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84.21% Mage King in Amalgam-Verse (Marvel) (DC) (HP) / Chapter 16: 16 - Rita Skeeter (r18)

Kapitel 16: 16 - Rita Skeeter (r18)

{Unnamed Alleyway, London}

{19th August 1989}

Someone was following Rita Skeeter.

Rita didn't know who, or even how many, but she knew that she was being tailed. A sense of unease flowed through her mind and body as Rita subtly looked over her shoulder, trying and failing to determine who was watching her.

And after a few more minutes, it became apparent that she wouldn't know.

Not only were they very good at covering their tracks, but Rita realized that it was almost like her stalker wanted Rita to know that she was being watched. Keeping her face calm, Rita tried to think back to who exactly might want something to do with her... and her chest tightened as she very quickly realized that that number was too high to count.

Such a thing was just par for the course in her line of work.

'Fuck,' Rita thought, internally panicking.

Walking slightly faster, and subtly changing directions to the nearest narrow alley, Rita turned down what was essentially a crawlspace as she drew her wand.


With a loud crack, Rita arrived at her house. As she felt the Skeeter Wards wash over her, she nearly let out a sigh of relief... before she realized that she was still being watched. She whipped her head around frantically, only to see no one at all.

It didn't make any sense to Rita– it should've been impossible for anyone to follow her through apparition, especially when she was apparating into long-standing family protections... 'So why do I still feel eyes on the back of my head?!'


Rita let out a gasp as her body went limp. Unable to move a single muscle, Rita fell like a puppet that had its string's cut. Forced to look straight ahead, her face half in the grass, Rita could only watch as a silhouette of a woman slowly approached her.

"Mark is such a useful spell," the woman spoke, her soothing voice sending a shiver down Rita's spine. "as the name implies, Mark lets me 'mark' a target, or in this case, you. It also gives the target a sense of unease... as if they're being watched..." the woman smiled. "Watching you warily look over your shoulder every few seconds, unable to do anything about it... I nearly cried trying to hold back my laughter."

Unable to retort, Rita merely grumbled into the dirt.

"Now, what do you with you..." the woman muttered. "Normally, I'd just torture you until you break–" Rita's heart leapt into her throat– "but I mean, just look at you."

Rita let out a silent gasp as the woman's hands roamed over her body, squeezing her tits and her ass, before one lifted her face off the dirt, bringing it eye level to her captor's. "You're quite the fine piece of meat. You'll do nicely."

The words not doing Rita's peace of mind any favors, she tried to struggle, to do anything, but it was to no avail.


Then everything went to black.


{Brooke Manor, Greater Manchester}

{22nd August 1989}

Camilla looked down at the unconscious Rita Skeeter before her.

Blonde hair, green eyes, and a meaty figure... Camilla was eerily reminded of herself, but there were a few differences. Rita's face was narrower, she wore glasses, and even though they were faint, Rita had a few wrinkles.

Ever since becoming Matteo's, Camilla's skin had been utterly flawless. Her figure had also widened a bit– the same could be said for Chloe, as well as most of Matteo's maids. Matty had a thing for meaty women, so despite being stronger than most of the world, most of Matteo's maids had a healthy set of hips, tits, and a meaty ass.

Well, there was Marcela, Matty's Brazilian maid... who he had dubbed 'his tomboy maid.'

Sporting jet-black hair, brown eyes, light-brown skin, and standing at a solid 6ft 2in, Marcy was as fit as can be. She was the only maid of Matty's where the physical effects of the super-serum could be seen in all of their glory, and it quite literally gave her the figure of a goddess.

Not that Camilla minded being a 'meaty' woman. There was nothing hotter than having her body slowly sculpted to fit her deity's tastes.

All of Matteo's women felt the same in that regard.

Camilla smiled. 'Matty should be here soon.'


Blindfolded, gagged, hands tied behind her back, ankles tied together, and wearing a skin-tight black bikini that painfully clung to her figure, Rita Skeeter woke with a gasp.

"Mrrrph... MMM! MMMMM!"

Camilla watched, amused, as Rita bucked and writhed against her restraints. As a witch without her wand, Rita was essentially helpless... or so Camilla thought. Camilla's eyes widened in surprise as she watched the witch grotesquely shrink down, until Rita was the size of a beetle– until she was a beetle.

