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94.68% I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man / Chapter 298: Chapter 222: Across the Spider-Verse (46)     

Kapitel 298: Chapter 222: Across the Spider-Verse (46)     

As the chaotic battle unfolded, Miles fought alongside his friends, each of them engaged in their own struggle. He faced off against Prowler Miles, the two trading blows in a fierce and personal clash. The room shook with each punch, the sound of fists meeting flesh echoing through the space.



Miles threw a punch that landed square on Prowler Miles' face, sending him stumbling back for a moment. Prowler Miles retaliated swiftly, slamming a fist into Miles' gut, knocking the wind out of him. Miles doubled over slightly, gritting his teeth in pain, but he refused to back down.



"You're strong.." Miles managed to say, still catching his breath, admiration mixed with defiance in his voice.



Prowler Miles, face shadowed with a hardened expression, sneered. "You don't know what I've been through." he said, his voice filled with bitterness, the weight of his past hanging between them like a dark cloud.



Miles straightened up, his eyes blazing with determination. "That's right. I don't know," he admitted, fists clenched as he looked his counterpart dead in the eye. "But you don't know mine either!"



With those words, Miles charged forward, his movements fueled by both desperation and hope. His fists crackled with bioelectricity as he swung at Prowler Miles, who dodged and countered with swift, brutal precision. They were mirrors of each other in many ways—both forged by their own struggles, both driven by a fierce desire to protect what mattered to them.



Around them, Gwen, Hobie, Peter Porker, and Noir fought fiercely, fending off Uncle Aaron and any other threats that tried to close in. But for Miles, the fight with Prowler Miles was more than just a physical battle—it was a clash of two paths, two versions of himself, each shaped by loss and circumstance.



As they fought, Miles shouted, his voice filled with emotion. "You think you're the only one who lost someone? The only one who's been through pain? We all have! But it doesn't mean we give up!"



Prowler Miles paused for just a second, enough time for Miles to land another hit, this time sending him sprawling. The words seemed to cut deeper than the punch, a flicker of something crossing his face—doubt, regret, maybe even understanding. But the battle was far from over, and both Miles knew it.



With a determined glare, Prowler Miles rose to his feet. "You talk like you can save everyone. But the real world doesn't work that way."



Miles wiped the blood from his mouth, standing tall. "Maybe not. But I'm sure as hell going to try."



As the battle between the two Miles raged on, Alternate Aaron watched from the shadows, his face etched with concern and determination. He knew he had to help his nephew—Prowler Miles—defeat the other version of him, the "intruder" who threatened their world. Aaron didn't wear the Prowler costume anymore. He had given it up to Prowler Miles, passing on the mantle. But that didn't mean he was powerless.



"There's something I can do." Aaron muttered to himself, steeling his resolve as he grabbed a nearby handgun on his pocket, cold metal in his grip. His heart pounded in his chest as he aimed it towards Miles Morales, the alternate version who had invaded their lives. He squeezed the trigger.



The gunshot rang out, a sudden crack of noise that shattered the sounds of the fight.



But just as quickly, Miles Morales' spider-sense flared. He felt the tingling on the back of his neck, alerting him to the danger. Without thinking, he leaped out of the way, the bullet missing him by inches. He rolled to his feet, eyes wide in surprise, not expecting an attack from Aaron.



That brief moment of distraction, however, was all that Prowler Miles needed.



Before Miles could react, Prowler Miles capitalized on the opening. With lightning speed, he slammed his fist into Miles' face, the force of the punch sending him stumbling back. Miles winced as the blow connected, the sharp pain radiating through his skull. He wasn't prepared for the double attack—his senses focused on dodging the bullet, not anticipating the punch that followed.



"You're too soft," Prowler Miles growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You think you can just dodge everything and save everyone. But you're wrong."



Miles, dazed from the hit, gritted his teeth, forcing himself to stand up straight, though his body ached from the impact. His vision blurred momentarily as he tried to regain focus. He glanced between Prowler Miles and Aaron, realizing he was outnumbered.



"I can do more than just dodge," Miles spat out, wiping blood from his mouth as he steadied himself. "I'm not here to fight you. But if I have to, I will."



Aaron reloaded his gun, taking another aim at Miles. "You're not going anywhere..." he muttered.



The air was thick with tension as Prowler Miles and Aaron moved in on him, both determined to bring him down. Miles felt the weight of the situation, but he knew he couldn't give up. His friends were out there, fighting for him—and his father's life depended on it.



