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92.27% One Piece : Brotherhood / Chapter 203: Chapter 203

Kapitel 203: Chapter 203

Fishmen Island, New World

Whitebeard stood in front of a massive pit in the central plaza. Fishman Island had returned to a calm state after every last one of the pirates and troublemakers had been hunted down. It had been more than a month since the Whitebeard Pirates arrived, and stability had returned to Ryugu Kingdom. King Neptune stood beside Whitebeard, along with a few of the Whitebeard Pirates' cadres.

Whitebeard's eyes narrowed as he tried to gauge the depth of the pit. "So you are saying that little brat did this?" Whitebeard questioned his friend, who had a wide smile on his face.

"Yes, it was Ross-Kun. He helped us defend against whatever that boar-like monster was. If not for him, I am sure that monster would have destroyed the entirety of Ryugu Kingdom," Neptune replied. He showed special favor to the Donquixote family because, as of now, the only place where the Fishmen could safely traverse on the surface was Dressrosa and the surrounding seas controlled by the Donquixote pirates. Many of their traded supplies came from Dressrosa.

"Interesting. That brat sure has grown. Garp sure has created another monster and released him into the sea. But the beast that attacked Fishman Island... I don't think the matter is so simple. There's a high possibility it was a mythical Zoan user," Whitebeard mused. Beside him, Crocodile had an uneasy expression on his face when Neptune mentioned Rosinante. His hand unconsciously went to the metal hook where his amputated arm used to be. Whitebeard did not miss this and chuckled.

"So it was that brat who took your arm?" He smirked, but Crocodile simply snorted and turned his attention back to the dark pit.

"Say, Whitebeard, can you do something like this?" Crocodile asked. He had been training hard to learn all the nuances about Haki from Whitebeard himself, but even he could not fathom how strong one must be to create something like this.

However, it wasn't Whitebeard who spoke. It was Marco who chuckled at how naive a question that was. "Croco! If Pops wanted to, he could easily tear down the entire island, let alone create such a thing. But I have to say, this is sure impressive. Still, if that one's your opponent, your current level of growth is nowhere near enough," he added.

"My name's Crocodile!" he growled, but Marco simply waved his hand, transforming into a phoenix and diving into the dark pit to explore it.

As Marco's blue flames illuminated the walls of the pit, the extent of the damage became apparent. The sheer power it must have taken to create such a massive chasm was beyond comprehension. Marco flew deeper, his keen eyes scanning for any clues about the nature of the attack.

Crocodile, still brooding, looked up as Marco returned to the surface. "Find anything interesting down there, bird-brain?"

Marco reverted to his human form, shaking his head. "It seems like the beating that I gave you in the last training session wasn't enough, Croco!" He chuckled, and the rest of the cadres joined in, teasing Crocodile.

Whitebeard turned to Neptune. "We'll stay here for another week or so and then return to the New World. It seems things have become quite chaotic there, with Shiki running rampant. I doubt he would target my territories, but then again, he is a madman. And if that brat Ross is as strong as you say, I might need to meet that kid in the future. It sure would be interesting. Even Roger had praised that kid, so I want to see how far he has grown."

Whitebeard then turned his attention to a large blue whale shark fish-man soldier standing beside King Neptune. The young Jinbe, clad in Ryugu Kingdom's armor, stood tall and vigilant, his strong frame and serious demeanor showing his dedication to his duty.

His dark blue skin and large, imposing build were complemented by a pair of sharp fangs and discerning eyes. His bulb-like nose and other features added an imposing presence, making him stand out from other fishmen..

"You have potential, and you have the spirit," Whitebeard said, his voice booming yet kind. "Would you like to join the Whitebeard Pirates and become my son?"

Jinbe was taken aback, his eyes widening in surprise. By his side, even Arlong shifted uneasily. Arlong, with his long, saw-shaped nose and fierce eyes, had always harbored a deep-seated hatred for humans.

He despised the idea of forming alliances with them, even if it was with someone as powerful as Whitebeard. He viewed humans as inferior beings who had persecuted his kind for too long. The idea that his close friend might consider Whitebeard's offer filled him with disdain and fear.

To Arlong's relief, Jinbe composed himself and respectfully declined Whitebeard's offer. "I'm sorry, but I am a soldier of Ryugu Kingdom, and I would like to serve Fishman Island." Jinbe's voice was firm but respectful.

His heart held gratitude for Whitebeard, who had saved Fishman Island, but his experiences had left him wary of humans. He had seen too much suffering inflicted by them to easily accept an invitation to join their ranks, even from someone as esteemed as Whitebeard.

Whitebeard nodded, understanding the young Fishman's perspective. "I respect your dedication to your people, lad. But know that my offer stands. Should you ever change your mind, the Whitebeard Pirates will welcome you with open arms."