"An Animagus," she muttered. "An unregistered Animagus at that. Freeze."

If Camilla had been a traditional British witch, landing a spell on Rita would've been quite the difficult task. Fortunately, as a user of Matty-Magic, everything was up to the user, including the very way that spells were casted.

The room flooded with Camilla's mana, all of it homing in on Rita, and in seconds, the beetle Animagus was frozen in the air.

"Revert," Camilla muttered, and Rita was forced back into her human form, no longer wearing restraints, but unable to move regardless.

Still wearing the painfully tight bikini.

Then Camilla placed a hand on Rita's face. "Block." Rita gasped as all of the sudden, her face felt like it was on fire, as well as the rest of her body. Rita nearly screamed aloud... until all of the sudden, she felt nothing.

Rita was unable to feel her magic.

She was a squib.

"W-What did you do to me?!" she shrieked.

"Oh hush, it's temporary," Camilla admonished Rita, as if she was a child. "And besides, you have more pressing matters to worry about."

With a wave of her hand, Rita was back in her restraints. Ankles and hands tied, and mouth gagged, only her blindfold left to the wayside. Then Rita was brought face to face to her captor, flinching as Camilla bored her eyes into Rita's own.

"Don't you recognize me?"

Camilla watched Rita squint behind her glasses, before widening her eyes.

Camilla grinned. "Look at that, you really do recognize me! I was pretty sure you would– you did, after all, write and release an article slandering me and my House."


Camilla held back a snort in amusement.

Then just a few moments later, Camilla felt her deity's presence flood the manor. Already aware that Camilla had a surprise waiting for him, Matteo briskly made his way to Camilla's location, that being one of the manor's spare bedrooms.

The door opened.

"You said you had a surprise–" Matteo blinked. "Is that Rita Skeeter?"

Camilla smiled thinly. "Yes. I was wondering if you had read the article or not, but seeing that you know the name, I guess you–"

"Article?" Matteo asked, frowning slightly.

"You haven't read it?" Camilla asked, looking back at Rita. "Wait, then how do you–"

"Never mind that," Matteo cut her off. Then Camilla gasped as Matteo entered her mind, her pussy lips moistening as her deity rummaged her thoughts for information. Her quim getting hot at the act of being used by her deity in any, shape, or form.

"So she did right an article about us..." he muttered, before smiling slightly. "And I can see why that would make you angry."


"It looks like she wants to say something," Matteo chided.

With a wave of his hand, Rita's mouth was free.

"I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" she hollered. "T-The things I wrote about you, I didn't mean it! I j-just write what I think people want to read, t-that's it..."

"So you mean to tell me," Camilla said quietly, "that when you slandered my House, when you told the entire wizarding world that I abused my Matty, my son, my everything... you didn't even mean it?"

Rita shivered as Camilla tightly clutched her face in her hand.

"It was just, what? A plea for attention?"

Rita didn't dare answer that question, terrified of upsetting Lady Brooke any further. Not able to move a single muscle, not able to draw a single breath...

Rita felt like she was going to die.

"Camilla," Matteo said softly.

Camilla rescinded her mana, blushing. "Sorry..."

"Don't worry about it. Now, let's see what you had in mind," Matteo mused, before once again digging through Camilla's thoughts. Camilla held back a shudder as she climaxed from Matteo's presence alone.

"You're kinda freaky, you know that right?"

Camilla blushed. "Muuu, I can't help it..."

Still helplessly tied up, still unable to use or even feel her magic, Rita looked at both Lady Brooke and Heir Brooke, confused. Watching their interactions, it was very clear to Rita that, despite Camilla calling Matteo her son, they didn't have a typical 'mother-son' relationship.

Not that she dared to comment on it.

"I'll let you lead," Matteo said, the words making Camilla's eyes sparkle.

Reaching down, Camilla grabbed Rita by the scruff of her neck, roughly guiding the witch towards Matteo's crotch. Less than a second later, Matteo's clothes gave way, and Rita's eyes widened as a massive 15 inch long, 2.5 inch wide cock slapped her in the face, cracking her glasses in the process.

Rita gulped. "W-Wait a minute–"

"Shut up," Camilla said harshly.

Then Camilla forced her deity's cock past Rita's lips, and then crudely shoved the poor witch's face all the way into Matteo's crotch.

Forcing Rita to take the 15 inch bitch-breaker to the hilt.

