Silence, Hybrid.

UL Characters - Yuujirou, Albus Dumbledore, Jaune, Tokita Ohma, Yoriichi.

Avatar/Host (Not UL gained) - Doctor Fate/Nabu

Familiar (Not UL Gained) - Teekl

Completed Quests - 30+

Ongoing Quests - None

UL Tickets - 30

Current Universe - Young Justice (Slight AU)

Multiverse Travel - Available

< | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | >


[The system thought the host deserved some titles, due to the increasingly impressive accomplishments of the host]

'' Gwen thought with a small smile forming on her face. But it faulted as she read the questionmarks on the "Survive" part.

'Questionmarks? That's a first' Gwen thought with a frown, as this was the first time the system didn't tell her the reward she got straight up. The fact that it was hidden, meant that it was most likely important, or powerful, or both.

'Can I claim the reward?'

[No. The reward will be unlocked soon enough]

'...Alright then?' Gwen thought, raising an eyebrow at the system.

'I suggest you get back to the rest of your team now' Nabu said, causing Gwen to nod.

'Probably for the best...Zatara's gonna cause a fuss about this, isn't he' Gwen asked inwardly, groaning already, knowing that this was about to be an absolute pain in the ass.

'More than likely, I'm afraid' Nabu replied, knowing that Zatara was not going to trust her, not with Teekl on her shoulder.

Gwen just sighed hearing this, knowing that was going to be the case 'Well, I guess he'll just have to suck it up, because Teekl's with me now' Gwen thought, looking to Teekl with a small smile as she pat the cat's head, causing her to purr and rub her cheek against Gwen's.

'Time to face the music' Gwen thought with a final sigh, as she teleported off.


Back with the League, things were...not going well.

Zatara was currently freaking out, why? Because a Lord of Chaos does not simply...die, not like that.

"You don't understand! Klarion cannot simply die as he just did! Meaning, something happened to him, something your daughter did! I do not know what, but it cannot be good, not when involving the forces of Chaos!"

"My daughter would not risk the lives of her team, not like that. If she did something to rid the world of Klarion, then she did it knowing the risks and what the outcome was" Batman responded, trying not to lose his temper at this man that was basically bad mouthing his daughter.

"I believe it would be best that we wait until she returns, and then decide what to do" Red Tornado added, trying to calm the building tension between the two.

The Young Justice team was frowning at the words of Zatara, none of them believing that Gwen would do something that could put them all at risk, they knew her enough.

The arguing was about to pick up again, when a soft *Pop* sounded out, causing the team to turn to the sound. Their eyes widened at the sight of Gwen standing there, Teekl sitting upon her shoulders.

"You! What have you done?!" Zatara yelled, glaring as he noticed Teekl upon her shoulders.

"Got rid of a Lord of Chaos, got a cute cat, became a pseudo Lord of Chaos, you know, the usual" Gwen said with a shrug.

"Pseudo Lord of Chaos?" Wally asked.

"I'm not the embodiment of Chaos like they are. I just have access to the magic they use, through my new cat, Teekl" Gwen said with a smile, running her hand through Teekl's hair, causing her to purr.

"She won't betray us, not with how Klarion treated her. She's my familiar now, and any attack on her, is the same as attacking me" Gwen said, narrowing her eyes at Zatara.

"And you are sure you can...control this power?" Bruce asked, slightly worried for his daughter. He wanted to be angry, but he also knew that Gwen wasn't foolish, and if an argument broke out with her, he'd lose.

"Yep! Teekl helps, as does Nabu. I've already gained control over the new power, and will make sure to train in it thoroughly, I promise" Gwen responded, looking at her father, sensing the worry that he hid from the others, but was never able to hide from her.

Bruce looked at her for a few more moments, before nodding with a sigh.

"Well, I for one would very much like to go home, and take a nice long bath" Artemis said with a groan, exhausted after the hours of constant work, helping kids, fighting Klarion, and everything else adding up.

"I would also appreciate a nap" Kaldur said with a chuckle.

"I just want some grub, I haven't eaten in like 2 hours!" Wally whined, hungry due to his speedster physiology.

"You can all return back, the League will take it from here. As for you Gwen...we'll speak more about this tomorrow" Bruce said, causing Gwen to sigh, knowing she was going to have to have a nice long talk with the League.

