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Kapitel 12: A Raid V

A deafening roar ensued as the door raptured inward and blasted apart, splintering into countless wooden shards that scattered across the opulent corridor-Esq hallway.

Copious dust filled the place, dancing in the air, as I stepped through the now nonexistent door, my eyes squinting as they fixed on the scene unfolding before me.

I was in a large, luxurious, and opulently furnished, master bedroom bathed in the soft glow of a gilded chandelier hanging from the fresco ceiling.

The floor was carpeted with thick wine-colored Turkish rugs, and the large windows running along the wall painted in neutral tones were draped with luxurious golden curtains embellished with intricate patterns and embroidery.

The air was thick with the scent of perfumed oils, incense, sweat, and sex, mingling with the whispers and echoes of sensual moans, grunts, and groans.

The bodies of seven young naked women, their nipples erect, their asses and private parts in full display, and their skins glistening with a sheen of sweat and oils entwined in a hedonistic display on a large red king sized bed with a canopy that stood on my right.

Some of the girls were kissing each other passionately, tongues intertwining with an exchange of saliva.

Some were busy fondling each other breasts passionately, fingers moving in and out of their ripe vaginas steadily, with intermittent moans of pleasure escaping out of their mouths.

Some were scissoring each other, moaning and screaming in delight as their private parts rubbed and scraped against each other and the rest were eating each other out, their supple and erotic bodies in a six-nine position.

It was a den, a den of sexual depravity that would've caught any man off guard, making them hunger and lose their minds instantly for the sight before them, but I wasn't like most men.

I'd seen and experienced much more and much worse than this. All I had to do was think of it, and I'd have memories of enormous orgies that spanned hundreds of meters, involving hundreds of beautiful women in all colors, shapes, and sizes who all existed to pleasure me and me alone and the sensations that came with them.

What I was witnessing here in this room was child's play, enough to raise an eyebrow, but certainly not enough to distract me from finding my target.

At the very middle of the large bed, surrounded on both sides by the young naked women lost in the throes of reckless pleasure, was Setesh looking right at me.

He was a handsome man with thick silky shoulder-length black hair, dark brown eyes, an oval mature face adorned by a silky goatee, pink lips, and a toned slim body bereft of any blemishes.

He stood on his knees, naked, with two blonde girls that looked exactly the same on all fours, licking his erect cock, coating it in saliva, both taking turns to eagerly suck it, their sky blue eyes glazed in lust with wide happy but crazed smiles plastered across their faces.

My face scrunched up in disgust at the sight of this, hot red rage seeping into my bones, as Setesh had the gall to flash me a smirk.

"I have been expecting you," Setesh said in the main Goa'uld dialect, his voice booming and lilting, eyes flashing brightly white as he snapped his fingers, making the twins stop sucking his dick to kiss each other, tongues entangling in a mess of saliva as moans streamed out of their mouths.

"Tell me the name of the one who dares invade my holy residence and interrupts the bliss that is Set!" He demanded with the arrogance of a false god as he got from the bed, eyes flashing bright white.

Not in the mood for idle conversation, I ignored him and raised my Zat'nik'tel, firing it the next second. Blue fire streamed towards him.

Just before the blast hit him, he extended his right hand adorned with a karakesh and the red crystal centered on his palm glowed. The air shimmered in front of him like a curtain.

The blast collided with the air and instantly dissipated. The next moment, the orb glowed again and a boom sounded as a shockwave shot out of his karakesh in my direction.

Reflexes honed for countless millennia kicked in and my body instinctively threw itself to the right, dodging the wave at the nick of time. The blast hit the wall and exploded, shattering and cracking parts of it.

I rolled to a stop and drew a dagger from one of the pockets of my vest, holding it between my fingers, and flung it at him using everything I had.

The knife shot at him, cutting sharply through the air at high speeds. The orb on his Karakesh glowed and he managed to get an energy field to wrap around his body just as the edge of the dagger reached him.

Unfortunately for him, he seemed to forget it wouldn't do him much good.

"Ahhhh!" He howled in pain as the blade speared into his chest. He stumbled, falling on his ass, onto the carpeted ground, crimson blood flowing out of his wound insertion point.

...Damn it, I missed his heart.

His howl broke the ambiance of the room, finally halting the activities of the girls whose eyes instantly widened in shock and horror, gasps flowing out of their mouths.

"My God Set!"

"What's happening!?"

"Our God Set is injured!"

"Quick, protect our God!"

