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51.11% Convict to King / Chapter 69: The Party

Kapitel 69: The Party

As the sun dipped below the Austin skyline Arell found himself wandering through the downtown streets, taking in the atmosphere.

The events of the day played through his mind like a highlight reel, but one moment stood out above all others: the encounter with Post Malone. Arell couldn't shake the feeling that they'd stumbled upon something special.

"Geoffrey's better handle all the paperwork quickly," Arell mused to himself, weaving through the crowded sidewalk. "Don't want anyone else picking him up before we do..."

His stomach growled, interrupting his train of thought. The aroma of food trucks and street vendors filled the air, a tempting mix of Tex-Mex, barbecue, and more exotic fare. Arell decided to grab a bite, making his way towards a cluster of food trucks.

As he waited in line for some tacos, a young couple approached him hesitantly.

"Excuse me," the girl said, her voice tinged with excitement. "Are you Arell? Could we get a picture?"

Arell smiled, still not entirely used to being recognized. "Sure thing," he said, posing with the couple as their friend snapped a photo.

This scene repeated itself a few times as he made his way through the streets, munching on his tacos. Each interaction left him with both pride and slight discomfort, the reality of his growing fame still sinking in.

As he walked, he passed various stages and impromptu performance spaces. A ska band blasted from one corner, while an acoustic singer-songwriter strummed on another. Street performers dotted the sidewalks - jugglers, mime artists, even a guy painted entirely silver posing as a statue.

"Man, this place has everything," Arell muttered to himself, shaking his head in amazement.

Then things took a turn for the surreal. As he passed a dimly lit bar, two young women stumbled out, giggling. They spotted Arell and their eyes widened with recognition.

"Oh my god, it's Arell!" one of them squealed. They approached him, swaying slightly.

"We love your music," the other one slurred, leaning in close. "Hey, wanna come back to our hotel? We could have some fun... all three of us."

Arell blinked, taken aback. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. He felt a mix of flattery and discomfort, unsure how to respond.

"Uh, thanks for the offer," he stammered, "but I'm good. You two have a good night, alright?"

As he walked away, his head spinning slightly, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "Is this what being famous is like?" he wondered.

As Arell continued his meander through the streets, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out to find a message from Swae Lee.

"Yo Arell! We throwing a massive party tonight. Pull up!"

Intrigued, Arell typed back, "How massive we talking?"

Swae's response was immediate: "EVERYONE gone be there. Trust."

Arell's eyes widened as he realized the implications. Everyone at SXSW?

Glancing down at his casual attire, Arell knew he definetly needed better clothes. He quickly dialed Geoffrey's number.

"Geoffrey, I need your help," Arell said as soon as his manager answered. "There's huge party tonight. Everyone who's anyone will be there. I need a fit, stat."

Geoffrey's voice came through. "I see. I'll pick you up in ten minutes. We'll find you something appropriate for the occasion."

True to his word, Geoffrey arrived promptly in the black BMW. They set off into the night, searching for a high-end boutique that would cater to their last-minute needs.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, they stumbled upon Stag Provisions, a trendy men's boutique known for its mix of contemporary and vintage styles. As they entered, the shop's rustic-chic interior and indie rock playlist set the tone.

A bearded sales associate in a flannel shirt approached them. "Evening, gentlemen. I'm Jake. How can I help you tonight?"

Arell spoke up. "I need something fresh."

Jake nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "Got it. Let's find you something that stands out."

What followed was a whirlwind of fabrics, colors, and styles. Arell tried on piece after piece, with Geoffrey and Jake offering their opinions.

First, Arell emerged in a pair of slim-fit raw denim jeans and a plain white T-shirt.

"It's a good start," Geoffrey mused, "but it's not quite stylish enough."

Next came a leather jacket paired with a graphic tee and some distressed jeans.

Arell shook his head, running a hand through his hair. The outfits Jake suggested were fine, but they didn't capture the essence of who he was or the statement he wanted to make. He glanced around the boutique, his eyes scanning the racks and shelves for something that spoke to him.

"Thanks, Jake," Arell said, his voice quiet but firm. "I appreciate the help, but I think I need to explore a bit on my own."

Jake nodded, understanding. "Of course. Take your time. I'll be here if you need anything."

Arell wandered through the store, his eyes drawn to the edgier, darker pieces. He paused at a rack of All Saints clothing, running his fingers over a black leather jacket.

"This is more like it," he murmured, pulling the jacket off the hanger. Its asymmetrical zipper and distressed leather gave it just the right amount of edge.

