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31.25% RWBY : Ruby's Second chance / Chapter 10: 10

Kapitel 10: 10

Chapter 10

Ruby shook her head, throwing off a sudden irrational urge to pummel her sister, and turned back to Pyrrha with a smile, pointing out the window of the Airship. "And that's Signal over there." Ruby pointed out her old combat school helpfully as it came into view. Patch really wasn't all that far from Vale. The island was clearly visible from the coast on a clear day, and if you were high enough up, you could see both Beacon and Signal from an airship at the same time, but it was much easier to make out her old school as they approached Patch, and at the moment, Beacon itself was lost from sight in the clouds.

Pyrrha nodded noncommittally, smiling faintly and giving only a slight sound of acknowledgment as Ruby continued to point out various landmarks. It wasn't that she wasn't paying attention, Pyrrha did her best to remember each detail Ruby pointed out, it was more than she was getting more and more nervous as their destination approached.

Patch... or more precisely, Ruby's home, and her father. Pyrrha was sure that Ruby meant well. It seemed contrary to Ruby's very personality for the smaller girl to be purposely cruel, but Pyrrha was truly not looking forward to the meeting. Common sense told her that everything would be fine. Surely anyone who had raised daughters as kind and sweet as Ruby and Yang couldn't be anything but nice themselves. But common sense wasn't enough. She had visions of a huge, brooding man. Yang, but male, with a temper even worse than the blond brawler, and a streak of over-protectiveness even more powerful.

Although, that wasn't the only possibility that worried her. From what she'd heard from Yang, Taiyang Xaio-Long had been romantically involved with both of the female members of team STRQ, Summer Rose and Raven Branwen, and had children with each. A vision of a handsome, flirty playboy... again, a male version of Yang, but instead of the temper, there was this image of a suave, grinning ladies man who broke hearts without effort. Pyrrha wasn't sure which image was more terrifying. While she feared Taiyang's disapproval of her relationship with his daughter... with his daughters? Was she in a relationship with both Ruby and Yang? And if so, how would she explain that to him? She also had a strange fear that somehow she'd fall for Taiyang's charms herself. That somehow, the man's charisma had been passed down only partially in his daughters, and that she would find him even more irresistible than she found his children. She'd never before felt that kind of attraction. At least, not the way she felt it for Ruby and Yang. What if it was something that Taiyang had taught them? Something in the Xaio-Long bloodline that she simply couldn't resist? What would she do if she found herself drawn to a third member of their family?

Pyrrha shook her head, dismissing the fantasy. It was too ridiculous. She obviously was a lesbian. The evidence was clear. First her feelings for Ruby, then for Yang, simply meant that Pyrrha was attracted to women. There was no chance that she'd find Taiyang as fascinating. He would be far too old for her in any case, and regardless, the whole line of thinking was absolutely ridiculous. Wasn't it?

Pyrrha passed the trip to Patch in a haze of worry and increasingly unlikely flights of fantasy, nodding or murmuring responses to Ruby as seemed appropriate, but not really paying full attention to her young girlfriend.

Unfortunately, it seemed like Ruby wasn't completely oblivious to her distraction.

"Is something wrong, Pyrrha?" Ruby asked as they finished coming down the exit ramp from the airship. "You've been distracted for the whole trip here."

Pyrrha blinked, suddenly paying full attention. "Oh!" She flushed guiltily. "I apologize Ruby." She licked her lips nervously. "I suppose I am a bit apprehensive about meeting your father."

Ruby looked surprised. "Dad? Ah, he's a big teddy bear. There's no reason to be scared of him!"

Pyrrha smiled politely, pretending to believe her. "I'm sure you're right, Ruby."

Ruby took her by the hand and lead Pyrrha out of the small town that was centered around the airship port, and to a small dirt road that lead into the woods. "Come on, Pyrrha. Our house is this way!"

Pyrrha did her best to push her apprehension out of her head, and instead tried to enjoy the scenery. It was quite pleasant, really. Once they got out of the small town, the forest was quiet and peaceful. She could hear the small sounds of wildlife here and there as they passed, and in the distance, she could make out bird song. Ruby's hand was soft and warm in her own, and it was just cool enough that it was pleasant to hold. She could feel just the hint of a chill on her bare shoulders and neck. Her combat attire wasn't perhaps the best for this weather, although the walk through the woods heated her up enough so that she didn't really feel chilled, she'd probably start to feel a bit cold if she stopped moving for an extended period though.

Ruby babbled cheerfully as they walked, about the village they had just left, and childhood memories of trips through this very forest, about the Grimm that were often found in the deeper parts of the woods here...

"Beowolves?" Pyrrha repeated at one point. "In such numbers?"

"There's some Ursa too." Ruby said with a nod. "My dad clears them out pretty regularly, as do the other teachers at Signal, although Yang and I have been helping out for the last few years."

Pyrrha nodded absently. It made sense. Ruby was a true terror when facing Grimm, as was her older sister. Neither girl quite had Pyrrha's finesse in the Arena, certainly, but against the monsters of Grimm, both girls were superior to her in many ways. Especially Ruby. Her scythe was truly deadly against them. Privately, Pyrrha had started to think that Ruby would probably be just as deadly against most human opponents as well, except for the fact that she almost had to hold herself back in the arena. Her scythe was so incredibly deadly that Ruby simply couldn't use it to it's full potential against humans, not without risking doing serious injury to her opponents, especially once Ruby got moving at anything close to her full speed. Certainly, an experienced hunter could dull such a blow if they realized what was happening in time to focus their Aura to the point of impact... but that was the problem. Few people could keep up with Ruby's speed well enough to perform such a feat. Part of Pyrrha wanted a true duel with the small reaper at some point. One where Ruby stopped holding back. If anyone could give her a proper challenge, Pyrrha felt Ruby might be one to do so. It would be dangerous, of course, but the ever competitive part of the Mistralian champion didn't care. She wanted such a fight, regardless of the risk. Surely her own skills would allow her to avoid serious injury. But convincing Ruby to go all out? That was a different matter.

