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76.84% Journey of the Last Saiyan / Chapter 73: Chapter 73 - The Prelude to Betrayal - Part 1

Kapitel 73: Chapter 73 - The Prelude to Betrayal - Part 1

At Wayne Manor - The Week of the Exhibit

"Master Orach, please stand still," said Alfred, the ever-patient butler, trying to get measurements for Orach's suit.

Orach, growing increasingly impatient, retorted, "Alfred, remind me again why I can't attend the event in my armor? It's a standard and respectable attire. So, why do I, of all people, need a suit?"

"Master Orach," Alfred patiently explained, "While your uniform is indeed presentable and respected in higher realms, it's customary to dress according to the occasion here. An exhibition of this scale calls for a suit."

Still noticing Orach's annoyance, Alfred continued, "Think of it this way, Master Orach. You're representing not only yourself but also Lady Diana as her partner at this event. It's vital to make a good impression on potential future 'human' patrons of her museum."

Orach's annoyance faded away at this argument. "You're quite cunning, Alfred," he said, giving in and following Alfred's instructions.

Alfred simply smiled in response and said, "I do my best."

At that moment, Orach called out to the teenage boy lingering outside his room's door. "Come in, brat! I know you're lurking out there."

Startled, the boy, Dick Grayson, opened the door and popped his head inside. "Hey, Orach. Do you have a minute?"

Orach, having known Dick for some time now, was familiar with his behavior when he was asking for a favor. He asked straightforwardly, "What do you need?"

Dick tried to play it off casually, "Hey now, couldn't I have just come to say hi?"

Orach threatened, "Would you like to go for another swim?"

At this, Dick quickly shook his head, almost reliving the time he had annoyed Orach by persistently asking for training after he witnessed a spar between Bruce, his mentor, and Orach. That time, Orach, using his space law, had dropped him in the Gotham River. He exclaimed, "Hell no! Once was enough. Alright, I'll get straight to the point. I...I need your help designing a new suit."

Before Orach could respond, Alfred interjected, "Master Orach, I have finished the measurements. I'll work with the tailor to get your suit made. Excuse me." With that, he exited the room.

Upon seeing Alfred leave, Dick felt relieved. Orach, understanding Alfred's thoughtfulness, then asked, "You didn't request an upgraded suit like Bruce's, but a new design. Are you considering not being Robin anymore?" He moved to a nearby sofa to sit and relax as he posed the question.

Dick gave a wry smile and said, "I've assisted Bruce for a long time and have gained enough experience to make my own name instead of living in his shadow. Now that I'm 16, I'm thinking of changing my image and expanding my own way as a crimefighter."

Orach nodded and said, "Your coming to me hints at Bruce not agreeing with your thoughts. Am I right?"

Dick hesitated for a moment but nodded in the end, "Orach, will you help?"

Orach looked at the teenager for a moment, then said, "No!"

Dick's hand clenched into a fist, disappointment etched onto his face. Before he had a chance to voice his disagreement, Orach spoke up, "Listen, I understand you believe you're ready to take on the world on your own, but trust me, you still have much to learn. With the formation of the Justice League, you're presented with a unique opportunity to learn from other superheroes. In particular, just observing Bruce's central role within the League, even without superpowers, can provide valuable insights into areas where you could improve. His ability to command respect, even incite fear among some members, is remarkable trait. The recent Kryptonian invasion has only further solidified this perception. Whenever he speaks up in meetings, he exudes undeniable authority. While the world may perceive Superman as the League's leader, I believe Batman is the true guiding force. Are you with me so far?"

Dick, who had been listening attentively, nodded. Orach, seeing this, continued, "Look, I know you're eager to leave the nest, but before you do that, why not seize the opportunity in front of you and prove to your mentor how effective you can be?"

Dick was puzzled at this point, "What opportunity?"