Next, he spotted a pair of black Balmain jeans. The fit was perfect – skinny but not too tight, with ribbed knee panels adding texture. Arell nodded to himself, draping the jeans over his arm.

For a top, he gravitated towards a Givenchy t-shirt with a graphic print. Simple, but with enough designer cachet to make a statement.

As he continued his search, Arell's eyes lit up at the sight of a pair of Yeezy Boost 350s. The low-top knit sneakers, having just been released that year, would add some serious street cred to his look.

To complete the outfit, he grabbed a black leather Saint Laurent belt with a silver buckle.

Arell made his way back to Geoffrey, arms full of his selections. "What do you think about these?" he asked, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Geoffrey raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Not bad at all. Go try them on, let's see how it comes together."

A few minutes later, Arell emerged from the fitting room. The All Saints jacket hung perfectly on his frame, unzipped to reveal the Givenchy tee underneath. The Balmain jeans hugged his legs, ending just above the Yeezy Boosts. His Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra gleamed on his wrist, while his white gold necklace with the diamond pendant caught the light.

Geoffrey nodded approvingly. "Now that's what I call a look. You're gonna turn heads for sure."

Jake, who had been helping another customer, turned and gave a thumbs up. "Solid choices, man. You've got great taste."

Arell grinned, feeling confident and comfortable. He adjusted his necklace, the diamond pendant settling just right against the t-shirt. "This is it," he said. "This feels right."




As the BMW rolled up to the penthouse, the energy of the city pulsed around them. Arell stepped out, adjusting his new outfit.

The penthouse was a sprawling expanse of luxury, the kind of place Arell had only dreamed of. Floor-to-ceiling windows offered breathtaking views of the Austin skyline, and the sound of laughter, music, and clinking glasses filled the air. The place was packed with a mix of celebrities and influencers.

As he made their way through the crowd, Arell spotted Swae and Jeffrey, drinking near the bar. Swae Lee was dressed in a vibrant, patterned shirt and gold chains, while Young Thug rocked an oversized designer jacket and a diamond-studded watch.

"Swae! Thugger!" Arell called out, raising his hand in greeting.

Swae Lee's face lit up as he saw Arell. "Wassup!" he exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug. "Glad you could make it!"

Young Thug dapped him up with a grin. "Lookin' sharp, lil bro. You ready to turn up?"

Arell laughed, feeling at ease. "Always. This place is crazy."

Swae Lee nodded towards the bar. "Let's get you a drink. What you having?"

As they ordered drinks and caught up, Arell's eyes roamed the room, taking in the scene. He noticed a blonde woman in an elegant dress, surrounded by admirers.

"Is that... Madonna?" Arell asked, his voice filled with awe.

Swae Lee smirked. "Yeah, man. I told you, everyone's here tonight."

Arell shook his head in amazement. "Damn, this is wild."

They raised their glasses in a toast, the liquid warmth spreading through Arell as he took a sip. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Travis Scott.

"Travis, what's good?" Arell greeted him a quick hug.

"Ay, you pulled up!" Travis said, his voice carrying the excitement of the night. "You enjoying the party?"

"For sure," Arell replied. "This place is something else."

Travis gestured to the man next to him. "You know French Montana, right?"

Arell nodded, dapping up French Montana. "Of course. Good to see you, man."

French Montana raised his glass in salute. "Likewise, bro. Heard good things about you."

As the night deepened and the penthouse buzzed with energy, Arell found himself lounging on a plush couch, sipping his drink and taking in the scene. He had spotted Nicki Minaj earlier, her vibrant pink hair a beacon amidst the crowd. Even Kim Kardashian was here, in a corner, surrounded by admirers. There were also a few NBA stars like James Harden and Kevin Durant were mingling, their towering frames making them easy to spot.

He leaned back, taking it all in. It was surreal to be in the midst of such an eclectic mix of people, all brought together by the allure of SXSW. As he scanned the room, his eyes landed on a girl who plopped down next to him on the couch. He did a double take. She had thick, curly hair and was dressed in a mix of streetwear and high fashion, looking both bored and slightly annoyed.

"Hey, you alright?" Arell asked, turning to her.

She sighed, pursing her lips. "Yeah, just... this party's kinda wack."

Arell chuckled. "Tell me about it. I'm Arell, by the way."

She turned to him, her eyes meeting his. "Amala, but everyone calls me Doja."

"Nice to meet you, Amala. So, what brings you here?"

"Performing later," she replied, twirling a strand of her hair. "Just trying to kill time until then."

"Performing? That's dope. What kind of music do you do?" Arell asked, intrigued.

"Mostly rap and R&B, but I like to mix it up. What about you?"