Rita's eyes rolled as she was assaulted with pleasure, and instead of throating a cock, it felt more like someone had hilted her pussy.

"I'm not nearly as good as Matteo," Camilla said warmly, all while roughly forcing Rita's face up and down Matteo's cock, "so it took me a few days, but you might've noticed that I took some liberties with your body, especially your throat-pussy."

Rita choked as the slab of manmeat was repeatedly forced down her throat, her thoughts clouded with fear, confusion, and begrudging arousal.


She writhed and bucked as she was Camilla fucked her face with Matteo's cock, her climax building as she was forced to throat Matteo's member. Rita's thoughts growing hazy from the lack of air on top of the constant pleasure.

Then all of the sudden, Matteo's cock grew to 18 inches, stuffing her throat entirely, and Rita's vision went white as she... didn't cum.

"Not so fast," Camilla scolded, all while firmly pressing Rita's face into Matteo's crotch. Forcing her to take Matteo's 18 inch bitch-breaker to the hilt, even as she struggled and writhed, unable to breathe, unable to cum. "This is supposed to be a punishment."

Camilla smiled wickedly. "Matty, flood her gut."

Rita's eyes widened as she felt Matteo's meaty member convulse, rubbing along the walls of her throat-pussy, right before letting out a stream of hot, fiery spunk.

Rita's vision went white again as she didn't cum, her belly swelling slightly to make room for Matteo's baby batter. Then she sputtered, tears in her eyes as cum splattered out of the edges of her mouth and her nose.

Then Camilla slowly pulled Rita off Matteo's cock... before shoving her face back down it.

Rita gagged and choked as Camilla forced her to throat Matteo's cock, her throat-pussy on fire as her orgasms were denied from her. All while Matteo's spunk continued to splash out of the corners of Rita's mouth, making a mess of her face. It was only a few minutes before she was a mess of spit and spunk, her face, neck, and breasts coated in cum.

Unable to breathe, unable to cum, Rita's thoughts clouded with arousal as she desperately tried to reach for her pussy, the urge to cum at the forefront of her mind.


No longer trying to escape, Rita moved in tune with Camilla's guiding hand, taking Matteo's mast down her throat rougher, quicker.


Desperately trying to reach a climax that wouldn't come, Rita writhed more out of a need to release then a need to breathe.

Camilla let go of Rita's head and leaned back, lowering one hand to her own quim, and the other to her nipple. Camilla's pussy drooled as she started slicking three of her fingers in and out of her own snatch, getting off on the display before her.

Completely lost in her own desire, in her urge to cum, Rita was finally fucking her face on Matteo's cock herself. The need for release so strong that it overruled her basic instincts, such as the need to breathe, the need to live.


Camilla watched as Rita continued to slick up and down Matteo's cock, her pace slowly as the lack of air got to her, but not stopping to breathe. The light slowly leaving Rita's eyes as she choked and gagged all of her own accord. Ignoring her body's protests, Rita continued to fuck her face on Matteo's massive cock.

'Need to cum. Need to cum. Need to cum.'

Her nipples and quim rubbing against the painfully tight bikini, Rita writhed as she tried and failed to use anything and everything to reach her climax.


Rita continued to choke herself all the way up until her own eyes rolled up into her head, and she passed out from the lack of air.

All the way up until she died.

"Revive," Camilla chanted as she masturbated.

Suddenly flooded with vitality, Rita's eyes widened as she gasped... only to choke on the massive slab of meat firmly hilted into her throat-pussy. Confused, afraid, and horny beyond belief... Rita immediately resumed fucking her face on Matteo's member.

Camilla climaxed at the sight, proud of her work.

Her brain physically rewired, Rita would prioritize cumming over living. Like a moth to a flame, the desire to orgasm was so prevalent that it over took everything else... and the best part was, it was impossible for Rita to cum.


Her instincts would force her to choke herself to death, all while Rita got closer and closer to a climax that would never come, her threshold for release always just barely out of reach.

Slowly going more and more insane until she broke on Matteo's cock.

After having to cast Revive a few times, Camilla watched in fervent glee as her deity grabbed Rita by the head and firmly hilted all 19 inches of his modified cock into Rita's gullet. Camilla climaxed once more as she watched her master's essence surge into Rita's gut, the mess of a witch writhing and bucking as she tried to use Matteo's actions to reach her own release.