Miles crouched low, his body crackling with energy, ready to strike back. "I'm going to save my dad, no matter what it takes!" he shouted.



And with that, the fight continued, even more intense as Miles prepared to face both his alternate self and Aaron.


The tension between Gwen Stacy and Scorpia escalated rapidly. Gwen, her mind briefly distracted by the sight of Miles Morales fighting against Prowler Miles and Aaron Davis, was filled with concern. She murmured, "Miles..." under her breath, her eyes darting toward him, watching as his electricity clashed violently with Prowler's energy. The intensity of their battle filled the air, but Gwen knew she had to stay focused.



Suddenly, Gwen's spider-sense flared. The hairs on her neck stood up just in time for her to sense the incoming strike from Scorpia, her massive tail aimed directly at Gwen's back. Gwen instinctively flipped out of the way, her lithe form moving effortlessly through the air as Scorpia's tail smashed into the ground where she had been standing just a moment earlier. The impact left a deep dent in the concrete floor, dust flying up from the sheer force of it.



Scorpia glared at Gwen, anger twisting her features. "You mocking me?!" she snarled, her voice dripping with venom as she noticed Gwen's focus wasn't fully on their fight but on Miles across the room.



Gwen landed gracefully on her feet and shrugged casually, still stealing glances toward Miles. "I mean, you're just not that big of a threat to me." she said nonchalantly, her tone calm and almost dismissive. It was clear that her mind was more on protecting her friend than on her current opponent.



Scorpia's face contorted with fury, veins pulsing in her neck as her anger reached its boiling point. "You bitch!" she screamed, her voice echoing through the room. With renewed rage, Scorpia lunged forward, her tail whipping through the air with terrifying speed and power, the sharp tip gleaming like a spear aimed directly at Gwen's head.



But Gwen was faster. She flipped backward, evading the tail with the grace of a dancer, her movements fluid and controlled. Scorpia swung again and again, each attack becoming more aggressive, but Gwen continued to evade effortlessly, dodging to the left, then flipping over the next strike as Scorpia's tail smashed through a pillar, sending chunks of concrete scattering.



"Stop evading, you pest!!" Scorpia shouted, her voice filled with frustration. Her movements became erratic, her attacks wild and uncontrolled.



Gwen skidded to a stop, her back against the wall, and smirked. "Okay.." she said calmly, her voice full of confidence.



In a split second, Gwen darted forward with a burst of speed, using her agility to slip past Scorpia's next attack. Before Scorpia could react, Gwen grabbed hold of the tail, her hands gripping the metallic appendage tightly. With a sharp twist of her body, Gwen used Scorpia's own momentum against her, yanking the tail with incredible strength. The force of the move caught Scorpia off guard, and Gwen swung her around, lifting her off the ground with the sheer force of the throw.



With a loud crash, Gwen slammed Scorpia down onto the concrete floor, the impact sending shockwaves through the room. Scorpia gritted her teeth, her body rattling from the force of the throw, dust swirling around her as she struggled to get back up. She lay there for a moment, stunned, her tail twitching weakly beside her.



But even through the pain, Scorpia's lips curled into a smirk. She looked up at Gwen with a defiant gleam in her eye. "You think that's enough to stop me?" she sneered, spitting blood onto the floor as she pushed herself up slowly.



Gwen barely had time to process what had happened before a whooshing sound filled the air. A bright portal opened between her and Scorpia, and before Gwen could react, a large robotic fist shot out of the portal, slamming directly into Scorpia's chest with devastating force. The impact sent Scorpia hurtling through the air, crashing into the distance with a loud thud, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.



Gwen's eyes widened in surprise, but when she saw the familiar silhouette of a robot stepping out of the portal, she relaxed slightly. Peni Parker, inside her spider-themed mech, stood tall in front of her, the glowing red eyes of the machine scanning the surroundings before focusing on Gwen.



"Peni!" Gwen called out, relief flooding her voice as she ran up to the robot.



Peni, peeking out from the cockpit of her mech, grinned and nodded. "Gwen!" she called back, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. Despite the brief reunion, there was a tension in the air.



"You're here!" Gwen exclaimed, still catching her breath. "What's going on? I didn't think we'd see you for a while."



Peni's expression grew serious as she replied, "There's no time to explain everything. You and Miles need to go back to his universe. Now."



Gwen's face dropped, confused by the sudden urgency. "What? I thought we still had two days before the canon event starts. That's what we were told."