"Same here. Rap and a bit of everything else," Arell said with a nod. "Wanna get some air? There's an infinity pool outside."

Amala's eyes lit up. "Sounds good. Let's go."

They navigated through the crowded penthouse, bumping into a few people along the way.

As they stepped out onto the terrace, the cool night air was a welcome relief. The infinity pool shimmered under the moonlight, and they found a spot near the edge.

"So, how are you liking Texas?" Arell asked, glancing at her.

"It's alright," Amala said with a shrug. "But honestly, these parties can get old fast. What about you?"

"Hmm, I haven't been to much of these. Though, it's cool to be around all these people, but sometimes it feels like everyone's just putting on a show."

"Exactly," Amala agreed, her voice animated. "It's like, can we just have a real conversation for once?"

Arell laughed, feeling a connection. "So, tell me more about your music. What inspires you?"

"Everything, really. Life, love, heartbreak. I like to keep it real, you know?" Amala said, her eyes sparkling with passion.

"Yeah, I feel you," Arell said, nodding. "Music's always been my escape. Helps me deal with all the bullshit."

Amala smiled. "Same here. It's like therapy. Plus, it's the only thing that makes sense sometimes."

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the sounds of the city filling the gaps in their conversation.

"You ever get tired of it?" Amala asked suddenly. "The parties, the people, the constant hustle?"

"Yeah, sometimes," Arell admitted. "But then I remember why I'm doing it, it's all worth it in the end."

Amala sighed, her shoulders relaxing. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just... a lot sometimes."

They sat in silence for a moment, the sounds of the city filling the air. Arell decided to steer the conversation towards lighter topics. "So, what do you do for fun, besides music?"

Amala's face brightened. "I love to paint, actually. It's a great way to unwind. And I have a bit of an obsession with cat videos on YouTube."

Arell laughed. "Cat videos, huh? Thats pretty interesting. I'm into gaming when I get the chance. And I hoop whenever I can."

"Basketball, huh? You any good?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'd like to think so," Arell said with a grin. "Played a lot in high school. Almost went pro, but, you know, life happened."

"That's impressive," Amala said. "I can't dribble to save my life. Any other hobbies?"

"Gaming, for sure. What about you? Any hidden talents?"

Amala thought for a moment. "I'm really good at hula hooping. Weird, right? But it's fun."

"Hey, whatever keeps you happy," Arell said, smiling. "You from around here?"

"Nah, I'm from LA," she replied. "Born and raised. You?"

"Chicago originally, but I live in Atlanta now. Love the vibe there," Arell said, leaning back on his hands.

Amala's eyes lit up. "Chicago! What's it like? I've always wanted to visit."

"It's amazing," Arell said, his voice filled with pride. "The food is incredible. Deep-dish pizza, hot dogs—Chicago-style, of course. And the music scene is unreal. There's always something going on."

"I've heard about the pizza," Amala said, laughing. "Gotta try it someday. What's Atlanta like compared to Chicago?"

"Different, but in a good way," Arell said thoughtfully. "Atlanta's got this crazy energy. The music scene is huge, especially for hip-hop. And the people are chill. It's a great place to call home now."

"Sounds like a good balance," Amala said, nodding. "LA can be a bit much sometimes. It's all hustle and no chill."

"Yeah, I get that," Arell said. "But it's gotta be cool living in a place where so much happens, though."

"It is," Amala agreed. "But sometimes I miss the simple things. Like just hanging out with friends without any expectations."

Arell smiled. "I feel you. Sometimes it's good to just kick back and relax."

They continued talking, their conversation flowing easily. They shared their favorite foods—Arell loved a good steak, while Amala was a sucker for sushi. They talked about drinks, with Amala preferring wine and Arell the same.

"So, what's your favorite thing about Austin so far?" Amala asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Honestly? The vibe," Arell said, looking around. "It's laid-back but still buzzing with energy. And the food trucks are amazing. What about you?"

"I love the music scene here," Amala said. "There's always some great live music happening. It's inspiring."

"Yeah, it's definitely a great place for that," Arell agreed. "You mentioned you're performing later. What kind of set are you doing?"

"Mostly my newer stuff," Amala said. "Trying to get a feel for how the crowd reacts. It's always a bit nerve-wracking, but I love it."

"You'll kill it," Arell said confidently. "You've got that star quality."

Amala smiled, a hint of a blush on her cheeks. "Thanks, Arell. That means a lot."

They sat in companionable silence for a while, watching the city lights reflect off the pool. Arell found himself genuinely enjoying her company. She was funny, smart, and easy to talk to.