Distracted by her own musings once more, Pyrrha almost didn't hear Ruby announce their arrival at her family home. Almost. The sight of the rustic looking two story log cabin caught her attention almost immediately.

"Dad! Hey dad! We're here!" Ruby shouted cheerfully, breaking Pyrrha out of her musings completely as the Amazonian girl's mood went from thoughtful to terrified in an instant.

The front door opened even as they approached, and a tall, athletic looking man came out. He was blond, and wore a collared shirt and cargo shorts over his tanned skin. His face had a boyish charm, a dusting of blond stubble and a small soul patch on his chin only serving to give him some character. He was one of those people who's age is hard to determine, and if she didn't know better she could have placed him at anywhere from twenty five to his mid forties without being able to pin it down for sure.

He moved with confidence, and his easy smile sent a small flutter through her heart. Pyrrha swallowed nervously. Before she could get too nervous, however, she was distracted by something coming out from behind the man. A happy bark was followed by an adorable looking Corgi rushing around Tai and racing toward Ruby, tail wagging and little feet churning, it leapt onto Ruby like a tiny missile.

"Zwei!" Ruby cheered as she spun around and around, holding the Corgi in her arms. "I missed you boy!"

"Hey Ruby!" Taiyang called happily to his youngest daughter. "And this must be Pyrrha!" He walked out to meet them halfway, and reached out to take her hand. "Nice to meet you, Miss Nikos." He said with a genuine smile. "Ruby's told me all about you."

Pyrrha gulped. "All good things, I hope?"

Taiyang chuckled easily. "All good things. Come on inside, put your bags down. Can I get you something to drink?" Ruby's father escorted them inside smoothly, and soon they were sitting around the kitchen table. Ruby was still holding the Corgi, who was obviously thrilled, if it's little yips of pleasure and it's endless attempts to bathe Ruby's face with it's tongue were any indication.

Taiyang bustled around the kitchen, preparing lunch and chatting with Pyrrha and Ruby about Beacon. He seemed genuinely interested about every aspect of their time at the hunter school, and apparently was on a first name basis with most of the faculty there. He had a casual nature that eased Pyrrha's nervousness and soon she was talking and laughing with him like they were old friends.

Ruby let Zwei down finally, and the Corgi immediately rushed over to investigate the newcomer. Pyrrha smiled down at the small dog as it came over and put it's two front paws on her leg. It barked once, but it was more of an question than any sort of threat. Pyrrha got off her chair and knelt before the small animal, putting a closed hand out for Zwei to sniff. Zwei sniffed her hand, then circled Pyrrha once, as if inspecting her from all sides.

Then he barked again, sounding happy, and Tai laughed. "Seems like Zwei approves, huh kiddo?"

Ruby was beaming. "He likes you, Pyrrha!"

Pyrrha reached forward and patted the small dog between the ears, then gave it a scratch, causing the little animal to wag it's tail furiously and then run around in tiny circles.

Taiyang looked impressed for some reason. "Well now. Zwei's really taken to you Pyrrha. That says a lot about you."

Pyrrha blinked, a bit confused. "Well... I like him as well." She said finally, not quite certain why the dog's approval was so important, but not wanting to insult her host by questioning it.

After they'd eaten, they moved into the living room and kept talking. Ruby told him about all of the more interesting events from their school year so far, and Taiyang was happy, sympathetic, and solemn as was appropriate.

When she told him about Jaune Arc's death in initiation, Taiyang gathered Ruby in a hug, comforting her and wiping away the tears that seemed to start the moment he took her into his arms. Pyrrha was both slightly embarrassed and more than a little honored that Ruby would let herself become so vulnerable in her presence, and after a long moments hesitation, she hugged Ruby as well once Taiyang released her. She found Zwei burrowing into the middle of their hug for some reason, which caused Ruby to giggle.

"I'm OK..." Ruby sniffed, then smiled just slightly. "Thanks, Pyrrha." She patted the little dog fondly. "Thank you Zwei."

Taiyang beamed at Pyrrha. "I'm glad my baby girl has someone like you to support her."

Pyrrha shook her head quickly. "It's more than mutual, sir. Ruby is the heart and soul of our team. She looks out for all of us."

"Call me Tai." The blond man said for perhaps the fifth time that night. He beamed at his daughter. "You're really growing up, kiddo. So much like your mother. Summer always looked after us as well. She was team leader too, you know?"

Ruby smiled softly at that. "Really? Mom was?"

Tai nodded. "Yup. She'd be so very proud of you, you know?"

They continued talking about Beacon. Blake's secret, and it's reveal brought a nod from Tai, who had heard a bit about the situation already, although the story about Jack Spriggan's scroll being stolen and used to out their faunus teammate was news to him. He was concerned at first, but Ruby went on to explain how Cardin and his team had been revealed to be the culprits, and that they'd been punished by Professor Goodwitch.

"There are always guys like that in any class." Tai said with a sigh. "Bullies who thing being big, or rich, or talented give them the right to lord it over everyone else." His face hardened slightly. "He's not giving you or your team any more trouble, is he?"

Ruby scoffed. "Cardin? He's terrified of Yang and Pyrrha. He won't try anything."

Pyrrha chuckled. "Aren't you number two in combat classes so far, Ruby?"

Ruby wrinkled her nose. "Am I?"

Pyrrha nodded. "Well, technically you're tied with Yang for second place."

Tai looked impressed. "That's great, kiddo."

Pyrrha smiled. "Ruby is in the top ten percent of the school in the rest of her classes as well, Mister Xiao-Long."

Tai looked surprised. "Really?" He turned to Ruby. "That's amazing, kiddo! Two years ahead and still on the top of your classes?" He glanced at Pyrrha. "And call me Tai, Pyrrha. Unless you'd prefer I call you Miss Nikos?"

Pyrrha blushed. "Pyrrha is fine... Tai."

Ruby was quick to shift the focus off of herself. "Well, Pyrrha's number one in combat class, and she's in the top five best students in all of her other classes as well. She's even been teaching everybody hand to hand combat in our spare time."

Tai blinked. "Oh really!" He looked surprised. "You were never all that interested in unarmed combat before."

