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74.35% Ballad Of Blood (R-18) / Chapter 26: Ch 25 True Fear Has Long Ears

Kapitel 26: Ch 25 True Fear Has Long Ears

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[Rolling Hills South Of The Terrevon Peaks]

A Handsome Aelven Man, and little smooth faced gnome with brilliant Fiery Hair rode fast atop a massive Red Hart toward a mountain range in the distance, Far to their east a large human town was visible, plumes of smoke rising up into the crisp cold air.

"Almost there white hair! Hiyaaa Potato!!! Faster!!!!" Hirni yelled out cutely.


The massive beast let out an excited bugle before bursting forward with even greater speed along the rolling hills.

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[Miles Northward, Terrevon Range, Therian Gold Mine/Dragons Den]

Five heavily armed and armored adventurers oversaw the Cavern's entrance, Harry and his trusty companions.

They stared down intently at the dozens of desiccated human heads hung from vines at the huge Cavern's entrance.

"Impressive security..." Callan the Cleric spoke jokingly which got a snort from a few of them.

A single goblin 'guarded' the entrance, but his security skills were quite poor seeing as the green creature was in a deep sleep.

It laid slumped against the rocky entrance, a long trail of drool dripped onto its pelt covered chest and green skinned potbelly.

"Looks like the Dragon has some friends nobody knew about...." Harry spoke softly before the Big Titted mage spoke from nearby.

"Goblins have a tendency to be lackeys of stronger creatures like Orcs, Lamia's or Strigoi, I've even heard stories of The Tribes of The Great Southern Marsh keeping Goblins by wearing wolf skull masks...." Alosia spoke.

"Wouldn't it be nice to have a few goblin servants to carry everything that doesn't fit in our storage rings...." Jane spoke with a sigh, the other Adventurers hummed in agreement.

"So....Who wants to take care of the sleepy head?" Callan, the Cleric asked while scratching his cheek sheepishly, as a Cleric his spellcasting was really not focused on offense.

"I'll take care of it babe~" Jane spoke and pecked the mans cheek softly before rising from her hiding position and sprinting forward.


As a woman skilled in subterfuge and stealth, she moved in near absolute silence while running at a full sprint except for her soft breathing.

Then seemingly out of nowhere she leaped in the air and front flipped with an impressive skill before landing softly beyond a few meters further

Her comrades looked at her strangely before she knelt down and softly moved a section of the leaf covered ground to reveal a spiked trench covered in foliage.

"No wonder that Goblin is sleeping....It feels safe with that wolfpit there." Harry spoke, Callan and Alosia nodded in agreement while Florence remained silent and observant.

Jane continued sprinting forward with no sound toward her target.

With a motion of her hands Jane's small storage ring thrummed momentarily, her Twin Jagged Kriss daggers appeared in her hands as she reached the sleeping goblin and moved swiftly.




With a skillful thrust, the Goblin had it's skull pierced both of the daggers simultaneously.

The hideous creatures body twitched and stiffened for a long moment before becoming completely limp.

"Remind me not to get her mad." Harry joked while walking out of his hiding spot.

"I'm reminded every day of my life bud." Callan spoke with a feigned sigh, Alosia and Harry giggled softly as they all moved towards the Cavern's entrance, Florence who walked close behind kept her usual silence.

They all jumped over the wolf pit and landed safely on the other side before reaching Jane who waited patiently beside the Cavern's entrance while cleaning the blood from her daggers.

"Alosia dear cast your little spells, I'll take lead." Jane spoke while skillfully twirling her daggers in the air.

"Don't call them 'little spells' just because you're jealous little Jane...." Alosia spoke with a slight smile then moved her Birchwood staff forward and closing her eyes to cast her magic

 "~Incantamentum~ Reicio~ Totalis~ Odoratus~"  She spoke softly.

 A wave of crimson mana bathed over all of them before disappearing into nothing, all scent would be nullified by this spell for a few hours.