Rita's stomach bulging even more to make room for another gallon of Matteo's gunk.

After nearly an hour of constant throat-fucking, her bikini long since fallen from her figure, Matteo let go of Rita's head and watched in amusement as the half-conscious mess of a woman slicked off his cock and fell to the floor.

Matteo held his cock as he continued to fire rope after rope, coating Rita's back, hips, and hair in his cum.

Rita coughed and sputtered, spunk still dribbling out of her maw. After a few hasty breaths, she started to plead, teary-eyed, "please let me cum. Please let me cum. Please let me cum. Please let me cum. Please let me cum. Please let me cum..."

"I think we broke her," Camilla said, smiling.

"Analyze," Matteo muttered. His eyes widened slightly. "No, she's still there. I mean, she is definitely not gonna come out of this the same, but she'll be coherent. Mostly."

"Huh," Camilla replied, slightly impressed.

"I say we let her cum."

Camilla frowned in thought, not wanting to grant Rita her release, but also not wanting to go against her deity... before Matteo used Inform. Camilla grinned at her deity's plan, the idea inciting Camilla's arousal even further.

"...please let me cum. Please let me cum. Please–"

"If you want to cum," Camilla said, getting Rita's attention, "then eat me out."

Rita instantly crawled towards Camilla open legs, diving face first into her muff. Camilla let out a moan, saying, "not the best I've ever had, but certainly enthusiastic."

Then Camilla watched as Matteo walked over to Rita's rear, her arousal peaking as she watched Matteo line up his cock with Rita's asshole. Then after firmly gripping Rita's ass, he roughly ploughed her ass-pussy, forcing Rita's face further into Camilla's crotch.

Then for the first time in what felt like years, Rita cummed.

"MMMHHHMM!" her eyes rolled as the release she was building to it her full force, her vision going white as her mind blanked from the pleasure.

Ignoring the near-broken witch, Camilla and Matteo leaned over Rita and kissed, their tongues intertwining as they attacked each other's mouths.

All while Matteo continued hammering away at Rita's asshole, forcing Rita's insides to stretch to fit their intruder. The smacks of his thrusts filling the room, Rita's ass jiggling as her butthole was fucked loose.

Lost in the highs of pleasure, Rita pushed out her butt into Matteo's ruts, trying to get as much pleasure out of the orgasm as possible... only for her to orgasm again. Rita jolted as Matteo's cock continued to drill her ass-pussy, convulsing as one orgasm rolled into the next. Physically unable to react to the onslaught of pleasure.

With her brain rewired, the need to seek out orgasms ingrained into her being... the constant climaxes were breaking her, and she was incapable of resisting.

Right before Rita broke entirely, one climax away from total ruin... Matteo pressed his meaty cock all the way into Rita's asshole, letting out one last load of his thick, hot spunk as he continued to make out with his mother. Rita moaned into Camilla's pussy, choking and gagging as Matteo's cum surged out of her mouth... and Camilla climaxed as her son's cum flooded her snatch.

Matteo broke off the kiss, grinning.

"That was fun."

"Mmm..." Camilla smiled, basking in her deity's praise. "I'm glad you liked it."

The both of them looked down at Rita, who was entirely out of it.

Camilla's smile thinned as she thought back to what Rita did... before she frowned, realizing that she had no idea where she wanted to proceed from here. Camilla definitely wanted Rita to forever be Matty's cocksleeve, her only purpose to take Matteo to the hilt, but she also didn't want Rita to experience the joy that was being wrapped in Matteo's essence.

It was quite the conundrum.

"How about this," Matteo answered with an Inform, providing the perfect solution.

Camilla's grin turned downright feral.

Rita's eyes shot open, her breath quickening as she felt it. Matteo's essence had wrapped around the mess of a witch, but instead of benevolence... she felt cruelty. Rita's mind was filled with an overwhelming need to fear, submit, and serve. Terrified of what might happen to her if she were to even think of disobeying.

All of Rita's thoughts revolving around a fervent desire to please her new god, the fear of displeasing Matteo slowly but firmly rooting itself into Rita's psyche.

For Matteo was her owner, her master, her deity.

For he was all that she would ever need.




The next chapter, Putting On Airs, releases April 15th, 10:00AM (MDT)

Patreon is up to Chapter 21!

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