Orach sighed and said, "Clearly you need more experience. Think, genius. The League has brought together some potent teenagers who I bet would have similar feelings as you right about now. Wanting to prove themselves. So, why not bring along Barbara or Batgirl and form a team of your own with them? You can be an offshoot or branch of the League and act independently. This will give an opportunity to get out of the shadows of your respective mentors and gain rich experiences. Plus, if it becomes too tough, you can call for help. What do you think?"

Dick was stumped after hearing the idea and after mulling over it, he saw the potential in it. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded and said, "Thanks, Orach. That might work."

Orach nodded and continued, "Alright. Once you create the team, come look for me, I'll upgrade your Robin outfit. And when you graduate from that team in the future, I'll make your own designed suit, sound fair?"

Dick was overjoyed and became more motivated to make this idea a reality. Just as he thanked Orach and was about to leave, Orach stopped him and said, "Keep a slot open for a teenage girl." And before the surprised Dick could say anything, Orach shooed him away and closed the door using his Ki. Afterwards, he rested his head thinking, 'Yeah. This might actually work. She has only interacted with me so far. It'll do her good to interact with children close to her age. They can also help her learn about the outside world. Go on, brat, don't disappoint me.'

Azarath - Day of the Exhibit - A Thursday

Within the realm of Azarath, where time moved more swiftly, Orach observed Rachel's transformation over the years. She evolved from a 13-year-old girl who stifled her emotions due to fear of losing control over her demonic lineage, into a mature 17-year-old teenager exhibiting a commendable degree of control over her demonic powers. No longer bound by her fear, she flourished.

Over the years, Orach cherished the time spent with her, watching her grow and evolve. He continued to mentor her, teaching her about the concepts of laws, and even introduced her to the knowledge of the outside world, covering STEM topics with assistance from Mother Empress. He vividly remembered Rachel's surprise when he presented her with the sub-terminal designed by Mother Empress. She had been aware of Mother Empress from when Orach first began building his base and laboratory and had even been tutored by her. Receiving her own terminal excited her, as it symbolized having the knowledge of the higher realms at her fingertips. Overwhelmed with joy, she leaped into Orach's arms and thanked him, to which he responded with a warm smile and a head pat. Later, he informed her about the formation of a team of teenage heroes and proposed the idea of collaborating with the group in the outside world for gaining practical experience. The idea of working with strangers initially made her hesitant, however, the prospect of exploring the outside world filled her with a mix of fear and excitement.

Orach then left Rachel to her studies and returned to his room at Wayne Manor. He ventured down to the Batcave, where he found Bruce engrossed in research.

"What are you working on?" asked Orach.

"Welcome back. I heard the testing is going well. When do you plan on proceeding with human trials?" inquired Bruce.

"Should be next week. What are you looking into? Is that the guest list for the exhibition?" replied Orach as he moved closer.

"Yes. There are a few names that concern me. Take a look," responded Bruce as he displayed profiles of three individuals.

Among the three names, two were familiar to him from Mother Empress's reports: Clark's adversary and a woman who held a grudge against Wonder Woman, both of whom Orach had already identified as targets. The third name belonged to someone with whom he had recently made indirect contact and invited, so it wasn't a surprise.

"The last name is someone I invited. His subordinate visited my lab and expressed an interest in meeting me. Given his resources, it's not surprising that he could secure VIP passes. He should also be able to answer some of my questions," Orach explained.

"Orach, are you sure about collaborating with someone whose name is synonymous with the devil? Plus, there's no information about him from more than five years ago. It's as if he appeared out of thin air," Bruce questioned.

"That's because he isn't a human with the devil's name; he is the actual lord of hell," Orach clarified.

"…Good to know. I'll create a folder for him. The other two, despite fitting into the wealthy VIP category, aren't exactly our supporters. The woman, in particular, has been covertly criticizing Wonder Woman recently. It's strange that they would attend an exhibit featuring Greek and Amazon artifacts," Bruce observed.

"I know. However, I would like to see them try something when I am present," Orach replied, his tone icy yet calm.