Ruby blushed. "Well, I've thought about it, and... well, I won't ALWAYS have Crescent Rose on me... and what if I get disarmed?"

Tai nodded easily. "Well, it certainly doesn't hurt to be prepared." He looked at Pyrrha appraisingly. "I'm surprised. I'd have thought Yang would have..." he trailed off. "I'm sure Pyrrha is perfectly competent as well, of course." He corrected quickly.

Pyrrha blushed. "Yang is a very strong fighter, especially in unarmed combat." She assured him.

"Yeah, but Pyrrha's better!" Ruby said enthusiastically.

Tai looked interested now. "Oh really? I've heard about your tournament record, but I didn't realize you were that skilled at unarmed combat as well, Pyrrha." Pyrrha flinched at that and looked away, something Tai noticed.

Ruby didn't seem to, however. "Yeah, we had a team martial arts tournament with us and team WJNR, and Pyrrha beat everybody. Yang did pretty well too, of course."

Tai noted Pyrrha flinching again, and decided to change the subject. "Sounds like you have a pretty good team, kiddo." He nodded at his daughter. "Blake seemed nice as well."

"Blake's great!" Ruby enthused. "She's really strong too, and she's right up there with Pyrrha and Weiss at the top of the class."

Tai smiled. "You're lucky to have such talented teammates. Not that team STRQ wasn't talented... at fighting, anyway." He chuckled. "We weren't all that impressive outside of that, unfortunately. If it wasn't for Summer tutoring us all, we'd probably have failed half our classes."

Ruby looked shocked. "No way. You're a teacher!"

Tai laughed. "I didn't start out a teacher. I was just a muscle-headed jock back then. And Raven and Qrow were completely hopeless at first. Summer was the only one of us who took classes seriously. Outside of combat class, anyway."

Ruby looked interested. "Who was the strongest in your year, dad?"

"Raven." Tai said with a shrug. "Qrow and Summer were close, but nobody could beat Raven."

Ruby looked astonished. "Not even you, dad?"

Tai shrugged. "Well, not at first, anyway. Honestly, I felt like the weak link in our team for the longest time. I worked my butt off to try and catch up with them."

The three of them chatted for another couple hours, Tai managing to keep the conversation going with his easygoing nature and charm. Before Pyrrha knew it, Tai was standing up, announcing that it was time for him to go fix dinner. Pyrrha offered to help, but Tai turned her down, saying that he'd been planning this dinner for awhile, and wanted her to relax.

Ruby took Pyrrha upstairs to her room while they were waiting for dinner. It was a large room with a angled roof sloping away from the doorway, and a pair of beds on the opposite wall. "You can use Yang's bed." Ruby told her cheerfully, hopping onto her own and indicating the one to her left.

Pyrrha nodded, sitting down on what was apparently Yang's bed, and took a long slow glance around the room. The walls, like those in the rest of the house, were wood, and there were a number of faded landscape paintings here and there on the walls. The furniture was wood as well, sturdy and functional, and the window to the outside had a view of the forest outside the house. It was quite a bit more rustic than Pyrrha had expected, although to be honest, she hadn't really known what to expect. Everything was in woodsy colors, brown and black, dark reds and oranges. It made the house seem old. Lived in, certainly, and homey, but something Pyrrha couldn't explain made her feel like there was an quietness, an emptiness to the place, as if something was missing.

Something was missing, of course. Pyrrha knew that Yang's mother had left, and that Ruby's mother had died, leaving Taiyang Xiao-Long alone to raise his two daughters. It was silly to think that she could somehow feel that absence in the look and feel of a house, but nevertheless, Pyrrha felt that even without being told, she'd have known someone was missing from this home.

She shook her head to drive off the melancholy notion, and paid closer attention to Ruby, who was showing off her collection of Grimm figurines.

Before long, they were called down for dinner, and once again, Taiyang was a perfectly charming host. Dinner was excellent, and when they were finished, Ruby stood up and looked out the kitchen window with a sense of determination.

"I'm going to visit mom." She announced calmly. "Want to come, Pyrrha?"

Taiyang blinked, then glanced curiously at Pyrrha.

Pyrrha swallowed, but nodded. "I'd be honored."

Ruby smiled faintly at her, then started for the door into the main part of the house. "I'll show you the way. It's not too far."

Taiyang started cleaning up the dishes, and Pyrrha hesitated, looking torn, but he waved her off. "I've got this. You two go visit Summer. You can help with the dishes next time."

Pyrrha gave Taiyang a quick nod, and followed Ruby into the living room, where Ruby collected Crescent Rose. Pyrrha wrinkled her nose, then grabbed her weapons as well, and then followed Ruby out the front door.

Now fully armed, Pyrrha followed Ruby across the yard and into the forest. "Should we be worried?"

"About the Grimm?" Ruby snorted. "Around here? With both of us armed?" She shook her head. "No. Nothing that dangerous on Patch. Just Beowolves and Ursa mostly, like I said. Nothing we can't handle."

Pyrrha nodded at that. It was true. There were few Grimm that would pose a serious danger to both Ruby and herself, so if Ruby wasn't worried, neither was she.

"How do the other people on Patch deal with the Grimm?" She asked curiously.

"They keep to the town, mostly." Ruby answered. "There are Grimm alarms around the town, and they patrol the area around it. It's just the areas farther away from most people where the Grimm can start to build up their numbers. Our house is pretty far out of town, but of course, with Dad here, there's no problem."

"Your father's strong, then?" Pyrrha asked, knowing the answer already.

"Oh yeah!" Ruby answered enthusiastically. "He taught Yang how to fight, but he's way stronger than she is."

"And your uncle Qrow taught you?" Pyrrha asked, confirming something she was already pretty certain of.

"That's right." Ruby agreed easily. "I always thought his Scythe was so cool. I was always bugging him to show me how to use it when I was a kid."

Pyrrha nodded silently, and they walked on in silence through the woods for a while.

After a couple miles, they came out into a clearing, and Ruby paused, looking around, before sighing. "Shoot... I forgot." She walked forward, bent over, and picked up a large shell casing. "I really should remember to pick all these up."

