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11.92% Convict to King / Chapter 18: Preparations For A Video

Kapitel 18: Preparations For A Video

The barber's clippers buzzed one last time, leaving a clean fade that accentuated the sharp angles of Arell's face. He winced as Johnson, the grizzled barber with a smile as worn as his leather strop, slapped a cooling lotion on his freshly shaved neck.


"Looking sharp, kid," Johnson rumbled, his voice sandpaper rough. "Ready to take on the world."


Arell chuckled. "Something like that, Mr. Johnson." He reached for his wallet, pulling out a few extra bills for a tip.


Just then, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Glancing at the screen, he saw Geoffrey's name flash across the display. He excused himself from Johnson, stepping outside the barbershop and into the warm Atlanta afternoon.


"Yo, Geoff," he answered, the city's vibrant energy thrumming around him.


"Arell," Geoffrey's voice, a calm baritone seasoned with barely contained excitement, crackled through the receiver. "We've encountered a fortuitous turn of events. I've managed to secure the services of a talented film crew. They're a group of college students, and upon reviewing their portfolio, I must say, they posses remarkable visual acuity."


A jolt of adrenaline shot through Arell. "Right now? You serious?"


"Yes," Geoffrey confirmed, his voice radiating controlled enthusiasm. "We've also drafted up a plan for shooting locations."


Arell's heart hammered in his chest, a mix of excitement and nervous energy. "Alright, let's do it. Where do I need to be?"


Geoffrey rattled off the address, enunciating each syllable with a practiced precision. "Also," he continued, "I've taken the liberty of informing your friends. They're free for the day, so they'll be available for the video."


Arell couldn't help but grin. "Sounds like everything's falling into place, man. Let's make it happen."


A satisfied smile spread across Arell's face as he tucked the phone back into his pocket. The day was taking an unexpected, exhilarating turn. He slipped back into the barbershop, the familiar scent of hair products and aftershave filling his nostrils.


Johnson, perched on his stool with a worn copy of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution spread before him, looked up at Arell's entrance. "Everything settled, son?" he rumbled, his voice warm and gravelly.


"Almost," Arell replied, his mind already formulating a plan. "Mr. Johnson, listen, I've got an opportunity – a chance to film a music video for my song, 'Loyalty Ties.'"


A spark of curiosity ignited in Johnson's eyes. "A music video, huh? Sounds like something big might be brewing for you, young man."


Arell grinned. "Hopefully. Just in case I need you for a future cut, here's my number." He whipped out his phone and quickly punched in his digits, handing it to Johnson.


"Appreciate it, kid," Johnson rumbled, taking the phone with a smile. "You got a good head on your shoulders. That music video's gonna be something special, I can feel it."


Arell couldn't help but return the smile. With a final wave goodbye, he exited the barbershop, the city's vibrant energy thrumming around him. He hopped into his Subaru, Geoffrey's address burning a hole in his pocket. Today was the day they would capture "Loyalty Ties" on video, and Arell was determined to make it something special.


Traffic, thankfully, was light, allowing Arell to cruise through the city streets. He made quick stops to pick up Devon, Malik, and Kenny each greeted with enthusiastic nods and a shared sense of anticipation.


Geoffrey's directions led them deeper into Atlanta's sprawl, eventually turning off the main road onto a narrower, winding path. Houses thinned out, replaced by dense pockets of trees and the occasional abandoned warehouse. A sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air.


Finally, they reached a clearing. Nestled amongst a cluster of overgrown oak trees stood the chosen location: The ruins of an old stone church. Time and neglect had weathered the structure, leaving gaping holes in the roof and a crumbling facade. Vines snaked their way up the walls, reclaiming the building for nature.


A rusty old pickup truck was parked haphazardly in the clearing, its bed serving as an impromptu equipment station. A young man with a shock of blue hair and a mischievous grin sat cross-legged on the tailgate, fiddling with a camera. This must be Darius, the aspiring filmmaker Geoffrey had mentioned.


Arell pulled the Subaru to a stop, the engine sighing as it idled. His friends piled out, their eyes taking in the scene with a mixture of awe and trepidation.


"Arell?" the blue-haired young man called out, a question mark in his voice.


Arell flashed a smile. "The one and only. You must be Darius?"


"The one and only," Darius replied, hopping down from the truck bed. "Let's just say, this isn't your typical video set. But hey, that's what makes it interesting, right?"


A chorus of greetings erupted from behind the truck. Three other figures emerged, a young woman with a shock of purple hair adjusting a microphone stand, a bespectacled young man meticulously checking the settings on a small drone, and standing beside them, looking as calm and collected as ever, was Geoffrey.


"Arell, glad you could make it," Geoffrey greeted him with a firm handshake. "This is Darius, and his crew. We have Maya on sound, Noah on drone footage, and of course, the ever-talented Darius behind the camera."


