" I can't believe that we are actually free !" Sandersonia was sobbing while hugging Hancock, but Marigold burst out crying.
"I am happy to see that you got back your sisters. But please referring from making so much noise." Shakuyaku said mercilessly while Rayleigh laughed.
"I can't believe that you actually used clown costumes while attacking the world nobels. It is as if declaring that the world government is a clown." Rayleigh laughed even more.
"Don't remind it Rayleigh san ! Do you know how much pressure we were in ?"
Silver complained.
"No matter what you say, I have to admit it was really amazing how you pulled it out !" Rayleigh calmed down.
While all of this was going on Hancock was really happy. She finally got her sisters back. But at the same time she was really angry at the world nobels for what they did to her sisters. In her previous life she was too much traumatized to think about revenge. The claw of the celestial Dragon, that cursed mark suppressed her desire for Revenge. But now that it was gone or it was never there to begin with, she was free from that trauma.
"It became possible because of your help. Rayleigh, sensei, thank you for your teachings."
In her previous life she would have never bowed to another man no matter how grateful she felt. But she has changed after her defeat. Her spirit, her willpower is not broken. Instead it became even more stronger than before.
Rayleigh smiled at Hancock.
"Say, how about throwing a party at your re-union ?"
'Party ?' Hancock remembered Luffy enjoying party and banquets more than anything else. So she smiled faintly and nodded along.
"I will give you a discount of 50% on food items and 30% on alcohol." Shakky proposed. "You can use this bar as you wish for the banquet and it will cost you only 100 millions berries per hour."
"Like hell we are going to do a party here ! Captain please cancel the banquet ! We don't have much money left we can't afford this !" Silver pleaded to Hancock.
"Don't worry about it you can give it in installment." Shakky smiled at Silver.
"Please captain reconcider ! The cost of the banquet for one night will be so high that, even capturing white beard might not be enough to pay for it !" Silver was begging Hancock.
Rayleigh laughed at the seen. It was really funny.
Needless to say, Hancock spent all her money that night. And still she was left with a debt of 150 million berries.
"So what are you going to do after you leave this archipelago ?" The next day, Rayleigh asked Hancock while eating breakfast.
"At first I was thinking about going back to Amazon Lilly and join Kuja pirates. But after all this time I have started to doubt that it would be the best choice for me.
Maybe I should travel to the new world with my own new pirate crew, different from Kuja pirates. As far as I remember, there are no such rules against it. Not to mention, strength is the most important thing in the Amazon Lily. So I don't think it would create any problem , if I want to succeed the throne." Hancock replied.
"Well not a bad idea. And you are right, it doesn't matter if you make your own pirate crew different from the Kuja pirates. At the end if you can defeat the current queen in a fair dual, then you will be able to succeed the throne." Shakky commented.
"Well it is not a bad idea but you should hold up the plan for going to the new world for a few years. Believe me if you are going to the new world as a pirate crew, then you will face more than marines as your enemy. Your body hasn't matured yet. I am not telling you to wait till you reach your peak, but at least wait till you become seventeen or eighteen." Rayleigh said seriously.
And Hancock decided to listen to his advice for now.
"This is not an official meeting. But this meeting is not less important than any official meeting."
Sengoku looked at the people around him. All the people from his generation including Garp, Tsuru, Bogard were present there.
"Is this the recent events in the sabaody archipelago ?" Tsuru asked Sengoku.
"Yes, Garp....Do you think he is involved ?" Sengoku asked seriously.
But Garp was munching on rice crackers denied dismissively."I don't think so. Unless he managed to shorten his height to 5 feet 5 inch."
Sengoku was annoyed that Garp was not taking this matter seriously. But he didn't blame his old friend.
"I think you do not understand the severeity of this situation. For now I somehow managed to convince the five elders that the culprit has been dealt with.
But you are ignoring one thing. From what Shakazuki told us, this clown not only possesses conqueror's haki, but also use armament emission and probably internal destruction. And his observation haki was also superior to that of Akainu.
If we left someone of that calibre unchecked then we will have another shanks in our hand in a few years."
Sengoku was very serious.
"How are you so sure that the clown is a pirate ?" Tsuru asked Sengoku.
"I have investigated in details. And from what I found all the slaves that were freed by that clown were former pirates or their associates except for two fishmen.
Not to mention the two slaves who were freed from the custody of saint rosewood recognised the attackers. That means they were the specific targets whom they wanted to free.
Unfortunately world nobels doesn't keep the history of their slaves." Sengoku said with a sigh.
"I wonder what will happen if they take one of the white beard's sons as a slave. Bhahahaha " Garp laughed outloud.
"Don't talk like that !" Tsuru hit Garp on his head.
"Regardless of what might happen, I want all of our generation's vice admirals, especially you Garp, to chase down anyone who shows exceptional Haki. I know this will be like searching for a needle in the stag of straws, but this is the only option we have." Sengoku said seriously and everyone nodded.
Check out my other fanfictions
One piece Rebecca
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Uzumaki Naruko
Naruto Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a useless girl
You can read advance 20 chapters of this fanfiction on my p@treon AnimefanfictionInd just for 5 $.
You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.
Check out
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Uzumaki Naruko
Naruto: Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a Useless girl
Outlines for the plans of future
"Akainu,... Do you understand the gravity of the situation ?" Sengoku was not in a good mood.