Pyrrha came forward, and recognized the casing as one of Crescent Rose's heavy sniper rounds. "I take it you got into a fight here?"

Ruby nodded. "The day before I went into Vale and stopped Roman Torchwick, actually. It was a long fight, and I was pretty tired, so I just left everything here and went home afterwards."

Pyrrha raised an eyebrow. "I take it you'd have normally collected the shell casings?"

Ruby shrugged. "Well, I don't always, but this place is... special. I don't want to leave it a mess."

Pyrrha nodded slowly in understanding. "Well, if you'd like, I could help?"

Ruby smiled gratefully. "You don't have to. I made this mess..."

Pyrrha shook her head. "Not at all. In fact, let me handle it. Stand back for a moment."

Ruby blinked, then did so, taking several steps back, as Pyrrha raised one hand. Her hand glowed black, and Pyrrha closed her eyes. Then, from all around the clearing, shell casings started flying toward Pyrrha from every direction, some of them flying to her from halfway across the clearing. Pyrrha brought out her other hand, and the casings all flew together, gathering in a rough ball about two feet from her outstretched hands.

Pyrrha turned to Ruby, floating the ball of shell casings along behind her. "Where should we put these?" She asked with a small smile.

Ruby grinned. "Why don't you leave them by that tree there. We'll collect them when we come back this way on the way home."

Pyrrha nodded, floating the shell casings over to where Ruby had indicated, then letting them fall.

Ruby beamed at her. "That's really neat, Pyrrha. Why don't you do stuff like that more often?"

Pyrrha shrugged. "Well, I HAVE been trying to keep that particular trick a secret for quite some time, you know." She admitted. "And honestly, there aren't that many chances to use it."

Ruby shook her head. "I don't know if I could resist playing with a semblance that cool. I'd be flying stuff around the room all the time, and making Crescent Rose fly around and slash Grimm like whoosh, and zoom..." She made motions with her hands to clarify, and Pyrrha giggled.

"That does sort of sound like fun... but my trainers were quite adamant that I not use my semblance frivolously." Pyrrha explained. "Besides, it does take energy from my Aura to do so."

Ruby frowned. "Well, your trainers were boring."

Pyrrha chuckled at that. "Perhaps."

Ruby wrinkled her nose. "I know you don't want anyone to know about your semblance, but maybe would could practice using it in secret?"

Pyrrha frowned at that. "Not that I don't appreciate the sentiment, but why are you so interested in my practicing with my semblance?"

Ruby hesitated before answering. "It's complicated." She finally answered.

Pyrrha stopped walking. "What do you mean?"

Ruby stopped as well, and faced her. "Um... it's just..." she fought for an answer. Telling Pyrrha that she lost a fight against Cinder Fall and died in an alternate timeline would make her sound crazy. "Our life... being a huntress, is dangerous. Crazy dangerous. Sure, if we work as a team, we can handle most things, but... you never know when you might need one more trick... or just a bit more skill, to survive. My mom... she was supposed to be this unstoppable huntress. Best of the best. But she went out one day, and didn't come back. She had all these skills... but what if she'd learned just a little bit more? What if she'd had a trick, or a technique, or a piece of equipment that would have made the difference between... between living and dying?"

Pyrrha sighed. "Ruby... I..."

Ruby interrupted her. "Don't say you're not going to die. Everybody dies, Pyrrha."

Pyrrha nodded. "And it's a fate every huntress must be willing to face." She smiled softly. "You're not wrong. It would be foolish to leave a vital skill untrained when it could make the difference between victory and death. But I have trained in my semblance."

Ruby nodded. "I've seen you use it. But you don't train with it the way I do with mine, or the way Weiss does with hers, or even Yang..." she shook her head. "For you, it's the last thing you use, to deflect or redirect your enemy at the last moment. And I understand about keeping a trump card. I absolutely think you're right to keep your semblance a secret. But just in case it makes a difference, I... I'd like you to try training with it more."

Pyrrha raised an eyebrow. "Is that an order from my team leader?"

Ruby's face crumpled. "Does it have to be?"

Pyrrha smiled and shook her head. "No. Although I wouldn't be upset if it was. You're a good leader, and you just want your team to be stronger."

"I want my team to live." Ruby said softly. "No matter what. And that means we have to be better than everyone, better than the Grimm, or the White Fang, or anyone else."

Pyrrha's face became concerned. "Ruby... is this about Torchwick?"

Ruby looked up at her. "A little, maybe? And a bit about my mom, maybe. And about the Grimm. You're really strong against other Hunters. But against the Grimm... I just want to be sure you're ready."

Pyrrha nodded slowly. "I will bow to your expertise about the Grimm, Ruby. You are better than I am against them."

Ruby flushed. "No! I...!"

Pyrrha chuckled. "Don't be modest. Your skills are extraordinary. To some degree it is your choices in equipment and battle strategy that give you such an edge against them, but fighting the Grimm is why we are huntresses, is it not? You're right. I should focus more on tactics against them. And you're right. My semblance isn't much help against the Grimm as I've become accustomed to use it, aside from preventing me from ever losing my weapons, anyway."

Ruby thought about that. "Why are you so good at hand to hand if you can make sure you never lose your weapons because of your semblance?"

Pyrrha blinked. "Ah... well, I received a good amount of my training before I unlocked my semblance, and I never considered switching to a different style than the one I'd already developed. My trainers wanted me to have a firm grasp of all the fundamentals."

Ruby nodded. "Well, it's lucky for me. If I lose Crescent Rose, I'm pretty much toast. So your teaching me how to fight without my baby really helps me where I'm weakest."

Pyrrha smiled. "It's been a pleasure. You're learning very quickly, Ruby. When you manage to start really incorporating your own semblance with your unarmed combat, I think you'll be truly terrifying."

Ruby blushed. "You say the nicest things, Pyrrha."

Pyrrha just laughed.