'That's gonna be a fun conversation'


[Mount Justice] [Later that night]

Laying in her bed, Gwen was currently laying back, M'gann snuggled against her chest, snoring softly after the exhausting day. Teekl was on her own pillow on Gwen's left, also sleeping.

'System, go ahead and use those tickets. But do it 5 at a time like last time'

[As you wish host]

Tony Stark | Iron Man | Earth 616 [SL]

Tony Stark, aka genius, billionaire, playboy, Philanthropist, aka Iron Man. One of the smartest individuals in the entirety of comics, and a master inventor and engineer. Having created countess technologies, objects, items, weapons, etc. While not having any physical powers, his intelligence more than makes up for that. Includes his super genius intelligence, masterful knowledge in engineering, business, tactics, and a whole host of other areas. Includes all helpful/important knowledge.

Miguelle O'Hara | Spiderman 2099 | Earth 616 [SL]

Miguelle O'Hara, aka the Spiderman of 2099. A gifted geneticist, skilled combatant, and more. Includes his strength (10 tons), talons and fangs (fangs can paralyze those that are bitten), telescopic and night vision, and all other powers, important/useful memories, etc.

Toji | Jujustu Kaisen [UL]

Toji Fushiguro, aka the Sorcerer Kiler. An immensely skilled fighter in JJK, being one of the most skilled characters in the entire JJK world, only defeated by Gojo after he awoke his Limitless technique. He is a master weapons specialist, master martial artist, has enhanced senses, immense strength, and more. Includes all helpful/important/ knowledge.

Scorn | Marvel Earth 616 [SL]

Scorn, aka the sister to the Toxin symbiote. A powerful symbiote with physical strength on par with Toxin. This symbiote is entirely special because it is a techno hybrid, thus, it has no distinction between itself and technology, meaning it can assemble and control technology, making it a part of it, fusing with it. Scorn can do this on both small scale, and to the point of altering an entire vehicle. Due to this, it can also communicate with technology of various kinds, manipulate data, can make the technology work more efficiently, intuitively understands the operation of a mechanical device able to create a schematic in its mind, grant new powers or enhancements to the machine by shapeshift it into itself. Scorn can also reprogram most forms of technology, scan and analyze data and information, including not just technological, but also biological, chemical, etc. This symbiote can even exist within technology like computers and robots. Includes the normal powers a symbiote would have.

Momo Yaoyorozu | Creati | My Hero Academia [SL]

Momo Yaoyorozu, aka Creati. A skilled student at U.A with skill in the usage of a staff, and genius level intellect in multiple areas. The most important, and powerful aspect of this character, is her quirk "Creation" allowing her to create any non living material/object from her exposed skin that she knows the molecular structure of. This uses her fat cells in order to create the material/object. It takes longer to create larger objects, and thus needs more exposed skin.

Muzan Kibutsuji | Demon Slayer [UL]

Muzan Kibutsuji, aka the Demon King. The first of the demons and the most powerful, Muzan is an incredibly old individual, and a powerful one. The second most powerful in the Demon Slayer universe in fact. This includes his genius intellect, and important/helpful knowledge. As well as his combat form, nigh absolute regeneration, immense physical power, and all other powers and abilities. Without the whole...5 brains 7 hearts thing.

Kuvira | Avatar [UL]

Kuvira, aka the Great Uniter. She is a skilled, powerful fighter within her universe. A master metalbender, Kuvira can effortlessly shape metal into various forms and shapes. She is, of course, an Earthbender with Metalbending coming from this. Her earthbender skills are not as powerful as her Metalbending.

'...Well...damn' Gwen thought, an appeased smile forming on her face.

The fact that she continued to get SL characters was an absolute godsend, especially when getting someone like Tony Stark.

'Besides Tony. Scorn is great because it meshes well with my intellect and the technologies I'm going to be making. Momo is easily the best of the bunch, as her quirk is overpowered as hell in the hands of someone like me. Muzan and Kuvira are both pretty great, but not as good as I could have hoped for' Gwen thought with a smile.

'Go ahead and assimilate'

As she thought those words, pain began to filter in. The pain was...not really that bad to be honest. It was nothing compared to getting the chaos magic, that pain far surpassed this.

The pain only lasted a few moments, as Gwen thought over her new memories, mainly Tony's.