 "~Incantamentum~ Sphaericus~ Umbra~ Silentii~"


Immediately after Alosia her words of power, a dark energy emerged from the tip of her twisted Birchwood staff, The dark aura extended for three meters in diameter but unlike the previous spell this one did not fade, A spell of silence.

"Alright lets head in, Jane you take lead since you don't need to stay in the Silence spell."

Harry spoke and closed the visor of his polished helmet. *CLINK.

Before long the adventurers were moving through the immense cavern system's huge passageway.

As they moved forward into the Cavern's depths, any goblin they'd run into would quickly find itself sliced from hole to hole by viciously sharp Kriss Daggers of split in two by a greatsword, their small gray guts spilling out onto the cold hard ground.

. . .

After traveling for half an hour, deep into the earth and killing a few dozen goblins they all felt a pressure upon their very souls....A feeling all of them had experienced once before.....A Dragon was near and it's Indomitable Aura spread wide.

As soon as Jane felt the Pressure she stopped her scouting and Wisely scurried into the silence spell which Alosia maintained just in case she made a mistake.

Once inside she let out a sigh of relief.

"Whew.....I fucking hate this feeling." Jane spoke softly, her hands trembling momentarily.

"Me too...Lets keep moving, all of you be careful not to step out of Alosia's spell...." Harry spoke to his comrades.

As they moved further through the Massive passage, the dominating Aura of the Dragon increased even more as the loud rasping breath of The Slumbering Behemoth seemed to make the very air tremble as they moved forward carefully.

Before long the adventurers laid sight on the massive beast which lay in a massive Cavern Chamber.

It's beautiful Crimson scales had a luster akin to gold in the faint illumination of the Lightmoss, Something else seemed to luster as well....The mound upon which the Dragon Lay....

"Holy Fucking Shitballs...." Alosia spoke aloud, her eyes wide like saucers while staring at the massive amounts of gold nuggets upon which the mighty beast slept.

"Language Alosia.....But Still.....You're Correct." The usually quiet Florence spoke, while staring intently at the massive dragons hoard, Even she was taken aback by the Dragon's hoard.

"Harry...Are we going to leave it for The King....." Callan asked with trembling hands as he stared at the incredible amounts of wealth they were seeing.

"Let's take care of the Beast first....We need to be focused." Harry spoke firmly, his commanding voice immediately snapped the greed stricken comrades out of their trance.

"Whats the Plan...This could be far easier than the last since its asleep..." Alosia asked while staring at the huge lumbering beast, grateful they didn't have to fight it while it was awake like the last Dragon.

"Callan, cast a barrier on us....Florence and I will pierce its skull after getting close enough, Jane stay ready just in case it awakens." Harry spoke while unsheathing his Glimmering Greatsword, nearly five feet in length.

"Lets say a prayer before executing the plan." Florence spoke and knelt down on the hard ground before any had a chance to refute her.

The others followed suit, whilst Alosia held her staff upright to keep her silence spell as they prayed.

Before long all five began the Lords Prayer.

""Barthos God Above All, Bless Your Servants, Keep Darkness At Bay, Cleanse Our Souls, Protect Us In Our Endeavors, Shield Us From Evil....In Your Holy Name We Pray.....""x5

All prayed aloud before standing up and readying themselves.

Harry Closed the Visor to his helmet and held his Massive Silvered Greatsword tightly in his hands.

Callan cast a barrier spell on all five then pulled the stubby mace from his belt, he'd rarely used the weapon and it'd be useless on a Dragon but it served a purpose by calming his racing nerves and trembling hands somewhat.

Jane held her daggers tightly in her hands and stretched her lithe limbs, she'd need to be limber in case the beast awoke.

Florence poured blessed oil upon her Shimmering Silver Longsword, equipped her runic enchanted heater shield, and muttered more prayers to her God, her brilliant eyes shimmering all the while.

Alosia did not have the skills to multicast but she increased the intensity of Mana going to her Silence Aura spell.

Once all were ready they walked forward within the Silence Spell's Aura, a Faint blue glow on each of their bodies, Proof of the Barrier cast by Callan.

