End of the conflict
As much as Katakuri didn't like it, he had to admit that Hawkeye Mihawk was stronger than him. He has heard about the rumours of him dueling with shanks. While his title as the war lord or the world's greatest swordsman didn't intemedate him, dueling with another emperor was something he cannot ignore.
Despite his young age, Shanks is called an emperor for a reason. And world's greatest swordsman or not, the fact that Mihawk can fight an emperor one on one, is indeed terrifying.
But after fighting Mihawk, Katakuri realised that, his swordsmanship was truly frightening.
If not for his future sight, he would have been toast.
From an fleet of 10 ships brought by the big mom pirates, only a single one was remaining.
Every other ship has been cut by Mihawk.
Not to mention Crocodile was also wrecking havoc among their ranks.
"Commander Katakuri ! We have received an urgent message from Commander Smoothie !
Vice admiral Garp and Admiral Akainu has reached the main Islands !" A massenger shouted at Katakuri, while he was fighting Mihawk.
Suddenly, Mihawk stopped attacking. He put his sword behind his back.
Katakuri's eyes narrowed.
"Why did you stop fighting ?" Katakuri asked suspiciously.
"You are not a swordsman. While you are strong, I have no interest in fighting you. I am bored so I am going to head back." Mihawk decided to leave.
Crocodile also stopped his attacks.
While he was strong, he doubted that he will be able to handle Katakuri, as he is now. In fact this the recent fight with the crew of one of the four Emperors has opened his eyes. He has realised that he needed more personal strength in order to maintain his plan in the future.
Crocodile had given up on using haki in order to not cancel his transformation. In reality Crocodile was not a he. He used to be a 'she'. And after per humiliating defeat in the hands of white beard and Buckingham Stussy, she somehow survived And found by Okama king.
Back then she has a concept that only a man can defeat white beard. So she begged Okama to make her a 'man' using his devil fruit power. So after becoming a man he gave up on using haki, as it could potentially undone his transformation. But after fighting the pirates of the New World again, he realised that haki might be the most important thing in the world, were strength speaks volume.
Since Hawkeye was withdrawing from the fight, Crocodile also decided to back away.
Katakuri hurried towards the mean Island where the fight between big mom and Hancock was going on.
Meanwhile and the other hand, when Hancock and Bigmom went to the other side of the island in order to fight, the other boa pirates decided to take the fight to the ground as well.
After fighting for a while, when Gloriosa noticed the incoming Marine vessel, she finally decided to relax and end the fight quickly.
But not long after that Hancock and big moms clash, splitted open the sky. All the Gloriosa couldn't directly see it, she was familiar with Hancock's haki.
So she stopped holding back and over powered Amande, turning her into a child and quickly defeating her.
Although Silver and Smoothie were evenly matched for each other, they stopped conserving their energy knowing that the fight wouldn't last long with the arrival of The Marines.
It was a pretty close fight with no clear winner as Smoothie had to retreat after she got her order from Katakuri.
She knew this coming when she saw vice admiral Garp. While an admiral won't be an issue for their mama, but vice admiral Garp was in an entire different level.
While The other members of the big mom pirates were defeated, the boa pirates decided to spare their life full stop it was an agreement they have came up with after a lot of debate. While big mom might back down now, she will cause trouble for them even in the paradise, if they damage her crew severely.
So after a lot of consultation from Gloriosa, Hancock decided that they will go for either capture or knockout for the bigmom pirates. So all of them were alive.
After Katakuri reached the island, the rest of the big mom pirates regrouped. While the marines were not directly finding them, they have completely surrounded the big mom pirates.
Under vice admiral Bogard, the morals of the marines well also high. And with the presence of the Marine hero and an Admiral, they were confident in their victory in any situation.
But when the situation was at a stalemate, the sudden appearance of a crazed bigmom on the beach broke it.
"We are retreating !" Katakuri's decision took an immediate decision to retreat. After seeing the condition of bigmom, he knew that there was no point in fighting. Especially with someone like GarpThe Hero, present at the situation.
Katakuri's order finally marked the end of the conflict between big mom pirates and boa pirates.
But the conflict between the marines and the bigmom pirates was not over.
Check out my other fanfictions
Cat Burglar Nami One piece AU
One piece Sigma System
One piece Transmigrated as Nico Robin
One piece Rebecca
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Uzumaki Naruko
Naruto Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a useless girl
You can read advance 51 chapters of this fanfiction on my p@treon AnimefanfictionInd just for 5 $.