Ruby giggled and started walking again. "Come on. It's not much farther now." Ruby led them across the clearing and back into the woods, and they walked for a couple hundred more yards before they came out onto the coastline. There was a rocky promontory sticking out far above the waves, and Ruby led Pyrrha up onto it. There, at the edge of the cliff where rock met empty air, far over the crashing waves of the sea, was a grave marker, just a bit more than two feet on a side, an irregular pyramid shape that seemed to be fit into the background scenery as if it was meant to be there. Pyrrha approached and read the inscription. 'Summer Rose, Thus Kindly I Scatter'. She closed her eyes and took a long breath.

Ruby walked up to her mother's grave and sighed as well. "Hi mom." She said softly. "It's me."

Pyrrha hesitated. "Should I... give you some privacy?"

Ruby glanced at the taller girl, then shook her head. "No, it's fine. You can stay if you like. I'll just be a minute." Pyrrha nodded quickly, and Ruby turned back to her mother's grave. "Anyway, I'm back from Beacon. Beacon! Can you believe it? Yang's there. I keep her in line." She giggled. "Sort of. I'm team leader, and I've got the best team ever. Don't tell dad though, but it's true. My partner is Pyrrha. She's here too."

Pyrrha swallowed and waved uncertainly. "Hello!" She said brightly to the grave marker.

Ruby smiled at Pyrrha, then turned back to the grave again. "Things have been hectic, and weird, and... stuff is happening that I don't really understand, but... I kind of feel like you've been helping me somehow. That things are going to be alright. Thanks for that. I was worried there for a bit." Ruby sighed. "I miss you, but I kind of feel like you're watching over me too, so it's not that lonely. Yang's looking out for me, and Blake and Pyrrha do too. They're great." She hesitated, then spoke quietly. "We're kind of dating. All of us I mean. I know it sounds strange but we're all being really careful and we all really like each other, so we're trying to figure out who we like the best. Keeping my fingers crossed." She wrinkled her nose. "Was it like this with you and Dad and Raven? I'd ask Dad, but I think I'd be too embarrassed. Maybe I'll ask Uncle Qrow. He's cool, he wouldn't give me too hard a time about it. Right?"

Pyrrha was torn between laughing and blushing, so she settled for covering her face in her hands and doing her best not to make any sound.

Ruby knelt down for a moment, brushing some dust off the stone, then stood. "Well, it was good seeing you again mom. I'll come back soon." She turned to Pyrrha. "OK. I'm done."

Pyrrha nodded, then inclined her head toward the stone. "May I?"

Ruby blinked. "Um... sure."

Pyrrha stepped forward, and went to one knee before the grave site. "I will protect your daughter, and keep her safe." She promised quietly, but with conviction. "I swear this to you. And... thank you for bringing such a wonderful person into this world." She stood, and turned to see Ruby had one hand over her mouth, and was blushing furiously.

"You... you didn't have to say that, Pyrrha." Ruby said, sounding both embarrassed and a bit awed.

Pyrrha smiled. "Perhaps not. But I meant every word."


Taiyang was waiting for them when they got back, arms crossed over his chest, but a smile on his face. He opened the door for them.

"Good visit?" He asked Ruby quietly.

"Yeah." She answered simply. "Well, goodnight dad. I think we'll head up to bed."

Taiyang looked surprised. "Bit early, isn't it?"

Ruby shrugged. "Long day."

Taiyang shrugged back. "Well, goodnight kiddo." He nodded to Pyrrha. "Goodnight Pyrrha. If you need anything, let me know. Feel free to use the kitchen, or anything else, really, and if you can't find something, just come find me."

Pyrrha ducked her head slightly. "Thank you Mister Xaio-Long..." he raised an eyebrow at her, and she corrected herself. "Tai. Thank you for your hospitality."

Ruby led her upstairs, and they retired to her bedroom.

They took turns getting changed for bed in the small upstairs bathroom, and before long, they were sitting on Ruby and Yang's beds, in their pajamas, facing each other.

Ruby was looking distracted and guilty, rubbing her hands together slowly.

"What's the matter, Ruby?" Pyrrha asked the younger girl gently.

"I feel like I kind of screwed up our date." Ruby admitted. "None of this was very romantic..."

Pyrrha smiled. "A date doesn't always have to be romantic. I was honored to see your home, meet your father, and your mother. I appreciate the chance to get to know this part of you."

Ruby snorted disbelievingly. "You're just being nice."

Pyrrha blinked. "Ruby? No... I..."

Ruby looked at her seriously. "Pyrrha. You're always nice." She shook her head. "And that's part of what I like about you... but you know you can tell me when I mess up, right?"

Pyrrha hesitated. "Well, I suppose I can admit that I wasn't thrilled at the idea of meeting your father so soon." She smiled. "But he was wonderful. And Patch is beautiful, and I really am glad I came."

Ruby looked at her dubiously. "Really?"

Pyrrha nodded firmly. "Really."

Ruby sighed. "Well, I'm glad Dad wasn't too bad. And I guess Patch is kind of pretty, but still, this isn't a very romantic date. Not a fun date either. I don't know what I was thinking."

Pyrrha smiled. "You were thinking you wanted to share your home with me. I get that. Actually, I feel the same. I'd love to take you to Mistral. To Argus, where my mother lives, and where I trained. Mother would like you very much, I think."

Ruby beamed at that. "I'd love that! I've always wanted to see Mistral... and I'd really like to meet your mom too." She trailed off. "And OK, yeah. I guess I get your point. Still... this isn't the best first date ever..."

"Technically, it's our second date." Pyrrha pointed out. "And we've had plenty of fun times as a team as well, haven't we?"

Ruby nodded slowly. "I suppose." She looked curious. "I should have asked you what you'd like to do though."

Pyrrha shrugged. "This is fine, honestly, Ruby."

Ruby sighed. "OK. Sorry, I'm just overthinking it."

Pyrrha giggled softly. "That's quite alright."

The two girls were silent for awhile, and Pyrrha considered suggesting that they try and get some sleep when Ruby spoke up again. "Maybe this date hasn't been the most romantic... but... would you like to... um... do something?"

"Do... something?" Pyrrha repeated.

"Something romantic, I mean?" Ruby said, blushing slightly.

Pyrrha blushed as well. "Oh!"

Ruby swallowed. "Sorry, dumb idea..."

