As they filed into Physical Equations, the students were assigned seats. There were some grumbles from the kids as some were unhappy being split from their friends. There was even one kid with short blonde hair who exclaimed "my father will hear about this!" As he got into an argument with one of the instructors over being separated from his group. Suffice it to say, the instructors were neither intimidated or impressed, the boy was made to sit in a corner.
Is that also a reincarnated person? Or are spoiled blonde kids who tattle to their parents to solve problems just a multiuniversal thing? Either way I think I should keep my distance... Thought Carman.
As he sat through the lecture Carman came to the conclusion that the people of Fontaine, while advanced were nowhere near the level of science that his world had been while the Physical Equations class had many equations that mirrored the physics classes he had had to suffer through in college.
Due to his familiarity with most of the concepts they were introducing to the class Carman found his mind wondering around the subject while paying loose attention to what was being said. Do physics work the same way here? I assumed that Teyvat is a planet, but with the information revealed in Sumaru including the false sky, is the atmosphere artificial as well? If it's not and gravity works differently than it did back on Earth, how is everything being held together? Does this world rely on elemental or some other mystical energy? Man, I wish I had a microscope, too bad the ones that would let me see down to the atomic level have several complicated electrical components.
"Mr. Lepaute, would you please explain to the class what you find more interesting than my class." Said a stern voice. Due to his unfamiliarity to being called "Mr. Lepaute" having only received the last name from Livre recently, it took a few seconds for Carman to respond, which only caused the instructor to become more irritated.
"I was just wondering what stuff is made out of, you can cut a piece of metal or wood, you end up with smaller pieces of them, what if you kept cutting the material until it couldn't be cut any more, what are you left with?" Said Carman.
"Forgive me young man but I fail to see where this is related to my lecture."
"Well you mentioned how we have calculations to predict how much energy certain things have when falling from high places, and how depending on the hight they are dropped from lighter objects dropped from high above could cause more damage than a heavy one dropped from close to the ground. You also mentioned that outside of some exceptions, every object is pulled towards the ground. I have seen saw dust and metal gritt. I was wondering if the same or similar force held things together, preventing them from crumbling into dust."
"I see, that is quite the interesting thought, unfortunately now is not the time for such pondering, if you would bring your attention back to the front it would be most appreciated" said the instructor curtly.
Half of the other students were staring at Carman like he was crazy, there were a few however that started to also have contemplative looks on their faces as they listened to his musings hinting towards Gravity and electron bonds. Sure they didn't know what he was talking about, but they also started to wonder how their world was held together rather than falling apart like dry sand castles in the wind.
As the class filed out of the room there were a few students that walked up to Carman, some wondering why there was a kid like him who was so much younger them enrolled in the academy. After hearing his straight laced and strangely mature answers they understood and walked off. One older girl came over to give him a look and scoffed at the fact there was a five year old in the same class as her.
She couldn't believe that such a young kid had such an intriguing thought that the instructor would let him go unpunished for not paying attention to the lecture, and thought the whole thing, including his enrollment must be some kind of joke.
After making her opinion of him clear she walked off with a small group of their classmates following behind her.
"Well, that just happened... I don't even know who you are... Seriously if your going to complain to someone at least introduce yourself. Rude." Said Carman as he started filing out of his row of seats
"I'd be careful kiddo, that young lady was Ms. Camille Engrenage. She is the daughter of a merchant who specializes in selling fancy Gardemeks to the nobility of Fontaine. I wouldn't want to be on her bad side." Said one of the other girls as she passed him, lightly ruffling Carman's hair as she passed by.
Carman spent the next few hours pretending to pay attention to the mediocre introductory level information he was being taught. The thing that threw him off the most was the fact that for some reason some equations were written in base 7 and not base 10. The conversion was simple enough for him to figure out but the reasons behind it possibly beyond teyvat having 7 archons was beyond him.
After a long class where he would learn the strengths and weaknesses of certain materials, Carman finally got to the class he was waiting for. Physical Conditioning, all class cohorts were required to have this class in the middle of the day and before they had lunch, the instructors found long ago that students payed better attention after doing some exercise, but not to feed them before as some of the students ended up vomiting from overworking themselves.
It was after changing into clothes more appropriate for exercise and stepping out onto the flat stone area that Carman felt a vaguely familiar pair of eyes looking at him maliciously.