"So, any big plans after SXSW?" Amala asked, breaking the silence."

Arell leaned back, his eyes reflecting the city lights. "Yeah, I'm working on a mixtape. Got some new tracks that I'm excited about. Plus, I'm dropping a single in about a week. It's been a grind, but I'm pumped to see how people react."

"That's awesome," Amala replied, her enthusiasm genuine. "I've got a few things in the works too. I'm focusing on my music, obviously. Just dropped a song called 'So High' not too long ago, and it's been getting some good traction. Working on my next project and some collaborations. Just trying to keep the momentum going."

Arell nodded, impressed. "That's dope. I'm sure whatever you drop next is gonna be fire."

Amala smiled, appreciating the compliment. "Thanks, Arell."

The conversation flowed effortlessly, covering everything from their favorite foods to their inspirations. As the night wore on, Amala glanced at her phone and sighed. "I should probably get going."

"Yeah, I get that," Arell said, standing up. "Let me walk you to the elevator."

They strolled back through the bustling penthouse, exchanging a few more laughs. As they reached the elevator, Amala turned to face Arell.

"I had a great time talking with you, Arell. You're really easy to talk to."

"Same here, Amala. It was a pleasure. Hit me up anytime."

Amala smiled, giving him a quick hug before stepping into the elevator. "Will do. Good luck with everything."

"Thanks, you too," Arell said as the elevator doors closed. He watched the numbers descend, feeling a bit lighter than he had all night.

As he made his way back to the party, Swae Lee appeared, a grin on his face. "Where were you, bro? We were looking for you!"

"Just stepped out for a bit," Arell replied, smiling.

Swae Lee draped an arm around Arell's shoulders. "Come on, everyone's chilling in one of the rooms. Let's go."

They navigated through the crowded penthouse, finally reaching a spacious room filled with familiar faces. The air was thick with the scent of weed and laughter. Young Thug, Travis Scott, Swae's brother, and other rappers were lounging around, passing blunts and vibing to the music.

"Yo, Arell!" Young Thug called out, grinning widely. "We freestyling. Spit some shit."

"On the spot?" Arell asked, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

"Yeah, man! We got a beat for you," Swae Lee said, as someone cued up a beat with a late-night Atlanta vibe.

Arell took a deep breath, nodding to the rhythm before launching into his freestyle.

"Yeah, yeah, money talk, I'm fluent, hear the chatter

Every dollar bill a trophy, watch the racks scatter

From the bottom where it's grimy, now I'm draped in swagger

Pockets bulging out, looking like a linebacker"

"Hoo, that's tough!" Travi$ Scott hyped him up, making everyone cheer.

"Flexin' on these niggas, turn my pain into a ladder

Cash rules, stacking cream, climbing every rung, faster

Money in the safe, multiplying digits, major

Used to struggle in the dark, now my shine's a blazer"

"Damn, that's fire!" Swae Lee exclaimed.

"Whipping in the kitchen, turning quarters into bricks

Riding dirty in the Bentley, got the forty with the sticks

Money made me savage, now I'm living lavish

Used to be broke, now I'm balling like the Mavericks

I'm Neo in the Matrix, dodgin'' all the shots

Rewriting the code, connectin'' all the dots

Young Thug let out an approving laugh. "Keep it going, Arell!"

"Swag dripping, designer from my head to my toes

Money talking loud, got my neck and wrist froze

Investing in the stocks, paper growing exponential

Money speaks for me, presidential credentials"

Arell paused, momentarily blanking out, but Young Thug was quick to jump in.

"Yeah, yeah, racks on racks, we stackin' high, no fallin'

Came up from the mud, now we steady ballin'

Whippin' foreign cars, we ain't never stallin'

Money like a river, got it steady flowin'

Pop it, pop it, straight outta the stash

Cash flow, Double O got us in a dash

Presidential watch on plain view, I''m on some bare essentials

Dropped eighty-one grand on grills, still ain''t smilin'' for the visuals

Diamonds on my wrist, ice cold, always glowin'

We came from nothin', now the world know us

Hit after hit, our name's what they be showin'

Pass the cash, gotta teach her, Cuban links, I reach her


All my hoes, they're the crew

All these stacks, they're the clue

Fake friends, they got the blues,

Told you these hoes, they're the news"

Arell nodded along, feeling the beat. It wasn't long before everyone joined in, creating an impromptu cypher that had the room buzzing.

They even turned it into a mini roast session, with everyone playfully taking jabs at each other. Arell and Swae Lee were in the middle of a heated exchange, the room roaring with laughter.