Soon they reached to only a few feet of the beast, each of them felt an immense trembling in their souls from being so close to the monstrous crimson Dragon.

Harry and Florence both looked at each other and nodded simultaneously, their shimmering enchanted blades raised with deadly intent. . .


Just as their Blades swung downward, A shrill high pitched screech rang out, but none of the Adventurers knew where.



Instantly the Monstrous Dragons sole yellow eye opened wide, its slitted pupil contracted and its head pulled back just as the deadly blades were about to hit their mark.

*WOOSH... Florence's longsword missed its mark by inches as the beast pulled away, but Harry was more successful.

*SLICEEE.... Harry's Enchanted Greatsword managed to cut deep into the Dragons snout just as it pulled away.

Hot blood sprayed from the dragons snout as it let out an enraged roar at the cowardly attack, its primal rage sent a quake of fear through the adventurers.


The mighty Dragon roared and swiped a massive claw at the small band of human scum.


Instantly Florence Raised her shield and sword in the direction of the massive clawed paws of the huge beast and readied herself for the impact, knowing the strike was far too swift to jump aside.

The Paw impacted the shield hard, Her extended sword pierced deep into the Dragon's flesh as it impacted her shield.

Normally a strike like this would've sent Florence flying like a ragdoll, but Callan's barrier spell did its job.



 A powerful blast of magical energy which sent the huge paw careening away, fresh hot blood poured from the deep piercing wound from Florence's enchanted blade.

The Dragon recoiled in shock and rage at how easily it was wounded....Normally human weapons would glance off its shimmering Crimson scales....

But not now....

The Huge beast felt the a danger from the humans and felt a need to flee.

But it's instinct to flee was overcome by something deeper it needed to protect.

Its huge maw of razor sharp sword like teeth opened and blasted out a tremendous torrent of roaring flames onto the four disgusting humans. . . . . .

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[Sometime Earlier] [Mc Pov]




"Woah boy....Woah...." I spoke to halt Potato after reaching the forest only a hundred meters from the Cavern's huge entrance.

"See White Hair, I told you it was here!" Hirni spoke excitedly while pointing her little finger at the Cavern's entrance.

I dismounted and lifted Hirni off before setting her down softly, she stretched immediately after touching the ground.

then I turned to Potato and spoke to the beast who'd taken us this far without a single complaint.

"Hey Potato stay nearby, If we don't come out by dawn tomorrow return to Valewood by yourself." I spoke while patting the majestic beasts thick neck.


The creature simply chuffed at me before taking a lick of my extended arm then walked into the foliage and laid himself down on the soft warm grass so sleep.

Hirni and I took off in the direction of the Cavern but before long my nose twitched at a familiar scent...

"Do you smell that?" I asked the little gnome.

She stopped and sniffed the air cutely a few times.

"I don't smell anything weird." Hirni spoke while looking around.

"I do....Humans have been here recently." I spoke and scrutinized the

Instantly Hirni's Trusty Crossbow appeared in her little hands, Gnomes and Humans were not enemies but she knew any human would try and kill her for merely being next to a member of the Aelven race.

"Can you tell how many?" She asked while looking around at the surroundings suspiciously with her fearsome steel crossbow ready to skewer anything she spotted.

~I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

hundreds of different odours filled my nose.

Rotting wood from a collapsed tree nearby and the slight stench of bugs which resided within it.

The scent of flowers which came from nearby Edelweiss bunches.

But what piqued my attention were several distinct human scents.

Some male, Some Female.....But one stood out to my powerful sense of smell.

The outlier was tantalizing...sweet, delicious, Similar to Valia...~

"In total there's more than four but less than Seven...Both Males and Females." I spoke, Hirni nodded while looking around suspiciously.

We continued forward, the scent of humans growing more and more fresh when Both Hirni and I felt the very earth tremble beneath us as a distant roaring sound emerged from the Cavern's entrance.



"Looks like we know where those humans are.....mercenary adventurers no doubt...come for the Dragon." Hirni spoke while remembering the adventurers who'd visit Mount Hardbier and how those idiots would eagerly pay an arm and a leg for the simplest enchanted weapon or armor of Dwarven make.