Bruce's concerns deepened, worried that if these two misspoke, Orach might end their lives.

Noticing the change in Bruce's expression, Orach reassured him, "Don't worry. I have a bottom line. As long as they don't cross it, I can offer them some leniency."

Bruce nodded, understanding it was the best assurance he could get.

Later, both Orach and Bruce were reminded by Alfred to prepare for their flight to DC. Soon, they were airborne in Bruce's private jet, en route to DC.

Evening at the Smithsonian, Washington DC - Time for the Exhibit

Tonight, the museum opened its doors to a grand exhibit that showcased a tapestry of art and relics from various epochs of human civilization. Among the many wings of the exhibit, the one dedicated to Greek and Amazon relics was a particular point of interest, attributed to the recent emergence of Wonder Woman, an Amazonian. Her appearance affirmed the existence of the Amazons, thereby validating many stories associated with this enigmatic civilization.

VIPs from numerous industries leisurely entered the grand museum, each greeted warmly by the staff. They ranged from actors and actresses to influential business moguls, some visiting to appreciate the exhibitions, others seeking interactions within their elite social circle. The event even drew in ambitious reporters, hoping to cover the exhibit and perhaps stumble upon an exclusive scoop.

"Let's get a move on, Smallville. I think I spotted Vicky Vale entering. We can't let her get a scoop before us," Lois Lane urged as she stepped out of their parked car, clad in a modern yet elegant dress. The sight of her professional rival from Gotham had roused her competitive spirit.

"Lois, be careful. You could've gotten hurt," admonished Clark, sighing as he exited the car after parking it.

Upon entering the museum, they found themselves coincidentally arriving alongside Lex Luthor. Spotting the reporters, Lex remarked, "Ah, my two favorite journalists. Lois, you look stunning this evening."

"Thank you, Lex, for the compliment. However, I must say your company is rather charming herself. Mercy, isn't it? Pleasure to meet you," Lois responded.

Mercy simply smiled at Lois's comment.

In an attempt to break the ensuing awkward pause, Clark inquired, "Mr. Luthor, I was unaware of your interest in arts and historical relics. Any exhibit caught your attention today?"

"Indeed. I've been a patron of the arts for some time. Today, I'm especially intrigued by the Amazon exhibit. The culture and principles of the Amazons, shrouded in mystery, seem quite... unique. And yes, Wonder Woman's recent appearance has sparked an even greater interest," Lex replied.

Not entirely convinced by Lex's nonchalant demeanor, Clark pressed, "So, it's purely an intellectual pursuit? No plans to incorporate any Amazonian technology or wisdom into LexCorp's future projects?"

Lex chuckled and then said "You journalists, always so eager for a scoop. As a businessman and a scientist, I value an open mind. Knowledge is, after all, a priceless commodity."

Seizing an opportunity, Lois chimed in, "Any thoughts on Wonder Woman herself, Lex? Many see her as a beacon of hope, much like Superman."

Lex's gaze hardened momentarily at the mention of Superman, but he quickly masked it with another practiced smile. "Indeed, a beacon of hope. It's always inspiring to see such formidable beings using their abilities for the common good."

The conversation meandered along these lines, with Clark and Lois probing for more details while Lex adeptly sidestepped their attempts to reveal his true intentions. Just then, a curator arrived to escort Luthor and Mercy.

"It's time for me to go. I hope you enjoy your time here as well," Lex said, departing arm in arm with Mercy.

Lois and Clark exchanged glances.

"He is up to something," said Clark.

"He is Lex Luthor. He is always up to something. Let's go," Lois replied, taking Clark's hand and leading him further into the exhibit.

Eventually, Bruce and Orach arrived at the site. Upon entering the museum, they immediately drew attention. Bruce was a well-known business tycoon, while Orach had stirred global interest. The hall fell silent temporarily, but soon they navigated their way to the Amazon exhibit. There, they joined Diana and Barbara's ongoing presentation.