'He...he's even better than I thought. As in, better than Reed, in inventing and engineering at least' Gwen thought, realizing that the man was far more genius than she thought. His knowledge would be quite the boon in the future, that's for sure.

'Go ahead and continue, system'

Sleeper | Marvel Earth 616 [SL]

Sleeper, aka the seventh spawn of Venom. It has all the normal powers of a symbiote, including 25 tons of strength. It's unique power was chemokinesis, allowing it to produce liquid and aerosol chemicals with a variety of effects - including inducing various emotional states, tranquilizing states, psychological manipulation, and secreting corrosive chemicals for offensive purpose. It also has superior cloaking abilities generating pheremones to almost completely mask its presence.

The Doctor | Doctor Who [SL]

The Doctor, aka the many many many many time saviour of the universe. One of the last remaining timelords of Gallifrey, and perhaps the best of them. The Doctor is one of the most intelligent, wise, and knowledgeable characters in not just his universe, but all of fiction itself. The time traveling timelord is a genius, far surpassing most, even the users current characters pale in comparison to this mans knowledge. Includes all helpful/important knowledge, and his species as a Timelord.

Akaza | Demon Slayer [UL]

Akaza, aka the Upper Rank Three. A skilled demon, one of the best in fact, Akaza is an incredibly skilled fighter, a masterful one in fact. He is a master of the Soryu style of martial arts, one that targets the neck and weapon. Also includes his blood demon art, destructive death, an ability that allows him to combine destructive shockwaves with martial arts, enhancing the users destructive capabilities.

Dahlia Mikaelson | TVD [UL]

Dahlia Mikaelson, aka the older sister to Esther Mikaelson. One of the most powerful witches in the entirety of TVD, with immense skill and power. Includes her masterful knowledge in witchcraft, dark magic, spells, rituals, etc. Includes all helpful/important knowledge.

Tyrian Callows | RWBY [UL]

Tyirian Callows, aka Stinger. A servant of Salem, the Queen of Grimm, Tyrian is an incredibly dangerous, and skilled individual. He possesses the semblance known as "aura disruption" which allows him to disrupt the aura of those he touches, causing the aura to fade away in that area, leaving them open to an attack. Includes all helpful/important knowledge.

Maki Zenin | JJK [UL]

Maki Zenin, a skilled fighter within the JJK, one of the best in fact. Maki like Toji, does not have cursed energy, but instead has an impressive physique, and physical capabilities. She is a master weapon specialist like Toji, and is an immensely skilled fighter. Includes all helpful/important knowledge.

'...Holy shit' Gwen thought as she read the explanation for "The Doctor". It didn't even cover half of the mans intelligence and knowledge, as she knew he was so skilled, that he could tell what planet he was on, by the air, and tasting the soil.

'...That might be the best character I've gotten so far' Gwen thought, knowing that the Doctor while not physically powerful, was easily the smartest character she had gotten so a longshot. He made Reed Richards and Tony Stark look like newborn children in comparison. The man was just that intelligent, skilled, and knowledgeable.

The rest weren't bad either, but the Doctor was easily the best of the bunch by a longshot. His knowledge was far far superior to anyone else, primarily due to his age, and the species he was born into.

'Go ahead and assimilate' Gwen thought, before being stricken with pain once more.

This time, it was far worse than the previous bunch. As the pain didn't just assault her heart and chest, but also her brain. Her brain was being reworked, evolved, and improved, just as many other parts of her body was. A second heart soon grew, while her very DNA began to warp and change.

Knowledge began to swarm into her brain, knowledge far surpassing that of anyone else so far. Knowledge that would be vital in future worlds, knowledge that she was most certainly going to abuse the shit out of.

Just as that happened, magic swirled around her slightly, before stopping, not nearly as much as it was last time. The knowledge of Dahlia was okay, but nothing really all that special.

As her body finished adapting to the new changes, a soft sigh of contentedness escaped Gwen.

'The show does him no justice' Gwen thought, as she scanned through the hundreds of years of knowledge. She noticed the new changes in her brain, the way everything seemed even clearer than before, even faster than before, but quickly got sued to it thanks to her new memories.

'And yet it still doesn't include his name' Gwen thought with a chuckle, knowing that it was the greatest secret within The Doctors Multiverse for a reason.

'The Doctor is the only really good one of the bunch. The rest are fine...I guess, but not at all comparable' Gwen thought with a sigh, before smiling.