Pyrrha shook her head. "No!" She blushed. "I mean... it's not a dumb idea."

Ruby brightened slightly. "It's not?"

Pyrrha licked her lips nervously. "No... I mean, we are dating. And something... romantic might be... nice?"

Ruby giggled. "Was that a question?"

Pyrrha lowered her eyes, unable to look directly at the younger girl right then. "Maybe?" She shook her head. "I mean... yes. Something romantic would be nice. I'm just... nervous."

Ruby nodded. "Me too."

Pyrrha took a deep breath. "Are you sure it'll be alright? Your father might come in."

Ruby shook her head and snorted in amusement. "Dad? No way. He always knocks when we have the door closed, and he never opens the door unless we say it's OK."

Pyrrha licked her lips again. "Well... what... what would you like to do?"

Ruby nodded at the spot next to Pyrrha on Yang's bed. "Can I come over there?" Pyrrha nodded immediately, and Ruby moved over to sit next to her. "Well..." Ruby said slowly. "We could try... making out?"

Pyrrha turned bright red. "Ruby! We haven't even kissed yet!"

Ruby blushed as well. "Then... would you like to kiss me?"

Pyrrha froze, her mouth slightly open. For several long moments, moments that seemed to drag on for minutes, Pyrrha had no response. Her brain seemed to have shut down. Her eyes moved inexorably to Ruby's lips, then up to the younger girl's luminous silver eyes.

"Your eyes are lovely." Pyrrha said quietly.

"Um... thanks." Ruby said quietly. "I like your eyes too. They're very green."

Pyrrha giggled. "Very green?"

Ruby nodded. "They're so bright. I've never seen eyes so bright green before. I really like them."

Pyrrha blushed. "Thank you." She swallowed. "And yes."

Ruby blinked, looking a bit confused. "Yes?"

"Yes. I would like to kiss you." Pyrrha explained.

"Oh." Ruby seemed lost for what to say next. "Good?"

Pyrrha raised an eyebrow. "You don't sound certain of that."

Ruby's eyes went wide. "Oh I am! Certain, I mean!" She blushed. "I've been wondering what it'd be like for... for a while now."

Pyrrha smiled softly. "Let's find out, shall we?" She started leaning in.

Ruby swallowed but tilted her face upwards, and closed her eyes.

Pyrrha hesitated for a moment, then reached around carefully and took Ruby's head in her hands, then leaned in, brushing her lips against her young partner's. Ruby made a small sound in her throat, and she opened her lips slightly, turned her head just a fraction, and met Pyrrha's lips firmly with her own.

Pyrrha pulled back a few moments later, letting Ruby's head go. "Was... was that alright?" Her whole body seemed to vibrate with nervous tension. She felt as if she was about to break out into a sweat. She fought to keep from breathing fast.

Ruby opened her eyes, her face flushed, and she smiled. "That was nice. Can we do it again?"

Pyrrha felt warmth flush throughout her body. She smiled back. "We certainly can." Once again she took Ruby's head in her hands, and again she leaned in to place a gentle kiss on Ruby's lips.

"Hey girls, I made hot chocolate!" Tai announced as he pushed open the door.

Pyrrha's hands flew up and away from Ruby's head, and Ruby shrieked and dove off of the bed to the floor.

Tai stood there in the doorway, a tray with two cups of steaming hot chocolate upon it resting on one large palm while the other held the door open. He opened his mouth and closed it a couple times. "Er... sorry!" He said finally. "I'll just... leave these in the kitchen."

"Dad!" Ruby yelled, coming up over the side of the bed with fury in her eyes. "Knock first!"

Tai chuckled nervously. "Sorry kiddo. The door was ajar, and I'd just made coco..."

"What if we'd been naked?" Ruby said angrily.

Tai blinked. "Was that a possibility?"

Ruby blinked twice, then turned bright red and buried her face in her hands. "No... but..."

Tai chuckled. "Anyway, I'll knock next time. Sorry about that." He held up the tray. "So... would you like that hot chocolate anyway?"

Ruby was growling. "Dad...!"

Pyrrha interrupted her. "Yes... please. Hot chocolate before bed sounds lovely."

Tai nodded, grinning impudently at his daughter as he stepped into the room, holding out the tray towards Pyrrha. Pyrrha nodded, composing her expression and took one of the two mugs. He held the tray out in the direction of his youngest daughter.

"Fine." Ruby got to her feet and took the other mug, then went to sit back down on her own bed. "Just because hot chocolate is yummy doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you."

Tai chuckled again. "Duly noted." He took the tray under his arm and left the room smoothly, closing the door behind him. "Don't have too much fun now, kiddo!"

"DAD!" Ruby shrieked, mortified. She put the mug down on her bedside dresser and rolled over to bury her face in her pillow. "OK, kill me now. Let me jump back in time and rewrite today please?" She waited a minute. "No? Stupid time travel powers never working when you want them too." She muttered.

Pyrrha was torn between laughing and wanting to burst into flames from embarrassment. She settled for drinking her hot chocolate. It was good.


By unspoken consensus, they'd gone to bed shortly after that. Pyrrha woke as the first sliver of light came in through the bedroom window, and she quietly dressed in a tank top, shorts and running shoes, and headed down to the first floor, intending to head out on an early morning jog.

Tai was in the kitchen, and he waved her over as she came down the stairs. "Want some breakfast?" He asked Pyrrha politely.

"I think I'll have a run first, if that's alright." Pyrrha said with equal politeness.

Tai nodded. "If you're not carrying weapons, you might want to stick to the trail into town and back. I cleared out the local Grimm a couple of days ago, but better safe than sorry." He looked around the kitchen, then whistled once. "Zwei!" After a few moments, the Corgi came running into the kitchen, his eyes bright. Tai pointed to Pyrrha. "Guard." Zwei barked once, and zipped over to stand close by Pyrrha's right foot.

Pyrrha blinked. "Um... what is happening?"

Tai nodded at the dog. "Let Zwei come with you. If there are any Grimm, Zwei can distract them long enough for you to get clear."

Pyrrha blinked, looking at the tiny dog. "Wouldn't that be dangerous for him?"