"Good.....It does not matter if the humans or the Dragon win their little battle, In the end I'll kill them all." I spoke as we continued forward, my keen eyes spotted a Goblin's corpse slumped near the cave.

It was a grotesque looking creature with a huge pointed hook nose with long rounded ears and a wrinkled green face, It seemed to be about a half a foot taller than Hirni and had a large potbelly.

Before long we reached a wolf trap, the foliage which once covered it was pulled aside.

"Come let me help you across." I spoke and reached out to Hirni before taking her into my arms like a baby.

immediately after I picked her up, the ground trembled again, this time the Dragon's roar was louder than before.

She clung onto me like a little Koala as I leapt over the five foot wide trench.



As soon as we landed on the other side I set her down lightly and we continued forward.

Before long we reached the Goblin's corpse and the Cavern's entrance, I walked to the corpse and set my hand on it for a moment....Still warm.

"How fresh is it?" Hirni asked while looking at the corpse strangely.

" is still warm." I spoke

Immediately she rushed to the corpse and used her fingers to pull out one of the Goblin's eyeball before throwing it into her mouth.


"Mmm....Delicious.." She spoke before plucking out the other eye.

"Do you want to try? They're delicious, also the only part of Goblins that are edible." She spoke with her little hand extended while holding the gummy looking eye.

It smelled yams but even still I shook my head almost instantly.

"Fine, More for me." She spoke excitedly and popped the dense eyeball into her mouth before munching it down.

We continued into the Cavern, the entire time the sounds of A Beasts Enraged roars could be heard as the ground below us trembled and quaked as the fearsome battle continued on.

As we moved deeper down through the massive cave system we came across dozens of slain Goblins, Hirni plucked out a few more eyeballs on the way until her cravings were sated.

As we neared our target both Hirni and I noticed the Enraged roars of the Dragon morph into Frantic and Pained Cries as the ground trembled....Seemed as if the Beast was losing it's fight.

Just as Hirni and I reached the Lair's threshold the sounds of battle stopped.

Instead I could hear exhausted sounding voices from just inside as Hirni and I approached quietly.

Instantly my eyes saw the mass of Gold Nuggets, most were in a bloodied pile but a significant amount was strewn across the cavern's floor.

"...Ha....Ha....Ha.....Fucking Hell...Ha....Ha...." A man in a white robe spoke while collapsed on the ground, his Holy Mana now expended and completely exhausted.

I watched a skinny woman in black clothing walk up to him, she had sweat pouring down her pretty face and many scratches from the battle.

"....Ha...Ha....We..We Did It Callan...Babe we did it....Ha....Ha....." The exhausted skinny woman spoke while panting and dropped onto the ground beside the man in the white robe.

They interlocked hands and remained strewn out on the floor while panting heavily.

My eyes next moved The Dragons Colossal corpse which was half propped up against one of the Cavern Chamber's corners, a huge silvered Greatsword buried deep into its broad scaled chest.

Slumped against the massive dead beast I spotted a blonde haired man, spattered from head to toe in dark crimson dragon's blood, his eyes were half closed as he panted loudly from exhaustion, his entire face and hair were drenched in sweat as his arms and legs trembled and quaked from overexertion.

'He'll be easy to kill' I thought to myself while looking at the expended man.

My eyes continued scanning the room and spotted a blonde woman in glistening silver armor, far prettier than most human women I'd seen on earth with sweat dripping down her pretty face in copious amounts as she breathed heavily.

She was kneeling down and praying softly to Barthos....Then my eyes caught sight of her armor.

For some reason her armor disgruntled me, my gaze focused and instantly I realized it was engraved with the symbol of Barthos nearly all over which made me want do destroy the polished silvered plate armor.

Soon enough the sweaty blonde woman stood up and walked to one end of the cavern and knelt beside a collapsed figure which I'd only just noticed.

"Florence...How's Alosia, does she need healing?" The man in white robes asked from nearby, the weariness in his voice was evident.