Observing Diana on stage, Orach was utterly enchanted. As the curator, she presented the exhibits with a poise that was both elegant and commanding. Her dress, sophisticated yet stylish, flattered her physique and added to her allure. Her ruby lips curved into a professional smile, her lustrous black hair was neatly tied in a ponytail, and a solitary blue gem necklace a gift he had given her, adorned her neck. In her, Orach saw a splendid blend of beauty, strength, confidence, and intellect that made him smile involuntarily. Sensing Orach's gaze, Diana subtly glanced at him, returning his smile before continuing her presentation.

Seeing Orach completely taken by Diana, Bruce thought, 'When it comes to her, he's just like any smitten man.'

After the presentation, Bruce began to mingle with the crowd, assured by Orach that he would 'keep a low profile'. Meanwhile, Orach started examining the exhibits and relics, as he awaited Diana's arrival. It was then that Lex approached Orach with a smug grin, remarking, "Quite a remarkable collection they've amassed here, wouldn't you agree?"

Maintaining his composure, Orach responded, "Indeed, Mr. Luthor."

Trying to hide his disdain for Orach, Lex continued, "It's an honor that a being from the higher realms is aware of me. These human relics must seem primitive to you."

Orach, with his gaze fixed on an intriguing artifact, replied, "Every world has its humble origins, Mr. Luthor, even the most advanced ones. They all start somewhere. These 'primitive' relics, as you call them, are fascinating. They offer a glimpse into the path tread by your world's past civilizations and your race's burgeoning potential."

Stung by Orach's clever response, Lex retorted, "Well, some of us firmly believe in that innate potential of humankind. I am confident that one day, we humans will surpass even the most advanced civilizations. Even yours."

Hearing this, Orach turned to face Lex, subtly smiling, "Potential is, indeed, a profound concept, Mr. Luthor. However, it requires the right environment and guidance to truly blossom. Otherwise, it's simply wasted."

Feeling challenged by Orach's words, Lex retorted, "And who would you suggest as this guide? An alien with god-like abilities?" By this point, their discussion had attracted an audience. Some enjoyed the spectacle, others worried for Lex, aware of Orach's past actions as a lethal hero. A few quietly rooted for Lex to humble the alien.

Unruffled by Lex's antagonism, Orach countered, "A true 'guide' can be anyone who possesses the wisdom and compassion to support others in their growth without dictating their journey. They empower individuals to forge their own path after receiving guidance. And they don't necessarily need god-like powers to do so."

Feeling backed into a corner yet unwilling to yield, Lex retorted, "But what happens when this 'guide' decides to impose his beliefs or will onto us?"

Orach, maintaining his tranquil demeanor, responded, "Firstly, if a 'guide' forced someone down a specific path, they wouldn't qualify as a true mentor. Secondly, you're assuming that power invariably corrupts. However, I place my faith in the resilience of character. It's not the power one holds, but how one wields it that truly defines them."

Finally, Orach, holding Lex's gaze with unwavering resolve, clarified, "For your information, Mr. Lex Luthor, I have no intention of imposing my will or beliefs on anyone. However, I want to make one thing abundantly clear. I am not like your Kryptonian champion, nor am I like any other hero from this world. If my bottomline is crossed, I will not hesitate to retaliate."

Upon hearing Orach's words, a chilling silence descended over the hall, as if the temperature had abruptly dropped.

However, Lex's pride wouldn't accept being outmaneuvered, especially by an alien, and he was about to retort when a snap echoed through the hall.


Orach snapped his fingers, and the next moment, Lex Luthor, who had been mid-sentence, was frozen in place. This sent a ripple of horror through the crowd, and they instinctively took a step back. But Orach's demonstration wasn't over. He asked a trembling staff member to bring him a blank plaque and a pen. Once the items were delivered, Orach swiftly wrote something on the plaque and hung it in front of the immobilized Lex. Then, with a polite bow to the audience, Orach snapped his fingers again.