'System, go ahead and do 5 more, I'll do the last 15 later Gwen thought, wanting to simply snuggle with her girlfriend and sleep at that point.

Val Armorr | Karate Kid | DC Comics [UL]

Val Armorr, aka the Karate Kid. Karate Kid is an IMMENSELY skilled martial artist, perhaps the best in the entirety of DC, surpassing the likes of Lady Shiva, Batman, and all the others. Entirely because the man knows every martial artist known in the 31st century of DC. While not exactly a master of all of them, he still has that immense knowledge. He is a master of Karate though, perhaps the best in his universe. Includes all helpful/important knowledge.

Doppo Orochi | Baki Universe [UL]

Doppo Orochi, aka the 10 Dan karate grandmaster. He is one of the most skilled martial artists in his world, and one of the few that can contend with Yuujirou Hanma. He is a master of his self created karate known as "Shinshinkai Style". Includes all his helpful/important knowledge.

Tom Riddle | Voldemort | Harry Potter Universe [UL]

Tom Riddle, aka Voldemort. The "Dark Lord" of the Harry Potter universe, and one of the most powerful wizards to ever live. A direct contender against Dumbledore, Voldemort is a master in all things dark magic, curses, rituals, etc. He is also a parselmouth, and immensely skilled dueler. Includes all his helpful/imporant knowledge.

Gellert Grindelwald | Harry Potter Universe [UL]

Gellert Grindelwald, aka the old lover of Albus Dumbledore. Gellert was one of the most powerful wizards to live, and a dark lord of great power. He is roughly on par with Voldemort and Albus in skill, and is incredibly skilled in areas such as manipulation, politics, etc. He is also knowledgeable in various magical areas, and is magically powerful. Includes all helpful/important knowledge.

Kaiaou Kaku | Baki Universe [UL]

Kaiaou Kaku, aka the Supreme Grandmaster of Chinese Kenpo. He is an incredibly skilled and powerful martial artist, one of the best in the entirety of the Baki universe. He has knowledge in a ton of martial arts, due to living for so long. He's one of the most skilled, with very few being comparable or surpassing him, one of which is Yuujirou himself. Includes all helpful/important knowledge.

'System, go ahead and assimilate those while I'm sleeping' Gwen thought, as she slowly began to close her eyes.

Gwen had one final thought before she fell asleep, snuggling up with her girlfriend.

'Hopefully the talk with the League won't be too annoying'

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(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)


That's the end of the chapter!

You have no idea how long this took to was an actual pain in the ass. Finding characters, adding them to the wheel, and then reading up on them took longer than writing the beginning lol.

Give me some ideas for characters, please. They've gotta be Urban level or below, use the Vs battles wiki as reference for that, if you want.

Also, give me some ideas for things she can create. Be it serums, technology, or whatever else, give me em! If I like it enough and use it, I'll make sure to shout you out for the idea!

Next chapter will be shorter (it's still 4600 words lol). The next 15 characters will be used over the next couple of chapters.

Was anyone expecting the Lord of Chaos thing? It was a plan I've had for a little while now, as I thought it would be interesting. As I've never seen anyone do anything like it. It involved a lot of BS on my side so…sorry if it didn't really make sense lol, attribute it to being partly AU.

The Endless part came to me as I realized that she was sort of breaking several laws/rules of the DC universe by being a pseudo Lord of Chaos, and host to a Lord of Order at the same time. But the system is a bro, and she's an anomaly, so she's in the clear for now.

She won't be getting more tickets for a while after this, as this was the biggest bunch of tickets she has ever gotten, and for good reason, considering what she just did.

I plan on her going to quite a few worlds, some longer than others, here's a few worlds I'm interested in her going to:

Owl House


My Hero Academia

Highschool DxD

Black Clover

Star Wars

Doctor Who

Jujutsu Kaisen

Legend of Korra

I also plan on her having a total of 5-6 love interests, so yeah. 4 of which are already guaranteed, and a few others I've been contemplating.

Sorry about not uploading, I ended up going out for 4th of July, and got home late. This chapter was also written over like 2 days because of this, so the quality might not be the best at certain points.

Any ideas what the hidden reward could be?

Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like more than 25 exclusive stories) on my patreon for three dollars a month! Or 30 dollars for an entire year!

(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

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