"No you keep resting Callan, she's just unconscious from mana exhaustion, she'll recover eventually." Florence spoke with a hand pressed against the forehead of the sleeping woman.

The unconscious woman seemed to be a mage from the white wooden staff on the floor nearby, when Florence moved away to check on the Blonde man, I caught my first real glimpse of the unconscious woman.

The sight of her made my mouth water and cock throb....

Her fine blue robe was extremely modest, covering nearly every part of her skin save for her ankles, hands and neck.

but those robes robes failed miserably at hiding the outline of her huge juicy tits, Small waist, thick meaty thighs and wide birthing hips which called to me intensely.

Instantly I knew she'd have to be way or another...

Hirni seemed to notice my hungry gaze upon the sleeping mage, she tugged on my sleeve and motioned for me to get closer.

"you want her?...the sleeping one with huge cow tits?" Hirni asked at a soft whisper beside my ear.

I had no choice but to nod once with a bit of embarrassment at being so easily caught out.

"Yes, but a human would just stab me in the back...I'll probably just kill her." I whispered back.

Hirni shook her head and whispered once more.

"You can put a blood-binding crest on her....but she needs to accept it, Can't be forced without them saying the words..." Hirni spoke

Instantly knew the best way for that....Extortion.

"Can you help me with that, I've never seen it done" I asked Hirni at a whisper and she nodded cutely.

"You stay here.....Use Candle on any if they try to run." I whispered softly.

She nodded cutely before speaking again.

"Don't die White Hair." Hirni whispered and soon I walked out of our hiding spot.

I walked forward twenty five meters until one of the Humans noticed my presence, it was the blonde in her accursed Barthian Armor.

Her eyes widened in shock at seeing a member of the Aelven Race and instantly her sword came out of it's scabbard.

"Aelven Scum!!!!" The blonde woman screamed out and her comrades roused from their rest.

instantly the couple rushed to their feet, still exhausted as hell...The man in white robes fumbled to pick up his mace from the ground.

Beside them, The Armored man's eyes shot wide open at the commotion He immediately stood up from his resting place against the Dragon.

Harry rose to his feet and stared at me in equal parts shock and amazement.

After four years on Terrium Harry had rarely seen Aelves and each time he was in awe at the race he'd been so interested about in his past life.

"We need to kill him." Florence spoke coldly while gripping her sword hard and stepping slowly towards me.

"Hold." Harry spoke with his palm extended toward Florence, He did not have the same hatred toward Aelves as most other humans since he was not from Terrium.

"Aelven, why are you here? What do you want?" Harry asked, I could hear the tiredness in his voice easily and his legs trembled from exhaustion.

I felt no need to lie, I was open to a deal if they were smart enough to take it.

"I am here for two reasons and none of them involve the Dragons Gold Hoard." I spoke which seemed to relax most of them slightly.

"Firstly, I come for A Vial of Dragon Essence, as my wedding gift for my newest bride." I spoke and the humans eyes softened slightly except for Florence's who eyed me with her cold blue orbs.

"And....And Whats the second reason knife ear?" Jane asked me, her hands gripping her Kriss daggers wearily.

"The sleeping woman there in the blue robes, I want her as my concubine.....Give me those two things and things shall be peaceful between you and I....I swear this upon my honor." I spoke diplomatically but none seemed to appreciate my second demand.

Instantly Harry reached back and pulled his huge Greatsword from the Dragons carcass.


"Not A Fucking Chance!" Harry blared out with his weapon aimed at me.

I noticed how it wobbled and trembled, his muscles were overworked and exhausted but even still he wished to be a righteous hero....A white knight.

"Human you seem to be their leader, what is your name?" I asked the man in plate armor.

He stared at me for a long moment as sweat dropped from his brilliant golden hair onto his face before speaking.

"Harrion The Blue, Most call me Harry." The blue eyed man spoke, his arms which held his blade still wearily trembling as he awaited my response.