Peni shook her head, her expression grim. "Things have changed. Michael ordered me to come get you both. Something's happening faster than we thought. You need to help Miles—he's in serious danger."



Gwen felt a chill run down her spine. The name Michael carried weight. Michael Wilson, the legendary Spider-Man, never acted without reason. If he was telling Peni to come now, things were far worse than they anticipated.



"Where's Miles?" Peni asked, her voice steady but laced with concern.



Gwen pointed across the battlefield, where Miles was still engaged in a brutal fight against Prowler Miles and Aaron Davis. The flashes of his venom strikes and the clashing sounds echoed through the air as he dodged and countered every move.



"You don't have time to waste," Peni said firmly. "We don't have time. Something's coming, and if we don't get you two back to his universe now, Miles universe could be at risk."



Gwen looked at Miles, then back at Peni. "Alright. Let's get him."



Without another word, Gwen sprinted toward Miles, her movements quick and precise as she weaved through the debris and chaos of the battlefield. She could hear the mechanical whir of Peni's mech following close behind.



As Gwen closed in on Miles, she called out, "Miles! We need to go—now!"



Miles, mid-fight, glanced over his shoulder, his face etched with determination but also confusion. "What? Gwen, I can't—"



Gwen interrupted him, grabbing his arm. "Michael sent Peni. We need to get back to your universe. Something's happening—something big."



Miles hesitated, his eyes darting between Gwen and his alternate self, the Prowler, who was still standing defiantly before him. But seeing the urgency in Gwen's expression, he nodded. "Alright. Let's go."



As Miles nodded, ready to retreat with Gwen, Prowler Miles stepped forward, his eyes cold and unwavering. "No." His voice was low and dangerous. "Do you really think we're just going to let you go?"



Before Miles could react, Prowler Miles lunged forward, a blur of motion as his gauntlet crackled with energy. He swiped at Miles, forcing him to leap backward, barely dodging the strike. The venom energy crackling around Miles collided with the Prowler's own, sending sparks flying as they clashed.



"I won't let you leave this universe," Prowler Miles growled, his voice filled with bitterness. "You're not the only one fighting for something. You won't rob me of my chance to fix this."



Aaron Davis, the former Prowler, stepped beside his nephew, brandishing a handgun, his gaze locked on Gwen. "You two ain't going anywhere." he said, his voice calm but threatening. He aimed the weapon directly at Gwen, his finger hovering over the trigger.



Gwen's eyes widened, her spider-sense tingling as she shoved Miles to the side. "Get down!"



A shot rang out, the bullet narrowly missing Gwen as she flipped through the air. She landed gracefully, glaring at Aaron. "We don't have time for this.." she muttered.



Peni, watching from a distance, activated her thrusters and charged toward the battle, sending a series of bombs (made by Michael Wilson) toward Aaron and the Prowler. "Get out of their way!" she shouted.



The explosion caused Aaron and Prowler Miles to stumble back, but the Prowler recovered quickly, launching himself at Miles once again.



Miles gritted his teeth. "I don't want to fight you!"



Prowler Miles snarled, "Too bad!" He swiped his electrified gauntlet again, but this time, Miles was ready. With a surge of venom energy, he deflected the attack and sent a charged punch toward his alternate self.



The force of the punch sent Prowler Miles flying backward, but he caught himself mid-air, landing in a crouch. "You're not getting away that easily, Morales.." he hissed.



Gwen glanced at Miles, her voice urgent. "We need to go—now!"



Miles looked at his alternate self, torn between wanting to help him and the urgency of saving his own universe. "I'm sorry.." he whispered.



With a final glance, Miles sprinted toward the portal that Peni had opened. Gwen followed, covering their retreat as Peni's mech held off the Prowler and Aaron.



As they neared the portal, Prowler Miles screamed, "You're not escaping!" He charged toward them with everything he had, but at the last second, Hobie appeared, slamming his guitar into the Prowler's side and sending him crashing into the ground.



Hobie grinned. "Go! I've got this, mate."



Miles nodded, his heart pounding, and with one final look at his alternate self, he leaped into the portal alongside Gwen, disappearing into the swirling energy.



As the portal closed behind them, the battlefield grew silent for a moment. Prowler Miles, bruised and battered, watched as his chance to stop them vanished. He clenched his fists, his body trembling with frustration.



Aaron walked up beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's not over yet, kid."



Prowler Miles glared at the now-closed portal, his eyes burning with determination. "No, it's not."


To be continue

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