King Neptune placed a reassuring hand on Jinbe's shoulder, pride evident in his eyes in the recent defense of the palace. Jinbe had earned quite the merits, and he knew if Jinbe joined the Whitebeard pirates, then their alliance would only strengthen. "Thank you, Whitebeard. Your offer is a great honor, and I know Jinbe appreciates it. He has always been dedicated to protecting our home."

Whitebeard turned his gaze back to Neptune. "Take care of your people, Neptune. The world is changing, and strength alone won't be enough. Just be prepared for what is coming."


Ohara, West Blue

Amidst the burning ruins of the island stood a man, his tears blending with the smoke rising from the charred remains. Dr. Vegapunk, a genius whose intellect was renowned across the seas, surveyed the genocide that had occurred here. His eyes were set on the burning cinders of a massive fallen tree—the Tree of Knowledge, which had stood for millennia.

Now, the whole of Ohara was a wasteland, even months after the attack, the embers hadn't died down. Soon, he would need to move to Egghead Island, and this might be his last trip he could afford without too many eyes prying into his matters.

Vegapunk had just arrived, taking a Scientific Division ship to find anything worth salvaging and to pay his final respects to his old friend, Clover. As he wandered through the devastated landscape, his mind was heavy with grief and guilt. He wondered if all his work, all his compromises, were worth this tragedy.

Meanwhile, within the interior of the island, a group of giants was stealthily searching for something. "It was supposed to be here. Why isn't it here?" One of the giants questioned their captain, Saul.

Saul, who had escaped pursuit with the help of Rosinante, had taken Nico Olivia and her daughter Lily to the Grand Line. Olivia had decided to risk separating from Saul, entrusting him to preserve the books the scholars had died to protect. Despite Saul repeatedly offering Olivia asylum in Elbaf, she adamantly refused, not wanting to cause more problems for the giants.

Saul had now returned with a few of his tribe members to transfer those precious books to Elbaf, as per Olivia's wishes. But even after searching the island for three whole days, they hadn't found any such books—only a few heaps of burned texts and records, already turned to ashes.

According to Olivia, there should have been hundreds of thousands of books. "Keep looking. Those books are important, and I gave my word to Olivia-san. I intend to keep that word," Saul urged. The giants nodded in agreement, their simple but resolute nature driving them forward.

Suddenly, the hurried footsteps of a giant made the half-dozen giants alert. "Captain Saul, I spotted a ship anchored on the south coast. It looks like someone disembarked on the island, and it seems to be a World Government ship," the giant reported urgently.

Though the giants were not afraid of a fight, their captain had emphasized the need to avoid unnecessary commotion. Before Saul could devise a plan, the giant added, "Dora wouldn't listen and went ahead, saying she would take down the people from the ship on her own."

Saul's eyes widened in alarm. If the giants clashed with World Government troops, it would cause unnecessary trouble.

Vegapunk, who was wandering around the devastated Ohara, couldn't help but grieve more. His tears had already dried, but his sorrow had not. He wondered if his friend Clover had foreseen this tragedy. Would he have taken a different approach if he knew such devastation awaited?

Suddenly, the ground trembled beneath him, causing him to panic. What was happening? There shouldn't have been anyone on Ohara. He turned and, in the distance, saw a massive figure rushing towards him, charging through the burning embers.

He had left the agents meant for his protection back on the ship, despite their protests. Their ranks were not high enough to overrule Vegapunk's decisions, and because he was compliant, the World Government wasn't putting too much pressure on him.

Realizing it was a giant and that dialogue or running away wouldn't help, Vegapunk closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable. "You government dog, I will smash you to pieces!" Dora roared as she charged, her intent to kill clear. She had been devastated by the genocide on this island.

Though it wasn't her species, the blatant disregard for life by the World Government had enraged her. When she spotted a World Government ship anchored nearby, she charged, ready to smash its occupants to pulp.

Just as Dora's massive fist was about to crush Vegapunk, a figure moved with blinding speed, hands coated with Haki. "Ryusoken!" Dragon roared as his Haki-infused attack clashed with the giant's fist.

"Boom!" Despite the sheer difference in size, the attack threw Dora back, making her fall to her rear. She immediately gazed at her attacker and was surprised to see who it was—the man the whole World Government was hunting for, the worst criminal who had just formed the so-called Revolutionary Army and sent shockwaves throughout the world.

Dragon kept his eye on Dora while addressing Vegapunk. "What is a man like you, who willingly works for the World Government, doing here, Vegapunk?" He asked, his voice filled with curiosity and a hint of accusation. He had no idea why Vegapunk was here. He had come to say farewell to the souls that had fallen in Ohara, especially Clover, and to find out if he could learn anything substantial about the Poneglyphs.

If he truly wanted to fight the World Government, he needed to understand them, and the secret of the Void Century was something he wanted to uncover as it would give the revolutionaries an edge against their enemy in the future. Currently, no one knows the true extent of the world government's strength.