The snap released a thin, widespread Ki blast that instantly incinerated Lex's clothes. By the time the crowd realized what had happened, Lex was left standing stark naked, a plaque reading "The Naked Luthor" hanging in front of him. Orach then calmly walked away to fetch a drink.

Suddenly, two bursts of hearty laughter echoed through the hall, quickly spreading mirth amongst those present.

"Blimey, mate. That was brilliant! You certainly have style, my friend. I haven't seen anyone else manipulate time and energy with such finesse, except for my annoying brother. I reckon we'll get along just fine," said a well-dressed man. He strolled towards Orach, a glass of wine in one hand and his other arm wrapped around his associate, Maze, who was dressed in a seductive cocktail outfit.

Orach, helping himself to a drink, first acknowledged Maze with a nod before turning to the man and responding with a smile, "I'm glad you appreciated the joke, Mr. Morningstar. We finally meet in person. I trust you've brought the information I requested?"

"Straight to business, then. Yes, I have what you asked for. Although, I must apologize for my associate's rudeness in breaking into your lab," Lucifer replied, giving Maze's bottom a light pat.

Unfazed, Orach replied, "It's a minor issue. If you can provide useful information, I see no reason not to forgive her."

Lucifer, pleased with the response, raised his glass to Orach for a toast.


After the toast, Lucifer handed Orach a flash drive, explaining its contents. As Orach took the drive, and placed it in his jacket pocket. Mother Empress swiftly extended her tendrils from the wrist terminal to connect with the drive, downloading the data for her analysis.

"Thank you once again. This data should help answer some questions," Orach said.

"It's no trouble at all. However, I'm quite interested in learning about the higher realms as well. So, if you could share some information to satisfy my curiosity, I'd greatly appreciate it," Lucifer responded.

After considering for a moment, Orach agreed to Lucifer's proposal. They exchanged contact information for future correspondence. Then, their conversation shifted to the topic of Trigon.

"Speaking of that demon, Trigon. I heard he got into a bit of a scuffle and was injured quite severely. Was that your doing, Mr. Orach?" Lucifer asked, sipping his drink.

Orach simply replied, "Yes. He crossed my bottom line and is now my target. I hope you won't interfere with my hunt," his eyes narrowing slightly.

Lucifer met Orach's gaze with a smile, "Go right ahead, mate. I have no love for that glutton. Besides, I'm on vacation and enjoying my time in LA. I want nothing to do with hell. So, please proceed with your hunt."

Orach nodded in response. Then, Lucifer suggested, "I heard you're based in Gotham. Why choose to live in that dump, if you don't mind my saying so. LA is far superior."

Orach replied, "Perhaps. But for now, I'm content with Gotham."

With a wry smile, Lucifer added, "You do know there's a demon sealed beneath that city, right?"

Orach met Lucifer's gaze with a blank expression, "I sensed it the moment I stepped into the city. But that measly demon wouldn't dare make a move in my presence."

At first taken aback, Lucifer then laughed, "Haha! I should have expected that. Well, let me know when you're in LA. Maze and I will show you a grand time."

While Orach and Lucifer were engaged in conversation, two enthusiastic women, trailed by an exhausted-looking Clark, approached them. Both Vicky Vale and Lois Lane were eager to interview Orach. Recognizing Lois, Orach couldn't help but admire her courage, a sentiment he extended to the unfamiliar woman accompanying Lois.

"Hello, Mr. Orach. My name is Vicky Vale from the Gotham Gazette. I hope you're enjoying the evening. Would you mind sparing a moment for some comments for my article?" Vicky inquired.

"Hi, Mr. Orach. I'm Lois Lane, from the Daily Planet. May I have a moment of your time for some comments for my article? You did promise me an exclusive," Lois added.