They filled the room with screams of horror and surprise as automatically, they quickly rushed down from the bed to shield him from me, covering him from my eyes with their naked tantalizing bodies as I rose up and stepped toward him, their eyes burning with rage and defiance.

I paused and clicked my tongue in annoyance, my eyebrows furrowing and my eyes squinting as they scoured past their bodies to search for the body of Set.

Unfortunately, due to their number and how they'd spaced themselves around him, I couldn't see him, not even his hair.

"Shit, these girls are going to give him time to heal!" I cursed loudly and quickly pointed the maw of my Zat'nik'tel at them. "I don't have time for this. Go to sleep girls."

Buzzes immediately filled the room as I began shooting each of them with the weapon, blue current dancing and spreading all over their bodies as they spasmed and collapsed onto the ground one by one.

As their bodies slumped to the ground, Setesh's body was finally revealed but what I saw didn't make me happy as we locked eyes. He was gazing at me with eyes burning and a face contorted with rage, his right hand stretched out towards me, the red crystal glowing ominously.

"Die!" He bellowed as a shockwave erupted out of his hand, spiraling towards me.

I barely had enough time to raise my hands in front of me before the shockwave hit me hurling my body through the air like I was paper.

My back collided with a wall with a bang and I gasped as all my breath got stolen out of my lungs, waves of agony spreading throughout my body in an instant.

My head aching and fuzzy, my eyes hazy, my body throbbing with pain, as I slipped onto the ground, falling face first. The insides of my mouth were tangy and spiced with the iron taste of my blood.

Groaning in pain and coughing my mouth and nose desperately sucked in oxygen, hazy eyes trembling, and my senses disoriented, I planted my shaky hands on the ground and groggily pushed myself up, forcing my back against the wall.

Through my hazy eyes and shaky vision, I could see Setesh coughing, blood trickling out of his mouth as he pulled the knife out of his chest with a painful scream, sprawling out crimson blood flecked with violet onto the carpet.

Letting out loud coughs intermittently, I hissed, almost screaming in pain as I grabbed my head pounding like it had just been run over by a freighter with my right hand devoid of the Zat'nik'tel, vision increasingly getting cloudy.

Quickly, I activated my harakesh and set it to healing with my mind, slowly raising my left hand fitted with the device to my head, as it hummed and spewed out the tri-beam to form the white orb.

Slowly, my pain and migraine started clearing, my vision and focus gradually steadying as the beam hovered at the side of my head, its soothing light of radiation healing me.

Ahead of me, back against the bed, Setesh slowly rose to his feet, using the bed as support, as the gaping wound on his chest started stitching itself together.

His eyes widened for just a second in shock and fear upon seeing the device, but it disappeared the next moment as he stood unsteadily, legs wobbly.

Seeing this, I spat out blood and released a grunt as I placed my right hand on the wall and used it to also raise my body to my feet, my left hand still healing me with my harakesh.

"Who sent you Ashrak?" Setesh asked in the main Goa'uld dialect, his dark eyebrows clashing together as a heavy frown fell on his face, his booming voice laced with concern. "Which of the System Lords are you in service to?"

"...Does it matter?" I coughed out in Goa'uld as I straightened myself, wiping the blood off my lips with my sleeve, deactivating the harakesh as my migraine fully disappeared. "All you need to know is that you have been marked for death and death is what you shall receive, by my hand."

I added, speaking with the mannerisms of a Goa'uld Ashrak, not bothering to correct him with regard to my identity.

A dark smile spreading across my face, I watched his eyes flash white with rage, his thin pink lips twisted by anger, and fished out another dagger from my vest.

Holding it in a reverse grip in my right hand, my body instinctively lowered slightly into one of the thousands of deadly martial art stances ingrained in my head, my legs spreading out.

My body still hurt like a bitch but at least my head was clear so I could manage. Setesh was in a worse state than I was but he was healing and healing fast. In a few moments, he'd be back to perfect health and I couldn't let that happen.

...This battle was going to have to be quick and precise, with no wasted movements. Just attack and maim.

"I see," Setesh said, his limbs and muscles tensing as his naked body tensed for battle.

"I would have thought of sparing your impudent life and allowed you to be in my gracious service if you had been cooperative.

"But it seems I have no choice but to torture the information out of you and then end your miserable life." He remarked with the arrogance of a god, eyes flashing white, as he slowly stretched forth his right hand, orb glowing.

"Good luck with that."


Sorry for the late update guys. Expect another chapter tomorrow but if you guys shower this story with a lot of stones, I'll make it two. So stone me guys and stone me well!

Thank you.

Reyes_II Reyes_II

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Like it ? Add to library!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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