"Yo, Arell," Swae began, a mischievous grin on his face. "Why you dressed like you 'bout to rob a bank, bruh? All black everything, you a ninja now?"

The room erupted in laughter, and Arell shook his head, chuckling. He glanced at Swae, taking in his vibrant outfit – a bright patterned shirt, gold chains, and flashy sunglasses perched on his head.

"Oh, you wanna go there, Swae?" Arell shot back, a playful glint in his eye. "You out here lookin' like a human disco ball. Man, you got so much bling, I'm surprised you don't blind yourself every time you check the mirror."

The room exploded with laughter and cheers. Swae wrapped his arm around Arell, both of them laughing.

Travis Scott clapped his hands, grinning. "Eyy, you got him there, Arell!"

The Weeknd, who had been chilling quietly in the corner, let out a rare chuckle. "Oh wow," he said, shaking his head in amusement.

As the night went on, the freestyles flowed into conversations, stories, and more laughter. They passed around blunts and bottles, the air thick with smoke and the scent of expensive cologne.

"Man, this is what I needed," Arell said to Swae, who was lounging next to him. "Just a night to kick back and vibe."

"For real," Swae agreed, taking a drag from his blunt. "It's all love in here, bro."

They chatted for a bit longer, sharing stories about their craziest experiences and their favourite NBA players. Arell felt a strong bond with Swae, appreciating how easy it was to talk to him.

After a while, Arell decided to take a break from the room, needing some fresh air and a change of scenery. As he stepped out into the hallway, he was immediately approached by a group of girls. Leading the pack was a stunning young woman with long, wavy hair and flawless skin. She was wearing a pair of fitted jeans that hugged her curves perfectly and a cropped top that showcased her toned midriff.

Arell's eyes widened slightly as he took her in. "Damn," he thought, "she's gorgeous."

The girl smiled, clearly noticing his reaction. "Hey, I'm India," she said, extending her hand. "And these are my friends, Teyana, Jordyn, and Crystal."

India Love, Arell realized. He'd seen her on social media, but she was even more striking in person. He shook her hand, trying to keep his cool. "Nice to meet you, India. I'm Arell."

Her friends, all equally stunning, smiled and nodded their greetings.

"So, Arell," India began, her eyes locking onto his. "We were just about to head to a little afterparty. Thought you might want to join us."

Arell hesitated for a moment, his mind instantly drifting to the possibility of a setup. He considered the scenario, weighing the risks. But India's smile was disarming, and the vibe felt genuine.

They were in a high-profile environment, surrounded by celebrities and influential people. It seemed unlikely that anything shady would go down here. Besides, India was undeniably attractive, and the opportunity was too tempting to pass up. He'd inform Geoffrey to wait nearby in the case anyone 'shady' were to enter the penthouse.

"Sure," he said, flashing a confident smile. "I'd love to join you."

India's smile widened, and she linked her arm through his. "Great! Let's get going then."

As they made their way through the crowded penthouse, Arell's focus was momentarily diverted. He accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry, bro," he said quickly, glancing up. The other person mumbled an apology too, but both of their words trailed off as they recognized each other.

Lil Durk stood before him, eyes narrowing slightly.

"What's up with you?" Arell asked, feeling a mix of surprise and defensiveness.

Durk raised an eyebrow. "Let me get a word real quick with you."

Arell turned to India. "I'll catch up with you in a bit, alright?"

India nodded, her smile fading slightly with curiosity. "Sure, don't take too long."

As Durk led Arell through the crowd, Arell's mind raced. He kept his hands close to his sides, ready to defend himself if necessary. If it was going to go down here of all places, then so be it.

They stepped outside into the cool night air, the noise from the party fading into the background. Durk stopped and turned to face Arell.

"Hey, folk, I ain't with what Reese got going on," Durk said, his tone serious but calm.

Arell blinked, momentarily confused. "What do you mean?"

Durk sighed, running a hand over his face. "The post Reese put up with the video of me in the song—that was from a while ago. And he told me you were speaking on me, so I tweeted about you being a bitch and whatever. Eventually I found out a few things for myself and I ain't got a problem with you, Arell. Reese was just stirring shit up."

Arell's defensive stance softened slightly, though he remained cautious. "Alright, I get it. Just threw me off 'cause I never had issues with you."

Durk extended his hand. "Shit's straight now. Ain't nothing to it."

Arell hesitated for a moment before shaking Durk's hand, feeling a sense of relief. They exchanged numbers, solidifying the understanding.

Durk looked at Arell seriously. "You straight in Chicago, man. Ain't nobody gonna mess with you on my side."

"Thanks, Durk. I appreciate that."

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