Tai laughed cheerfully. "Zwei will be fine. Don't worry about it. He's a hunter's dog, after all."

Pyrrha blinked, then shook her head as if to clear it. "Very well." Privately she decided that if she encountered any Grimm she'd scoop up the dog and run for it. It was ridiculous to think that such a small animal could fend off even the smallest of Grimm. She nodded once more to Tai. "I'll be back in half an hour." She headed out through the kitchen door, and was jogging away swiftly before she'd gone more than a few steps, Zwei running just behind and to her right, easily keeping up with her. Tai watched her go, looking thoughtful.

Ruby came downstairs ten minutes later, yawning and stretching and looking sleepy. "Where's Pyrrha?" She asked curiously.

"Out for a jog." Tai answered with a small smile. "I told her to stick to the trail between here and town."

Ruby nodded, and sat at the kitchen table. "What's for breakfast?"

Tai chuckled and went to the refrigerator, pulling out ingredients. "How about eggs and bacon?" He looked curiously at Ruby. "Will that be alright with Pyrrha?"

Ruby nodded. "I think so. She seems to like everything."

Tai hummed to himself, and started moving around, preparing to cook. "So..." He began casually. "How long has this been going on?"

Ruby blinked. "This?"

"You and Pyrrha, I mean." Tai clarified. "I was under the impression that you were dating Miss Belladonna?"

Ruby looked thunderstruck. "How did you know about me dating Blake?"

Tai raised an eyebrow. "The Belladonna's might have mentioned it. They seemed pleased..." he frowned. "Don't tell me you already dumped her?"

Ruby shook her head. "No! No, it's not like that!"

Tai looked dubious. "No? What's it like then?"

Ruby frowned. "It's complicated..."

Tai chuckled. "I bet it is."

Ruby sighed. "It was Yang's idea..."

Tai raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What was Yang's idea?"

Ruby shrugged helplessly. "Yang said I should date both of them."

Tai blinked. "And you thought that would be a good idea?"

Ruby winced. "It seemed like a good idea at the time?"

Tai laughed. "Ruby... Ruby, Ruby. When did you start taking after me so much? I thought Yang might end up trying something like that, but you?"

Ruby blinked. "Taking after you? What do you mean?"

Tai swallowed. "Er... forget I said that."

Ruby started grinning. "Oh no. I heard you. You dated two girls at the same time?"

Tai winced. "Well, practically. I mean, you know about Raven and Summer..."

Ruby blinked. "You had Yang with Raven, then you married Summer after Raven left...?"

Tai nodded. "Yeah."

Ruby frowned. "That's not dating two girls at the same time."

Tai wrinkled his nose. "Well, Beacon was... interesting. And a lot can happen in four years."

Ruby blinked. "Wow."

Tai blushed slightly. "Hey, your old man was pretty popular back in the day, you know."

Ruby giggled. "I guess so!"

Tai shook his head. "But enough about me. What about you? What happened to you and Blake?"

Ruby frowned. "Well, it's kind of a long story."

Tai shrugged. "I've got time."

Ruby sighed and nodded. "Fine. Well... I started to realize that I was interested in girls. And Yang told me that both Blake and Pyrrha were interested in me... and then Pyrrha confessed that she liked me, and then Blake did right after that... but I didn't want them to fight or anything bad to happen to our team so we agreed that we'd try dating and promised not to get mad at each other... and so we've all been taking turns going on dates."

Tai blinked. "Taking turns?"

Ruby nodded. "Right. So Blake and Pyrrha and I went out to dinner together a couple weeks ago. And the next week I took Blake out to the arcade and she took me to the bookstore. And while we were doing that Yang took Pyrrha to a dance club. And this week I brought Pyrrha here, and Yang's taking Blake fishing or something..."

Tai opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. "So you're all going on dates with each other?"

Ruby nodded again. "Yang said it was the best way to figure out who we liked the best. Everybody goes on one date with everybody else. Pyrrha and Blake are going on a date next week." Tai raised an eyebrow and Ruby quickly continued. "Yang and I are just going to hang out that weekend. Sister bonding, you know."

Tai looked thoughtful, and he went back to his cooking as he thought about it. "Honestly..." He finally said. "That seems like a pretty smart way to go about it." He admitted. "How's it going?"

Ruby shrugged. "Pretty well, although SOMEBODY interrupted me kissing Pyrrha last night."

Tai chuckled. "Sorry about that. If you'd let me know to stay clear I could have given you some privacy."

Ruby looked curious. "Would you really do that?"

Tai nodded. "Yeah. I don't want you to have to sneak around behind my back. If you're willing to let me know ahead of time, I'm willing to give you as much space as you need."

Ruby looked like she was torn between being happy and being embarrassed. "It was our first kiss, by the way." She muttered. "We haven't done anything else."

Tai flinched. "Ouch. Sorry about that."

Ruby sighed. "Well, technically our second kiss. You missed our first by about thirty seconds."

Tai laughed. "Well, that's a LITTLE better."

"Not much better." Ruby growled.

Tai shrugged and continued working at the stove. "Sorry kiddo. I honestly had no idea you'd be putting the moves on your teammate last night." He glanced over his shoulder. "It was you putting the moves on her, I assume?"

Ruby blushed. "Why would you assume that?"

Tai shrugged. "Xiao-Long genetics?"

Ruby sighed. "If you must know, I asked her to kiss me. Pyrrha isn't pushing things. Actually, Blake and Pyrrha are both kind of letting me take the lead the whole time."

Tai nodded. "Good. Not that I don't trust your teammates... but they are both two years older than you are."

"They're only seventeen." Ruby protested.

Tai nodded easily. "And from what I've seen so far, they seem like good girls. But I'm glad they're letting you set the pace. That's how it should be."

Ruby sighed. "I guess."

Tai looked curious. "What's wrong, kiddo?"

Ruby shook her head. "I just... how do I figure out which one I like the best?"

Tai laughed. "You're asking me?" He shook his head. "You'll know when you know. I think you've got the right idea. Spending time with them, getting to know them... you'll figure it out." He shook his head. "How did Yang get mixed up in this?"