Arell shook each of their hands, impressed by the youthful energy and focused determination radiating from the group.


"Thanks for having us, man," Arell said to Geoffrey. "This place is… unexpected, but definitely cool."


Geoffrey chuckled. "A little raw, perhaps, but with the right vision, it can be perfect. Darius has some ideas, and I think they'll mesh well with the song."


He gestured towards the crumbling church. "We scouted the location earlier. The interior has some great pockets of light, and the ruins themselves offer a unique backdrop. It's all about capturing the essence of the music, right?"


Arell nodded, a surge of excitement coursing through him.


"So, Darius," Arell began, turning towards the blue-haired college student, "hit me with those ideas. Let's see what magic we can create in this abandoned church."


Darius grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Magic is definitely on the menu, Arell. But first things first, let's get a tour of the place. We need to see what this old structure has to offer in terms of light, angles, and that undeniable 'abandoned cool' factor." He gestured towards the church with a flourish.


The rest of the crew chimed in with enthusiastic nods and murmurs of agreement. Maya, the sound technician, adjusted her headphones, her gaze already scanning the surroundings for potential sound issues. Noah, the drone pilot, fiddled with the controls of his device, his eyes already mapping out potential aerial shots.


Geoffrey, pulled out a well-worn notepad and pen. "Alright everyone," he announced, his voice cutting through the excited chatter. "Let's have a quick brain dump session. Throw out any ideas you have, no matter how crazy they may seem. We can refine them later."


Ideas flew around the group like sparks. Darius suggested having Arell walk through the church rapping the lyrics, highlighting the desolate beauty of the space. Kenny, chimed in with the idea of incorporating quick cuts of Arell and his friends performing the song with high energy, contrasting the stillness of the church. As ideas flung around the church, Malik, finally chimed in with an idea that made everyone pause, "How about we hire some strippers, they could be nuns, you know, it would grab people's attention."


Geoffrey chuckled, a hint of amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes. "Stripper nuns, Malik? Bold. Certainly eye-catching, but perhaps a tad…distracting from the message we're trying to convey." He winked at Malik. "Though," he continued, a thoughtful look replacing the amusement, "there's merit in the idea, It certainly would appeal to…..certain audiences."


Arell listened intently, nodding along as each idea unfolded. He appreciated the brainstorming session, the collaborative energy crackling in the air. But a part of him couldn't help but wander. His mind drifted to the music videos of rappers he admired – ASAP Rocky's surreal dream-like landscapes, Kanye's stark minimalism, Travis Scott's dystopian chaos.


His creativity, fueled by the brainstorming session and the unique atmosphere, began to run wild, undoubtedly due to his hidden statuses. He thought about his public persona, the expectations that came with being a rapper. "Maybe it's because of the whole image thing," he mused, a hint of rebellion in his voice. "People expect a certain 'look' from rappers, a certain type of video. But I want something different. Something that breaks the mold."


His mind then shifted to the song itself, the darkness and raw emotion embedded in 'Loyalty Ties.' "The beat's dark, almost haunting," he said, his voice taking on a thoughtful tone, he paused for a moment, letting the silence hang in the air as he considered all the ideas thrown around. Then, a mischievous grin spread across his face. He turned towards Darius, the director, his eyes twinkling with a daring proposition.


"So, Darius," he began, his voice laced with excitement, "what if we take this place and completely transform it? What if we string up lights, bathe the whole interior in an ethereal glow? And…" He leaned closer, "Imagine this, women dressed in revealing nun outfits, but with their faces completely hidden. They'd line the walls of the church, these silent, watchful figures. In the center, bathed in the light, I'd be rapping."


He gestured towards his friends, who were watching the exchange with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. "And as for you guys," he continued, a playful smile on his lips, "you wouldn't be prancing around. You'd be seated in the old pews, observing me….something like that."


A thoughtful silence descended upon the group after Arell's audacious proposition. The image of him rapping amidst veiled dancers in a desecrated church was undeniably striking, but would it resonate with the core message of "Loyalty Ties"?


Darius stroked his chin thoughtfully. "It's bold, Arell," he admitted, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Definitely eye-catching. But remember, the song is about loyalty. We something that complements the music, not overshadows it."


Maya chimed in, her voice laced with concern. "Exactly. Strippers in nun outfits might grab attention, but will it resonate with the emotional core of the song? We don't want the visuals to feel gimmicky."


Arell nodded, his initial excitement tempered by their valid points. "You're right," he conceded. "Maybe we can keep the basic idea – the dancers, the ethereal lighting – but refine it to fit the theme of loyalty."


A collective sigh of relief rippled through the group. They weren't shutting down Arell's creative vision; they were simply refining it.


"How about this," Geoffrey suggested, his voice brimming with energy. "We incorporate a storyline within the video. Maybe you, Arell, encounter a situation where your loyalty is tested. Perhaps the dancers represent the temptations, the easy way out, or mayhap even challenges, haters even."


