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100% Legend Of Korra Tornado / Chapter 7: Reflections and meeting with the council

Kapitel 7: Reflections and meeting with the council

Republic city private hospital A week later jon pov


I wake up to a unfamiliar ceiling but the smell of medicine brings back some familiar memories, said memories also help me remember what happend that night and my mood takes a nosedive.

'Shit, shit, shit' i think as I berate myself for my foolishness

"If I had just allowed sister lily to call tenzin none of this would have happend, they wouldn't have attacked the orphanage and sister lily would have still been alive." I said as I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face

"I was so stupid, I wasted so much energy on those randoms when I could have used the energy on ace and maybe gotten everyone to safety" I said going over every mistake I made last night.

After an hour of self-loathing I clean my face and calmed down.

"I have to do better, if not for my sake then for those I'll grow to care about" I said with a frown

"Heh this is what I get for trying to be some kind of overpowered lone wolf, that might have worked if I had a system but I'm just a transmigrator who can airbend I have no proper training and outside of the main story and some speculation from the wiki I know nothing about this world" I said deep in thought

As I was thinking about the unknown a nurse walked in to check on me but was surprised to see me awake

" Oh you're awake, how are you feeling?" the nurse asked with a smile

"I feel like shit" I said on pain as I slowly sat up in my bed.

"O-oh uh I'll go and get the doctor" the nurse stuttered surprised by my foul language as she leaves the room.

After a while a docter comes in the room and examines my body

"How remarkable! when I first checked your body your injuries suggested you'd be bedridden for a month, but now according to my new diagnosis you'll probably be out of here in a week at most" the doctor shouted while looking like he wanted to dissect me

"Well thanks i guess" I said not knowing how to respond

Just as the doctor was about to suggest somthing that would make me airbend the air out of his lungs the door opened and two metalbenders came in and stood by both sides of the door, after a few seconds tenzin, tarrlok and all of the council members walk in my room followed by lin who nodded at the two metanbenders who bowed, grabbed the doctor and dragged him out of the room and closed the door.

"Hello jon we would lake to talk with you if thats alright?" Tenzin said calmly

"Yea, like I had a choice" I said looking at them all

"Ahem r-rignt" tenzin said sheepishly

"See tenzin its like I said this kid is mature for his age just tell him straight" lin said with a grin

" But before we go any further lets get his recount of last weeks incident" lin said and everyone nodded and looked at him.

"Wait! Ive been sleeping for a week!?" I shouted

"Thats right, the doctor told us that you weren't going to wake up for three weeks, so you can imagine our surprise when we get a call saying you woke up early and are expected to be out of here in a week" tenzin said with an intrested look

"Sigh, well this is what i remember" I began to tell my version of events

10 minutes later after I finished my story everyone is silent before tarrlok spoke up incredulously

"So you mean to tell us that after your transformation you met an ancient spirit and it told you that your soul is half spirit and given time you could potentially rival the avatar?" Tarrlok asked clearly not convinced.

"Yep thats pretty much it, I cant remember anything after sister lily died" I said with my head down

Everyone gave me a sympathetic look

"Im sorry about the sister kid, she seemed like a nice lady" lin said while placing her hand on my shoulder

"I don't deserve your sympathy, its my fault she died, I made so many stupid decisions that night and in general" I said putting my head in my knees.

"You're not to blame kid, while its true you could have done things differentially her death is truly on me. I should have had more undercover agents there being constantly vigilant, or better yet I should have just pulled you outta there instead of trying to get some leads on the triple threat's" lin said trying to confort me

"I have some blame in this as well, I was skeptical about lily's claims and brushed them off after our meeting. I didnt even bother to try and meet you" tenzin said with a sad tone.

A silence came over the room for a while before the mood was once again interrupted by tarrlok

"While I also feel sad for the innocent life that was lost we cannot stay long we are the council of republic city" tarrlok said impatiently.

"Good grief tarrlok at least pretend you care about how he's feeling right now!" Lin shouted at him

Tarrlok was about to engage but tenzin stepped in

"Its ok lin he's right, I'll just make it quick" tenzin said as he looked at me

"Ok jon I'm sure you know what im going to offer you-" tenzin began but I cut him off

"I'll go with you" I said

"Sigh look the robes are very comfortable despite their-" tenzin began but stopped "wait what?"