Dora picked herself up, growling, "Monkey D. Dragon." Just then, Saul, followed by a few other giants, rushed into the scene. Dragon immediately recognized Saul, whom he was acquainted with from his time in the Marines.

"Saul," Dragon acknowledged in surprise, his voice steady. "What brings you here?"

Saul looked at Dragon and then at Vegapunk, assessing the situation quickly. Saul had known Dragon for a long time, a man who didn't like violence but, in the end, defected from the Marines to uphold his ideals. Saul trusted the man and his character, so he did not hide his purpose.

"We came to retrieve the books. Olivia-san's last request. But it seems we have other complications now."

Vegapunk quickly understood the gravity of their mission. "Let's handle this without any unnecessary violence. We're all here for a reason. I am just here to pay my respects."

Dragon turned to Saul, giving him a nod of acknowledgment. Though Saul knew of Vegapunk, he didn't trust him. Vegapunk had willingly joined the World Government and assisted in their various nefarious projects. However, if Dragon vouched for this man, Saul was willing to withhold his judgment for the time being.

"Dora, you get back..." Saul began, but Dragon interrupted him because his earlier statement caught Dragon's attention.

"Saul, do you know the whereabouts of Nico Olivia and her daughter?" Dragon asked with hope in his eyes. Recruiting someone capable of deciphering the poneglyphs would be a massive boon to the Revolutionary Army. The World Government wanted to bury that knowledge forever.

Saul shook his head with a sigh, indicating that he was not aware of where Olivia San was hiding after they had parted ways after reaching the first half of the Grand Line, making Dragon visibly disappointed.

Dragon couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment and was about to address Vegapunk when his haki picked up a new presence. He was immediately aware of who the new comer was, and he couldn't help but smirk.

"You should forget about finding those books, Saul. I'm sure someone has already gotten their hands on them. And I doubt that person would be willing to return what he has taken. At least, I have never known him to be the generous type. Isn't that right, Ross?" Dragon's gaze turned towards a seemingly empty area amidst the burning embers. Everyone was confused by Dragon's words, even Vegapunk.

I stepped forward, my form shimmering with electrical energy as it reformed a dozen meters away from the group. "Sigh! Dragon-san, it seems you haven't been slacking. You've grown much stronger than the last time we met. I still can't mask my presence completely from your Haki." Dragon's eyes squinted, feeling the pressure emanating from me.

The kid who he had once forcefully inducted into the Marines had now grown into a powerhouse. Dragon still regretted not being more persuasive about me joining the Revolutionary Army back then. However, he was at least relieved that we were on neutral terms. Someone like me joining the World Government's side would be a nightmare.

"Dereshishishi!!!" My laughter echoed, taking everyone by surprise. Even the giants and Dragon were astonished as Saul rushed forward. "Ross-kun! It really is you." Saul was delighted. I had been his savior; if not for me back then, he and Olivia-san would have perished. Though the girl Lily harbored some resentment because I hadn't defended Ohara, Saul understood I wasn't obligated to do so.

The things I had discussed back then made sense. As much as the fault lay with the World Government's cruelty, the scholars couldn't escape blame either. They knew such an eventuality would come and still risked innocent lives. But that was in the past, and Saul was genuinely happy to see me here. He didn't even bother to question why I was here.

"Dragon, do you mean to say this kid has all the books from Ohara?" Vegapunk, having momentarily forgotten the life-threatening situation he was in moments ago, realized the significance of Dragon's earlier statement.

Vegapunk looked at me curiously. He had heard of the Donquixote brothers and the tissue that he had tested and inciretated because he had deemed it was too dangerous and did not want such a smaple falling back into the world government's hands. It belonged to this young teen standing in front of him, the lightning Logia user, a fruit the world government had wanted to get their hands on for centuries.

I carefully weighed everyone present here. I had left East Blue after Shanks and his crew made for the Grand Line. With Mihawk in Shimotsuki Village, I didn't have to worry about the safety of Lucci and the rest.

With my lightning powers, the trip that might take others months only took me a week to traverse all the way from East Blue to West Blue. I arrived in Ohara a week prior. I had a few informants keep an eye on Vegapunk's movements. I needed to talk to the man alone. He is one of the greatest pieces I had to set on the board for the future.

Originally, as I made the trip to Ohara, I wasn't sure if Dragon would be here at the same time. Unlike in the canon, Dragon had already formed the Revolutionary Army beforehand. In the canon, he only formed the revolutionaries after visiting Ohara.

But meeting Dragon here is a good thing. He is probably not aware of what is coming for the Revolutionary Army in Sorbet Kingdom. The rebellion is still going strong, and with their recent influx of resources, they have fully invested themselves in liberating Sorbet Kingdom from its ruler.


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