A spark ignited in Arell's eyes. "That's a great idea, Geoffrey. We could even have cuts to my you all throughout the video. Whenever I say something about loyalty, the camera could shift to you all."


The ideas started flowing again, fueled by this newfound direction. Noah, the drone pilot, chimed in with a flourish. "We can use drone footage to establish the desolate beauty of the church," He paused for a dramatic effect. "And at the climax, we could have a slow-motion shot of you escaping the church, alongside your friends, symbolizing the strength found in unity."


Suddenly, a new concern emerged. Devon, the ever-practical one, scratched his head. "This all sounds amazing, guys," he admitted, a hint of worry in his voice. "But let's not forget the budget. Strippers, costumes, extra lighting – it could add up fast. We're not exactly rolling in dough here. How are we even going to convince a bunch of....dancers, to come to an old abandoned church with strangers they're meeting for the first time."


A beat of silence followed, then a mischievous grin spread across Malik's face. He nudged Kenny with his elbow, a knowing look passing between them.


"Actually, Devon," Malik began, his voice laced with a hint of amusement, "Kenny and I might have a solution for the, uh, dancer situation." He shot Kenny a playful glare, who simply shrugged with a nonchalant grin.


"Yeah," Kenny added, chuckling slightly, "we, uh, have a few… stripper friends, let's say. And with a thousand or so, we could probably convince 10 to 12 of them to come down and shoot a video for a day."


Arell's eyes widened in surprise. He hadn't anticipated this turn of events, but a smile slowly spread across his face. The ingenuity of his friends never ceased to amaze him.


"Seriously?" he asked, amusement dancing in his voice. "Stripper friends, huh? You guys never fail to surprise me."


Malik and Kenny exchanged a high five, basking in the moment. "Hey," Malik said with a wink, "we all gotta have our hobbies, right?"


A decision made, Arell tossed his keys to Kenny. "Alright then," he declared, a playful glint in his eyes, "Subaru's all yours. Hit the nearest Halloween store and grab thenun outfits you can find. Just make sure they cover the faces, remember? We're going for symbolism here, and make sure the outfits are revealing, not too revealing, we're not doing a straight-up porno."


A wave of laughter washed over the crew, the tension dissipating like smoke.


"Alright you two," Arell chuckled, clapping his hands together once the laughter subsided. "Operation 'Nun Run' is a go. Just be discreet, alright? We don't need the whole neighborhood wondering what's going on in this abandoned church."


Kenny saluted with mock seriousness, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "We'll be ghosts, Arell. You won't even know we were here." He nudged Malik, their laughter echoing through the cavernous space.


As Kenny and Malik scurried out, Darius, chimed in with another suggestion. "Hey," he said, pointing towards a dusty old van parked outside, barely visible through the overgrown foliage. "Maybe we can take that and grab some lights and stuff from the shop. Shouldn't cost too much, and it'll be way faster than waiting for Kenny and Malik to hit every Halloween store in town."


"That van is a godsend, Darius," Arell boomed, a hint of relief in his voice. "Let's get some lights, some smoke machines – anything to create that ethereal vibe we talked about."


With a newfound sense of purpose, Devon, Darius, Noah and Geoffrey piled into the dusty van. The engine coughed and sputtered to life, a testament to their years of hauling equipment for countless gigs. As they rumbled down the deserted road, a comfortable silence settled between them.


Meanwhile, back at the church, the Arell and Maya weren't wasting any time. Armed with trash bags and determination, they tackled the debris-filled floor. Years of dust and neglect had accumulated, but their combined efforts were slowly transforming the space.


Name: Arell Rose

Alias: N/A



Strength: 45

Agility: 62

Stamina: 47

Durability: 56

Intelligence: 80

Charisma: 73 (+15 Boost due to handsomeness)

Rapper Stats

Flow: 60

Voice: 61

Lyrics: 43

Production: 64

Performance: 29

Freestyle: 42

Songwriting: 41

Hidden Stats

Rap Skill (Base Level: 6/10)

Creativity (Base Level: 8/10)

Business Acumen 45/100

Marketability 65/100



Hidden Statuses


Expansive Vocabulary (Rare)

Ear for Music (Extremely Rare)

Foresight Gambit (Rare)

Street Hustler (Uncommon)

Chicago Streets: Lyrical Inspiration (Uncommon)

Resonant Resilience (Rare)

Mind's Puzzle (Rare)

Roulette [19 Days]


Active Quest:

Mission: Capitalize on the Hype

Description: Leverage the positive buzz surrounding "Loyalty Ties" to expand your reach and solidify your presence in the local music scene.

Secure at least two interviews. (Incomplete)

Schedule a performance at a reputable venue. (Incomplete)

Increase social media following by 30000. (Incomplete)


+1 Creativity

+10 Performance

Improved Music Equipment

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Stone -- Power- Stein

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