"I'll join the nomads" I said plainly

"Wha- I- but lin said" tenzin said stuttering

"Yea and I still feel that way about the nomads but the truth is besides things I can pick up on my own I have no idea what im doing when it comes to bending I need guidance" I said firmly

"Well that was easier than I thought it would be" lin said while smirking at tarrlok who was fuming behind the calm expression on his face

"But I need to be able to leave the island when ever I want thats my only condition" I said holding up a finger.

"That's not an issue the only thing thats mandatory for the nomads are the robes and the vegetarian diet, however I can't be everwhere at once so who knows what you'll get up to in the city" tenzin said with a knowing smile

"Now however we need to talk about this "avatar state" you possess" tenzin said

"Well like I said earlier, acording to the lion turtle said a young wind spirit fused with my soul and that with time and training I'll be able to gain control of my spirit dive mode" I said while looking at him

"Interesting, can you enter the state now?" Tenzin asked

"No not at all, and even if I did my body currently can't handle the stress thats why my body was so broken up when I was brought here" I replied

"I see, it seems its like the avatar state and only activates in moments of high emotion when you can't control it" tenzin said in a thinking pose

"Spirit dive huh? It has a nice ring to it" lin said

"Well it was either that or (foul legacy)" I said which caused everyone to look at me weirdly

"Well lets be glad you didn't choose that one " tenzin said with a sweatdrop

"Well as much as I want to end this meeting on a good note we still have a problem" lin said

"Whats wrong now" I asked

"Well your little spiritual friend in your soul killed thirty triad members including ace" lin said as the room turned silent.

"Ah shit, will i be going to jail?" I asked worried

"Well not quite, while everyone here is aware that you cant control your spirit this incident was far too massive to keep out of the public and while no one got a good look at you some people still caught a few glimpses" lin said as she handded me a newspaper

The picture was very blurry but you could make out my glowing hair and the green eyes

"Damnit" i cursed

"Damnit is right their calling you the dark avatar" lin said with a frown

"Well what do we do now?" I asked

"What we do is try our hardest to get you onto air temple island without anyone noticing" lin said

"Their has been a rise in protests calling for the city to hunt and kill the false avatar" tenzin said grimly

"So not only will you be going to the island with or without your consent you'll also be under house arrest until further notice" lin said

"Ughhhhh" i groaned

"One more thing" lin said

"What now!?" I yelled

" well as you saw in the paper your hair is to recognizable so unfortunately" tenzin said as a metalbender walked in with hair scissors and an electric hair clipper.

Before the man could get close a green gust of air hit him in the chest sending him flying out of the room


"I knew this would happen, TENZIN' TARRLOK HOLD THE BOY DOWN" lin yelled as she grabbed the clippers.

The nurses and doctors began to gather when the commotion was heard but they were startled when a feminine scream was heard coming from jon's room...

A week later the doors to the hospital slid open as tenzin walked out with a bald headed kid with dull golden eyes seeming lifeless

"Come on being bald isn't so bad" tenzin said trying to cheer jon up

"Easy for you to say, I bet you've been bald all your life" I sneered at him

"T-thats not true, I gave up my hair for my tattoos. And not to mention having a bald head will help with your bending" tenzin in righteousness

"Sigh whatever lets just go" I said too tired to argue

We arrived at an empty courtyard and tenzin took out a whistle that was shaped like a bison and blew, a few seconds later we heard a loud grunting noise and a massive bison landed in of us. I stood there gawking at it, tenzin noticed and chuckled.

"You know you'll be able to choose your own bison when you get to a certain point in your training" said tenzin

"Holy shit really?" I shouted

"Hehe well we'll have to go to the other air temples to find them but yes You'll be able to get one, if you're chosen that is after all a bison is a partner for life" tenzin said as we climbed on and flew to my new home.


A.N: hey guys hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, I want to give jon a bison but at the same time I don't know if I should since he'll be able to fly on his own eventually. so tell me in the comments if I should or not. And thanks for all the support bye bye 👋


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