"I know the situation was out of your hands and no one has expected that someone will ever attack a celestial dragon, but, a failure is a failure."
"I understand." Akainu new the rules of the marines. It does not matter what is good or bad if a celestial Dragon told you to slaughter 100 innocent people and save 10 pirates then you will do it no matter what.
"Although, the criminals managed to kidnap one of the world nobles, from your protection, you were able to find them and promptly kill the culprit and save the celestial Dragon." Sengoku told the last part sarcastically.
"So the five elders deemed you worthy of another chance. Douglas Bullet, who has gone underground after Roger's execution, has recently emerged and going on occasional rampages. The CP agents were trying to find out his exact location. So either their will be a buster call or I will send you individually. But whatever it is, it will happen very soon. So don't screw up this time." Sengoku concluded his orders to Akainu. Akainu could do nothing but greet his teeth in the situation. He knew that it would be inevitable, but his Pride was badly hurt.
"This is the eternal pose Amazon Lily. Stay safe !" Shakuyaku told Hancock.
They were finally leaving the sabaody archipelago . Hancock and Silver had already done most of the preparations. Sandersonia and Marigold helped them as well.
After bidding Shakky and Rayleigh farewell, the Boa sisters and Silver, returned to their ship.
"So this is our new pirate flag ?" Silver asked aloud after seeing the jolly roger on the silver pearl.
"Yes, Boa pirates.
I intend to go on my own adventures regardless of what kuja pirates want. So it will be different from kuja pirates."
Hancock had thought about the future very carefully. After thinking for a while she found three problems that she would have to deal with if she became a warlord.
The first problem was that her rule over the Amazon Lily. Even if she takes the throne, as soon as her warlord status is revoked, the entire Island would be in danger.
With the sea prism stone technology , marine ships would be able to reach the island. Same goes for pirates and slave traders.
For centuries, Amazon Lily was a safe place because of its location. It was situated in the calm belt and because of the presence of the sea kings, Neither marines nor pirates dared to step onto the island because they had to cross the calm belt first. But soon it will change in the future. And Hancock needed a permanent solution for that problem.
Her first thought was to train the entire Island of women to the point where they could take care of themselves. But it was easier said than done. A person's growth depends on many things. Harsh training or survival experience is only one of them. Although, Kuja tribe always looks up to the strong, but there is a limit how much every single one of them can go. Hancock had ruled the island before and she knew that out of the population of 2400 women in her time, only a thousands of them where experienced in combat. Among those thousands only four hundreds could utilise either form of Haki. In reality there were less than 100 members who could use both the armament and observation haki.
So who is all this information she doubted that even if she personally trained them there won't be much difference in numbers. Maybe those who were strong will be a little more stronger but it was not a permanent solution.
There was another solution to this problem. To go under the protection of another sea emperor. But Hancock refused to do that. She would rather target an emperor herself than becoming a subordinate.
And if she ever targeted another emperor then it would be black beard or big mom.
Finally after thinking for a long time, Hancock reached a conclusion. She needed a strong crew. Or at least, a crew that can go face to face against the monstrous crew of black beard. She herself needed to grow in power. And she will do it apart from the main Kuja pirates. The reason for it was very simple. There are some traditions that Hancock intended to break in future and that would be possible only if she separated from the main crew.
But she also remember Rayleigh's advice. Whatever she should do from now on she should do it carefully.
"Captain ! captain ! captain !"Silver's shouting brought back Hancock to the real world.
"Good you are awake ! We have trouble. A Marine ship is following us !"
Hancock looked at the crow's nest where silver was keeping an eye on the surroundings.
"Sandersonia ! Take care of helm for a bit !"
Telling her sister to take care of the helm, Hancock went outside.
"I think there is the vice admiral on the ship !" Silver shouted after looking with the telescope.
Hancock reached the crows nest with a single leap from the deck.
"Go back to the paddle room, let me see who is it."
Silver jump down from the crows nest after handing over the telescope to Hancock.
But when Hancock looked with the telescope she cursed. It was none other than vice admiral Tsuru.
Tsuru, while powerful, was no where near the level of her pears, Garp or Sengoku. But that does not mean that she is weak. She could give Hancock more trouble than Akainu. Not to mention their was another future big shot, Gion on the ship.
Hancock knew that, they will be able to handle the upcoming ship. Now she alone will be enough if she uses her devil fruit powers. But the problem was not the difference and strength. But the real problem was that the opponent was strong. And she was not confident in defeating them swiftly. And by chance if she managed to inform the Marine HQ then it will be very trouble some for them. Not to mention attacking vice admiral's ship from the beginning won't be good for her reputation in the future.
Hancock immediately jump down from the crow's nest.
"We are escaping ! Silver ! activate the paddles. We will go towards Florian triangle. Their ship does not have paddles. The wind will be against them.
Marigold come here and help me with the sails." After finishing her orders, Hancock quickly started to release the ropes.
It seems that there will be for a hectic sail this time too.
Check out my other fanfictions
One piece Rebecca
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Uzumaki Naruko
Naruto Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a useless girl
You can read advance 20 chapters of this fanfiction on my p@treon AnimefanfictionInd just for 5 $.
You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.
Check out
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Uzumaki Naruko
Naruto: Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a Useless girl
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