You can also get character pics and NSFW(ai made) pics there.
You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.
Check out
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Naruto: Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a Useless girl
The after math of the conflict
The four Emperors are very powerful pirates in the new world with their personal armies.
But while their strength well formidable, Sengoku was more worried about their true origin.
Bigmom, Kaido and Whitebeard, once used to belong to a single crew.
A pirate crew that single handedly terrorised the entire ocean for a long time, the rocks pirates.
In the current situation the interference of the Marines, would have to possible consequences.
The first possibility was, big mom pirates will lose the conflict. They will be weakend and get attacked by Kaido.
The second possibility was, big mom pirates will lose the conflict. They will be weakend and then aided by Kaido to attack back.
And both of these situations were very problematic. The first one it was a little less problematic than the second one.
In the first case scenario, the situation might escalate into a full blown war between the two emperors. It will create a headache for the marines. And depending on the ground they choose to fight on, they will have to watch out for collateral damage.
The second case scenario was even more dangerous. While he believed that the combined might of the Marines will be able to face at least two of them at once, but the damage it will cause to their force, would be astronomical. Even if they win they will be weakend to the point where it will be very difficult for them to control all the ocean.
So the best case scenario would be a draw. It will not only show that the marines can match an emperor even while not deploying there full force but also prevent them, from indirectly offending all the four emperors at once.
Although Whitebeard won't act until his 'sons' are threatened and Shanks wasn't easy to provoke, but he would rather not test his luck with so many lives on the line.
From the information he was getting from the recon team, Hancock has somehow managed to match big mom.
It was reassuring and terrifying at the same time.
For now, she was an ally. But in case she turned to an enemy in the future, she will be a great threat to the marines.
But for now, he should not create a headache for himself by thinking about what ifs.
So Sengoku focused on the matter in his hands.
For now, the best course of action they could take was to let Bigmom's crew run away. It will not only prove their superiority, but also let them gloat about their achievements improving the reputation of marines. It will also help them clean the image of the Warlords among many marines who didn't like working along with former pirates.
Taking his decision, Sengoku immediately contacted Akainu before he does anything stupid.
Akainu was annoyed and angry that they would have to let go of such a golden opportunity to finally take down one of the 4 emperors.
But he was also very excited after seeing the old monsters in action again. He knew the true power of Garp the fist.
And even after becoming an Admiral he hasn't achieved that level of strength yet. So he was very determined to train hard and surface the old generation and kill any pirate that threatened his code of absolute justice.
In this mission he also got an insight on the seven war lord system. Although it is an allied system right now, it might turn out to be the greatest threat for the Marines.
Previously he has thought that the war lords are insignificant front of his justice. But now he understood that there was a reason why they are chosen as the Warlords.
"I can't believe that we are going back home after so long." Sheel stated emotionally.
"Well, at least everything turned out to be fine. I never thought we would escape Linlin without taking any significant damage." Gloriosa admitted.
"I wanna meet Luffy..." Hancock said dreamily.
After their fight with the bigmom pirates, Boa pirates were finally leaving the new world.
After getting bandaged up, Hancock and her crew celebrated a little with a banquet.
After that Hancock and a few others went to sleep.
Hancock still remembered her wet dream clearly and blushed hard. Although it was interrupted by her own sister, but those dreams were the best dream Hancock could get.
So after mastrubating for the entire night while dreaming about Luffy, Hancock felt refreshed. But she was still dreaming about her lover.
"It seems like marines have manipulated the news quite well. The story is really good !" Silver commented after reading the newspaper.
The entire world was in shock. The marines have finally shown their true might. They felt more safe after knowing that marines could face the emperors with minimum efforts.
While the newspaper mostly praised Garp and Akainu, giving them all the credits, it also gave some positive light to the three Warlords.
Obviously none of the war lords cared about it.
So finally the conflict ended in Marines gaining a lot of reputation while Bigmom's name losing it's weight.
Check out my other fanfictions
Cat Burglar Nami One piece AU
One piece Sigma System
One piece Transmigrated as Nico Robin
One piece Rebecca
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Uzumaki Naruko
Naruto Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a useless girl
You can read advance 51 chapters of this fanfiction on my p@treon AnimefanfictionInd just for 5 $.
You can also get character pics and NSFW(ai made) pics there.
You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.
Check out
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Naruto: Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a Useless girl
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