Orach studied Lois, finally meeting the renowned Lois Lane, the woman whose article had even managed to vex the Mother Empress. Clark noticed the change in Orach's expression and quickly stepped in front of Lois. Orach, however, addressed Lois with a faux smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lane. I recall offering an exclusive interview some time ago. However, Miss Vale here has approached me first, and given my current residence in Gotham, I believe it's fair to answer her questions first."

Vicky's face lit up with excitement at Orach's response, and she shot Lois a triumphant glance. She then began recording their conversation as Orach excused himself from Lucifer and Maze.

"Mr. Orach, thank you for your time. I understand you're collaborating with Mr. Bruce Wayne at Wayne Tech on a significant project. How did you come into contact with Mr. Wayne, and what convinced you to work with his company?" Vicky asked.

"Miss Vale, the answer to your question is straightforward. When I crash-landed in a battlefield, I knew I needed a base to recuperate. A local resource was my best option. After my research, I approached Mr. Wayne and proposed a collaboration in exchange for the support I would require during my stay on this planet," Orach replied.

Vicky nodded in understanding and proceeded to ask, "But why Bruce Wayne and not LexCorp? Both Wayne Tech and LexCorp are dominant forces in technology. What made you choose Mr. Wayne?"

Orach calmly responded, "Again, the answer is simple. My research uncovered the personal histories of both individuals. I prefer working with someone who has overcome personal tragedy and stands tall on his own, yet remains humble enough to give back to his society in numerous ways, trying to make this world a better place. In short, he earned my respect, hence my favor."

At this point, Vicky Vale's smile contained a hint of pride as a fellow Gothamite, knowing that beneath Bruce Wayne's playboy facade was Gotham's 'White Knight'. She then inquired, "Could you tell us a bit about your work? Your projects are quite secretive. Are they for the military? When can we expect a product to be launched?"

Orach's expression at this question transitioned to a blank one, a shift that alarmed Clark. However, Orach calmly replied, "I'm glad you brought up that question. To answer your query, we are currently working on a project for the medical industry. Although we are still in the process of testing, I believe you should be hearing from Wayne Tech about this in a few months. Secondly, let me clarify that I will never engage in any projects that would aid military forces. I would also like to send a message to your military specifically. If they persist on their current path, a day will come when they will face my wrath. On that day, NOTHING will stand in my way to utterly annihilate their secret bases, where they are conducting work that borders on crossing my bottom line. Consider this my first and last warning to the CADMUS group."

Vicky, Lois, and Clark were stunned by Orach's revelation, his blatant threat, and his impassive expression. Meanwhile, Lucifer and Maze casually sipped their drinks, with smiles dancing on their faces.

Vicky swallowed nervously, but her journalistic instincts prevailed and she managed to ask her final question, "Mr. Orach, could you share your perspective of us, considering your status as a higher realm being?"

Maintaining his calm demeanor, Orach responded, "From my perspective, this is merely one small planet, situated in a tiny solar system within a galaxy that's still in its infancy, all residing within a universe so remote that it hadn't even been charted by the higher realm until recently. Consider this: if I didn't belong to a race that values life and its potential, I could regard your race's actions or plans as utterly insignificant, given the immense power I possess, enough even to obliterate this fragile reality," Orach stated, his gaze unwaveringly meeting Vicky's.

Listening to Orach's words, Vicky and the others felt a mix of astonishment and fear. However, her journalistic instincts took over one last time, prompting her to ask a follow-up question, "Do you have a message for the human race?"

Orach responded, "I'll clarify further. I understand that the unknown can be frightening, and to most of you, I am a significant unknown. Hence, some are desperately trying to find ways to counter me. But, let me assure you, it will be a futile effort. I would advise you to appreciate that I have a bottomline and that I reciprocate respect. As long as individuals like our 'Naked Luthor' don't challenge my bottomline, we will not have a problem. If they do, they will face my wrath."

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Was able to draft a second release this week. Also, to my fellow Supernatural fans, hope you catch the reference.

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