-to be continued
Upon arriving in the room for his Physical Conditioning class, Carman was ordered to stand in line with the other students by a middle aged man who was standing in the middle of the room.
The man with salt and pepper hair was a drill sergeant who would be training them. From the media he had watched in his previous life, Carman expected expletives and insults to come out of the man's mouth as soon as he started addressing the class.
However, he was wrong, evidently this instructor had reservations regarding swearing at children, and only talked sternly and hollered when he felt he needed to make a point.
The instructor introduced himself as Sergent Superstes, and stated that while he knew that the training that he would have these children go through would be brutal at times he claimed it allowed him to sleep at night knowing that his cadets would be able to make it out of most situations due to having been trained to overcome pain and exhaustion. He declared that he did not care if the cadets were male or female, they would all adhere to the training regimen.
After his lecture he ordered the students to enter the changing rooms and put on their exercise uniforms. Carman followed his instructions and followed the line of other students I into a large locker room where he was handed a new uniform, made of a heavy fabric and waited in line with the others to get changed. It seemed that there were not separate rooms for children with male or female anatomy, but just a bunch of stalls and supervisors ensuring there was no funny business going on. Once his turn came, Carman entered a stall and took off his current clothes and changed into this new set. While it was significantly heavier than his normal uniform, the fabric was surprisingly breathable and did not make him feel uncomfortably warm or anything. Making his way out he received a number and a lock with a key he would be expected to keep on his person. Finding the locker corresponding to the number he had received, Carman placed his belongings inside and locked the door before hanging his key on a cord around his neck.
As he followed the class to the field in the back of the academy he felt a look holding malice behind directed at him from behind, turning around, Carman saw Camille Engrenage looking at him, while she wasn't outright glaring, the look on her face was reminiscent of the face a parent or caretaker would make after being handed a freshly painted or glued art piece made by a child, putting on a fake smile while hiding their disgust as they contemplate how fast they can put the art away without appearing to be rude so they could wash their hands.
Carman shrugged at her and turned his attention back to Sergeant Superstes as he directed the children to start running down the track, citing many incidents where people assigned to logistics divisions had to run to survive monster and other enemy attacks.
Due to his daily workout quest, Carman was doing better than most of his classmates. Many of them had lived in a cushy environment funded by their family's wealth, with little need to run around, after all why get something from across the hall Whalen you could order a servent to do so?
Carman was still winded and using the sleeve of his uniform to wipe some sweat from his brow, surprisingly, amongst all the young masters and misses, Ms. Engrenage was the least fazed. It seems that she had already started to undego endurance training before then and the smug look she made at Carman made her feelings of superiority quite clear.
Sergeant Superstes then lead the students back to the changing room stating that physical conditioning would only be these "light jogs" for the first grading period and that they were going to be running wither it was sunny, rainy, thunderous, or snowing. It would be better to learn how to escape in those conditions now in a safe space than to risk their safety by learning it on the fly.
Many of the students complained about having to walk back down the halls to he cafeteria after their exercise but since another class was coming in Sergeant Superstes rushed them out.
The rest of the day was fairly uneventful to Carman, he didn't share many of his other classes with Camille so there weren't many opportunities for her one sided rivalry to flair up, but by the time he came home, Carman was worn out.
Collapsing onto the couch Carman practically melted there as his muscles finally relaxed a bit after his day at school.
"Carman, are you doing alright?" Asked Ryuzu, as she walked into the room and saw Carman trying to become one with the couch.
"Yeah it's just been a long day.." said Carman, his voice slightly muffled by the cushions. "For some reason this day feels like it stretched on for a month"
-Somewhere a young man with dark hair chuckles self deprecatingly as he sits behind a computer, writing.-
Looking through his inventory, Carman noticed that he had quite a few pull tickets for the Gatcha part of his system in his storage, they were occasionally given in various quest rewards, and he always got one for completing his workout on the last day of the week.
That could be fun, let's see, I have two 10-pulls on the regular banner that dropped Ryuzu, and one 10-pull on a banner for skills, though it seems to mostly only give random exp to use for skills with very low chances of an actual skill being drawn.
Deciding which to roll first with a coin flip, Carman decided to do the regular Banner first, then the skill one
[Draw {Omniversal Calling} x 20?
[Yes/No]. ]
Selecting [Yes], Carman watched as an animation played on a screen only he could see.
-to be continued
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