"Listen to my words closely Harry....If you give me what I want..... you and your fellow humans shall leave this Cavern monstrously wealthy with all your skin unpeeled...If you don't however" I spoke while reaching to my hip and unsheathing my Wickedly Curved Aelven Greatsword.


A nearly demonic aura of despair spread around the all in the room from the Sword's malevolent Aura, the blade seemingly champing at the bit for carnage and blood.

 All except Florence began tremble uncontrollably at the dreadful wave.

Florence began muttering the Words of Barthos for protection from whatever evil aura she was being assailed with, Harry's brows furrowed and he instinctively took a step back without realizing it.

"My generous offer remains valid for the next ten seconds...Decide before I do." I spoke, Harry shuddered at my words for a moment but his eyes remained locked onto mine.

He felt the danger before him, Even if him and his comrades were not exhausted he was unsure if he could defeat the Aelven man who stood between them and the only exit from this cavern.

"Wait.....You can have the serum and as much gold as you can carry, but you're not taking Alosia under any circumstance." Harry blurted a counteroffer with his sword held tightly.



"EIGHT..." I spoke before Harry interrupted me, He felt the sword of Damocles hanging over his shoulders.

"You don't have to do this Sir, Just give up on Alosia!" He spoke with a streak of panic clearly evident in his voice but the skinny woman in Black yelled out.

"Harry why are you scared! he's just one knife ear, we can take him!" Jane shouted with a vicious tone but the trembling in her hands told a different story.



"FIVE....." I continued and this time Florence intervened.

"Aelven Scum!!! You cannot have Alosia!!! The Most Holy Barthos has deemed your kind as abominations.... you're lucky I don't cut your fucking ears off." Florence spat out with a righteous fury in her brilliant blue eyes.

When my eyes locked with hers she tensed up immensely and her mouth grimaced.

"What is your name human who wears the Heraldry of Barthos?." I asked the blonde paladin.

Her face turned into a snarl when I spoke the name of her God, As if it was blasphemy for Aelven to speak it.

"Florence!!!....Now begone you foul thing!!!!" She yelled out in anger while pointing her glimmering sword's razor sharp point at me.

"Well...Florence...Because of your threat to my ears My offer is now rescinded....I hope you know, all which comes next is entirely upon your shoulders, I did warn you." I spoke with a slight smile.

Instantly Jane burst forward, Callan cast a barrier spell on her with the last of his white mana as she rushed toward me.

She tried to blindside me but my sharp eyes caught sight of the skinny bitch as soon as her muscles twitched.

Both wickedly shark Kriss daggers aimed skillfully But before she reached me my sword swung too fast for her to pull back.


My blade sailed through the air at a dizzying speed, aimed directly towards the woman's shoulders, I intended to cleave her in half.


But instead of chopping her in two, a bright blast of energy sent my blade flying away.

Her razor sharp daggers moved forward to rip me apart.

but before she could pierce me, my boot found its way to her belly and sent her flying across the room into the cave wall.




Immediately after I Sparta kicked that bitch I sensed Harry and Florence rushing to me with a burning desire of cleaving me into bloody chunks.

Florence Thrust her sword and Harry made a downward chop but found their weapons only cleaving air instead of flesh as I leapt backward with ease.

"You missed, Cunts." I spoke before bursting forward towards Harry.

His huge sword presented itself to me but with a skillful strike of my sword it was sent flying out of his exhausted fingers.

His eyes widened in shock before I launched a powerful kick to his unarmored head.



Like a sack of shit the handsome man dropped to the ground.


Florence's silver longsword swung directly at my bare throat but found itself stopped by my curved blade, sparks of metal flew from her enchanted blade as it struck mine.


Her big blue eyes widened in shock at my speed and the fact that her holy blessed sword had been noticeably damaged from the impact before jumping backward to a defensive position with panic in her eyes.

At that moment she realized her crew were not my equals.

"CALLAN!!! JANE!!! RUN!!! I'LL HOLD HIM OFF!!!!" Florence screamed out with panic in her voice before jumping back at me with renewed vigor and full intent of not making out of this accursed cave.

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