Ruby shrugged. "Xiao-Long genetics?"


Pyrrha came into the kitchen a few minutes later, slightly flushed with a slight sheen of sweat on her brow, Zwei came in just behind her, looking fresh and ready to go for another run. Ruby licked her lips, taking a good long look at the tall, leggy amazon in her tank top and shorts and couldn't help appreciate the view. Zwei circled around Ruby a couple times trying to get her attention, but for once the Corgi was all but ignored.

Tai gestured to the table. "We've got eggs and bacon if you're hungry, Pyrrha." He said graciously. "How would you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled please?" Pyrrha said with a grateful smile. "Thank you. It already smells wonderful in here."

She sat at the table and Tai quickly cooked a large serving of scrambled eggs, sliding a good portion of bacon, already cooked, on the side of the large ceramic plate.

"Anything to drink? Milk? Orange Juice?"

"Orange Juice would be lovely, thank you Mister Xiao... Tai."

Tai poured Pyrrha a tall glass of orange juice and sat down opposite her and Ruby with his own heavily laden plate.

Pyrrha ate swiftly, hungry from her run. Tai was only slightly more restrained, the large man eating with a cheerful expression on his face.

When she had finished, she stood up and collected Ruby's plate and utensils and walked to the sink. "I'll wash up." She said firmly. "I insist."

Tai finished eating and handed Pyrrha his own plate and utensils without complaint, then stood up, collected all the cups and placed them in the sink for her. "Good manners." He commented, glancing at Ruby with a playful expression. "I approve, Ruby. You can keep her."

Pyrrha chuckled. "Am I a pet now?"

Tai grinned back at her. "I thought you were a girlfriend, but if that's what you're calling it..."

Pyrrha blushed and nodded. "Girlfriend... yes."

Tai nodded. "Apparently you're dating my oldest daughter as well?"

Pyrrha choked, shooting a shocked look at Ruby, who shrugged helplessly.

"Yes...?" Pyrrha said tentatively. "It's a bit complicated..." She tried to explain.

Tai smiled disarmingly. "Don't worry, I'm not about to bite your head off. Ruby explained. You're going on dates to figure out who you all like best, right?"

Pyrrha nodded slowly. "That is the general idea, yes."

Tai raised an eyebrow. "How do you feel about that?"

Pyrrha blinked, then took a few moments, looking thoughtful. "Well... to be honest, I think it was a good idea. Blake and I both... well, we both found ourselves interested in Ruby, but we didn't want to take the chance of hurting the team... or harming the friendships we've formed. So Yang and Ruby suggested we all go on dates. So we all figure out who we're compatible with. We all agreed not to let this hurt our friendships, or the team, and we're all being very careful..."

Tai nodded. "Well, I think you girls are being very mature about it. It would be a shame for your team to have problems because you're dating."

Pyrrha nodded back. "I value my friendship with Blake... and Yang and Ruby as well. I don't want to lose that with any of them."

Tai sighed. "It can be tough, mixing romance and friendship like that. Not to mention trying to keep a team together. I hope you do better than my team did."

Pyrrha took a deep breath. "We're going to try and take it slow, sir..." Tai raised an eyebrow at her, and she sighed. "I mean, Tai."

Tai grinned when she used his first name. "Good. I'm sorry about interrupting last night. Next time, I'll give you girls your privacy. I know how hard it can be trying to get some privacy at school."

Pyrrha blinked, then blushed. "Um... thank you... Tai. I appreciate the gesture. Not that we... we haven't. I mean, we weren't going to..."

Tai chuckled. "Don't worry. I was a teenager myself once, you know? Just let me know when you'd like some privacy, and I'll give you girls your space. I'd rather you don't have to sneak around behind my back. Less headaches that way."

Pyrrha continued to blush, but nodded. "Yes... yes. I... yes. Thank you."

Ruby took pity on her girlfriend. "We'll let you know, dad."

Tai stood up from the breakfast table and stretched. "So. You've been teaching my girls some hand to hand combat, I hear?"

Pyrrha blinked. "Er. Yes. Well, mostly Ruby. Yang is already quite proficient."

Tai grinned. "I'd hope so by now. I hear you're quite the prodigy."

Pyrrha frowned. "I don't know if I'd go that far. And Ruby is really the one who deserves that title. Getting into Beacon two years early is no small feat. I have no doubt she'll surpass me by the time she's my age."

Tai raised an eyebrow. "You don't have to be shy, Pyrrha. I've seen some of your fights. They don't call you the Invincible Girl for nothing."

Pyrrha winced visibly. "I... yes. I've been fortunate."

Ruby was glowering at him, and Tai took the hint. "Well, all that matters to me is that you're good to my girls... and they obviously seem to like you, so that's good enough for me."

Pyrrha's shoulders relaxed slightly and she smiled a bit more sincerely at him.

"So... how about you show me what you've been teaching my girls?" Tai said cheerfully. "Care for a spar?"

Ruby shot to her feet. "Dad, Pyrrha doesn't have to...!"

Pyrrha slowly stood, putting a hand gently on Ruby's shoulder. "That's fine. I'd be happy to oblige."

Tai hesitated. "You don't need to feel obligated, Pyrrha..."

Pyrrha stood straighter, her smile genuine. "No, I'd be happy for a match. Yang is a wonderful fighter, I can't deny I'm interested in seeing the original."

Tai grinned. "Great. Why don't you grab your weapons and meet me out back?"

Pyrrha smiled. "You wanted to see what I am teaching Ruby. How about a straight unarmed match?"

Tai blinked. "Sure. We can do that."

Ruby winced, waiting till her dad had walked into the main part of the house to whisper. "Pyrrha... dad's main style is unarmed. He doesn't use a weapon."

Rather than be intimidated, Pyrrha looked interested. "All the better." She said with a grin.

Half a minute later, Pyrrha, still in her jogging clothes, stood across the yard from Taiyang Xiao-Long, and gave him a short bow. "Please excuse my poor technique. I look forward to learning from you." She told him, her eyes glinting.

Taiyang gave her a polite bow back, then got into a fighting stance. "I'll do my best not to disappoint."

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